View Full Version : setting up massage center.

05-08-2011, 12:31 PM
hi bros.. i will be back in singapore for good.. maybe wanna setup a message center.. any idea/suggestion how to go about it? thinking of doing tradition thai massage no special(sorry):D

will license easy? get from where? cost?? any idea/suggestion will be good..

thanks bro.

05-08-2011, 02:15 PM
If I were u... I would set up a Male-only therapist center. Make sure u have all the pretty boys...muscular and stuff. Go instead for the lady market...they got tons of money...make it exclusive...like not any gal can be allowed inside...

There's already tons of lapsup massage centres catered to guys liao...shld differentiate urself mah...

When u do so...hire me okay? Haha.....

06-08-2011, 12:26 AM
If I were u... I would set up a Male-only therapist center. Make sure u have all the pretty boys...muscular and stuff.

It is not allowed in SG to have male massage lady. But I agree woman are spending more in spa than man.:cool:

06-08-2011, 12:47 AM
May b can get angmo to massage bros here, sure got market as it's unique. Oso with the US dollar vs Sgd so low maybe u can get some pretty angmo gals to work as massueus in Sg for a good price :D

06-08-2011, 02:13 AM
You'll need to apply for a Massage Shop License from SPF

06-08-2011, 06:06 AM
goto http://www.spf.gov.sg/licence/ME/Conditions/ME%20Regulations.pdf to see the regulations to be complied under the Massage Establishments Act, which includes the provisions of the Massage Establishments Act, Cap 173, the rules made thereunder & the licensing conditions imposed.

goto https://www.psi.gov.sg/NASApp/tmf/TMFServlet?app=SPF-PLUS-GENERIC&isNew=true&Reload=true&pagepass=MEEnq1 to enquire on whether a massage establishment licence has been issued or an exemption has been granted 2 a particular premise or a company.

goto https://licences.business.gov.sg/SHINE/sop/WebPageHandler?p=OASIS&pn=SelectLicences&ss=Start for massage establishment licence application. OBLS would only be available after after 10/08/2011 08:00 AM, due 2 maintenance.


06-08-2011, 08:58 AM
I really don't encourage setting up a sex vice business as it's not the kind SG society needs nor wants. But location is everything. Also what is your market segment? High class mid class or low class? Determines your fee structure, hiring practices and location.

08-08-2011, 04:21 PM
hi bros(esp joew2005..) . thanks for all replies.. if there is any other please advise. :)

anyone knows where is the up rep button?? i cant see it anymore in joe205 p? trying post. but i can see the up button in my post????:confused::confused:

09-08-2011, 01:59 AM
Bro TS, I think go to those heartland shophouses(rent are cheaper) and for lady only with beauty treatment as well, start by building your client base first. After more than 5 years still seeing many same one around my place. As for the up market spa are high investment (many has gone bust), have friends working there, lucky she still got salary to take. In fact, I have thought of starting in Thailand some years back.
As for the point, click on the 'balance scale' at the top right hand corner.

Just before you apply for licencing with SPF, pls do note the following

Thereare 2 type of license that SPF issue to operators, cat1 and cat2.

cat2 spa are generally easier to obtain as the requirements are less strict but aloof things cant do. for more info, pls visit spf for more info

1more thing though...SPF will not b issuing new licenses to various places across singapore for new businesses owner. cant really tell u where though...