View Full Version : Girls squirt & vibrator....

23-10-2011, 07:08 PM
I recently read an articles saying that, when girl squirtted, means they have
reach their highest point of sex. And most of them will ask for more and get horny than before. Didn't have this experience before with my baby so wanna
try it and make her more hungry for sex and beg me to fuck her more.
Who have exp and how to make her squirt?
I did survey and my finding is:
1) use Explicit Bunny Rabbit vibrator (anyone know where to get this)
2) use finger to rub her clit from slow mode to fast mode
3) surely didi must stay hard and long lasting so must get cialis or stud 100 (does all pharmacy in SG have this)

Anyone have this experience to share? Hope to learn a few tips from experince bro here and start act wif my baby and make my room wet

23-10-2011, 07:30 PM
Not every gal can squirt, I think... At least one gal I've f**ked does not squirt but her body goes into spasms every time she cums, and after that begs me for more... :D

23-10-2011, 09:17 PM
female ejaculation is very fascinating phenomenon.
it requires you to stimulate the g-spot
you can learn it by viewing
Yes, not all women have squirted but not does mean then can't. They might just be suffering from low libido.
Simple formula.
Go slow, more foreplay, increase arousal, more intense orgasms.

23-10-2011, 10:39 PM
We do sell good quality rabbits from japan , do take a look (:

24-10-2011, 12:56 AM
Actually i prefer using sex toy on my partner instead of making them squirt.

Otherwise my floor will be very dirty and also she will be damn tired. In the end, no energy to make love. =(

Get those relaxing vibrator like g spot vibrator or mini pocket fairy will do