View Full Version : insurance agent

26-10-2011, 04:49 PM
hi bros.. i recently got posted back to sg and was looking to buy a insurance policy... i got to know a female insurance agent "J" thru a friend .....J hinted some 'favour' in return for me if i purchase a policy from her.. anyone has such experience before? i am not sure as her indication isn't clear.. any way to test J further? i dont want to get the wrong idea..i scare if she give me ntuc voucher instead of sexual favour..:D

sorry but i am not giving out J contact.. but just to discuss and see if anyone has such experience before and any advice..:p

26-10-2011, 04:59 PM
one qn from me.. how much is the premium of the policy?

26-10-2011, 05:03 PM
isit from pru ?

26-10-2011, 05:05 PM
favours can also come in a form of cashback from the policy that u bought, pls check clearly again :)

26-10-2011, 05:08 PM
no.. i give u a hint..she is from ntuc about 20++ those fake plastic look..with those fake long eye hair.... she is also friend with the sg bitch xiaxue
isit from pru ?

26-10-2011, 05:10 PM
yea i know bro.. that is why i am thinking, but she did say if i buy from her then she can give me anything in a joking manner.. anyway the premium is quite alot..so i know her commision is going to be quit alot too..any insurance agent here can advise??? i wonder what her commision is like?? let say if i buy a 400K(premium) policy from her??

favours can also come in a form of cashback from the policy that u bought, pls check clearly again :)

26-10-2011, 05:14 PM
Haiya... Y not u ask her directly for an accurate answer??? Rather than guessing here n there....

Normally favour mostly mean return some cash back from the agent's commission la... Only think about sex... !! :-p ha ha.. But possible give u ntuc voucher also possible la...

Who know she really offer u favour to zzz with her?? Ask her directly is better... :-)

26-10-2011, 05:31 PM
bro.. u know some thing very difficult to ask.. u got any good method to advice on how to ask?.. dont tell me i just tell her can i bed her meh.. if can i also want to ask her directly, but it is not so easy to do..

Haiya... Y not u ask her directly for an accurate answer??? Rather than guessing here n there....

Normally favour mostly mean return some cash back from the agent's commission la... Only think about sex... !! :-p ha ha.. But possible give u ntuc voucher also possible la...

Who know she really offer u favour to zzz with her?? Ask her directly is better... :-)

26-10-2011, 05:37 PM
Ask to meet her at hotel lobby(not budget hotel), see if she turns up alone? If she is accompanied by another agent, then most likely u will get NTUC vouchers! :D

26-10-2011, 05:51 PM
You ask her what favours she intends to grant you.

26-10-2011, 05:52 PM
this idea maybe can try.. thanks for the advice bro.if got any better please share.
Ask to meet her at hotel lobby(not budget hotel), see if she turns up alone? If she is accompanied by another agent, then most likely u will get NTUC vouchers! :D

26-10-2011, 06:11 PM
jus asked: erm..favours in what way? (and give her a blur and innocent look :confused:)

26-10-2011, 06:41 PM
well,u can tell her casually a cock and bull story.

tell her that she is very lucky in the sense that u almost bought a policy from another agt couple of weeks back.
but when she offered sexual favours in return for buying the policy, u started to have your doubts abt the ins policy that she was proposing.

the only reason y u eventually didn't buy was because she was 40+ and plumb.
had someone like your agt here, young and pretty offered, u will find it impossible to reject such a tantalising offer!

i am sure u will have no problem winning her over with such flattery :D

26-10-2011, 06:45 PM
Haha....400k premium,single premium or every year 400k.. Cash or CPF bcos different percentage of commission...y wan to bed her??just ask for cashback, u can use the cashbk for FL....isn't it better???

26-10-2011, 07:30 PM
this idea maybe can try.. thanks for the advice bro.if got any better please share.

And you spend $200 for this and no-go... jerk off in the hotel room?

Well, i reckon the favour will depend on how large your insurance policy premium is.

26-10-2011, 07:35 PM
I think you might think too much. if its just CPF or one off cash, she don't earn much for your info. Plus she is from NTUC, the lowest in town.

26-10-2011, 08:38 PM
Haha....400k premium,single premium or every year 400k.. Cash or CPF bcos different percentage of commission...y wan to bed her??just ask for cashback, u can use the cashbk for FL....isn't it better???

wah, tis one very very gd idea :D

26-10-2011, 08:48 PM
Haha....400k premium,single premium or every year 400k.. Cash or CPF bcos different percentage of commission...y wan to bed her??just ask for cashback, u can use the cashbk for FL....isn't it better???

totally agree :)

26-10-2011, 09:08 PM
Just a thought, for whatever purpose u r getting insurance it is a good intention i presume with your family members in mind, since you've accumulated good karma, do others a favour by going out there to pay for FLs since they are the ones in the industry of paid sexual services, not the agent

26-10-2011, 09:27 PM
Ask to meet her at hotel lobby(not budget hotel), see if she turns up alone? If she is accompanied by another agent, then most likely u will get NTUC vouchers! :D

bro, this is 1 of the good ideas. :D

26-10-2011, 11:17 PM
commission for agent depends on what policy you buys and are you paying a lump sum for the whole year.

From what I know it's something like 40% of the lump sum you paid goes to the agent for the first year if you buy Endowment policy. But the commission is very low if you buy just a simple life insurance for the event of death.

26-10-2011, 11:34 PM
well, if you're expecting sex favors, I think this will be more expensive than fucking a hooker
don't waste your money lah!
don't let women to treat us guys as fools!
the premium you will end up paying will be enough for you to fuck a busload of hookers:)
just like if you want sex, go direct to a hooker, don't go for those half past 6 kind of massage, you end up getting neither a proper massage or a proper fuck, but end up paying more for less
better to be a real fucking ass-hole than to be a fucking fool!:p

26-10-2011, 11:34 PM
hahah bro how about u buy from me i give u back half my comm and we go choing tgt! XD

27-10-2011, 12:34 AM
my 2cents worth.......am in the industry for some yrs now and had heard of such 'stories' ...awkard situation will arise when claims occurs. and it might become 'unclear' what is gd for you (n family). Bonus if yu get to bed her.
saying goes dangerous to eat n shit at the same place......

27-10-2011, 08:14 AM
my 2cents worth.......am in the industry for some yrs now and had heard of such 'stories' ...awkard situation will arise when claims occurs. and it might become 'unclear' what is gd for you (n family). Bonus if yu get to bed her.
saying goes dangerous to eat n shit at the same place......

Can't fathom your post? How can one be said to be eating at shitting at the same place by bonking an insurance agent. Its just a one time favour just like giving up a seat in the MRT. Furthermore the agent is expected to be professional.

27-10-2011, 09:50 AM
haha,,seems like here get many insurance agent..aniway am in this industry for 10 yrs and have seen or hear many classes.. bt its the 1st time i hear the agent is from ntuc..as the company gv the lowest comm in this industry..most of the cases i heard are from pru or aia..some short story i wana share too..i had experience b4 my own colleague willing to FOC w me if i can share w her on the way doing my sale,,best is that her husband(back then is bf) is in the same company too..thats crazy rite..aniway my point of view is,,if theres free lunch,,just grab it cos in spore theres no free lunch..

Rasta Marley
27-10-2011, 03:44 PM
i scare if she give me ntuc voucher instead of sexual favour.

Hi Bro, you should perhaps consult Bro Presto6969 as he has been successful at NTUC with a Minah Cashier, albeit not an insutrance agent :D

Suggest you should test the ground further by asking a simple yet probing question like "hmm...what do you have in mind for the return favour to me? Well, you should entice me further so that I can assess and explore if the favour is attractive enough" :p

Bottomline is, there is not point buying a policy just because the lady is good looking. Even if she is only average looking but acceptable, you should seize the opportunity if there is a possibility of "scoring" even without buying; that would be ultimate :rolleyes:

27-10-2011, 04:44 PM
yea i know bro.. that is why i am thinking, but she did say if i buy from her then she can give me anything in a joking manner.. anyway the premium is quite alot..so i know her commision is going to be quit alot too..any insurance agent here can advise??? i wonder what her commision is like?? let say if i buy a 400K(premium) policy from her??

400k premium if investment is 2.25%

If endowment abt 50% +-

If life policy depends...

27-10-2011, 04:50 PM
Dont bed her with a policy...
She will sell u something u dun Need or something that pays her the most.

Just charm her, pamper her, then u get a horny fc as fb

Anyway you can buy a policy and still get full refund within 14 days after you revise policy...

So being a jerk, you can bed her twice sign policy
Bed her then drop that policy...

27-10-2011, 05:13 PM
Dont bed her with a policy...
She will sell u something u dun Need or something that pays her the most.

Just charm her, pamper her, then u get a horny fc as fb

Anyway you can buy a policy and still get full refund within 14 days after you revise policy...

So being a jerk, you can bed her twice sign policy
Bed her then drop that policy...

Wow! Lady, u're indeed good. Honestly, bro TS can try asking her out afew round using to understand the policy more as a reason. Buying a policy is not just the brand name that is impt. Does it serve ur needs? (i mean the policy)Who serving you and whether can tis person gain ur trust? Like wat bro CF has pointer out. They can just sell you something that pays her most, althought u can terminate it anytime within the 14 days 'free-look' period. But y go thru all the trouble again. Try to look at her(now i mean the agent) as a long term investment.

27-10-2011, 05:34 PM
wah piang, I thot got steamy story. Talk here talk there still no progress.

27-10-2011, 05:35 PM
So being a jerk, you can bed her twice sign policy
Bed her then drop that policy...

Wow! :eek:
I'm impress such words and suggestion from a lady! :rolleyes::cool:

27-10-2011, 05:56 PM
hi all bros.. first of all thanks for all the advice:p

hi chanelfingers, my plan is a policy they call 'growth policy'it is a one lump sum payment...any idea how much her commission will be??

400k premium if investment is 2.25%

If endowment abt 50% +-

If life policy depends...

27-10-2011, 06:10 PM
hi all bros.. first of all thanks for all the advice:p

hi chanelfingers, my plan is a policy they call 'growth policy'it is a one lump sum payment...any idea how much her commission will be??
Why is it so impt u know her com?
Is she rebating u?
If pure investment thru cpf... 9k
Just ask la, " so wat is this interesting rebates u mentioned?"
I suggest u get money rebate... Go for paid sex... U will get more bonks...
In sg commercial Sex is cheap...
If she does a investment link policy she earns much more.

@good partner...
If she offer sex as rebates...Means it is not
Her first time doing such rebates
She is giving bad name to female agents

If every male client asked for sex...WTF! No need to
Wrk Liao, spread legs can close case...

27-10-2011, 06:26 PM
Damn, I just bought some insurance and did not ask for sex, I think I need to buy more, can TS pm me this agent's contact? I may wanna buy more

27-10-2011, 08:20 PM
What's the point, unless really need it. :cool:

27-10-2011, 10:20 PM
before you sign up for any insurance policy, make sure you know what you are signing up for and do this serve your needs?

in my view, a lot of the insurance policies are crap, but this is not to say, all are useless

for myself, because I'm like a lot of Singaporeans who are real scared that I can't afford hospital bills when I am real sick, so I sign up for a health insurance policy that will pay for all of my hospital expenses

another type is those insurance policies that will pay for your living expenses in the event you're not able to work due to illness

those investment-linked insurance policies to me are not so useful and quite risky because they are linked to stockmarket performance

travel insurance is quite ok

I receive pamplets from American Insurance asking me to top-up on fire insurance policy for my HDB flat - which I think is bull-shit because the chances of your HDB flat catching fire are very rare, so insurance companies like to ask people to sign up for this, because they can keep collecting and there is low chance of paying out for fire damages

I think if you want to buy insurance policies, buy them from a male agent, to cut down on this kind of dangerous seduction

must clearly separate this out from fucking, because you may end up with expensive fucking (buying expensive insurance policies which may not meet your needs), after all her 'chee bye' is not gold-plated, no point paying so much, is it ?

Soon Nail
28-10-2011, 12:28 AM

Is she from here?

28-10-2011, 12:46 AM
endownment plans, as long as you can set aside 5-10 % (up to 20%) of your salary, you use it effectively as a hedge against your CPF savings. since CPF saving have limitation on withdraw, you pair a same amount of deduction of your CPF to your endownment plan and put it to run in consecutive number of years, so you plan and have an "early withdrawal" at age 45, 55 and 60, ahead of the CPF withdrawal age. now I am praying MAS doesn't change the rules on endownment plans. :D

Bro, can elaborate this? Dun understand ;)

BTW, critical illness plans need to look out for fine prints which don't cover stage 1 (which is most common), may need a rider or get another cheap term plan for stage 1 cancer.

Also I was told to take BOTH term (i.e. cover up to 70/75yo) and life policies; drop the term policy as you age since it's more practical to cover illness when you're younger/productive; dropping it will reduce premium need but still keep the life policy till death.

And yes, all those plans that combines coverage AND investment are CRAPS, especially if it links to hospital coverage; because for every $100 premium you pay, it basically split this $100 to pay for practically 2 different standalone plans, and when the premium for coverage increases with your age, less of that $100 goes to investments. Buy seperate plans if you must! This type of investment link BS are what insurance agents get the best bang for the buck!

And buy hospital and accident plans! They are the cheapest BUT most useful. Insurance agents don't push it because they earn peanuts with these plans, but make sure you buy! Especially if you're self employed!!! Must get those that pays you daily/weekly income when you get MC too.

28-10-2011, 12:59 AM
Hospitalization insurance is an essential Cus hospital stays in sg is super expensive...

@ Fhm
Cpf will not as u pay back the amt lost... Investment loss...
& Your comment about fanciful names by poly Students...
Just proved that u haven't updated yourself on insurance products since probably 19...
Maybe it is High time you allow an insurance agent review your portfolio.

There are new products that covers loopholes and are genuinely helpful to clients.
Like goodpartner mentioned... The early stage critical illness/cancer coverage rider...

Last but not least, do not just follow hearsay...Talk to a professional...

28-10-2011, 01:46 AM
So end up you will owe cpf money... Doesn't makes sense at all.

You should stop inhaling charcoal fumes that it clouds your mind...

Korea drama always show ppl "烧碳"

28-10-2011, 01:48 AM
Wow, so much discussion on insurance and not the topic on sex :D

TS, u can juz buy any insurance from your agent and you got 14 days freelook period. That means within 14 days u can terminate the policy with no or minimal loss.

In the end, u get free fuck!

Do write a FR if u do get one :D


28-10-2011, 02:20 AM
I was going to add that I am sure, in the case of medical insurance you'll do your best to help, and they wun wait until they die before they see their $ but my 15min editing time frame was up

coughs...suck up... coughs... coughs...
You dunno me...

28-10-2011, 02:46 AM
Best advice i have read so far! :XX

Dont bed her with a policy...
She will sell u something u dun Need or something that pays her the most.

Just charm her, pamper her, then u get a horny fc as fb

Anyway you can buy a policy and still get full refund within 14 days after you revise policy...

So being a jerk, you can bed her twice sign policy
Bed her then drop that policy...

28-10-2011, 02:48 AM
Well i like to think of insurance in a simpler manner, its supposed to hedge against certain risks, be it on me or my properties. It has worked thus far, aside from prostitution, most insurance companies have lasted longer than telcos or say even governments.

The key is to meet advisors who really think for you and show you the assurance from their companies. Whatever products they have out there on the market, it's a hassle to read through everything unless you are a finance professional or lawyer. I just think in general there are real benefits for all, if not MAS will not have allowed them and with shit products in the market, the pressure on the government will only increase and i don't think given the current political situation PAP will allow for that

28-10-2011, 02:54 AM
Well i like to think of insurance in a simpler manner, its supposed to hedge against certain risks, be it on me or my properties. It has worked thus far, aside from prostitution, most insurance companies have lasted longer than telcos or say even governments.

The key is to meet advisors who really think for you and show you the assurance from their companies. Whatever products they have out there on the market, it's a hassle to read through everything unless you are a finance professional or lawyer. I just think in general there are real benefits for all, if not MAS will not have allowed them and with shit products in the market, the pressure on the government will only increase and i don't think given the current political situation PAP will allow for that

of cos, well said. i;m a planner myself. it;s suppose to use a small small $$$ per month etc to protect urself with LARGE sum like $100K onwards.

even if healthy, u still make a profit if it is investment-linked.

28-10-2011, 01:43 PM
Hmmmm.... getting interesting.:D

28-10-2011, 01:50 PM
Bro TS, mayb u shld look into wat's avail option from other ins company and do a comparison. Get a more experience FC to mayb do a financial review for u to determine wat u need. Ther r some agent who sell watever tat pays them most just to clock target for MDRT, MDC or watsoever achievement.

30-10-2011, 01:52 AM
Same, all the insurance i met are all guys leh. 😠

30-10-2011, 02:15 AM
The probability of an incident happening does not matter even if it's minute so long as the magnitude of the impact is life shattering.

30-10-2011, 02:31 AM
Same, all the insurance i met are all guys leh. 😠
Hello! U just met a female insurance...Online

30-10-2011, 08:15 AM
I used only one agents. He knows me well and knows my needs but only when it comes to insurance. Unfortunately he's a male. However, I have met up with numerous female agents and bankers that came to my office. Some of them look really delicious but I can't find any of them as knowledgeable as my agent.

30-10-2011, 09:25 AM
of cos, well said. i;m a planner myself. it;s suppose to use a small small $$$ per month etc to protect urself with LARGE sum like $100K onwards.

even if healthy, u still make a profit if it is investment-linked.

Bro, care to elaborate how ILP can make profit?

30-10-2011, 05:18 PM
Well, i guess its really a situation of pros and cons. If you wanna buy a policy just to bang the agent, not really worth it. Cause ultimately you guys are gonna have a long working relationship and its gonna be quite complicating if u need her help to do any updates in future. However, if she is easy, dun need say la, anything goes, but how much money can you keep buying to sustain this relationship ??

30-10-2011, 05:21 PM
Bro, care to elaborate how ILP can make profit?

Bro, i guess is about putting the right funds ?? I bought an ILP from my agent before the crisis and saw it drastically drop after 2 years paying ? But now it slowly pick back up in the value as well. Haha, then again, my agent quite pretty also must be thats why then I make that decision, sometimes enjoy just having eye candy once in awhile compare to my working environment :D

30-10-2011, 09:45 PM
That depend on your agent whether she is this kind...
I've encountered two female agents before who I up them and the rest are long story.

30-10-2011, 09:58 PM
That depend on your agent whether she is this kind...
I've encountered two female agents before who I up them and the rest are long story.

Get ready to be flooded with PM for contacts ;)

Here's a great idea; those local FL who are already plying their trade (or intent to) should consider signing up as an insurance agent.

1) You can make some good residue income from agent's comms.

2) Fill the demand of the market where some bros just like to think they are fucking a "professional" and got loads of money. Just make sure the comms you can earn is higher than $300/2/90

3) And you operate your FL biz in higher "class" mode; get to learn some really useful knowledge in financial planning, can meet with really high class clients, and can also pick your clients (no need to offer sex to everyone if you don't like)-

4) There is a real career future for you! Once you get to a stage where your client base reaches a critical mass, OMG, earns TONS of money and you can actually retire from being a FL forever! Compare to do purely FL work with no career advancement.

5) Life partner: Heck, even if you fall in love and find a robert doing this, that guy would be of better quality than most cheongsters who can only pay by the hour!

Solve MANY of the ladies problems from money, love, security and long term plan.

I make sense right? Serious business idea... :rolleyes:

No need to worry about marketing yourself, just do it with a bro here once and u will get free advertisement.
Just look at the demand for such type of "sex workers" from this board! :eek:

Disclaimer: I am not degrading the insurance agent profession, just suggesting that those who are already doing FL or intent to, why not do it this way. Can apply to property agents too, or whatever trade that's client-facing. Who knows? Maybe you can really be so good at the proper trade itself, no need to really accompany clients to the bed.

31-10-2011, 02:35 AM
Good partner...

No police record
Financially healthy
Mentally sound

My boss is hiring... ;p

31-10-2011, 03:29 AM
Good partner...

No police record
Financially healthy
Mentally sound

My boss is hiring... ;p

I think local FLs or wannabes will have little problem meeting these criteria la. Some are financially healthy, just need more money to buy LV/Gucci, etc.

So here we got it, one Sis here willing to be the trainer/mentor in BOTH aspects of the job!
Doing this good deed and got commission override somemore! Also very enterprising girl!

Sis, for suggesting the above to help in your recruitment, please return favour by sending your trainees to me for QC first hor! TIA !:D

31-10-2011, 09:01 AM
Good partner...

Not BOTH aspects of job.

I so do not teach girls to spread legs close case.

We are trained to be professionals.

sex life is own accord.

31-10-2011, 09:07 AM
Good partner...

Not BOTH aspects of job.

I so do not teach girls to spread legs close case.

We are trained to be professionals.

sex life is own accord.

Come here do "recruitment"...you also champion :D

31-10-2011, 09:27 AM
IMHO, these girls are also human with emo la. My previous 3 exs were insurance agents too. Got to know them when they tried to sell me policies - 1 ex during a road shows in a HDB Hub, 1 ex during her cold calling on the phone and 1 ex during lunchhour in my work area. I believed they tried to be as professional as possible but being human with emo, we just clicked and 1 thing leads to another from potential prospect into relationships. I didn't purchase any policies from all 3 of them but they were quite thoughtful not mixing personal and business and advised on my existing policies from their competitors. I am still friends with all 3 of them and not being bias, many of these girls really have a helpful and kind aptitude to help others (of cos, also kind enough to have accepted me as their "dish" despite the line of suitors) ;) But I can't really comment same level of professionalism with other sales rep-babes or bimbos from my trade :D

31-10-2011, 10:46 AM
Come here do "recruitment"...you also champion :D

Haha not likely anyone will bite but in case someone looking for 脱离苦海
My intention is never to recruit in Sbf but to read.

31-10-2011, 12:30 PM
Haha not likely anyone will bite but in case someone looking for 脱离苦海
My intention is never to recruit in Sbf but to read.

precisely, lady Chanel
never mix business wif pleasure;
ter's always a chance of complicatin matter, esp matters of d heart.

mixing premium/commission with bed activities mite sound fun for awhile, but once d pleasure wears off, REALITY kicks-in, things could go haywire (out of control)

watever dreams/goals (million dollar, or MDC) will b shattered by our moment of pleasure or folly...... no worthwhile in long term

jz sharin,

31-10-2011, 12:48 PM
IMHO, these girls are also human with emo la. My previous 3 exs were insurance agents too. Got to know them when they tried to sell me policies - 1 ex during a road shows in a HDB Hub, 1 ex during her cold calling on the phone and 1 ex during lunchhour in my work area. I believed they tried to be as professional as possible but being human with emo, we just clicked and 1 thing leads to another from potential prospect into relationships. I didn't purchase any policies from all 3 of them but they were quite thoughtful not mixing personal and business and advised on my existing policies from their competitors. I am still friends with all 3 of them and not being bias, many of these girls really have a helpful and kind aptitude to help others (of cos, also kind enough to have accepted me as their "dish" despite the line of suitors) ;) But I can't really comment same level of professionalism with other sales rep-babes or bimbos from my trade :D

I think you must be very the handsome / hunk ...;):D

31-10-2011, 12:49 PM
Haha not likely anyone will bite but in case someone looking for 脱离苦海
My intention is never to recruit in Sbf but to read.

Still...there is a possibility....number game mah...;)

31-10-2011, 12:54 PM
WTF Bro, if you can affort 400K premium, you shld be loaded. Why dwell over if you can bed her?? Plently of gals waiting la.

31-10-2011, 01:57 PM
Haha not likely anyone will bite but in case someone looking for 脱离苦海
My intention is never to recruit in Sbf but to read.

Lol, u recruit guys?

31-10-2011, 03:03 PM
I think you must be very the handsome / hunk ...;):D

Actually I think they were "touched" by my sincerity to lend them my ears when they approached me. Especially the HDB Hub and lunchhour exs, cos prior to them, their male colleagues have stopped me in the track but instant replied without hesitation were: Sorry Busy, Got to Rush, No thanks or pretended to answer a call etc.... :p Guys being guys, we often make time for chio bu whenever they stopped us in our tracks even if the office is on fire or the boss on the other line is boiling cos what matters most is to help others because we might need help too as financial planning is important to us even if we are not buying new policies from them !!! :D

31-10-2011, 04:34 PM
Lol, u recruit guys?

Why not? :)

31-10-2011, 11:40 PM
Can someone please introduce such agent to me? Thanks.

01-11-2011, 02:53 PM
remind me of my younger days..... I always go for insurance roadshow, mlm roadshow and land banking roadshows, cos it was an easy way to get girl's number.:D

Frankly some of these girls are also having fun meeting new people, especially guys. :D
IMHO, there are more syt and chio bu in land banking roadshows :p

17-09-2012, 12:29 AM
Hi a newbie here. Was stopped by an agent recently.. Talk Abit then might be meeting her soon as she wanted to give me a more detailed explanation. She looks cute. How should I approach/hook her up?

17-09-2012, 03:28 AM
this idea maybe can try.. thanks for the advice bro.if got any better please share.

asked her what do i get in return. if she try to beat around the bush just act blur and say i very stupid cant understand. can u be more specific on your hint. beat of luck:cool: