View Full Version : Massae place at Orchard tower

03-09-2011, 09:31 AM
Dear bros, last Thursday went down to orchard tower o look-see coz hear so much about that place. I goto 2&3 floor, n saw quite a few "big melon" girls. Since i like big melon, like to try, but not sure is there anything to watch out for. Have some doubts, hope the kind brothers of this forum can help.

1) If during biz transaction, got raid, will the man be arrested?
2) Normally what is the damge?
3) iz it possible to rquest to play with their melon?

I'm basically a newbie, n getting desperate. Know that there r threads here that have the info, but too long, and most probably by the time i finished searching thru te threads, those pretty ladies i saw last week all disappear Liao.

So all the kind brothers out there, please help.

03-09-2011, 10:40 AM
Dude just coz ure lazy don't expect ppl to give you information in a new thread.and no those girls wont disappear overnight. Use the search feature in the forum.if u can't find it use the find tool in ur browser (ctrl + f) :)

03-09-2011, 12:52 PM
Dear bros, last Thursday went down to orchard tower o look-see coz hear so much about that place. I goto 2&3 floor, n saw quite a few "big melon" girls. Since i like big melon, like to try, but not sure is there anything to watch out for. Have some doubts, hope the kind brothers of this forum can help.

1) If during biz transaction, got raid, will the man be arrested?
2) Normally what is the damge?
3) iz it possible to rquest to play with their melon?

I'm basically a newbie, n getting desperate. Know that there r threads here that have the info, but too long, and most probably by the time i finished searching thru te threads, those pretty ladies i saw last week all disappear Liao.

So all the kind brothers out there, please help.

03-09-2011, 03:05 PM
Can do what ever you want over there as long as you have $$$...:D

Most of the joints there just want to rush you to get their money and service is'nt really that good...But you can find some gems there too...I think chinatown will still be the best place to go if you looking for service...:)