View Full Version : What's considered fat to guys?

05-12-2011, 03:50 PM
Hi, I'm a 19y/o girl. New to this forum. After reading a thread on fat bbm, I'm really confused by the definition of fat/chubby in the eyes of guys/men.I'm writing this thread wanting to know what's actually fat to guys? My mom have been saying that I'm really fat but my friends just said i'm chubby instead?

And how do I add a pic??:p

05-12-2011, 03:56 PM
Well, most I met are not fatty, just chubby... Perhaps a photo would be nice really. Have confidence in yourself that's the important factor. Figure isn't everything in life.

05-12-2011, 04:21 PM
843debd3b2e4dea746cccb71d8fb87c23d1b8a868c247bc951 d14711483919ea&oneredir=1

05-12-2011, 04:48 PM
My mom have been saying that I'm really fat but my friends just said i'm chubby instead?

"Chubby" is just a polite term for "FAT"!

If your mom says you're fat and your friends call you chubby, I can assure you that you definitely are grossly overweight!:eek:

05-12-2011, 05:10 PM
Double post below

05-12-2011, 05:14 PM
Mom Knows Best ! :D Friends trying to be polite mindful of your feelings ;)

05-12-2011, 05:16 PM
TS Candyinme, time to skip sweets and candies :rolleyes:
少加油多青菜! 少加油多青菜 :p
加油! 加油! ;)
You can do it! :D

05-12-2011, 05:34 PM
Well... if you ask me , I feel that it is really up to each indvidual person. for me, I will find a person fat when you can see her tummy overflowing her pussy and she gotto lie down for you.

every woman deserves some fats, so, dun worry too much unless you are after the next door hunks.

They are after super models style.

Hi, I'm a 19y/o girl. New to this forum. After reading a thread on fat bbm, I'm really confused by the definition of fat/chubby in the eyes of guys/men.I'm writing this thread wanting to know what's actually fat to guys? My mom have been saying that I'm really fat but my friends just said i'm chubby instead?

And how do I add a pic??:p

05-12-2011, 05:37 PM
As Samster, we are not related to you nor your friends. We are the most non-judgemental and objective people. Please post a pic of your boobs cos this is most accurate size measurement indicator to date :p


05-12-2011, 05:44 PM
I think she will be fat if I can't carry her to bed:)

05-12-2011, 05:45 PM
"Chubby" is just a polite term for "FAT"!

If your mom says you're fat and your friends call you chubby, I can assure you that you definitely are grossly overweight!:eek:

Harsh but true.

05-12-2011, 05:50 PM

Upon seeing this pic, I edited my post above. :D

1st, you need to understand that Ms. Gravity is a flat chested woman, and she's always jealous of women with big boobs.

2nd, different women have different breast types. Your boobs are healthy and perfect BUT just need a little support to look and feel their best. :D

3rd, get your boyfriend to massage your boobs in an upward motion 3 times a day for about 20mins.

4th, reduce your sugar intake, 少加油多青菜 and more sex

You be fine :p

05-12-2011, 05:50 PM
fat is very subjective to me
personally I don't like skinny girls
I don't like to hug a bony girl
because this will be my bone knocking against hers:)

05-12-2011, 05:50 PM
TS Candyinme, time to skip sweets and candies :rolleyes:
少加油多青菜! 少加油多青菜
加油! 加油!
You can do it!

那你是叫她。。少加油,还是。。加油减肥呢? :D:p

05-12-2011, 06:24 PM
Chubby i guess?
Meaty is another word.

My type :p

05-12-2011, 06:26 PM
imho, belly same size or bigger than breast is v turn off.

05-12-2011, 06:34 PM
Depends on what type of guys you referring to.
Some guys like FAT food, some like lean, some like ribs....
U asking the wrong qn..
End of the day, if you are satisfied n happy, why bother?

05-12-2011, 06:38 PM
Depends on what type of guys you referring to.
Some guys like FAT food, some like lean, some like ribs....
U asking the wrong qn..
End of the day, if you are satisfied n happy, why bother?

Not exactly bothering me in the sense of self confidence. Just curious:) sorry if Im asking something stupid:)

05-12-2011, 06:45 PM
IMHO, you look nice but if you tone your stomach you could hear wolves salivating for you.

05-12-2011, 07:22 PM

The pic is too small...and focus too much on the breast...for us to judge better...please post more pictures and larger size, with different poses for us to give u the verdict :D

From your small pic...i love ur breasts though. Perhaps face-to-face meet-up for a full body check-up and analysis is the most accurate.

Let me know...I'm always busy, but I will make time for u. :)

05-12-2011, 07:25 PM
Hi, I'm a 19y/o girl. New to this forum. After reading a thread on fat bbm, I'm really confused by the definition of fat/chubby in the eyes of guys/men.I'm writing this thread wanting to know what's actually fat to guys? My mom have been saying that I'm really fat but my friends just said i'm chubby instead?

And how do I add a pic??:p

Different guys have different yardsticks of Fat or chubby

There are guys who asked if I considered going to a slimming centre before and others telling me that I'm just nice and not to lose any weight and some telling me I'll look really terrible if if I'm thin.

So depends on the guy

Personally, I think I'm meaty. I'm not fat and neither am I slim. Sorta like an in-between.

05-12-2011, 07:27 PM
Lol you guys can judge by looking just at the boobs? :confused:
不愧是有混过 :p

05-12-2011, 07:33 PM
I agree... there is no way we can judge a woman if she is fat just by looking at her breasts..

We have to look at the whole body and the proportions.

05-12-2011, 07:36 PM
I have no comments but this: Support Big Neh Neh!

05-12-2011, 07:36 PM
The pic is too small...and focus too much on the breast...for us to judge better...please post more pictures and larger size, with different poses for us to give u the verdict :D

From your small pic...i love ur breasts though. Perhaps face-to-face meet-up for a full body check-up and analysis is the most accurate.

Let me know...I'm always busy, but I will make time for u. :)

Hahaha bastardball your nick suits you alot. Really :D. Don't worry I'm as busy as you are and I don't like older guys if you're one:)

05-12-2011, 07:45 PM
if doctor say u overweight then u r fat;)

05-12-2011, 08:16 PM
Lol you guys can judge by looking just at the boobs? :confused:
不愧是有混过 :p

Agreed! That's why we need more pictures to judge!:D

05-12-2011, 08:23 PM
Different guys have different yardsticks of Fat or chubby

There are guys who asked if I considered going to a slimming centre before and others telling me that I'm just nice and not to lose any weight and some telling me I'll look really terrible if if I'm thin.

So depends on the guy

Personally, I think I'm meaty. I'm not fat and neither am I slim. Sorta like an in-between.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder . I agree with Darina that different guys have different acceptance level of meatiness or chubbiness ! To each its own .

But something i noticed about married man and their preference of gals when they come out to party if when their wives or GFs are fat , they will prefer a thin gal ! if their OCs are flat chested ! they will prefer big boobs ! well to each their own ! Hahahaha

05-12-2011, 09:10 PM

No offense meant but this pic consider fat to me...:o

05-12-2011, 09:30 PM
Use the BMI lah. BMI = Weight (kg)/ height squared(m), if its 25 and above then you're overweight. Above 30 is obese liao.

05-12-2011, 09:33 PM
for sure we like chubby than ladies with body builder.

06-12-2011, 07:35 AM
Use the BMI lah. BMI = Weight (kg)/ height squared(m), if its 25 and above then you're overweight. Above 30 is obese liao.

IMHO, BMI is used more to gauge health risk to diabetes and heart diseases rather than the aesthetic appeal of a body type. Having right BMI but with fats at the wrong places will not look right.
In Singapore, HPB, following WHO guidelines, had also recognised that
for Asian body type, BMI >23 (was >25) is now considered to be of moderate risk and >27.5 (was >30) high risk.


06-12-2011, 08:11 AM
is ok, one man poison one man food.

06-12-2011, 09:12 AM
Hi, I'm a 19y/o girl. New to this forum. After reading a thread on fat bbm, I'm really confused by the definition of fat/chubby in the eyes of guys/men.I'm writing this thread wanting to know what's actually fat to guys? My mom have been saying that I'm really fat but my friends just said i'm chubby instead?

And how do I add a pic??:p

Well individual have different opinion in chubby or fat.
From the pic you posted, doesn't seem to look fat nor chubby at all.

In my pov, I think it depend on the overall size you are... As in, height and weight... 150/60 is perhaps consider fat/chubby... while a 170/70 perhaps is consider proportional even though the 2nd weight is heavier than 1st..

06-12-2011, 09:21 AM
IMHO, BMI is used more to gauge health risk to diabetes and heart diseases rather than the aesthetic appeal of a body type. Having right BMI but with fats at the wrong places will not look right.

I concur :D

Anyway, the best indicator of fat gain or loss….is your jeans. If one needs to hold their breath and struggle to get their last Xmas jean's zipper all the way up with their bellies yelling & screaming: Let me out!!!!! - is time to lose weight liao la :D

06-12-2011, 12:54 PM
I concur :D

Anyway, the best indicator of fat gain or loss….is your jeans. If one needs to hold their breath and struggle to get their last Xmas jean's zipper all the way up with their bellies yelling & screaming: Let me out!!!!! - is time to lose weight liao la :D

What if the jeans is size 48 ? You could be fat and still put on those jeans easily. To be more precise, you're fat if have to struggle into a pair of size, say, 34 jeans.

To me, any girl whose waist is significantly smaller than her hips (ie, you can see a distinct hour glass, even if its a big hourglass) is not fat. A bit of tummy is OK. Fat is when the waist/tummy is as big or bigger than her hips or boobs.

06-12-2011, 12:59 PM
fat to the extend of your butt occupy 2/3 of the bus sit... or when you take the Mrt you ocuppy 2 sits.

Can't tell much from that small small pixs you posted. Only can say chubby at the moment

06-12-2011, 01:07 PM
Fat = Lydia Sum.

06-12-2011, 01:14 PM
anything that wobbles else from the breasts is considered FAT

06-12-2011, 03:39 PM
What if the jeans is size 48 ? You could be fat and still put on those jeans easily. To be more precise, you're fat if have to struggle into a pair of size, say, 34 jeans.

To me, any girl whose waist is significantly smaller than her hips (ie, you can see a distinct hour glass, even if its a big hourglass) is not fat. A bit of tummy is OK. Fat is when the waist/tummy is as big or bigger than her hips or boobs.

48!!!!! :eek::confused::D

Hour glass is better than a balloon glass :p

06-12-2011, 03:48 PM
Hour glass is better than a balloon glass :p


well, hour glass got 'time-out', but balloon glass is 'all-out'! :eek::D:p

06-12-2011, 04:04 PM
BMI is too subjective... Under Asian standard BMI, i'm very sure 60 -70% of ppl out there are overweight...

My ideal weight now should be 72kg but i'm abt 85...

At my peak when i had a healthy 6 pack in NS, i was 75... so BMI can eat my ass...

Whether you are fat or not is very subjective, if you are borderline, then you can be called chubby... and if your stomach is bigger than mine, than you will be called fat... :D

06-12-2011, 04:19 PM
To TS,

Why you bother so much? From your pictures, you are perfectly fine. Just stay off unhealthy food like sugar or sweet drinks, and exercise.

If your perception about yourself is low, I suggest you go out with people who are fatter than yourself. then you feel better. :D

Stop giving yourself unnecessary stress about your figure or weight. Live normally. Those featured in magazines are photo edited ones, that does not reflect the truth.

06-12-2011, 05:33 PM
To TS,

Why you bother so much? From your pictures, you are perfectly fine. Just stay off unhealthy food like sugar or sweet drinks, and exercise.

If your perception about yourself is low, I suggest you go out with people who are fatter than yourself. then you feel better. :D

Stop giving yourself unnecessary stress about your figure or weight. Live normally. Those featured in magazines are photo edited ones, that does not reflect the truth.

thanks everyone for your replies and answers:) i think i kinda understand better? sorry if i didn't reply everyone cause i'm busy. once again, thank you all for you answers (even though some were crude hahahha).

06-12-2011, 08:14 PM
okay lets throw BMI out the window... and let me say from heavy personal experience boobs does not relate in anyway to overall package.... you want the whole thing, not only one feature....

a guideline i used way back when was Waist over 26 = baby elephant.... over 30 = umm..... no... :)

There's a very good reason why camwhores like to take extreme close up shots..... and only that :D

06-12-2011, 11:15 PM
There's a very good reason why camwhores like to take extreme close up shots..... and only that :D

Sigh.. You're god damn right. Surprised someone can actually "see" that.

Taking pics is all about angle.

06-12-2011, 11:49 PM

i don't mind... in fact i like those boobs :P

07-12-2011, 12:11 AM
Sigh.. You're god damn right. Surprised someone can actually "see" that.

Taking pics is all about angle.

Yes. Angles are important. Photoshop can even create miracles by liquidying.

07-12-2011, 01:30 AM
Sigh.. You're god damn right. Surprised someone can actually "see" that.

Taking pics is all about angle.

Ya I 2nd that!

I acquired my phobia for FAT girls in my younger days when a little-hippo "con" me into a long-distance r/s till my feelings for her deepens and we had many phone sex... only to be super disappointed when we finally meet in person months later. :o:(

She did exactly that to me... only later I realize all the photos she email me are extremed close-up. :mad:

TS, no point asking what guys view as "fat". If someone (this case, mom) tells you you're fat, you are NOT slim. Go do something DRASTIC to build up your ego and confidence instead of asking for useless opinions here.

07-12-2011, 01:51 AM
as long as she is fat at the 'right places' I won't mind a so-called fat girl!

07-12-2011, 02:02 AM
Hi, I'm a 19y/o girl. New to this forum. After reading a thread on fat bbm, I'm really confused by the definition of fat/chubby in the eyes of guys/men.I'm writing this thread wanting to know what's actually fat to guys? My mom have been saying that I'm really fat but my friends just said i'm chubby instead?

And how do I add a pic??:p

Young sister, SG society emphasizes model looks but the reality is you need not focus on vanity. Young sister, I would say lose weight to make you healthier and feel better is more important. But young sister, at this stage of your life you should focus on school, friends and finding a BF. Young sister, te fact you find this sex board I hope you are not FL for money to buy LV, Apple products, etc. Young sister, grades are more important and developing a career path. Young sister, every boy or man has a taste. Young sister, you shouldn't worry too much.

07-12-2011, 05:45 AM
Photoshop can even create miracles by liquidying.

That's why never start! :p

Some people view 'liquidfying' as a great tool. I see it as a 'devil' haha..Unless you're a model, blogger etc.

Once you start to post your photoshop pic and received compliment. 99% is that you can't stop. So the lying starts. :)

07-12-2011, 06:02 AM
as long as she is fat at the 'right places' I won't mind a so-called fat girl!

Actually a fat girl won't really have fats at the right place.

She did exactly that to me... only later I realize all the photos she email me are extremed close-up. :mad:

I assume she has big boobs? :D Haha.. For me it's the other way round, I'm worried that people think that I'm slim when they saw my pics. So I'll always emphasize that I'm not.

Must give 心理建设,if not when both parties decided to meet, IT WILL BE AWKWARD. ;)

07-12-2011, 06:52 AM
More often than not, fat people aggravate their disadvantage more by stuffing themselves with food and drinks. Often I see really fat chic with drinks in their hand. Now that's disgusting.

07-12-2011, 11:05 AM

er.. sorry, the bra takes up too much space and i can't really see your body shape..

please kindly re-take another photo without the bra, preferably a full body shot so that we can objectively give you our input.. and of cos without panties..

after that, take another shot of your body's side profile so that we see the perkiness of your butt...

and of cos, I'm offering out of my kind nature to help confused people like yourself and not because i'm a diry old man !! :p

07-12-2011, 12:29 PM
er.. sorry, the bra takes up too much space and i can't really see your body shape..

please kindly re-take another photo without the bra, preferably a full body shot so that we can objectively give you our input.. and of cos without panties..

after that, take another shot of your body's side profile so that we see the perkiness of your butt...

I second the idea ! lol

07-12-2011, 12:32 PM
I think she will be fat if I can't carry her to bed:)

What if you are super underweight? then primary school chicks??:rolleyes:

07-12-2011, 12:38 PM
Ya I 2nd that!

I acquired my phobia for FAT girls in my younger days when a little-hippo "con" me into a long-distance r/s till my feelings for her deepens and we had many phone sex... only to be super disappointed when we finally meet in person months later. :o:(

She did exactly that to me... only later I realize all the photos she email me are extremed close-up. :mad:

TS, no point asking what guys view as "fat". If someone (this case, mom) tells you you're fat, you are NOT slim. Go do something DRASTIC to build up your ego and confidence instead of asking for useless opinions here.

I just find this post damn funny.. kudos! I mean, how can you possibily get into a relationship with someone so far away and just base on phone sex.. common.. you should say you deserve it.. and not blame the fact that you are being con.. hahha.. Anway i seriously do hope that you are those super mascular with a Louis Koo face to be critising others liddat hahahahha :P

07-12-2011, 12:44 PM
Hi all,

Does it really matter if a chick is fat or thin? IMHO as long as a person comes with a proper intent to be your friend, not conning you out of nothing issint she someone who's good enough?

You may have a super chio chick but end of the day she cons you yet, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ceohkr3QvYdo this to you? would you still want her?? haha...

No one is perfect in this world and beggers can't be choosers.. unless you are kan phua super yandao then you probably can be a chooser...


Babe, you are fat or not, doesn't matter.. as long as you don't do harm to yourself or to others you are beautiful... :D


07-12-2011, 01:04 PM
in the art of seduction, visual impact is only one of the factors....

I'd seen plump gals whom know how to behave to keep her weekends filled with dates and dinners and movies....

ur concern about physique is uncalled for..

May I suggest you build up character and confidence instead...

Read the stories here and find out what guys are attuned to...

u will realise soon the power within...


07-12-2011, 02:07 PM
Proportion of your body and height is a factor too.

A 1.7m tall chick weighing 65kg....I say she is big size.

A 1.5m tall chick weighing 65kg.....that's definitely FAT.

07-12-2011, 02:09 PM
er.. sorry, the bra takes up too much space and i can't really see your body shape..

please kindly re-take another photo without the bra, preferably a full body shot so that we can objectively give you our input.. and of cos without panties..

Yup...a nude full body shot is needed for fair judgement.

07-12-2011, 03:23 PM
Yup...a nude full body shot is needed for fair judgement.

cheers and support ")

come on girl, at age 19
u know yourself what is fat or chubby

if u are fat, mostly guys wont bother u
if u are chubby and lovely, guys fest for some extra meat will chat u up

07-12-2011, 03:39 PM
Yup...a nude full body shot is needed for fair judgement.

*wrinkles eyebrows - how is that so? If one provides you height , weight, measurements - what use will a nude photo be? :rolleyes:

07-12-2011, 07:17 PM
in the art of seduction, visual impact is only one of the factors....

I'd seen plump gals whom know how to behave to keep her weekends filled with dates and dinners and movies....

ur concern about physique is uncalled for..

May I suggest you build up character and confidence instead...

Read the stories here and find out what guys are attuned to...

u will realise soon the power within...


Totally agree!!

07-12-2011, 08:52 PM
I just find this post damn funny.. kudos! I mean, how can you possibily get into a relationship with someone so far away and just base on phone sex.. common.. you should say you deserve it.. and not blame the fact that you are being con.. hahha.. Anway i seriously do hope that you are those super mascular with a Louis Koo face to be critising others liddat hahahahha :P

Sistah, why do u get offended that I criticize the little hippo who "conned" me? Sistah, notice that the word "con" was in quotes. Sistah, I don't have a Loius Koo face and I did not claim that I am any much more desirable appearance-wise. Sistah, it's good that I have made u laugh with this sharing. Sistah,the r/s I mentioned is not any BGR r/s but a PFB r/s (Phone Fuck Buddy). Sistah, u do not know better the details of what I went through so you should not say that I deserve it. Sistah, ask not how SBF sharing can entertain you but how you can share in SBF to entertain others :D

08-12-2011, 07:53 PM
Hi babe ,

I myself is a plump female , well try some excise , it might help .
Well for me i'm 60++ kg standing 155 cm but i could swim up to 30 laps per day if i had the time .

So even though over-weight does mean u r not healthy , just try to like urself each day !


09-12-2011, 01:51 PM
Hi babe ,

I myself is a plump female , well try some excise , it might help .
Well for me i'm 60++ kg standing 155 cm but i could swim up to 30 laps per day if i had the time .

So even though over-weight does mean u r not healthy , just try to like urself each day !


"it might help" are u f. Ing kidding me?
If have the time? Key word here is a big fat IF. Stop lamenting abt being fat online Get ur lazy butt out and run!!

19-12-2011, 02:53 AM
Sister, Fat is not an issue... The issue is how you carry yourself. The most beautiful woman out there can be but an ugly vicious snake that wants to eat her partner up.

Someone who understands this theory will know that it is never the size... It is the mind.

And for your knowledge, i have dated plump or fat (whatever you want to call it) girls before i finally got married. The girls were good examples of woman you want to bring home to show your mom, have sex with in beds, show off to your friends their curvy figures and tell the world how much they dote on me types. It is my misfortune that i did not marry either of them for i was a jerk back then.

19-12-2011, 04:12 PM
In my own definition:
150cm - 155cm
average: 41 - 44kg chubby: 44 - 48kg fat: 48kg above
155cm - 160cm
average: 45 - 48kg chubby: 48 - 51kg fat: 51kg above
160cm - 165cm
average: 49 - 52kg chubby: 52 - 54kg fat: 54kg above
165cm - 170cm
average: 53 - 56kg chubby: 56 - 58kg fat: 58kg above
170cm - 175cm
average: 57 - 60kg chubby: 60 - 62kg fat: 62kg above
175cm - 180cm
average: 61 - 63kg chubby: 63 - 65kg fat: 65kg above

Above just a guideline, also need to see overall proportion. Some gal still look good even heavier, maybe due to her bone weight heavier.

19-12-2011, 11:51 PM
Fat ? when the gal weighs in heavier than me .

20-12-2011, 04:31 AM
It's not being fat that's the problem.

it's when a woman is fat and has small boobs that makes it a tragedy.

men also tend to like nice smooth skin on a woman's body.

So even if you are heavy, curvy or fat. If you are able to satisfy a man's dick and make him feel like a million bucks, Fat or not fat isn't a problem really.

ps : note the guy must be willing to do the same for you of cause, remember: Pussy Costs Money, Dick is FREE!!

20-12-2011, 09:54 AM
衣服本来刚刚好,为什莫现在穿不了? AD from many years ago that this thread made me remember .