View Full Version : 2 wife

11-02-2012, 02:47 AM
Hi, i've got friends in Singapore who have wife in sgp and china... So asking our brothers and sisters here who have the same faith....

11-02-2012, 04:43 AM
The faith or religion you are referring to Braddah is called adultery.

11-02-2012, 09:41 AM
Hi, i've got friends in Singapore who have wife in sgp and china... So asking our brothers and sisters here who have the same faith....

1 wife already cannot tahan . 2 wifes???:eek: I will have nightmare .

11-02-2012, 10:59 AM
some religion does practice polygamy

see see only
13-02-2012, 11:48 AM
With the rate of PRC import ....

Soon we sillyaporean can practice polygamy also :rolleyes: to provide solution for our country's birth rate problem as well :D

However ..... Terms & condition :-

Consent of the 1st wife must be given

Husband & wifes to hold min a degree or combine income of $150,000 per annual

All wifes must give birth to min 1 kid within 2 years of marriage

All wifes must attend counseling prior marraige and once every 3 years

Hey GUYS ....... hahahahaha wish us luck :p

13-02-2012, 01:30 PM
In my circle I have got 3 friends whom have 2 wives.
Case 1, no one knew he had other wife till he was hospitalize. Condition quite serious, then husband reveal the secret. After he recovered, power time.. all sit down n talk. Now 2 families all work in the same company.
Case 2, this 50+ uncle 2 wives and kids all stay under one roof happily. Rare sucessful case.
Case 3, 2nd wife Prc. Every few months gotta fly to china. Wife in sg knows but siao siao. I see him like very siong..

13-02-2012, 04:57 PM
Hehe, we all wish, but it very rare that any sgp lady would take it..any comments from our Malay brothers out there on this topic...well we share and well this sharing may save us the d word for some brothers..

13-02-2012, 07:46 PM
The sgp women nowadays, educated already kind, once know hubby got no2, 99% is divorce wan...cant cham siong wan. Olden days, as long as man can provide, all just close 1 eye.

13-02-2012, 10:32 PM
What to do not rich man

14-02-2012, 02:18 AM
high maintenance plus emotional buggage, nah i rather 1 shot $80 can get to bonk many different girls somemore.:D

14-02-2012, 06:21 AM
Lol...yup bros...Now the top old guys already said ...since singaporean birth rate is so low now...we got to depend on PR or FT liao...