View Full Version : Breast-Touching Festival is on in China
07-08-2011, 11:50 PM
The Daily Chilli
Friday, Aug 05, 2011
The Chinese have entered the seventh month of the Lunar calendar, known as the Hungry Ghost month, which began July 31.
This period is considered unlucky for many Chinese as they believe that the ghosts are allowed to return to the human realm as the Hell Gate opens throughout the month.
While the Buddhists and Taoists prepare offerings for the homeless ghosts, a minority tribe in China have their own interesting celebration.
The Yi people in Ejia town of Yunnan province, who are still singles, will head to the streets for Breast-Touching Festival (Monai Jie) on the 14th, 15th and 16th days of the month.
On these days, the men are welcome to touch the women's breasts.
Legend has it that the festival began around the Sui Dynasty (AD 581 - 619) when most of the teenagers of the Yi tribe were forced into the army and died in wars.
The people then carried out prayers to commemorate the dead, and it happened that the ceremony was held in the seventh month.
According to the wizards, the dead were unrest because they had not touched a woman before.
And so, they wanted 10 "pure and untouched" ladies to accompany them in the afterworld.
In a move to prevent them from being chosen, the single women - aged 15 and above - then asked the men to touch their breasts, and the custom is past down for generations.
08-08-2011, 12:03 AM
religions, custom never cease to amaze people.
so touching woman's breast on that day is legal??
guess all the ladies will be hiding in the house during that few days.
08-08-2011, 01:09 AM
Why only touch breast, can touch the CB? :D
08-08-2011, 08:02 AM
Too bad sillypore dun have such festival. :(
08-08-2011, 09:04 AM
My 1st time hear about this festival, nice to know :)
08-08-2011, 09:09 AM
Wah, must organise a trip there already:D
08-08-2011, 12:32 PM
paging for bro ngeow chi, can go teh neh neh liao :D
ah rat
08-08-2011, 12:33 PM
paging for bro ngeow chi, can go teh neh neh liao :D
I am here :D,we go together to teh neh neh :p
08-08-2011, 12:38 PM
Can use sotong on Papayas & Raisins? ;)
08-08-2011, 04:52 PM
The Daily Chilli
Friday, Aug 05, 2011
The Chinese have entered the seventh month of the Lunar calendar, known as the Hungry Ghost month, which began July 31.
This period is considered unlucky for many Chinese as they believe that the ghosts are allowed to return to the human realm as the Hell Gate opens throughout the month.
While the Buddhists and Taoists prepare offerings for the homeless ghosts, a minority tribe in China have their own interesting celebration.
The Yi people in Ejia town of Yunnan province, who are still singles, will head to the streets for Breast-Touching Festival (Monai Jie) on the 14th, 15th and 16th days of the month.
On these days, the men are welcome to touch the women's breasts.
Legend has it that the festival began around the Sui Dynasty (AD 581 - 619) when most of the teenagers of the Yi tribe were forced into the army and died in wars.
The people then carried out prayers to commemorate the dead, and it happened that the ceremony was held in the seventh month.
According to the wizards, the dead were unrest because they had not touched a woman before.
And so, they wanted 10 "pure and untouched" ladies to accompany them in the afterworld.
In a move to prevent them from being chosen, the single women - aged 15 and above - then asked the men to touch their breasts, and the custom is past down for generations.
i will be there next year, have a friend there as well:). What he said was only touch nia lah, not caress or fondle
08-08-2011, 05:24 PM
摸奶节在每年农历的七月鬼节(中元节)前一天开始,至农历16日这三天,除了烧纸祭奠"好兄弟"之外,鄂嘉镇上的年轻男男女女们,必须遵守"摸奶节"的规定,是男人就高兴地摸,是女人就要愉快地接受被摸。2011年8月13日,农历7月14日,星期六为2 011年彝族摸奶节。
彝族的摸奶节在楚雄州双柏县鄂嘉镇举办,整个楚雄彝族自治州只有鄂嘉镇举办这个摸奶节,摸奶节的由来还要追 溯到隋朝年间,当时因为年年征战,鄂嘉的彝族轻壮年很多在20岁以前就战死沙场。经过战争的洗礼,鄂嘉的轻 壮年剩下不到10%,所以这里的百姓就请巫师来对这些亡灵进行超度和祭奠。巫师祭奠后对百姓说,这些年轻的 勇士在阴间去了后,其它的都不需要我们活着的人准备,只是他们基本上都没有碰个女人,所以他们需要还没有定 亲的黄花闺女10名下去陪伴他们,并且这些亡灵要求只要奶子被男人摸过的都不要,十天后这10名黄花闺女必 须送下去。
巫师的这个旨意下达后,家里有姑娘的且年纪在15岁以上的姑娘们急得不知道怎么办,最后还是聪敏的族长说话 了:他们在下面不是说;奶子被摸过的都不要吗?毕竟他们已经不在人世了,我们不能因为他们在阴间的需要,就 把现在还活着的人的性命不当回事吧,但是阴间的亡灵也不能得罪,所以族长就决定举办一个摸奶节,让那些黄花 姑娘的奶子都被男人摸一下。就这样第一届摸奶节在隋朝年间就举办了。
如今的摸奶节仍然在农历的鬼节这天举办,摸奶节的举办在鄂嘉镇政府和百姓都相当的重视,节日前就会搭好各种 舞台,准备好节日物品,摸奶节这天的白天所有的男女老少都会集中起来,载歌载舞享受一天,到了晚上9点后, 年老的和年幼的都陆续回去休息了,剩下的就是年轻的小伙子和年轻的小姑娘。他们一边喝酒一边跳舞,在深夜的 时候男人包括外来的游人,如果在街上遇见喜欢的女子,都可以摸一摸女子的胸部。一般在摸的过程中,女孩子还 是会躲避,但是不会生气。这样就出现了调情一般的场面,笑声欢呼声不绝于耳。在整个节日期间所有的男女活动 仅仅限于摸奶这个环节,不会有其它的举动。因为这是他们这个地区的百姓延续了1000多年的风俗。节日结束 后,女孩子以奶子被摸为高兴的事,男孩子以摸着女孩子的奶而荣耀。并且以摸和被摸的数量的多少 为自己成绩。
中国少数民族众多,楚雄的摸奶节和其它民族的节日本质上一样的,都是为了纪念某个节日和事件而举办的。真心 希望在看了我这篇文章的朋友,对楚雄彝族摸奶节有个更加真实的认识。如果对此很是好奇的朋友,可以在每年农 历的7月14日到楚雄双柏鄂嘉镇去真实感受一下,请务必记住摸奶节的时间是在7月14日举行。虽然摸奶节涉 及到异性话题,但它是彝族的传统节日,请正确看待此事,不要拿民族节日开玩笑。
楚雄市位于云贵高原中部,红河水系与金沙江水系分水岭地带,地跨东经100o35'~101o48',北纬 24o30'~25o15'之间。东邻禄丰县,南连双柏县,西与南华、景东县接壤,北同牟定县毗邻。境内东 西距93公里,南北距82公里。楚雄市人民政府驻地鹿城,地处昆(明)畹(町)公路线上,东距云南省会昆明 162公里,西距大理178公里。
08-08-2011, 10:07 PM
Hard to imagine how the tradition survive till this morden day.. Don't say bros here from Sg, wouldn't men from nearby province (different custom) take opportunity to go touch as well?
09-08-2011, 02:04 AM
Still could not believe there is such a festival. Will SYT ever particpate? Or only old aunties 50+ years old :D
09-08-2011, 02:42 AM
In a move to prevent them from being chosen, the single women - aged 15 and above - then asked the men to touch their breasts, and the custom is past down for generations.
How come Mindef don't have this Breast-Touching Festival before we go NS ? :D
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