View Full Version : New Swingers Club?

07-12-2004, 04:53 PM
I saw a ads just now.

Here! (http://www1.catcha.com.sg/content.phtml?22&010&&view.cgi&action=photo&AdNum=191538)

"Located at Singapore Indoor Stadium along the side that faces the condos, 'Riverside Bar' invites all males & females every Wed and Sat aftr Midnight (2am - 7am) to chill out and meet new friends.

There is 1 catch. After hour places are illegal, but private parties are not. So it is essential to call Mr Hafiz Bai @ 9xxxxxxx for reservations. Your name and number will be included in a guestlist. Entry only through rear entrance."

What's the catch???
Anyone been there?

07-12-2004, 05:30 PM
....call Mr Hafiz Bai @ 9xxxxxxx for reservations. Your name and number will be included in a guestlist. Entry only through rear entrance."

What's the catch???
Anyone been there?

tried to been there but no kenna entry coz me chinaman.....onli for ang mo guys wif $$$ but 4 babes anyone can enter......oso dey hav "special" party organised for "rear entry" guys n ah Qs too....check wif Mr. Bayi 4 details.

bro snakehead

07-12-2004, 05:55 PM
Bro snakehead, you went direct or spoke to Mr Hafiz Bai aka Bayi?

Wht abt non-ang mohs who have $$$...? or ang mohs who dun have much $$$...?(jus a tot).

Whatever it is.. this place should be able to pull in the crowd.

cheers :)

07-12-2004, 07:36 PM
if u drive ferrari there think they will reject u?

09-12-2004, 01:43 AM
Bro snakehead, you went direct or spoke to Mr Hafiz Bai aka Bayi?
Wht abt non-ang mohs who have $$$...? or ang mohs who dun have much $$$...?(jus a tot).

Went down in person n was denied entry.....lan lan wait n observe goings on while waiting 4 backup to arrive....knn neber give face me snakehead cheong many years in many places neber kenna "no entry" before......finally backup arrive (hint: fellow sammyboy cheongster working in PELU)......enter wif him n saw onli ang mohs inside wif local chinese spgs n some brown sugars.....neber see even 1 chinaman.....heeheehee...wondeling how dey explain to PELU why got "pte party"....heeheehee

bro snakehead

09-12-2004, 09:01 AM
Bro Snake Head, long time I don't read your FR for Petain !
What do you mean by PELU ?
Did you see any orgy or sex action inside the swingers club ?
By Bro !

Went down in person n was denied entry.....lan lan wait n observe goings on while waiting 4 backup to arrive....knn neber give face me snakehead cheong many years in many places neber kenna "no entry" before......finally backup arrive (hint: fellow sammyboy cheongster working in PELU)......enter wif him n saw onli ang mohs inside wif local chinese spgs n some brown sugars.....neber see even 1 chinaman.....heeheehee...wondeling how dey explain to PELU why got "pte party"....heeheehee

bro snakehead

09-12-2004, 10:08 AM
Bro Snake Head, long time I don't read your FR for Petain !
What do you mean by PELU ?
By Bro !

I is ban from petain for time being......but will be back. PELU = Public Entertainment Licensing Unit. I got oso inform CNB....AV....SCDF....MPID... about this kanena fuckup joint....so go at your own risk !

bro snakehead

13-12-2004, 02:58 PM
I is ban from petain for time being......but will be back. PELU = Public Entertainment Licensing Unit. I got oso inform CNB....AV....SCDF....MPID... about this kanena fuckup joint....so go at your own risk !

bro snakehead

wah bro u so serious really go alert these folks!?!?
personally i think this private party joint is for angmos who are perceived to be richer than us average joes... wat the jsut boycott them if the ladies inside are mostly ah gua and SPG.. china men like us wont get much fun there.. even if we are rich.. haha

13-12-2004, 11:08 PM
wah bro u so serious really go alert these folks!?!?
personally i think this private party joint is for angmos who are perceived to be richer than us average joes... wat the jsut boycott them if the ladies inside are mostly ah gua and SPG.. china men like us wont get much fun there.. even if we are rich.. haha

All the same that these places are for ang moh or whoever, but the fact is that they discrimnate against us in our own country! Screw them, I alert everyone(AV, CNB, PEU, etc.) too! Stuoid ang mohs always come here and feel as though they are great and powerful. They always seem to be running down things in Singapore - shit - if that is the case go back home lah!

13-12-2004, 11:29 PM
All the same that these places are for ang moh or whoever, but the fact is that they discrimnate against us in our own country! Screw them, I alert everyone(AV, CNB, PEU, etc.) too! Stuoid ang mohs always come here and feel as though they are great and powerful. They always seem to be running down things in Singapore - shit - if that is the case go back home lah!

What's so great about the ang mohs, they may not necessary have big didi. And certainly they are so stingy on drinks, observe them when they are in clubs like velvet etc, their coupon drinks will last them the whole nite.

The worst lot are those SPGs, mixing with and kena fucked by the ang mohs they think it's cool.

14-12-2004, 04:20 PM
What's so great about the ang mohs, they may not necessary have big didi. And certainly they are so stingy on drinks, observe them when they are in clubs like velvet etc, their coupon drinks will last them the whole nite.

The worst lot are those SPGs, mixing with and kena fucked by the ang mohs they think it's cool.

The next time you see ang moh with SPG, try to notice when they are paying restaurant bills - normally the SPG pays for the meal!!! Otherwise, the stuoid ass will split the bill with the stupid SPG! It is very rare to see ang moh paying!
Anyway, I pity SPG's as a small number of them will marry the white man of theur dreams, most will crash and burn and end up trawling at SPG pubs for "leftovers" left behind by younger SPG's! So sad.
Yes, ang moh will only drink like fish if someone else buys the drink, if not, the jerk will nurse the drink the whole evening. Cheapo bastards!

14-12-2004, 06:02 PM
Yes, ang moh will only drink like fish if someone else buys the drink, if not, the jerk will nurse the drink the whole evening. Cheapo bastards!

A common scene at Orchard towers...Couldn't agree more!!! :mad: