View Full Version : s**** s**** thai massage ard kallang
25-01-2012, 03:31 PM
11am i was with a 3 buddies roaming ard looking for a massage after a 10hr cny gambling session to relieve our strained backs n muscles. made quite a few calls to some HCs but not operating leh.. hmm.. called up a recommendation frm one of e bros here which i have been wanting to try but not only 2 girls working.. sian liao so we decided to drive over JS & GL area..
JS area mostly closed left 2 tinted glass MP.. went in to take a look one of my friends say dun wan cos confirm piano 10min GQ n overpriced..
GL got a traditional thai MP open but mot enuff girls n have to wait.. walau.. so big place nobody want to work.. siao liao got $$ no place to go n get serviced hw can?
ady 12pm le we almost give up then i rem in between JS & GL i passed by got some a few MPs so drive over since otw. cny period good thing is everywhere oso gor parking.. lolx..
parked e car n jalan jalan again.. passed by e steamboat restaurants m saw alot of china workers eating steamboat buffet. din smell fantastic.. anyway e big
MP in e area closed so we walk walk n saw a signboard leading upstairs stating e MP name as in my headline.. went up n yes!!! got open.. got girls working.. not pretty at all but we dun care le! 1pm already leh!
paid $40/1hr (so cheap!)
was lead into e massage area, dimly lit n individual partitions seperated by big curtains.. neat n tidy.. mattress on floor.. clean sheets n towels nicely folded on e mattress..
quickly stripped n looked ard to find tt only got towel so use towel to wrap only loh.. soon e ML came in mid thirties, short, plump, thai. so i though ok what, ok good old authentic thai massage is good..
she ask thai massage or oil massage.. of cos thai massage for me as i love bone cracking hard massage.
lie face down n started e massage.. as expected very strong hard authentic thai massage very detailed n accurate on e accupuncture points.
she totally cannot speak english so i just relax n rest loh.. she only ask 'sabai meh' n then i reply 'sabai sabai' loh.. lolx..
really feels good, maybe its becos my body really needs it too.. she worked on my legs, thighs, back, shoulder, neck, arms, fingers.. taking her own sweet time.. so shiok.. till i fell aslp n snore..
it felt like e session lasted for a long time till she woke me up n ask to turn ard.. waa still haven finished ah? i tot press very long ady? need to add $$ or not i was tinking.. she just continue to work on my super relaxed body now.. still taking her own sweet time.. by tis time a was ady adding tis MP into my budget thai MP list ady..
then e GQ came! with very limited vocabulary n alot of hand signals. it as JG n HJ. was a little surprised n asked my buddies if their massage finished. 2 of them ady fell aslp n e other one oso gng for JG/HJ.. quoted 50 but bargained for 30 as i dun have fantastic HJ experiences.
usual position for JG then she took some oil n started softly rubbing ard e groin area.. not too oily so quite relaxing n comfortable laid back n relax close my eyes.. slow n steady working on my love bags n e area between balls n arsehole, then more oil on my shaft n carefully started in e HJ. duno its her hands warn or e oil warm but quite shiok.. both hands in action quite alot of variation but not a slight trace of rushing.. surprisingly i slowly start to have e sensation to cum! (cos got go JG/HJ other place younger n better looking girl cannot cum) she then started stroking faster bit by bit to further build up e tension as she could sense my butt lifting.. soft strokes below e balls n good grip on e shaft quite a lethal combo.. exploded after a while super shiok n relaxed.. she went out to get tissue n cleaned me up..
ask me to sit up n i paid her for e JG/HJ.. then she proceeded to do more head massage for me n more bone stretching n cracking! wat more can i ask for?
ask if i want drink somemore.. aiyo.. tts service man!
left as happy men my buddies n me indeed. 2.30pm! (felt like time slowed down when we were there.. all agreed!)
tts all folks!
apologies for e long FR
note tt tis is not a place with SYTs or MLIFs, mostly thai aunties in late 30s &40s
pls do not PM me unneccassarily for address as its quite easy to find ady.. hints can be found upstairs..
my card as follows
damage : $40(massage) + $30(HJ) + $10 (tips)
massage : 8/10
looks : dun even bother rating
service : 10/10 (just read up)
HJ : 8.5/10
BBBJ/BJ : neva ask
FJ : not interested
rtm : yes
26-01-2012, 03:09 AM
apologies to any bros whom PMede n i replied with e wrong address provided
if its bedok address then wrong liao..
do PM me again with e subject heading..
happy CNY to all bros
26-01-2012, 07:54 AM
Pls pm me location
26-01-2012, 09:09 AM
Bro TS can please share location with me ? Appreciate it a lot.
WRX Impreza
26-01-2012, 10:40 AM
Bro, pls pm me the details and the name of the gal u tried. Tks.....
26-01-2012, 07:46 PM
kindly PM me for address for bros abv 30pts
27-01-2012, 09:04 AM
bro i dont have 30pts :( just newly created this account cos previously seldom post.
Been looking for JG provider instead of FJ. My didi need some serious pump!
Pls pm me address thanks!
28-01-2012, 12:32 PM
sorry wrong post
30-01-2012, 02:36 AM
this one got two ard g*****, another at singapore river
30-01-2012, 09:05 AM
Camping more frs .
09-02-2012, 05:50 PM
As promised, here's my FR:
Firstly, many tks to TS for the lobang. Not difficult to find.
Place pretty nice ... actually cozy as you step in.
Pleasant lady collected money (1hr massage) before you enter behind the counter. For a moment, I had hoped she was going to be the one to massage me because she looked very pleasant. Sadly, after she led me to my cubicle (big room with curtains as partitions), she then left the big room and I supposed she went to call one of the massuses ! Sigh ...
I changed. KNN ... no towel, no nothing .. very different from TS write up leh! Yet, in my heart, I said ho say ... I can lie there naked until another lady walked in!!!
2 mins later, a very pleasant lady (she is quite tall - about 1.55m, slim ... different from TS one ... HENG lah) came in and she apologised that they forgot to leave a towel for me. I said nvermind.
She asked me if want oil or no oil ... i said no oil. In short, not bad her massage - got strength, but i think she got no pattern in terms of massage skills ...used lots of elbow ... still, i give it a PASS.
Here's my rating:
damage : $40(massage) + $30(HJ - had to negotiate!) + tips
massage : 7/10
looks : 7/10 (when she HJ me, i got up close to see her ... not bad)
Boobs : poss an A
service : 9/10
HJ : 8/10 (she did a bit of pulling before she gave HJ - i thought that was nice)
No BJ or FJ hor
All in all, she really used up the 1 hr ... so really money's worth!
If one needs a pretty good massage plus happy ending, this one is good - cheap and good.
Plse don't ask me for contact - get it from TS! His std rules apply!!
09-02-2012, 06:10 PM
thx for FR..
bros whom tried do write an FR be it good or bad..
09-02-2012, 06:15 PM
As promised, here's my FR:
Firstly, many tks to TS for the lobang. Not difficult to find.
Place pretty nice ... actually cozy as you step in.
Pleasant lady collected money (1hr massage) before you enter behind the counter. For a moment, I had hoped she was going to be the one to massage me because she looked very pleasant. Sadly, after she led me to my cubicle (big room with curtains as partitions), she then left the big room and I supposed she went to call one of the massuses ! Sigh ...
I changed. KNN ... no towel, no nothing .. very different from TS write up leh! Yet, in my heart, I said ho say ... I can lie there naked until another lady walked in!!!
2 mins later, a very pleasant lady (she is quite tall - about 1.55m, slim ... different from TS one ... HENG lah) came in and she apologised that they forgot to leave a towel for me. I said nvermind.
She asked me if want oil or no oil ... i said no oil. In short, not bad her massage - got strength, but i think she got no pattern in terms of massage skills ...used lots of elbow ... still, i give it a PASS.
Here's my rating:
damage : $40(massage) + $30(HJ - had to negotiate!) + tips
massage : 7/10
looks : 7/10 (when she HJ me, i got up close to see her ... not bad)
Boobs : poss an A
service : 9/10
HJ : 8/10 (she did a bit of pulling before she gave HJ - i thought that was nice)
No BJ or FJ hor
All in all, she really used up the 1 hr ... so really money's worth!
If one needs a pretty good massage plus happy ending, this one is good - cheap and good.
Plse don't ask me for contact - get it from TS! His std rules apply!!
ah hmm a good fr will attract customer i will go see see tonight
09-02-2012, 11:01 PM
correct me if im wrong, ts. is this outlet near kallang mrt? walking distance to kallang river? if it is, i think i know where is this already. u cn pm me for confirmation.
09-02-2012, 11:03 PM
Bro, can pm me the address & ctc?
09-02-2012, 11:21 PM
Just 15min ago i went to geylang lorong 3 to view the mp oh some lady ah bui some don know speak english all thainese languages anyway i will go again today i am tipsy going ktv will continue my hunting :D
09-02-2012, 11:23 PM
only bros abv 30pts PM me for contact..
do write FRs after visiting n pls upupup mu points if can k?
enjoy e cheap n good massage+JG+HJ @70+tips!
10-02-2012, 12:33 AM
this thai MP is quite well-known for its solid massage but it's a MILF joint so bros expecting any SYTs will be disappointed. not sure if they hv added SYTs in recent times but i think unlikely.
10-02-2012, 02:02 AM
11am i was with a 3 buddies roaming ard looking for a massage after a 10hr cny gambling session to relieve our strained backs n muscles. made quite a few calls to some HCs but not operating leh.. hmm.. called up a recommendation frm one of e bros here which i have been wanting to try but not only 2 girls working.. sian liao so we decided to drive over JS & GL area..
JS area mostly closed left 2 tinted glass MP.. went in to take a look one of my friends say dun wan cos confirm piano 10min GQ n overpriced..
GL got a traditional thai MP open but mot enuff girls n have to wait.. walau.. so big place nobody want to work.. siao liao got $$ no place to go n get serviced hw can?
ady 12pm le we almost give up then i rem in between JS & GL i passed by got some a few MPs so drive over since otw. cny period good thing is everywhere oso gor parking.. lolx..
parked e car n jalan jalan again.. passed by e steamboat restaurants m saw alot of china workers eating steamboat buffet. din smell fantastic.. anyway e big
MP in e area closed so we walk walk n saw a signboard leading upstairs stating e MP name as in my headline.. went up n yes!!! got open.. got girls working.. not pretty at all but we dun care le! 1pm already leh!
paid $40/1hr (so cheap!)
was lead into e massage area, dimly lit n individual partitions seperated by big curtains.. neat n tidy.. mattress on floor.. clean sheets n towels nicely folded on e mattress..
quickly stripped n looked ard to find tt only got towel so use towel to wrap only loh.. soon e ML came in mid thirties, short, plump, thai. so i though ok what, ok good old authentic thai massage is good..
she ask thai massage or oil massage.. of cos thai massage for me as i love bone cracking hard massage.
lie face down n started e massage.. as expected very strong hard authentic thai massage very detailed n accurate on e accupuncture points.
she totally cannot speak english so i just relax n rest loh.. she only ask 'sabai meh' n then i reply 'sabai sabai' loh.. lolx..
really feels good, maybe its becos my body really needs it too.. she worked on my legs, thighs, back, shoulder, neck, arms, fingers.. taking her own sweet time.. so shiok.. till i fell aslp n snore..
it felt like e session lasted for a long time till she woke me up n ask to turn ard.. waa still haven finished ah? i tot press very long ady? need to add $$ or not i was tinking.. she just continue to work on my super relaxed body now.. still taking her own sweet time.. by tis time a was ady adding tis MP into my budget thai MP list ady..
then e GQ came! with very limited vocabulary n alot of hand signals. it as JG n HJ. was a little surprised n asked my buddies if their massage finished. 2 of them ady fell aslp n e other one oso gng for JG/HJ.. quoted 50 but bargained for 30 as i dun have fantastic HJ experiences.
usual position for JG then she took some oil n started softly rubbing ard e groin area.. not too oily so quite relaxing n comfortable laid back n relax close my eyes.. slow n steady working on my love bags n e area between balls n arsehole, then more oil on my shaft n carefully started in e HJ. duno its her hands warn or e oil warm but quite shiok.. both hands in action quite alot of variation but not a slight trace of rushing.. surprisingly i slowly start to have e sensation to cum! (cos got go JG/HJ other place younger n better looking girl cannot cum) she then started stroking faster bit by bit to further build up e tension as she could sense my butt lifting.. soft strokes below e balls n good grip on e shaft quite a lethal combo.. exploded after a while super shiok n relaxed.. she went out to get tissue n cleaned me up..
ask me to sit up n i paid her for e JG/HJ.. then she proceeded to do more head massage for me n more bone stretching n cracking! wat more can i ask for?
ask if i want drink somemore.. aiyo.. tts service man!
left as happy men my buddies n me indeed. 2.30pm! (felt like time slowed down when we were there.. all agreed!)
tts all folks!
apologies for e long FR
note tt tis is not a place with SYTs or MLIFs, mostly thai aunties in late 30s &40s
pls do not PM me unneccassarily for address as its quite easy to find ady.. hints can be found upstairs..
my card as follows
damage : $40(massage) + $30(HJ) + $10 (tips)
massage : 8/10
looks : dun even bother rating
service : 10/10 (just read up)
HJ : 8.5/10
BBBJ/BJ : neva ask
FJ : not interested
rtm : yes
hi bro, would you mind to share ctc & location??didi fully loaded !! :D
10-02-2012, 02:30 AM
Just 15min ago i went to geylang lorong 3 to view the mp oh some lady ah bui some don know speak english all thainese languages anyway i will go again today i am tipsy going ktv will continue my hunting :D
u didnt hear them speak chinese, english?
Or u talk to them they dont understand u.
Just pay recept the money, n tell her u want massage.
She understand. Will do.
The rest is just common sense.
S***** s*****.
Remind me the thai pop song few yrs back.
10-02-2012, 03:01 AM
u didnt hear them speak chinese, english?
Or u talk to them they dont understand u.
Just pay recept the money, n tell her u want massage.
She understand. Will do.
The rest is just common sense.
S***** s*****.
Remind me the thai pop song few yrs back.
Lol that a good idea
10-02-2012, 05:09 PM
bros tt try kindly write FR good or bad for fellow bros thinking of trying
i will only release for bros abv 30pts
reminder: tis MP is not SYTs or MILFs, mostly authentic thai aunties whom cannot speak much english.
do give it a try for good budget massage with happy ending..
10-02-2012, 07:16 PM
bro can pm me the ctc? Thanks
10-02-2012, 10:31 PM
only bros abv 30pts PM me for contact..
do write FRs after visiting n pls upupup mu points if can k?
enjoy e cheap n good massage+JG+HJ @70+tips!
It is almost a clean joint and no need to be so
secretive, all are Thais MILFS and most CMI.
No need to impose any critirias on this place.
S***S**** = Sabai Sabai Thai MSG - corner Geylang X Lorong 3
So bros that do not have enough points, like myself, having
below 30 points , also must have places to release and enjoy - right?
11-02-2012, 01:37 AM
dont like them put alot of shoes at door to welcome me:mad:
13-02-2012, 12:49 AM
Bro, can pm me the address & ctc?
14-02-2012, 10:26 PM
bro fisholution, any good thai masg gal to intro.
Skill wise. Not much on hj.
Prefer a tall strong lady.
Mature age is ok.
16-02-2012, 10:46 PM
RTM today ard 3pm..
tried a different ML tis time.. surprisingly its a MILF from changmai tt can speak decent chinese! (yes! not GLIF or old aunties)
spare e details just a simple FR
name: layla
age: late 30s
looks: 6.5/10
body: 6.5/10 (slim with est B boobs)
massage: 8/10 (strong n hardworking)
attitude: 9/10 (cheerful n not overly chatty)
HJ: 7.5/10 (got do some balls n shaft massage i like!)
damage: $40/60mins(massage) + $30/15mins(HJ) = $70/- ONLY!!!
RTM: definitely! for a fuss free, cheap n good massage with happy ending..
overall its a great session again just better!
it was a full 60mins of good hard rub plus 15mins more for HJ seperately leh!
where to find? 75mins for massage + HJ for $70!!!
bros whom go try pls manage ur expectations as e above stated ratings given frm my very limited experinces..
up my points if u tried n liked it as much as me bros.. cheers..
18-02-2012, 04:35 PM
correct me if im wrong, ts. is this outlet near kallang mrt? walking distance to kallang river? if it is, i think i know where is this already. u cn pm me for confirmation.
The one u mention cannot make it... ask for another girl the counter auntie said dont have,, then she massage u. she want to provide HJ i said dont want.. then she ask other girl to do.. chee bye.. :mad:
Please be aware.. if she want to massage u.. better run. vomit... :cool:
18-02-2012, 08:07 PM
tough luck bro.. all my experinces were okay till date..
i ady got e milf layla's number so i will call her to book my sessions frm nw on.. guess nothing will go wrong for my sessions frm nw on..
any bros interested can pm me for her number or walk in n ask for her loh.. i tink its really ok leh.. for e price n convienience..
like i mentioned tis MP is mostly GLIFs n authentic thai aunties..
only tis thai milf speak decent chinese n i prefer MLs i can communicate with.
29-10-2015, 12:29 PM
As per title of thread.
Went there a few days ago. Had a 7 hour stopover in Singapore and needed a massage after long flight. It was the easiest to find and closest to the airport using the metro that i knew i could get what i want.
On geylang road just around the corner of Lor 1
Went up some dark dingy stairs.
Paid my cash for massage
Led my to the massage bed. Standard single mattress with fresh towels.
Good thai massage and then flipped me over and finished it.
Then head massage and some chiro work on my neck and back.
Massage therapist was probably early 40s.
Damage: $30 massage + $40 hj
Massage: Pretty good for limited time.
Would go back: Maybe if i was in a rush and i was in the area.
Don't PM me asking for directions. Its clear as day.
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