View Full Version : MBFC sightings
05-07-2012, 02:17 PM
Hi all, i have joined this forum since 2006. Have not really share much except few humble postings. Told some bros and sis here i did not share because my command of English is no good that's why i do not dare to write my personal experience and encounter.
Since was encouraged by fellow SBF bros, i shall try to briefly share an erotic sight yesterday while going to MBFC to pick up 1 of my 'friend'.
This happened at peak hours after work around 8pm. Was making a wrong turn into Marina Blvd into Marina View instead of going into MBFC. There are rows of pubs for those office people to chill out after working hours. The places are all crowded with busy commuters.
I was in my car and when i was about to turn out of the 'loop' where 1 RQ was, i turn right to check if there is any on-coming car. When i was checking, i saw a female jogger, aged 28-30, tanned and nice complexion. Slight busty but not fat at all. Sporting a pony tail and lastly with a CFM look jogging on the spot waiting to cross the road. From her look, i think she is 75% Singaporean unless otherwise.
What makes me check her out even more is that pair of sports bra she was wearing... almost transparent and could even see a litttttle bitttt of protruding tits. To make herself even more appealing to the males including Ang Mohs and a lot of expats there, she was wearing a pair of super super short & tight jogging tights. Something like that 1 below but what she was wearing was a lot tighter and shorter and shinier and sheer than the 1 below. Even sexier than those wore by porn star...Can see a bit of camel toe as she was jogging on the spot. Instant hard-on on my part. What a sight. I was like 'wah lau eh, do you need to wear until like that to jog? This is a CBD financial area not a place to act like a high class hooker.'
She was still jogging on the spot while i was busy checking her out. Got horned by the cars behind and had to move. Make another round to check if that lady is still around but i guess she ran into the other places. However, manage to spot another lady which in my judgement i think is also a Singapore OL was wearing the same length short jogging tights running towards another direction. Never really see her face properly but was in very good shape.
My question is how come when the ladies knew there are so many Ang Mohs and Indians expats around they still want to wear until so damn hot and sexy to jog and display themselves? Is it necessary to wear this kind of attire to jog around CBD area? Are they trying to seduce their superior or customers? Or are they purely 'innocent' that they do not know there are so many wolves around? The weather at night around that area is damn cold and windy and yet they still wear until so skimpy. Maybe that's how they climbed up the corporate ladder?
Thanks all for reading. Hope that this is consider readable for all.
Up my points if you guys like it. I will continue to share more in the future. :)
05-07-2012, 04:28 PM
Is it to say tat she could wear tat if thers is no ang mo n indians expat atound there?
05-07-2012, 04:38 PM
From what you’ve described, you must have turned right into The Sail @ Marina Bay, a residential building. There are a few residences there – Marina Bay Residences and One Shenton so at night there are a lot of joggers. Its actually a very nice place to jog… jog along the Singapore river, Marina Bay area, Gardens by the Bay, etc…
05-07-2012, 06:38 PM
Hi all, i have joined this forum since 2006.
Wow you really old timer :)
05-07-2012, 09:07 PM
Most of the time they excersice afyer work. Saw quite a few already. 2 weeks ago, there was a group of women playing touch rugby inthe evening at the open field in front of Mbfc tower 1. Most of them
Look HOT.
05-07-2012, 09:34 PM
Most of the time they excersice afyer work. Saw quite a few already. 2 weeks ago, there was a group of women playing touch rugby inthe evening at the open field in front of Mbfc tower 1. Most of them
Look HOT.
Rugby. I like that game. Do you think they will let me join them? Imagine hugging and tackling those lovelies.
06-07-2012, 01:53 PM
Haiz, share sightings also got zap. Post serious stuff also gana zap, those who post rubbish also gana zap. I joined since 2006 till now only 22 points already pathetic... now zap me till 18 points. I already said clearly i am not a good writer who does not know how to add colours to the writing and make it sounds interesting. Yet got zap for nothing. Aiyah want to zap continue lah.
Anyway i just cannot understand the ladies mentality why they not scare of molester or rapist waiting for them because of their CFM attire....
06-07-2012, 01:54 PM
Rugby. I like that game. Do you think they will let me join them? Imagine hugging and tackling those lovelies.
Hey bro actually good idea.... maybe can jio a few SBF bros here to kay siao play rugby alongside them and kay kay join in after a while... hahaha:cool:
06-07-2012, 02:57 PM
I don't mind playing rugby with babes ^_^
Anyway i just cannot understand the ladies mentality why they not scare of molester or rapist waiting for them because of their CFM attire....
Maybe they are well trained by their gym to do kick box, MMA and what so ever.
06-07-2012, 06:52 PM
A resident at The Sail told me, the number of ktv gals brought back by residents make her hate the condo, also I do know a few ktv gals who stay there, maybe BY by rich bros.
06-07-2012, 11:45 PM
99% of these girls/ladies are into those angmoh expats.... SPGs... they love to be entangled with these angmoh expats... never mind that some of these angmoh expats are stingy and need girls to pay for drinks but it's the novelty and prestige for them according to one of my friends....being seen around with an angmoh highflyer....
06-07-2012, 11:50 PM
for maximum sightings go to FF platinum paragon..
go there work out look look see see those nice OLs and tai tais strip down to sports bra and tight skinny shorts.
Get nice kept indos to expat pinays.. nose bleed..
sometimes too damn distracted to do proper work out.. have to focus real hard.
if really want to mingle, join the group exercise and strike up the conversation.
Anyone who is FF platinum, pm if you want a workout buddy.
07-07-2012, 12:21 AM
i dt jog in MBFC but i can share on why we gals prefer short & tight. personally i like the feel of wind brushing ag my skin when i jog. loose fitting clothing cmi.
07-07-2012, 12:38 AM
loose clothing is damn disgusting when you sweaty when you run outside.
but then again, some people are more conscious about their body..
not that i'm discriminating, but i once saw a fat woman with belly wear sports bra and tights.
wah lau her tummy was a overflowing muffin top.. see already.. in my head go "oh mai gawd"
07-07-2012, 12:52 AM
not that i'm discriminating, but i once saw a fat woman with belly wear sports bra and tights.
BoinKING, u hv to check her out 6 months later. u may see a diff woman :D
07-07-2012, 02:24 AM
i've been a gymrat for almost a decade already..
most of them don't have an idea what they're doing in the gym..
I only see some who are really dedicated, and you know they are the fit ones.
some of my clients that I trained also tell me how nobody has any idea what they're doing in the gym haha
They even brag they're lifting heavier weights than some of the men half their age.
09-07-2012, 03:03 AM
i've been a gymrat for almost a decade already..
most of them don't have an idea what they're doing in the gym..
I only see some who are really dedicated, and you know they are the fit ones.
some of my clients that I trained also tell me how nobody has any idea what they're doing in the gym haha
They even brag they're lifting heavier weights than some of the men half their age.
Hahaha..Bro, care to share what does FF Platinum Sq stands for? May we can share more places whereby the ladies love to jog with very sexy outfit?
Yah i do agree some gals think that they are damn ATTAS when hanging out with Ang MOh and piaking angmoh.
There was once i sitting beside a Sg gal with a angmoh in a restaurant. I heard the Sg gal is TRYING so damn HARD to slang.... OMG.. please be a pure Singaporean if u are 1. Don't need to try so hard to mix into their culture and language right?
Btw also actually Ang MOh Guys are very very stingy. They are damn calculative and they are actually not that rich as many Sgreans gals think. Everything needs a receipt everything wants to claim. Every place they went they need to check out the prices on google first. When there's different in pricing they want to complain and act hero in front of their Sgrean gal date. WTF. No money don't go high class restaurant. So sia SUAY!
By the way so glad to see so many positive sharing in this topic. At least i did not get zap for nothing.
09-07-2012, 03:05 AM
i dt jog in MBFC but i can share on why we gals prefer short & tight. personally i like the feel of wind brushing ag my skin when i jog. loose fitting clothing cmi.
Hahaha... Really got so much 'feel' on the skin meh? I think that girl is wearing the shorts the same length as my Skinxwear Trunk. Very very short. Buay shy meh when people stare?? Sis dun be offended... just a question from your very curious male counterpart.
09-07-2012, 03:14 PM
A resident at The Sail told me, the number of ktv gals brought back by residents make her hate the condo, also I do know a few ktv gals who stay there, maybe BY by rich bros.
Yup. You can see them sun tanning by the pool in their bikinis... lucky expats... then there are those really chio single ladies who jogs in the gym in very sexy outfit, these are those high flyers working in the financial industry, not the KTV mei meis...
09-07-2012, 03:31 PM
fitness first platinum is the premium gym.
its more expensive so you get the more well to do patrons.
usual places are in the gym on the treadmills or at group classes like bodypump.
one raffles place got pool so some come swim in swim suit.
paragon is the rich indos and pinays and tai tais
millenia walk can see sexy ols go to work in the morning.
go there just to see girls abit waste of money.. more like a bonus to come to gym often to work out
anyway see no touch why is there a need to be shy.
they cant be bothered abt you looking at them if not why they dress like that.
09-07-2012, 03:45 PM
fitness first platinum is the premium gym.
its more expensive so you get the more well to do patrons.
usual places are in the gym on the treadmills or at group classes like bodypump.
one raffles place got pool so some come swim in swim suit.
paragon is the rich indos and pinays and tai tais
millenia walk can see sexy ols go to work in the morning.
go there just to see girls abit waste of money.. more like a bonus to come to gym often to work out
anyway see no touch why is there a need to be shy.
they cant be bothered abt you looking at them if not why they dress like that.
Nice FR on fitness first.. how about fusionopolis or capital towers? Intend to join tho
09-07-2012, 03:51 PM
nvr go before lol..
i am in cbd area in raffles place mainly or suntec so i move around these places more.
dont like to go over far, if not work out le very shag to go home
10-07-2012, 10:37 PM
i dt jog in MBFC but i can share on why we gals prefer short & tight. personally i like the feel of wind brushing ag my skin when i jog. loose fitting clothing cmi.
MBFC v windy, can just wear loose clothes and sit by the side to enjoy the wind. dun even need to run.
some of my clients that I trained also tell me how nobody has any idea what they're doing in the gym haha
They even brag they're lifting heavier weights than some of the men half their age.
ytd I saw a stick thin guy trying to do a seated barbell curl with 20kg barbel, and his range of motion is like 30 degrees , cheating with neck and back and he constantly give the constipated look. :D he was trying to impress a girl on a yoga mat. cmi :D I can't try n stop laughing. I was using only a 4kg barbell for shoulders n triceps, and no weights at all while on the TRX.
10-07-2012, 11:35 PM
you can see alot of funny people do funny things..
I mostly just tune into my music and ignore what's happening.. really distracting sometimes with their weird exercises.
11-07-2012, 12:29 AM
No more sighting? TS, post more rept &
pic if can. Sure ur pt will go like rockets
11-07-2012, 12:45 AM
the girls there wear so sexy.. more than meets the eye.. :o
11-07-2012, 02:26 PM
Thank You Westendgirl for your encouragement.
Lots of experienced shared by many bros here also. I am sure everyone loves to share what they saw most of the time.
Here's another one.
Yesterday night was at a petrol station in central area. A Kia Picanto was parked beside the servicing centre. The rear tyre was punctured and it was driven by a MILF. Apparently she was having a hard time trying to figure out where to secure the car jack to jack the car up. What was catching my attention was that tight pair of grey satin pants she was wearing. She was bending almost doggie position and trying for a long time to search for whatever she is searching to place the jack there. I had just bought my tau sa bao from the kiosk and standing by the side to eat and watching that firm satin ass at the same time. Feel like going over to 'help' her but i scare i malu because i am not proficient in changing tyres.. hahaha.. Her looks around 7.5/10. Figure very good... When she is bending over, her ass is very inviting. Imagine can straightaway go over and bang her doggie style... hahaha
But 1 strange thing is nobody even the pump attendant wanted to help her. I don't know why. haha
This is another erotic sightings again. Just to share.
11-07-2012, 02:27 PM
you can see alot of funny people do funny things..
I mostly just tune into my music and ignore what's happening.. really distracting sometimes with their weird exercises.
YES! There are always people doing funny things... 1 type of rice many different type of people.. hahaha
11-07-2012, 07:25 PM
i dt jog in MBFC but i can share on why we gals prefer short & tight. personally i like the feel of wind brushing ag my skin when i jog. loose fitting clothing cmi.
Be careful of dogs.I noticed some strays in there vicinity when I went there for a stroll.
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