View Full Version : Annabel Chong: Sex with 251 men story

11-03-2012, 12:59 AM
Above article is written in chinese. But it is the most comprehensive article
which I have read about Annabel Chong, her story and her sex adventure.
Her vids are also available for download online.
This shows that sporean can be really rebellious at heart, but their behaviour is so deeply surpressed by the nation.
Once overseas, all hell breaks loose.

11-03-2012, 02:43 AM
Above article is written in chinese. But it is the most comprehensive article
which I have read about Annabel Chong, her story and her sex adventure.
Her vids are also available for download online.
This shows that sporean can be really rebellious at heart, but their behaviour is so deeply surpressed by the nation.
Once overseas, all hell breaks loose.

Dear hoseloves,

Old newspapers n grl leh. ;p
but anywy thnx for sharing.

Well... Everyone of us have the "rebel" in us...... If not y is there sbf and the huge members... Errr n clones... Haha
i am also not called sinner for nothn. ;p. I am always the "odd" one.....
Hmmmmm can i do a male version of annabel? :p
Hmmmm 140 x $350...... Wow......
I need to hv at least $49k in my piggybank if i tread tht "path"......
Hmm... *counting my coins in ms piggy now*........ Plan aborted.... Next life bah..... :p

Thnx for the read yah.

Gd ngth n happy snoring.

11-03-2012, 06:21 AM
i remember that she was raped and after her raped she just went into porn industries and all hell break lose. Quite sad for her and i think she graduated from raffles jc if i recall.

11-03-2012, 07:39 AM
Above article is written in chinese. But it is the most comprehensive article
which I have read about Annabel Chong, her story and her sex adventure.
Her vids are also available for download online.
This shows that sporean can be really rebellious at heart, but their behaviour is so deeply surpressed by the nation.
Once overseas, all hell breaks loose.

braddah she open her pussy for Ang Moh with no shame. Braddah she's not SGean as left sg.

11-03-2012, 09:45 AM
Annabel Chong is not new news anymore. She's something like a week's old bread, about to pass its used-by date if not already expired. If I remember correctly, she has issues of a psychological kind to do what she did. Extreme and exciting as her sexploits may sound to some of us, there's no denying that her extreme sex acts point to a woman who surely has issues in her head. I believe some men here would know what I mean especially if you have ever encountered 'strong' women of this kind.

11-03-2012, 10:05 AM
Hmmmmm can i do a male version of annabel? :p

Sure. World record for male is 16 ejaculatory orgasms in 1hr and to beat annabel, u need to work at this rate for 15.75 hrs to reach a grand total of 252 ;-)

11-03-2012, 10:53 AM
At a young age of 22, she is already famous in the porn industry and around the world. For most spore males, they will be just finishing NS and continue further studies, or just started on their first job. Her craving to explore her sexuality so openly overseas shows how surpressed her upbringing and education is in spore. For local males, it is through sex forum here that they get to know about sex. The fact that spore sex and political forum are so popular shows that these 2 topics are being driven underground and made taboo by the public. Annabel sick and depraved mind at that time shows her thirst for sex and to embrace it rather to reject.
It is definitely still relevant now despite it being an expired old stale news.

11-03-2012, 11:12 AM
At a young age of 22, she is already famous in the porn industry and around the world. For most spore males, they will be just finishing NS and continue further studies, or just started on their first job. Her craving to explore her sexuality so openly overseas shows how surpressed her upbringing and education is in spore. For local males, it is through sex forum here that they get to know about sex. The fact that spore sex and political forum are so popular shows that these 2 topics are being driven underground and made taboo by the public. Annabel sick and depraved mind at that time shows her thirst for sex and to embrace it rather to reject.
It is definitely still relevant now despite it being an expired old stale news.

Dear Bro hoseloves,

Ah hah.... So, you are actually wanting to tok abt "Suppression" / "Forums being a letout for suppression" etc yah.

Bcos, you thread title is "annabel chong .. .blah blah blah"..... then your first post also toks much abt Annabel chong.... being the most comprehensive read abt her.. etc".... so i took it that you are wanting to tok abt her nia.....

If, your above-mentioned quoted post is the first post.... ah..... then diff set of reply from me liao loh ;p.... just my opinion..... no right or wrong here yah... i am not saying you are lousy or wht ah... i am just explaining my perception on your reply..... :)

11-03-2012, 11:14 AM
This is obviously a very poor attempt to elicit points from SBF bros. :) Thumbs down!

11-03-2012, 11:17 AM
Sure. World record for male is 16 ejaculatory orgasms in 1hr and to beat annabel, u need to work at this rate for 15.75 hrs to reach a grand total of 252 ;-)

Dear bro songest,

thanks for the info....... errr... i admit defeat..... next better player pls.... ;p

ps: admit defeat bcos i cummmm 15 in 1hr only.... lmao....

ps to ps:.... just crapping.... no mind yah.... honestly speaking.... i tink i had.... 6-7 times in one hr la..... still way too far..... ;p...

11-03-2012, 11:24 AM
Below is a detailed description of Annabel Chong's sexual assault by 6 London males at a London train station in 1991.
The source is from http://200.tc/6/2009092724808.html
One of the most detailed sexual description from Annabel Chong I have ever read.
I concur this is written before the existence of this samboy sex forum?
So she has another title now.
The first sporean who shared her true sexual encounter with the public.

性交女皇郭盈恩的回憶時間:2009-09-27 04:58 來源:未知 瀏覽:679次 當我答應了成人電影導演包文聽起來非常荒唐的建議時,我的感覺是十分奇妙的。我立刻就意識到我將創造歷史! 雖然會有很多人鄙棄我,但我決定這樣去做!無論結果會是如何。 在1995年1月9日那個重要的日子來臨前夜,我徹夜未眠,我腦子里回想的都是那段刻骨銘心的 傷痛。 那是我1991年剛到倫敦國王學院讀預科的時候發生的事。有一天晚上,我在倫敦地鐵站月臺等車,這個時候, 我聽到好多嘈雜的聲音,我扭頭一看,是5、6個喝醉酒的白人小伙子在高聲叫嚷,我當時害怕極了,但又怕在躲 藏的時候引起他們的注意,所以極力地讓自己鎮靜下來,不去看他們,心中急切地在盼望地鐵快來。 然而,我聽到了一個可怕的聲音“看,那里有一個亞洲妞,你們敢不敢上了她?”當我在抬頭時,有倆個酒氣熏天 的白人已經站到了我的面前,淫笑著一把抓住了我,還沒等我喊叫,一個人已經打昏了我… 當我再次醒來的時候,我已經一絲不掛地躺在一個地下室當中,而那幾個白人全都脫光了衣服在狂笑!我感到了一 種前所未有的絕望。 這個時候,一個白人走到我面前,一把把我提起來,在那一瞬間,我看到了他那個丑惡的東西,正直挺挺地挺立著 對著我,我羞愧地閉上了眼睛。 另外一個人也走了過來抓住我的倆只胳膊,使我不能掙扎,第三個人和第四個人把我的兩條腿也分開來,這時候, 第一個走過來的人才把我的下體輕而易舉地用兩個手指扳開,把那個已經硬挺挺的東西放到了我的下邊,我在那一 瞬間感到了無法言述的屈辱,眼淚不挺的流出來,無聲的哭泣著。 那個我面前的男人獰笑著一挺腰,我干涸的身體感到一種刻骨的疼痛,那個東西就這樣進來了!我曾經無數次幻想 ,我的第一次該是多么美妙的過程,沒想到它竟然是以這樣的方式降臨! 我的下體火辣辣的承受著他一次又一次的沖擊,原始的快感使得液體慢慢從體內滲出,下邊不是那么痛了,但是那 個該殺的男人卻開始歡呼了,我聽到他在叫喊:“這個婊子也有水了!”我的眼淚再一次湧出。 那幾個男人瘋狂地抓弄我的乳房和其他各處的身體。而我的身體還要不斷地接受面前那個禽獸一次強似一次的沖撞 !沒有絲毫的快感,只有惡心!好漫長的時間!我終于熬到了,他象一個蟲子一樣的抽搐。 但是我知道,這才剛剛開始,第二個人急不可待的填補了他的位置,我的下體又一次被充實了,而且這次里面還灌 滿了前者的精液,我感覺自己象一個全世界最骯髒的女人!也許那個正霸占我的豬也是第一次體會這種感覺,很快 他就射了。然后是第三個,第四個…天那,我居然被8個人強奸了! 但這才是噩夢的開始,我不知道現在是白天還是黑夜,我也不知道剛才到底過了多長時間,反正那幾個王八蛋,那 幾個剛剛才射了的種馬,現在有一個個挺起了那些可惡的東西。 一個人走到我身后,把我摁的跪在地上,捏開我的嘴不知在我嘴里放了個什么東西,好象是個橡膠做的套子,然后 他拽住了我的頭發,讓我的頭朝上揚起。 我明白他們要干什么了,果然,其中的一個家伙,一只手抓著他的東西,走到了我的面前,將那個上面還有精液和 陰毛和說不出來氣味的東西插進了我的嘴里! 我試圖閉上眼睛,然而頭發已經揪緊了我的面部皮膚,我就這樣眼睜睜地看著那個畜生黑糊糊的陰毛一會兒遠離我 ,一會兒又接觸到我的臉。 我的嗓子感覺到陣陣干嘔。可是那個家伙卻故意要把龜頭不停地往里探! 突然,他急急的把那東西拿了出來,我正覺得如釋重負時,他的精液卻如噴泉一樣射在了我的臉龐!那種腥臭味道 ,我直到現在還能感覺的到。與此同時,在一旁一直淫笑和手淫的他們也紛紛走上前來,把精液統統射在我的臉上 、身上…還有嘴里! 當他們把我松開,我不停的爬在地上嘔吐時,他們在一旁不停地獰笑。我感到急度的羞恥,血沖上了頭,站起來象 瘋了一樣,撲向他們,想把他們撕碎,可是他們卻狂笑著四處跑動,我無力的追這個追那個,卻一個也追不上,最 后只能無可奈何地做在地上號啕大哭! 他們卻又一次走近我… 我在他們又一次走過來的時候昏倒了。因為驚嚇,因為饑餓。當我再次醒來時我感覺又冷又餓,全身緊得難受,那 是精液干結后導致的結果。屋里已經一個人也沒有了。我試圖坐起來,可是這時才感覺下體劇烈的疼 痛。 (后來到了醫院我才知道,他們把我的陰唇生生地撕裂了!而且肛門也被他們可恥的進去了,受到了嚴重的損傷! ) 我不知道是什么原因,我忍著劇痛站起來,四處走走,沒有一個人,這時候我發現這個屋子的門開了。我抱著求生 的心理,快速的跑了出去,外面是一個樓梯,我急忙地跑了上去。 哪里知道,一沖出外邊,燦爛的陽光一下子射入了我的眼睛,倫敦往日的喧嘩吵鬧也哄入了我的頭腦,更為可怕的 是,我這樣一個什么也沒有穿,而且滿頭滿身都是精液的女人一下子暴露在這個世界都市面前,無數的人用異樣的 眼光看著我這個怪物! 這是我遭受的第二次羞辱,這一次比剛剛遭受的凌辱更為難以承受。 幸運的是有好心人馬上報了警,給我拿來了毯子,很快(對我來說,那是漫長的)急救車在警車的陪同下到了,我 在上急救車時聽到一句話至今難忘: “這個婊子真能做啊!全身都是男人的東西!真他媽欠操!” 這一次遭遇是我一輩子無法忘記的恥辱,雖然事后不久那幾個人渣就被繩之已法,但帶給我的痛苦卻永遠無法消除 ,我已經沒有辦法再在那個學校上學了,因為老是有人故意走過來問我,“你就是那個被8個人操過的婊子吧?! ” 好,我現在就來個狠的,我就讓300個男人來操我!你們這些世俗的人還能怎么說我呢?! 1995年1月9日,這個我終生銘記的日子,終于到來了。 我準時到了指定地點,記者、攝象機、以及臺下那密密麻麻的男人。 偉大的時刻開始了… 那天的場面我簡直無法用平靜的語言去敘述,雖然我已經有過拍成人節目的經驗,但那天我仍然很緊張,看著臺下 那么多男人色咪咪的眼睛和周圍那些風騷的女工作人員,我在那一刹那猶豫了,但是在周圍工作人員的鼓勵下,我 還是脫光了衣服走到臺前和下面的人們揮手致意! 下面的人歡聲雷動,有的人甚至已經脫下了褲子露出了那黑糊糊的一大堆東西,我的下體不由得濕潤 了… 當我躺到早已準備好的床上,抹好潤滑劑時,已經有三、四個男人脫光了衣服走了上來,這幾個人的體型自然無法 和我以前拍電視時的男優相提並論,有一個胖子體型已經徹底走型,他的雞雞被大肚子擋的幾乎都看 不見了。 可以看出他們也很緊張,其中的一個家伙雞巴是第一個硬起來的,但當他的那東西塞到我里面時,我卻絲毫感不到 一點男性的雄風!其他的三個家伙的東西還是軟塌塌的在我面前晃悠,我不由得覺得一陣好笑,一把抓起其中的兩 個,一只手給其中的一個手淫,另一只手把另外一個放到了我的嘴里,開始吸吮。 此時此刻,我感覺到了他們全身激烈的抖動,甚至雞吧都在顫抖,但可憐的是,即使如此,他們的雞吧仍然沒有硬 起來。而這個時候,那個插進我身體的東西已經結束了他可笑的旅程。拔出了那個已經軟塌塌的帶著避孕套的東西 悻悻地走了下去,下一個急不可待的人又沖了上來。 而這個時候,被我吸吮的那個人的東西才完全硬了起來,他興奮的用手緊緊撰著那個寶貝,生怕它再軟下去,急急 地戴上套子,沖進了我的下體——僅僅是一下,他就哆嗦了起來,真是一個沒有用的家伙! 此時此刻,我突然一下子不緊張了,我感覺到了這些充滿淫欲的男人滑稽而可笑的另一面,我想到了我從小學過的 一個中國成語:葉公好龍!他們在鏡頭面前那種霸道和粗暴都哪里去了?今天是他們在玩弄我這個柔弱女子,還是 我這個社會的“婊子”在玩弄他們這些色厲內荏的銀洋蠟槍頭?!我今天就來看看你們這些男人能有 多硬! 時間在流逝,一個又一個的男人輪番上場,大多數的家伙都是和開場的那幾個一樣,白白的把精液灑在我的身體上 ,而沒有給我一點享受!而我被他們刺激出來的欲望只能是通過幾聲假裝的叫床散發一點點! 我終于等來了一個真正的男人,他一上來就先讓我為他口交,我為他含了不一會兒,就感覺嘴里好象有個東西在不 斷的漲大!當我把它吐出來時,它已經象一根燒火棍一樣挺立了! 龜頭通紅的用那個獨眼瞪著我期盼的臉龐,我頓時心花怒放,對它開始了細致的口活,我的舌頭使他和它越發的興 奮了,他一下子,從我的口里抽出雞吧就走到了我的腿間,一把把另一個還在我的里面“磨槍”的糟老頭子扔在一 邊,舉起那個昂首怒目的東西沖進了我的里面! 好充實啊!這是我這個晚上唯一的一次美妙感覺!或者說這是我這么多年來接納了無數陽具后的唯一 一次! 我害怕他的離去,雙腿緊緊地盤在他的腰間,配合著他一次又一次強壯有力的沖擊!我感覺他每一次的插入都直達 我的最深處!我出神的大叫:“FUCKME,GOOD!” 當他抽出陽具試圖想換個姿勢時,我還以為他要下場了,還緊緊地抱著他的身體,直到他和我說了第三次“撅起你 的屁股”我才醒悟過來,急忙慌不迭的爬起來崛起了屁股迎接他的第二次沖擊。 這次更爽!由于我的體液已經泛濫,他的雞吧好幾次都從里面滑落了出來,甚至有一次居然插到了我的肛門里邊, 也許這個人不喜歡后挺,馬上他就抽了出來繼續在他所熟悉的地方抽插起來! 我不知道這個美妙的時刻持續了多久,在長久的煎熬之后的這種快感不論持續多長時間,我仍然嫌它短暫,可是他 還是拔出了那個可愛的東西,將子彈噴灑在我已經塗滿了精液的肚皮上,我貪婪的把它們弄在手上,不停地聞它的 味道! 這是真正的男人的味道! 此后的時間里,不停的又有人陸續的上來玩弄我的身體,我則一直微笑著奉陪著他們,看著他們的丑態,回憶剛才 的幸福,直到結束。 終于沒有達到預期和300個男人做愛的效果,因為不少人看到這麽多人在圍觀,同時還有攝影機實況錄影,嚇得 那話兒都沒辦法舉起來了! 最后,只有251個男人和我完成了做愛!這些可笑的男人。 我創造了歷史,但我並不為此而激動,我為我享受了我靈魂深處的第一次性愛而激動,雖然我不知道他的名字,甚 至連他的面孔都沒有注意

11-03-2012, 11:33 AM
Below is a detailed description of Annabel Chong's sexual assault by 6 London males at a London train station in 1991.
The source is from http://200.tc/6/2009092724808.html
One of the most detailed sexual description from Annabel Chong I have ever read.
I concur this is written before the existence of this samboy sex forum?
So she has another title now.
The first sporean who shared her true sexual encounter with the public.

Bro hoseloves,

*gulp*...:eek:.... bloody heavy....

wht caught my attention is:


... my chinese not beri powderful.....

出神???.... wht it means ah??

11-03-2012, 11:43 AM
I think 出神 means some sort of spiritual attainment. Like achieving Nirvana.

11-03-2012, 11:49 AM
I think 出神 means some sort of spiritual attainment. Like achieving Nirvana.

Bro hoseloves,

thanks for explaining.

i did a yahoo search also.... 神魂飛出軀體之外....

then,... remembered the words... "chu sen ru hua".......

i now 出神 de qu.... watch porn liao.... ;p

ah rat
11-03-2012, 04:01 PM
i now 出神 de qu.... watch porn liao.... ;p

Can burn CD for me :D

11-03-2012, 04:07 PM
I think 出神 means some sort of spiritual attainment. Like achieving Nirvana.

i always got the 出神 feeling after a long n hard bonk and finally cum.:D

11-03-2012, 04:46 PM
Can burn CD for me :D

Bro ah rat,

Sure.... $350 pls.... ;p ;p ;p......

11-03-2012, 09:17 PM
Wah so ex.
May as well dl from net.
Annabel Chong - World's Biggest Gangbang
Sex The Annabel Chong story

I didn't know a female can 出神 for over 100 times a day.
But I know a guy can't.
Can you imagine your bro being hard and had to bonk for 10hours continously?:rolleyes:

11-03-2012, 09:41 PM
Wah so ex.
Can you imagine your bro being hard and had to bonk for 10hours continously?:rolleyes:

lol guess any bro here wish they can.... bonk for over 10 hrs and 100+ gals...

this "news" was like some 10 yrs at least?

11-03-2012, 10:58 PM
i remember that she was raped and after her raped she just went into porn industries and all hell break lose. Quite sad for her and i think she graduated from raffles jc if i recall.

Hehe...... i happened to know her younger cousin who is my poly senior. It was said that she is very cb very hao lian & very bitchy at the same time. So some ang mo arranged for her rApe & got her mentally unstable.

18-03-2012, 08:23 AM
Hehe...... i happened to know her younger cousin who is my poly senior. It was said that she is very cb very hao lian & very bitchy at the same time. So some ang mo arranged for her rApe & got her mentally unstable.

duh... serious? but do it like that very jek ar leh... ruin a girl's life for good.....