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Around primary 6 i already seriouly interested in sex but was young so the only way to ease my urge is to mustarbatewhile watching blue film or smelling my auntie bra or panties.
But sometime it get boring but things start to get interesting when i was 12 years old.
When i was in primary 6 get to know a student from another class.
Caught him stealing something from a classmate during recess and he beg me not to inform the teacher so i give him a chance.
I told him to invite me to his house when his parent was not in to discuss how to settle this issue.
And he finally invite me to his house.
Guess what i did in his house............................................. .
13-10-2011, 09:36 PM
U fucked him! U realize u're a gay!
13-10-2011, 09:42 PM
im guessing you guys watched porn lol. common story brahhhhhhh
13-10-2011, 09:43 PM
what are you going to do in his house?
watch blue movies together?:)
I went to his parent room and ask him to show me where his mother put all her bra and panties.
He open a drawer and i saw all his mother lingerie and i start to undress and use his mother lingerie to mustarbate.
He just went to the living and leave me inside the MBR to enjoy.
I still remember the red panty with not much design but it feel silky not like those skin colour cotton panty.
This go on for quite sometime till he was caught stealing again after PSLE.
Then i get posted to a secondary school.
Nothing much interesting to share during my secondary school life and NS life.
I start my business when i was 24 years old and things start to get interesting again.
13-10-2011, 11:02 PM
The response was totally unexpected but so lame that's it's terribly funny.
Thanks... really cracked me up!
13-10-2011, 11:05 PM
Ha ha TS...... Your story is funny... I tot you will blackmail him to give you a blow job...
13-10-2011, 11:07 PM
U fucked him! U realize u're a gay!
Or both of them gave each other a blowjob. :eek: :D
14-10-2011, 01:17 AM
Ha ha TS...... Your story is funny... I tot you will blackmail him to give you a blow job...
U expected the TS to ask his school mate who is a "him" to give the TS "him" a bj??????? :confused:
14-10-2011, 10:22 AM
What business are you in? What has it to do with your posting to secondary school?
14-10-2011, 11:48 AM
U expected the TS to ask his school mate who is a "him" to give the TS "him" a bj??????? :confused:
That is possible correct? Him can give Him a BJ & Him & Him can also do 69 mah.....
14-10-2011, 12:20 PM
camping time ... :D
14-10-2011, 06:28 PM
That is possible correct? Him can give Him a BJ & Him & Him can also do 69 mah.....
get lost lao, just gay ma why so surprise ? all boy go gay and girl go les then interesting :D
TS camping for more . :p
I am a handyman and help people to take care of their house which they rent out.
Soon i met a agent name Steven through a customer and Steven start to recommend me jobs and i have to give him some commission in return.
Then one day he ask me to go his house to check on some leakage in the toilet ceiling.
So i turn up the next morning to check the leakage and i found myself a new target.
I was about to go into the Master bedroom a china lady in a white tee came out and she is braless as i can see the 2 big nipple.
Steven introduce her as his wife.
So i went in the toilet to check the leakage but actually saw Steven gf black translucent bra hanging behind the door.
So act like checking the leak and get the chance to close the door.
Hmmmmmmmmmm i can still remember how i use the bra to rub on my dick and start to mustarbate.
But it is not enough as i want more then rubbing Steven wife bra on my dick , i want fuxk her.
So i try to find out more from Steven about his wife.
In the end i found that she is actually only his gf and she had a son from a earlier marriage in China so she come to Singapore as a peidu mama.
Steven also told me his gf is working at some office but i have my doubt because i had overheard her talking in the phone about yesterday she have only 02 customer.
I decide to check out actually where she work and i wait outside Steven condominium which he rent.
I tried 02 time but both time failed as i worried he might recognised my car so dare not to follow closely.
Finally decide to try and find out more from his son.
His son love to play computer game and one fine day i knew Steven and his gf is out so pretend to look for Steven but i brought along some game for the boy. He let me into the house as i had came a lot of times settling payment with Steven.
So i pass him the game that i brought with me and he start to download the game.
I saw his handphone on the table so i pretend and ask him who bought the phone for him but i have other intention.
14-10-2011, 09:20 PM
No wonder they say, a leopard never change its spots.
When young have this habit, grow up still cannot kick the habits :D
14-10-2011, 09:30 PM
a real handy man that handles other women's lingerie:)
I found the boy's mother handphone number who is non other then Steven gf.
I quickly left the house and went to a public phone to call Steven gf.
I forget what i told her but manage to know that she work in a tuina shop.
I immediately went down to the shop which is located in a shopping centre.
As i reach the shop i saw steven gf sitting near the door and she was stun to see me.
I walk in to the shop and she ask me what i was doing here and i lie to her that i am shopping for something and i ask her what she doing here and she told me in a shy manner that she work there.
I told her just nice my back is aching and i need some massage.
She quickly recommend her friend but i insist i want her to massage for me.
She agreed and we went into the cubicle and she instruct me to strip first then lay on the bed then she went out.
Steven gf : You ok already
Me : Yes
And she come in and start to massage which was quite good that if i have not plan for something special i might have fall a sleep.
Steven gf : Turn around.
I purposely let the towel fall on one side so to expose my dick.
She quickly used the tower to cover my dick.
Hmmmm maybe thing might not turn out what i had planned.
14-10-2011, 10:08 PM
hahahhaha sounds good man go on!
14-10-2011, 10:16 PM
oh ... oh ... hope ta things would turn out fine 4 umor as per wat u had planned.
Steven gf start to massage on my thigh near the groin area but seem very careful on not touching my dick.
I am aroused by her slight touch that my dick start to erect very quickly,
I really feeling horny as i keep thinking of her big ripe nipple so i start to roam Steven gf body which she try to push away but after some time of rejecting she pull down the tower and give me a bbbj.
Haha she is just acting innocent but i don't care just enjoy her bbbj. I lift up her skirt and saw she is wearing a white panty with lace on the side so try to pull down the panty but she reject immediately.
No choice have to attack the breast which is quite big but saggy. Pull up her matching white bra and saw the 02 big nipple.
Suck a good 05 mins on each nipple.
I am making out with Steven gf and that make me damm horny so start asking Steven gf about the detail of her sex life with Steven but she just keep quite.
Finally i cum into her mouth but i cannot remember if she swallow.
Steven gf : Don't tell Steven.
Me : Ok but can tell me my dick bigger or Steven dick bigger.
Steven gf : Your one bigger
I paid for her service and left but i knew it is only a start.
16-10-2011, 10:35 PM
wow interesting bro, cam PM me the location? After reading makes me want to try her skill. thanks in advance:D
17-10-2011, 11:20 AM
Steven gf start to massage on my thigh near the Steven gf : Don't tell Steven.
Me : Ok but can tell me my dick bigger or Steven dick bigger.
Steven gf : Your one bigger
I paid for her service and left but i knew it is only a start.
Bro, please continue story since you say its only the start....your story makes me all bahrd and erected...I love peidu mama too...some can be so sexy and makes your legs shaking for them...believe me I had countless of experience with such pedu mama too and I believe every bit of your experience with her
After a few session with Steven gf at the shop , the exiciting feeling is not there anymore as try to fuxk her in the shop but always get rejected.
Ask her go hotel also cannot because Steven will send and pick her up at work.
A few months later received a call from Steven informing he had already moved to a new place and would like me to look at some of the house problem which he want me to rectify and charge to the owner.
So went to Steven new place i think the following day.
Reach the place and Steven gf open the door and ask me in.
Hmmmm did not see Steven so ask his gf and she told me Steven already instruct her to show me the problems as he went to HDB and will be back shortly.
Saw Steven gf son outside the living room playing computer game again.
She show me the kitchen , toilet and last but not least the MBR.
When we were in the MBR i saw her bra
(Black with red flower design at the side but i don't know why a lot of PRC like this design)hanging at the closet knob and this already made me damm horny so i grab her breast from behind and of course she is braless feel her 02 big nipple make my dick as hard as a steel rod and all the imagination of fuxking her make me more horny.
She try to resist but i managed to grab both her hand and she dare not to shout as her son is outside at the living.
She whisper to me that Steven might come back anytime and her son is just outside.
I told her i would like to see Steven reaction when he come into the room and see you and me on the bed with my dick pushing into your pussy.
Steven gf : You MAD !!!!!!
17-10-2011, 05:33 PM
Ai saw her bra
(Black with red flower design at the side but i don't know why a lot of PRC like this design)
Quiet agree bro, a lot of PRC used this type of bra, dunno why. Hahaha.
Anyway, good story bro, keep it up!!
18-10-2011, 09:31 AM
Keep going bro, interesting story, cheers ...........
18-10-2011, 09:47 AM
Keep the story coming!!! :)))
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