View Full Version : some question

09-04-2012, 05:32 PM
hi bro here. does anyone know which h/R Got big boobs WL? pls tell me if know. thanks :D

09-04-2012, 10:48 PM
H02R02 Maggie
H02R03 Sally
H072FR01 Ann


hi bro here. does anyone know which h/R Got big boobs WL? pls tell me if know. thanks :D

10-04-2012, 05:19 PM
ok. thanks alot bro.

13-04-2012, 04:37 AM
hi, does the H=house number, F=floor and R=road number? sorry very new to this. please arrow me if im making mistakes. thanks alot

14-04-2012, 12:57 AM
Liwen too...

14-04-2012, 12:50 PM
Ah yes! Thanks Bro!


Liwen too...

15-04-2012, 11:24 AM
Ah yes! Thanks Bro!


ya.. but i find her attitude towards me is very cold...but that is more than a yr ago..since den have not return..

15-04-2012, 02:21 PM
Same here. But I remember we used to be ok. Not really sure why she changed :(, and I thought it was only me! :o


ya.. but i find her attitude towards me is very cold...but that is more than a yr ago..since den have not return..

15-04-2012, 07:22 PM
liwen? mind sharing? :) thanks

15-04-2012, 07:47 PM
why r u so lazy?go read liwen thread.

16-04-2012, 09:12 PM
liwen? mind sharing? :) thanks

Hi davidx, I would suggest u do abit of reading up before asking questions. Reason being you might find out more than u ever ask for (at least thats what happen to me).

Hope u can find your ideal WL in PT and happy bonking!!

17-04-2012, 10:08 PM
oooooo... I was zapped by posting my own opinions, best thing is that somebody likes to hide like a girl. What can I say? I dun knoe what to ssaaaaayyyyy.... :D (confirm I will get zap again for this post) hahaha..

21-04-2012, 12:09 PM
oooooo... I was zapped by posting my own opinions, best thing is that somebody likes to hide like a girl. What can I say? I dun knoe what to ssaaaaayyyyy.... :D (confirm I will get zap again for this post) hahaha..
haha... me too also got zapped by posting my own experience with liwen... think that guy must have fallen in love with her... LOL

22-04-2012, 12:47 PM
haha... me too also got zapped by posting my own experience with liwen... think that guy must have fallen in love with her... LOL

Haha, possessive zapper on the loose. Lolx.. Nvm la, jus take the zap as a pinch of salt. Meanwhile we can still bitch about them here.. Haha

18-05-2012, 07:47 PM
Today i chat with a coffee shop senior, he told me strange tales of PT, i wonder did our senior got lost some where at little India.

He said more than 10 years ago, he had a session with a PRC from Shanghai at one of the houses. He claimed was on the second floor, numbers he was not sure. He mention this girl could be FL, which i was confuse. Charges was $50, i think he was talking about a KTV or bar along the road side.

A wonderfully thing of this website, it is crystal clear on which houses, rooms with FRs. Next he said a government job lady with spec, he saw her few times walking into houses. He said she conduct regular checks on the WLs permits and what no. I told him there are many such ladies at PT brothels, including the keeper aunty with this description.

However like many Chinese seniors, he prefer GL PRC mei mei/ pdmms. I understand by watching PRC Seagate mei mei, many are hot in shorts with fair skin. Oh! This pm at canteen, a man joke with one such.

"Mei mei you are pretty." He said which she replied in heavy PRC Mandarin accent.

"I know and you are so handsome". At that point of time, i thought i was at GL. WTF!

19-05-2012, 03:13 AM
wondering if any girls there have shaved pussy and allow painting??

19-05-2012, 09:41 AM
Shaved as in zero hair? None so far for those I have tried, its more of like a trim. Painting, not all, and some WLs have preference.

Hope this helps.


wondering if any girls there have shaved pussy and allow painting??

19-05-2012, 01:41 PM
However like many Chinese seniors, he prefer GL PRC mei mei/ pdmms. I understand by watching PRC Seagate mei mei, many are hot in shorts with fair skin. Oh! This pm at canteen, a man joke with one such.

"Mei mei you are pretty." He said which she replied in heavy PRC Mandarin accent.

"I know and you are so handsome". At that point of time, i thought i was at GL. WTF!

it is pretty easy to up them as I worked in factories before.
you work same shift as them in production line n it is even easier.
but the after cost is high...you might end up losing your job.
that's why i only slight flirt w them but never go out on dates with them.

19-05-2012, 01:56 PM
Brother! Is interesting we notice this because somehow, i pretty much believe PRC ladies love local Chinese guys more.

Unlike the early 90s, we had shortage of man, therefore the top people prefer man of overseas origin. Today, there are much more therefore forgive me. I think we need female FTs in fact we love them to come here, not too old i say around 20s.

You see mine brother and friends, eventually those PRC factory girls many will marry local guys. Settle down and we had increase population, which might piss off home girls. Certain extend Felicia Chin might be talking on it, is not that she contempt our home boys.

We will discuss this in another time, again i repeat her conversation yesterday which i had a hard on. After hearing the cute PRC accent.

"I know and you are so handsome". Probably might travel into PT tomorrow, actually wish to fuck lady Macbeth, i mean H16R11 Pat but not possible.

I see how. ;)

20-05-2012, 02:00 PM
Brother! Is interesting we notice this because somehow, i pretty much believe PRC ladies love local Chinese guys more.

Unlike the early 90s, we had shortage of man, therefore the top people prefer man of overseas origin. Today, there are much more therefore forgive me. I think we need female FTs in fact we love them to come here, not too old i say around 20s.

You see mine brother and friends, eventually those PRC factory girls many will marry local guys. Settle down and we had increase population, which might piss off home girls. Certain extend Felicia Chin might be talking on it, is not that she contempt our home boys.

Most prc chicks come here to work in factories wants $ n better life.
They mostly marry sg guys for the citizenship.....
I won't comment on those who marry them though....coz there might be cases where love truly reigns.
For us, as long we got good variety to poke, it is more than good enough.

Look at Gong Li.....married to sinkie n divorce liao...get Sg citizen...of coz she dun really need it coz she make it big in hollywood....a US citizen sure is better than Sg one.

Felicia Chin is getting old.....she wants to hook a rich husband n that's the logic of that rant. Open advert for richie rich to apply.
If any local guy who is rich but short n ugly...she will take.
To me, these mediacorpse thrash is worse than Petain chicks....
Petain chicks at least work hard for the $.
Felicia chin n those looking for white trash are just lazy bums who just want to have good easy life.