View Full Version : the real story between me and babe90
30-05-2012, 11:08 AM
sorry to all guys and gals i really need to refresh my memory to wirte the whole story out and please forgive me if there is any wrong spelling cause my english is not really that good enough....
If i never remember wrongly it's happen about 2 weeks ago on fri or sat afternoon...same as usual i online in SBF and enter chat room....and as same as i chat with the people there happen to be babe90 pm me and say hi to we start the chatting....
We talk about life and other even kinky stuff....we even ask about each another stat and so on and i told him that i met alot of guys before so by the height and weight i can roughly know how long and thick the dick is....and he was shock that i guess it right...(hahas)
Till then i forgotten who say want to chat on fone and he called and chat on fone with me....we chat alot on fone he even tell me his past and ii tell him my past too and he always ask me to take care myself must know how to protect myself don't keep let guys make use of me cause all guys only want sex with me they don't really me at all...
He's really a nice good guy cause no one care and concern about me like him happen to he say ii always at home wouldn't feel bored so ii tell him ok la i'm use to he think of asking me out for a meal and catch a movie on the following wed which is his off day....
30-05-2012, 11:18 AM
Huh babe90 is a guy?? Weird for a guy to use a gal nick haha anyway do cont with your story
30-05-2012, 01:36 PM
Wa!!! TS, form all yuor pstos in hree, dno't tinhk yuor elingsh is not good llox!
Mbaye you jsut wnat mroe atetniotn form all ploepe hree olny.
from my wild guess...babe90 being conned or whatever by Ts, PeiSai to sound out so keep doing all these....btw, why need to start a new thread????
30-05-2012, 01:37 PM
Huh babe90 is a guy?? Weird for a guy to use a gal nick haha anyway do cont with your story
maybe 'he' is a butch kekeke
30-05-2012, 02:54 PM
Camping to see what's going one here ;). Cheers ...........
30-05-2012, 02:55 PM
maybe threadstarter and babe are both guys :D
30-05-2012, 03:03 PM
School holiday Liao lah..
I like real story. Please carry on.
30-05-2012, 03:43 PM
Nice. Waiting for more.
30-05-2012, 04:10 PM
maybe threadstarter and babe are both guys :D
Now that what I call Transformer! Oei, I let you missionary for so long, your turn to be the girl already leh. My legs V shape in the air until I want to cramp already. :D
30-05-2012, 04:21 PM
interesting thread by TS :p
more stories pls....
30-05-2012, 05:44 PM
wondering what's going on
30-05-2012, 05:56 PM
School holiday Liao lah..
I was thinking of the same thing too. But then lets wait and see how the story will turn out.
30-05-2012, 07:46 PM
Oi swine stop putting words in my mouth u filthy pig u dont utter rubbish ok Swine78 pls lah i don't even remember talking to u pig all i can remember is u telling me F OFF!!!! u bloody hypocrite only how say nice things about urself bloody thick skinned worst than elephant skin more like wild boar skin :mad: Nice guy ur head ah u dreaming lah go dream of your caring farmer lah :D Onik Onik
30-05-2012, 08:18 PM
Oi swine stop putting words in my mouth u filthy pig u dont utter rubbish ok Swine78 pls lah i don't even remember talking to u pig all i can remember is u telling me F OFF!!!! u bloody hypocrite only how say nice things about urself bloody thick skinned worst than elephant skin more like wild boar skin :mad: Nice guy ur head ah u dreaming lah go dream of your caring farmer lah :D Onik Onik
It's show time!
Round 1 ....... FIGHT!!!
30-05-2012, 08:29 PM
Camper here
Rasta Marley
30-05-2012, 08:29 PM
maybe threadstarter and babe are both guys :D
That's a totally capital thought......may well be so very true :D
30-05-2012, 09:39 PM
Very confused, some say gal some say guy. I am confused now
30-05-2012, 10:13 PM
maybe threadstarter and babe are both guys :D
Bro, I was told by Jasjude that he confirm Nicole78 is a female wor... so cannot be guy.... :rolleyes:
30-05-2012, 10:31 PM
So.. I suppose there is a FAKE story behind it? lol..
31-05-2012, 01:55 AM
And then...... ?
31-05-2012, 01:57 AM
champing here ...pls confinue
31-05-2012, 07:12 AM
I want to know what happen. Quickly bring it out.
31-05-2012, 07:16 AM
Nicole78 swine stop creating fantasies you bloody pig
31-05-2012, 07:39 AM
I want to hear her story.
31-05-2012, 07:43 AM
Sitting on the sofa, with popcorn on my right hand, waiting for show to start :D
No.1 Sammyboy Box Office Hit !!
31-05-2012, 08:43 AM
Story wrapping over another story.
Let match begin!!! Ding ding
31-05-2012, 09:32 AM
sorry to all guys and gals i really need to refresh my memory to wirte the whole story out and please forgive me if there is any wrong spelling cause my english is not really that good enough....
He's really a nice good guy cause no one care and concern about me like him happen to he say ii always at home wouldn't feel bored so ii tell him ok la i'm use to he think of asking me out for a meal and catch a movie on the following wed which is his off day....
What la, please no cliff hanger story la.....How to support like this? :rolleyes:
I'm like those audience walking out of a concert demanding a refund and only short of throwing rotten eggs :D
Something traumatic must have happened to this young 22yr old chap - babe90 - on that tragic Wednesday that caused him to go all ballistic towards TS :o
Ordering coffee and blueberry muffin to watch this epic :D
31-05-2012, 10:00 AM
雷聲大.... 雨點小....?
no more stories ........:p
31-05-2012, 11:55 AM
Better don't chat with her Lah hear her voice every night can die le what u hear will be her snoring and oniking at u and her gobbling down all her food like she haven't eaten for 1 week. pui. If I know she so ugly I won't chat with her Lah!Swallow down your food first pig. What a good behavior SWINE !!!! Onik Onik
31-05-2012, 11:56 AM
Nicole78 u pig u anyhow spread more stories i post ur number u bloody pig
31-05-2012, 12:49 PM
Wow, who is telling the truth ? Whats the real story ?
We want the truth ! :D
Is Nicole78 very ugly ? Can someone confirm 2nd time ?
31-05-2012, 01:17 PM
camp here ... :D
31-05-2012, 01:17 PM
Nicole78, quick leh. All of us are eagerly waiting to know yr version of what really happened betw the 2 of u.
31-05-2012, 01:59 PM
Nicole78 u pig u anyhow spread more stories i post ur number u bloody pig
You dare ??? You try and see what happens !!!!!!
31-05-2012, 03:17 PM
Maybe babe90 and Nicole78 are the same person? :D
31-05-2012, 03:36 PM
Nicole78 u pig u anyhow spread more stories i post ur number u bloody pig
You are contradicting yourself. If you have not done anything wrong why are you so disturbed by this. TS has said anything bad about you. You must be a really bad boy to start calling her names. You are a disgrace to mankind.
31-05-2012, 05:31 PM
Wow, who is telling the truth ? Whats the real story ?
We want the truth ! :D
Is Nicole78 very ugly ? Can someone confirm 2nd time ?
You dam bo liao .:(
31-05-2012, 06:58 PM
sorry keep you gals and guys waiting so long cause i need to recall it before ii conti it....and ii had been demote to mordered user so its need time to post it form now on...
He's really a nice good guy cause no one care and concern about me like him happen to he say ii always at home wouldn't feel bored so ii tell him ok la i'm use to he think of asking me out for a meal and catch a movie on the following wed which is his off day....
So since we started to chat on fone we also sms ii tell him my past and how guys treat me in the pass as well as my hubby ii even tell him what i'm last time....he keep cheer me up ans ask me to be more careful about guys cause he's a guy so he know what guy think....i can say is no guys treat me this way which is care and concern about me....really thx him alot....
I feel something weird which hit my six sense so ii ask him..."are you interested on me?if not why you keep on talking and care about mi???"and he only keep on reply"no la i just treat you as a frez and care and concern about you lor don't think so much ok...."so ii say "orh sorry i think too much le den...."
we really chat alot on fone or sms even in chat room....ii still remember he say that ii will brighten his day every day cause he say i had a sweet comfort voice which will make him harden sumtime....that he told me that's the reason why he keep don't call me and chat on fone cant he don't to get a hard on to sleep its unconfortable feelings and i know it....
when ever we chat on the fone or sms he will keep on remind me of the wed date...i sudd say to him "you very nagging do you know it?later i don't want to go with you ar?"and he faster reply "okok ii stop don't like tis la i see you always at home so kelian think of ask you out for a meal or movie let you relax ma since your kids oso will not be at home in the afternoon...."so i just say ok la
to be conti but its need time to appovre due to my point has go neg....and you gals and guy can say what ever you wan i just want let all know who's rite and wrong only nothing else....i don't expect people here to know how i feel about this that's all....
31-05-2012, 09:02 PM
what swine here swine there, give the girl some respect lah. even if she is some funny person or whatever, cant you be a man and just let her be? school holiday start then must come here call people swine then what oink ooink si mi lan jiao.
31-05-2012, 09:27 PM
what swine here swine there, give the girl some respect lah. even if she is some funny person or whatever, cant you be a man and just let her be? school holiday start then must come here call people swine then what oink ooink si mi lan jiao. a gentleman...just take a step back and walk need to say people until pig here pig there......*add another word* si mi ci bai wei...
31-05-2012, 10:46 PM
hey guys i just cannot stand her and yes she is damm ugly. dont bother meeting her u will faint bloody put words in ppls mouth and fantasies about herself. Cannot stand every part of her Nicole78 pls lah Nicole78 GET A LIFE !!!! :D I GIVE UP ALREADY !!!! HAPPY ANOT !!!!
31-05-2012, 11:00 PM
Wtf is this !? Babe90 bro you gotta stop insulting her it only shows how low you are.. Every girl regardless of pretty or not deserves to be respected. So don't bloody keep saying she's ugly. There are no ugly girls, there are only lazy girls. So bro stop insulting her pls. Not as though you some A&F hot bod model right?
01-06-2012, 01:22 AM
Never nice to wash dirty linden on the public
Hopefully no pic will be post...
Peace out
01-06-2012, 03:57 AM
Nicole78 u pig u anyhow spread more stories i post ur number u bloody pig
hey you... even i haven post the 2nd part of the story you already given my num to other k so i will write the whole story out....
you can say what ever you want to same as ii can tell everybody what you say to me also can tell everybody what's the true story behind....
so everybody can see who's wrong and who's right....
01-06-2012, 07:34 AM
Swine will always be a swine go ahead loser girl always want win such a SWINE !!!!
01-06-2012, 08:13 AM
Very confused, some say gal some say guy. I am confused now
Nvm u are not the only one..... I am confused :confused: too. So is Nicole78 a girl or is babe90 a girl? Both nicks sound like female but both are guys?
01-06-2012, 08:27 AM
hey you... even i haven post the 2nd part of the story you already given my num to other k so i will write the whole story out....
you can say what ever you want to same as ii can tell everybody what you say to me also can tell everybody what's the true story behind....
so everybody can see who's wrong and who's right....
sis, give us the story to judge:)
Getting very curious. What actually happened...
Camping here...
01-06-2012, 08:51 AM
its getting messy here with the gender being mixed up :confused:
01-06-2012, 09:05 AM
Maybe babe90 thought 'he' tan tio liao, can get to meet Nicole78.........later after meeting, sound on the phone so sweet and comfy, see already, last night dinner all throw up out from the nostril.......damn disappointed, right?
Story must be like this or like what?
Flying up to the highest cloud, have not sit down yet, then slipped and fall all the way down to earth *PLATT*. 梦幻被打碎了。:o
01-06-2012, 09:30 AM
Swine will always be a swine go ahead loser girl always want win such a SWINE !!!!
Babe90... You keep swearing at TS... Y not you too say your story & let the campers here judge on their own... Its just not right nor polite to keep swearing abt a person being a swine. Be a man... if u feel u been accused, then tell your story... If not, then walk away... Believe all of us here just wana hear stories & definitely not to judge each other..... Sorry, just my 2 cents thought...
Then....then..then...pls complete the story...
wat u actually did to make this chap so agitated towards u??? He seriously sounds angry!
01-06-2012, 10:28 AM
Waiting for new episode..
01-06-2012, 11:32 AM
Hey all doesn't pay to be nice to ppl like Nicole78 thats the moral of the story so nice to her in the end after i see her pig photo that looks like swine i decided to tell her i dont want meet her and she told me F Off!! :mad: Bloody swine. Anyway who wants meet her also i wish i had save her URL for fb spread to u guys to see her photo
01-06-2012, 11:43 AM
Hey all doesn't pay to be nice to ppl like Nicole78 thats the moral of the story so nice to her in the end after i see her pig photo that looks like swine i decided to tell her i dont want meet her and she told me F Off!! :mad: Bloody swine. Anyway who wants meet her also i wish i had save her URL for fb spread to u guys to see her photo
You took a gamble.
From what i read, you were all nice, sweet and cuddly to TS until you saw her picture.
If you don't like what you see, just be honest. Say no lor. Nothing wrong what.
Don't call people a swine. Not very nice ar.
Your story only tell halfway, did babe90 cheat you of money ? body ? feelings ?
I don;t know the whole story but if you didn;t get cheated of anything except your time, i feel you shouldn't take this too hard.
This is the internet after all.
My 2 cents worth
01-06-2012, 11:48 AM
My guess is that :
Babe89 at first good to Nicole78, talking to her on the phone, sweet talk her. All nice and good.
Then one day, Babe90 add Nicole78 to his Facebook and saw her photo. Babe90 did not like what he saw, so he want to stop all communications with Nicole78. Nicole78, hurt and angry, told Babe90 to Fxxx off, resulting in coming here to bad mouth each other.
Ok, is this the whole story ? If it is, my advice is, just move on to the next chapter of your life.
01-06-2012, 12:03 PM
ready with my popcorn, better thn channel 8 drama!
01-06-2012, 12:07 PM
ready with my popcorn, better thn channel 8 drama!
Channel 8 dramas all sucks :rolleyes:
Can share share your popcorn ? Mine almost finish liao.
This movie very long still haven finish.
01-06-2012, 12:30 PM
Hey all doesn't pay to be nice to ppl like Nicole78 thats the moral of the story so nice to her in the end after i see her pig photo that looks like swine i decided to tell her i dont want meet her and she told me F Off!! :mad: Bloody swine. Anyway who wants meet her also i wish i had save her URL for fb spread to u guys to see her photo really never meet up or you not dare to tell us your real story.... where the photo??come on share out for us...!!
01-06-2012, 12:40 PM
sorry to all guys and gals i really need to refresh my memory to wirte the whole story out and please forgive me if there is any wrong spelling cause my english is not really that good enough....
If i never remember wrongly it's happen about 2 weeks ago on fri or sat afternoon...same as usual i online in SBF and enter chat room....and as same as i chat with the people there happen to be babe90 pm me and say hi to we start the chatting....
We talk about life and other even kinky stuff....we even ask about each another stat and so on and i told him that i met alot of guys before so by the height and weight i can roughly know how long and thick the dick is....and he was shock that i guess it right...(hahas)
Till then i forgotten who say want to chat on fone and he called and chat on fone with me....we chat alot on fone he even tell me his past and ii tell him my past too and he always ask me to take care myself must know how to protect myself don't keep let guys make use of me cause all guys only want sex with me they don't really me at all...
He's really a nice good guy cause no one care and concern about me like him happen to he say ii always at home wouldn't feel bored so ii tell him ok la i'm use to he think of asking me out for a meal and catch a movie on the following wed which is his off day....
The beginning of an online love romance......
sorry keep you gals and guys waiting so long cause i need to recall it before ii conti it....and ii had been demote to mordered user so its need time to post it form now on...
He's really a nice good guy cause no one care and concern about me like him happen to he say ii always at home wouldn't feel bored so ii tell him ok la i'm use to he think of asking me out for a meal and catch a movie on the following wed which is his off day....
So since we started to chat on fone we also sms ii tell him my past and how guys treat me in the pass as well as my hubby ii even tell him what i'm last time....he keep cheer me up ans ask me to be more careful about guys cause he's a guy so he know what guy think....i can say is no guys treat me this way which is care and concern about me....really thx him alot....
I feel something weird which hit my six sense so ii ask him..."are you interested on me?if not why you keep on talking and care about mi???"and he only keep on reply"no la i just treat you as a frez and care and concern about you lor don't think so much ok...."so ii say "orh sorry i think too much le den...." - babe90 in love....
we really chat alot on fone or sms even in chat room....ii still remember he say that ii will brighten his day every day cause he say i had a sweet comfort voice which will make him harden sumtime....that he told me that's the reason why he keep don't call me and chat on fone cant he don't to get a hard on to sleep its unconfortable feelings and i know it.... - babe90 sexually aroused.....
when ever we chat on the fone or sms he will keep on remind me of the wed date...i sudd say to him "you very nagging do you know it?later i don't want to go with you ar?"and he faster reply "okok ii stop don't like tis la i see you always at home so kelian think of ask you out for a meal or movie let you relax ma since your kids oso will not be at home in the afternoon...."so i just say ok la - Babe90 anxious and couldn't wait for Wed Date to realize all his dream and's about to come through...........soon...
to be conti but its need time to appovre due to my point has go neg....and you gals and guy can say what ever you wan i just want let all know who's rite and wrong only nothing else....i don't expect people here to know how i feel about this that's all....
So in conclusion, it's just a couple quarrelled? :confused:
Babe90, you should buy 999 pink roses and apologize to her and TS will give you a hug & kisses and all will be good liao la :D Lovely couples all like this one, bedhead quarrel and bedtail makeup. Follow your heart, it's quite obvious you are in love liao la cos a guy with so much rage toward a girl is a sign of DEEP TRUE LOVE :p
Can also spend a romantic weekend together at Bintan and re-enact above - "I'm flying" scene on the ferry.
01-06-2012, 01:16 PM
.. cos a guy with so much rage toward a girl is a sign of DEEP TRUE LOVE :p
Sorry, I beg to differ. A guy with so much rage shouldnt be in love, ever. Its a tragedy waiting to happen.
camp for the update and see who right who wrong
01-06-2012, 01:59 PM
hmm.. firstly to nicole, i believe everything here is dying to know what exactly happen.. and this story also serve a warning to all sista in here whereby people change in seconds.. before seeing u and after can be a huge difference.. dont bcos u guys talk a few time on the phone n he SEEMS like the sweetest guy and u just let your guards down.. sometime in life.. dun be so naive to believe everything ppl say.. u are old enuff to judge..
and to babe90.. all i can is that all your insulting makes u a total sore loser.. she have not even started much and u seems so afrsid that she will spill all your secrets? if u did not do her any wrong,why are u so afraid.. anyway.. how she look is not for u to insult.. if u gt no bad intention and just wanna be frenz why care if she looks ugly.. does all your frenz looks likd they came out from the magazine looking hot and good? if u are geunine then it would not have bother u how she looks.. moreover is your choice in the first place to talk to her.. to wanna date her and now bcos of looks u bad mouth n insult her til like theres no tml.. pls.. buy a mirror first.. u might not be any better.. of even if u are, so wat? doesnt change the fact tt u are a lowly person..
anyway.. like the phrase says.. "one man poison is another man's antidote" so pls dun judge a person by the appearance just bcos hmm.. firstly to nicole, i believe everything here is dying to know what exactly happen.. and this story also serve a warning to all sista in here whereby people change in seconds.. before seeing u and after can be a huge difference.. dont bcos u guys talk a few time on the phone n he SEEMS like the sweetest guy and u just let your guards down.. sometime in life.. dun be so naive to believe everything ppl say.. u are old enuff to judge..
and to babe90.. all i can is that all your insulting makes u a total sore loser.. she have not even started much and u seems so afraid that she will spill all your secrets? if u did not do her any wrong,why are u so u dun like how he or she looks.. no one wanna born to be ugly.. but who can choose..
just my 2 cents worth of thoughts..
01-06-2012, 02:58 PM
Sorry, I beg to differ. A guy with so much rage shouldnt be in love, ever. Its a tragedy waiting to happen.
No worries. With this baby90, it's a comedy :D
hey guys i just cannot stand her and yes she is damm ugly. dont bother meeting her u will faint bloody put words in ppls mouth and fantasies about herself. Cannot stand every part of her Nicole78 pls lah Nicole78 GET A LIFE !!!! :D I GIVE UP ALREADY !!!! HAPPY ANOT !!!!
Even if you don't appreciate her look but but the least you could do is to appreciate the many nights that her sweet voice made you hardon :p
All I can say is that: There's always somebody for everybody ;)
01-06-2012, 04:06 PM
Even if you don't appreciate her look but but the least you could do is to appreciate the many nights that her sweet voice made you hardon :p
This is a good one:D!
Hardon but no release, very 难受!Maybe that caused the hatred!
Support this thread! Don't mind me being kaypoh k :D
U still got time to support ah? Not pak tor-ing? Heehee ;)
01-06-2012, 09:32 PM
so whn eeze d stoly gg 2 kongtinew? eu r makin ars w8t tail neck tired liao ... :D
LOL i cannot multitask de meh? This thread interesting ma, why you also kay poh ah? haha!!
I no tor to pak, so I come kay poh kay poh read story lor...
yeah when is the next instalment of the story gonna appear?
everyone wait until concussed liao.
01-06-2012, 10:51 PM
pls lah i sorry i no save link for u guys to see the swine but i can assure u her looks are damm bloody ugly u see her also u wouldn't want rape her. Worst than swine. Nicole78 pls lah who wants talk sweet with u u fatso all u know how to do is eat and sleep like pig all day u lazyass. Bloody damm ugly man Nicole78 never seen such an ugly woman spoil my mood only see her fb i should save and share with this bros here. What a waste. Bloody swine only know how make up story only GET A LIFE LAH !!!! Should show these bros a pics of urself and see if they will be so nice and caring for u u bloody swine :mad:
Then....then..then...pls complete the story...
wat u actually did to make this chap so agitated towards u??? He seriously sounds angry!
Still incomplete story....dun keep the audience suspended leh.. :p
Though I dun think is as simple as just saying fxxk off, even if Nicole gives u high hope n fly plane on u, cheat on ur feelings, move on n look for a better target lah...
Spamming on her really reflect badly on u, u wan to behave like those punks who vandalise the toilet door with those gals contact no meh, so passé n low class.
guys should hv more 风度,肚亮。This is what the majority of the women r looking gracious n gentleman.
01-06-2012, 11:38 PM
Always see Babe90 swearing at Nicole !
To the 2 of them, all I have to say - Make love, no "war" !:)
Always see Babe90 swearing at Nicole !
To the 2 of them, all I have to say - Make love, no "war" !:)
Perhaps only a session of luv making can resolve his grievances towards her :D:p
02-06-2012, 02:43 AM
sorry guys and gals i'm abit tispy tonite so i cant recall my memory so you all have to wait till my mind is clear to conti it....
02-06-2012, 02:57 AM
Channel 8 dramas all sucks :rolleyes:
Can share share your popcorn ? Mine almost finish liao.
This movie very long still haven finish.
Bro titanic 2 in the making!! Hehe:D
02-06-2012, 08:05 AM
Nicole78 u blopody pig u tipsy what u do u drink alcoholic mud is it u pig. Bloody pig brain. Hey bros make love to her tell her go make love to her caring farmer lah bloody fatty want sympathy only pig. I regretted should have saved the fb URL spread to u all let u see. By the way who wants the pig hp number so that u can be her next caring bf that she looking for. Imagine the pig face when u have to face her or imagine u sleep with that face or have sex with that pig face. Yucks :eek: Nicole78 u bloody SWINE !!!!!! STOP UR SYMPATHY AND GET A LIFE LAH PIG !!!! She say she provides service yucks man imagine she BBBJ U I CANNOT IMAGINE YUCKS !!!!! Titanic 2 in the making ah i rather save myself and let her die in the cold. Bloody swine.
02-06-2012, 09:05 AM
Bro, I was told by Jasjude that he confirm Nicole78 is a female wor... so cannot be guy.... :rolleyes:
Maybe it's time bro Jasdude or Jasjude can speak out and confirm what is probably causing the matter here to blow out of proportion. Is Nicole78 a female with such bad looks?:D
02-06-2012, 09:12 AM
I personnally have encountered, sweet voice girls on the phone, do not want to describe themselves over the phone, planned a meetup and wah lan eh, I know I'm not that good looking also, but I already told the other party how my looks may disappoint her, she turns out to be this double my size, fat and 'ugly' (because some guys like ugly girls, she told me over the phone). Cannot tahan after about 2 mins, after shaking hands and sit down to have cuppa of drinks, I honestly told her I'm shocked and very disappointed that she gave me the very wrong 'impression' of her body and looks, I paid and left.
I'm not angry like babe90, I just felt that you've got to be honest and don't bluff your way through. Lucky I was not expecting too much, less loses:D
02-06-2012, 09:12 AM
Keep readin thru a few times why do i get a impression that babe90 look like a clone creating attention towards nicole........:confused:
02-06-2012, 09:53 AM
Botakhead yes Nicole78 is a female with swine looks
02-06-2012, 10:26 AM
babe90, to be fair to both parties, we are waiting for your story leh :D
What exactly happened on that day? Seem like you has experienced a very traumatized and severely destroyed event :eek:
Are you okay? or Just a lover's quarrel? :confused:
Side track: Nowadays go Malaysia need white card or not? :confused:
02-06-2012, 10:33 AM
babe90, to be fair to both parties, we are waiting for your story leh :D
What exactly happened on that day? Seem like you has experienced a very traumatized and severely destroyed event :eek:
Are you okay? or Just a lover's quarrel? :confused:
Side track: Nowadays go Malaysia need white card or not? :confused:
No need liao for white card
02-06-2012, 10:36 AM
Maybe it's time bro Jasdude or Jasjude can speak out and confirm what is probably causing the matter here to blow out of proportion. Is Nicole78 a female with such bad looks?:D
I had not met her but RED VIOLET ( a gal in SBF ) who has her telephone number has given her a call. They had talked on several occasions, and can confirm that NICOLE78 is a female. She will also be attending my gathering on the 8th JUNE.
A word of fairness, even if Nicole78 does have bad looks? Do you have to judge her based on it? Whatever has happened between Babe90 and her, lets just sideline our judgment until she has spoken her story.
Babe90 however has created multi clones, etc bab90 and babe9o and commented in different threads of different sbf ladies commenting they are swines has much to be suspicious of his character as well. Well lets see if he has his version of the story to tell or not, instead of swine here and swine there all the time.
02-06-2012, 10:41 AM
No need liao for white card
Thanks bro. :D
Babe90 however has created multi clones, etc bab90 and babe9o and commented in different threads of different sbf ladies commenting they are swines has much to be suspicious of his character as well. Well lets see if he has his version of the story to tell or not, instead of swine here and swine there all the time.
No wonder :(
This chap mental or what? :rolleyes:
02-06-2012, 10:58 AM
no need story as Nicole78 is a bloody cb person. Talk to her nice treat her nice all i get is a big F OFF by that pig. Morale of story don't be nice to swines as they are bloody persons. Outside nice to u cause they so ugly so in order to find bf they must be kind mah stupid fatties F OFF LAH Nicole78 @ F U too.
02-06-2012, 11:17 AM
Babe90, all we can see here is you insulting her. We don't know what's the rage is all abt. But I can see that you refused to admit you've been nice to her since you know how she look like. U r simply just ashamed of being so sweet and caring towards her. U afraid pple might just laugh at you. But my point is you don't have to create sucha hoo haa just because she asked u to F off.
If someone just tell u straight in the face that "I don't wanna meet u cos of how you look" u will probably do the same and from what I see, u will do worse. U are dissapointed after giving so much care and concern but u have to understand you took a gamble when you don't even know how she look like.
Just let her finish her story while u just sit back and see how it goes.
Cheers and have a great weekend ahead
02-06-2012, 11:24 AM
This is outright making a woman to loose her confidence.
Probably that 90's guy is new breed under new education system out to destroy something that not pleasing to his KPI standard!:(
02-06-2012, 11:28 AM
Oi swine stop putting words in my mouth u filthy pig u dont utter rubbish ok Swine78 pls lah i don't even remember talking to u pig all i can remember is u telling me F OFF!!!!
Better don't chat with her Lah hear her voice every night can die le what u hear will be her snoring and oniking at u and her gobbling down all her food like she haven't eaten for 1 week. pui. If I know she so ugly I won't chat with her Lah!
So your first post, you claim that you did not chat with her, on second post you tell us not to chat with her cause her voice is horrible? Mmmmmmm.... Didn't you mum teach you not to lie and if not given a choice you also must learn how to lie smartly?
02-06-2012, 11:54 AM
thats y its called a scam. on phone so nice but when u see the pics omg at least i wont tell ppl F Off in the face i will just say i dont want meet u not F off like the swine. Anyway i also acting think i really care for her ah pls lah she 34 my god and have 4 children. I'm not going to care for her or support her she can f off i still have my own life ok. Where got so much time care for swine. Bloody swine go jump off a building lah
02-06-2012, 11:58 AM
KNN read 7 pages of crap!
Nicole78, stupid bitch excuses liao liao
Wat tipy, pussy swollen bullshit all come out.
Just becos many bros slapping that babe90 u purposely drag n let that fella be the public enemy without wanting to conclude the story.
Babe90, whether she swine or some smelly CCB, u F her here F her there also no use.
Everyone here wants to know the truth.
Your impulsiveness is your loss, so pls tell us the whole story head to tail let everyone here know what happened for heavens sake!
My take:
Girl tot tan dio lan jiao liao
Guy tot tan dio chee bye liao
End up, both jiak sai so WWIII ensued
02-06-2012, 12:03 PM
My guess is that at first Babe90 tries to hit on Nicole by pm and phone with all the sweetest word and pretend to be kind and caring trying to get between her legs. I suspect, Nicole could have told Babe he is not chio type but babe90 take the chance thinking "How bad looking can she be" and after trying so hard and so much fantasy finally the moment of truth come for them to meet up face to face. full of anticipation on Babe90 side and finally they agreed to exchange facebook account and both dont like what they see.
Deep inside, Babe90 could be really disapointed and want to cancel the meeting to cut the lost. he call Nicole and try to bring to cancellation to her but Nicole make the first move to ask him to F@#$ off before he can start to bring up the breaking up ....wahahhaha....
So, Babe90 feel so Xia Suay even a fat swine (his discription of Nicole) also cannot accept his looks and it hit him at the most vulnerable spot and he cannot take it! That explain why the reaction ...
Hope I get my story right base on the exixting information on hand. however , still waiting for Nicole to come up with the side of her story before we can have a clearer picture of what's going on.:rolleyes: . Pls pardon me for spelling mistakes and I am not against fat gals as I have many FB last time also Fat but nice in character. Thanks:)
02-06-2012, 12:12 PM
KNN read 7 pages of crap!
Nicole78, stupid bitch excuses liao liao
Wat tipy, pussy swollen bullshit all come out.
Just becos many bros slapping that babe90 u purposely drag n let that fella be the public enemy without wanting to conclude the story.
Babe90, whether she swine or some smelly CCB, u F her here F her there also no use.
Everyone here wants to know the truth.
Your impulsiveness is your loss, so pls tell us the whole story head to tail let everyone here know what happened for heavens sake!
My take:
Girl tot tan dio lan jiao liao
Guy tot tan dio chee bye liao
End up, both jiak sai so WWIII ensued
Totally agreed with you, and TS don't seem to rmb a lot of what's happening. Her few posts had totally nothing on the main dishes. And all we see is babe90 insulting her and pple calling him loser.
Please just put everything on the table and get over with it. IMO I believe that they dint meet, and seriously I think whateva has to be said are already told by Babe90. What else can happen when both of them when they nv even seen each other?
Babe90 sweet at first
Saw TS photo, dissapointed
Told TS don't want to meet cos of her looks
TS said F Off
Babe90 angry, spread shit on this forum
TS wanna clear her name, started this thread
*The end*
02-06-2012, 12:27 PM
Popcorn finished liao.. need to buy another packet. Can claim from Nicole78 ? :confused:
This is the first time i finish popcorn before the movie even ended.
02-06-2012, 12:31 PM
Boss Sam, please remove all my postings in this thread (if possible) :p
Thank you :D
02-06-2012, 12:34 PM
thats y its called a scam. on phone so nice but when u see the pics omg at least i wont tell ppl F Off in the face i will just say i dont want meet u not F off like the swine. Anyway i also acting think i really care for her ah pls lah she 34 my god and have 4 children. I'm not going to care for her or support her she can f off i still have my own life ok. Where got so much time care for swine. Bloody swine go jump off a building lah
Time to cool off all the swearing and move on cos no meaning to pursue further cos gain nor achieve nothing atall. Good luck!
02-06-2012, 12:36 PM
Con job confirm
Riding on the wave that Babe90 is now public enemy number 1.
When time to sabo fella can create a new thread, ask to tell whole story say tipsy CB swollen all that BS no time but in chatroom laughing when almost all happily slapping Babe90.
Babe90, I support you.
Time to bring u back to the world of +ve
In return, please tell us the exact whole story, much appreciated!
02-06-2012, 12:41 PM
Con job confirm
Yup ;)
Your snapshot not clear la :D:p
02-06-2012, 12:45 PM
Yup ;)
Your snapshot not clear la :D:p
Can la bro, i used my phone to couter check even can see la.
If there's one thing i hate, it's cons n cheats at others expense, just like HFJs hehehe
02-06-2012, 12:48 PM
Wow, this movie damm interesting... Suddenly the story took a twist. And now the tide is turned against Nicole78.
Sibei drama lei ... :D
Worth to get another packet of popcorn !
Just voted 5 popcorn ratings for this thread.
02-06-2012, 12:54 PM
Can la bro, i used my phone to couter check even can see la.
If there's one thing i hate, it's cons n cheats at others expense, just like HFJs hehehe
Machiam fake flowers like that during show nights :D:p
Make us follow blindly :(
Good night! :)
Boss Sam, please remove all my postings in this thread (if possible)
Thank you
raygoat your summary seems quite make sense, I buy that story...
wonder if the real truth = what u summarized.
02-06-2012, 01:35 PM
What raygoat bro say it's true I assume she very nice all these but I don't want f her. That bloody cb no tell me she ugly or fat or what just take me for a ride play me use me until I saw her bloody swine face from her Facebook and that's when I told her don't want to meet and she told me f off. U know what Nicole78 F U TO HELL !!!!! She want ppl to support her and make her feel innocent nicole78 y don't u really tell the ppl about urself u fat bloody ignorant swine instead of hiding behind crying and making urself the pity one tell them about urself thrash u sag of 90kg lard oil
02-06-2012, 01:56 PM
Good afternoon
a newbie here say Hi
02-06-2012, 01:58 PM
Bro and Sis
Here is just a cyber space. We don't know each other yet
02-06-2012, 02:05 PM
Con job confirm
Riding on the wave that Babe90 is now public enemy number 1.
When time to sabo fella can create a new thread, ask to tell whole story say tipsy CB swollen all that BS no time but in chatroom laughing when almost all happily slapping Babe90.
Babe90, I support you.
Time to bring u back to the world of +ve
In return, please tell us the exact whole story, much appreciated!
U r so right, and it only happened like 2 weeks ago? She can't rmb much... Hhhhmmmm... I seriously doubt so. She started this thread to clear her name and.. I guess she don't how to continue now. I don't know how her direction will be.. But only telling her side and babe90's story will clear all the suspense.
02-06-2012, 02:16 PM
U r so right, and it only happened like 2 weeks ago? She can't rmb much... Hhhhmmmm... I seriously doubt so. She started this thread to clear her name and.. I guess she don't how to continue now. I don't know how her direction will be.. But only telling her side and babe90's story will clear all the suspense.
Now its payback!
Want to frame innocent people!
Make innocent bro Babe90 get zap to -9!
See who's having the last laugh now!
New time, it will be you Nicole78 CCB!
I dun threaten, I guarantee!
02-06-2012, 02:22 PM
What raygoat bro say it's true I assume she very nice all these but I don't want f her. That bloody cb no tell me she ugly or fat or what just take me for a ride play me use me until I saw her bloody swine face from her Facebook and that's when I told her don't want to meet and she told me f off. U know what Nicole78 F U TO HELL !!!!! She want ppl to support her and make her feel innocent nicole78 y don't u really tell the ppl about urself u fat bloody ignorant swine instead of hiding behind crying and making urself the pity one tell them about urself thrash u sag of 90kg lard oil
Tats better bro, shud hv just told this simple but no water leakage story from the start.
Anyways, welcome back to the world of +ve.
Next time remember, nothing comes so quickly n so easily without a CATCH to it.
Cheers & Hv a Good Weekend to ur family n u :p
02-06-2012, 02:23 PM
My garden a bit uneven, maybe Nicole78, if you dun mind, can u come over n roll over it to make it nice n flat?
I will pay u wif burgers n add chips if u wish lolzzzz
U can jump into my littlepond n bathe after n hv a nice swim wif my pets
02-06-2012, 02:24 PM
Bro raygoat what u say is true but I don't want f her. And I ask her for her Facebook cause I want see the photo only cause she didn't describe herself on the phone. What an ass. DO_YOU_BJ ya u r right she want ppl support her but in chat room so happy laugh joke but when she writes her story she gets tipsy all those bullshit. Nicole78 pls Lah u despo swine GET A LIFE !!! U BLOODY CCB FACE OF A SWINE
02-06-2012, 02:28 PM
Bro DO_YOU_BJ later she shit all over the place and spoil ur garden with all the mud ask her roll. Don't even know she can run or walk or better swim bloody fat swine :D
02-06-2012, 02:28 PM
Bro raygoat what u say is true but I don't want f her. And I ask her for her Facebook cause I want see the photo only cause she didn't describe herself on the phone. What an ass. DO_YOU_BJ ya u r right she want ppl support her but in chat room so happy laugh joke but when she writes her story she gets tipsy all those bullshit. Nicole78 pls Lah u despo swine GET A LIFE !!! U BLOODY CCB FACE OF A SWINE
Enjoy urself fucking this CCB here bro, hv a good F ya.:D
02-06-2012, 02:31 PM
Bro DO_YOU_BJ later she shit all over the place and spoil ur garden with all the mud ask her roll.
U noe gardening bro?
If she shits all over my garden, she's actually saving me money on fertilisers lol
Don't even know she can run or walk or better swim bloody fat swine :D
It's ok, she can't swim no worries, my fishes r hungry fellas, eats anything tat is throw into the pond lolzzzz
Save on fish food again wahahahaha
02-06-2012, 02:39 PM
Hahaha don't waste energy le Lah bro DO_YOU_BJ no point wasting energy scolding or F this swine. F her also it no want listen A SWINE IS A SWINE LE cannot help Lah.
02-06-2012, 04:52 PM
My garden a bit uneven, maybe Nicole78, if you dun mind, can u come over n roll over it to make it nice n flat?
I will pay u wif burgers n add chips if u wish lolzzzz
U can jump into my littlepond n bathe after n hv a nice swim wif my pets
ooh nice pond.
02-06-2012, 07:27 PM
After 8pages of swine-y rants, it finally ended haha, |GD_GeR| I believe the way you generalise guys as the way you did aint really right, most guys are genuine especailly those who are meeting and are really to give monetary benefits
Not trying create any discomfort in anyone here
Just my half a cent worth lol
02-06-2012, 07:52 PM
One, 78. The other 90. Difference of 12, 1 trying to tell a story, the other trying to stop it.
Hmm... Back to school, kids. If both are grown up, no point doing such things afterall.
Grow up... This is an adult website, not suitable for kids...:D
02-06-2012, 09:19 PM
maybe threadstarter and babe are both guys :D
babe90 is a well known male in chat room but this nicole ...
02-06-2012, 10:17 PM
After 8pages of swine-y rants, it finally ended haha, |GD_GeR| I believe the way you generalise guys as the way you did aint really right, most guys are genuine especailly those who are meeting and are really to give monetary benefits
Not trying create any discomfort in anyone here
Just my half a cent worth lol
i didnt actually generalise guys.. just stating it as a warning to sisters who are reading the thread.. genuine or not might need to know the person abit more before we can gauge.. i am not saying all guys here are the same.. but just stating the fact that there are people who have hidden agenda and trying their luck but when u turn out not to be their cup of tea, they start to insult.. anyway.. whats the point? its virtual.. dun like then just move on.. thats the least a man can do.. be a gdntleman.. whether she is ugly or not is not yours to comment.. no one wants to be called a pig and swine.. no matter how bad one looks.. at least respect the person.. we might not be as good as what we think in others eyes..
the saga seems to take yet another turn.. all guns are pointing the other direction now.. but.. still.. i feel that it is rude to scold a woman till such a state..
pardon me for being curious.. babe90, did she claim thT she is a hot babe which in turn makes u imagine her looks and cause your disppointment? maybe.. to her or ppl who she have been with in the past, she is indeed hot.. who knows right? relax and chill.. dun be so worked up..
02-06-2012, 10:22 PM
Con job confirm
Riding on the wave that Babe90 is now public enemy number 1.
When time to sabo fella can create a new thread, ask to tell whole story say tipsy CB swollen all that BS no time but in chatroom laughing when almost all happily slapping Babe90.
Babe90, I support you.
Time to bring u back to the world of +ve
In return, please tell us the exact whole story, much appreciated!
Finally see a useful senior member here
Thank you for understand the situation bro babe90 is in and make effort to clear the vision for all to see. Remember babe90 is only young at age 22.
Tell the whole story ... that is, he is being told "fuck off"
02-06-2012, 11:30 PM
just by being in chat n not completing the story is a breakthrough?:cool:
nevertheless, going around in threads calling ppl swine, spoiling natsuki thread, going into chat typing swine n logging out. justify that.
But then he won't be in the limelight too if he doesn't stalk her, it takes 2 hands to clap.. Live n let live ..
03-06-2012, 12:13 AM
I will standby babe90, cos I wasted petrol to meet her.. I don't know if 78 ask him to F off a not but I think that will be 78's character to do that if u want to cut off line between u and her. Seriously she will tell u that she will not look like those that you will sure reject one. But it's really a disappointment. I can swear!! Again, online is the only place where she could find someone to talk to and this is her advantage cos she really has a very nice and sweet voice.. Before I met her I already lower my expectation but once I saw her I really really 'die'.. It doesn't matter that she smokes but she don't even dress properly and has such long finger nails. She has 4 kids, and she is really facing alot of probs but she simply not doing anything abt it. She stays home sleep and then every night there will be ppl calling her to chat. She even tell me that she has someone who is even now waiting for her hand for some years, so I couldn't understand why did she hesitate. And to my knowledge I think she didn't had enough education and she acts and speak like a still in secondary school days. She likes younger guys and I will say she looks older than 34.
But babe90,pls stop swearing at her and ask her do those stupid things like jump off the building. U never know when she is really give up hopes she will just do that cos she is really under a lot of stress that's y she is in sbf to post and find someone to talk to. Just ignore like me and move on. No point clarifying here cos no one will bother that much. Eventually no ones know u when u gonna change to a new nick.
If by doing posting here she can feel better than just let her be cos this might be one channel she can distress.
03-06-2012, 12:20 AM
For all u noe, tis is the legendary Serene preying on new victims who doesn't noe her infamous history
Huh...she's really 90kg as wat he describe?
hw come u nvr see the pic be4 meeting her? Then hw, u leave? Or stay to chat for a while? Awkward situation..
For all u noe, tis is the legendary Serene preying on new victims who doesn't noe her infamous history
Can share? To prevent new victims too.. Seem like safer to meet in a group..
These gals cheat $$ or sex?
03-06-2012, 12:33 AM
I will standby babe90, cos I wasted petrol to meet her.. I don't know if 78 ask him to F off a not but I think that will be 78's character to do that if u want to cut off line between u and her. Seriously she will tell u that she will not look like those that you will sure reject one. But it's really a disappointment. I can swear!! Again, online is the only place where she could find someone to talk to and this is her advantage cos she really has a very nice and sweet voice.. Before I met her I already lower my expectation but once I saw her I really really 'die'.. It doesn't matter that she smokes but she don't even dress properly and has such long finger nails. She has 4 kids, and she is really facing alot of probs but she simply not doing anything abt it. She stays home sleep and then every night there will be ppl calling her to chat. She even tell me that she has someone who is even now waiting for her hand for some years, so I couldn't understand why did she hesitate. And to my knowledge I think she didn't had enough education and she acts and speak like a still in secondary school days. She likes younger guys and I will say she looks older than 34.
But babe90,pls stop swearing at her and ask her do those stupid things like jump off the building. U never know when she is really give up hopes she will just do that cos she is really under a lot of stress that's y she is in sbf to post and find someone to talk to. Just ignore like me and move on. No point clarifying here cos no one will bother that much. Eventually no ones know u when u gonna change to a new nick.
If by doing posting here she can feel better than just let her be cos this might be one channel she can distress.
i will salute u for facing it and walking away like a man. and not doing personal attacks n harassment. face it, the internet is like that, ppl might not meet your expectations neither do you. you may think like this when you meet a gal of substandard, what if you meet a chiobu. will the chiobu think the same too?
03-06-2012, 12:34 AM
Actually, out of curiosity... What do you think she will look like after you lower your expectation?
I mean maybe to some guys she isnt those type that "you sure will reject one".. ?
03-06-2012, 12:35 AM
The truth is out :)
03-06-2012, 12:37 AM
ehh... no more??? 9 pages but no ending?? tsk tsk
in my opinion
when guy wan to flirt with you... confirm say all the good/sweet thing and b very caring n cocerns la.. then gals always easily fall in the trap.. so next time open ur eyes big big...
every human likes to see beautiful thgs.. so.. lesson learned.. next time exchange photo 1st b4 u wan to meet... dun even give out num if u dunno how he/she look like ma...
lastly.. guy shld be more gentleman a bit... just dun bother la... have better EQ instead of curse n swear ma... like tat will pull ur grade down leh...
03-06-2012, 12:39 AM
I did stay like for 5mins or so. Eventually I tot of a way to get out of there. It's wasn't that awkward as in I did not show on my face that I was disappointed so still quite alrite. But once I drove off I was cursing myself y did I went there for and get such a dissapointment. Anyway she wasn't able to provide u any pic and she don't give u FB acc that easy and moreover I don't have one either.
03-06-2012, 12:40 AM
I will standby babe90, cos I wasted petrol to meet her.. I don't know if 78 ask him to F off a not but I think that will be 78's character to do that if u want to cut off line between u and her. Seriously she will tell u that she will not look like those that you will sure reject one. But it's really a disappointment. I can swear!! Again, online is the only place where she could find someone to talk to and this is her advantage cos she really has a very nice and sweet voice.. Before I met her I already lower my expectation but once I saw her I really really 'die'.. It doesn't matter that she smokes but she don't even dress properly and has such long finger nails. She has 4 kids, and she is really facing alot of probs but she simply not doing anything abt it. She stays home sleep and then every night there will be ppl calling her to chat. She even tell me that she has someone who is even now waiting for her hand for some years, so I couldn't understand why did she hesitate. And to my knowledge I think she didn't had enough education and she acts and speak like a still in secondary school days. She likes younger guys and I will say she looks older than 34.
But babe90,pls stop swearing at her and ask her do those stupid things like jump off the building. U never know when she is really give up hopes she will just do that cos she is really under a lot of stress that's y she is in sbf to post and find someone to talk to. Just ignore like me and move on. No point clarifying here cos no one will bother that much. Eventually no ones know u when u gonna change to a new nick.
If by doing posting here she can feel better than just let her be cos this might be one channel she can distress.
well saying... good one.... **applause**
03-06-2012, 12:49 AM
Reply to mdm volka, I will say as long as it's a guy, chances of rejecting is real high. I am judging base on the majority and not judging using my bench mark. If mdm don't believe maybe u can request to meet her up. She stays in central areas. She only has a good voice and also a naive mindset which to some of the ppl here will think it's really innocent.
I did stay like for 5mins or so. Eventually I tot of a way to get out of there. It's wasn't that awkward as in I did not show on my face that I was disappointed so still quite alrite. But once I drove off I was cursing myself y did I went there for and get such a dissapointment. Anyway she wasn't able to provide u any pic and she don't give u FB acc that easy and moreover I don't have one either.
Oh my.. Tts really awkward...I guess..shes really 90kg? The best will be hanging out with a grp.. With no hidden agenda n purely friendship.. Like tt we won't owe each other anything too..
btw cant understand Y isn't she paying attention to 4 kids rather than wasting time seeking solace too, she still believe in men n luv with 4 kids lugging?
Unless she wan to get something out of it..
03-06-2012, 12:58 AM
Oh my.. Tts really awkward...I guess..shes really 90kg? The best will be hanging out with a grp.. With no hidden agenda n purely friendship.. Like tt we won't owe each other anything too..
btw cant understand Y isn't she paying attention to 4 kids rather than wasting time seeking solace too, she still believe in men n luv with 4 kids lugging?
Unless she wan to get something out of it..
her kids are 20 yr old loh. y need attention? :D
Babe90 bro, I've met my share of weridos, ladies who are in their 40s claiming to be 19, girls who are fatter and face kana lorry bang 10x worse than nicole78 and I sit through meal with them, wondering and wishing when it will end as time seem to stop, and it feels like an eternity. :D But even then, these people can get fbs too. There is no point keep bashing them la. Just warn bros factually la.
03-06-2012, 12:59 AM
Oh my.. Tts really awkward...I guess..shes really 90kg? The best will be hanging out with a grp.. With no hidden agenda n purely friendship.. Like tt we won't owe each other anything too..
btw cant understand Y isn't she paying attention to 4 kids rather than wasting time seeking solace too, she still believe in men n luv with 4 kids lugging?
Unless she wan to get something out of it..
Dont mind me but what's wrong with 90kg? 90kg doesnt mean you are ugly, but just fat. If you dont like fat people, then well, just leave it.
03-06-2012, 12:59 AM
Basically from what I know from her, her husband decided to go to another woman who is 'big stomach' now. And she actually let him goes as she pity the other lady. On the other hand she just can't get over her husband cos on the sex area she said he's is the only one who can really satisfy her as she has high sex drive. I would say she is someone who is looking for someone to love and care for her more than she will go and think of other ways to solve her probs now lo. She wants butter than bread..
03-06-2012, 01:04 AM
Eldest in army, there are still 3 more, one in secondary one in kindergarten and I can't rem the other one is in secondary or primary. And all these kids don't really go sch lo. So quite sad for her as her kids don't listen to her.
03-06-2012, 01:07 AM
She needs serious help :(
03-06-2012, 01:12 AM
Yes, she seriously needs help. But she is surviving on her own. This is something that I respect her. She did not turn to government.
She really needs to get out of her own world. Like what she says, she stays home all the while and then when ppl call her she will just chat all the way thru the night to morning. She did not really sense that something is wrong.
Hopefully one day there will be someone to actually help her out.
her kids are 20 yr old loh. y need attention? :D
Babe90 bro, I've met my share of weridos, ladies who are in their 40s claiming to be 19, girls who are fatter and face kana lorry bang 10x and I sit through meal with them, wondering and wishing when it will end as time seem to stop, and it feels like an eternity. :D But even then, these people can get fbs too. There is no point keep bashing them la. Just warn bros factually la.
Huh.. Y bluff? Isn't it awkward when it comes to meeting face to face? The truth will also be out eventually mah..
Dont mind me but what's wrong with 90kg? 90kg doesnt mean you are ugly, but just fat. If you dont like fat people, then well, just leave it.
Eh.. I've neither state that fat=ugly nor dislike fat people. In fact I've been through 90kgs n took 2months n a lot of determination to slim till 55kg at the height of 165cm.
In fact, I believe in there's no ugly woman, only lazy ones n to me, the one tt really matters is is to be true n honest especially when it comes to making friends, don't deceive with hidden agenda.
I dun pick friends based on their appearance, weight, status n if they treat me sincerely, I will treat them the same too, hate ppl to bluff me the most.
I dun take ur advantage n u dun take mine too, dun like to owe anyone anything.
03-06-2012, 01:18 AM
Yes, she seriously needs help. But she is surviving on her own. This is something that I respect her. She did not turn to government.
She really needs to get out of her own world. Like what she says, she stays home all the while and then when ppl call her she will just chat all the way thru the night to morning. She did not really sense that something is wrong.
Hopefully one day there will be someone to actually help her out.
Do you want numbers of FSCs that you can get her to call up?
03-06-2012, 01:37 AM
i dont think its up to you guys to just ask each other if you all want to offer her help by calling FSCs or what. If she needs help and she doesnt ask for it, that might mean she doesnt need it. She's a grown woman and if you guys really want to help her, talk to her. I just think doing something behind her back and claiming it as 'help' is not going to do anyone good.
03-06-2012, 01:48 AM
Huh.. Y bluff? Isn't it awkward when it comes to meeting face to face? The truth will also be out eventually mah..
Eh.. I've neither state that fat=ugly nor dislike fat people. In fact I've been through 90kgs n took 2months n a lot of determination to slim till 55kg at the height of 165cm.
In fact, I believe in there's no ugly woman, only lazy ones n to me, the one tt really matters is is to be true n honest especially when it comes to making friends, don't deceive with hidden agenda.
I dun pick friends based on their appearance, weight, status n if they treat me sincerely, I will treat them the same too, hate ppl to bluff me the most.
I dun take ur advantage n u dun take mine too, dun like to owe anyone anything.
Because you keep asking if shes 90kg even though the two bros only said her look cannot make it...
Basically from what I know from her, her husband decided to go to another woman who is 'big stomach' now. And she actually let him goes as she pity the other lady. On the other hand she just can't get over her husband cos on the sex area she said he's is the only one who can really satisfy her as she has high sex drive. I would say she is someone who is looking for someone to love and care for her more than she will go and think of other ways to solve her probs now lo. She wants butter than bread..
With a saga like this, she still place her trust in men? The only ones that she could trust will be her kids!
Eldest in army, there are still 3 more, one in secondary one in kindergarten and I can't rem the other one is in secondary or primary. And all these kids don't really go sch lo. So quite sad for her as her kids don't listen to her.
Nicole, if u r reading this..
Kids r lead by example.. Bruce up n the respect for the parent will be back.. Get a decent job, spend more time with them, when it comes to own kids, the golden words r never ever give up. If they dun ever listen, do again, repeat the same every day until u see changes, improvement..every kid is a potential!
It's v rewarding to see theirimprovements n progress!!
Yes, she seriously needs help. But she is surviving on her own. This is something that I respect her. She did not turn to government.
She really needs to get out of her own world. Like what she says, she stays home all the while and then when ppl call her she will just chat all the way thru the night to morning. She did not really sense that something is wrong.
Hopefully one day there will be someone to actually help her out.
The only person who can help will be herself. If she think she can do it, she can do it.
How to survive with 4 kids n not working? Dun nid to look after kids n housework too? There are still at least 3 young kids to feed...
At the very least, go for some outdoor exercise.. Get a job n coach on the kids..
is she still waiting for some SBF shinning knights to save her???
Because you keep asking if shes 90kg even though the two bros only said her look cannot make it...
Ooh, I m actually v curious whether she purposely hid the fact of her weight to deceive them..
If so, y she wan to deceive them? Is there hidden agenda other than mainly to pour out her sorrow?
Lastly I hope tt she's not plotting for some online scams.. the poor kids will be worse off than now if she ever goes to jail..
Nothing ever comes free, hopefully this helps to create awareness for those seeking fb/flings/NSA online..
03-06-2012, 02:05 AM
1st of all, do not discriminate people based on their looks. You see a girl with a hot body, angel face, and you date her, later get married... 50 years later, everything will be gone.
Quarreling and giving such bad comments on the internet does make people feel happy? I doubt so.. Why bother to make oneself more frustrating when we can find peace?
Maybe both stories should be heard, and comments based on each individuals' POV will be different. Each have their own thoughts and the way they think. If two can't get on the same page, don't even say get on the same bed ! :D
Anyway, let's wait and see......
Cheers !
End of the day, it's proven tt there's no free meal in this world.. Meal tt' free n comes too easy can make one indigestible.
03-06-2012, 07:57 AM
I read though all the pages the swine post and the main thing she wantsis sympathy and pity her but she can F Off because she don't even bother about her kids and I don't feel surprise that her kids also f care her cause look at the way she behaving like a bloody cb tell her look for decent job she say who will support them pls Lah lard ass ur kids don't bother u loo Lah change urself u swine. I also don't pity u because ur husband ran away with another woman look at U nO respect for yourself want ppl respect u u lazy ass pig face like pig body weigh 90kg full of pig oil swine. Don't even. Other about ur kids and don't even want look for job u bloody lazy cb only want do fl u go sell urself for $5 Lah pig trotters. I also don't give a shit if u jump off a building u fatso. Make ppl feel sorry for u right but I don't care about u u fat cb bastard
03-06-2012, 03:15 PM
Nicole78 instead of sitting at home and laze around like a lazy pig which u r get off the chair or computer to look for a decent job u bum still say want help your children pla Lah u whole day eat sleep and chat what help ur children u lazy bum get ur fat ass off and do something about it Lah and I red that some one want to take u. If I am the man I would not want u too u fat ass bum. This shows that u r a lazy fat ass pig only know eat sleep and talk cock on phone u bloody cb. GET A LIFE Lah I know y u start thread u cb u want make me the bad guy right bloody cb want gain supporters only hate this type of ppl and first of all u just suck u pig. Bloody knn cb
03-06-2012, 03:28 PM
what is happening??
peace out
03-06-2012, 06:26 PM
Don't stoop so low to name calling and uncouth personal attack and discriminate her. Whining like a puss warning all samsters to beware of her and she dont deserve it but ironically, you're giving her all your undeserving attention, aren't you? You have nothing good about your life to talk about that you have to resort to talking about others, making people look bad and get a sense of satisfaction out of it? You're just plain sick! In material ways Nicole could be lack of the money/comfort, but you're lacking of humanity. That's even worst!
She refused to get a decent job, earn a proper income how does it bother you? Did she make you support her? She merely asked for a $30 top up card, but since your generosity is limited, or you have none, you said you wouldnt spend on a swine, then fine, so be it. It didnt hurt you, did it? Probably you can consider using the money to get yourself a dictionary instead bcos I see that you have very limited vocab.
You're only 22yrs old yet filled with so much hatred over someone who has NO BUSINESS in your life. Do you even hold a proper job, with a decent income, and comfort lifestyle? How far have you walked? What have you achieved so far? If you ain't that great, don't make a fool out of yourself teaching others what to do with their life. It's THEIR LIFE, NOT YOURS! Dont teach your father how to fuck!
As a guy, even if Nicole did something wrong, attack the PROBLEM not the person. You have NO CLASS AT ALL!
There's a saying "Our prime purpose in life is to help others. And if you cant help them, at least don't hurt them!"
I suggest that you start consuming some fertilizer to grow up :rolleyes:
If you do not like being discriminated, learn to behave yourself!
A liar must have good memory. Your script looks fake and that you can't even relay the story out smoothly, having a hard time recalling and thinking, digressing further and further. If it's true story, it wouldn't be that tough right?
And mind you, this is a fucking SEX FORUM! You don't need the world to know how pathetic you are. You shouldn't even get too personal telling people the state you are in. Worst, people you haven't even met! There's nothing to be proud of, you do not have to go around telling everybody. What are you doing all these for? Gain sympathy? I'm not sure if you gained any but one thing for sure is it's backfiring you!
Look at your suggestive postings and the way you chat, you're just attracting sexual attentions. Then when men PM you, you start copying and paste their chat in the main and acted all upset about it calling them stupid. JUST LOOK, LOOK AT YOUR OWN POSTINGS AND DOINGS?! And then you're expecting these men to be smart? LOL!! You can't blame the men for preying on you. I thought you enjoy the attention, don't you? You gotta be responsible for your actions and pay for the consequences. In fact, I do feel sorry for your plight but I don't see that you're doing anything to make it better. I heard that a few weeks ago you got yourself a job but then now you're not working again bcos you have nobody to take care of your kids?!?! It seems like your kids dont need your attention at all. You are spending your days away in chatroom, and on the phone. :rolleyes: You could have put all this time to a better use.
Maybe it's time to wake up.
03-06-2012, 06:55 PM
Dont teach your father how to fuck!
Cummin from a female n if u r, steady la :D
In fact, I do feel sorry for your plight but I don't see that you're doing anything to make it better. I heard that a few weeks ago you got yourself a job but then now you're not working again bcos you have nobody to take care of your kids?!?! It seems like your kids dont need your attention at all. You are spending your days away in chatroom, and on the phone. :rolleyes: You could have put all this time to a better use.
Maybe it's time to wake up.
34yrs old mother of 4 n still need a wake up call?
Now this is a clear why the cities have the Orchard Road, Geylang Road, and the back alleys of Serangoon road.
Cos all these places will hv some suitable categories to fill that space!
Attention seeker at no matter wat expense!
All the traits all as per my siggy!
Gone case!
getting very interesting... :D
03-06-2012, 07:24 PM
Wow... After 11 pages, I finally know what's going on. Well, being a newbie and in the chatroom, you could literally see the flames coming out of Babe90's mouth. He just kept ranting on and on.
I think it's a miscommunication cause Nicole78 failed to meet Babe90's expectations. I have encountered these before but had to be polite to tell them that I'm not interested (or in cases, I couldn't even get it up). Just be polite. Am sure we're all adults and we'll move on. Don't need to be blasting it away as if she owed you something.
But, it was a bit much this afternoon...
03-06-2012, 08:58 PM
pls Lah red lard ass I don't bother u loo Lah change urself u red swine. .
03-06-2012, 10:24 PM
what is happening??
peace out
War is breaking out
03-06-2012, 10:55 PM
Huh ? :confused: Movie haven end ? Now more characters coming in.
*Gotta buy the 3rd packet of popcorn*
03-06-2012, 10:58 PM
Huh ? :confused: Movie haven end ? Now more characters coming in.
*Gotta buy the 3rd packet of popcorn*
camping here too... :)
03-06-2012, 11:01 PM
this drama is more interesting then the Taiwan long wind drama... :D
04-06-2012, 12:09 AM
this drama is more interesting then the Taiwan long wind drama... :D
Hahahaha.. Yeah bro.. Is better than"爱".:eek:
04-06-2012, 12:58 AM
Wasted time reading the 11 page long thread, no conclusion de.
At first so angry with the babe90, and waiting to read Nicole78 story, then the story turn out to be 'attention seeking'.. Sigh..
To Nicole78,
I think you need to pay more attention to your kids, and not waste too much time on the net or phone chatting. Even if u really need this chatting to fill your lonely days, do so when the kids are occupied. It's not too late to try to get your kids back on the right track.
04-06-2012, 01:19 AM
Monday is cumming.... hehe.. :D
04-06-2012, 03:10 AM
So far Pak has only seen a young 22 yo shooting his mouth aimlessly but
little does he knows that someday the bullet might get to him in his future
Be it that the gal is a BBW and might not have any directions in her life at the moment
but that does not mean that anyone here have a right to ridicule her further
Have we stood for a moment and re-think as to why she has to resort to her ways
- its sheer need for companionship and can we blame her.
Whatever mistakes she had done - she does not have to bear all this uncalled for name-callings
Yes what she has done may seems outrageous but haven we made the
same mistake somewhere in our lifes
Supposingly if she had turned out to be a 21 yo single, pretty, timid, GND SYT
Then our 22 y o lad would be singing a different story altogether
He would have kept it all to himself selfishly
04-06-2012, 04:27 AM
when ever we chat on the fone or sms he will keep on remind me of the wed date...i sudd say to him "you very nagging do you know it?later i don't want to go with you ar?"and he faster reply "okok ii stop don't like tis la i see you always at home so kelian think of ask you out for a meal or movie let you relax ma since your kids oso will not be at home in the afternoon...."so i just say ok la
i remember he say that i will brighten his day everyday...and will always remember me cause i'm the 1st gal who ask about his long and thickness of his cock...;)
We chat more and more on fone and sms but when ever i ask him to call me he will have excuse will say he lazy and tired want sleep ans yet he can keep smsing me...i ever ask him why he keep dwan to call me and chat on fone he say"my mind not so clear when i haven sleep so will anyhow talk i got 2 side of only at nite my mind is clear then can call you talk..."i ask what you mean by that?
He reply"cause sumtime i talk to you when i didn't sleep i will get hard on....but if i have enough sleep i can talk to you nicely..."i reply happen to 1 day if i never remember wrongly he ask me this....
B:erm you want see my 6in cock on wed we meet?
N:hmm...why must i see it then?
B:see la why don't want to see?
N:don't want lei....
N:why you keep want me to see it?
B:no ma you ask le then you don't want see thought you want see it...
N:i ask doesn't mean i want see it right?
B:see only ma...
N:no i say no mean no don't want ok?
B:you sure you don't want see?6in lei my cock....
N:lols yes don't want ok?dun keep asking....
B:sad la thought you ask that you want see it now you say you don't want to see....
N:lols i ask never say i want see ma .....
B:ok la then we meet and have a meal and movie ba don't forget on wed 1.30 at tiong bahru plaza ar?
N:okok you not bored ma keep repeating it?
B:scare you forget ma....
this the part i reall i don't mean to drag or what just cant recall i dun expect people to trust or believe what i write just want say my feelings ya if you guys and gals believe what i say i say thx to all of you that is always here to care and concern about mi....
pls Lah red lard ass I don't bother u loo Lah change urself u red swine. .
bro, i think you better dont make red angry if i will you
Hi Nicole,
We all know both of u chatted on phone etc etc..
What happened on wed?? Did you meet up??
04-06-2012, 07:29 AM
Hi Nicole,
We all know both of u chatted on phone etc etc..
What happened on wed?? Did you meet up??
never meet up luh....
never meet up luh....
B being all lovely dovey till u send him the fb link n he backed out......dun wan to contact u anymore n u ask him to F off..
Fr there, the whole saga started n escalate till this stage :rolleyes:
04-06-2012, 09:12 AM
Nicole78 u r a useless Ccb who only knows how to post and gain sympathy from ppl u are a simple minded childish bastard fat ass Ccb who only spends time on her computer writing her fairy tales stories which are so stupid and bloody lame only 7 years old kids will believe and don't even bother about her kids and her lazy fat pig life. GET A LIFE U PIG !!! Nicole78 shut the f up and F OFF !!!! Swine. If I were her children and I know my mother does like that and if someone ask me how is my mother I will say Don't mention about my cb bastard mother neglect me and all she does is FL and she is a useless piece of shit. I wish she goes to the zoo and rot there f'ing swine. Ccb 34 and still don't know how to think my god nicole78 looks like u r a bloody Ccb fat bastard. Go F Off Lah. Mother should be role model but u lazy ass far useless motherf**king Ccb fat 90kg lard pig oil
04-06-2012, 09:25 AM
Here my version of my story to nicole78
Me: I cannot meet u on wed
Pig: why
Me: because I saw ur Facebook pics I'm sorry Lah but u look like pig
Pig: f off u say I look like pig
Me: yes u look like a pig my now then u know ah
Pig : no one told me that before my customers kiss and f me
Me: sure Anot Ccb they f a pig and kiss a pig
Pig: yes and I swallow their cum
Me: sure Anot swine don't hook up story leh u want bluff who u smelly cunt
Pig: u don't believe then f off Lah why bother so much
Me: ok fine fat Ccb I f off go f ur farmers u bloody fat slut bastard
Next day she spam me say sorry I told her one nice sentence I do not want to speak to a smelly stinky fat swine who is a bloody knn f**king Ccb bastard
04-06-2012, 10:30 AM
bro, i think you better dont make red angry if i will you
Fuck off la.
Other brudders here did not offend u, I feel that your last remark is uncalled for.. We all know u dislike Nicole and we can see. Since nv meet up, why not tell us how all these happened? No need to keep repeating swine etc etc..
U sibei handsome ah?
I can't seem to comprehend fully what the 2 leads have been posting...maybe my understanding ability is lousy :(
04-06-2012, 11:15 AM
i really dont see why this issue must escalate to this point. both are adults, both have free will, since now both dont like what they see, then just move on????
since both never even meet, and apparent only know each other for few weeks, so basically dont know each other that much. so why so agitated? walk at orchard kenna bang shoulder also turn and diao and walk away liao.
this movie become marathon liao. time to end it no? sbf is for peace, not war. :D
04-06-2012, 11:27 AM
Gent bro let le explain myself the farmers are not u all bros in sbf the farmers are her usual f buddies from the zoo not u sorry if it was misleading towards u. Like I said I move on Liao but this fat bastard just cannot seem to get over it that she is a f**king fat pile of shit so it doesn't hurt to give her a gentle reminder am I right Anot Bastard78
04-06-2012, 11:39 AM
Woah 12pages liao... The main dishes still not out yet ah. Nicole everybody already know what you've just posted. Is that all? That's the real story ??
04-06-2012, 12:36 PM
Haha sbf is like Xmas' Mystery Gift Exchange Party.
N78 & B90 appeared at the party with their own gifts, full of hope and anticipation. Thinking they could come to the party and have fun, possibly also returning home with a gift they like, caution was thrown to the wind.
When the clock is nearing 12 midnight, the gift exchange started. N78 & B90 eagerly went to the pile of presents and picked one which caught their eye. Nobody forced them to pick each other's, but it was luck playing with them.
On the wrapping paper of the present B90 picked, a note was was pasted on the rectangular box:
"Dear Lucky One,
In this box it contains a "Free _____". Fill in the blank yourself!
Clue: The word starts "F" and ends with "K"
With Love,
An Even Luckier One xoxo"
At this point, B90's mind started to run wild. OMG AM I GONNA GET LUCKY? FREE LUNCH? HAHAHA I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF. I came to a free party, invested little, and I could walk away with so much more. Sweet!
On the other end, N78 had picked out a long 6 inches pole-like shaped present. It was one that caught her eye from afar.
Similarly, on the present she picked, there was a note that read:
"To The Sweet Angel Who'd Pick This Up,
A clue to what this present may be is as follows:
In, out, in, out... Juice come out! ;)
A Knight In Shining Armour"
A glisten in N78's eyes sparkled. Could this be the knight she's been waiting for? Could the knight also have picked her present? Oh please let him pick mine please please please. She wondered in buoyant hopefulness.
When the clock struck 12, sitting across each other still not knowing what entails beneath the wrapping paper, they ripped the presents with bated breaths.
To their horror, it wasn't what they'd expected it would be.
B90's present had turned out to be a "Free FIRETRUCK" - far from what he had in mind. Oh boy, one wonders what he had been thinking.
N78 shoulders slumped as she held a sugarcane in her hands...
Looking up in dismay, B90's eyes scanned the room and noticed N78 holding the present he brought to the party. He walked over, almost instinctively, he berated,
N78 collapsed to the floor. That wasn't how the night should be. She decided she wants to cut herself from the embarrassment.
Everyone crowded B90 and gave him a tongue-lashing.
"Hey, who told you you can decide who can come to the party?! Is this your party?! EVERYONE can come to the party!!"
"It's you who want to read too much into the note on the present!"
Tons of admonition rained on him. Seeing this, N78 felt safe and protected for a moment. She decided to stay at this place for as long as she could.
Soon she couldn't be found. She ran and ran, while B90 was boring the brunt of the heavy sticks.
Annoyed but helpful onlookers began to come to ease the tension B90 was getting. They tried to help B90 by reasoning with the angry mob that there could be more than meets the eye, that B90 could have been cheated.
Upon hearing this, B90 quickly exclaimed, "YA! I HAVE SO BEEN CHEATED! You seriously don't know what happened!"
It wasn't before long the party-goers got sick of the drama and left the party with their presents. Albeit a little dampener with the theatrics that happened with the gift-opening, they have enjoyed the company of others and shared many happy, connected moments.
This is what the party is - a place for people who enjoy Xmas, the little anonymity of the presents (that adds to the excitement, but without hoping things to fall on their lap), and the tales shared at the gathering. People connected, people learned, people took some people gained some.
Nobody truly knows how things ended with the two, but it is rumoured that B90 and N78 lived happily ever after...
By the way, does anyone remember a 1995 movie called Babe ( :D
04-06-2012, 12:47 PM
Nah beh, I thought I'm going to have something interesting to read....this is so boh liao.
04-06-2012, 01:02 PM
why you so scare i keep writing the story out if what i say is not true you can correct me....but you cant still me for writing it out to let every 1 know the truth you can write your version you have too and let them judge k....
ya add on here abit babe90 always chat with me on sms and i tell him my top up card is running low so he reply me is....
B: aiyo i meet you on wed i buy 1 top up card for you la....
N: huh?why you wan buy for me a top up card?
B: you say running low ma and you not working...
N: so?don't want la i also don't know you well you don't scare i cheat you or what?trust me don't trust anyone only trust yourself ok?
B: a top up card cost how much only?
N: no lor my cost $30....
B: nevermind la $30 only i buy for you on wed la...
N: zzzz...say don't need already right?
B: its ok la....
N: up to you k i never force you but or what hor...
B: ya so wed we but at your side at 1.30 ok?
N:zzz...why you need to ramind me every day har?
B: scare you forget ma....
N: wouldn't forget ok?
B: okok....i go rest 1st tonight need work some more...
N: ok good night sweet dream...
After put down the fone he go sleep till he wake up then text me....i reply his text and ask has he had his dinner and etc he reply not yet soon i ask him go do his stuff 1st later free then text me....
04-06-2012, 01:19 PM
I can't seem to comprehend fully what the 2 leads have been posting...maybe my understanding ability is lousy :(
Not intellectual enough for us to understand:D
HAHAHAHA!! I'm still waiting for conclusion but it seems like it will never comes with Nicole posting their whole chatlog here which is totally irrelevant. LOL
04-06-2012, 01:21 PM
Nicole, jiayou.. the appetizers are now out. Still waiting for the mains :D hmmm.. will it be juicy steak or chow tar steak? Stay tuned, guys.
04-06-2012, 01:40 PM
Sorry but this is what Nicole told me when she SMS me
Pig: sorry about yesterday I'm really sorry can I call u
Me: hey fat cb don't act Lah u bastard no I won't listen to ur snarling voice
Pig: sorry Lah I know I say hurtful things and I miss the way u tell me to be careful
Me: I tell u be careful cause I scared u run and fall down and kill yourself in the farm that wouldn't be good because ur the fattiest pig and ur farmer loves u alot so it will be a great lOSS to him if he losses a Ccb swine
Pig: I not swine ok I weigh 60kg
Me: don't lie you tell me u weigh 90kg
Pig: pls forgive me I really am sorry I will not stop SMS u until I u forgive me I admit I am a smelly and ugly looking swine
Me: bastard78 get this in your pig brain u smelly cunt F OFF !!!! I won't forgive u u bastard u go farm and beg for forgiveness from ur other pigs. U let them down u smelly Ccb.
From that day onwards she told me that she won't be SMS or call me because her last SMS was
Pig: I'm in Australia happily staying in a farmhouse with all my other piglets thank u for reminding me that I am a 90kg swine I love being a swine when I can only just eat and sleep and run around using my four fat pig trotters and roll in the mud the whole time.
04-06-2012, 02:10 PM
Here my version of my story to nicole78
Me: I cannot meet u on wed
Pig: why
Me: because I saw ur Facebook pics I'm sorry Lah but u look like pig
Pig: f off u say I look like pig
Me: yes u look like a pig my now then u know ah
Pig : no one told me that before my customers kiss and f me
Me: sure Anot Ccb they f a pig and kiss a pig
Pig: yes and I swallow their cum
Me: sure Anot swine don't hook up story leh u want bluff who u smelly cunt
Pig: u don't believe then f off Lah why bother so much
Me: ok fine fat Ccb I f off go f ur farmers u bloody fat slut bastard
Next day she spam me say sorry I told her one nice sentence I do not want to speak to a smelly stinky fat swine who is a bloody knn f**king Ccb bastard
just my 2cent..
i don't know who is right or wrong....
but they way you speak "babe90" is just plain childish and rude, call someone a pig? and all those swearing on your post.... just plain childish on your side even thou your story are the one who might be true....
04-06-2012, 02:49 PM
Very good. Get to read 2 versions of a good story.
04-06-2012, 03:00 PM
OMG!!! 13 pages of swines, f*** off, pig, farm, etc etc of names calling by B90 and I heard he's only 22 yo!!!
Is this Animal Farm (SG version) in the making?!?
Just some friendly advice to the 2 main characters;-
B90, I do agree with RV that u do know limited adjectives....if u r really only 22, do not carry so much hatred with u, u still hav a long life ahead, much less with only 1 woman who does not seem to have anything to do with yr life in the first place, if it's really attempted fling turn wrong/sour, jus move on, there are other potentials in yr long journey not hav to nail a woman down so hard....
N78, if u had really been framed by B90, do come clean and stop attempting story telling, yr "disclosures" so far doesn't put u in any advantage....
I am not taking sides, but its jus unbelievable that in SBF, we have to follow 13 pages (and counting + a few other threads) of some soap opera b/t 2 seemingly young individuals who could not make out or make up over their differences... and then deciding to wash their dirty linen in public..... and risk agonising other more matured bros/sistas reading it and sparking a free for all....r all these worthwhile?
04-06-2012, 03:50 PM
I am not taking sides, but its jus unbelievable that in SBF, we have to follow 13 pages (and counting + a few other threads) of some soap opera b/t 2 seemingly young individuals who could not make out or make up over their differences... and then deciding to wash their dirty linen in public..... and risk agonising other more matured bros/sistas reading it and sparking a free for all....r all these worthwhile?
As long as the viewership in sbf is up because of this thread, then its worthwhile :D
For all you know, maybe this whole thing is created by Boss Sam to keep us coming back to his forum :D
04-06-2012, 03:54 PM
why you so scare i keep writing the story out if what i say is not true you can correct me....but you cant still me for writing it out to let every 1 know the truth you can write your version you have too and let them judge k....
ya add on here abit babe90 always chat with me on sms and i tell him my top up card is running low so he reply me is....
B: aiyo i meet you on wed i buy 1 top up card for you la....
N: huh?why you wan buy for me a top up card?
B: you say running low ma and you not working...
N: so?don't want la i also don't know you well you don't scare i cheat you or what?trust me don't trust anyone only trust yourself ok?
B: a top up card cost how much only?
N: no lor my cost $30....
B: nevermind la $30 only i buy for you on wed la...
N: zzzz...say don't need already right?
B: its ok la....
N: up to you k i never force you but or what hor...
B: ya so wed we but at your side at 1.30 ok?
N:zzz...why you need to ramind me every day har?
B: scare you forget ma....
N: wouldn't forget ok?
B: okok....i go rest 1st tonight need work some more...
N: ok good night sweet dream...
After put down the fone he go sleep till he wake up then text me....i reply his text and ask has he had his dinner and etc he reply not yet soon i ask him go do his stuff 1st later free then text me....
Sorry but this is what Nicole told me when she SMS me
Pig: sorry about yesterday I'm really sorry can I call u
Me: hey fat cb don't act Lah u bastard no I won't listen to ur snarling voice
Pig: sorry Lah I know I say hurtful things and I miss the way u tell me to be careful
Me: I tell u be careful cause I scared u run and fall down and kill yourself in the farm that wouldn't be good because ur the fattiest pig and ur farmer loves u alot so it will be a great lOSS to him if he losses a Ccb swine
Pig: I not swine ok I weigh 60kg
Me: don't lie you tell me u weigh 90kg
Pig: pls forgive me I really am sorry I will not stop SMS u until I u forgive me I admit I am a smelly and ugly looking swine
Me: bastard78 get this in your pig brain u smelly cunt F OFF !!!! I won't forgive u u bastard u go farm and beg for forgiveness from ur other pigs. U let them down u smelly Ccb.
From that day onwards she told me that she won't be SMS or call me because her last SMS was
Pig: I'm in Australia happily staying in a farmhouse with all my other piglets thank u for reminding me that I am a 90kg swine I love being a swine when I can only just eat and sleep and run around using my four fat pig trotters and roll in the mud the whole time.
As I suspected you 2 must be inside H9X9 room hugging each other posting all these :D
Cos all of a sudden like miracle, memories all came back and so lovey dovey with co-ordinated posting :confused:
I think you 2 are really in love deeply with each other.....Next thing we 2 are on a plane to Australia for honeymoon :D
Most often Love Grow Out of Hatred..."I hate you, I love you, I hate you again, I love you again, I miss you to hate you, I hate to miss you" of sort :D
04-06-2012, 04:04 PM
theres a saying, never wash yr dirty linden in public :)
04-06-2012, 04:25 PM
Double post and deleted
04-06-2012, 04:31 PM
I have observed that.....
Babe90 often swine here and there with 1 single non-para-sentence but he actually made an effort to para and wrote nicely whenever he's replying TS's post.
Whilst TS likes to MIA with our post questions and only replied Babe90 post with updates and refreshed memory.
Is this love or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:p
Alison Moyet - 1 of UK best singers (formely another half of Yazoo or Yaz in US). She prove that a girl don't have to be slim to be beautiful! ;)
I have observed that.....
Babe90 often swine here and there with 1 single non-para-sentence but he actually made an effort to para and wrote nicely whenever he's replying TS's post.
Whilst TS likes to MIA with our post questions and only replied Babe90 post with updates and refreshed memory.
I think most likely is luv bah n 放不下。.. "爱的越深,恨的越深~ u think anyone will bother to stalk n spam for someone that he don't care about?
04-06-2012, 04:45 PM
04-06-2012, 04:48 PM
Firstly I do not care who is right or wrong. But the plain fact that you are insulting her right now babe90 is just rude. Didn't your parents teach you how to respect women regardless of their looks or size? I guess not. Now you have no right to call her degrading names cuz you started with those sweet nothings in the first place. Found out she is not your type?? At least have the decency to man up to your mistakes and reject here...POLITELY. Just say that its not gonna work out or something rather than be such a douchebag. I reckon you are an adult but a mentality of a primary school bully. Seriously, grow up cuz you are such a disgrace. So many sg women are thinkin that Sg men are shallow and you are just proving them right.
You want a hot babe as a gf?? Think again...with your attitude will will never get a proper women if you have no self respect for them. Such childish attitude will get you nowhere. I may not know you at all...but from what I see, the stuff you write on here pretty sums up your poor character and upbringing. An it is embarassing to call you a fellow Singaporean.
Sorry for the rage but his replies seriously disgusts me to the core. How shallow can one get.
04-06-2012, 04:49 PM
04-06-2012, 04:49 PM
T.s MIA is because she has limited Internet access as she often has to tab her neighbor network. So may be u guys try to be patient and she needs time to generate her memory to write out the story..
04-06-2012, 04:50 PM
04-06-2012, 04:52 PM
All TS's efforts so obvious can't you all tell.
To sum it all up, she's trying to tell him:
04-06-2012, 04:54 PM
Not intellectual enough for us to understand:D
HAHAHAHA!! I'm still waiting for conclusion but it seems like it will never comes with Nicole posting their whole chatlog here which is totally irrelevant. LOL
With postings of their dailly chats, I think we'll need several hundred pages before we reach a conclusion... that is, if there's ever one :confused:
Isn't it obvious that he dun wan any bro to get close to his princess hence the spamming?
04-06-2012, 05:15 PM
Isn't it obvious that he dun wan any bro to get close to his princess hence the spamming?
Nola bro, this is a very comical story of application of words.
TSs maturity has led her to post in such a offense less way whereas Babe90 obviously had a life changing experience lolzzz.
So all in all, to make this whole saga more comical, I will put 2 more MVs to say wat TS and Babe90 wants to say
04-06-2012, 05:16 PM
From TSs view
04-06-2012, 05:18 PM
From Babe90s view:
But then buay tahan from TSs alleged BS crap posts so he totally let go wif no holds barred lolzzz
04-06-2012, 05:24 PM
And a comical clip to close all this BS from me
04-06-2012, 07:46 PM
04-06-2012, 08:48 PM
as i say is up to you guys and gal to believe it anot anyway i'mstarting to work today so i will try my best to online and finish my story....
to babe90: you can write what ever you like but please don't msg me and ask me "if i got the guts i call you back if not just stup up..."
please ok i ask you thar time in chat room say "you want me to write the whole story out and let them judge you yourself say "write lor"if not i will not start writing this thread...
so ya if you dare to say don't dare to admit?
lastly i will finish this story within this week and end same answer up to you guys and gal to see read and judge....
04-06-2012, 08:49 PM
T.s MIA is because she has limited Internet access as she often has to tab her neighbor network. So may be u guys try to be patient and she needs time to generate her memory to write out the story..
poi123 i don't know who are you and who you are ok i don't need your hlep or pity cause i don't need it at all....
04-06-2012, 08:53 PM
I have observed that.....
Babe90 often swine here and there with 1 single non-para-sentence but he actually made an effort to para and wrote nicely whenever he's replying TS's post.
Whilst TS likes to MIA with our post questions and only replied Babe90 post with updates and refreshed memory.
Is this love or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:p
Alison Moyet - 1 of UK best singers (formely another half of Yazoo or Yaz in US). She prove that a girl don't have to be slim to be beautiful! ;)
1stly i never mia don't put words in my mouth i already say i need to recall my memroy k...
04-06-2012, 08:56 PM
I think most likely is luv bah n 放不下。.. "爱的越深,恨的越深~ u think anyone will bother to stalk n spam for someone that he don't care about?
1st i will never love him ok?
2nd if he don't like the way i look then can just tell me don't so many pattern or spot....
3rd no matter how nice or pretty the person is if the mouth like this then i feel sorry for him/her...
04-06-2012, 08:57 PM
With postings of their dailly chats, I think we'll need several hundred pages before we reach a conclusion... that is, if there's ever one :confused:
i say it already i will finish everything by this week....
04-06-2012, 08:58 PM
want me to reply all post right can tonite i will reply all post from page one happy!!!!
04-06-2012, 09:17 PM
want me to reply all post right can tonite i will reply all post from page one happy!!!!
You reply everyone posts but never reply any of my posts ... :cool:
Woohoo~ now "The Empire Strikes Back"
My 4th popcorn in this thread (
Huh.. here cannot paste picture ah ?
04-06-2012, 10:26 PM
Hey asshole78 u don't get my meaning is it u stupid dumb bitch I say if u got the guts u call me if not shut up ur stupid dump 7 year old story ok bastard. I dont even f**king care if u spread the whole story i know and evetyones knows that u r a naive simple minded fat f**k And I don't even need you love u stupid thick skinned cb ur pig skin so bloody thick as if ppl will love u only kensheen89 that idiot dumb boy only will fall in love with a stupid dumb ass bitch like u. Go work ah go work as what $5 prostitute ah cb. Go Lor in head only know work as prostitute or fl f**king annoying fat f**k and I don't need u feel sorry for me I don't need ur fake sympathy u knn bastard. Instead of spending so much time on computer go do something useful like finding ur smelly cunt covered by ur pig fat u useless pile of shit
04-06-2012, 10:34 PM
Oh wow, i just managed to finish 15pgs of this saga cos was ask to come read and hottest thread in sbf now and what a shock! Got a twist in this entire saga now with the appearance of another person kensheen89!!!!!
05-06-2012, 01:08 AM
It doesn't matter if u know me a not cos u simply have to many to memorize.. I am not helping u or pity u, I am just trying to tell the readers why they have to wait. Pls don't assume that I am helping. I know u don't need any sympathy cos I somehow knows ur character.
So pls dont be so harsh to my post, sometime u need to look things at different angels. Don't jump straight to the conclusion that I am showing sympathy for u or whatsoever. Due to ur inactiveness ppl are having too much guesses of what you are and the purpose of u writing out this so call true story of urs.
So may be u should try finish it ASAP within these 2 days and get over and done with so that ppl can judge. I am only giving my views on u to the ppl here so that they can have some idea of who and what you are.
If it's just base on ur story and babe90 side of story, I think readers will not be able to judge in a correct way. Cos both of u are saying ur side of the story which you two is trying to cover up for yourselves. It's not fair for the readers to judge.
If I have said anything that's wrong or have actually offended the both of ur, I sincerely apologize to u guys!!!
05-06-2012, 01:26 AM
lol *rolls eyes, face palm!*
05-06-2012, 08:19 AM
Hey asshole78 u don't get my meaning is it u stupid dumb bitch I say if u got the guts u call me if not shut up ur stupid dump 7 year old story ok bastard. I dont even f**king care if u spread the whole story i know and evetyones knows that u r a naive simple minded fat f**k And I don't even need you love u stupid thick skinned cb ur pig skin so bloody thick as if ppl will love u only kensheen89 that idiot dumb boy only will fall in love with a stupid dumb ass bitch like u. Go work ah go work as what $5 prostitute ah cb. Go Lor in head only know work as prostitute or fl f**king annoying fat f**k and I don't need u feel sorry for me I don't need ur fake sympathy u knn bastard. Instead of spending so much time on computer go do something useful like finding ur smelly cunt covered by ur pig fat u useless pile of shit
1st why must i call you?waste my money calling you only you dare come out talk la....dare to do don't dare to admit?hamji ar?
05-06-2012, 09:02 AM
eeeeeeeee i dont want meet a pig my eyes rot. and i dont want ppl see me being a farmer with a fat ass pig which u r. so emabrassing u want meet u go meet ur kensheen89 lah or tingx
05-06-2012, 09:20 AM
It doesn't matter if u know me a not cos u simply have to many to memorize.. I am not helping u or pity u, I am just trying to tell the readers why they have to wait. Pls don't assume that I am helping. I know u don't need any sympathy cos I somehow knows ur character.
So pls dont be so harsh to my post, sometime u need to look things at different angels. Don't jump straight to the conclusion that I am showing sympathy for u or whatsoever. Due to ur inactiveness ppl are having too much guesses of what you are and the purpose of u writing out this so call true story of urs.
So may be u should try finish it ASAP within these 2 days and get over and done with so that ppl can judge. I am only giving my views on u to the ppl here so that they can have some idea of who and what you are.
If it's just base on ur story and babe90 side of story, I think readers will not be able to judge in a correct way. Cos both of u are saying ur side of the story which you two is trying to cover up for yourselves. It's not fair for the readers to judge.
If I have said anything that's wrong or have actually offended the both of ur, I sincerely apologize to u guys!!!
its normal for me that i don't remember people or thing cause i have short term memory....and ok you not pity or sympathy me k...i don't need your help offence....
05-06-2012, 09:23 AM
Sitting on the sofa, with popcorn on my right hand, waiting for show to start :D
No.1 Sammyboy Box Office Hit !!
sorry la case yesterday was in a hurry to cant reply yours...
05-06-2012, 09:41 AM
After put down the fone he go sleep till he wake up then text me....i reply his text and ask has he had his dinner and etc he reply not yet soon i ask him go do his stuff 1st later free then text me....
So still the same we have been chatting on fone and smsing each another from sat till mon....babe90 keep asking for my pic...i tell him i don't look "young pretty sexy....he keep on saying thay "aiyo why must say yourself till like this....?"i don't look down on friend la...i still will meet you for a meal and movie k?"
So i ask him got tagged so i can add him to view my pic he reply no and i ask him got facebook...he reply yes so i ask for his email...and add him for him to view my pic...but before adding him i already got the prepare to being rejected by him....
(i need to add on here before giving him to see my pic i suppose to meet a guy and i talk to him on fone and he know what's going on in my familt and say wanted to meet me for a chat so whn the guy reach i go down from my house to meet him...when i reach downstair i text that guy guess he saw me and i saw him too but i cant find him so i text and text him but in the end he never even reply me a single i was upset is not he never reply my msg is if you feel i'm not your cup of tea then just tell me i'm ok with it cause its not the 1st time guys treat me this way....)
(just want to tell you gals and guys if the person is not the type you looking for at least reject in a nice way that's what i usually do so that you will not hurt anyone else....its a hurt to being reject but if its really happen there is nothing we can do also so still have to move on...that's what i do cause maybe i'm use to it so it will not hurt me much...)
ya the story is coming to the end soon i will try my best to finish and end it soon and i know my story is lame like kids quarreling but the main point i decided to write it out is because i will feel better this way....
05-06-2012, 09:46 AM
nicole78 all u know is ur f**king stupid lame story go f**k urself lah bastard
05-06-2012, 09:53 AM
Please finish the story.
05-06-2012, 10:04 AM
Will both of them end off by saying all previous were all jokes?
05-06-2012, 10:12 AM
so much chatter but no facts ...
1 side of the story only ... pls finish up so that we can have the other ?
Bottom line ... what's the POINT ??????
05-06-2012, 10:18 AM
Will both of them end off by saying all previous were all jokes?
if you think its a joke then why bother to read it?no offence...
05-06-2012, 10:19 AM
so much chatter but no facts ...
1 side of the story only ... pls finish up so that we can have the other ?
Bottom line ... what's the POINT ??????
cause all is about chatting no meet up at all got it?
05-06-2012, 10:43 AM
Hey asshole78 u don't get my meaning is it u stupid dumb bitch I say if u got the guts u call me if not shut up ur stupid dump 7 year old story ok bastard. I dont even f**king care if u spread the whole story i know and evetyones knows that u r a naive simple minded fat f**k And I don't even need you love u stupid thick skinned cb ur pig skin so bloody thick as if ppl will love u only kensheen89 that idiot dumb boy only will fall in love with a stupid dumb ass bitch like u. Go work ah go work as what $5 prostitute ah cb. Go Lor in head only know work as prostitute or fl f**king annoying fat f**k and I don't need u feel sorry for me I don't need ur fake sympathy u knn bastard. Instead of spending so much time on computer go do something useful like finding ur smelly cunt covered by ur pig fat u useless pile of shit
The plot is getting thicker by the day............:D
Hmmmmm....all these story's characters are with "Birth Year" tagged? Nicole78, babe90 and now this love rival - kensheen89
Please finish the story by 12. Thank you :D
05-06-2012, 11:37 AM
Haha new interesting topic I will have to admit too. Nicole78 the asshole u know that me Drekman last time scold u in forum the coward Inun too wanted scold u but she don't have the guts to do it. She wanted use my account and scold u so her account Inun will be innocent. Well bastard78 looks like u have another enemy who is Inun aka iFUCK or iBASTARD. Go dig a hole and put ur head inside Lah bloody Ccb78
05-06-2012, 11:54 AM
2 ugly freaks babe90 and nicole78 sucking each other.
Looks like a pillow fight for kids thread
05-06-2012, 12:36 PM
This thread is really full of suspense. I think like the bro said like 爱 but I feel 爱 only 3 stars, this plot power, 6stars no horse run!
05-06-2012, 12:43 PM
The plot & characters to this drama increases:
1st we got Bade90 on the Red corner & Nicole78 on the Blue corner
Then Then
Special appearances by:
1) kensheen89
So we thought
2) tingx
3) Inun
4) iFUCK
Solid saga, stage set for ultimate betrayal and revelation of all the clones and who is clone head who goes around causing trouble.
More more more, reveal more, SLAUGHTER THE PIG!
Pork Chops
Pork Ribs
Reveal the PORKY PIG
Cook her
Fry Her
Toast Her
Grill Her
Steam Her
Microwave Her
Bake Her
Fry Her
Skew Her
Suncook Her
Barbeque Her
Did I miss out any other methods or not ah?
05-06-2012, 12:44 PM
2 ugly freaks babe90 and nicole78 sucking each other.
Unty, this is called ~~~~~~~ LUV~~~~~~~~
05-06-2012, 01:51 PM
Sit on the fence too much ur arse will tear sooner or later :D
Always stay neutral sooner or later, cannot even differentiate the difference between Black & White.
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!!
吃亏 = lose out = LOSE
To apply the notion
吃亏不一定是件坏事 = Breaking the 4 Golden of Life
1) 不要欺骗自己
2) 不要出卖自己
3) 不要背叛自己
4) 不要对不起自己
If 1 do not hv to 装傻, he/ she will never hv to even think of goin thru either of the above
Thus back to square one
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!!
05-06-2012, 02:19 PM
05-06-2012, 02:39 PM
As what i mention early on that before i show babe90 my pic happen to meet a guy but he never turn up sad for me anyway i get over it very fast and i stop msg that guy who never turn up....
so i ask for babe90 facebook email and add him to view my pic....i already told him not to put too much expectation on my look and figure cause i told him i don'y look young sexy or pretty and he say its ok la make friend only why need to mind so much...i say ok lor....
ya so after he view my pic we still keep on texting but sudd he text me something that i get shock....
B: oh shit ma....
N: what happen?
B:boss ask me go for a meeting on the wed morning from 8am~5pm lucky i haven book the ticket if not waste money..
N:huh?nevermind then you don't need contact me anymore i also will not contact you anymore so please del my num i will do the same also...
he still msg me 2 more msg after that but i never go read it cause after i read the 1st msg i know the ans from him already plus i get fly plane by a guy before he told me this excuse don't to meet me....
05-06-2012, 02:43 PM
not staying neutral, rather just wait longer to come to conclusion..
comes to think of it,
u r absolutely right,
thats y i m feeling lost and u r feeling calmly confident.
and i m not making choices, i still remember u said it,
i will make my choice when it's time, ya?
The 4 golden rules in life r all linked n intertwined.
Do any 1 in any order, u will not knowingly do all at 1 go.
The moral of the story is, y even wan to do any 1 in the 1st place?
Result = Misery!
Cause = Self inflicted pain
This saga, simple y does anyone, no pin pointing u, need to even say tell the whole story to let the masses decide?
Simple to see clearer than water from the start.
Ok, Babe90 got a foul mouth but i still support him.
Y wud i support such a loud foul mouth bugger.
Do not look at the surface when making judgement, still water runs deep.
Babe90 is a young hot blooded KID, his way of expression is something i can accept, dun read n see the foul language, look deeper into it.
He is obviously traumatised by this episode thus he is totally on the dun F care & wack all the way attitude.
Nicole78, maturity on her side, temper is less, thus her advantage is being calm. But, look at her posts, dissect them and understand her intentions n motives.
Nvr even meet before, how do u justify hurt my feeling, depression, heart pain n all r posted in more than 1 threads.
Time to tell the world how this chi bye kia Babe90 sabo her.....errrrrrr solly ah, 4get liao le, cunt lemember hor, tipsy la all these fuck shit come out when Babe90 is getting bashed left rite n ctr by almost everyone on this thread n zapped to -9!
Everyone became Nicole78's tool for bashing him up.
I respect Babe90 not for his foul mouth or language, but for a fact that he dares to stand up & challenge someone, male or female, n not back down or even create a clone to come back n stand on his ground, for this, i respect his courage.
15 mother fucking pages later, the so called story is out, but as many can read n some has commented, again, the story leaks water like no tmr but yes, composed n put down in writing in a calm manner wif replies of no offense etc etc.
Just like when u see a 50yr old man arguing wif a 20yr old, who u tink will be the 1 kpkb n who will be the more composed one?
But then again, just because one is HOT or FOUL MOUTHed, does not mean he is wrong in his entirety.
If we want to be a panel of the jury, we must learn to look at the very essence of every case, this will lead us to see the truth that's often covered by smoke n lies.
I's rather believe a hot headed S.O.B cos they r born wif an inability to lie, cos they can't control themselves when wronged or when they see wrong, they'll just explode.
The calm one will, portray a calm n composed image, like Nicole78 but when the fire is all on Babe90, just enjoy reading, still in the forum but do not reply to request of whole story but snigger snigger at his demise in the background!
What's wrong wif fucking a female, not generally speaking but even females agree, some bitches DO DESERVE TO BE BITCH SLAPPED to put them back in their place!
05-06-2012, 02:47 PM
the story ended ar?
05-06-2012, 02:47 PM
As what i mention early on that before i show babe90 my pic happen to meet a guy but he never turn up sad for me anyway i get over it very fast and i stop msg that guy who never turn up....
so i ask for babe90 facebook email and add him to view my pic....i already told him not to put too much expectation on my look and figure cause i told him i don'y look young sexy or pretty and he say its ok la make friend only why need to mind so much...i say ok lor....
ya so after he view my pic we still keep on texting but sudd he text me something that i get shock....
B: oh shit ma....
N: what happen?
B:boss ask me go for a meeting on the wed morning from 8am~5pm lucky i haven book the ticket if not waste money..
N:huh?nevermind then you don't need contact me anymore i also will not contact you anymore so please del my num i will do the same also...
he still msg me 2 more msg after that but i never go read it cause after i read the 1st msg i know the ans from him already plus i get fly plane by a guy before he told me this excuse don't to meet me....
U know y u cannot be trusted??????????????????????
Cos all ur fucking posts r all clearly without a doubt in ur favour to show u r nothing but a victim.
But this is where ur stupidity betrayed u.
People r not stupid!
Wat happened b4?
Wat happened after?
All censored.
Woman, if you got any brain cells left, please get a life.
Old woman wanna look for fresh meat to eat, young sperm as tonic.
05-06-2012, 03:11 PM
the story ended ar?
Dun think there's a story ... it's just you say I say you say everybody say :D
kekeke maybe it is a very long drawn love story ... in the end ... i lub you you lub me hug hug kiss kiss bye bye ...
05-06-2012, 03:19 PM
Now we know what's happening. No guy is going to tell you that he isnt meeting you because you are ugly. There is a difference between being not great looking and being ugly.
05-06-2012, 03:20 PM
Dun think there's a story ... it's just you say I say you say everybody say :D
kekeke maybe it is a very long drawn love story ... in the end ... i lub you you lub me hug hug kiss kiss bye bye ...
lucky, i did not read through all the pgs phews:D
05-06-2012, 03:24 PM
Now we know what's happening. No guy is going to tell you that he isnt meeting you because you are ugly. There is a difference between being not great looking and being ugly.
Very well said.
Tats exactly wat Babe90 did as written by Nicole78 herself.
So, in this lite, Babe90 did something trying to skip the meetup n not wanting to hurt Nicole78's feelings.
So he said got mtg cannot meet.
Wat's wrong wif tat?
But Nicole78 buay song, mai swa, ai hor yee see, so she start these threads to make him pay.........but pay wat?
For not telling her there n then that she's a fucking nightmare on elm street n he doesn't want to meet her?
This entire stupid thread is all on a notion of:
Babe90 did something trying to skip the meetup n not wanting to hurt Nicole78's feelings.
So he said got mtg cannot meet.
05-06-2012, 03:30 PM
i support those who din't take sides in the previous posts
and those who take sides.... dun be so judgemental,
most of the time it's not only right or wrong,
there's also NOT get caught doing wrong or NOT being noticed doing right... :)
not explaning much doesn't mean that u r guilty, it could be u dun really bother explaining because what the person thinks of u doesn't matter much??
很多时候,你赢了口舌上的争端, 输的可能更多
做坏事, 还没得到报应,你就会先受到良心的谴责....
Hi what is those chinese word meaning? can write in english?
05-06-2012, 03:52 PM
he still msg me 2 more msg after that but i never go read it cause after i read the 1st msg i know the ans from him already plus i get fly plane by a guy before he told me this excuse don't to meet me....
true the next day i keep on spammer his hp with msg...asking him is it really he got a meeting on wed so we cant meet up...but he never reply no matter how many text i text him till the end i stop msg him and ya....but then till wed at 8.14am i saw him online at SBF...i don't is he online from hp or what doesnt matter to me since i decide not to contact him anymore till ytd he text me ask me if got the guys call him if not just shut up....
till that afternoon he online SBF starting to ask everyone in lobby that"what if you treat someone nice end up that person ask you to FUCK from that day on he will keep on asking who ever online in SBF...till i really cant take it and i reply ya the person he talking about it "ME"....
till then when ever he online he will keep on scolding insult and etc....even got people see they cant take it also scold so the only thing i can do is to pm that person ask him/her to stop it just let him scold till he tired he will offline....that's what i also do he online i dun type a words....till now he from calling me swine pig bitch 80 or 90 kg fat lard i also shh....
you can say i never grow up at all i just don't what i did wrong and has the be treated this way...from i was 12 guys treat me like dis hubby also now guys also same only want my body but not me i even cut myself and use it as my avatar pic...i'm not here asking people to pity or any sympathy cause i don't need any of it....
i even go for drink since last week i commit suicide....i know what i did is wrong but its not the 1st time i did it...thx to all friend and family member who help me pass through all this really thx to all of you....
i'm just a simple minded woman want a simple life...i don't want trouble and i don't like trouble....just wanted to let you know"babe90" yup i feel sorry for what i say but if you not really mind about how i look like then you will not find excuse not to meet me even you say you don't mind about look...after all i'm also a human like you and everybody here so don't treat it as you got mum born you and i don't ok....who ever born to be like what they are we cant change or choose it cause that's what the love was create by their parent....what ever i say was true or fake i don't think so its important to me anymore cause what wanted to say i already say i feel relax now.....
05-06-2012, 03:56 PM
Very well said.
Tats exactly wat Babe90 did as written by Nicole78 herself.
So, in this lite, Babe90 did something trying to skip the meetup n not wanting to hurt Nicole78's feelings.
So he said got mtg cannot meet.
Wat's wrong wif tat?
But Nicole78 buay song, mai swa, ai hor yee see, so she start these threads to make him pay.........but pay wat?
For not telling her there n then that she's a fucking nightmare on elm street n he doesn't want to meet her?
This entire stupid thread is all on a notion of:
Babe90 did something trying to skip the meetup n not wanting to hurt Nicole78's feelings.
So he said got mtg cannot meet.
is not because not meeting is i say "don't contact me anymore and teh twist is till i ask him to FUCK OFF..."
is a big diff k and i did ask him before i wan start this thread i never start it by mt own will ok....dun any how put words in my mouth thx....
05-06-2012, 04:05 PM
I know u put alot of other things in ur mouth!
Everything come out jit teh jit teh, knn wonder if your brain da same too!
05-06-2012, 04:14 PM
You just told everybody here, when he told you that he had a mtg, did he do that to protect or hurt your feelings?
You have exposed everything and the truth is, 你不甘愿
So, too bad, u r wat u r so dun blame anyone except yourself for being wat u r.
05-06-2012, 04:32 PM
This whole episode sounds damn confusing to me. Is it just me? hmmm :rolleyes:
05-06-2012, 05:53 PM
I will only say this once and for all Nicole78 u really need to go fuck urself Lah ok stop writing all these fairy tales shit we are all grown adults except u u piece of fuckig naive 34 year old I think u 7 years old entertain urself with fucking stories like that bloody fucking knn Ccb bastard
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