View Full Version : The Porn Factor

09-09-2011, 01:37 PM
I'm starting this tread for anyone to share their thoughts/experiences/perspectives on porn.

Here's mine...
In the 90s, pirated/porn VCD vendors can be found easily. For the first time, porn became very accessible in SG.

At that time, I used to frequent one such vendor in Katong S.C, they used a vacant shop space to run the business. Once entered, every customer (mostly men), was holding onto a basket stacked with porn VCDs, and they were flipping through the stack very carefully -- just in case they missed out any good stuff.

Initially, it was a little uncomfortable for me to select my porn next to another person, but after a while, I realize every one there was looking for some type of fetish porn.
So it became a natural shopping experience to me.

There was this particular weekend, I went there in my No. 4 after I booked out from camp. A senior bro probably noticed the titles I chose were all the very wild and raunchy types, so he introduced PRIVATE STUDIO to me, saying this studio makes the best porn.

He said the types that I chose with all the wild raunchy covers will not be exciting after a while.

I was still young then, to me, sex should be wild and raunchy. But somehow, I remembered the things he said.

A few years down the road, I began to realize his words are becoming more and more true. Now, I prefer mind-intriguing porn, like those from PRIVATE, more than videos that sells raw wild sex only. Probably this is why they say the human brain is the biggest sex organ.

Anyone wants to share his/her views?

09-09-2011, 03:46 PM
The first few porn that i watched was anima porn. Those horny girls having sex with animal. Quite gross but popular in my days.

Then follow by bukka (mass shooting of sperm on a gal)

Then bondage

Now the porn trend is raping housewife and gal raping guy

09-09-2011, 11:43 PM
I started watching porn using video tape :eek:
Smuggle VCD from JB Holiday Inn to Sg
Nowadays, so convenient juz need to have decent internet connectivity and u have it.............so convenient!!!

Anyway, juz to reiterate: sex with animals, bukkuke, rape, lost virgin, child porn, massage sex, hidden camera with advancement in technology.....etc.

10-09-2011, 12:01 AM
I came across this quote:

My reaction to porn films is as follows: After the first ten minutes, I want to go home and screw. After the first 20 minutes, I never want to screw again as long as I live. ~Erica Jong, Playboy Magazine, September 1975

I sort of agree with what was said here. Most of the porn tells sex the wrong way, exaggerated to make viewers 'high' but most of the contents are too far from reality.

Fortunately, nowadays, schools have sex education.

10-09-2011, 01:21 PM
Haha! i used to go to that katong shop too back then. I even saw my secondary school chinese teacher choosing but i pretend no see him. PRIVATE videos are good. They focus on the angles, the cumshot on the faces..sibei shiok..

10-09-2011, 07:10 PM
To deathuser: I saw a school teacher there also, detoured out quickly. I came back after 30mins, he was still there!

10-09-2011, 08:11 PM
Maybe the teacher is planning to teach sex education?

11-09-2011, 12:34 PM
haha! teachers are still human beings too...who knows, they might even have bigger collection than us! :D

11-09-2011, 06:41 PM
Agree, in the past history there are some male teachers raping their student by giving them extra lesson or tution.

Even if they got complain or jailed, they seems to have no regret. Maybe some of the them become teacher for that reasons.

Last time when i first saw porn, i was so excited. Now....after watch for an hour then got feeling plus expectation damn high