View Full Version : Sakura LSB, A thing of the past........
Ah Dez
19-12-2004, 06:06 AM
I remember going sakura LSB, 3 years ago...... when the old gang of rainman,CheongJB,Santa,Martini.... when we first knew of Sakura and posted in the forum... and we saw the rise of SK, and now.... i say the downfall...
Was in DNP yesterday, when everyone was so bored... someone bring up the topic of going SK.. well, ask i have been getting a lot of complains on the place, decided to take a look at the place.
Had to enter from the backdoor... once i go in... the same "SK" smell.. greets me.. but the girls i see, are not that up to the Ex-Sakura standard. got a room upstairs.. and i saw the mummy and "sisters"... but the girls that came in... i would say,... are not good looking.... not even worth looking at.... after a few round. we settle with M101,105,682 and 33..... 3 of us, went without girls. including the LEGENDARY "AH BOY " of Sakura...... as the rest of the girls, really can't make it...
the girls are not really as playful as the EX-SK. I called OR KAO come in... and was surprised to see someone else comes in... i ask him 1st, how he got my number to call me.... well, he mention i came before and gave it to him... i tell him stright in the face.. i never see you before, so how the fuck you got my number?? he smiled... and just walked out of the room...
I went outside to stand a while...... but was ask to go back in the room... 1 VERY GUAI LAN asshole told me that this is not the OLD SK, now, we can't stand outside and see...
anyway, back to the girls.... nothing to comment really........ there was not much action in the room... and since we can't do anything in the room... it was total shit.....
1 BY 1... went shopping,.. was quite surprised that now, the girls practice "CLEAN SEX"... ask us to bath , BEFORE and AFTER , sex....
After to bonking, bad , bad service from the Captains..... Quoted us $380 for booking... i told him that i could get anywhere cheaper and that i can get $250 for booking anywhere at 2am....
OR GAO , commented that he had worked in LSB all the while and never saw this kind of price....... WELL , TOO BAD, he is charging FUCK UP PRICE...
Anyway, I was already fucking pissed..... the service from the captains, is SHIT...... so ask for the BILL....
KA NI NA BU .... the bill came at $290!!! and that was only 3 bottles of beer! i see properly, it was actually $265 on the bill.. but they HAND-WRITE another $24 in.... this is the MOST EXPENSIVE LSB trip i ever had in Malaysia... I used to pay $160 for 3 bottles in SK.. and now, the max i ever paid for 3 bottles was also at LI XIN which cost me $200...
The Mummy and sisters came in... took the tips and apologise to us.. say that management change and things were not the same..... but then, fuck up... all the captains act YA YA PAPAYA... they forgot that they are actually earning my money..... if we customers don't go, they will be eating shit...
My girl wanted to cool me down... actually, she was already quite sticky to me... seems that i gave her quite a good fuck, even thought i didn't cum (again)...
But the service was really bad..... VERY BAD.... didn't have the mood to go there again..
We paid up, and we left.......
Didn't bothered to even say a word....
SAKURA! is a thing of the past...... far gone, were the pretty girls... the fucking in the room... the not-bad captains.....
I left, the place.... the fuck up place..... and won't be back there for another trip.
AH BOY mention that he didn't know the place become so fuck up.. and that no wonder a lot of the old girls didn't come back to work....
PLACE 5/10 (nothing change... the smell, the rooms, toilet... just the same as the old Sakura)
GIRLS 3/10 ( went on a friday! and didn't even see 1 girl i will give a 7/10)
Thats the end between me and sakura.......
19-12-2004, 08:40 AM
[QUOTE=Ah Dez]I remember going sakura LSB, 3 years ago...... when the old gang of rainman,CheongJB,Santa,Martini.... when we first knew of Sakura and posted in the forum... and we saw the rise of SK, and now.... i say the downfall...
yo bro, cool down, we can always boycott or burn the joint down! :D
19-12-2004, 02:34 PM
so do you have any recommendation?
i also used to visit SK.
last week i went and also faced the same problem as Ah Dez.
the girl there simply SUX*...
n the price too..
19-12-2004, 03:05 PM
Sorry to hear that from u, Ah Dez and most important, thanks for sharing the info since I am switching to JB instead of GL and JC.
My last try in SK is around 3months ago, I got no problem standing at the stairs doing some shopping. Somemore the mummy also stand with me and recommend me which girl nice and wad type of good service they provide.
I will not go SK from now onwards since so many brothers have bad remark about them, I suggest all of us stop going to SK to hunt till the management is better.
My friend in JB told me there is a new joint beside the Crown Hotel (beside the Holiday Plaza). 2 of them went cost around RM$200 each with 1 bonk. And the room is with a shower each, means it's better than SK. :D
Recommended Number : #13
They say the girl look like TCS actor - "Xiao Jing Ling" ?
I will go check it out next Saturday (Xmas ~) and post FR. :p
Ah Dez
19-12-2004, 03:48 PM
Sorry to hear that from u, Ah Dez and most important, thanks for sharing the info since I am switching to JB instead of GL and JC.
My last try in SK is around 3months ago, I got no problem standing at the stairs doing some shopping. Somemore the mummy also stand with me and recommend me which girl nice and wad type of good service they provide.
I will not go SK from now onwards since so many brothers have bad remark about them, I suggest all of us stop going to SK to hunt till the management is better.
My friend in JB told me there is a new joint beside the Crown Hotel (beside the Holiday Plaza). 2 of them went cost around RM$200 each with 1 bonk. And the room is with a shower each, means it's better than SK.
Recommended Number : #13
They say the girl look like TCS actor - "Xiao Jing Ling" ?
I will go check it out next Saturday (Xmas ~) and post FR. :p
Just switch management, so cannot stand on the stairs.... i used to stand there for hours!..
New joint? $200 each??... that means $100 for bonk.. and $100 for drinks?? that manes 2 person go, $200 for drinks??? isn't that... EXPENSIVE?? :confused:
19-12-2004, 04:52 PM
Just switch management, so cannot stand on the stairs.... i used to stand there for hours!..
New joint? $200 each??... that means $100 for bonk.. and $100 for drinks?? that manes 2 person go, $200 for drinks??? isn't that... EXPENSIVE?? :confused:
if thats the case its a bit too expenseive for the drink liao.. or maybe $150 for bonk and $50 for drink?
haha :p
19-12-2004, 05:03 PM
he told me RM$200 still got changes...
Let me try see what's the break down....
2 person, 3 bottles of tiger (why always tiger at LSB) + room = $140 ? ($70 each)
I hope $140 for drinks and room is not consider expensive bah ???
Girl = $100 each go room
l suppose the $30 can be tips for the captian and girls u rubba and tips ?
Is it expensive ? :confused:
I went SK, 4 person, 180(45+ each person) for room and Beer and 100 for girl and tips around 20 for 1 mummy and 2 sisters.
am i kana robert head ?
PS: my friend from jb also told me, go LSB, go with 4 person more worth it, is it true ?
19-12-2004, 05:22 PM
Normally i pay 100rm(bonking),50 to 70rm (drink) and 30rm for tibs
I was at SK a few week ago and overcharge me. The bill reflected i order 4 jar which i order only 2. KNN my friend ask OR GAO to come in and settle for us. In the end he return ask the overcharge amount which come out to be 120rm plus. I give him the benefit of the doubt until i saw bro Ah dez posting
19-12-2004, 06:30 PM
SK... not the past SK liao...
tat day step in with ah dez and some old samster...
the smell, the stairs and the room kinda miss it...
then the gal come in... kaoz! mostly look like giant or monster... sian 1/4
then the captain service... KNN fucking yaya...sian 1/2
then one friend book for O/N kaoz... quote for RM360 from 2am and RM410 from 12am... sian 3/4
then the bill... 290 for just 3 bottle of beer... might as well go KTV in SG... the gal more pretty and service much better... but onil for the... much ex lah... :p piss off man!! pui!!
bros here..
just forget and move on to another place...
tat the first and last time i walk in from the back door of SK liao...
cheong jb
19-12-2004, 08:17 PM
told u all so r ..... ite knn
my fren ,u remember outside at back lane, told me he also bo pian cos management no same but if solely booking he can give better price with our own hotel but ger we have to see 4 ourselves can make it or not
last word , sk of old is no more so let it go and be forgotten
20-12-2004, 12:01 AM
Normally i pay 100rm(bonking),50 to 70rm (drink) and 30rm for tibs
100 + 70 + 30 = 200.... right mah.... why Ah Dez claim it's EXPENSIVE ? :(
20-12-2004, 12:11 AM
Fark SaKura la....that was my most unpleasant LSB trip......
the thing that irks me off are the captain's attitude........
and the ultra expensive bill...........................................
RM290 for 3 bottles of beer.....i might as well go MG....BS....TH....F11...etc..
go all the way in for what....pui....
20-12-2004, 12:12 AM
100 + 70 + 30 = 200.... right mah.... why Ah Dez claim it's EXPENSIVE ? :(
if u equate this way....its ok...but if u say....100 for drinks.....2 person....dan it will be abit expensive....
20-12-2004, 04:40 AM
doh , few years ago still got go.. now drop til this kind of service?
thxs for the SK FR..
time to strip off from christmas list where to go liao.
RM 360 from 2am til 12pm .. wow.. that over rate liao.. last time only 200+ if i still remember correct.
Yun , V|erNar
ya all brudders we shall all boycot this place till improvements been fact when they change management i went 2 times...first time go i already damn fed up with the fucking attidude of the young captains... dont they know that they are earning money from us....knn, then the bill for room charge & drinks at least shot up another 50-60 rm..that occasion oni 2 of us there and my friend gal is there so i came out of the room to let them have some intimate times, me standing by the stairs then the captain say cannot stand there ....ccb i have always done that so i hack care him..then he keep asking "Yao chao Xiao jie mah..." i keeeppppp reply my gal is on the way to work. so i continue standing and was accompany by Sister Elaine then we was talking there then the same idoitic captain came and interupt us keep poping the same fu..ked up
After my gal came we went into the room then another frustrated thing is that the captain will for nothing keep coming into the room...ccb dun he know that when we darken the room then we doing some 'business' in it....act blur or wat..wan to c show oso not like that wat if wan to c go buy some porno and watch la...
i went there the second time solely because of my gal still working there and now that my gal have went over Li Xin i suppose i will not step into SK till there is some significant changes been made...
20-12-2004, 07:40 PM
100 + 70 + 30 = 200.... right mah.... why Ah Dez claim it's EXPENSIVE ? :(
he might not include other sub charge yet
20-12-2004, 08:06 PM
Agreed tat Sk is longer like the past.. Recently some of my frens had been overcharged too... The differences is abt 100++ How dare they! :mad: The atittude of the captains there is cos of they think without some of us supporting, they still can survive.. Inexperienced too!! So we'll stop going there and see how long they can tahan!
20-12-2004, 08:54 PM
Chinese sayings......"flower never 100 days in bloom"......."no dinner feast that will not end".......SK Sakura like all good things must come to an's an end of an era.......but thanks for the's time to say SAYONARA SAKURA!
Let me end with a poem.....
Yesterday is already a dream
Tomorrow is only a vision
But Today well lived
Makes Yesterday a dream of happiness
And Tomorrow a vision of hope.......
21-12-2004, 09:46 AM
100 + 70 + 30 = 200.... right mah.... why Ah Dez claim it's EXPENSIVE ? :(
Sotong my good brudder, cheap or expensive we are not going to let Sakura make our $ anymore :mad: _l_ to Sakura
21-12-2004, 09:49 AM
Chinese sayings......"flower never 100 days in bloom"......."no dinner feast that will not end".......SK Sakura like all good things must come to an's an end of an era.......but thanks for the's time to say SAYONARA SAKURA!
Let me end with a poem.....
Yesterday is already a dream
Tomorrow is only a vision
But Today well lived
Makes Yesterday a dream of happiness
And Tomorrow a vision of hope.......PPS still got many LSBs around, don't forgo the forest becoz of one tree. Put retirement on hold okay?
21-12-2004, 12:46 PM
ppl super laujiao liao ley maybe he got better place to go.... never tell us :p
PPS still got many LSBs around, don't forgo the forest becoz of one tree. Put retirement on hold okay?
Malaysian Datuk
21-12-2004, 05:47 PM
yo bro, cool down, we can always boycott or burn the joint down! :Dyou very HIONG brother! no need to call for boycott or whatever so drastic. dun want to break peoples ricebowl also, but we customers vote with our feet....i'm sure they'll wise up soon but i'm hitting other joints for the time being.
22-12-2004, 02:40 AM
Sotong my good brudder, cheap or expensive we are not going to let Sakura make our $ anymore :mad: _l_ to Sakura
Bro, i speaking of the new joint my JB friends intro and got quoted expensive... so i just doing some calulation see am I overspending in JB. ;)
23-12-2004, 10:38 AM
Certainly is a total truth that SAKURA cannot make it nowaday. I had already stop visiting this place eversince encounter all situations that are being mentioned by the brothers in the forum. :p Hope for the best in other LSB.
23-12-2004, 02:44 PM
told u all so r ..... ite knn
my fren ,u remember outside at back lane, told me he also bo pian cos management no same but if solely booking he can give better price with our own hotel but ger we have to see 4 ourselves can make it or not
last word , sk of old is no more so let it go and be forgotten still around arh??
Wanna cum to Sillypore to snoop snoop??
23-12-2004, 06:49 PM
hardly ever post anything friend is asking Sakura's girl got overnight de anot ? And if there is,wat's the charge ? :)
23-12-2004, 06:58 PM
got , use to cost less then 200 over night.. now sky high price.. and hotel you pay.
Yun , V|erNar
23-12-2004, 07:04 PM
Sky high price ? how much is that ? In SG or RM ? :)
Ah Dez
24-12-2004, 07:30 AM
100 + 70 + 30 = 200.... right mah.... why Ah Dez claim it's EXPENSIVE ? :(
he count $70 for drinks... and $30 TIps he pay alone...
Anyway, $70 for drinks..... depends on how much drinks he order. We count as a whole... $70 each for a group for 2... still ok.
but wat if $70 each, for a group of 5? while you order just 1 more bottle than a group of 2.
We count as a whole itself.
Anyway, TIps... usually, i give only $20... enough liao... why bother give so much, they are not worth there either.
25-12-2004, 01:58 AM
It sure has been a long time since i last visited LSB in JB... Used to go to Apollo 2 because i find SK too "POWERFUL" for me to handle... LoL~ So now that SK is no longer as it used to be... Where would all our Bro here goes? Any nice place to chiong? There are so many LSB around sentosa area...
Tips is always RM20... Sometimes even lesser then that if they dunno how to work for it... =P
cheong jb
25-12-2004, 05:24 PM still around arh??
Wanna cum to Sillypore to snoop snoop??
actually i play to switch playground but with the exchange rate nowadays better take ferry to somewhere further more fun :D
Ah Dez
25-12-2004, 05:47 PM
actually i play to switch playground but with the exchange rate nowadays better take ferry to somewhere further more fun :D
when go Batam?
cheong jb
25-12-2004, 05:49 PM
somewhere after new year , that time fire my boss liow got free time & some extra cheese :D
25-12-2004, 05:52 PM
juz bann this place and wait till they brush up on their attitude...
there are tons of LSB out there.....
26-12-2004, 04:25 PM
merry xmas to all bro's here :p
yesterday was feeling bored so together with another two friends , we head to malaysia LSB, at first was thinking of going 99 but it was closed when we arrived.. so end up with appollo2 or sakura.. in the end we decide to give sakura another chance , so we head towards it..upon reaching, was told to go by the back door.. we order 1 jug as main motive is to fuck not drink.. after a few selection, my friend took gal M19 and me, gal 28.. i forgot another friend's gal number liao.. but that gal M19 is a stunner.. dun believe can go and see, if not come here fuck me.. hee.. my gal was onli 18 so have that innocent sch gal look.. overall got that gf treatment.. to cut the story short, we have good fun there, but it seems very quiet, expecially when its holiday period.. anyway the bill for 1 jug + xmas gift ( say 1 year 1 time only ) = $246 .. overall , i think still ok, cos the xmas noverty already cost $45..
number : M19
age : 22
looks : 8.5/10 ( i seldom give high mark )
ht /wt : 163/45
boods :33b
service : my friend say good
damage : 100
number : 28
age : 18
looks : 6/10
ht/wt : 160/42
boods : 33a ( handfull for her skinny frame )
bj : nil ( she dun know how to do )
fj : inexperience
overall : not for those bro who wan skillful worker.
26-12-2004, 08:38 PM
number : M19
age : 22
looks : 8.5/10 ( i seldom give high mark )
ht /wt : 163/45
boods :33b
service : my friend say good
damage : 100
she is a laojiao if im not wrong... from dolphin time to now
Malaysian Datuk
27-12-2004, 07:10 PM
she is a laojiao if im not wrong... from dolphin time to nowmust be another one of your tiraks...
27-12-2004, 07:59 PM
must be another one of your tiraks...
aiyo... no lah.
phom mai zhao chu na :p
Ah Dez
30-12-2004, 03:02 AM
Have you tried the hotel they provide for overnite???
sheess.... :mad:
Ah Dez
01-04-2005, 03:44 AM
Oh yes, i was there last sunday. Not much girls..... and 2 bottle of beer , everything add up to 170.
01-04-2005, 05:44 AM
Oh yes, i was there last sunday. Not much girls..... and 2 bottle of beer , everything add up to 170.
Haiz ... seems like the good old days of Sakura is truly a thing of the past ... a long history ... used to frequent the place few times a week ... Tot of going back again in the near future to relive some good old memories ... Perhaps not such a wise tot as not many good comments abt them lately ... :(
hornyman 28
02-04-2005, 07:33 PM
quite a newbie of m'sia lsb scene .so juz last monday...a fren of mine jio mi to JB.when we both arrive there abt 2100 hrs @SK...not a soul ard the area.juz wan to ask if SK closed down aldy?cos we stay ard 15 mins or so....not a single soul was my fren say tt usually there will be ppl outside to "watch water"...... :D
02-04-2005, 07:35 PM
Its the raiding period recently.. So bros, dun go until the raids are over to prevent disappointment :cool:
hornyman 28
02-04-2005, 07:37 PM
den if all the way frm sg u go to r we to noe tt there is a raid goin on............pls advise :D
Malaysian Datuk
02-04-2005, 07:38 PM
I think it is time to revive the BIG WIND thread....let me dig it out first, then they bros can post updates
02-04-2005, 07:40 PM
I got spy in there.. If u want, i can keep u guys update :)
den if all the way frm sg u go to r we to noe tt there is a raid goin on............pls advise :D
hornyman 28
02-04-2005, 07:44 PM
but normally if got say 'big wind' long it will last?is it like those season oso?heehee :D
02-04-2005, 07:45 PM
Yes, seasonal.... normally before major festivals of special events or visits in the jb
but normally if got say 'big wind' long it will last?is it like those season oso?heehee :D
hornyman 28
02-04-2005, 07:49 PM
oic....thks 4 ur info Bro Hakoshu.. :cool: so i guess must read more thread here to get the updates..... ;) ;
02-04-2005, 07:51 PM
Welcome and do read up more, as not to have disappointed trips.. :D
oic....thks 4 ur info Bro Hakoshu.. :cool: so i guess must read more thread here to get the updates.....
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