View Full Version : !hyper thyroid!
28-05-2012, 03:33 PM
sorry brudders - i m in despair... i am diagnosed with hyperthyroid / thyroid disorder.
paiseh to put here..since it is not sex related at all...
i could not tell my wifey also, worry she might get into depression (she is pregnant) =)
however any brudder / sista out there have any experience in this?
doctor say mine was a bad case and might need very long term medication.....
very sad may1983
28-05-2012, 03:56 PM
what's your T4 level?
Heart Rate and also any hand tremors?
Also weight loss by how much?
28-05-2012, 04:42 PM
Hyper thyroidism can be controlled by medication. Doc might ask you to go for some ultrascans.
Had the same problem, had medication for a few years and the T4 level went back to normal and since then, I have been off medication.
Don't worry too much!
28-05-2012, 04:51 PM
500 ish
Heart Rate 80s
Hand never shakes...
weight lost haven encounter any as yet - doctor say might lose up to 20 - 30 ...
i always wanna lose but not this kind of lost
28-05-2012, 05:09 PM
500 ish
Heart Rate 80s
Hand never shakes...
weight lost haven encounter any as yet - doctor say might lose up to 20 - 30 ...
i always wanna lose but not this kind of lost
I was once a tyroid patient. I went to see specialist and was given medication for 2 years. Doctor later suggested to go for a treatment call "Radioiodine Therapy" but there's a risk for side effects!
However, i still take a gamble and go ahead with the medication and it cure!
Maybe you would like to ask your doctor about more info of this treatment.
Here's some info for the Treatment:
Take care :)
28-05-2012, 05:31 PM
I was once a tyroid patient. I went to see specialist and was given medication for 2 years. Doctor later suggested to go for a treatment call "Radioiodine Therapy" but there's a risk for side effects!
However, i still take a gamble and go ahead with the medication and it cure!
Maybe you would like to ask your doctor about more info of this treatment.
Here's some info for the Treatment:
Take care :)
My case is exactly similar to yours. After almost 2 years of medication, my doctor who is the Head & Senior Consultant of Department of Endocrinology in SGH, sent me for Radioiodine treatment. The treatment is done at the Department of Nuclear Medicine. I am still on medication now.
28-05-2012, 05:47 PM
My case is exactly similar to yours. After almost 2 years of medication, my doctor who is the Head & Senior Consultant of Department of Endocrinology in SGH, sent me for Radioiodine treatment. The treatment is done at the Department of Nuclear Medicine. I am still on medication now.
Mine was done abt 10years ago. After the treatment and subsequent reviewed by the specialist in SGH for about half a year...i was being discharged by SGH. Was fully recovered from Thyroid after the treatment with no side effects. :)
28-05-2012, 09:39 PM
Thyroid is easily curable if you listen to your Doctor. :)
28-05-2012, 10:04 PM
Hey! I really wish you the best of luck. I guess in a very skewered way there's perspective to be learnt. But don't worry too much okay, like all the other sbf bros here say can cure one and they have gone through before. Dont worry we're all behind you bro. Good luck!
28-05-2012, 10:11 PM
it depends on your luck.
i took medicine for years already as my condition is ON and OFF.
life is sad but no choice. definitely will effect daily activities.
close one eyes and move on with life.
even when im off medicine now, i somehow still feel the thyroid effect.
James PCT
29-05-2012, 12:05 AM
hi may1983
i suggest that you should tell ur family because dont let them worried ,once you ae sick u should let them know because if u keep hide im sure one day they will be sad or in case anything bad happen to you they will very sad
ur illness can be cure as now medical technology are great
no worries god bless u i will wish u god luck
hi bro, I'm sad to hear that but hope you stay strong & move on. Also carry on with ur treatment. If possible don't let ur wife know as she is pregnant & don't let her worry too much.
29-05-2012, 04:08 PM
dear sropau and Hawkee - thanks for your words. Will go seek alternative treatment in order to hide the fact from my wifey.
dear MdmVodka & LovePotion & James PCT l2f2 - thanks for your kind words will go strong and get it done!
dear Splitter100 - i heard my tcm sin seh say eat seaweed soup and broccolli to get it cured.. i dunoe if it works but i m going to try it.
my wifey accompany me to TCM every week just to help me "保健" i have to go in the pretext of "保健". if not she might get worry and stuffs... more sian for me.
Meanwhile - i think i should just stop my bonking and cure this bloodly illness... my girl is coming out and damn i worry for her... LOL!
29-05-2012, 04:22 PM
dear sropau and Hawkee - thanks for your words. Will go seek alternative treatment in order to hide the fact from my wifey.
dear Splitter100 - i heard my tcm sin seh say eat seaweed soup and broccolli to get it cured.. i dunoe if it works but i m going to try it.
1. Actually, you should let your wifey know of your conidtion. It's not like cancer or aids where it could cause the whole family, father mother sisters brothers in laws and all relatives to go into depression. Hyperthyroid is not uncommon.
2. Not sure if your sinseh is right. Hyperthyroidism means your thyroid is too active. Seaweed contains lots of iodine, which activates your thyroid even more. (Hope I got that right, I remember reading about it some time ago).
I remember I got hyperthyroidism around the time I took nutrition pills made from seaweed (kelp/algae) manufactured by a Japanese company (I think it's Red Sun). I can't say this is the direct link, but I suspect this was the cause. Also, I was taking about 2 litres of Sobe soya drink milk everyday around that time, something I never did before. It could be one or both causes. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism after I had difficulty climbing up and down staircases because of the pain in my thigh muscles. The doc gave me pink pills for about a year, and after the test showed T3 and T4 balance back to normal I stopped. That was about 6 years ago.
29-05-2012, 04:33 PM
dear sropau and Hawkee - thanks for your words. Will go seek alternative treatment in order to hide the fact from my wifey.
dear MdmVodka & LovePotion & James PCT l2f2 - thanks for your kind words will go strong and get it done!
dear Splitter100 - i heard my tcm sin seh say eat seaweed soup and broccolli to get it cured.. i dunoe if it works but i m going to try it.
my wifey accompany me to TCM every week just to help me "保健" i have to go in the pretext of "保健". if not she might get worry and stuffs... more sian for me.
Meanwhile - i think i should just stop my bonking and cure this bloodly illness... my girl is coming out and damn i worry for her... LOL!
Kudos to all bros for their heartfelt and sincere advice.
IMHO and Non-Professional view, don't hide from your wife. Go through this curable battle together cos support of loved one is critical in your journey to recovery. ;)
It's SGH not others.
You are advised to reduce intake of seaweed cos of it's high iodine content
TCM is a long process and some of these "保健" products are simply a waste of money and time with false hope. It is highly advisable to seek treatment from SGH and only seeking Qualified TCM Physician and Reputable TCM Halls as a form of supplement for your recovery process ;) Good luck and wishing you a speedy recovery! ;)
29-05-2012, 05:39 PM
Dude, its only thyroid. I ve got hyper thyroid for 15 yrs! Daily medication just like vitamins. Won't die la! It's Sooo common nowadays. All you need to do is quarterly review, eat ur med like vitamins. N exercise. Now I m fit as hell! Exercise 5 times a week. Pulse rate 70!
Dude, you are not dying la! Chey!
30-05-2012, 03:47 PM
thanks Killerlook - thanks bro!
Ichigo_Kurosaki - the TCM is Eu Yan San ... so should be okie la...
thanks for the heads up too :D
30-05-2012, 05:06 PM
Coming from a wife's prospective...
I won't want my husband to keep his illness from me.
He may think that I am not ready to know and dont want to make me worry etc and etc..
But the truth is, it will hurt me the MOST if he doesn't let me know. Did I fail myself as a wife to the extend that he kept it from me...
In this kind of situation, you will need a lot of psycho-social help and the number one person who can provide you with and this is your wife ( I hope? )
10-08-2012, 01:13 PM
for the post again occupying the forum for the wrong reason.
my condition stablised already - become normal range .
Now is Triglyceride - my new problem.
However i think fish oil is the cure....
Loon khor
10-08-2012, 01:28 PM
Hi bro, so your condition has stablised & back to normal range. That certainly a good new. FYI, I went for a opt to remove my thyroid. It weights 29gm, measure 5 by 3 cm. Thankfully there's no evidence of malignancy. And I'm back to normal, no medication. Doc request that I should for a opt cos I'm a male gender & coming of age. So if u are a male & getting older, please monitor your stress level. Good luck!
10-08-2012, 02:07 PM
I am also a hyperthyroid patient.
Gave up on western medicine.
Switched to TCM just 2 months ago.
Went to Pearl Centre and got some good stuff from the TCM Shop on the 2nd or 3rd floor.
Not expensive, and I felt better.
Western medication - good for a quick fix.
TCM - slower effect but goes all the way to tackle the root cause.
Dont waste money / time to see doctor.
Do me.
No one knows yourself better than U.
Good luck.
dear sropau and Hawkee - thanks for your words. Will go seek alternative treatment in order to hide the fact from my wifey.
dear MdmVodka & LovePotion & James PCT l2f2 - thanks for your kind words will go strong and get it done!
dear Splitter100 - i heard my tcm sin seh say eat seaweed soup and broccolli to get it cured.. i dunoe if it works but i m going to try it.
my wifey accompany me to TCM every week just to help me "保健" i have to go in the pretext of "保健". if not she might get worry and stuffs... more sian for me.
Meanwhile - i think i should just stop my bonking and cure this bloodly illness... my girl is coming out and damn i worry for her... LOL!
10-08-2012, 03:47 PM
Like many bro here have pointed out. Thyroid problems are common. Though is more prevalent in female of reproductive age.
Guess the important question is to find out what is the cause for your hyperthroidism. Make sure is not some cancer like adenoma hence an ultrasound scan can be quite useful
If you have not experiencing any of the major effect of excessive t4 hormone means not too bad la, also of note, hyperthyroidism causes anxiety. Maybe that's y you a bit kan cheong
10-08-2012, 04:51 PM
I'm ones of the thyroid patient b4 this..don't worry..It is something that can be
cured..however it's depends on the level of ur diseases..if it is to serious
maybe the medication itself not sufficient..I only take medication and follow
what doctor told me in which I cannot touch certain just be relax :)
My friend has this before too. Control your intake of seafood.
She's now off meds after many years of medication.
It's not a terminal illness, so don't think so much and hide it from your wife. Imagine she see the money disappearing from your bank, and your MIA during your doc visits. What if she gets suspicious and think the wrong way?
This mistrust is a bigger cause of depression.
11-08-2012, 02:15 AM
i am diagnosed with hyperthyroid / thyroid disorder.
What is hyperthyroid / thyroid disorder? Never heard of it before..... some new STD?
14-08-2012, 09:50 PM
You can take this Chinese medicine from the below link it is simple and works .
It is written in traditional Chinese though ...
23-08-2012, 10:45 PM
You can take this Chinese medicine from the below link it is simple and works .
It is written in traditional Chinese though ...
Can translate for benefit of non chinese samsters?
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