23-12-2011, 04:20 PM
My first post after reading SBF for so many years.
sory that my english is not too good, but I would like to contribute after seeing so many brothers sharing their experience. There is so much wealth of sexperience here. haha. mostly fact here but names have been changed to protect privacy. :)
but please feel free to post as much comments to this thread.
This happen somewhere 2007 when I was working in SZ for 7 months.
I was posted to a very big china govt linked company. more than 3000 staff.
Everyday is a viewing pleasure looking at all the CN babes walking around in the "latest" fashion. Highlight came when all the girls in the department were flirting with me and flashing me thoughout the months i was there. power packed action filled 7 months it was.
So this is how it goes.
The first day I was in SZ, I was supposed to link up with this local girl that was going to be my colleague. lets call her Yellow. yellow was a nice girl. 1.63m, A cup, cute bubbly. fair and good skin. saw the photo as the manager sent me a photo so i would recognize her.
so I was at the lobby of the office building. Man was it good to be an SG guy in CN, all the 前台 girls looked so hot. I spotted 2 very tall and cute ones.... (later in the thread there will be more on this 2) with their super tight uniforms. i was at the front desk looking at them while waiting for yellow to pick me. The sight was amazing. You know when you look down whilst they are sitting. the dark blue uniform was so tight and their assets were huge, so from the sight i could peek through the button hole the colour and texture of their bra. I remember it was one of those lacey black ones, 2 of them were servicing me as i was speaking in broken chinese with english accent (fake* one) and they were frantically trying to service and ask me who i was waiting for. lol.
finally Yellow came down and picked me.
L: Hello. you must be Yellow
Y: Hi L. nice to meet you let me bring you up.
Yellow was wearing a white translucent dress the first day. Y I remember the dress. lol. its because she look damn 天使 in the dress. everytime i see her i fantasize about bonking her. in the lift. there was alot of people. She was behind me and very close to me, keep rubbing her body to my arm and back. Super shiok. I got so aroused I purposely stand back more to rub her.
well. "ting tong" the level reached and we went out, then she brought me to my team. then, i met my other teammates. Jip. she was a tall girl who was very elegant, 1.78m. B cup. educated in london, very nice. though she was older than me, i could see that.
**bear with me brothers. there's alot to write and i first time writing.
after that, i was introduced to many people. in the company. most impressive was, Ling Ling,(logistics) and xiao HUi.(the mistress of the CEO) both of them were fucking attractive. which later..... i got action with.
So that was the part. throughout the first few weeks, things were very normal. the girls were all very "shy" towards me as I was the only one in better fashion compared to the other china guys in the company. I stood out from the usual.
This company had an internal chatting system, and things started to turn frisky when i had my id.
Xiao Hui: hey L! 你在深圳觉得怎么样?
L; still ok not too bad. **sorry i better type in english, chinese too slow.
XH: dont you feel lonely no friends.
L: its ok, i have yellow, jip, ling ling, and most importantly i got 姐姐 xiao Hui, take care of me.
XH; hahaha. 你嘴巴这么甜, 明天请你吃饭。
L: ok. **as I was introduced to her and i knew from yellow that she was the CEO mistress, I didnt dare to offend her.
XH: 那明天放工了, 在大厅等我 ok?
L: 好。
**Brief about XH, XH looks like the 拜金女王 kind, fucking flirty eyes, handy B cup, 1.7m, always in the most colourful dresses. never in jeans. I remember when i first got introduced to her. she said, 哎呀,怎么来了一个小帅哥, 哈哈哈哈。the way she laugh like the wuzhutian(chinese empress) fucking loud, slutty, make me wanna just COF. ahha
man was I excited and yet scared. I was so looking forwrd to tomorrow.
As I stayed near my office. I walked back to my apartment. it was quite a ghetto area. so there were alot of massage parlours and alot of WL houses. for the first few weeks, i will always walk around and look at the girls.
little did i know, that I was in s**xland................. and this was the start of L in SZ
sory that my english is not too good, but I would like to contribute after seeing so many brothers sharing their experience. There is so much wealth of sexperience here. haha. mostly fact here but names have been changed to protect privacy. :)
but please feel free to post as much comments to this thread.
This happen somewhere 2007 when I was working in SZ for 7 months.
I was posted to a very big china govt linked company. more than 3000 staff.
Everyday is a viewing pleasure looking at all the CN babes walking around in the "latest" fashion. Highlight came when all the girls in the department were flirting with me and flashing me thoughout the months i was there. power packed action filled 7 months it was.
So this is how it goes.
The first day I was in SZ, I was supposed to link up with this local girl that was going to be my colleague. lets call her Yellow. yellow was a nice girl. 1.63m, A cup, cute bubbly. fair and good skin. saw the photo as the manager sent me a photo so i would recognize her.
so I was at the lobby of the office building. Man was it good to be an SG guy in CN, all the 前台 girls looked so hot. I spotted 2 very tall and cute ones.... (later in the thread there will be more on this 2) with their super tight uniforms. i was at the front desk looking at them while waiting for yellow to pick me. The sight was amazing. You know when you look down whilst they are sitting. the dark blue uniform was so tight and their assets were huge, so from the sight i could peek through the button hole the colour and texture of their bra. I remember it was one of those lacey black ones, 2 of them were servicing me as i was speaking in broken chinese with english accent (fake* one) and they were frantically trying to service and ask me who i was waiting for. lol.
finally Yellow came down and picked me.
L: Hello. you must be Yellow
Y: Hi L. nice to meet you let me bring you up.
Yellow was wearing a white translucent dress the first day. Y I remember the dress. lol. its because she look damn 天使 in the dress. everytime i see her i fantasize about bonking her. in the lift. there was alot of people. She was behind me and very close to me, keep rubbing her body to my arm and back. Super shiok. I got so aroused I purposely stand back more to rub her.
well. "ting tong" the level reached and we went out, then she brought me to my team. then, i met my other teammates. Jip. she was a tall girl who was very elegant, 1.78m. B cup. educated in london, very nice. though she was older than me, i could see that.
**bear with me brothers. there's alot to write and i first time writing.
after that, i was introduced to many people. in the company. most impressive was, Ling Ling,(logistics) and xiao HUi.(the mistress of the CEO) both of them were fucking attractive. which later..... i got action with.
So that was the part. throughout the first few weeks, things were very normal. the girls were all very "shy" towards me as I was the only one in better fashion compared to the other china guys in the company. I stood out from the usual.
This company had an internal chatting system, and things started to turn frisky when i had my id.
Xiao Hui: hey L! 你在深圳觉得怎么样?
L; still ok not too bad. **sorry i better type in english, chinese too slow.
XH: dont you feel lonely no friends.
L: its ok, i have yellow, jip, ling ling, and most importantly i got 姐姐 xiao Hui, take care of me.
XH; hahaha. 你嘴巴这么甜, 明天请你吃饭。
L: ok. **as I was introduced to her and i knew from yellow that she was the CEO mistress, I didnt dare to offend her.
XH: 那明天放工了, 在大厅等我 ok?
L: 好。
**Brief about XH, XH looks like the 拜金女王 kind, fucking flirty eyes, handy B cup, 1.7m, always in the most colourful dresses. never in jeans. I remember when i first got introduced to her. she said, 哎呀,怎么来了一个小帅哥, 哈哈哈哈。the way she laugh like the wuzhutian(chinese empress) fucking loud, slutty, make me wanna just COF. ahha
man was I excited and yet scared. I was so looking forwrd to tomorrow.
As I stayed near my office. I walked back to my apartment. it was quite a ghetto area. so there were alot of massage parlours and alot of WL houses. for the first few weeks, i will always walk around and look at the girls.
little did i know, that I was in s**xland................. and this was the start of L in SZ