View Full Version : Double Standards
14-03-2012, 08:32 PM
I know that most men cannot accept it if their gf/wife plays the field even though they might be doing it themselves.
Anyway, what would you do if you found out your gf/wife is playing the field?
Just curious :p
14-03-2012, 08:41 PM
I know that most men cannot accept it if their gf/wife plays the field even though they might be doing it themselves.
Anyway, what would you do if you found out your gf/wife is playing the field?
Just curious :p
Dear sis darina.......hmmm curious? I am curious to know y u curious. Care to share y u r curious?.
Anywy.... To me most likely red card and "suspended" for life..... Wana play..... Dnt get caught.... Once caught...... Love game stop.....
Women do have their dble stds...... Guess this type of "fidelity"..... Man take it more seriously bah.....
14-03-2012, 08:44 PM
Dear bro darina.......hmmm curious? I am curious to know y u curious. Care to share y u r curious?.
Anywy.... To me most likely red card and "suspended" for life..... Wana play..... Dnt get caught.... Once caught...... Love game stop.....
I'm a sis, not a bro.
Just wondering only.
What if she started playing because she knows you have been playing outside? Maybe it's for revenge?
14-03-2012, 08:50 PM
I'm a sis, not a bro.
Just wondering only.
What if she started playing because she knows you have been playing outside? Maybe it's for revenge?
Revenge? but wat has the guy got to lose? but for the gal... dun think it worth it if she is just out for revenge only....
14-03-2012, 08:56 PM
Revenge? but wat has the guy got to lose? but for the gal... dun think it worth it if she is just out for revenge only....
Well I'm just using revenge as an example. Might not be the reason like she does it for attention or whatever reason.
I think a lot of girls these days don't see it as losing anything since you only lose yr virginity once seriously, plus sex is mutual enjoyment.
Of course the stigma of a girl sleeping around and a guy sleeping around is very different though I think these days it is to a much lesser degree.
14-03-2012, 08:58 PM
Dear Sis,
In the wise words of King Monkut (the musical the king and I).
A bee goes from flower to flower. But a flower dont go from bee to bee.
I know that most men cannot accept it if their gf/wife plays the field even though they might be doing it themselves.
Anyway, what would you do if you found out your gf/wife is playing the field?
Just curious :p
14-03-2012, 09:01 PM
I'm a sis, not a bro.
Just wondering only.
What if she started playing because she knows you have been playing outside? Maybe it's for revenge?
dear sis darina,
Apologise for the wrong gender addressing then.....
Wonder?.... Oh then.... I wonder how.... i wonder why.... Ysdae you told me abt blue blue "guy"........ N all tht i can see....... Its just a little lemon tree( sour with jealousy).......
I did think abt the pt tht it was a revenge act before putting up my first post........
Well...... Even if its for revenge....Still the same.... "tackle from behind" (in soccer terms)= red card.
14-03-2012, 09:05 PM
Dear Sis,
In the wise words of King Monkut (the musical the king and I).
A bee goes from flower to flower. But a flower dont go from bee to bee.
Lol good analogy but a flower can be visited by many bees and still a flower :p
dear sis darina,
Apologise for the wrong gender addressing then.....
Wonder?.... Oh then.... I wonder how.... i wonder why.... Ysdae you told me abt blue blue "guy"........ N all tht i can see....... Its just a little lemon tree( sour with jealousy).......
I did think abt the pt tht it was a revenge act before putting up my first post........
Well...... Even if its for revenge....Still the same.... "tackle from behind" (in soccer terms)= red card.
Hence the double standards still. So basically it's ok for the guy to screw around and his partner should suck it up (depending on the girl) but it's not ok if she does the same.
Btw, my act of revenge would be racking up a huge bill on his credit card :p
I get more pleasure that way :D and he feels the pinch
14-03-2012, 09:20 PM
Ah so, now we are clear why you ask. ;)
You might as well make him do corrective work order (CWO) while you are at it. :D
14-03-2012, 09:34 PM
Dear Sis,
In the wise words of King Monkut (the musical the king and I).
A bee goes from flower to flower. But a flower dont go from bee to bee.
Wise indeed..... I like the phrase and its an apt reply to knock off the tag of dble std..... :p
Complimenting the ladies as flowers...... Then we are the "suckers" so we should do the "dirty" n tough job of flying around the keep everyone happy..... ;p
Aside to sis darina, will get back to ya on this discussion later....... Allow me to excuse myself..... ;p.... Kinda difficult to carry on with hndphne nia...... ;p
14-03-2012, 09:39 PM
Ah so, now we are clear why you ask. ;)
You might as well make him do corrective work order (CWO) while you are at it. :D
Oh no nothing to do with my guy. Just a thought only due to a conversation with some friends.
I mean they aren't angels but they expect their partners to be, hence my topic :D
14-03-2012, 09:42 PM
What's the point?
Make a person angry by doing something he did.
He sleeps around, you sleep around.
Don't do it if you don't like it, it shows you care if you did it on purpose to anger him.
The question here is monogamy.
It may be required for a perfect marriage, but in words of wisdom nothing is perfect.
The answer is balance, can it be achieved. Can you accept the pros and cons of the person you are tied to.
This goes vice versa.
Ps: by mentioning "you" here above does not imply you are the one. Its all hypothetical.
Just my 2 cents of commend.
Do take it with a pitch of salt.
14-03-2012, 09:48 PM
Actually if you think about this, monogamy is very much a western concept. In the East we practice polygamy till late in the 20th century.
Regarding a flower having many bees but remaining a flower.
After many bees the flower might wither but the bee remains fat and free......
Oh no nothing to do with my guy. Just a thought only due to a conversation with some friends.
I mean they aren't angels but they expect their partners to be, hence my topic :D
14-03-2012, 10:06 PM
After the late 20th century the women in the east got smarter,
They are voicing, if the man wants them to commit they can't accept man being polygamous.
Women have started to fight for equality hence, what men can do they want to prove they can do as well if not better.
Therefore, they start to question reasons for infidelity.
Perhaps its all in the hormones and instinct kicks in. If its the guy's nature being so, the more the wife controls the more stress he gets or the more/better he will lie and cover his tracks.
Nuff said, girls are beginning to be like boys as well.
You'll know if you dated a playgirl.
14-03-2012, 10:08 PM
Actually if you think about this, monogamy is very much a western concept. In the East we practice polygamy till late in the 20th century.
Regarding a flower having many bees but remaining a flower.
After many bees the flower might wither but the bee remains fat and free......
Just be sure that the flower does not belong to the Pitcher Plant :p
14-03-2012, 10:14 PM
The pincher plant or venus flytrap also not stupid,
Want to catch also catch rich and good looking bee...
Admit girls are choosy creatures unless being conned!!!
14-03-2012, 10:20 PM
aiyo, enjoy while you can
14-03-2012, 10:22 PM
The pincher plant or venus flytrap also not stupid,
Want to catch also catch rich and good looking bee...
Admit girls are choosy creatures unless being conned!!!
If you can 'pollinate' a flower which is not a FL or Pro, either you have sweet mouth or have something ma isn't it? :p
Anyway this is straying from my topic le bro
14-03-2012, 10:25 PM
Yes, you are right.
Better a pitcher plant than a venus fly trap.
A pitcher plant drowns the bee in nector. The venus fly trap......... you know.
................. wait maybe not nector but digestive juices. :o
Just be sure that the flower does not belong to the Pitcher Plant :p
14-03-2012, 10:27 PM
Yes, you are right.
Better a pitcher plant than a venus fly trap.
A pitcher plant drowns the bee in nector. The venus fly trap......... you know.
................. wait maybe not nector but digestive juices. :o
At least you 'die' happy ma :p
Oh ya worse is kenna venus fly trap :D
14-03-2012, 10:30 PM
Anyway, what would you do if you found out your gf/wife is playing the field?
Its always the issue players fear most. KARMA.
How are you gal!
14-03-2012, 10:36 PM
Its always the issue players fear most. KARMA. How are you gal!
:p LOL What goes around comes around eh?
Busy but good. :D
14-03-2012, 10:46 PM
From wat I've seen, married ladies go into it bcos
1. they're getting better attention fm their admirers, understanding their frustrations, hearing them out, providing them with workable solutions (not talking $$ here).
2. compliments in their dressing are forthcoming
3. their hubbies are too tired after work. This cud be due to staleness in their sex life. (Same reason why hubbies stray.)
4. their sense of financial independence emboldens them in flirty situations, leading to 'deeper' commitments.
So to get to the bottom of why gf/spouse is doing it, I'll sit her down and go thru the list above. If it's none of the above, but doing it cos to live out a fantasy, mmmm, I'll tell her 'Let's do a 3some'.
14-03-2012, 10:48 PM
Interesting topic, For me its very simple. If I dun do it I will expect my partner not to do it. But if Im doing it well at least repect her by doing it the smartest way possible and not letting her know about it.Same goes for her, when I hv a partner I am very open with them I also make it clear that if she does hv funny business outside make sure its stays outside which is pure fun n also repect me by doing a good job, hide it well. ;)
Im no saint cant resist temptation forever, once in a while I might lose it and I believe its the same for girls as well. If you want to have fun outside and yet you cant cover your own tracks, well then I suggest you dun do it. Because you are just dumb and dun have the standard to do so. :D
14-03-2012, 11:49 PM
Its all a matter of power.
Who is dependent on who? If the wife is of equal power in the relationship, she can always find a guy of her own in the r/s. Traditionally the man brings the bread home, so you don't mess around with the guy that brings the bread home.
Man can compartmentalizie better and are able to resist KC better over time. The next qns to TS is, how do woman develop anti KC tactics if they want to play the field?
14-03-2012, 11:54 PM
Lol good analogy but a flower can be visited by many bees and still a flower :p
Then she's deflowered, not a flower :-)
Yes, society has double standards for men and women. The woman sleeping around may think that she's getting her revenge, but in reality society will frown on her and despise her more, while sympathizing with her husband. Even her own family members will probably look down upon her for being a slut. Far from getting her revenge, I think she'll be getting herself into trouble.
Strangely, and unfairly, no one looks at the straying man in the same light.
15-03-2012, 01:55 AM
I know that most men cannot accept it if their gf/wife plays the field even though they might be doing it themselves.
Anyway, what would you do if you found out your gf/wife is playing the field?
Just curious :p
i could not speak for other bro, but i may well be in a very small minority here. i would be rejoiced if my wife is playing ... best i would love her to share with me and allow me to make her playing easier and more delightful for her. i would find her deliciously sexy if she does! that's what i would do. clearly, as said my view and feeling belongs to a very small minority, and, of course, because of my lovely wife.
15-03-2012, 02:11 AM
Lol good analogy but a flower can be visited by many bees and still a flower :p
true indeed ... only the fairest and sweetest flowers visited by many bees ... hmm ... perhaps i find my wife the fairest and sweetest? :)
15-03-2012, 02:24 AM
well, not a matter of double standards. it ultimately depends on each individual's character and how much is the love for him / her.
i generally think that no matter which way, guy caught girl fooling around or girl caught guy fooling around, its hard to swallow up.
15-03-2012, 03:08 AM
Let her know that I know and give her a chance.
15-03-2012, 10:40 AM
Interesting topic, For me its very simple. If I dun do it I will expect my partner not to do it. But if Im doing it well at least repect her by doing it the smartest way possible and not letting her know about it.Same goes for her, when I hv a partner I am very open with them I also make it clear that if she does hv funny business outside make sure its stays outside which is pure fun n also repect me by doing a good job, hide it well. ;)
Im no saint cant resist temptation forever, once in a while I might lose it and I believe its the same for girls as well. If you want to have fun outside and yet you cant cover your own tracks, well then I suggest you dun do it. Because you are just dumb and dun have the standard to do so. :D
LOL I like how you think bro
Its all a matter of power.
Who is dependent on who? If the wife is of equal power in the relationship, she can always find a guy of her own in the r/s. Traditionally the man brings the bread home, so you don't mess around with the guy that brings the bread home.
Man can compartmentalizie better and are able to resist KC better over time. The next qns to TS is, how do woman develop anti KC tactics if they want to play the field?
LOL true and a lot of relationships these days the woman has the same earning power as the guy or better. It's really on equal footing. Most couples also spend their own $$ these days and split the bill so yeah if it's equal footing the guy hv 'less power'.
A lot of women these days can resist KC too. I guess having things to lose like current lifestyle etc is a powerful KC resistant tool, plus the other guy might be ideal in bed but not ideal in other aspects.
I think most SG women are more realistic than romantic these days :o so KC is not really an issue and from what I know they cut their losses before anything further develops.
15-03-2012, 10:44 AM
Then she's deflowered, not a flower :-)
Yes, society has double standards for men and women. The woman sleeping around may think that she's getting her revenge, but in reality society will frown on her and despise her more, while sympathizing with her husband. Even her own family members will probably look down upon her for being a slut. Far from getting her revenge, I think she'll be getting herself into trouble.
Strangely, and unfairly, no one looks at the straying man in the same light.
I really think it depends on which school of thought. These days I feel it's pretty divided.
i could not speak for other bro, but i may well be in a very small minority here. i would be rejoiced if my wife is playing ... best i would love her to share with me and allow me to make her playing easier and more delightful for her. i would find her deliciously sexy if she does! that's what i would do. clearly, as said my view and feeling belongs to a very small minority, and, of course, because of my lovely wife.
Yes bro you belong to a very small minority here.
But maybe because you also view yr wife as an individual and not a possession that you feel this way.
well, not a matter of double standards. it ultimately depends on each individual's character and how much is the love for him / her.
i generally think that no matter which way, guy caught girl fooling around or girl caught guy fooling around, its hard to swallow up.
True. It is difficult either way.
Let her know that I know and give her a chance.
Very nice and big hearted of you bro :)
15-03-2012, 11:01 AM
IMHO, it's not Double Standards, Can or Cannot Accept - It all depends on who getting caught 1st, with or without solid proof and who perfected the art of cheating :D Normally women are better than men in covering their tracks cos we, men are often quite careless :p
......what would you do if you found out your gf/wife is playing the field?
Nothing much to do cos I will never know based on my post above but I know I will break my bank if caught ;)
15-03-2012, 11:12 AM
A lot of women these days can resist KC too. I guess having things to lose like current lifestyle etc is a powerful KC resistant tool, plus the other guy might be ideal in bed but not ideal in other aspects.
I think most SG women are more realistic than romantic these days :o so KC is not really an issue and from what I know they cut their losses before anything further develops.
Most man recognize that the r/s outside is secondary, and since ancient days, live by a code, that no matter how many girls you have outside, you must go back and sleep with your wife everynight, and dote on your wife. You resist comparing your wife with the woman outside, because the very moment you start comparing, you become "careless" because you want to get caught. But for the woman, can she keep her distance from the man, and do the same between her husband and her other guy? And what are the strategies a woman will deploy in order to condition herself to do it? :D
Assuming there wun be any loss in lifestyle and the guy is of equal or better calibre to hubby
15-03-2012, 11:12 AM
I think most SG women are more realistic than romantic these days :o so KC is not really an issue and from what I know they cut their losses before anything further develops.
Dun just talk about sg gals. It applies to almost any gal from overseas and have stayed here long enough. The cost of living is insane, unless one is contented with simple hawker food + a HDB passed down from the parents (99 years lease should be long enough).
But, humans are as such.... when see other people have, they also want. One thing a friend used to say was, women only marry up and they dun marry down. Fact that is clear and quite obvious is, if one is a char bo, life can be easier by hitching a wealthier guy than the poor chump. Reality is harsh. We could say that may be the less well to do guy is more sincere and better character. Still, our society accepts gals who would forsake the poorer chaps for wealthier finds. I think our community here has seen many examples like this.
End of the day, no one can blame the sg gal for marrying the wealthier and more eligible guys. Its evolution. Wait..... men also grow smarter too. Get bitten and get makan'ed by sg gals till no tomorrow. Also kena pawned by women's charter. Might as well come to sbf and play.... instead of settling down. Why settle for one flower when there are many other varieties in the garden? :D Esp when you know some flowers got sharper thorns. :eek: To quote one bro (can't remember your name), pay is often cheaper than free.
15-03-2012, 11:17 AM
Nothing much to do cos I will never know based on my post above but I know I will break my bank if caught ;)
Break your bank + your back servicing the alimony. :eek: lol.
15-03-2012, 03:01 PM
Hi Sis Darina,
I feel there is a fundamental issue that is changing the world. Everyone loves to play. People in the past do not play due to the following reasons :
- Drown in pig basket
- The ladies do not have education and society will leave them to die if they are caught in that situation as they cant find work and cant find another to marry
- Even after we move on from that very traditional stage to a more modernised stage, most women are ignorant and housewives, which they are afraid that once their husbands leave them, they will have nothing.
Of course the above points are just a illustration of the impacts traditionally.
These are just a small portion of the impact of infidelity in the past. Which also means that it is not human nature to be in this case "Loyal", it is FEAR . Fear of discrimation, fear of death, fear of being left with nothing.
Therefore with the independant women now, it is almost impossible to stop all these from happening. They are no longer afraid, hence nature will take over.
Us as guys, we should be fair. If you want them to be capable enough to assist in the traditional males' job, then accept the "bad" things that come with it. Be cool, going against nature will get you no where.
15-03-2012, 03:06 PM
While was in France for work, I remember my french mistress told me
" Its a man dream to bed many woman, but a nightmare to share with one"
But she told me she has the same feeling about it. She is married, have a bf and yet a few lovers. French lifestyle?
Well again, in Asia, I do come across a woman with 2 husband. (am not sure how these reglious thing works but it happened). So I guess its a fair game btw man and woman. Its how u take it or how you think ppl want to see it. Life is yours, not others.
15-03-2012, 10:29 PM
Most man recognize that the r/s outside is secondary, and since ancient days, live by a code, that no matter how many girls you have outside, you must go back and sleep with your wife everynight, and dote on your wife. You resist comparing your wife with the woman outside, because the very moment you start comparing, you become "careless" because you want to get caught. But for the woman, can she keep her distance from the man, and do the same between her husband and her other guy? And what are the strategies a woman will deploy in order to condition herself to do it? :D
Assuming there wun be any loss in lifestyle and the guy is of equal or better calibre to hubby
Simple, only meet the guy when the husband is not around.
Do not go to places you frequent.
I believe you guys should know enough tricks to keep smses etc discreet.
As long as the woman knows what she wants and what she will lose she will know how to be discreet about it.
Helps to make things very very clear at the start and keep reminding the guy and herself works too
15-03-2012, 10:35 PM
Simple, only meet the guy when the husband is not around.
Do not go to places you frequent.
I believe you guys should know enough tricks to keep smses etc discreet.
As long as the woman knows what she wants and what she will lose she will know how to be discreet about it.
Helps to make things very very clear at the start and keep reminding the guy and herself works too
You are a woman many men will desire cos your attitude and mannerism rocks.
15-03-2012, 11:07 PM
society is always double standard but with the trend of women getting higher in social status, this double standards will slowly be weakened gradually
nowadays, women are catching up, one out of 5 married women in Singapore has outside affairs
this kind of double standards is not an obstacle to them anymore
whether you like it or not, holding single or double standard, this trend of women having outside affairs is not stoppable
15-03-2012, 11:15 PM
Simple, only meet the guy when the husband is not around.
Do not go to places you frequent.
I believe you guys should know enough tricks to keep smses etc discreet.
As long as the woman knows what she wants and what she will lose she will know how to be discreet about it.
Helps to make things very very clear at the start and keep reminding the guy and herself works too
Sis, you are dangerous:eek:
16-03-2012, 08:21 AM
For guys who's partner strays, some has a reputation to maintain.
It called wearing a "green cap" if it known to other.
Perhaps some modern man can accept, but sure there's some who can't.
16-03-2012, 10:39 AM
Just to share your curiousity. Maybe to some is a revenge but to others is to add spice to their bored marriage and sex life.
There is a bond if you and you love are able to swing together as ONE to some people instead of eating alone.
16-03-2012, 10:47 AM
hus band go out to play its just for fun and will go back home
wife go out to play and the family is finished
16-03-2012, 10:49 AM
Nothing is fair in this world..... it is just like cases
example: A woman got high not to the extend of losing her sense commited a 1 time adultery out of fear she went to file a rape report the truth can be twisted to the way of the female advantage. And the law will slap the guy for taking advantage while the female is in intoxication stage.
frankly it is a new era but for men i would say is ego. Most men would not be able to tolerate it unless both have discuss in such swinging activity. Or like some said Open marriage system. Singapore here no doubt is very fast forwards but the mindset is still quite far from being accepting such openess.
Even both parties have agreement but if let say the husband came to know and the wife or gf explain what she and his lover do........ And some detail she forgotten to erase and mention stuff like the husband or bf want to do with the wife/gf and the wife or gf always say not comfortable but yet did it with the lover and enjoy it....... the men ego will be crush blab blab blab
16-03-2012, 12:00 PM
I know that most men cannot accept it if their gf/wife plays the field even though they might be doing it themselves.
Anyway, what would you do if you found out your gf/wife is playing the field?
Just curious :p
Would you like to be confronted with the revelation by your husband or rather be left status quo despite you being cocksure he knows of your misendeavours? Becomes psychological wonder why has he remained silent? Is he plotting a revenge or does he not give a shit about me anymore? Is he gonna retaliate when I least expect?
I have had this discussion with a chum previously, he said he would not confront the issue with the wife until it becomes unavoidable. Point being, you raise the question, it then compels you to make a decision what follows. Usually, two options: (One) Undo the entanglement and attempt to repair the damage or (Two) go your separate ways which is complicated with children, which of course applies to many married couples.
There are of course tit-for-that, act oblivious but these are generally temporal and when the problem comes back to roost, it still requires a decision/action. It is physically possible for each other to know the other is messing about outside and not give a damn but why cling onto such an unhealthy/unsatisfactory marriage.
Back to your question after a round of verbal diarrhea...I think I would ask her if there is a problem and if she sees a way ahead to resolve those issues. If its a dead end, let's go our separate ways and she can continue to go what she likes without the assurance that there is a safety net at home. Parting fuss, no outbursts, just a good old fashioned neat break and walk away. My way of letting her know she matters little anyway.
16-03-2012, 12:44 PM
Simple, only meet the guy when the husband is not around.
Do not go to places you frequent.
I believe you guys should know enough tricks to keep smses etc discreet.
As long as the woman knows what she wants and what she will lose she will know how to be discreet about it.
Helps to make things very very clear at the start and keep reminding the guy and herself works too
Yeah Sis I like your style too.ahaha.
As I mention previously, cannot cover your tracks then dun even try cos you dun have the standard to.
One Bro mention about after sometime man will become careless n get caught
I strongly disagree la, its very simple why most of these man fail big time.
Firstly most of us will lie that we are single in order to have the chance to bed another woman, even those who admit that they are married or have a gf
will give stories like unhappy marriage la or hv a lot of problems with gf making ur current RS sounds very unstable.
Lets face it that how many of you out there will come clean about yes I am attached but I still want your CUNT?
When ever I am having fun outside, I will come clean becos I must always be on the upper hand. Even its a fling,ONS, fb or whatever we name them at least I will give them a mutual respect. I will make sure they know that we are only having fun, or be it moment of lust or whatever.
We are to only enjoy each others company and do things that I would say my partner dun like, dun allow or wont do it with me.
If they are ok with it fine if not then too bad, I wont want to lie my way or hide this hide that just to get that moment of lust and end up a lot of headaches.
Lets be fair, The kind of fuck up feeling we have when we actually caught our partner in bed with someone else is the same for both man and woman.
If you are out there bedding someone else then dun expect your partner to be a saint.
If you want to fuck around do it the smart way, dun go around breaking peoples heart and create trouble for yourself. :D
18-03-2012, 01:49 PM
You are a woman many men will desire cos your attitude and mannerism rocks.
You mean desire for affairs. Not good :P
Sis, you are dangerous:eek:
Only if you are the hubby or bf :p
Yeah Sis I like your style too.ahaha.
As I mention previously, cannot cover your tracks then dun even try cos you dun have the standard to.
One Bro mention about after sometime man will become careless n get caught
I strongly disagree la, its very simple why most of these man fail big time.
Firstly most of us will lie that we are single in order to have the chance to bed another woman, even those who admit that they are married or have a gf
will give stories like unhappy marriage la or hv a lot of problems with gf making ur current RS sounds very unstable.
Lets face it that how many of you out there will come clean about yes I am attached but I still want your CUNT?
When ever I am having fun outside, I will come clean becos I must always be on the upper hand. Even its a fling,ONS, fb or whatever we name them at least I will give them a mutual respect. I will make sure they know that we are only having fun, or be it moment of lust or whatever.
We are to only enjoy each others company and do things that I would say my partner dun like, dun allow or wont do it with me.
If they are ok with it fine if not then too bad, I wont want to lie my way or hide this hide that just to get that moment of lust and end up a lot of headaches.
Lets be fair, The kind of fuck up feeling we have when we actually caught our partner in bed with someone else is the same for both man and woman.
If you are out there bedding someone else then dun expect your partner to be a saint.
If you want to fuck around do it the smart way, dun go around breaking peoples heart and create trouble for yourself. :D
Agree with you bro
18-03-2012, 02:58 PM
My husband actually "allowed" me to do so...
He gives me 100% freedom... He will not ask:
Why I go out with in the middle of the night
Who I went with for holiday
Who keep calling me
He told me if I am having an affair, he don't want to know and will not investigate. He wants me to do my due diligent to keep the rs low...
But I am feeling guilty, I want to tell him so much. Not bcos I want to be with my fling, purely bcos I want to be fair to him, I want him to find his true love...
18-03-2012, 05:28 PM
there is no double standards involved. go to a library for research before posting these motherfucking dumbass questions
18-03-2012, 06:25 PM
My husband actually "allowed" me to do so...
He gives me 100% freedom... He will not ask:
Why I go out with in the middle of the night
Who I went with for holiday
Who keep calling me
He told me if I am having an affair, he don't want to know and will not investigate. He wants me to do my due diligent to keep the rs low...
But I am feeling guilty, I want to tell him so much. Not bcos I want to be with my fling, purely bcos I want to be fair to him, I want him to find his true love...
You are very sure that you are the only woman he sleeps with?
18-03-2012, 07:13 PM
My husband actually "allowed" me to do so...
He gives me 100% freedom... He will not ask:
Why I go out with in the middle of the night
Who I went with for holiday
Who keep calling me
He told me if I am having an affair, he don't want to know and will not investigate. He wants me to do my due diligent to keep the rs low...
But I am feeling guilty, I want to tell him so much. Not bcos I want to be with my fling, purely bcos I want to be fair to him, I want him to find his true love...
your hubby still alive? :D
19-03-2012, 06:22 PM
My husband actually "allowed" me to do so...
He gives me 100% freedom... He will not ask:
Why I go out with in the middle of the night
Who I went with for holiday
Who keep calling me
He told me if I am having an affair, he don't want to know and will not investigate. He wants me to do my due diligent to keep the rs low...
But I am feeling guilty, I want to tell him so much. Not bcos I want to be with my fling, purely bcos I want to be fair to him, I want him to find his true love...
My husband gives me my freedom as well.
He don't ask either who I'm with etc but I tell him out of respect
However, he will not be able to accept it if he finds out I'm sleeping with someone else.
20-03-2012, 10:50 AM
After the late 20th century the women in the east got smarter,
They are voicing, if the man wants them to commit they can't accept man being polygamous.
Women have started to fight for equality hence, what men can do they want to prove they can do as well if not better.
Therefore, they start to question reasons for infidelity.
Perhaps its all in the hormones and instinct kicks in. If its the guy's nature being so, the more the wife controls the more stress he gets or the more/better he will lie and cover his tracks.
Nuff said, girls are beginning to be like boys as well.
You'll know if you dated a playgirl.
true enough.
20-03-2012, 10:54 AM
My husband actually "allowed" me to do so...
He gives me 100% freedom... He will not ask:
Why I go out with in the middle of the night
Who I went with for holiday
Who keep calling me
He told me if I am having an affair, he don't want to know and will not investigate. He wants me to do my due diligent to keep the rs low...
But I am feeling guilty, I want to tell him so much. Not bcos I want to be with my fling, purely bcos I want to be fair to him, I want him to find his true love...
If that was the way why not just end the marriage wouldn't it do both of you good???
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