View Full Version : My Office Affair
28-11-2011, 02:03 PM
After reading a few threads here (after being semi-retired prior to a couple of FL last month), I've decided to share another story of my life.
The office romance.. quite dreadful, especially if it doesn't turn out well. Well, mine didn't particularly end up well. I ended up quitting the company. But fuck that shit. That company sucked anyways.
Anyways, if memory serves me well, this story happened early 2009. Months before that, two managers in my company had resigned, and my local-act-machiam-angmoh boss decided to push everything to me, and promoted me to assistant manager. Lousy pay, three times the workload, and super long working hours.
I argued with him after a couple of weeks, and he decided to get me a personal assistant, and granted me the use of his Audi A4 w/petrol card. Then, ads were posted, and the interviewees came pouring in. I must have seen about 6-8 unattractive ladies in their 40's when the last one came in. Her name, my brothers and sisters, was Angelina.
28-11-2011, 02:21 PM
I forgot how the interview went, but I can remember her attire that day.
She wore a mid-cut business attire, formal yet seductive, with frills in the centre, further enhancing her bust, which I thought was a full B. She had long dark (not black, but dyed dark brown) wavy hair, with black square plastic spectacles. She had two small moles on the left cheek, and I spotted a tongue stud. Her eyebrows were trimmed nicely, and her lips were omfg gorgeous.
I wanted to hire her straight away, but my fucking boss had to ask her ridiculous questions, acting like he was an angmoh (but which he is not). His parting shot was that he didn't want her to start fooling around with my as I was fresh from marriage (another story in its own). She blushed, and nodded. A week later, she starts.
The first day of work for her was a Thursday. I expected her to come in the following Monday, but not sure why she decided to come early. That day, she wore a really unflattering blouse and pants, with heels. She still looked gorgeous though, especially with her seductive lips and tongue stud. It helped that she was just 2 years younger than me, so there was alot to talk about other than office work.
Being my PA, she was supposed to follow me on all my engagements, and if needed, she would have to stay in. The first half day was spent teaching her about the systems that were in place, the culture etc *drone drone drone*
When lunch time came, I invited her to this bistro across from our office, where I could interrogate her. From this lunch, I came to know that she was a divorcee with a difference. Her husband had divorced her after finding out that she slept with two of his camp mates! And, the way she told me about it was bloody blunt as well! I am not surprised to say that I actually blushed, and felt nervous suddenly. Then, Angel's leg brushed against mine accidentally (me thinks) as she crossed over from one leg to the other. She noticed me looking down, and asked if I was okay. I stuttered, and said that I was okay, and she giggled. We then talked about how I was married for about less than 6 months, but it was far from a bed of roses. She was pretty forthcoming in telling me her experiences, and whatnot. She even blurted out the fuck wor, before apologising to me. I told her that it was okay, just not to do it in the office. Then, I went to get the bill to pay, but at that precise moment, she moved her body downwards right to get her bag, presumably to take her wallet out. I accidentally brushed against her left breast, and there was a rush of blood there. Unfortunately, I wore boxers to work as I never get erections there. As such, my dick stood at half mast, blocked by my pants. I sat down immediately, and again turned red. Angel didn't say anything, but giggled.
My friends.. this here, is a gem!
I waited for my erection to die down, and started talking about sports. Angel suddnenly told me that she only had one form of exercise, and that was sex. Instantly again, my dick bulged up again. It didn't help that I was wearing a brown-coloured pair of trousers, and the table was transparent. Angel was silent, but when I looked at her, her eyes were on my bulge, and she was grinning. Omg! Was I a potential target??
28-11-2011, 02:37 PM're so lucky to have such a teasing PA, bro!
Camping here, please continue :)
28-11-2011, 02:57 PM
The rest of the day went past quickly without incident. Angelina popped into my room to ask if she could leave, and I said yes. I stopped her before she popped out of my room, and told her that as Friday was dress-down day, she could dress down, but not too skimpy. She nodded, and sort of perched her lips *again, those lips* before saying thank you, and left.
My work really takes off after office hours, and soon, I was furiously at my desktop, pounding key after key. But ever so often, I felt that I could not concentrate as in past days.
At about 8pm, I declared myself braindead, and decided to call it a night. I walked out of my office, but backtracked when I saw the word Angelina. I glanced to over my shoulder, and saw Angel's employee file. It was new, like duh new. I got a little horny, so I took her file and went back to sit down. From her records, I noted that she stayed in the estate next to mine, that she had no siblings, and listed computer games as a hobby. No mention of sex here? I chuckled to myself. Then, I had a thought. I decided to look her name up on Facebook.
Typing it out, I got a zilch record. Then, I tried her name in short form, and HEY PRESTO! her face appeared on the page. It was a top shot, with her wearing a nurse outfit (looked like spandex) and with two buttons removed. Horns and dick came out straight away! I added her as a friend, and sent her a message saying that it was me. I waited for something like 2 minutes, and decided to read up on football news first. Then, I saw something blink. Was that her? It was!
Angel: hi boss
Me: Hey there, Angel.
A: are you still at work?
M: Yes, I still am. Preparing to leave though, but decided to see if you had a FB account.
A: heehee.. you want to be my friend ah (:
M: Err, outside of the office, why not?
A: had dinner yet? i have not. would you like to meet me for dinner?
M: nope, have not had any. Starving! Sure, where should I meet you? I can go pick you up if you want to.
A: that would be great! i know of this place at CCK park. nice chinese halal food, not that i am muslim or anything though. care to go there?
M: Why not? I'll pick you up in 20 minutes. Are you staying at *gives address*
A: oops, did I put that in the resume? sorry dear, i am actually staying at *gives another address*
M: Huh? That's just two blocks away from my house, you know? We're literally neighbours!
A: really?! how come i never see you before, you see me wear home attire, sure didi can stand one.
M: *BLUSH* Wah laooooooo..
A: awwwwww.... don't blush lah. not as though we are children. cute muh, your didi stand like that. too bad you married.
M: Not as though you will want to 'play' with me.. I'm sorry, got carried away.
A: haha.. no offence taken. in fact, its good to hear that you have this kind of thoughts of me. you do know my activity ;)
M: Ehrm, yes, I do. Okay okay, let me go fetch you then.
With that, I ran out of the office, then ran back because I forgot to switch off the lights. Then, I texted my wife to tell her that I had an engagement with my boss, and sped off to pick Angel. Surprisingly, it took close to 10 minutes less time than normal to reach my house car park. I texted Angel that I was downstairs, and waited before *jaws dropping* Angel came down. She tied her hair in a ponytail, did not have any make-up but with lip gloss on, a semi-translucent white Ernie top, and super-short shorts, with slippers.
A: HelloooO!
M: .......
A: Hey boss, you star-struck ah? Hahahaha...
M: Oh, hi. Come on in. Don't call me boss lah, very embarassing. Call me A***.
A: Oh, okay. Funny leh, call you by name. Can call you dear only after office hours? I promise not to tell your wife. ahaha..
M: You said it yourself ah, okay then.
A: That's the spirit! So dear, *she went close to me and whispered it* what shall we do after dinner?
M: Huh? You want me to exercise with you in the park ah? *dick trying to bulge out but stopped because it got stuck*
A: Dear, I like your thinking.... but, I'm shy leh. First day only you know.
M: Then you still say, chey! *I mustered up my courage by then*
We then proceeded to CKK Park to have a nice dinner, then we decided to drive to the farm area after Bricklands Road at Angel's request. My heart was beating fast, as I was thinking that I was going to get laid, yet didn't want to hold my hopes up too high.
We stopped at a secluded dead-end, somewhere after this veggie farm. Angel got out of the car, and went over to open my side.
A: Come out leh.
M: Wait wait, I'm taking something.
A: What? Condom ah?
M: .... no lah!!!!!
A: Haha, just kidding, you're so cute when you are in denial, you know.
M: What denial? *I got out of the car, but my bulge was noticable - damnit*
What happened next, was just too impossible to happen, but it happened!
Angel leaned over to me, and started kissing me. I had no chance to react, but quickly grew in confidence, and started auto-roaming. I felt her butt cheeks, and they were really taut! My hands went into her tee, and I unhooked her bra.
A: *giggles*
She reached down, and unzipped my pants, causing my dick to literally droop out. She gabbed my shaft, and circled her finger over the tip of my dick. It was moist with pre-cum.
A: *moans into my ear*
She opened the back door, and pushed me in. Then, she pulled my pants down to the ankles, followed by the boxers. She crawled towards me, and gave me the most intense blowjob! After just 2 minutes, I could not maintain, and ejaculated into her mouth!!! Angel seemed to love the cum, as she giggled and gurgled with it before swallowing it down!! Then, she went back to suck me dry, ignoring my throbbing dick and balls. I tell you, my brothers and sisters, it was so intense......... I am going to stop posting now, and am going to self-relieve.
If you like my posts, please up me. Thank you!
28-11-2011, 02:58 PM
Tyvm for camping, bro :) I can post many many today, as I am on leave but my wife is not. But, come tomorrow onwards, it'll be sparingly.
28-11-2011, 03:07 PM
1st Camper!
28-11-2011, 03:07 PM
Oh yea nice nice write make me felt like relieving also hahahah camping also
yang punk
28-11-2011, 03:08 PM
If you post until conclusion...promise you my 10 points!;)
28-11-2011, 03:26 PM
TS, my humble 5 slices of charsiew as encouragement to continue..
28-11-2011, 03:42 PM
Wah bro pls don't stop, I cannot tahan Liao
28-11-2011, 03:43 PM
After she finished teasing me and my nearly flaccid dick, I gave her some water to drink from my flask, and started the ardeous journey back home. Angel and I ended the night with a french kiss and a hug, and already I was looking forward to the next time. I told her that I would pick her up the next morning as my wife was on leave *a white lie*
The next morning, I got up extra early and told my wife that my boss had an urgent meeting and that I was required to set up the conference room for him. Of course, it was a lie.
I drove to Angel's block, and was greeted by a COME-FUCK-ME-SLUT! Angel was dressed in a semi-transparent black dress, with a shimmery belt that was not really buckled too tightly. She wore high-cut heeled boots, and a small purse coupled with a really hideous jacket. I understood what the jacket was for. Obviously, it was for work, cos she wouldn't be able to wear that outfit by itself to work. Scandal! As she walked towards the car, I could already see her bra and panties (realised to be a thong later on). Goodness, I was getting an erection there and then again (and now as well, even though I have already relieved myself. l0l) for added measure, she spun around slowly once, giving me a good view of her G-string.
We greeted with a quick kiss and a hug.
A: Good morning, darling!
M: Good morning to you too, you sexy thing you.
A: Haha, how was last night?
M: Was it a dream?
A: Nope, but you'll be hoping that if it were, there will be many to come.
M: *nods*
A: How about didi? Not wearing boxers today? *massaging my groin with her hand*
M: Cannot, after yesterday's episode.
A: Aww..... *then she suddenly unbuckled my pants, and unbuttoned the top, unzipping the pants, and just stared at my engorgement*
A: Good morning to you too!
M: Isn't it a little early? Somemore, our estate here all so KPO one...
A: Killjoy leh you. Nevermind, the windows so tinted. You drive first, can?
M: Huh? Wait, I must wear.. *Angel stopped me at this juncture by stroking my hard on*
I got the hint at this point, and made the 25 minute journey to office a happy one.
When we got to office, the first thing I did when I sat in the office, was to summon her in. As we were 30 minutes early, and none of my staff were on time anyways, I lifted Angel up and sat her down on my table. Then, I spread her legs apart, and sat down on my seat. I made her lean backwards, and paid her back a favour by giving her a 10 minute lesson on foreplay on women. Her tush was neatly shaved, and her cunt was really glistening wet and mannnn, it smelled nice. I licked and sucked/pulled her clit, listening with great pleasure as she moaned softly. I inserted my middle finger into her cunt, and moved in and out of it, before sticking in two fingers. Then, I got up of my seat, unbuckled my pants and dropped it, and inserted my manhood into her darn hot cunt.
Her arms upon my shoulders, we made love, which was totally unlike my status with my wife (read: 6 months - 2 sessions)
A: *whispers* I want you to come into me later..... uhhhh.....
M: Are you on the pill?
A: Yessss.... uhhhh....mmmm....... mmhmmmmmmm....
We pounded for a good 10 minutes before I cummed into her pussy just a minute before this aunty (KNNBCCB) came in earlier than normal) Kancheong, Angel had to clean up fast and messily, while I strolled out of my office, said hi to the aunty, then retrieved Angel's jacket when the aunty was not looking.
I sprayed some cologne on, and sent Angel away breathless to do what she had to do. Then, sat down to reminisce.
28-11-2011, 03:44 PM
Ty Charsiew, many thanks :)
28-11-2011, 04:19 PM
omg the 2 day post only in my dream if i've a chick like that working in my office i will work up early everyday n work OT for free everyday just to have more time with her...... good one bro wish i have the power to up u cheers
Sexy Under
28-11-2011, 04:27 PM
Solid lah! Day 1 find Angel on FB, day 2 she is your FB already! :D
So you tell your wife you covering 3 jobs and work 7 days a week?
28-11-2011, 05:39 PM
Ah bro, just curious, but yr PA work for a living, or work to find sex?
28-11-2011, 05:52 PM
Solid story, I am camping here liao..:D
28-11-2011, 06:42 PM
Good start, more to come?
28-11-2011, 06:56 PM
Camping camping camping!!!!
28-11-2011, 07:27 PM
Very steamy story you got here....Upz you already
Please input more :D
28-11-2011, 08:55 PM
Camp here too......
28-11-2011, 09:02 PM
up u for encouragement ;)
28-11-2011, 09:14 PM
Well very hard to find it true just on the 1st week.. But u are one very lucky man..
28-11-2011, 09:24 PM
waiting for more
28-11-2011, 10:11 PM
Another excellent thread for me to bookmark here.
28-11-2011, 10:40 PM
nice story. Is this a real story? That gal must be a horny cat :)
28-11-2011, 11:05 PM
Story real or not doesn't matter
29-11-2011, 01:25 AM
camping here and waiting more to come :D:D:D
29-11-2011, 01:51 AM
love your post ts. pls continue...
29-11-2011, 02:13 AM
a personal assistant offering you very personalized service
how can you function properly and concentrate in your work if you fuck a girl who is working with you?:confused:
29-11-2011, 07:51 AM
Nice story TS. Do continue soon. :)
29-11-2011, 08:52 AM
Ah bro, just curious, but yr PA work for a living, or work to find sex?
To be honest with you, I'm not too sure. I didn't really check on her family background. She's a wild kitten though, that I can assure you of. A real pity I had to remove her from FB in case she got to my wife.
29-11-2011, 10:03 AM
Second Day (continued)
As midday approached, I realised that I had been constantly thinking about Angel, and not on work. I mean, who would? I had a really good fuck buddy right here in my office, and work was really the last thing on my mind.
Intercommed Angel to come into my office at about 10.30am.
A: Yes, boss?
M: Angel, I'll be going to see XYZ client later on in the afternoon at about 4pm. I'll need you to prepare *documents* . Going for lunch in half an hour. I would like to brief you about it.
A: Okay boss. Will do.
1130am came too slow, but came nonetheless. We drove to this mall in town where they had an array of restaurants and a hotel above (delectfully chosen by me, of course)
We had a good lunch on company account, before going to the hotel.
A: Where are you taking me to?
M: I figured that we shouldn't let your pill go to waste.
A: Ohhh, I see. *circles my left chest with her finger*
We checked into the hotel room, and started off with a french kissing session. I really enjoyed Angel's tongue stud rolling along with my tongue. She had this sharp pink tongue that really makes one horny!
I groped her firm butt cheeks and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around my waist. We embraced each other for a moment. Then, she let my waist go, and went towards the bed.
She stripped off her clothes, leaving just the thong. Then she laid on the bed, and asked me to bite it off her. I agreed without hesitation. I kissed her from her neck down, licking the nipples like a sex-depraved maniac. Then I went down south, kissing her with soft pecks till I reached her cunt. It was juicily wet! I spread her legs apart, and went on a one man mission to try to eradicate all the juices... but failed miserably. Angel moaned and held my hair while I licked her juicy cunt.
After what seemed to be a couple of minutes, I stood up, and pulled my pant down, revealing a huge stiff shaft. Angel's eyes brightened up, and wanted to start sucking it straight away. Now, my dick is of an average size. It's only 17cm when fully erected. But, as I was circumsized, many an ex-gf commented that sucking on it was more pleasurable than if they sucked off a man with foreskin, as some men don't really take care to clean the inner regions after pissing etc.
I laid on the bed, and made Angel go into a 69 position. We moaned in unison as she sucked my dick and carressed my testicles. Her index finger even went as far as my asshole, stroking the outer part. I reacted by moving my lower body towards her. I inserted two fingers into her pussy, and started to move them in and out in a fast-slow motion. Her juices and my saliva dripped onto my face, but I was too engrossed in painting her that I didn't care.
After the 69 position, Angel kneeled down on the floor, and brought me towards her. She then worked my balls, sucking at them hard, which was a little painful to be frank. Then, she lifted my legs and put them on the edge of the bed, and went to work on my asshole. I was delighted! My wife had stopped doing the licking of the asshole thing when we got married, and sex was really the last thing on her mind. So, this was an added bonus!
She masturbated while prodding my asshole and gripped my thigh while I moaned. After a while, I could not take it anymore. I grabbed her, and swung her onto the bed. I climbed on top of her, and inserted my shaft into her with full force. Then, I pounded her hard, going in and almost out, listening to the juices sloshing about with each pound.
I lifted one of her legs, and put it across to the other leg, further intensifying the moment. I pounded her slower, making sure that she felt comfortable. Then after that, I turned her on her tummy, and pounded her from behind. Her butt and thighs were cellulite-free, making her an absolute gem. The air-conditioning seemed to be working in overdrive, yet we were both perspiring.
I stopped pounding her, and brought her to the balcony window, where we could see the Singapore River. I made her hold on to the window without curtains, and pounded her standing, from behind. Just barely fifteen pumps in, I whispered to her that I could not take it anymore and was about to release my little soldiers.
Quickly, she pushed my dick away from her cunt, and gave me a really satisfying blowjob which ended in a cum-in-mouth. I groaned in relief, and fell backwards, lying down while my really reddened dick throbbed like it was drowning.
Angel smiled at me, and climbed on top of me. She took my throbbing dick, and inserted it into her pussy again, then started riding it. My semi-erect dick was threatening to go flaccid, and here this woman was trying to make it erect again! All this while, we were in full view of the river and I did wonder if there were people on the other side of the river who was watching this free show.
Unfortunately, her spontaneous riding could not revive my dick, and it dropped flaccid. I cursed under my breath, and Angel sniggered. We got up to lay on the bed, and fell asleep in each others' arms.
I woke up to a shock! The sky had turned dark!! I looked at the time, oh my fucking goodness! It was 8pm! I looked at my phone. Oh fuck! 15 missed calls from my wife! I was so screwed. Angel stirred a little, and asked me what happened. I told her that my wife had called me and it was my usual practice to tell her that I was working late earlier on and that she was probably worried as it was a Friday and we usually spent time together then.
A: Tell her that *nameofstupidboss* and you are in serious negotiations with the client, and that you snuck out to say that you might be home late.
M: Okay.
I pressed the callback, and waited for my wife to answer. I saw Angel sit upright, and stretch. Her breasts were beautiful........ and my dick promptly had a rush of blood again. Angel attacked it straight away, while I was on the phone with my wife!
W: Where are you? I have been calling you over and over again so many times! You really had me worried!
M: Still at client's office. We are discussing this million dollar project. May last till late tonight or worse still, overnight.
W: So serious?
M: Really, it's a big deal for us. I hope you understand. So sorry about not replying you earlier.
W: Oh, okay. Why are you breathing so hard?
M: Am I?
W: Yes. Are you okay?
M: I think it's nothing. Just really tired.
W: Okay, I'll wait for you then.
M: Don't. Go eat, then sleep early. I'll be home late.
W: Okay. Bye.
I eye-balled Angel.
M: You ah, trying to get me into trouble ah? But, don't stop. Hahaha...
A: Men. Hrmph.
She got up, then went to the bathroom, like she was angered by me.
29-11-2011, 11:13 AM
VEry Nice Story!
29-11-2011, 11:23 AM
bro, so how old is Angel? u mention interviewing 6-8 aunties in 40s. i dun think Angel is ard that age right?
29-11-2011, 11:23 AM
nice start! go on ts!
29-11-2011, 11:36 AM
Reading your story gives me a hardon .
29-11-2011, 02:21 PM
Nice story, upz,,,:)
29-11-2011, 03:05 PM
bro, so how old is Angel? u mention interviewing 6-8 aunties in 40s. i dun think Angel is ard that age right?
Nope, she's not that age. She was 31 in 2009. Makes her 33 this year.
To all the brothers who had upped me, I thank you. :)
29-11-2011, 03:28 PM
The bathroom
Sorry if this post is a little draggy. Am trying to type it, all this while with a sustained hard-on as I recall back the facts. I miss her so. :(
As Angel stormed into the bathroom, all sorts of thoughts sprung to my head. I was like, shit, how now? Any lasting damage? Gathering up my courage, I walked over to the bathroom.
As I peered into the bathroom, I saw Angel squatting between either side of the bathtub.
M: Hun, are you okay?
A: I will be if you are a good boy and start listening to me.
M: Mmmhmm, of course, whatever you want, I'll do it for you.
She beckoned me to sit on the tub, facing her. I did so without hesitation, not knowing what to expect.
She closed her eyes, and breathed slowly. I scanned her perfectly taut body, from her shoulders, to her breasts, to her knees and toes, her stomach and lastly, to her cunt. Suddenly, she peed! On me! Warm streams of golden jizz splashed onto my body, giving me a right shock!
Angel giggled.
M: Wtf! *weird look kind of expression*
A: Aww, baby, don't you like it?
M: Yes.. I mean, no!
A: Really? Why is your didi standing at attention then, huh?
I looked, and true enough, there was another erection from my boy. Was this an inner fantasy of mine? How come I did not realise it? Then, immediately, I told her.
M: Please, don't start crapping on me.
A *laughs out loud* don't worry, I only like to piss on and to receive. You listen to me good. I. want. you. to. piss. on. me. now.
M: Huh? Serious?
A: Yes, I'm goddamned serious. No wait, stand up now.
I did so, just like a good boy would.
M: Now what?
A: I want you to piss on my tongue.
M: How the fuck am I supposed to do that? I'd rather you blow me than let me piss on you. I cannot multi-function. If it's up like that, how to pee?
A: I want you to try. If you succeed, I'll reward you.
She kneeled down on the tub. I sat up on the edge of the tub, closed my eyes, and visualised myself pissing. It took a while, but when I did it, it came out like a running tap. I took hold of my dick, and splashed it onto Angel's mouth until it overflowed onto her body. Angel grabbed her titties, and started twisting the nipples. On purpose, she spit the piss in her mouth out all over her body. I am not a weird person, I swear, but somehow or another, I was very very turned on by this action.
After this act of weirdness, we washed up. Angel had me up against the wall, and our bodies were glued together. I felt her warm body, her tits against my lower chest, her chin on my shoulders, her fingers on my dick, stroking my shaft slowly. My arms were wrapped over her body, my finger found her butthole, and I started circling that. Our soapy bodies were one.
Angel washed my dick with warm water, then started sucking on it nice and hard. I groaned, a mixture of pure esctacy and slight pain. I can be forgiven, can I? Hardly any practice at home, you know?
Then, Angel turned away from me, letting me have a full view of that moon of hers.
29-11-2011, 04:06 PM
wow golden shower also she play mine mine mine you are lucky or unlucky haha to meet such a kinky weird slut
29-11-2011, 06:37 PM
nice story :D
29-11-2011, 08:48 PM
interesting story! :D
30-11-2011, 06:56 PM
*Click LIKE*
01-12-2011, 09:03 AM
tanks for sharing bro:)
01-12-2011, 05:15 PM
Nice one, always been my favourite fantasy . . .
02-12-2011, 05:14 PM
So i guess work was productive during that period she was hired therefore she left the job? haha
No. Actually, we got caught. :(
02-12-2011, 05:35 PM
The Anal Probe
.. Then, Angel turned away from me, letting me have a full view of that moon of hers.
I was awestruck, mouth ajar, just taking in all the sights and sounds from Angel as she used her middle finger to circle round her asshole, before pushing it in, albeit with friction. Immediately, I found myself licking and tongue fucking her asshole. Initially, there was a little bit of shitty smell, especially at the tip (after she removed her finger), but one should be forgiving. I sprayed her asshole before I started to lick and tongue fuck her hole. Angel moaned, and her hand went between her legs, and found my swollen dick. She started stroking me as I penetrated her asshole with my tongue.
To be honset, at this stage, I think I sort of switched off my senses. It was more of going through the motion rather than lust. I was extremely turned on, yet tired to the point of almost calling it quits. However, I preservered, and got on with the job.
Angel stopped me after a while, and tugged at my dick, forcing me to be led to the bed, still wet. She got down on all fours, and commanded me to continue with the tongue fucking. I duly complied, without hesitation. I thought to myself again if this was really fantasy and did I knock my head somewhere, causing me to go into a coma ala Inception? My heart rate increased, as I thought about the possibility of me going anal on her. I started fongue-fucking her cunt and back to the ass repeatedly.
For general information, I tried to initiate anal sex once with my wife, when we were dating a few years back. However, when I saw her tear as she said that it was painful when I was just pushing the knob in, I told myself to give up and watch porn.
Angel's pussy was once again wet, with thick whitish cunt juices dripping out. Angel was leaning in a position which was primed for me to doggy her. I stopped doing what I was doing, and jumped onto the bed and just forced it in! Surprisingly, it went it seamlessly. Angel let out a sigh of pure joy (I think), and I fucked her from behind. her fucking ass cheeks were just pure fantasy to watch, and I was honestly happy with myself that I was able to plummet her without fear of ejaculation as I was already spent. My ammunition was close to zero, I think.
Angel's forearms rested on the bed, and her back was arched, tummy almost on the bed. I slapped her butt cheeks playfully, and was further turned on when she asked me to smack them till they turned bright red.
Brothers......... I need to release again thinking about that. CB, not good, in office now. Hahahahaha... must go toilet to release. (speaking of which, I have a new staff, 27 years old ex ah-lian whom I am trying to get close to. Will post more of that next time)
To all the brothers and sisters who have upped my points, gracias!!! You encourage me to write more, though either way, I will still write it as I need a journal somewhere for my old age. Hahahaha...
02-12-2011, 05:37 PM
good luck in all your quests bro:D
02-12-2011, 07:51 PM
Nice conquest, hope to read more updates:cool:
02-12-2011, 07:52 PM
pl continue , thanks
02-12-2011, 10:05 PM
she is definitely an interesting sex partner:cool:
what a kinky sex idea - I pee on you and you on me:)
03-12-2011, 12:30 AM
Reminds me of some good old times. :D
03-12-2011, 12:39 AM
This girl is incredible :D
I hope she doesnt have the habit of doing raw with every guys which might just.....on you :p
Rasta Marley
03-12-2011, 12:41 AM
Nice story TS; just upz you for your efforts :D
03-12-2011, 12:49 AM
Nice story sir . please continue
04-12-2011, 09:48 PM
Had one b4.. Fun but too risky and interfering w work. She left and all back to normal.
05-12-2011, 02:47 PM
Ty to all the brothers who upped me. Now waiting for session with a FL. At home hard to post when wife keep looking around. Sian. Will try to post able to.
06-12-2011, 09:31 AM
Ok bo bian gian tio your story. Come back quickly update pls!
12-12-2011, 07:28 AM
Bros, sorry, for now, no time to update. Will try to post one big one one of these days. Paiseh. Busy with family whole of last week.
12-12-2011, 07:38 AM
Ty to all the brothers who upped me. Now waiting for session with a FL. Will try to post able to.
Can post FR also? :p
Bros, sorry, for now, no time to update. Will try to post one big one one of these days. Paiseh. Busy with family whole of last week.
Camping for your updates bro.
12-12-2011, 12:28 PM
Waiting for your new updates !!
13-12-2011, 06:17 AM
Angel's forearms rested on the bed, and her back was arched, tummy almost on the bed. I slapped her butt cheeks playfully, and was further turned on when she asked me to smack them till they turned bright red.
As I banged her hard from behind while smacking her butt cheeks, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride. Pride that I could last this long. Pride that this prized fuck was mine.
I took my dick out from Angel's butthole, then inserted it into her cunt. I pumped her a few times, then took it out, wet with her cunt juices, and pushed it into her butthole again. This went on for a while.
Then, we swapped places, and she rode me cowgirl position. Her legs shivered while she inserted my rod into her pussy slowly, then as I watched in pure fantasy, she went up and down s-l-o-w-l-y. her juices were dripping onto my groin area, thick and white.
I groaned as she pushed my dick out of her lovehole, and then toyed around with it, rubbing my dickhead against her pussy before riding me again repeatedly.
After a good 3-4 minutes of this, she released herself, then asked me to turn over. Surprised, I did so, expecting her to do the unexpected thing of ass-rimming..... and I was pleasantly surprised when she did so! She licked and poked around my asshole, all this while stroking my dick and carassing my balls (balls were a little painful at this juncture).
I moaned, then......
13-12-2011, 06:21 AM
To all the bros who upped me and left me comments, or chose not to, thank you! I will return as soon as I know how to. lol
13-12-2011, 10:16 AM
Keep up with your good work bro !! Looking forward to hear more of your sexciting story !!
13-12-2011, 10:23 AM
I took my dick out from Angel's butthole, then inserted it into her cunt. I pumped her a few times, then took it out, wet with her cunt juices, and pushed it into her butthole again. This went on for a while.
just my two cents worth and do flame me from saying this,
when you are thinking of sticking in and out of the butthole and the pussy, this is one of the way how STD is passed.
13-12-2011, 03:28 PM
I took my dick out from Angel's butthole, then inserted it into her cunt. I pumped her a few times, then took it out, wet with her cunt juices, and pushed it into her butthole again. This went on for a while.
This is ALL so wrong ... where anal sex is concerned, the anus has to be the last place of visit. Otherwise, you'd be transferring all kinds of bacteria into the other orifices, thereby causing infections.
Since it was your first time, you may not have been any wiser ... but do get a THOROUGH check done on yourself, as in the entire spectrum of STDs - some of which stay invisible for a long long time.
IMHO, it doesn't seem like it was Angel's first time getting bonked in her arse ... & yet, she didn't stop you from revisiting her pussy immediately after, I have reasons to believe she's quite bochap while personal hygiene is concerned. This also means you cannot be sure what kinds of germs & bacteria she was already playing host to when having her good time with the other guys before you. :eek: :eek:
Just like in life, nobody would reject a free meal ... but the onus is on yourself to make sure the free meal doesn't come with other undesired ingredients. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
15-12-2011, 02:50 AM
Upz upz upz! Best!!!
16-12-2011, 12:27 AM
just my two cents worth and do flame me from saying this,
when you are thinking of sticking in and out of the butthole and the pussy, this is one of the way how STD is passed.
Bro, I agree. Moment of folly. Big head not working that night.
16-12-2011, 12:29 AM
This is ALL so wrong ... where anal sex is concerned, the anus has to be the last place of visit. Otherwise, you'd be transferring all kinds of bacteria into the other orifices, thereby causing infections.
Since it was your first time, you may not have been any wiser ... but do get a THOROUGH check done on yourself, as in the entire spectrum of STDs - some of which stay invisible for a long long time.
IMHO, it doesn't seem like it was Angel's first time getting bonked in her arse ... & yet, she didn't stop you from revisiting her pussy immediately after, I have reasons to believe she's quite bochap while personal hygiene is concerned. This also means you cannot be sure what kinds of germs & bacteria she was already playing host to when having her good time with the other guys before you. :eek: :eek:
Just like in life, nobody would reject a free meal ... but the onus is on yourself to make sure the free meal doesn't come with other undesired ingredients. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Bro, thanks! I know, I know. It was a moment of folly, as I just said. Went for a checkup about 8 months later. all clear.
16-12-2011, 12:48 AM
at work stressful
after work, assistant make you less stressful, by letting you 2 outlets to release
quite good deal:)
16-12-2011, 01:45 AM
i want to ram my dick into my office assistants so bad :D
16-12-2011, 11:17 AM
My PA just walk past while I reading this post, can't help but mind strip her. She has a B+ to C cup, with pin pointed shape, just wonder what her nipple size, colour. Curve waist and nice ass, must be good for doggie.
TS, TS, you are making me to plan for an act now :D
16-12-2011, 11:23 AM
You guys damn power all have pa.... Moreeee....
16-12-2011, 12:44 PM
good story! waiting for more!
16-12-2011, 08:31 PM
Excellent narration bro TS, thanks! Looking forward to more, cheers bro .............
12-01-2012, 11:19 AM
Hello all. Sorry for not posting for a long time. Will try to do one tomorrow. I just had heart surgery, thus have been too weak to do anything. Don't want to start my heart beat. Hahaha.... kudos to all brothers who have upped me. I would love to return the favour, but, being a noob, don't know how to. Anyone can pm me with help?
12-01-2012, 11:55 AM
Welcome back bro. take care of yourself...
26-02-2019, 11:46 PM
A bit late, but re-hi?
Fast forward to 2017/2018. I am with another company now, and I had 2 affairs with the receptionist (- briefly for 4 months - minah in her early 30s) and a part-timer (1.5 years - Chinese in her 40s).
Let me know if you guys are interested, and I will narrate some of the accounts I had with them.
FYI: Most of the time, we would make out and all at the staircase landing of the office building (getting caught once), my car, and even in my mother's rental unit near my place!
26-02-2019, 11:53 PM
Sure bro, please continue!
27-02-2019, 06:34 AM
interesting and nicely written story TS, great share and please do keep it going.
27-02-2019, 06:38 AM
Sure hope TS will update more soon, this story is very nice.
27-02-2019, 12:07 PM
It's never late than never, TS please write about your adventure. Cheers!
27-02-2019, 08:17 PM
Waiting for more story.
27-02-2019, 11:32 PM
Welcome back and please continue writing your scandalous journal.
28-02-2019, 02:19 AM
Welcome back bro, please continue with your story :)
28-02-2019, 06:41 AM
this is a really nice story, more of it will be great ts.
28-02-2019, 04:29 PM
Nice update bro, will be camping for more
03-03-2019, 10:03 AM
Camping here for nice story.
03-03-2019, 03:46 PM
Very good story, camping here! :)
04-03-2019, 06:42 AM
great story, enjoy reading it. look forward to your next update TS.
04-03-2019, 07:45 AM
this is a nice story!
setting up my tent here to wait for more of it. :)
it's a nice story, enjoy it. look forward to your next update TS.
04-03-2019, 12:50 PM
Camping for more updates :)
04-03-2019, 02:37 PM
Support nice story :)
04-03-2019, 02:47 PM
TS where are you? Many supporters waiting here for continuation of your story.
04-03-2019, 04:25 PM
Jolly good story, enjoyed reading it :)
04-03-2019, 08:14 PM
It`s cool. Keep it coming!
04-03-2019, 10:45 PM
Nice story, please continue.
04-03-2019, 10:51 PM
Camping and support! :D
05-03-2019, 01:30 AM
TS, please come back
05-03-2019, 06:34 AM
like this story very much... it's very nice... share more soon please ts...
07-03-2019, 08:21 PM
Camping for more updates
08-03-2019, 10:40 AM
Very good story, do continue TS :D
08-03-2019, 01:59 PM
Nice story, hope to
08-03-2019, 02:50 PM
Good and steamy story
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