View Full Version : HC in yishun

11-11-2004, 12:50 AM
to all bros all there,
i am a newbie here and i noe that there are a few HC in yishun. the prob is i dunno where the exact location of the shop,let it be SN,ZW or YN. pls reply bros, i visited one HC there but i dunno the exact name... forgot liao... the banner i think is green in colour, the person din ask mi if i wan special. is it tat u haf to ask or they will ask u??
the one i went to charges $30 per hr, quite cheap lah but onli thing is no special...
bros pls reply and hopefully tell mi the exact location...

11-11-2004, 02:30 PM
are u referring to HC or TN???
so far i never see any HC in yishun leh...

11-11-2004, 02:54 PM
to all bros all there,
i am a newbie here and i noe that there are a few HC in yishun. the prob is i dunno where the exact location of the shop,let it be SN,ZW or YN. pls reply bros, i visited one HC there but i dunno the exact name... forgot liao... the banner i think is green in colour, the person din ask mi if i wan special. is it tat u haf to ask or they will ask u??
the one i went to charges $30 per hr, quite cheap lah but onli thing is no special...
bros pls reply and hopefully tell mi the exact location...
the one u r refering to is Shen Nong

17-11-2004, 02:42 PM
i tink is TN lor... i went there once then got massage by lady boss... dunno which TN lah onli know is a big green board pointing up lor... then tat time onli got 2 ppl there, 1 lady boss(i tink) and 1 very plump gal... heng ar... got massage from lady boss... she look nicer and prettier... look ard ard late thirties... btw i heard that onli 21 and above can TN issit?
i onli 20 leh... 1 more yr to legal age... any good(wif special) TN in yishun cos that time nv do special leh... thx bros

17-11-2004, 09:38 PM
i tink is TN lor... i went there once then got massage by lady boss... dunno which TN lah onli know is a big green board pointing up lor... then tat time onli got 2 ppl there, 1 lady boss(i tink) and 1 very plump gal... heng ar... got massage from lady boss... she look nicer and prettier... look ard ard late thirties... btw i heard that onli 21 and above can TN issit?
i onli 20 leh... 1 more yr to legal age... any good(wif special) TN in yishun cos that time nv do special leh... thx bros

Hi bro, dun think there will be anyone younger than you in such TN :)
Anway, can try Xxxxx Yxxx which is opposite the NTUC. Got one reasonably young one (abt 25-28), name is xiao xue

17-11-2004, 09:42 PM
older than mi is not a prob... i horny lah so wat i wan is action.... kekeke... so which TN provides the best action...?

17-11-2004, 11:25 PM
new here.
can anyone help??
wat is :
HC? NT? FJ? HJ??

18-11-2004, 10:42 AM
new here.
can anyone help??
wat is :
HC? NT? FJ? HJ??

Oh oh... I see fire... But nevermind, lim beh mood good:

HC - Health Center
NT - Na Tui
FJ- Fuck Job
HJ - Hand Job (use HER hand to masturbate your cock. Not masturbate your hand hor)

Bonus links:

BJ - Blow Job (use HER mouth to suck your cock, not blow wind on your face)
BBBJ - Bare Bone Blow Job (same as above, except never use condom. Not she take chicken drumstick bone and blow wind on your face)
AR - Ass Rim (lick your asshole)
CIM - Cum in Mouth. (YOU come in HER mouth)
CIP - Cum in Pussy
COB - Cum on Breasts
COF - Cum on Face (her face)

18-11-2004, 12:31 PM
JG- Jua Gen

21-11-2004, 09:56 AM
older than mi is not a prob... i horny lah so wat i wan is action.... kekeke... so which TN provides the best action...?

quite regular in the TNs in yishun liao.. once every 2 weeks, got budget then weekly visit. afterall, i just live 5 mins away from the shops.

SN is highly regardly in the forum but the few times i was there, i do not understand why it is that highly recommended.

XY gals are more well trained in their massage. they will give a good 30 mins massage before they try to arouse you. so far, only did hj and bj in there.

ZW is one that i quitted going after xiao xue gone. not sure if the same person as mentioned now in XY as no chance to see the XY's xiao xue yet.

YL is more to my liking as i am a sucker for boobs, not looks. YL got one malay (36C i think n which i just screwed for the third time) and one chinese (36D??). in term of fj, i will take YL as their massage are rated 1/10.

i might be biased but i am not promoting for anyone here.

21-11-2004, 04:37 PM
new here.
can anyone help??
wat is :
HC? NT? FJ? HJ??

go thru FAQ... as you go along..you'll be fine.


21-11-2004, 04:44 PM
IS this YL the only malay gal in this joint? cos I ever called up and a malay gal with CFM kinda voice answered the call. I'm really into big boobies. any FR and just to confirm that this place is Shen nong. Thanks!


21-11-2004, 11:27 PM
hi bro, where is the place? living in yishun for so many yrs, but i dunno gt HC.
Would appreciate it if you could let me knw the location.

22-11-2004, 04:02 PM
Hi bro, dun think there will be anyone younger than you in such TN :)
Anway, can try Xxxxx Yxxx which is opposite the NTUC. Got one reasonably young one (abt 25-28), name is xiao xue

Errr, hello, I dun think Xiao Xue is 25-28 lor. She claims 30, believable but I think she's over. I put her at 32-33. She's quite pretty. Figure still ok, but can't be 25-28 lar. Her son already 5 yo.

22-11-2004, 09:55 PM
Other than this place, I believe I have read somewhere that there are one or two at Block 235 Yishun before. Dun know whether they have special or not. I grew up in Yishun and I am amazed that TNs pop up in Yishun like nobody's business.

23-11-2004, 01:45 AM
Went down sometime last week to SN. First time there after reading some FR.

Who: Jenny(30s)
Boobs: 34B with 1" nibs
Massage: 7/10
HJ: 7.5/10
Damages: $30 + $30
Autoroam: Y

Massage was not too bad, got strength. Makes you horny with touching your crack and stimulating blood flow to snake. She's rather wet when fondled & digged.

23-11-2004, 02:20 AM
bro simone,

i replied ur pm.

Just to clarify. the initals that i used in my earlier post is not names of the ladies but the shops.

IS this YL the only malay gal in this joint? cos I ever called up and a malay gal with CFM kinda voice answered the call. I'm really into big boobies. any FR and just to confirm that this place is Shen nong. Thanks!


23-11-2004, 11:37 AM
Other than this place, I believe I have read somewhere that there are one or two at Block 235 Yishun before. Dun know whether they have special or not. I grew up in Yishun and I am amazed that TNs pop up in Yishun like nobody's business.

There's one there. If there are two, I donno about that. Anyway, you stay around that area? If you do, can try lar.

Block 235 tuina, there's this girl called Xiao Yu there. Big aerola, big breasts. But typical 30+ PDMM. Ok lar. passable. It's been a while so can't remember much else. HJ 30 lor. Massage 40 I think. Hygiene not there.

23-11-2004, 02:28 PM
There's one there. If there are two, I donno about that. Anyway, you stay around that area? If you do, can try lar.

Block 235 tuina, there's this girl called Xiao Yu there. Big aerola, big breasts. But typical 30+ PDMM. Ok lar. passable. It's been a while so can't remember much else. HJ 30 lor. Massage 40 I think. Hygiene not there.
Frequent this place few months back but they didn' offer special then... massage serious kind v.good 1hr = 38 1.5hr = 55 BUT not sure about the price now. for brudders who are also into money worth massage instead of paying 'cover charge', can consider.

23-11-2004, 02:52 PM
Frequent this place few months back but they didn' offer special then... massage serious kind v.good 1hr = 38 1.5hr = 55 BUT not sure about the price now. for brudders who are also into money worth massage instead of paying 'cover charge', can consider.

There's another one at the adjacent block. You walk down the road a bit. The road slopes down. I think it's block 237 or something. Another girl there, called Meiling. Skinny girl. Definitely no special, but SOLID massage. $36 per hour I think.

23-11-2004, 05:27 PM
seem like a few bros are living in yishun too.

have you guys try out the outlet opposite sembawang center shopping nearby a tyre shop? saw the ads on newpaper but still no chance to go yet.

There's another one at the adjacent block. You walk down the road a bit. The road slopes down. I think it's block 237 or something. Another girl there, called Meiling. Skinny girl. Definitely no special, but SOLID massage. $36 per hour I think.

23-11-2004, 06:07 PM
seem like a few bros are living in yishun too.

have you guys try out the outlet opposite sembawang center shopping nearby a tyre shop? saw the ads on newpaper but still no chance to go yet.
In fact.. i think there are 2 TNs there... always see ads in new paper but never got any FRs... Will recee if still no FR.

Bro Loosecannon, will let u know once i recee.

cheers :p

23-11-2004, 06:09 PM
There's another one at the adjacent block. You walk down the road a bit. The road slopes down. I think it's block 237 or something. Another girl there, called Meiling. Skinny girl. Definitely no special, but SOLID massage. $36 per hour I think.

if adjacent should be 239 issit?...ha? no special. sianz


24-11-2004, 02:01 PM
if adjacent should be 239 issit?...ha? no special. sianz


Went to check. it's 236. Perpendicular to block 235. Meiling is there. But last night walked past, 2 CMI ladies inside.

24-11-2004, 02:03 PM
Also, the block 235 one, last night got briefing like that. About 5-6 girls inside! Didn't take a close look, but like something happening like that. maybe HJ live demo. :D

25-11-2004, 03:38 PM
Was supposed to go on tuesday till I got recalled by my boss to do some work. Ended up spending the remaining monthly quota for TN in Wonders as my workplace in joo chiat.

need to tighten my budget next month. Xmas coming

In fact.. i think there are 2 TNs there... always see ads in new paper but never got any FRs... Will recee if still no FR.

Bro Loosecannon, will let u know once i recee.

cheers :p

25-11-2004, 06:16 PM
Was supposed to go on tuesday till I got recalled by my boss to do some work. Ended up spending the remaining monthly quota for TN in Wonders as my workplace in joo chiat.

need to tighten my budget next month. Xmas coming

over-budget my fren...?

most prob recee this place this coming weekend. got budget but work schedule tight.

FR you soon.

cheers :p

25-11-2004, 06:21 PM
Went to check. it's 236. Perpendicular to block 235. Meiling is there. But last night walked past, 2 CMI ladies inside.
oh... I tot its the block further down across the car park entrance. thanks for the info. Would be useful to serious- massage goers. but this TN may end up offering special very soon... Cos thats wat happen to 235 TN.

cheers :D

25-11-2004, 11:00 PM
In fact.. i think there are 2 TNs there... always see ads in new paper but never got any FRs... Will recee if still no FR.

Bro Loosecannon, will let u know once i recee.

When n try there b4... i think e name is u n me ... when there last month onli got 1 late 20 gal(I think is e owner somemore cos e guy there is her brother!!! :eek: ).. when ask abt other she said all working .. massage soso .. HJ 50 Fj 100 .. figure soso but massage not bad can autoroam .. think e shop name change a few time cos e no in e ad is e same for 2 shop!!!! If can try other TN ... a no no for RTF

cheers hope this infor. help :D

26-11-2004, 12:25 AM

YL is more to my liking as i am a sucker for boobs, not looks. YL got one malay (36C i think n which i just screwed for the third time) and one chinese (36D??). in term of fj, i will take YL as their massage are rated 1/10.

i might be biased but i am not promoting for anyone here.[/QUOTE]

Hi bro where is this YL located??

27-11-2004, 02:39 AM
it is near to the kopitiam. downstairs is the dentist. these few TNs all located at Blk 400++


YL is more to my liking as i am a sucker for boobs, not looks. YL got one malay (36C i think n which i just screwed for the third time) and one chinese (36D??). in term of fj, i will take YL as their massage are rated 1/10.

i might be biased but i am not promoting for anyone here.

Hi bro where is this YL located??[/QUOTE]

29-11-2004, 01:58 AM
hi bros... that day feeling bored then went to 400+ for a 'walk'... found most of the TN stated here... very easy to find once u familiar wif 400+ area... i quite familiar cos i staying quite near there...

anyway went to XY as bros here say the gals there more pretty and younger... then went up there opt for 1hr msg... the gal serving was xiaoxue... ard 32B boobs... looks quite pretty and quite young ard late twenties or early thirties...after msg ask if i wan hj ask how much say $50 with clothes off and autoroaming...tat dae quite horny so ok lor... hj not bad damm song ar... very playful and likes to tease my bro... boobs quite firm lor... probably will return to find her lor...

another FR...
went to SN last nite... dunno y lah... juz walk past and then auto go up liao... ard 9+... went up saw this auntie ard late 30s or early 40s sitting down there... sian 1/2 liao...nvm lah... since here liao then go for msg lor... her msg very good,very relaxing...after finishing the msg then ask if want to msg there anot... ask how much say 30...then i also damm horny becos she keeps brushing my dick earlier on... ok lor... hj wif autoroaming... her nipples damm big also... i think 32A bah... hope u guys like my FR... virgin FR...

Btw i saw this TN call SJ(four seasons)... any bros try b4? any FR on this TN?? planning to go YL or ZW next week... :D

29-11-2004, 02:23 AM
ZW is one that i quitted going after xiao xue gone. not sure if the same person as mentioned now in XY as no chance to see the XY's xiao xue yet.

Xiao Xue? How many XX in ZW?
The only 1 I knew about 14mths ago was in a joint opp Katong
Not very tall gal bout 35yrs old? :confused:

29-11-2004, 03:23 AM
Xiao Xue? How many XX in ZW?
The only 1 I knew about 14mths ago was in a joint opp Katong
Not very tall gal bout 35yrs old? :confused:

this one i knew was around 29 (last time i visited was last aug or sept).

saw that new TN but no spare cash to try. xmas coming, got to save up

29-11-2004, 01:42 PM

YL is more to my liking as i am a sucker for boobs, not looks. YL got one malay (36C i think n which i just screwed for the third time) and one chinese (36D??). in term of fj, i will take YL as their massage are rated 1/10.

i might be biased but i am not promoting for anyone here.

sorry but whats the damage for both 36C and 36D?

Another sucker for boobies :D

30-11-2004, 10:06 PM
Tried the TN at 235 (crystalised or something)...

Had this young pretty girl with 1.5 hr of massage...upon finishing her session, she said thank you and left me there staring in blank air. She came back after awhile and i asked if she provide any other services. She replied that she dont and ask a 30 plus prc auntie in. Had an unsatisfying HJ from her. She mentioned that they dont usually provide specials... ( :rolleyes: )

So brothers who r looking for Extras...can skip this TN.

Damages (45 massage + 30 HJ)

02-12-2004, 12:03 PM
Went to YL and like wht brudders here mention... a good time to go is after 10pm. really got that kind of mood. disappointed to leard that the only brown sugar is on 'permanent leave'

Took Cindy instead

Name : Cindy
Age : guess between 35 - 39
looks : a bit lau chio
boobs : v. handful but a just little saggy
HJ : one the best I heard.. with full autoroaming with clothes off
RTF : definately if brown sugar return

She mention got some thai gals..For brudders into AMAZING THAILAND

cheers :)

04-12-2004, 01:01 AM
hi bros... that day feeling bored then went to 400+ for a 'walk'... found most of the TN stated here... very easy to find once u familiar wif 400+ area... i quite familiar cos i staying quite near there...

anyway went to XY as bros here say the gals there more pretty and younger... then went up there opt for 1hr msg... the gal serving was xiaoxue... ard 32B boobs... looks quite pretty and quite young ard late twenties or early thirties...after msg ask if i wan hj ask how much say $50 with clothes off and autoroaming...tat dae quite horny so ok lor... hj not bad damm song ar... very playful and likes to tease my bro... boobs quite firm lor... probably will return to find her lor...

another FR...
went to SN last nite... dunno y lah... juz walk past and then auto go up liao... ard 9+... went up saw this auntie ard late 30s or early 40s sitting down there... sian 1/2 liao...nvm lah... since here liao then go for msg lor... her msg very good,very relaxing...after finishing the msg then ask if want to msg there anot... ask how much say 30...then i also damm horny becos she keeps brushing my dick earlier on... ok lor... hj wif autoroaming... her nipples damm big also... i think 32A bah... hope u guys like my FR... virgin FR...

Btw i saw this TN call SJ(four seasons)... any bros try b4? any FR on this TN?? planning to go YL or ZW next week... :D

Long time din come sb le... finally got TN in yishun~~ was feeling quite high and legs sore... so went to blk 400+ to walk walk see see ard 10pm.. saw this four seasons too.. but den go in.. cos too many pple at the store next to it.. so went further down and found this SN.. den went up.. looks quite.. but went in den saw this old uncle watching tv.. thought went to the wrong place.. den saw this auntie who ask me wanna massage.. saw a room with a woman and man inside.. tat lady inside looks not bad to me.. looks sexy.. but too bad the auntie(Jenny) take me le.. so went for the massage.. was looking for a good one to ease my sore in my legs.. her massage not bad.. but she dun have the cfm looks.. like those auntie in the market.. looks like normal singaporean.. den realise she's prc too.. standard procedure in making u to wan special.. will try other branch soon...~~ but hopefully dun see any familiar faces up there or when i came down.. ^_^

07-12-2004, 04:51 PM
Havent heard much from brudders from Yishun... seem like not much happening or wht. ooi...! keep the FRs coming leh...


07-12-2004, 07:28 PM
Havent heard much from brudders from Yishun... seem like not much happening or wht. ooi...! keep the FRs coming leh...


bro simone, i also want to cheong more but lack of vitamin M.

09-12-2004, 04:36 PM
bro simone, i also want to cheong more but lack of vitamin M.

understandable...cos wht we do best can be very addictive... i also going broke...


11-12-2004, 10:03 AM
I must say that I had a very fucking horrible experience yesterday in YL TN in yishun. Was around yishun after delivery and decided to check near 400+ . Walked around and was surprise to find in a small area of space , almost 4 to 5 TN with aditional Foot Reflex and Beauty Care Outlets there. Decided to check YL out as it had Brown Sugar. Went up and was greeted by 2 girls. Since I was with my buddy so no choice. My friend took a big boobs gal called 'small cloud'. And I took a local gal called Cindy.
Asked if thats all they had and reply was many Off and some come late. Waited for 10 mins for Cindy to finish her lunch. Was almost sian liao , but since my friend was inside I had no choice. Went to corner room where, I was shocked to find an almost torn and old mattress on the floor and a nice bed with tons of plastic bag on it. Did not know what to do , so waited unitl she came. When she came she told me to lie down. I ask where and she pointed downstairs. HUh, what a waste to a nice bed. Took everything off and lie down. Thought nevermind maybe massage will be good. I was shocked when she started massaging me. It was more like stroking then massage. I asked her harder and there was no change. Wah liao like fuck men. Sian half already. So just let her molest me. In between the so called massage, i was interupted several time by the door chime going off n she had to check who was at the door. So the ! hour massage was like only half hour. Then the time came for me to turn infront, she asked if I wanted massage ther or not .I said where , she pointed to my little brother. Wah , down there also can massage meh. Offer was 50 all take out, 30 no take out. With such a horrible massage, I definitely won't take anything. I mean, I go for good massage to relief tired body and if your massage is good , why not let the lady make an extra buck. But if it was as horrible , the worst infact, no way you getting any help from me . So told her no and damage was a very expensive 35 dollars. actually i should take from her for molesting me.
So brothers if you want to go there don,t ever take Cindy. If no choice take the PRC Gal which my buddy said was good and hard massage. But bring some scissors or cutting material along as the bush till now never trim. He had problem getting thru.
So strick this joint out. The most screwed up one that i have experience.

12-12-2004, 02:58 AM
Tried this lady called Amy at forgot which branch liao..hehe..sorry guys...
anyway i walked past the stretch of walkway where all the TN were and finally walk up the stairs when i reach the end of the walkway...

Pushed open the door and was greeted by the loud "ding dong"... den all of a sudden all the eyes in the room turned towards mi, as if they were goin to eat mi up...haha... i was stunned for a moment before i asked them how much for massage... as i onli had 45 mins to play around, i opted for the 1.2 session at $25. There were quite a number of girls ard and onli 1 or 2 customers... probably its because its 4pm.... anyway was assigned this lady called amy... was lead to a 'room' partitioned by i think an inch thick wood?? and the door was a piece of curtain drawn across...but wth, i just stripped and lay on the bed. the bed is the kind wif a hole to put the face in one...

anyway, amy came in and started to massage my back...massage was gd...quite hard and thorough... chatted wif her and she said she just worked there for 4 days and previously she worked in Tn in joo chiat... so overall worked as masseuse for 4 yrs oredi... she said she was 30 plus and had 3 children oredi! omg.... did i forget to mention tt she was from thailand??

anw after finishing massaging the back she ask mi to turn ard and started to massage the front... den she massage my dick and ask mi if i want any special. she quoted mi hj30, bm60, fj80... as i onli had 5-10 mins left i opted for hj. Hj was mechanical, not very gd, but can suck and play wif her tits and can dig below oso... after 5 mins, i told her i cannot cum cos not shiok enuff, ask her to bj for mi but she said she dun bj wifout condom...wtf...anw i adjusted my self and finally came after a long 15 mins....

Name: Amy from thailand
Age: 30 plus
Looks: 7.5/10 (act quite pleasant looking)
Tits: A wif long nipples
Figure: a little 'ba ba'
RTF: probably cos can dig, suck and play...and she gets wet easily!

13-12-2004, 03:04 AM
Tried this lady called Amy at forgot which branch liao..hehe..sorry guys...
anyway i walked past the stretch of walkway where all the TN were and finally walk up the stairs when i reach the end of the walkway...


It's YL Tn that u visit where e cindy is ... only YL got Thaigal ...Agree wif bro hotrodshover ... e hygien at YL really sucks!!!


13-12-2004, 12:57 PM
It's YL Tn that u visit where e cindy is ... only YL got Thaigal ...Agree wif bro hotrodshover ... e hygien at YL really sucks!!!


tried dis taiwanese lady over there

looks: 6/10
cup: A
FJ: soso
Damaged: $60

17-12-2004, 05:44 AM
tried dis taiwanese lady over there

looks: 6/10
cup: A
FJ: soso
Damaged: $60

thanx for telling mi which Tn it was...=)
and i agree the place stinks a little... air a little stale...

bro hornyrabbit, u mean ur overall damage onli 60?including massage and fj?

17-12-2004, 04:30 PM

here's FR on TN in 400+ yishun, went there couple of weeks back.

Me tried almost all the joints ard this area except YL, so thought might as well try the final joint. Went in and saw only 2 gals. One was sleeping on the mattress (very big boobs) and the other (forget name) served me.

Massage was quite oki, considering the standard of TN shops, keep on making small talk..but i was actually quite turned off coz not pretty and still dare to claim only 34!! KNN at least 40 ok! Anyway, keep on seducing me by whispering into my ears and "accidentially" brushing my didi... then came the question "need any special service"? me asked for menu and HJ $30, BJ $60, FJ $100. me wanna HJ but she keep on pushing for BJ, "my mouth very powerful, very good suction, you will definitely enjoy it!!", me bargain to $50 for BJ and she went out to get "jacket" :P

started with suction on my balls and along the shaft, then i asked if must use condom, she claims it safer but she can sense my "unhappiness" and actually offered to do it without cap!! luckly, big head spoke louder than small head, so told her is oki.

Overall rating : 6.5/10

23-12-2004, 01:35 AM
Today me on leave nonthing to do go down stair buy a set of Newpaper and saw YL adv 45min $28. Call YL check is the Malay gal working today but the YL gal say she off and will be back tomorrow, the gal from YL ask me go over there to take a look there are alot of gal. I am a regular of ZiWei and never try YL before so took a cab down to YL. ($8 from Woodland)

Enter YL saw only 3 aunt, one of the aunt(singapore) ask u wan massage in very rude way then me reply of course la dont wan massage come here for wat. Then the aunt(singapore) bring me to a room near the toliet, then me was serve by a PRC (Mei Feng or Mei Fang). I ask Mei how much is the massage for 1 hrs she reply $35 then I ask wat abt body scrub, the aunt(singapore) reply loudly from outside extra $10 wat the FUCk me asking Mei not the old aunt(singapore).

Mei start the body scrub on me and I enjoy the way she scrub me then I ask her to extent to 1.5hr so she can take her time to scrub me clean. She really scrub every part of my body less my bro, after the back scrub follow by the front scrub no action for her, she did not touch or rub my bro at all but I still enjoy the scrub. After the scrub me go take a shower.

Now me is really for the massage, after 5 min of massage by Mei I start to regard that I extent to 1.5hr coz Mei massage is the worst I ever try. After the back massage turn to the front still no action from her then I think she never do special one la. When she wan to massage my head I say NO(coz her massage not up to me standard me scare) to her and say I dont like ppl to touch my head. Then she sit on the chair and lift up abit of my head and massage on my neck when she rest my head back to the bed I feel something soft above me. Then she massage me chest and I can feel her cup A+ bra knocking on my head. This goes on for the next 5 min then I smell someone smoking outside my room and I ask Mei here can smoke meh, she reply yes then she go out and get me a ass tray. When I am smoking she massage my leg shiok man first time smoke in TN but with the worst massage.

After I finish smoking suddenly Mei put her hand in between my leg and massage my bro and ask me wan Hj or Bj? I reply I wan Fj but she say she cannot her period come, sian liao... then ask her how much Bj? she say $50 then me on lor..

She took off her top and her bra and start blowing me raw... shiok man deep throat somemore... look like she love the taste of my bro. Watching her sucking and licking my bro for 10 min but me still cannot come... pull her over me, my turn to suck and lick her nipple while she massage me bro softly. After a while me have some feeling liao push her over to my bro and she start her licking and sucking again. Few min later I have the feeling that I am coming but I dont wan to tell her wan to try wheather can CIM or not. I think she also know that I am coming soon she start to blow me harder and harder finally me shoot all my cum into her mouth and she slowly suck till my bro is dry not a single drop of my cum on my bro, then she spilt my cum onto the towel. Now Mei is the best Bj Queen in my record at Yishun TN. After shower me pay up and take a cab back home sleep.

Name : Mei Fang or Mei Feng
Age : 35-40 (PRC)
Look : 4/10
Body scrub : 8/10
Massage : 1/10
Bj : 9/10

Damage : 1.5 hr Massage - $55
Body scrub - $10
Bj - $50
Total - $115

23-12-2004, 07:48 PM
in the past, there was a lady called Lily who CIM in YL but she got into trouble with her management for doing that. Hope this MeiFang do not get into the same trouble... else we will have one less CIM tn gal :)

Today me on leave nonthing to do go down stair buy a set of Newpaper and saw YL adv 45min $28. Call YL check is the Malay gal working today but the YL gal say she off and will be back tomorrow, the gal from YL ask me go over there to take a look there are alot of gal. I am a regular of ZiWei and never try YL before so took a cab down to YL. ($8 from Woodland)

Enter YL saw only 3 aunt, one of the aunt(singapore) ask u wan massage in very rude way then me reply of course la dont wan massage come here for wat. Then the aunt(singapore) bring me to a room near the toliet, then me was serve by a PRC (Mei Feng or Mei Fang). I ask Mei how much is the massage for 1 hrs she reply $35 then I ask wat abt body scrub, the aunt(singapore) reply loudly from outside extra $10 wat the FUCk me asking Mei not the old aunt(singapore).

Mei start the body scrub on me and I enjoy the way she scrub me then I ask her to extent to 1.5hr so she can take her time to scrub me clean. She really scrub every part of my body less my bro, after the back scrub follow by the front scrub no action for her, she did not touch or rub my bro at all but I still enjoy the scrub. After the scrub me go take a shower.

Now me is really for the massage, after 5 min of massage by Mei I start to regard that I extent to 1.5hr coz Mei massage is the worst I ever try. After the back massage turn to the front still no action from her then I think she never do special one la. When she wan to massage my head I say NO(coz her massage not up to me standard me scare) to her and say I dont like ppl to touch my head. Then she sit on the chair and lift up abit of my head and massage on my neck when she rest my head back to the bed I feel something soft above me. Then she massage me chest and I can feel her cup A+ bra knocking on my head. This goes on for the next 5 min then I smell someone smoking outside my room and I ask Mei here can smoke meh, she reply yes then she go out and get me a ass tray. When I am smoking she massage my leg shiok man first time smoke in TN but with the worst massage.

After I finish smoking suddenly Mei put her hand in between my leg and massage my bro and ask me wan Hj or Bj? I reply I wan Fj but she say she cannot her period come, sian liao... then ask her how much Bj? she say $50 then me on lor..

She took off her top and her bra and start blowing me raw... shiok man deep throat somemore... look like she love the taste of my bro. Watching her sucking and licking my bro for 10 min but me still cannot come... pull her over me, my turn to suck and lick her nipple while she massage me bro softly. After a while me have some feeling liao push her over to my bro and she start her licking and sucking again. Few min later I have the feeling that I am coming but I dont wan to tell her wan to try wheather can CIM or not. I think she also know that I am coming soon she start to blow me harder and harder finally me shoot all my cum into her mouth and she slowly suck till my bro is dry not a single drop of my cum on my bro, then she spilt my cum onto the towel. Now Mei is the best Bj Queen in my record at Yishun TN. After shower me pay up and take a cab back home sleep.

Name : Mei Fang or Mei Feng
Age : 35-40 (PRC)
Look : 4/10
Body scrub : 8/10
Massage : 1/10
Bj : 9/10

Damage : 1.5 hr Massage - $55
Body scrub - $10
Bj - $50
Total - $115

24-12-2004, 01:56 AM
bro.. any one tried miao s..

that the only one i never try so far at yishun.. anyone can give insight?

26-12-2004, 11:53 AM
thanx for telling mi which Tn it was...=)
and i agree the place stinks a little... air a little stale...

bro hornyrabbit, u mean ur overall damage onli 60?including massage and fj?

fj $60 excluding massage

03-01-2005, 02:43 AM

Any update during our week long holidays.

Saw few gals there but not sure who is value for mmm. :cool:

03-01-2005, 07:19 PM
hey everyone...been a long while... hope everyone's having a great new year!

So anyone knows whether the malay at YL...Fifa or Fifi?

is she back in business... brown sugar big boobies!

Regards everyone...!

03-01-2005, 07:20 PM
Name : Mei Fang or Mei Feng
Age : 35-40 (PRC)
Look : 4/10
Body scrub : 8/10
Massage : 1/10
Bj : 9/10

Damage : 1.5 hr Massage - $55
Body scrub - $10
Bj - $50
Total - $115

got any FR on vital stats...hehe :)

10-01-2005, 03:02 PM
hey everyone...been a long while... hope everyone's having a great new year!

So anyone knows whether the malay at YL...Fifa or Fifi?

is she back in business... brown sugar big boobies!

Regards everyone...!

yup, Fifi is back working.

10-01-2005, 03:43 PM
Can try XY at 417..... Sansan is there.... anything also can,

10-01-2005, 04:19 PM
Was at 235 yesterday with this girl M during lunch time. She said she is new as many quit on dec due to poor business. I don't know true or not since first time there.

That place is not clean at all with a funny smell and the towel was like never been washed before. Really dirty place.

I went for the 1hr so so massage and about into the last 15 minutes, M asked me want to hj or not. But condition is no touching, no exposing of her breast (if any) and only she can touch me. Like that I might as well do it myself I told her. She walked out and get her boss in I think, a plump receptionist that sits next to the entrance. She offers to do it saying that all the girls are new and they don't know how to do it. She quote me $50 for a hj and then M walked out. THis receptionist is not only plump but with very very pushy asking me to whip it up for her to stroke.

I was like what!! First it is very expensive and second, where got passing here and there one? They think baton??? Of course I didn't take the offer and walked out after paying.

To all brothers here, go for those block 4xx ones even if 235 is nearer to you.

10-01-2005, 09:42 PM
Can try XY at 417..... Sansan is there.... anything also can,
Hi bro how do u rate this sansan any FR?

11-01-2005, 09:14 AM
Bro Jimstorm...... Sorry unable to provide any FR as I have not try her personally. Understand she is tall, fair skin and have a nice body. Hope
to try her when I get back to SG and hope she is still around as she is
social visit ............

12-01-2005, 01:49 PM
Went down to XY yesterday. Has been a long time since last visit. Assigned a PRC named Xiao Xin.

Overall, massage can't make it. Feel very funny, coz her massage is like chopping you up. Anyway, that's not the purpose of the visit. When come to special very accomodating and have GF feeling. Alot of hugging and sucking of earlobe and nipple. Allow digging

Name: Xiao Xin
Body : 6.5/10
(.)(.): 8/10 (34B,Pinkish Nipples, Handful) a bit dark maybe see wrongly
Wetness: Dripping
FJ: Never Try
BJ: Never Try
HJ: 5/10 (Said dun know how to do)
Total Damage: $80 (Because can dig etc)

RTF: Maybe coz of the GF feeling and the way she acted innocent.

12-01-2005, 10:46 PM
Went down to XY yesterday. Has been a long time since last visit. Assigned a PRC named Xiao Xin.

Overall, massage can't make it. Feel very funny, coz her massage is like chopping you up. Anyway, that's not the purpose of the visit. When come to special very accomodating and have GF feeling. Alot of hugging and sucking of earlobe and nipple. Allow digging

Name: Xiao Xin
Body : 6.5/10
(.)(.): 8/10 (34B,Pinkish Nipples, Handful) a bit dark maybe see wrongly
Wetness: Dripping
FJ: Never Try
BJ: Never Try
HJ: 5/10 (Said dun know how to do)
Total Damage: $80 (Because can dig etc)

RTF: Maybe coz of the GF feeling and the way she acted innocent.

is she with curly hair???

13-01-2005, 09:59 AM
is she with curly hair???

Nope. She tied up, but don't look curly. A bit highlighted though. By the way, any FR on the curly hair one?. When I visited, was quite crowded, hence no chance to see the rest.



katei pinoy
13-01-2005, 11:34 PM
I was walking towards the coffee shop at Yishun Ring road for quick lunch today and notice a few TN centre around here, so I choose one and pop in after my lunch.
as i only want to spend an hour here before meeting my client in woodlands, and
the price was only $30.

after taking my lunch, i just lay on my back and ask this PDMM to massage my legs, but as she massage my groin, my didi gets excited and erected instantly..

she was paying a lot of attention at my manhood and claim to be very good looking, after a moment, she climb on top of the bed and start to hold on to my prick and rub against her CB.. what a FUK! I have not seen some behave like a slut, you can see her Ti ko face as her CB try to push into my cock head..

I stop her from doing so, and ask her to massage my legs as i am a tired today, she start to stoke my didi again and start to insert the whole rod into her mouth, without condom!.. i said wait wait! but she was so excited and keep trusting and deep thoat my didi. and make a loud moan...i push her away, and told her not to do it......so loudly.. haha.

A moment later, she start to play with my Lp again.. gosh, she lick and make noise again.. KNN, buay tah han , and she start to lick my didi again and eat it for 10 minutes until i cum inside her mouth.... she was really satisfied with it.. and begin to masssage me properly ...

total demage 30 +30 (tips)
face..6.5 (single eye lid chinese teacher look) 30 plus
body slim.. 7
boobs.. 7

forget to ask the name, but i think the others PRC call her Tang

14-01-2005, 12:46 AM
Which block brother...

I was walking towards the coffee shop at Yishun Ring road for quick lunch today and notice a few TN centre around here, so I choose one and pop in after my lunch.
as i only want to spend an hour here before meeting my client in woodlands, and
the price was only $30.

after taking my lunch, i just lay on my back and ask this PDMM to massage my legs, but as she massage my groin, my didi gets excited and erected instantly..

she was paying a lot of attention at my manhood and claim to be very good looking, after a moment, she climb on top of the bed and start to hold on to my prick and rub against her CB.. what a FUK! I have not seen some behave like a slut, you can see her Ti ko face as her CB try to push into my cock head..

I stop her from doing so, and ask her to massage my legs as i am a tired today, she start to stoke my didi again and start to insert the whole rod into her mouth, without condom!.. i said wait wait! but she was so excited and keep trusting and deep thoat my didi. and make a loud moan...i push her away, and told her not to do it......so loudly.. haha.

A moment later, she start to play with my Lp again.. gosh, she lick and make noise again.. KNN, buay tah han , and she start to lick my didi again and eat it for 10 minutes until i cum inside her mouth.... she was really satisfied with it.. and begin to masssage me properly ...

total demage 30 +30 (tips)
face..6.5 (single eye lid chinese teacher look) 30 plus
body slim.. 7
boobs.. 7

forget to ask the name, but i think the others PRC call her Tang

14-01-2005, 10:39 AM
yah man...where? i wanna check it out!

15-01-2005, 04:06 PM
forget to ask the name, but i think the others PRC call her Tang

You are a liar.

Those who have had tang tang or her regular would agree with me on this.

15-01-2005, 08:59 PM
You are a liar.

Those who have had tang tang or her regular would agree with me on this.

I agree, cannot be Tang Tang or at SN. Either someone else from somewhere else or its bullshit.

16-01-2005, 02:30 AM
i dun remember anyone from SN so powerful one... u go wrong TN is it?

Wei Xiao Bao
16-01-2005, 11:03 AM
Which block brother...
Hi, newbie here

Could be Tangx2 @ SN
Visited her few occasion, massage is good (7), likes compliment didi, hj is sop (5), no fingering no frenching, can touch nei nei abit (A cup), did 69 b4 & cant hold long. BBBJ CIM (7, hardworking), can fj (never try yet), cleanliness is her plus pts.

Total damage: 30 + 50
RTF: Yes (FJ)

katei pinoy
16-01-2005, 06:51 PM
You are a liar.

Those who have had tang tang or her regular would agree with me on this.

I did not know that I am so lucky to get bbbj from her, to me is nothing special, but just her slutty behaviour suprise me, Blk 414, SN. and decided to post a FR here for sharing, I believe some borther may also get exta treatment from her.

17-01-2005, 01:36 AM
seriously, SN does not have any looker :p

I did not know that I am so lucky to get bbbj from her, to me is nothing special, but just her slutty behaviour suprise me, Blk 414, SN. and decided to post a FR here for sharing, I believe some borther may also get exta treatment from her.

17-01-2005, 01:43 AM
wah lau.. u all very lucky to get this type of service from tang tang.. seh quite strict last time.. no fingering, french, bj.. only hj.. with limited roaming. that was many blue monns ago.. so guess u all damn lucky loh.. lucky bastards... must go try my luck this few days..

cheers ... haha

17-01-2005, 01:32 PM
You are in the right time and at the right place.

Jan 15,Prof Ho was there to inaugustrate the area called Yishun Mall.

Hong baos were given away by him so to collect more from the men,
she will have to walk some extra miles loh.

No pain no gain, I think she got no game no heng.

Lye lye liow... :p

katei pinoy
17-01-2005, 02:18 PM
seriously, SN does not have any looker :p

ya, i agree, no looker, but plus point are discrete, cheap, and extra slutty servceis, btw, the DIM SUM stall inside one of the coffee shop not bad .. :cool:

21-01-2005, 02:07 AM
Went over to XY tonight as my bones are aching. Got a PRC called pingping
Massage was good and just try out her hj as it was quite late (11:10pm). she has this method of massaging the groin part which she will place your legs on her to lift your groin up (with your body facing down). Try it out :)

Looks: 5/10
Age: should be 30-40
Boobs: 34B
Massage: 8/10
HJ: 9/10
FJ: did not try
Damage: 30+30

23-01-2005, 01:07 AM
Went XY yesterday. and tried a PRC name Xiao Xi.
veri horny and bitchy

Looks : 5.5/10
Body : 6/10
Boobs : 5/10 (34B,Pinkish Nipples, Handful) a bit dark maybe see wrongly
FJ: 5/10
BJ: Never Try
HJ: Nil
Total Damage: $80+30

RTF: When Im bored

24-01-2005, 10:07 PM
Thanks bro hkxinren up your points liao

26-01-2005, 09:46 AM
Thanks bro hkxinren up your points liao

Bro Jim,

Thank you...... points are not important to me. I only contribute as and when I think my contribution will benifit all brothers here. Thanks any way,

jacky chan
26-01-2005, 07:13 PM
bro Jim, jus wonder, u don have the rep point, how to up his point?

26-01-2005, 11:34 PM
your rite bro jacky, bro hkxinren has been a great help to me can help me up his points since I dun have any :)