View Full Version : Sisters, need recommendations about trimming lady's pubic hair

01-04-2012, 10:51 PM
Dear SBF sisters,

I need some advice about trimming my gf's pubic hair.

She has tried Brazilian before, but not comfortable to do it again. She prefers to trim her's short, rather than completely bare. So far I've been trimming for her with scissors and comb. And also tried my old beard/moustache trimmer too.

Right now, we've settle with scissors and comb as the easiest/least threathening.

I would like to know if the sisters here can recommend other tools. I've Googled a bit and found:
- Gillette Venus Bikini trimmer (http://www.gillettevenus.com/en_US/products/bikini_trimmer/bikini_trimmer/index.jsp?upc=047400319028), but I've never seen these sold in Singapore. Probably because I don't go poking around those sections of shops. Is this sold in SG?
- Bliss-Philips bikini perfect (http://www.bliss.philips.com/spa.cfm). I think I've seen this in Singapore before.
- Veet or Nair products (Yep, I know these will remove all hair). I've read that there is the "for sensitive skin" variants. Safe to use these with pubic region?

So, any sisters use the products above before? What do you think of the products? What are your recommendations? (Bros who know what their girls use feel free to comment too.)

For Veet or Nair, how long does it take before the hair grows back?


01-04-2012, 11:11 PM
Also found:

Cleancut (http://www.amazon.com/Cleancut-ES412-Personal-Shaver/dp/B001IZZX1C/ref=pd_sbs_hpc_1/183-0288537-1845607)

02-04-2012, 02:17 AM
stupid idiot like you asked stupid question, wonder why a girl stick to a retard like you :mad:

well let me help her choose a solid hair trimmer, the pic is HERE (http://www.toro.com/en-us/golf/mowers/walk-greensmowers/Pages/Series.aspx?sid=Greensmaster-1000/1600).:D

If she doesn't like this model, I've others, hopes it helps yah ! :rolleyes:

02-04-2012, 10:09 AM
stupid idiot like you asked stupid question, wonder why a girl stick to a retard like you :mad:

well let me help her choose a solid hair trimmer, the pic is HERE (http://www.toro.com/en-us/golf/mowers/walk-greensmowers/Pages/Series.aspx?sid=Greensmaster-1000/1600).:D

If she doesn't like this model, I've others, hopes it helps yah ! :rolleyes:

Now I know why your points are in negative.

02-04-2012, 10:39 AM
use ur dog teeth n bite it off for her. tts wht a dog like u does best. or dump her for another clean shaven bitch if u r alpha dog enough.

02-04-2012, 11:18 PM
Now I know why your points are in negative.

ya some people just love to tio hoot in the teeth....

anyway you should buy those scissor with blunt tip...so u dont accidently stab her

02-04-2012, 11:29 PM
i actually have a qns, i notice that some girls or most girls doesnt shave, they just trim, any sis can enlighten me?

03-04-2012, 12:28 AM
uneducated retards. big market out there n they still ask useless qns here. women will always be women, a weaker race.