View Full Version : Vietnamisation Program
15-01-2005, 01:52 PM
With much thought and for those who know me, I guess time to start a new thread as Vietnamisation exist at all levels and not limited to the Joo Chiat or the streets of Singapore.
Many Brothers have also ventured to the source to source for their loved ones ...... so I think its time to move the whole Vietnamisation program out to the international levels.......
With my limited understanding of their culture and language, I would gladly assist any brothers whom are keen in Vietnamisation......
Why Viets? A good bro summed it up last nite to me.
"I have bonked the world but never have get so entangled with any 1 country until I got to know a Viet. Its so hard for me to bonk another again after my last gal even though it is over between us"
Like I have always said, they are the best in the world when it comes to mind games and one have to be so strong in order to counter their attacks into your heart .....remember they are all scorpions ........the sting will come much later .......
15-01-2005, 01:55 PM
Warning to those about to be involved with Vietnamese Woman
I understand that I have always advocated the greatness of a relationship with a Viet woman, but in recent days, I have seen many suffered the effects of a failed Vietnamisation program. What I have advocated in my numerous postings are the essences of my own experiences and those who failed and the wise words from their own kind both in Singapore and Vietnam.
They are after all, A woman
I am not saying that I yield great power or influence but I have bought numerous people into this little world. The key to my little success among them in the fact that I have learn many of their ways and I understand them rather well. Maybe because I have many close sisters in my initial cheonging days, I respected them and they taught me much about the world they live in.
This understanding of their culture allows me to know what they seek for in a relationship, how they think and their opinions towards relationships. Remember many are here to seek to seek their fortune and not a lover as in the words of one of my ex-Ba Xa when she first knew me.
In the end of the day, they are no different from any other woman. They still yearn for emotional comfort and solace. Just think of yourself when you are trapped in a loveless relationship with another woman. This is the world they live and breathe in every single day.
Like any woman whom selfishly protects their heart from being hurt by a man, its no different from this woman. The winner is whoever has the ability to stir up the true emotions. Mind games are fun but dangerous if you are the loser. Time and patience is the key to winning the battle and nothing else.
Some say because I know their language and that gave me an advantage. But then I have played the same game before their language. The only edge I have is when the gal is new, I gain friendship faster and also assess to gals whom have limited language ability. Knowing their language does not make me any better too.
Keeping my Sanity
Many undergo a failed Vietnamisation program because they concentrated their effort on a single gal only to realize the pain and agony that comes later as ignoring a better one. Many of us clamour for that solid gal but then ignore the fact that we should seek for one whom like us and not the other way round. Of course, sometimes its not really whom we want. In that case, just don’t pay too much attention and just move on to the next.
I kept myself sane by having many pots at the same time. But then I never lie to them, if I have more than gals, I do inform them of the other’s existence. This is for me to filter out those they do like me and those who don’t. By doing so, they have to fight to win our hearts and not us. Those who survive the time trial will make it to the final cut and most often or not, many failed.
My main excuse is that being a non-Vietnamese, I am truly flattered by their love but then I need to be sure their feelings for me are real and not laid with many ill intentions. Hence I need to know many to find a good one. Besides, do you think that you are really the only man in their life ?????
I remember a cousin of my friend being involved with a regular’s proclaimed official gal. I warned him not to be involved cause I know the boyfriend. He told me that his gal doesn’t love this man anymore and is finding a way to break up with him. On the other hand, the boyfriend claims that his gal told him that my friend’s cousin is making all the advances on her and she is just playing along. I remember attending the birthday of a viet gal in a chalet. My friend’s cousin went with and not the official boyfriend.
Who’s the Boss
Another key is be in control and not be controlled, we Singapore man often let the woman rule our roost. Stamp your authority when you think you are right and make sure that they know that you are unhappy. Respect is a two-way street.
Take one of my recent gal. Due to the recent events, on one of those nights, I called her and asked where she was. She said that she is not working and out somewhere nearby having kopi with her friends. I told her that I would drop by shortly and meet up with her. She then told me that she was out with a male customer at Sentosa. Well she said that she only went out for sight-seeing and not to bed and she lied cause she do not want me to be hurt. I told her off that all I want is the truth even if she were to sleep with the customer, I don’t bother. The fact is that a lie is told and I dislike that more. Well, just a few nights ago, she told me she had to go elsewhere to work, some bro spotted her and told me about it. This place is where sleeping is a must. When asked of her whereabouts, the truth was told and that’s ok.
In the name of Love
Love….. but at what price in this area ….. what is really love…. many bros I know of whether married or single still gets trapped in this illusion of love sometimes. With their submissiveness and attention to detail as well as their sweet words, many hearts have melted believing that romance is in the air.
Remember this if I am a Vietnamese, I will be flatter by this love but then again are we Vietnamese. Love does not happen overnight or in days. Love with a viet takes time to build through respect and understanding.
For those whom known my royal highness, I knew her for 8 months before we really took off for the next 1 and a half years. She never asked of anything from me except that I can only see her after she finish her rounds. No gals can get 30 seconds of my time in 51 without incurring her wrath. Well, even its over between us, we are still good friends and can still joke about both our new-found relationship.
Because of love, one feels hurt to see their loved ones working or in the company of others, many sort to change their lives. This change means that one have to provide the source of livelihood for them. But then do you know what they do, who they are with whenever you are not around them. They live in a world where lies are truth and the truth are lies.
For the lucky ones, you get a devoted gal and the others a broken heart. The decision to change their lives comes from them and not ours. Let them make a decision out of love respect for you but not ours to make.
Peer Influence
Viet gals are by nature very traditional but circumstances have changed their ways plus “trainings” and advice from good friends whom are working here. The first thing that they have always learnt is that “All Singapore are liars” but then again who is the liar sometimes.
Some sisters create this web of lies and half-truths as they do not wish to lose a prize asset that can generate income for them. Besides, there are so much in-fighting between them that since they can’t get any happiness, they destroy seek to destroy the happiness of others.
When I came back, one of my gals told me that many gals told her that I am a free-loader and do not give any money to any gals that are involved with me. She told me that she was bombarded by them constantly that she is sick and tired of hearing all this. She claims that she told them that this is her problem and decision and has nothing to do with them. She loves me just the way it is as she can still earn her own living and she knows of my difficulty.
Were you really cheated?
For many, when things go wrong in a relationship. We often feel negative and blame the other party. The blame often lies with the gals. They are not such horrible monsters as many make them out to be.
For those who say they were cheated. Well, think again, were you really cheated? It takes 2 hands to clap and you are just but a willing partner in the name of love and its just that the results is not what you intend it to be.
So, quit bitching when in reality, you were a willing partner in this game and its just that they outsmarted you sometimes.
Advice from a Vietnamese
In my recent trips to Vietnam, i got to know a Vietnamese cafe owner who mhave a cafe where she has several gals working for her.
When I ask her jokingly to introduce a wife to me. She said, “In Vietnam, there are many gals and whether they work or not, it doesn’t matter. All this depends on 1’s good fortune to find a good gal. They are many gals looking out for someone to get them out of their current situation, love is not a key issue. My gals all sleep with man for money but then if she really loves you and make her decision to give up all this for you out of love and nothing else, you are one lucky man. So take your time and find one whether they are from good background or not. They are still Vietnamese woman in heart.”
I am not writing this to poke jest at anyone misery but I wish to encourage those whom have lost heart and for those that want to join this fraternity of the pitfalls. Vietnamese people are still fascinating to me, I profess to be a “Viet fanatic”. I have chosen to be among their midst and I feel like a part of them too.
Just remember to read between the lines of most of my postings, I believe I have dispensed enough means to enjoy Vietnamisation. It’s only the actual execution that makes the difference. Being the guru, I have to keep some tricks up my sleeve else everybody is happily Vietnamised and I have no fun left.
I do hope to see Singapore being Vietnamised one day….and as for now I will still continue my search for my real and last official BA XA. ………
15-01-2005, 01:56 PM
VN Kopi Theory
Surviving vietnamisation requires the application of the VN Kopi Theory
let me illustrate this using VN traditional drip kopi. 2 enjoy a good cuppa, u got to wait till the coffee drip completely. The problem is that it sure take damn long to drip, kopi equivalent to a quarter of the standard kopi cup takes 5minutes or more. Sometimes if the drip not prepared properly, no kopi drip so got to change.
The morale of this story is that the gals are like VN kopi, it all takes time, so instead of waiting for 1 cup to finish driping, order many cups and wait to drink. Sometimes it gets cold, then either add hot water or throw away. Anyway a cup of drip kopi cost about S$0.30.
so enjoy urself n stiop getting embroidered into the so call love....cheers ...
15-01-2005, 01:58 PM
Inside the mind of a Vietnamese Gal
Viets gals are by nature
a. Submissive
b. Loyal
c. Tends to show concern rather than shower love
d. Gets Jealous easily
e. Short Fuse
f. Give their all when they like someone
A real viet gal in Vietnam due to the fact that they have no place in society though modern in outlook are still bounded by their traditional mindset:
1. Man do not like woman to sweet-talk. Hence the gals show concern by actions and simple words and not words of love.
Examples of words of concern:
Have you eaten? Where are you? What are you doing?
2. A man will not make love with a gal he love till marriage except those he wants to have fun. Just like in the past, we guys want a virgin for a wife. Hence if a man do not touch her, she will think he love her much.
Recounting the story of my ex-viet gf whom was 16 when I knew her, though she work in 51 and is bonk by man, I have never touch her. I remember on the 3rd month, she ask why I never touch her, I replied I dun like …. Bullshit I wish I could but u are too young for me. Anyway, the words soon spread throughout 51 that I never touch her and love her true ……. She became my officially recognized gf in 51 …..
3. Relationship priority, coming from a traditional background usually. Family ranks high followed by relatives and friends. Try asking your viet gal to see your family, they usually rejects as in Vietnam when seeing the parents, it is consider that you are going to marriage. Boyfriend is always last priority. So if in Singapore, ally with their so-call sister, make her your best friend and you are in control of the relationship.
15-01-2005, 01:59 PM
Tips for courting a Viet Gal
The right use of words are a key and also a deep understanding of their culture. This is what I use and are done in Vietnamese not English and is more effective in that approach
Setting the ground rules when contact initated
- this is where the initation comes in and I set the ground rules of the way the game is to be played.
- This is also done as a filtering process to filter away undesirable elements
F: Can I sit with you?
M: No, I am scared of Vietnamese gals.
F: Why?
M: (Jokingly) Afraid that they break my heart?
F: How come?
M: Cos they have a sweet tongue
F: Really !!!
M: What do you think !!! they will say “I love you” and “I miss you” which are all lies. Right?
F: Right.
M: When a woman love a man, she will say “what are you doing” and “have you eaten” and that’s a real Vietnamese woman. Correct?
F: Correct and you seem to know us well. You have a Vietnamese wife.
M: Nope, never got married and still single cos ugly and fat. But I have an ex-gf of over 1 year plus who used to work in this region and that’s why I know.
F: Liar, you still single.
M: Yup, would you like to be my gf. (show her an inviting palm while joking)
F: Can (just to continue the joke with you only no serious implication at this stage)
With all this, the gal will have to change their game plan or target cos their standard gameplan will never work anymore…..
Meeting the one that you like
- Getting the engine running
M: I really like to make friend with you and not be a customer and as you know I never like to sit with any ger.
F: Why me?
M: Because I like you and like to know you more. If I say I love you, I would be lying. Well after we get to know each other and we both feel the same way.
F: And Then?
M: (jokingly) I will make a trip to meet up with your parents to tell them I want you to be my girlfriend.
F: (laughs) Not to be a wife meh.
M: Well, must let your parents know who I am first and after sometime, I will go and see them again to tell them that.
M: Well, go ahead and do whatmust let your parents know who I am first and after sometime, I will go and see them again to tell them that.
F: (laughs) Not to be a wife meh.
15-01-2005, 02:01 PM
Tips for Successful Vietnamisation
1. Never ever lie to her cause if she knows then you are in shit. Even if you already have a wife or girlfriend, tell her the truth. I thought that this was not possible initially but then 1 experiment with a blue area girl proved otherwise and since then I learnt to tell the truth and that’s how I can have open relationship with multiple gals in the same area.
2. Learn to wipe your mouth clean after makan. Viet gals love gossiping and words will spread far and wide. In the initial years, whatever I do to a gal is always outside of 51. That’s why I earn the reputation of not sitting with any gals and this reputation still sticks till today. Just the other night, I was with me ger in 51 and 1 of the gals say “2nite rare occasion, u sitting with a gal”
3. Be a Mr. Nice Guy, play soft when she throw temper. Never ever shout back and just keep quiet. When she done, just say you going off and just go home. The next day, she will be back to normal. Any shouting will lead to big quarrel.
4. Be Mr. Smiley face, just be friendly and give me a smile to everyone.
5. Time and persistency , this is the key to everything to grabbing a hold on the gal’s heart. I have often edge people out because of the time that I can afford and not the money.
6. Never humiliate her with money if she sleeps you for free but try to delay this process till she offers it.
7. The family and friend’s route. All gals have some close friends and a so-call relative whom they call elder sister. Find out who she is and be on good terms with this elder sister as 1 word from them is better than our 20 words.
If the sister likes you, she will help you do what we cannot do such as scolding our gf and will help you take your gal in hand and control.
8. Learn to have an open mind and let them do their work, they will give you time when they have the time. Once you meddle with their work, either pay her not to do so or she will want you out of her life. Let them make their own decision of whether to work or go out with you.
Remember, let them continue to fish and not give them the fish. By doing so, you are spoiling their means of survival into a dependency.
15-01-2005, 02:02 PM
Phases of Vietnamisation
Initiation Phase: last a few days
1. initiate contact by either sit with them or talk to them
2. See them and talk to them to obtain rapport
Honeymoon Phase: last between 1 to 3 flights.
1.start of courtship and if can click, this will be the most entertaining part of the whole relationship will feel the full weight of their love money just pure lovey dovey feeling
4.depending on actions done during this phase, it will determine the next two phases
Reality Phase: no time limit
1.motive behind relationship not due to love
a.start of request for monetary help with excuses such as tired of this working life, not enough customer, family sick and a whole list of demands or.
b.start of request for marriage but allow to continue work to finance family else hubby help out acceding to demands, relationship continues
Isolation Phase: no time limit
1.motive behind relationship due to love for you not want you to see her working not like you to associate with other gals
2.Will give you her time when she is not working such as off-duty hours or no customer
3.the real Vietnamese woman view of love, no words of love but concern
4.test of patience phase but endurance is key to lasting relationship.
15-01-2005, 02:03 PM
Marriage in the Air
This past week have been rather scary, one of my gal call me from Vietnam and ask for my hand, this is follow up by my gal still in Singapore. Just last night, I got bombarded with another request. My excuse being that I am not able to provide them any support and so I will not agree. If I do want, I have to ensure that they are clean from whatever past trade they are in. Its not that I mind what they do for a living, I don’t really bother.
It also seems like recently many gals from Viet zone is bringing up the topic of marriage to their loved ones. Giving the recent spate of events, this is fast becoming popular once again. Many understand the safety net offered by having a Singapore husband. They are many real marriages but also many scams as reported in the papers.
For the naïve ones whom just their journey into this zone, I like to give my 2-cents worth of advise. To many, marriage means a union of 2 people out of love. With a Viets, it means a union with her and her family
Taking a leaf of a friend of mine whom just got married in Vietnam, his wife is not those whom works in any of the night life joint. Prior to his marriage to this gal, he was with another gal.
For her, he sacrifices his marriage in Singapore and moved to Vietnam to work. Plans of marriage were in place the moment he gets his divorce approved. Things are rosy and fine till her family falls into bad times. He did his best to support her and her family. He even invested in a small café so that the family could earn their own keep. But then they are lazy and simply ask him for help. To him, her own immediate family asking for help is a small matter.
Then the relatives started asking for help too, her family pressured her to ask him to help her uncles and aunties. Being filial which is what most Vietnamese are towards their family. She ask and he helps but then the asking never stops. Hence they quarrel often and thus broke up.
Remember this always. To a Vietnamese, their immediate family always rank high in their priority followed by the siblings of their parents. Friends are next in the list and husband often rank last.
Many a times, the gals here in Singapore are here for a reason and that is to help their own family back home. They pamper the family with most often or not, bulk of the money that they earned. An understanding family will spend wisely but Vietnamese are known gamblers and many parents often squander such wealth on gambling.
I remember a gal whom send half her earnings to her mum whom squander it all in gambling and incur additional debts which even her half have to be contributed and is insufficient. She thus have to return to work to pay off the debts and interest rates from illegal money lenders in Vietnam are very high up to as much as 50%. Unlike Singapore, the police are corrupted and thus do not bother.
I am not against marriages but then before one take that plunge and prepares for marriage. Think rationally and the real reason of it all. The cultural difference of our countries takes time too comprehend. It took me almost 2 years to learn their culture and ways.
15-01-2005, 02:04 PM
Side Effects of an improperly administered Vietnamisation program
This is written in jest but is the essence of the effects when one suffers from a poor Vietnamisation bout ..... Read and take heed of the warning signals here ......
The above are some of the common syndromes found in an improperly administer vietnmisation program
1. Loss of Money due to:
a. pity her - stop work, family, etc
b. satisfying the need to communciate - hp, idd calls, phone cards
c. need to see her - air-tickets, taxi, beer, etc
d. satisfying her food craving- crabs, seafood, etc
2. Loss of Appettide due to:
a. symptom 1 - credit card bills, loans
b. sym. 2
3. Loss of Sleep
a. sym. 1 - credit card bills, loans
b. sym. 2
4. Becoming a Robert
a. more intense manifestation of sym.
5. False Illusion of being in Love
a. 1st 3 months - feeling of intense love
b. 2nd 3 months - feeling of love but peg with demands
i. demand met - feelings of love
ii.demands not met - feelings of unlove
6. Loss of Friends
a. sym. 5
i. spend too much time on gal
ii. piss friends off due to ignoring their advice
b. dissociation by friends due to (a) above
c. light-ear
i. listen to "good advice" from gal - this happens if u r known to be my
7. Loss of Time
a. sym. 5
8. Loss of any other form of enjoyment
a. sym. 5
b. sym. 7
9. Marriage
a. being conned to a scam marriage whilst she has hubby and kids in
b. being conned to a scam marriage and have an immediate family "Buy 1
get few free"
c. to help her get license to stay in Sillypore officially
10. Deterioration of body functions:
a. hearing
b. Lung related ailments
c. Liver related ailments
d. Kidney related ailments
e. STD
11. Physical Injuries due to:
a. Smash by beer mug:
i. fighting for same gal
ii. dun pay for services
iii. caught flirting with other gal
iv. standing up for your gal
v. caught by your spouse or real life sillypore gal
b. Scratch Marks:
i. passionate moments
ii. fighting with your gal
c. Love Bites:
i. passionate moments
d. Red Face:
i. slap by your gal
e. Blue Black:
i. pinched by your gal
15-01-2005, 02:05 PM
Vietnamese Love Letter
This is a letter that i send to 1 of my gf in vietnam ...... for those who know her ... she is Michelle .... hope it help u guys improve or pick up pointers .
tons of emotional roller coasters and design to go for the jugular in the woman ............cheers ..............
Em oi,
day la email cua anh. Khi em doc thu cua anh, anh da di VN. Hoi qua em noi khoang Ngay15 em ve Saigon. Con xa lam, 1nguoi o bac va 1 nguoi o nam. Khong chac khi nao anh se gap duoc em, hy vong em khong bat anh phai cho lau.
This is my email. By the time you read my mail, I have left for vietnam. You say you be leaving on the 15th. Near yet far apart, 1 in the north and the other in the south. Not sure when I will see you again, hope you don't make me wait too long.
Anh khong biet dung loi noi ra sao de dien ta het tinh cam cua minh. Lan dau tien gap em, anh khong hieu sao anh lai rat muon duoc lam quen voi em. Em co biet tai sao anh l i noi voi em rang chung ta nen tim hieu nhau lau hon khong, vi anh khong muon chung minh gay ton thuong cho nhau, anh chi muon noi mot lan duy nhat rang chung ta sinh ra la de cho nhau. Anh rat co cam giac voi em nhung anh chi co the noi anh thich em. Neu anh noi anh yeu em thi anh chi noi doi vi chung ta chi quen biet nhau moi day thoi.
I do not know how to put my feelings into words. When I first see u, not sure why, i know i want to make friends with you. You know why i say i want us to know each other slowly because I do not want us to hurt each other and only time will tell that we are meant for each other. I do have strong feelings for you but I can say I like you much. If I say I love you, I will be lying as we know each other recently.
Anh biet em dang rat can tien, em den Singapore vi em muon kiem tien chu khong phai tim nguoi yeu. Anh khong phai la ke ngoc dau em a, anh biet em dang lam gi o Singapore. Va khi anh quyet dinh den voi em thi anh biet anh se gap tro ngai gi khi quen voi em.
I know that u really need money, you are in singapore because you want to earn money and not to find a lover. I am not stupid, I know what you are doing in singapore. when i decide to choose you, i know what i am getting into when i know you.
Em biet do, ban gai truoc day cua anh lam o 51, co mot lan anh noi co ay ve xin me co ay cho phep hai nguoi lay nhau. Neu co ay khong bi canh sat bat giu thi co the gio day tui anh da dang chuan bi lam dam cuoi roi. Anh that su thich em vi chinh con nguoi that su cua em chu khong phai vi nhung viec em dang lam. Anh hy vong lan nay anh khong sai.
You have know my ex-girlfriend who work at 51, i have once ask her to ask her mum for permission to marry her. If she was not caught by the police, maybe we are preparing for marriage. I really like you for who you are and what you are working as. Hope that I am right this time.
Dung de so phan dieu khien em va cung dung tu trach ban than ve nhung viec minh dang lam. Anh mong rang anh co the lam em thay doi tot hon. Anh khong dam hua nhung anh se co het suc.
Don't let fate control you and don't you despise yourself for what you are doing. Hope I can one day help you change for the better. No promise but I will try.
Thoi gian o ben em tuy ngan ngui nhung da mang lai cho anh nhieu niem hanh phuc. Da lau lam roi anh khong co cai cam giac cua su vui suong do. Chi can trong thay em la anh cung cam thay du vui roi.
The time that i have spend with though short have brought me many joys. For a long time, I have not had such feelings of joy. Just seeing you is enough to make me feel good.
Cam on em da danh thoi gian cho anh. Chao em. Hay viet thu cho anh khi em ranh roi nhe.
Thanks for giving me your time and concern. Take Care. Do write to me when you have the time.
15-01-2005, 02:07 PM
Thanks to Shagua, I think I will improvise and improve on his basic Vietnamese Dictionary . One word of caution, as Vietnamese in its original form has intonations and thus many times interpreting of a word depends on the context of the entire message and because we receive them in sms, the tones is not there and thus interpretations may be warped.
As for pronounciation, I try my best to give English version but sometimes try it with a little of Cantonese accent to get the right pronounciation.
Please note that this meant for you to learnt how to interpret basic daily sms and this will take time. Vietnamese grammar is close to malay grammar. There are numerous website offering free lesson on line. Spoken and written Vietnamese differs due to habits.
I myself learn to read and write after going for basic Viet lessons, however as for spoken Vietnamese, I never really learnt until I started going to Vietnam and in many sense I know many spoken rather than written words.
So be careful when you write sms to your gals, Viet words have double meaning when use wrongly.
People terms
Anh (pronounced as “ang”)= I/You (Male)
Em (pronounced as “M”)= I/You (Female)
Bo Me (pronounced as “boh meh”)/ Cha Me (pronounced as “char meh”)= Parents
Bo = Father Me = Mother Ban (pronounced as “bun”) = Friend
Ban Tot (pronounced as “bun tok”) = Good Friend
Ban Than (pronounced as “bun teng”) = Very Close Friend (almost like lovers but not yet)
Con Gai (pronounced as “cong guy”) = Girl
Con Trai (pronounced as “cong try”) = Boy
Ban Trai / Gai (pronounced as “bun tok”) = Boy/Girl Friend
Nguoi Yeu (pronounced as “Ngui U”) = Lover
Ong Xa (pronounced as “Ong sa”) / Chong (pronounced as “Chong”) = Hubby
Ba Xa (pronounced as “Bar sa”) / Vo (pronounced as “Ver”)= Wife
Gia Dinh (pronounced as “Kia Deng”) = Family
Ai (pronounced as “I”) = Who / Somebody
Common Connectors
Khong (pronounced as “cong”)= No/ Negative Expression (Any words following this becomes negative), Short form is “KO” or “KG”
Vang (pronounced as “vung”) / Da (pronounced as “ya” in the South and “za” in the North) = Yes
Nhung (pronounced as “nung”) / Ma (pronounced as “mar”) = But
Nua (pronounced as “nuar”) = Again Neu (pronounced as “new”) = If
Dung (pronounced as “don’t”) = Correct / Right
Roi (pronounced as “roy”) = Already
Co (pronounced as “kor ”)= Have (sometimes can be used as “Yes)
Duoc (pronounced as “duc”) = literally “Can get” / “Achievable” (in the sense of asking for permission for something) Example “Duoc Bao Lau” = “Got how long”
Khong Duoc = Cannot be done/achieve Duoc Khong = Can be done/achieve or not
Chua (pronounced as “cher”) = Yet to Voi (pronounced as “vuy”) = With
Qua (pronounced as “kwa”) / Rat (pronounced as “rak” but Vietnamese usually pronounced it as “zak”) = Very
Co The (pronounced as “kor ter”)= Can Khong The (pronounced as “cong ter”)= Cannot
Expression of Feelings
Yeu (pronounced as “U”)= Love
Thich (pronounced as “thick” or “turk”)= Like
Nho (pronounced as “U”)= Remember / Miss [someone]
Gian (pronounced as “yang”) = Angry
Ghen (pronounced as “gang”) = Jealous
Buon (pronounced as “bonng”) = Sad / Boring
Vui (pronounced as “vuy”) = Happy
Vui lam(pronounced as “vuy lam”) = Very happy
Hanh Phuc (pronounced as “hang phuc”) = Very Blessed (like “xin fu” in Chinese)
Dau (pronounced as “dow”) = Pain Hien (pronounced as “hint”) = Virtuos
Dau Tim (pronounced as “dow tim”) = Heart-Pain / Broken Heart
[basic expressinon] Qua/Lam = Very ….
Rat [basic expressinon] = Very ….
Some Vocab
Di (pronounced as “D”) = Go
Den (pronounced as “Den”) = Come
Lam (pronounced as “Lam”) = Make / Work ….etc depending on context
Nhieu (pronounced as “new”)= Many / A lot
It (pronounced as “it”) / Chuc Chuc (pronounced “chook chook”) = A little
Het (pronounced as “hack”) = Run out / Over already
Dep (pronounced as “depth”) = Pretty
Eg: Dep lam = Beautiful (for Gals), Dep Trai = Handsome
Ngu (pronounced as “ngo”) = Sleep Nghi (pronounced as “ngee”) = Rest
Nghi (pronounced as “nghee”) = Think Met (pronounced as “met”) = Tired
Benh (pronounced as “burn”) = Sick
Dien Thoai (pronounced as “dian toy”) = Telephone (short form is “dt”)
Xin Loi (pronounced as “sing loy”) = Sorry
Xin tha loi cho (pronounced as “sing ta loy cher”) = Please forgive me
Ngoi (pronounced as “ngoy”) = Sit Xao (pronounced as “sow”) = Lie (Lying)
That (pronounced as “thick”) = Truth (in the case such as “Rat that” = really true/truly”)
Song (pronounced as “song”) = Stay (where one stay)
Hat (pronounced as “hark”) = Sing Doi (pronounced as “doy”) = Wait
Doi (pronounced as “doy”) = Hungry
Doi Buon(pronounced as “doy bom”) = Very Hungry
Hieu (pronounced as “hew”) = Understand
Biet (pronounced as “beet”) = Know
Viet (pronounced as “veet”) = Write Doc (pronounced as “tok”) = Read
Noi (pronounced as “noy”) = Speak Hoi (pronounced as “hoy”) = Tell
Cho (pronounced as “Cho”) = Give
Mong (pronounced as “monk”) / Hy Vong (pronounced as “hee vong”)= Hope/Wish for oneself
Chuc (pronounced as “chook”)= Hope/Wish for someone
Mua (pronounced as “mu”) = Buy Eg “Mua Do (pronounced as “doe” = Shopping
An (pronounced as “ang”) = Eat Ve (pronounced as “vay”) = Return
Choi (pronounced as “chui”) = Play Uong (pronounced as “uong”) = Drink
Gap (pronounced as “kap”) / Thay (pronounced as “thigh”)= See / Meet
Xem (pronounced as “sim”) = Watch (usually for watching tv or movie)
Cam on(pronounced as “kam en”) = Thank You
Lam Tinh (pronounced as “Lam teng”) = Make Love
Kiem Tien (pronounced as “Kim Tin”) = Earn Money
Can Tien (pronounced as “chan tin”) = Need Money
Khong co Tien (pronounced as “cong kaur tin”) = No Have Money
Het Tien (pronounced as “het tin”) = Run out of money eg. handphone
Food terms
Com (pronounced as “kum”)= Rice Com (pronounced as “kum”)= Rice
Pho (pronounced as “fur”)= Kway-teow like noodles
Mien (pronounced as “mean”)= Noodles Bo (pronounced as “bore”)= Beef
Ca (pronounced as “ka”)= Fish Ga (pronounced as “gar”)= Chicken
De (pronounced as “yeah”)= Mutton Ech (pronounced as “er”)= Frog
Chao Ech/ Chao Er= Frog-leg porridge
Rau (pronounced as “row” as in rowdy)= Vegetable
Nuoc (pronounced as “nerd”)= Liquid
Nuoc Suoi (pronounced as “nerd soy”)= Water
Nuoc Yen (pronounced as “nerd yeng”)= Bird Nest Drink
Cam (pronounced as “kam”)= Orange (Nuoc Cam = orange juice)
Da (pronounced as “da”)= Ice Duong (pronounced as “don’t”)= Sugar
Sua (pronounced as “sir”)= Milk
Sua Dua Nhan (pronounced as “sir dow nan”)= Soya Bean Milk
Sua Chua (pronounced as “sir cho”)= Yoghurt
Ca phe (pronounced as “car fair”)= Coffee Tra (pronounced as “cha”)= Tea
Nuoc Mieng (pronounced as “nerd ming”)= Saliva
Ngon (pronounced as “ngong”)= Delicions
Cay (pronounced as “kai”)= Hot (as in too much chilli)
Ngot (pronounced as “ngot”)= Sweet
Nong (pronounced as “nhong”)= Warm / Hot (applicable to weather as well)
Positional terms
Ngoai (pronounced as “ngoay”) = Outside Dau (pronounced as “dow”) = Where
O (pronounced as “er”) = At / In Ngoai (pronounced as “ngoay”) = Outside
Thang (pronounced as “tang”) = Straight Ahead
Xuong (pronounced as “soon”) = Down (as in downstairs)
Tren Duong (pronounced as “trend jung”) = On my way to ……
Day (pronounced as “die”) = Here / This
Kia (pronounced as “kia”) = There / That
Past/Future/Present Tense
Dang (pronounced as “dung”) = Event that is in the process of happening
Da (pronounced as “dung”) = Event that has happen
Se (pronounced as “say”) = Event that will happen
Mot (pronounced as “mock”) = 1 Hai (pronounced as “hai”) = 2
Ba (pronounced as “bar”) = 3 Thu (pronounced as “ter”) = 4
Nam (pronounced as “nam”) = 5 Sau (pronounced as “sau”) = 6
Bay (pronounced as “bye”) = 7 Tam (pronounced as “thumb”) = 8
Chin (pronounced as “chin”) = 9 Muoi (pronounced as “mui”) = 10
Tram (pronounced as “charm”) = hundreds
Nghin (pronounced as “ngan” or “nghin”) = thousands
Trieu (pronounced as “chieu”) = millions
Number system is like Chinese so for Eleven (Muoi Mot) and for twenty (Hai Muoi) and so on.
Time Terms
May (pronounced as “may “)= What (used for asking about numbers, date date and time)
Gio (pronounced as “yer” for south or “zer” for the north) = Time / Hour
Eg: What Time = May Gio , 5 Gio (usually written as “5g” = 5 o’clock
Ruoi (pronounced as “re”) = half
Eg: When they say “1 Tram Ruoi” = 150, “5g Ruoi” = 5.30
Bay (pronounced as “bay “) Gio= Now
Mot lat (pronounced as “mock lark “) / Mot chuc (pronounced as “mock chook “)= In a while (usually the latter is of shorter time frame)
Eg “doi mot chuc” or “doi 1 chuc” = wait a while, “1 chuc nua” = in a little while
Truoc (pronounced as “trock “) = Before
Sau (pronounced as “sow “) = After
Thoi Gian (pronounced as “toy zan “) = Period of time
Ranh (pronounced as “rung”) = Free time
Lau (pronounced as “lau”) = Long time
Khi Nao (pronounced as “key now”)= When
Other Expressions
Gi (pronounced as “yi” [south] or “z” [north]) = What
Cai (pronounced as “ker”) Gi = What do you want? / What is it
Khong Co gi = You are welcome / small matter
Khong Sao (pronounced as “sow” = Doesn’t Matter / Never Mind
O Dau (pronounced as “er dow”) = At where (literally = where are u)
Nha (pronounced as “nia”) = Home Cho (pronounced as “cho”) =Workplace / Market
Khach San (pronounced as “cut sun”) = Hotel
Tai Sao (pronounced as “thigh sow”) / Sao = Why
Bao Nhieu (pronounced as “bow new”) = How much …..
Bao Lau (pronounced as “bow new”) = How Long …..
15-01-2005, 02:14 PM
wow...u very free is it
15-01-2005, 04:10 PM
wow...u very free is it
this is called effort... I respect that...
15-01-2005, 05:20 PM
Thanks brother Lament for his hardwork and very informative posts. Really had educated a non-viet chiongster like me. Cheers. :D
15-01-2005, 05:58 PM
Hey bro,,, that is wonderful & informative post,,, will up your pts once I regain my power :cool:
Me regular at 51 also,,, hope will meet u one day...
15-01-2005, 06:59 PM
BRo, I salute u.
u oredi reached the stage where u know their culture or rather their 'ways'.
not easy lor, i think.
i knew who u are and have not spoken to you before.
its because my freind neber intro u to me.
next time i will shake yr hand to salute you for this thread that you have created.
15-01-2005, 07:26 PM
wah bro.. really got to salute u for this posting... sheer effort... great job... ;)
16-01-2005, 04:24 AM
As promise, already up u for your great effort :cool:
16-01-2005, 05:10 PM
thks bro for your helpful thread... dis will be one of my most frequently read one... n sum of d things r looking mighty familiar... kekeke.... will wanna meet up n toast to u 4 ur effort... great work~!
16-01-2005, 10:47 PM
wow...u very free is it
this is called effort... I respect that...
He is just disturbing our dear lament...just for the fun of it.
Thanks brother Lament for his hardwork and very informative posts. Really had educated a non-viet chiongster like me. Cheers. :D
So are are you ready to plunge into the vietnamisation program? Maybe you can find your "true love". But one point you always remember..."False illusion of being Love/in Love" :D
17-01-2005, 12:55 AM
lament, another fantastic efforts and informations from u...wat a great viet infor thread to be...wooooooooooooo!!! cam on anh trai lament...keke! :D
17-01-2005, 01:57 AM
Viet gals, never been there, never done that. it's all french to me.....appreciate all your info bro, obviously took time and effort on your part lah....I learned something new tonight.
17-01-2005, 08:03 AM
Bro, u are a vietnamese walkin dictionary !!! Not only their language, but you managed to understand their culture as well !! I salute u ! ;)
17-01-2005, 01:55 PM
Hey bro,,, that is wonderful & informative post,,, will up your pts once I regain my power :cool:
Me regular at 51 also,,, hope will meet u one day...
maybe we met but not formally introduced ...... I am often seen .....Just look out for 1 hefty chunk there ....
17-01-2005, 01:59 PM
Thanks for all the accolades but this is simply a repost of what i have done in "pubs along joo chiat" thread and is devoted to all those who love viet gals ......
Let this be the SB Forum Vietnamisation Support Group.......
17-01-2005, 02:12 PM
Let this be the SB Forum Vietnamisation Support Group.......
Haizz.... I love viets but they dont love me.. Sob sob... :D
17-01-2005, 02:13 PM
I have learnt a great deal today,
just like going to school... :p
17-01-2005, 02:26 PM
Viet gals, never been there, never done that. it's all french to me.....appreciate all your info bro, obviously took time and effort on your part lah....I learned something new tonight.
well ....they were a former french colony though ....... :D
17-01-2005, 02:40 PM
maybe we met but not formally introduced ...... I am often seen .....Just look out for 1 hefty chunk there ....
Do u play pool?? If u do,,, i confirm we met,,, cos i am a super regular at the pool table :cool:
17-01-2005, 02:55 PM
Do u play pool?? If u do,,, i confirm we met,,, cos i am a super regular at the pool table
so many regulars there... kekeke.. think i'll keep a low profile there liaoz.. kekeke... :D
17-01-2005, 05:19 PM
"I have bonked the world but never have get so entangled with any 1 country until I got to know a Viet. Its so hard for me to bonk another again after my last gal even though it is over between us"
Si pui, who quoted u this statement, I want to go n buddy him....
17-01-2005, 06:18 PM
Si pui, who quoted u this statement, I want to go n buddy him....
someone very dear to u .....who gave that few big tight slaps a few nights ago at 51 ......
17-01-2005, 06:20 PM
someone very dear to u .....who gave that few big tight slaps a few nights ago at 51 ......
brudder... when r u free 4 a drink?
i oso wanna join d club... kekeke...
17-01-2005, 08:08 PM
Do u play pool?? If u do,,, i confirm we met,,, cos i am a super regular at the pool table :cool:
i've always liked that pool table at 51... cos it was there that i did my first ever 1 cue game in pub conditions and the viet chicks went wild... hahahahah... :cool:
just bragging out-loud for my own ego... hahahah
17-01-2005, 09:02 PM
Si pui, who quoted u this statement, I want to go n buddy him....
hey tot u saying u going to hcmc this end of the month??
17-01-2005, 09:06 PM
i've always liked that pool table at 51... cos it was there that i did my first ever 1 cue game in pub conditions and the viet chicks went wild... hahahahah... :cool:
just bragging out-loud for my own ego... hahahah
I like to play pool there cos most of the time got players,, and mostly know how to play, everybody can beat anybody, not one way traffic like some pub a few 'super zhun' player controling the table.... Ever once go to EastSide at MS,,,, q for one hour plus, KNN end up only see that player one cue game :mad:
17-01-2005, 10:48 PM
Si pui, who quoted u this statement, I want to go n buddy him....
Ya lor... can introduce? I also wanna learn from him! ;)
17-01-2005, 11:48 PM
brudder... when r u free 4 a drink?
i oso wanna join d club... kekeke...
Bro, we saw this power bro lament b4 lar.. jus that u n him nt formally introduced... :p
18-01-2005, 09:41 AM
Bro, we saw this power bro lament b4 lar.. jus that u n him nt formally introduced...
basket... neber intro mi..... when was d occassion dat i've missed it?... hmm...
18-01-2005, 09:48 AM
hey tot u saying u going to hcmc this end of the month??
U want to go?? U kena gong tao?
18-01-2005, 11:24 AM
"I have bonked the world but never have get so entangled with any 1 country until I got to know a Viet. Its so hard for me to bonk another again after my last gal even though it is over between us"
this reminds me of a quote from stephen chow's the monkey god movie :D
18-01-2005, 01:55 PM
lament ..... u're the man .... i salute u ....
what u've wrote are very informative and useful for sillypore man, like myself ....
your points have helped me to understand deeper into the viet gals ...
understanding the culture of a country is good ...
understanding the hearts of the ppl is important ...
i will be in HCM city on friday and will print out what u've write and going to read it again and again on the plane, in hotel and whenever i've time ...
many thanks for the great effort ...
once again ... i salute u ..
cheers, bro ....
18-01-2005, 02:10 PM
just got the notes done on word document .... total 16 pages ...
thanks lament ...... this is going to be my bible for vietnamisation program ..
if we get to meet one day either in singapore or hcm, i must buy u a drink ...
cheers bro .....
18-01-2005, 02:12 PM
you going there to study or have fun? dun bother reading la, just got out and hook yourself some girls :D
18-01-2005, 07:46 PM
just got the notes done on word document .... total 16 pages ...
thanks lament ...... this is going to be my bible for vietnamisation program ..
if we get to meet one day either in singapore or hcm, i must buy u a drink ...
cheers bro .....
Well, I consider myself half-Sillyporean and half-Vietnamese liao and always ready to help a fellow buddy get vietnamise ......
Having undergone full vietnamisation, I have not look back since and have not regretted it .....just yet to find a true love after my princess and my recent ger ger .....
maybe i shall share some experience when i have the time ....
19-01-2005, 02:40 AM
Hello Bro japboy,,,,,,,,,, just now disappear for more than half hour,,, got any story to tell???? kekekekek :D
19-01-2005, 08:57 AM
you going there to study or have fun? dun bother reading la, just got out and hook yourself some girls
doing all at the same time lar ..... can make use of the flight time to catch up on some reading ...
anyway ... it's always good to learn the culture of another country ...
it also shows that u respect them ... regardless of how they're ....
RESPECT ..... i think that's the key word for good communication ..
19-01-2005, 09:11 AM
Hello Bro japboy,,,,,,,,,, just now disappear for more than half hour,,, got any story to tell???? kekekekek
yo bro... nice mtg up w u.... sorry 2 keep all waiting there... but well, normal quarrelling ... nothing usual... but i have a soft heart... haiz... kekekeke... n plz... not fr hor... kekeke... :D
19-01-2005, 09:39 AM
yo bro... nice mtg up w u.... sorry 2 keep all waiting there... but well, normal quarrelling ... nothing usual... but i have a soft heart... haiz... kekekeke... n plz... not fr hor... kekeke... :D
I think your nick needs to change to vietboy... u r more into viet now.
19-01-2005, 09:43 AM
I think your nick needs to change to vietboy... u r more into viet now.
hahaha.... well, it's jz a temporary shift of attention.. muz keep on changing 2 experience life .... i'm still a true blue japboy down n down... global trotter at heart... kekekeek....
19-01-2005, 11:00 AM
yo bro... nice mtg up w u.... sorry 2 keep all waiting there... but well, normal quarrelling ... nothing usual... but i have a soft heart... haiz... kekekeke... n plz... not fr hor... kekeke... :D
Aiya ,,, like that anti climate leh,,,,, my imagination have been running since u gone missing :D
Soft heart is ok lah,,,,,,,but make sure neccessary organ need to be hard when need arises...........
19-01-2005, 11:02 AM
Aiya ,,, like that anti climate leh,,,,, my imagination have been running since u gone missing
Soft heart is ok lah,,,,,,,but make sure neccessary organ need to be hard when need arises...........
hahahaha... sorry 2 disappoint all of u... kekeke..... n well, my engine is well-oiled alrite... kekeke
19-01-2005, 02:36 PM
Hello Bro japboy,,,,,,,,,, just now disappear for more than half hour,,, got any story to tell???? kekekekek :D
release loads from his brains .....
19-01-2005, 02:37 PM
hahahaha... sorry 2 disappoint all of u... kekeke..... n well, my engine is well-oiled alrite... kekeke
imho ....squeeze whatever juices she has and dumped her lah ...
she is under the guidance of her ever watchful sister ......and her sis is a pretty seasoned pro ....... have yet to see her get attached to any man in the area yet ....strictly business stuff .....
19-01-2005, 07:33 PM
imho ....squeeze whatever juices she has and dumped her lah ...
she is under the guidance of her ever watchful sister ......and her sis is a pretty seasoned pro ....... have yet to see her get attached to any man in the area yet ....strictly business stuff .....
Agree with bro lament,,,,,,,, be careful and squeeze suffient amount of juices for own use then run liao,,,,,,,, too much juices will get drown :D
19-01-2005, 09:38 PM
release loads from his brains .....
oopp...when anh trai lament wana convert your viet selection cat to u-24???kekeke! remmenber...any number above 35, don touch hor...cos belong to our ah gong...haha! :D
19-01-2005, 11:27 PM
My respect to you!
Its really not easy to learn vietnamese, i been trying so hard to learn as my GF is a vietnamese. Its very informative and accurate.
Hope to meet up with u one day :)
20-01-2005, 09:13 AM
she is under the guidance of her ever watchful sister ......and her sis is a pretty seasoned pro ....... have yet to see her get attached to any man in the area yet ....strictly business stuff .....
hahaha... i know her sista is d pain in d arse... i know it's biz but trying 2 change it... thkz 4 d advice bro. :D
Agree with bro lament,,,,,,,, be careful and squeeze suffient amount of juices for own use then run liao,,,,,,,, too much juices will get drown
hahaha... lidat i muz have to squeeze alot as i'm a gd diver~! :eek:
20-01-2005, 11:08 AM
My respect to you!
Its really not easy to learn vietnamese, i been trying so hard to learn as my GF is a vietnamese. Its very informative and accurate.
Hope to meet up with u one day
welcome to the family .... is your gf a proper gal or one of those working gals ..
take yor time to learn and dun think your gf will wanna teach you in the 1st place ...
20-01-2005, 11:19 AM
welcome to the family .... is your gf a proper gal or one of those working gals ..
take yor time to learn and dun think your gf will wanna teach you in the 1st place ...
i will fall asleep before learning anything heheh...
though nowadays can remember some important words for msg like where are you and good night!
20-01-2005, 12:03 PM
think i need a new chapter on how to break up peacefully haha... :D
20-01-2005, 12:05 PM
think i need a new chapter on how to break up peacefully haha... :D
No no, need a chapter on how to break up without getting hurt.
20-01-2005, 12:07 PM
No no, need a chapter on how to break up without getting hurt.
haha something similar, but your role and mine reversed :p
20-01-2005, 01:17 PM
haha something similar, but your role and mine reversed
so one is poking d gal n another kena poked? :eek:
20-01-2005, 01:22 PM
so one is poking d gal n another kena poked? :eek:
hrmmm... well, dats one way of putting it i guess :p
20-01-2005, 01:42 PM
hrmmm... well, dats one way of putting it i guess
hahaha.. bro, jz b honest n tell d gal u want out.. sianz oreadi... they will not blame u...
20-01-2005, 01:46 PM
hahaha.. bro, jz b honest n tell d gal u want out.. sianz oreadi... they will not blame u...
heh situations differ i guess...
anyway, no hurry also...
leave it to fate... :rolleyes:
20-01-2005, 02:19 PM
think i need a new chapter on how to break up peacefully haha...
let me work on it and publish it in a few days ok .....
usually i just let the thing fade away quietly ....
No no, need a chapter on how to break up without getting hurt.
who? you or the gals?
if we are not involved emotionally then no problem to it .......
20-01-2005, 03:04 PM
let me work on it and publish it in a few days ok .....
usually i just let the thing fade away quietly ....
if we are not involved emotionally then no problem to it .......
hahaha.. i'm looking forward to it...
but 2 let it die a natural death is a painful act itself... cut loose asap...
20-01-2005, 03:18 PM
hahaha.. i'm looking forward to it...
but 2 let it die a natural death is a painful act itself... cut loose asap...
bro, unless the gal u kenna flight never leave Singapore then it is difficult. For those on the frequent flyer programs, just enjoy the flight till they are gone ....
when they are back, just show up and say "hey i still love u but then I was lonely and got to know her ..... she loves me much more than u do but i still love u" ....... if lucky u end up with 2 else only 1 ......
20-01-2005, 03:29 PM
bro, unless the gal u kenna flight never leave Singapore then it is difficult. For those on the frequent flyer programs, just enjoy the flight till they are gone ....
when they are back, just show up and say "hey i still love u but then I was lonely and got to know her ..... she loves me much more than u do but i still love u" ....... if lucky u end up with 2 else only 1 ......
heheheh... no comments... you know me well enough :D
20-01-2005, 06:12 PM
hmmm seems like i can start posting regularly in this thread already ...hahaha all thanks to bro Lament...hows life lately? haven seen you for quite some time already...heard the atmosphere over at JC quite tense these two weeks.....:)
20-01-2005, 06:23 PM
when they are back, just show up and say "hey i still love u but then I was lonely and got to know her ..... she loves me much more than u do but i still love u" ....... if lucky u end up with 2 else only 1 ......
hahaha... i think i can say it straight even without them gng n coming back... kekeke :D
20-01-2005, 07:37 PM
hmmm seems like i can start posting regularly in this thread already ...hahaha all thanks to bro Lament...hows life lately? haven seen you for quite some time already...heard the atmosphere over at JC quite tense these two weeks.....
tense not really ..... i'm getting tense liao .... nearing end of the month and yet to have new accounts open ...only see old accounts closing ..... argh.....
20-01-2005, 11:17 PM
tense not really ..... i'm getting tense liao .... nearing end of the month and yet to have new accounts open ...only see old accounts closing ..... argh.....
brudder, i'm getting tense for u as well.. kekeke...
21-01-2005, 11:39 AM
nah, my GF is a proper girl in singapore, not those on visit pass and doing PT. :)
welcome to the family .... is your gf a proper gal or one of those working gals ..
take yor time to learn and dun think your gf will wanna teach you in the 1st place ...
21-01-2005, 12:32 PM
brudder, i'm getting tense for u as well.. kekeke...
wtf you getting tense for him? :eek: :D
22-01-2005, 02:21 AM
wtf you getting tense for him?
understandable... if not, we'll lose a very valued samster in jc... :D
22-01-2005, 03:15 AM
understandable... if not, we'll lose a very valued samster in jc... :D
Jit Poon Kia,,, today never go 51 ahh?? :D
25-01-2005, 11:38 AM
brudder, i'm getting tense for u as well.. kekeke...
thanks thanks
wtf you getting tense for him?
why u jealous or wat ??????
understandable... if not, we'll lose a very valued samster in jc...
losing my interest slowly .... no have much urge to go lately .....
the furtherest i got too is a couple of shortlist but no real action yet .....
last nite one of my shortlist whom i eyed for a long time suddenly came up to me b4 she go back and kiss my ear and i ask for some wet ones and she gave me a short session of frenchie..... slurp and the taste still lingers in my tongue ..... the sad thing is she stay same place with my ex whom just came back 2 days back....
thats the furthest i got out of most gals in the past month ...frenchies and nothing more .... i need real hardcore action .......
though its been almost a year ...... i still miss my ex only one and true love in this zone ...... the rest are just substitutes .....
25-01-2005, 11:40 AM
nah, my GF is a proper girl in singapore, not those on visit pass and doing PT.
sure no worries and not condemning anything .....
with decent gals, just make sure u take it real slow in terms of the relationship ..... as 4 the language, u have to ask her to teach u slowly ....think they more than willing to help u along ....
ur gf got any friends here or not .... care to intro some ....and i tag team with u lah ......
she here studying ?????
25-01-2005, 01:01 PM
with decent gals, just make sure u take it real slow in terms of the relationship ..... as 4 the language, u have to ask her to teach u slowly ....think they more than willing to help u along ....
ur gf got any friends here or not .... care to intro some ....and i tag team with u lah ......
trying 2 fish outside jc now? u r gd man... when stocks r running low o poor quality, head sum where else loh... mi 2~! :D
25-01-2005, 02:02 PM
trying 2 fish outside jc now? u r gd man... when stocks r running low o poor quality, head sum where else loh... mi 2~!
true true but then i stick to my principles must be pho bo else i will not makan .......
25-01-2005, 11:26 PM
why u jealous or wat ??????
no le, just suddenly wondering whether you all gay buddies :D
26-01-2005, 01:52 AM
Yo Bro Lament!
First of all...i must say i learnt a LOT from u in sianing my girl....we've been together coming to 2 months and as u know, i am winding things down with her cos of my official ba xa....getting really tiring.
All i can say is that viet girls if they do love u...are really much better then the sillypore gals. They are easily jealous...but very loyal. Sweet and kind-hearted with very strict principles. No wonder u so hooked on them!
Anyways...i have not been going down lately cos i am trying to slowly forget....let her forget me....and me forget her...for the fact that I should get out before things get really messy and heavy. Anyways, its getting really tiring maintaining my this other life and still having to work at 830am...take care of gf...take care of her...wa....hard to manage. So i have decided to sacrifice her....LIFO theory ma...
Can help me translate something bro? If u free then help, if not its ok...i can tell her in English:
"Sometimes two people love doesn't mean they can be together. When we met, we already know that for us to be together is going to be very hard. Somehow, maybe because we met under such circumstances, there will always be that difficulty in fully trusting each other. I know I will miss u....but i guess this is for the better. U know i never say i love u before to u....Like i always say...very fast love, very fast forget...but now i think i will say goodbye with Anh yeu em. Maybe we make better friends then lovers...please take care don't drink too much, smoke too much and don't eat medicine."
Guess this will be my goodbye speech to her. I will miss her...but then again....the emotional baggage is too much to bear. I hope u will do me a favour and never mention this to her...or point her out to any of the bros here. She has a good heart and i do not wish to hurt her anymore. Just let her lead her life and me mine...
Will catch up with u for a drink...till now we still haven't drank kopi together sia! Sms u when i make a trip down....Thanx for all the knowledge...u have been my best mentor!
See ya ard soon!:)
26-01-2005, 11:49 AM
All i can say is that viet girls if they do love u...are really much better then the sillypore gals. They are easily jealous...but very loyal. Sweet and kind-hearted with very strict principles. No wonder u so hooked on them!
agreed absolutely .......
Will catch up with u for a drink...till now we still haven't drank kopi together sia! Sms u when i make a trip down....Thanx for all the knowledge...u have been my best mentor!
sure thing and please do drop by occasionally for some vietnamisation jabs ...
for u and the other bros, your translation and improvisation
Sometimes two people love doesn't mean they can be together.
Doi luc 2nguoi con yeu nhau la du dinh co the chung voi nhau.
When we met, we already know that for us to be together is going to be very hard.
Khi chung toi moi biet, dang biet chung voi nhau se kho lam.
Somehow, maybe because we met under such circumstances, there will always be that difficulty in fully trusting each other.
Khong hieu sao,co le biet trong hoan canh nay, muon cung tin nhau kho khan..
I know I will miss u....but i guess this is for the better.
Se nho em nhieu ma anh nghi kham kha hon.
U know i never say i love u before to u
Em biet anh kg the noi anh yeu em……
Like i always say...very fast love, very fast forget...
Anh co noi,co yeu nhanh se quen nhanh
but now i think i will say goodbye with Anh yeu em.
ma nay anh noi anh yeu em tung trong cho tam biet
Maybe we make better friends then lovers...
Co le chung toi co the lam ban than hon nguoi yeu nha
please take care don't drink too much, smoke too much and don't eat medicine
Hy vong em giu gin suck hoe, khong uong ruou va hoi thuoc nhieu. Khong su dung ma tuy nha…..
Call me whenever u r free ….. keep in touch
Khi nao co ranh, goi cho anh…… giu quen he voi nha
u take care bro .... when its time to let go ....its time to let go ..... no point hanging on and dragging on till it hurts both parties ......
26-01-2005, 12:11 PM
Latest air tickets pricing for those think of sponsoring their gals to sillypore:
VN: 230 USD + 35 USD (Promo - no change allowed when issued)
SQ: 250 USD +35 USD (Promo- min 2 pax)
JT:250 USD (Lion Air)
GA: 228 USD +39 USD (Garuda)
26-01-2005, 02:31 PM
[QUOTE=lament]Latest air tickets pricing for those think of sponsoring their gals to sillypore:
Bro Lament,
Great stuff you have been doing in here. Here's one question for you.
Lats month when I was in HCMC for 2 weeks, I met a wonder VN girl. She is works in one of the offices where I had to do some biz calls. I suppose we did "click". After a few meetings, one of the evening I invited her out for dinner. And she did something most un-usual, she insisted that I pick her up from her house.
When I got there, her parents were there and we had a short conversation before we went off.
My question is: do VN girls bring guys back on their 1st date? WHy do they do that? In SIN, guys are brought back only when things are more certain.
Your thots?
26-01-2005, 03:52 PM
Bro Lament,
Great stuff you have been doing in here. Here's one question for you.
Lats month when I was in HCMC for 2 weeks, I met a wonder VN girl. She is works in one of the offices where I had to do some biz calls. I suppose we did "click". After a few meetings, one of the evening I invited her out for dinner. And she did something most un-usual, she insisted that I pick her up from her house.
When I got there, her parents were there and we had a short conversation before we went off.
My question is: do VN girls bring guys back on their 1st date? WHy do they do that? In SIN, guys are brought back only when things are more certain.
Your thots?
If she is a decent gal, most likely she just want the parents to know who she is going out with and maybe also to show them the man that she likes, do not think too deep into the whole issue.....
Think hard on the day when she say ask you to go her place for dinner .....
so just relax and hang loose ......
remember we are foreignors and are more highly valued so just take your time
26-01-2005, 05:42 PM
sure thing and please do drop by occasionally for some vietnamisation jabs ...
...... Yes bro...i must alays get jabbed to stay current! :D
Call me whenever u r free ….. keep in touch
Khi nao co ranh, goi cho anh…… giu quen he voi nha
Wa...still got Value added service...extra infor...THANX!!
u take care bro .... when its time to let go ....its time to let go ..... no point hanging on and dragging on till it hurts both parties ......
I thought things through for a while...its time...but it was an awesome experience! Till we meet again...
27-01-2005, 01:35 PM
Jz a small note here that I was fortunate enough to attend a vietnamese wedding when i was in Hanoi. I can tell you it's awesome...
ard 500 pple went for d wedding lunch on a wed afternoon... seated on straight rows of tables (machiam english style seating) but yet still serve traditional vietnamese food.. dunno wat d emcee was blabbering abt n walking in r d bride n bridegroom's parents followed by d bride n bridegroom themselves... have a short congratulatory speech n den d bride n bridegroom went ard 2 toast n take photo w their guests....
i also have the chance to drink d vietnam rice wine and it was a killer @ 48%... later went back to hotel to sleep.. kekeke..
jz to prep those brudders who wanna get married in vietnam.. enjoy~!
27-01-2005, 01:43 PM
Jz a small note here that I was fortunate enough to attend a vietnamese wedding when i was in Hanoi. I can tell you it's awesome...
on this note .... average price of a banquet is between 500,000VND to 1 million and thats about 56 to 108 SGD ....
dirt cheap and does not include drinks but then rice wine goes at about 30,000 VND or even cheap vietnam vodka @40,000 VND for the standard 750ml bottle and so thats the last of one's worries
27-01-2005, 02:04 PM
on this note .... average price of a banquet is between 500,000VND to 1 million and thats about 56 to 108 SGD ....
dirt cheap and does not include drinks but then rice wine goes at about 30,000 VND or even cheap vietnam vodka @40,000 VND for the standard 750ml bottle and so thats the last of one's worries
Bro, those matchmaking agencies in Singapore charging $10K to $12K "all in" for a Vietnamese bride in Saigon, any idea what's their profit margin ?
27-01-2005, 02:49 PM
Bro, those matchmaking agencies in Singapore charging $10K to $12K "all in" for a Vietnamese bride in Saigon, any idea what's their profit margin ?
not too sure ....
if not wrong ..@3000USD goes to the family, the balance goes towards the wedding dinner and on average at 400 people invited at a cost of 5 to 10 SGD per head .....
so what u think ...
27-01-2005, 04:57 PM
not too sure ....
if not wrong ..@3000USD goes to the family, the balance goes towards the wedding dinner and on average at 400 people invited at a cost of 5 to 10 SGD per head .....
wedding not so much lah....
by ur way of calculation,
Dowry = SGD$5,000
Wedding Dinner = SGD$1,000.
Misc (air tix, etc.) = SGD$1,000.
The agency still a healthy profit of SGD$3k - SGD$5k....
no bad leh... so lament, when are we setting up our agency in jc? kekeke....
27-01-2005, 06:12 PM
wedding not so much lah....
by ur way of calculation,
Dowry = SGD$5,000
Wedding Dinner = SGD$1,000.
Misc (air tix, etc.) = SGD$1,000.
The agency still a healthy profit of SGD$3k - SGD$5k....
no bad leh... so lament, when are we setting up our agency in jc? kekeke....
hmmm .... good idea ... plus i also charge a retainer to help maintain family harmony ....
27-01-2005, 06:14 PM
hmmm .... good idea ... plus i also charge a retainer to help maintain family harmony ....
Simi is retainer ? :confused:
28-01-2005, 03:48 AM
hmmm .... good idea ... plus i also charge a retainer to help maintain family harmony ....
I apply to be your staff,,,specialise in Body Check Up for defect,,,, kekeke,,, :D
28-01-2005, 09:16 AM
Yo Bro Lament!
Guess this will be my goodbye speech to her. I will miss her...but then again....the emotional baggage is too much to bear. ....
Nice meeting you last night. Of course the rest of the guys also.
Anyway forgot to ask if you had sms her or talk to her regarding the "Let's go our separate way"....wonder how is her reaction.... So any action for your friend G*** after i left? He looked quite bored and disappointed w/o any gals to comfort him...See you soon again. Cheers!! :)
28-01-2005, 01:23 PM
Nice meeting you last night. Of course the rest of the guys also.
Anyway forgot to ask if you had sms her or talk to her regarding the "Let's go our separate way"....wonder how is her reaction.... So any action for your friend G*** after i left? He looked quite bored and disappointed w/o any gals to comfort him...See you soon again. Cheers!!
drinking last nite again? bo jio~! haiz... kekeke... bro lament works there in the nite so u can find him easily.. kekeke....
28-01-2005, 01:53 PM
Nice meeting you last night. Of course the rest of the guys also.
Anyway forgot to ask if you had sms her or talk to her regarding the "Let's go our separate way"....wonder how is her reaction.... So any action for your friend G*** after i left? He looked quite bored and disappointed w/o any gals to comfort him...See you soon again. Cheers!! :)
Same was good to see u! After u left... the whole jc kena raided...we were just sitting having kopi and went down to uturn after that. I was under the impression that my gal was not working....BUT...knn...she came down at about 1plus to "surprise" me!
Anyways, kind of u to ask about Gary...he was pretty bored...but last nite really slack sia....uturn also quite jialat. In the end, i found him a girl, but guess it was too little too late, he also tired la. But this girl so so only....we were really beoing her sister/friend...that one quite hot! Slowly i guess....He said this will not be the last we see of one more kaki liao lor! i just take things slow....still looking for the opportune time to break the news to my girl...but i have to do it slowly...don't want anyone to be hurt ma.
I am glad we finally met...catch up soon! All da best for ur case...hope some miracle happen and u can escape scot free! Heh.
Knn....Bro Lament...u last night high ah? I leaving that time say bye to u, u like blur blur...must be beoing charbo until cannot see me! Anyways, u still the master la!
Cheers everyone!! :D
28-01-2005, 01:59 PM
Nice meeting you last night. Of course the rest of the guys also.
Anyway forgot to ask if you had sms her or talk to her regarding the "Let's go our separate way"....wonder how is her reaction.... So any action for your friend G*** after i left? He looked quite bored and disappointed w/o any gals to comfort him...See you soon again. Cheers!!
he yet to sms her lah ....knn hugging her like never b4 at u-turn maybe he did uturn on the message to her too ........
28-01-2005, 02:01 PM
Simi is retainer ?
Retainer .... u c i introduce gal to u .... by paying a small fee on fixed basis I gurantee that whenever there is a family dispute or watever, I will do the mediation and reconcilation mah ........
get the idea ...just like wat i am doing 4 some of the brudders here lah but on a FOC basis like helping to translate, keep an eye on their gal and all the other small stuff ....
28-01-2005, 02:03 PM
Knn....Bro Lament...u last night high ah? I leaving that time say bye to u, u like blur blur...must be beoing charbo until cannot see me! Anyways, u still the master la!
where got char bor to beo ......
was chatting with some old kakis mah, then kenna make to drink the liquor and after that boss blanjah another 1/2 bottle of Matell leh .... so cannot finish cannot go home theory ....
28-01-2005, 02:03 PM
he yet to sms her lah ....knn hugging her like never b4 at u-turn maybe he did uturn on the message to her too ........
Knn...u teach me la...she came down all da way to find me then i tell her breakup meh? U never see yesterday she wear like go market like that...cos she don't intend to work ma. I also miss her too u to don hug?:o
This kind of thing must plan slowly ma....I still want her as my friend...just don't wanna get too deeply involved!
28-01-2005, 02:06 PM
Knn...u teach me la...she came down all da way to find me then i tell her breakup meh? U never see yesterday she wear like go market like that...cos she don't intend to work ma. I also miss her too u to don hug?
This kind of thing must plan slowly ma....I still want her as my friend...just don't wanna get too deeply involved!
then y break-up ..... keep it that way but drop down the no. of times u c each other .....even if once a week she will be ok ...... just say u busy mah ....
28-01-2005, 02:07 PM
where got char bor to beo ......
was chatting with some old kakis mah, then kenna make to drink the liquor and after that boss blanjah another 1/2 bottle of Matell leh .... so cannot finish cannot go home theory ....Actually yesterday quite jialat...i go uturn so many time, i think yesterday was one of the worst nights! But the 25 yr old gal sit with my friend, the girl u know one....her friend not bad ma...wear top with some sort of slowery prints and matching short skirt one. wa...not bad! But when i leaving i see her counting and counting her money...machiam $$$ face a bit turnoff.
28-01-2005, 02:10 PM
then y break-up ..... keep it that way but drop down the no. of times u c each other .....even if once a week she will be ok ...... just say u busy mah ....
Ya...but my excuses will run out one day. As it is, she already asking me why every sat and sun i not working but don't spend time with her....sigh. See how la....Just go with the flow.
Nowadays i think we also a bit strained...she is not so prompt in replying me...avoids certain questions i ask her. And last night, she seems a lil upset but she refuses to tell me whats troubling her. I don like this feeling cos last time, everything she will tell me.
28-01-2005, 05:27 PM
tense not really ..... i'm getting tense liao .... nearing end of the month and yet to have new accounts open ...only see old accounts closing ..... argh.....
haha dun worry lah, the flow will never stop one.....haha...just make sure you are ready when the next high tide arrives lor...ahahha
28-01-2005, 06:52 PM
Ya...but my excuses will run out one day. As it is, she already asking me why every sat and sun i not working but don't spend time with her....sigh. See how la....Just go with the flow.
Why give excuse ...remember what i said ...never lied to a viet...just tell her the truth that u have another gf b4 u know her.....
let me weave a story 4 u .....
when u 1st came here 2 drink, u just not keen on anything but then as u get to know her, u start 2 love her but it will not be fair if becos of her u dump ur gf mah.......
tell her u r done lying 2 her and wanna be truthful once & 4 all .... tell her 2 decide if she wanna carry on with u .....
try this lah ....i always advocate telling the truth policy ....
28-01-2005, 06:53 PM
haha dun worry lah, the flow will never stop one.....haha...just make sure you are ready when the next high tide arrives lor...ahahha
dun worry my size can withstand the overflowing tides
28-01-2005, 07:12 PM
haha dun worry lah, the flow will never stop one.....haha...just make sure you are ready when the next high tide arrives lor...ahahha
dun worry my size can withstand the overflowing tides
29-01-2005, 02:11 AM
haha dun worry lah, the flow will never stop one.....haha...just make sure you are ready when the next high tide arrives lor...ahahha
i will say... leave it to fate... :)
29-01-2005, 02:14 AM
try this lah ....i always advocate telling the truth policy ....
this i agree... works for me so far... but when the main one finds out then... :o
29-01-2005, 11:07 AM
this i agree... works for me so far... but when the main one finds out then...
well this is another skill of your gab .... just tell her that this ger likes u very much despite u telling her that u already have a gal ....
nothing happen between u n her ...purely just friendship .... then promise her on wat u will do ...
29-01-2005, 11:11 AM
for those about to rock vietnam .......
Tiger Airways have started a Rep office in HCMC so its a matter of time that they will start flkying in ...
So next time destination Saigon
29-01-2005, 02:49 PM
Sometimes it takes a bit of loneliness to give one time to ponder about life and where it leads you.
This past week I have been feeling rather sentimental of things past. Two friends on different ocassion spoke to me of the same thing "Stop going around in circle, when u find a good one, grab and stop."
Thinking back, been in this area since 2002. Started from U-turn around April 2002. I move to 51 in late Nov 2002 and this place is where the vietnamisation program was started and perfected. I have dated and slept with countless of viets here but never gave my heart.
Until she came along and in december 2003, I decided to stop and prepared to marry her. I declared a short-lived retirement and move to the blue region cos she never like me there when she is around. Courtesy of to an itchy backside, i retracted my retirement.
We broke up in march 2004 but somehow a part of her still sticks in me and
Each time she back in town and in 51, I behave myself very much for fear of hurting her feelings if she see me hug or talk to other gals too much. This is 1 gal I have never make love to before due to some personal reasons , why do i bother so much about her feelings. The only thing being we are together for close to a year.
A couple of months ago when she came back, she told me she have a bf liao. So when she came back on a subsequent trip and as some things happen. I seek her help to explain some stuff to 1 of my gal. A casual conversation then became a heated argument. Remembered that my new gal said "I angry cos she say that if I want U, I can have U"
Remember on New Year Eve at 51, I was over at Bro Shagua table for a chit chat, she drop by and just plunge her head on my shoulders. That feeling was so comforting and warmth, without thinking I put my arms around her and hug her for a few minutes till I came to my senses that she belongs to someone else.
Saw her the past few days, she siting with a buddy of mine but then my buddy told me quite a few things that set my mind thinking ...... I would still pretty much love to have her back by my side but just afraid to make that move. All the hugs & bonks I got just cannot be compared to the feelings with her, crazy huh ....
Let think long & hard this weekend ......
Cassanova - what say u? U know her well too .... how ????
29-01-2005, 03:40 PM
Have no regrets :)
29-01-2005, 04:42 PM
Remember on New Year Eve at 51, I was over at Bro Shagua table for a chit chat, she drop by and just plunge her head on my shoulders.
hmmmm....i never see that....if it is the fighting nite....then i am high on that nite.... :D
30-01-2005, 01:31 AM
Saw her the past few days, she siting with a buddy of mine but then my buddy told me quite a few things that set my mind thinking ...... I would still pretty much love to have her back by my side but just afraid to make that move. All the hugs & bonks I got just cannot be compared to the feelings with her, crazy huh ....
Bro...all i can say is if u try, there is at least 50% chance of success...if u don't, 0%. Live life with no regrets man!
30-01-2005, 11:32 PM
not too sure ....
if not wrong ..@3000USD goes to the family, the balance goes towards the wedding dinner and on average at 400 people invited at a cost of 5 to 10 SGD per head .....
so what u think ...
I think it's very cheap. But I'm told only 2 tables for guests. 40 tables ? I don't think so. This is becos girls are from the provinces, and once a girl is confirmed the agency will send a coach down to the province to ferry the parents and immediate relatives. I will need 10 big buses if they've got 400 guests.
Bro, get acquainted with the syndicate in HCM lah. Then feed us with more information, and offer cut-throat discount for SMB members.
31-01-2005, 10:03 AM
Sometimes it takes a bit of loneliness to give one time to ponder about life and where it leads you.
brudder, seems dat u have been there 4 a long time now... well, everyone does have a soft-spot for a gal everytime (yours truly included).. it's a sign when u r feeling tired n needed to rest at a highway cafe first before moving onto ur long journey 2 happiness....
well, after playing 4 such a long time, i oso will get tired of it as well... but u r d founder of dis program... i wouldn't wanna c u fail... kekekeke....
rem dat she oreadi have a bf.... it'll not b fair to her (n oso make u look bad) if u ask her 2 break up w her bf 2 b w u..... yes, both of u cares for each other but i think it's not right for both u n her 2 continue living in d past... it will stop both of u from moving forward w your own lives...
i think if she's still interested to b w u, she would have waited 2 cum back n talk 2 u b4 making a decision... she still cares for u but since she oreadi had a bf b4 she came back, i do not think dat she cares for you enough 2 wait 4 a decision til she tells u....
brudder, u r d founder but i wouldn't say much... jz dat likewise for u 2 do alot of stuff 2 prove ur interest in a viet gal, d viet gal oso muz do alot 2 prove her interest 2 u as well... it has always been a two-way traffic....
if d gal dun like mi doing smth, she'll tell mi off straight in d face... but if i dun like her doing smth, i'll also tell her off straight in d face as well....
i think it's time u use ur truth policy 2 d fullest... jz tell her u still like her but she got a bf oreadi, blah blah blah... n move on... i'm sure there'll always b someone more suitable... kekekee... remember sum one told mi... 800,000 chiou bu in vietnam vs 1000 in jc.... kekekekee
31-01-2005, 05:23 PM
at last managed to finish this thread after 2 part reading... very informative bro lament. 'pai say' for not able to meet you in hanoi every time. back in sg on 1feb and till 11 b4 fly back again... any chance to meet in sg? :D
31-01-2005, 06:07 PM
Almost planning to visit hcmc this feb but on hold cos just change job and bird flu there also.....hope my ban gai will be fine too...wonder when can i make a trip up there....thats my goal this year...Teo Boh Lament...keke! :D
01-02-2005, 09:56 AM
....I was under the impression that my gal was not working....BUT...knn...she came down at about 1plus to "surprise" me! Was she worried that you might be "snatch up" by another gal? It was nice of her to come down to see you thought not working....this remind me of ....arrr...memories reflows again...
....Anyways, kind of u to ask about Gary...he was pretty bored....He said this will not be the last we see of one more kaki liao lor!Guess it was bad timing....things will get better.
....I am glad we finally met...catch up soon! All da best for ur case...hope some miracle happen and u can escape scot free! Heh. The pleasure was mine. My freedom will not be impeded, it is just the inconvience and -$$ that comes with it.
....Knn....Bro Lament...u last night high ah? I leaving that time say bye to u, u like blur blur...must be beoing charbo until cannot see me! Anyways, u still the master la!He is always a busy man. i just take things slow....still looking for the opportune time to break the news to my girl...but i have to do it slowly...don't want anyone to be hurt ma.he yet to sms her lah ....knn hugging her like never b4 at u-turn maybe he did uturn on the message to her too ........Knn...u teach me la...she came down all da way to find me then i tell her breakup meh? U never see yesterday she wear like go market like that...cos she don't intend to work ma. I also miss her too u to don hug?
This kind of thing must plan slowly ma....I still want her as my friend...just don't wanna get too deeply involved!As long as you are you do not think that she will chase you after a chopper when you break the news to her, take it easy on yourself. Cheers!! :)
01-02-2005, 10:07 AM
then y break-up ..... keep it that way but drop down the no. of times u c each other .....even if once a week she will be ok ...... just say u busy mah ....Ya...but my excuses will run out one day. As it is, she already asking me why every sat and sun i not working but don't spend time with her....sigh. See how la....Just go with the flow. Tell her you have other commitment...spend time with parents...OT or whatever...
Nowadays i think we also a bit strained...she is not so prompt in replying me...avoids certain questions i ask her. And last night, she seems a lil upset but she refuses to tell me whats troubling her. I don like this feeling cos last time, everything she will tell me. Gals are sensitive and maybe she sense that you are drifting away from her and she will behave that way...... Let her built up her independence if you want to eventually downgrade to "friends only" from "more than friends". She has to be independent and able to solve her own problem cos you will not be able to be around for her. This is for her own good...something she will not understand now even if you tell her now. Along our course of lives, there will be many gals whom we tot we could help/care for....but there are simply too many of them....remind me of the saying " too little time, too many gals".... :cool:
01-02-2005, 10:28 AM
This past week I have been feeling rather sentimental of things past. Two friends on different ocassion spoke to me of the same thing "Stop going around in circle, when u find a good one, grab and stop."Sometime it is abt finding the right gal...other timeit is abt not able to commit to devote to just ONE particular gal....(one gal at a time, several time a day/week not counted)
Each time she back in town and in 51, I behave myself very much for fear of hurting her feelings if she see me hug or talk to other gals too much. ...why do i bother so much about her feelings. The only thing being we are together for close to a year.You still love her.
A couple of months ago when she came back, she told me she have a bf liao. So when she came back on a subsequent trip and as some things happen. I seek her help to explain some stuff to 1 of my gal. A casual conversation then became a heated argument. Remembered that my new gal said "I angry cos she say that if I want U, I can have U" She still love you
Remember on New Year Eve at 51, I was over at Bro Shagua table for a chit chat, she drop by and just plunge her head on my shoulders. That feeling was so comforting and warmth, without thinking I put my arms around her and hug her for a few minutes till I came to my senses that she belongs to someone else.She still love you
Saw her the past few days, she siting with a buddy of mine but then my buddy told me quite a few things that set my mind thinking ...... I would still pretty much love to have her back by my side but just afraid to make that move. All the hugs & bonks I got just cannot be compared to the feelings with her, crazy huh ... She told him she still love you?
If you are thinking of giving it one more shot. Go for it. However, you got learn the mistake....the cause the reason leading to the break up. Will the 2 of you not make the commit the same mistakes again? This is important. Perhaps, the 2 of you were not ready then, having being apart for a while, now if both of you had grown more matured, things might work this time round. Cheers!!! :)
01-02-2005, 10:39 AM
brudder, seems dat u have been there 4 a long time now... well, everyone does have a soft-spot for a gal everytime (yours truly included).. it's a sign when u r feeling tired n needed to rest at a highway cafe first before moving onto ur long journey 2 happiness....
Dear Ji Pun Kia, please allow me kaypo and offer my views from another pespective...
well, after playing 4 such a long time, i oso will get tired of it as well... but u r d founder of dis program... i wouldn't wanna c u fail... kekekeke....Can look at it as he graduate from all this?
rem dat she oreadi have a bf.... it'll not b fair to her (n oso make u look bad) if u ask her 2 break up w her bf 2 b w u..... If the so call BF had all along just being a substitute as she had not really got over Lament...then it would be fairer for her to break up with the BF.
i think if she's still interested to b w u, she would have waited 2 cum back n talk 2 u b4 making a decision... she still cares for u but since she oreadi had a bf b4 she came back, i do not think dat she cares for you enough 2 wait 4 a decision til she tells u.... Maybe it is also a case of substitute as our Lament had also numerous substitute GF during this period of separation?
i think it's time u use ur truth policy 2 d fullest... jz tell her u still like her but she got a bf oreadi, blah blah blah... n move on... i'm sure there'll always b someone more suitable... kekekee... remember sum one told mi... 800,000 chiou bu in vietnam vs 1000 in jc.... kekekekee
Having said all, the decision is still Bro Lament's....he will do what he deem fit but hope he will know when to pull himself back when things dun look right. Lets wish you all the best...Cheers!!! :)
01-02-2005, 11:05 AM
hmmmm....i never see that....if it is the fighting nite....then i am high on that nite....
nah that was way after the incident ......
Bro...all i can say is if u try, there is at least 50% chance of success...if u don't, 0%. Live life with no regrets man!
well ....i have tons of time & patience
01-02-2005, 11:35 AM
u fly mi pigeons last nite.. make mi n plman wait n wait... kekeke.... :D
01-02-2005, 12:16 PM
brudder, seems dat u have been there 4 a long time now... well, everyone does have a soft-spot for a gal everytime (yours truly included).. it's a sign when u r feeling tired n needed to rest at a highway cafe first before moving onto ur long journey 2 happiness....
well, after playing 4 such a long time, i oso will get tired of it as well... but u r d founder of dis program... i wouldn't wanna c u fail... kekekeke....
i have always been searching for that rest-stop ...... i need somebody to love , its tiring & lonely to be home alone thinking of so many gals ..... i just need 1 good love .......
even when i was with her, i still toyed with other gals for that physical needs.....
rem dat she oreadi have a bf.... it'll not b fair to her (n oso make u look bad) if u ask her 2 break up w her bf 2 b w u..... yes, both of u cares for each other but i think it's not right for both u n her 2 continue living in d past... it will stop both of u from moving forward w your own lives...
i think if she's still interested to b w u, she would have waited 2 cum back n talk 2 u b4 making a decision... she still cares for u but since she oreadi had a bf b4 she came back, i do not think dat she cares for you enough 2 wait 4 a decision til she tells u....
i wrote to her on friday nite. told her my heart is still with her .... though its been a while since we parted,she never realli left me.... told her to take her time and make her decision ...... she yet to reply to this yet ......
if d gal dun like mi doing smth, she'll tell mi off straight in d face... but if i dun like her doing smth, i'll also tell her off straight in d face as well....
i think it's time u use ur truth policy 2 d fullest... jz tell her u still like her but she got a bf oreadi, blah blah blah... n move on... i'm sure there'll always b someone more suitable... kekekee... remember sum one told mi... 800,000 chiou bu in vietnam vs 1000 in jc.... kekekekee
i know wat u driving at but then everyone in life will have a "Ke Xin" and she happens to be that nemesis of mine ......
the vietnamisation program will still go on ..... no worries, I will always be here to support all the bros ......
01-02-2005, 12:19 PM
Sometime it is abt finding the right gal...other timeit is abt not able to commit to devote to just ONE particular gal....(one gal at a time, several time a day/week not counted)
You still love her.
She still love you
She still love you
She told him she still love you?
Yes i still miss her very much but love her ....not too sure maybe ??? forbidden fruits always taste sweeter rite ....
If you are thinking of giving it one more shot. Go for it. However, you got learn the mistake....the cause the reason leading to the break up. Will the 2 of you not make the commit the same mistakes again? This is important. Perhaps, the 2 of you were not ready then, having being apart for a while, now if both of you had grown more matured, things might work this time round. Cheers!!!
the break-up is due to something outside of the relationship, something thats beyond my control........ its not about us not being ready....
seeing her still brings that "rub thump thump" to my heart ..... like a small kid in infactuation ..... ha ha ha
01-02-2005, 12:23 PM
If the so call BF had all along just being a substitute as she had not really got over Lament...then it would be fairer for her to break up with the BF.
i m not too sure about this, cos this guy has been with her for quite a while since last year september I think .....
he gives her quite a lot of money and for this i'm happy for her cos i cannot afford that .......
Maybe it is also a case of substitute as our Lament had also numerous substitute GF during this period of separation?
i have many gals all this while in my little policy of spreading my risk of getting overly involved with 1 gal ..... but ever since we sort of broke up, i kinda ache for her .......
Having said all, the decision is still Bro Lament's....he will do what he deem fit but hope he will know when to pull himself back when things dun look right. Lets wish you all the best...Cheers!!!
no worries, the vietnamisation program is alive and well and I'm still in control .....until the day comes .....
01-02-2005, 01:19 PM
Can look at it as he graduate from all this?
more like fallen den raised frm d ashes... i think he need 2 pull himself together but smth un-touched waters r a much betta option..... if it's mi, i'll bonk her n get it done w....
maybe it's because i will always have reservations.. keeping back a bit... hence easier to pull away.. .but not for him as his yeu is unreserved.... haiz... n hence d notion of a failed vietnamisation program... i tot he seen it all n shld have learnt 2 b smarter...
i have always been searching for that rest-stop ...... i need somebody to love , its tiring & lonely to be home alone thinking of so many gals ..... i just need 1 good love .......
not dat i'm worried u r retiring frm sb but jz dat u've let her have d upper hand now.... u shld have refrain from sending dat sms brudder... but since u've met ur nemsis den no choice... others r 4 lust while d only one 4 yeu...
side issue.. how abt her family? goot?....
i know wat u r gng thru brudder... but remember dun let them win d mind games... u oreadi lost d first battle... but jz remember dat dun always hang on to one tree.. dat's wat u wrote in ur second post... so pl... be strong.. for urself n for us... pull urself together, bonk her n move on... :eek:
thks for ur pts n ur help 2 tv... i know wat 2 do nx... thks again brudder...
i think u'll need a tirak rehabitation program... kekekeke
01-02-2005, 01:49 PM
more like fallen den raised frm d ashes... i think he need 2 pull himself together but smth un-touched waters r a much betta option..... if it's mi, i'll bonk her n get it done w....
maybe it's because i will always have reservations.. keeping back a bit... hence easier to pull away.. .but not for him as his yeu is unreserved.... haiz... n hence d notion of a failed vietnamisation program... i tot he seen it all n shld have learnt 2 b smarter...
ha ha ha ...... no worries mah .... even if i were to retire, the program have not failed ....
being a cheongster will one day meet the fate of a cheongster..... like some of the bros out there whom found themselves fallining in love with the very toy they were playing .... i m not the only one with such stories to spare .....
everyone will meet his match one day just that u have yet to ...... so nothing is absolute in this world.....
not dat i'm worried u r retiring frm sb but jz dat u've let her have d upper hand now.... u shld have refrain from sending dat sms brudder... but since u've met ur nemsis den no choice... others r 4 lust while d only one 4 yeu....
i thought long & hard b4 i send that sms ...... i have no regrets as at least i gave her a piece of mind ........... i never got her out of my mind .....
side issue.. how abt her family? goot?....
well, as far as i know her mum is about 6 years years older than me and most her relatives that i know kinda sayang me ........
i know wat u r gng thru brudder... but remember dun let them win d mind games... u oreadi lost d first battle... but jz remember dat dun always hang on to one tree.. dat's wat u wrote in ur second post... so pl... be strong.. for urself n for us... pull urself together, bonk her n move on...
i never lost the battle and i will not bonk her unless she ask 4 it ..... the last time she ask was 3 months into the relationship and i remember that her aunt told me on her behlaf cos her english was still bad then "Why did I not want to make love to her" .....I just replied "I'm not interested .......
I am still strong but weak in her presence ....maybe what i need is new fresh blood in the area to take my mind off her .....but then this is waning and its the start of February and I have to open an account last month .....
anyway, i am targetting a gal but the sad thing is they stay in the same household and that rules her out .......
i think u'll need a tirak rehabitation program...
thanks ...maybe i need that real bad .......
till we ride & rock again together....
01-02-2005, 02:02 PM
being a cheongster will one day meet the fate of a cheongster..... like some of the bros out there whom found themselves fallining in love with the very toy they were playing .... i m not the only one with such stories to spare .....
brudder, i wouldn't wanna b d ur successor (if i'm qualified) n tell all those newbie wat happened 2 mi predecessors... kekek...
it's like talking abt jiang wu n pple in jiang wu always do not have a choice... kekeke...
i mean whether her family got no financial problems? siblings n parents dun gamble etc? (learning frm u)
but if u sent dat sms, both of u can't move on n will be still stuck at d current situation, she got a bf n u longing for her... haiz.... but maybe she think u r not interested in her dat's y she found a guy back in vietnam.... but it's oreadi evidently dat she needs money more than yeu n hence u shld jz move on....
maybe u jz need 2 bonk her n get her out... if not, it's always unrequited lust frm u... kekeke... u may b confusing lust 4 yeu now... shld really do a tirak rehabitation program on u n let u go thru cold turkey treatment 2 get her out of ur mind.. kekee....
is ur new target staying at same household? ok... dat's will create a hassle... i oso targetted a new one... n seems like oso frm same household.. will ask again.. kekekee :D
01-02-2005, 02:17 PM
veri nice of u 2 share this info... cheers... :D
01-02-2005, 02:32 PM
brudder, i wouldn't wanna b d ur successor (if i'm qualified) n tell all those newbie wat happened 2 mi predecessors... kekek...
it's like talking abt jiang wu n pple in jiang wu always do not have a choice... kekeke...
well, its nice to find someone to pass the baton too .... any takers .....
true mah ....just like me ...not that i really wanna cheong everynight but then i know 2 many people and always kenna pulled into the joint to drink leh ....
i mean whether her family got no financial problems? siblings n parents dun gamble etc? (learning frm u)
well all that i know is that her dad pass away 7 years ago and her mum grows vegetable. she has 2 younger siblings and a grandmother.......
as far as i know her family has been quite stable liao cos she been here for almost 2 years liao ....
but if u sent dat sms, both of u can't move on n will be still stuck at d current situation, she got a bf n u longing for her... haiz.... but maybe she think u r not interested in her dat's y she found a guy back in vietnam.... but it's oreadi evidently dat she needs money more than yeu n hence u shld jz move on....
the guy is singaporean and i even lah kopi with him before ..... remember when i 1st met him, i told him to take good care of her and be patient with her cos she is not an easy gal to handle ....ha ha ha ..... irony rite ....
maybe u jz need 2 bonk her n get her out... if not, it's always unrequited lust frm u... kekeke... u may b confusing lust 4 yeu now... shld really do a tirak rehabitation program on u n let u go thru cold turkey treatment 2 get her out of ur mind.. kekee....
dun think so lah ...i have outlived that lust when i 1st found out the truth of her age and have since banished that thought when with her ..... its a relationship born out of care & concern for someone and not out of lust ....
is ur new target staying at same household? ok... dat's will create a hassle... i oso targetted a new one... n seems like oso frm same household.. will ask again..
true true and thats a big headache ....... the new one leaving this sunday leh and dunno lah ..... headache sia ....
01-02-2005, 02:45 PM
well, its nice to find someone to pass the baton too .... any takers .....
hahaha... sexlover loh... he's d undisputed resident evil (of a lesser degree) there besides u.. .kekkee.... ya hor... always so happened 2 walk o/s jz n kena pulled in hor... kekeke
lidat d family needs a person 2 work here in order 2 keep d family gng back in vietnam.. got younger sisters o brothers? if got younger sister, she can pass d baton n marry off in peace... if younger brudder, die liaoz loh... neverending trouble...
evidently she's after d money... n if a not-so-bad guy can come over 2 help her a bit, she'll b w him... jz like u.. if u can lend a helping hand, she'll b urs... but cum 2 think of it, yeu 4 sales - izit worth it den? 2 d fallens, maybe loh.. 2 those dat r not, dun think so loh... jz like mi gal, ask mi 4 a new mobile when she lost hers n i flatly refuse...
if it's out of concern & care, there's alot of tiraks n ceweks in even worst situation den her.... dun think one man can save d world but u can help 2 make dis world a betta place by at least helping one... since she got help oreadi, mi advice - wait b4 making ur move again...
leaving on dis sunday... den u betta give up n move on to another target...
01-02-2005, 02:55 PM
hahaha... sexlover loh... he's d undisputed resident evil (of a lesser degree) there besides u.. .kekkee.... ya hor... always so happened 2 walk o/s jz n kena pulled in hor... kekeke
he end up teaching the viet gals to help themselves by using a cue stick by the pooltable ......
lidat d family needs a person 2 work here in order 2 keep d family gng back in vietnam.. got younger sisters o brothers? if got younger sister, she can pass d baton n marry off in peace... if younger brudder, die liaoz loh... neverending trouble...
her younger siblings are all below 10 years old ....... so she is sole breadwinner for now ......
evidently she's after d money... n if a not-so-bad guy can come over 2 help her a bit, she'll b w him... jz like u.. if u can lend a helping hand, she'll b urs... but cum 2 think of it, yeu 4 sales - izit worth it den? 2 d fallens, maybe loh.. 2 those dat r not, dun think so loh... jz like mi gal, ask mi 4 a new mobile when she lost hers n i flatly refuse..
yes i think so too ...remember i once ask her about this guy ...seems like this guy gave her quite a tidy sum everytime she is here ..... what he gave her each time was much more than the entire period when she is with me .....
but then she say she not happy cos he setting too much restriction on her but i say at least he give her money and i dun .....
leaving on dis sunday... den u betta give up n move on to another target...
well maybe i get to up her b4 she fly off ...... keeping fingers cross mah ...
01-02-2005, 03:02 PM
he end up teaching the viet gals to help themselves by using a cue stick by the pooltable ......
using d cue stick n poke all d gals' arses? :eek:
all below 10yrs old... den at least got 2 suffer 4 6-8yrs b4 she can retire... but by she's 2-4yrs time, her mkt value will drop n she's start 2 leech... haiz...
but she's still w him wat... so i think money is d driving factor here.... i think she's oreadi decided dat bread is more impt than yeu.. so u c loh... dun dig 2 deep a hole where u can't crawl out hor...
lidat u got a very tight schedule brudder~!.... today tuesday.. so i guess u'll report duty everyday frm now til sat loh... kekekekee
01-02-2005, 03:13 PM
using d cue stick n poke all d gals' arses? :eek:
all below 10yrs old... den at least got 2 suffer 4 6-8yrs b4 she can retire... but by she's 2-4yrs time, her mkt value will drop n she's start 2 leech... haiz...
but she's still w him wat... so i think money is d driving factor here.... i think she's oreadi decided dat bread is more impt than yeu.. so u c loh... dun dig 2 deep a hole where u can't crawl out hor...
lidat u got a very tight schedule brudder~!.... today tuesday.. so i guess u'll report duty everyday frm now til sat loh... kekekekee
no lah giving the area a miz i guess ....with her around cannot focus on other targets .....
bread or love doesn't matter anymore so long there's a place for me in her heart ....
01-02-2005, 03:15 PM
no lah giving the area a miz i guess ....with her around cannot focus on other targets .....
bread or love doesn't matter anymore so long there's a place for me in her heart ....
hahhaaha... ok den... i now know where else 2 find u ....
in her tim u mean... haha... i'm both happy n sad... happy dat u found a terminal 2 stop but sad dat u maybe can't b w her.... :D
01-02-2005, 03:17 PM
hahhaaha... ok den... i now know where else 2 find u ....
in her tim u mean... haha... i'm both happy n sad... happy dat u found a terminal 2 stop but sad dat u maybe can't b w her.... :D
Who is this ger u guys talking abt? Can I meet her?
01-02-2005, 03:19 PM
Who is this ger u guys talking abt? Can I meet her?
hahaha... it's up 2 brudder lament as it's his gal... :cool:
i personally have not met her as well but sum one 2 caught brudder lament's tim is worth gng 2 have a look.. .kekeke
01-02-2005, 03:22 PM
Who is this ger u guys talking abt? Can I meet her?
mmh, very sweet girl indeed... :p
01-02-2005, 03:24 PM
hahaha... it's up 2 brudder lament as it's his gal... :cool:
i personally have not met her as well but sum one 2 caught brudder lament's tim is worth gng 2 have a look.. .kekeke
Wow hmmm seem like a good excuse for me to head down to JC.
01-02-2005, 03:25 PM
hahhaaha... ok den... i now know where else 2 find u ....
in her tim u mean... haha... i'm both happy n sad... happy dat u found a terminal 2 stop but sad dat u maybe can't b w her....
yup ..... dun worry.... the moment her flight departs sillypore, i think i will be ok .......
Who is this ger u guys talking abt? Can I meet her?
knn .... u know her lah ex-royal highness from 51 .....
01-02-2005, 03:26 PM
mmh, very sweet girl indeed... :p
Sure sure?? Who who, I saw b4?
01-02-2005, 03:29 PM
Sure sure?? Who who, I saw b4?
got any girls that you never see before one meh?
01-02-2005, 03:36 PM
got any girls that you never see before one meh?
Hmmm should have. Like XY... XX...ZZ..AA.
01-02-2005, 05:50 PM
anyway, i am targetting a gal but the sad thing is they stay in the same household and that rules her out .......
which girl? same as household as in 32? the shorter girl with shorter hair that speak chinese?
01-02-2005, 05:54 PM
well maybe i get to up her b4 she fly off ...... keeping fingers cross mah ...
Which girl u toking about? your ex? the one who speak english? the one who u say with u the longest?
01-02-2005, 05:55 PM
which girl? same as household as in 32? the shorter girl with shorter hair that speak chinese?
4got that u r the expert for House 32 ......
u know can liao ..... keep it a secret ......
01-02-2005, 05:56 PM
Which girl u toking about? your ex? the one who speak english? the one who u say with u the longest?
So many gers?? Hmmm so which is which? Envy.
01-02-2005, 05:59 PM
4got that u r the expert for GL Lor 32 ......
u know can liao ..... keep it a secret ......
if it is the same girl we are toking about.she have a small vampire teeth at her 2 side of her row of teeth rite?...then that girl i met her on my 1st vn trip. from what siewhong is her cousin....dunno how true.....
that ger 1st time in spore rite? with a ring at her belly?
01-02-2005, 06:08 PM
Which girl u toking about? your ex? the one who speak english? the one who u say with u the longest?
this gal i refering to me new target lah .....
my ex is the one longest with me lah .......
if it is the same girl we are toking about.she have a small vampire teeth at her 2 side of her row of teeth rite?...then that girl i met her on my 1st vn trip. from what siewhong is her cousin....dunno how true.....
that ger 1st time in spore rite? with a ring at her belly?
thats wat she said to me too ......
i dun know whether got ring in her belly but all i know is that her lips are moist and smooth ...... the only catch she stay at house 32 ......
01-02-2005, 06:10 PM
this gal i refering to me new target lah .....
my ex is the one longest with me lah .......
thats wat she said to me too ......
i dun know whether got ring in her belly but all i know is that her lips are moist and smooth ...... the only catch she stay at house 32 ......
that means we toking about the same girl......
01-02-2005, 06:12 PM
that means we toking about the same girl......
y u targetting her too ......
01-02-2005, 06:14 PM
y u targetting her too ......
targetted liao......shot down liao....but kinda of regretted it.....
01-02-2005, 06:17 PM
targetted liao......shot down liao....but kinda of regretted it.....
Y ..... kenna cursed and sweared at by SH rite .....
she gave me the green light to tackle her sis leh ......
01-02-2005, 06:19 PM
Y ..... kenna cursed and sweared at by SH rite .....
she gave me the green light to tackle her sis leh ......
not kanna cursed and sweared by SH......SH even help me ask her to come to my table b4....anyway in vn already tok to her but she kind of cold there...but surprise is that when i back in sg....she come hug me out of sudden...
no matter who she also give green light one.....
01-02-2005, 06:23 PM
not kanna cursed and sweared by SH......SH even help me ask her to come to my table b4....anyway in vn already tok to her but she kind of cold there...but surprise is that when i back in sg....she come hug me out of sudden...
no matter who she also give green light one.....
hmmmm.... actually vampire teeth was quite cold to me in her 1st week here and then lately auto-gear on me with kisses and frenches ....... so not sure wat game she playing but then too bad she from house 32 ......
02-02-2005, 02:59 AM
hahaha... sexlover loh... he's d undisputed resident evil (of a lesser degree) there besides u.. .kekkee.... ya hor... always so happened 2 walk o/s jz n kena pulled in hor... kekeke
Jit Poon Kia,,, bo thai bo chi, cha wa cho si mi? Me already nowaday retiree, only play with man,,, kekeke,,,,, ooooppps ,,,,, only at pool table.
U that day put one old 20cent at pool table then MIA again, got FR?? Kekeke :D
02-02-2005, 09:02 AM
U that day put one old 20cent at pool table then MIA again, got FR?? Kekeke :D[/QUOTE]
he always butterfly around to entertain the ladies. dun u know that!!!??!?!!
02-02-2005, 10:14 AM
he always butterfly around to entertain the ladies. dun u know that!!!??!?!!
你这样说我好蔑? entertain all of u more like it...
U that day put one old 20cent at pool table then MIA again, got FR?? Kekeke
i know lah... u only like man's... err... arses at d pool table only.... kekeke... no choice leh... got to run.... din have any Fried Rice when we went 2 another place 2 continue part 2 n go back for part 3.... kekekekee
02-02-2005, 10:20 AM
he always butterfly around to entertain the ladies. dun u know that
Like that lament must be the papa san liao,,,,,,,,, :D wonder when will we get our chance..... :D
02-02-2005, 10:23 AM
Like that lament must be the papa san liao... wonder when will we get our chance.....
u r d next-in-line brudder..... :D
02-02-2005, 10:52 AM
i know lah... u only like man's... err... arses at d pool table only.... kekeke... no choice leh... got to run.... din have any Fried Rice when we went 2 another place 2 continue part 2 n go back for part 3.... kekekekee
well at least the man are in position for a rear entry ....
02-02-2005, 10:53 AM
well at least the man are in position for a rear entry ....
w a cue stick foreplay first.... lubricate w ky jelly... kekeke... :eek:
02-02-2005, 11:04 AM
brudder, seems dat u have been there 4 a long time now... well, everyone does have a soft-spot for a gal everytime (yours truly included).. it's a sign when u r feeling tired n needed to rest at a highway cafe first before moving onto ur long journey 2 happiness....
well, after playing 4 such a long time, i oso will get tired of it as well... but u r d founder of dis program... i wouldn't wanna c u fail... kekekeke....
after giving this sentence that u wrote a 2nd thought .....
I think when the Vietnamisation Program was conceptualised by me, its main aim is to reduce the number of casualty in the so co-called love relationship with viet gals of joo chiat....
By being in love or attached with minimum harm is the successful Vietnamisation Program rather than pain & sorrows of being cheated of money and all the what so not .......
The Process of Vietnamisation never stops .............
To see a bro being hitched happily with a fellow viet is a sign of the success of the vietnamisation program .....
02-02-2005, 11:23 AM
after giving this sentence that u wrote a 2nd thought ....
yap... agreed dat we shld vietnamise w easy hereforth w ur thread... thks a lot... but 2 b happy 4 d rest of ur life will b fairytale story in sum cases (i'm not sure of actual ratio)....
hence i'm highlighting to u all d potential n obvious pitfalls... i'm not tying 2 pour cold water over it but u may be happy for d first 2 years but after dat, honeymoon period is over n reality sets in...
u have previously quoted dat one of ur frenz moved to vietnam b'coz of his gal but gradually family took advantage n they divorced.... i wouldn't want u 2 suffer d fate as well...
newpapers previously published sg men "buying" viet/indo/china wife... i wonder how r they faring now?.... hmmm...
always looking out for u bro~! :D
02-02-2005, 01:28 PM
yap... agreed dat we shld vietnamise w easy hereforth w ur thread... thks a lot... but 2 b happy 4 d rest of ur life will b fairytale story in sum cases (i'm not sure of actual ratio)....
thanx thanx ..... i really wish that my thread have help even those who dun post undergo an easier vietnamisation process .......
met up some friends and somehow some do mention about having read about all this in SB but then i never reveal my position and who i am ......
seems it helps a lot of people ..... and so i m glad ...... all i wanted to achieve is to demystify the so called "evil & scheming" viets...... they are wonderful if u know how to handle but "evil & scheming" when u do not ..
hence i'm highlighting to u all d potential n obvious pitfalls... i'm not tying 2 pour cold water over it but u may be happy for d first 2 years but after dat, honeymoon period is over n reality sets in...
as the founder and advocate of this program here in singapore, of course i know the pitfalls & shit ...... thats y i said its not easy to find the right one and i have seen enuff ..... maybe she is maybe she is not but then i m not plunging in totally yet ...... so no worries about this ok ..........
i m still observing like i have always been ..... but loneliness do get the better of me sometimes ...... i yearn for someone to call my own sometimes .....
u have previously quoted dat one of ur frenz moved to vietnam b'coz of his gal but gradually family took advantage n they divorced.... i wouldn't want u 2 suffer d fate as well...
newpapers previously published sg men "buying" viet/indo/china wife... i wonder how r they faring now?.... hmmm...
always looking out for u bro~!
being equipped with all this knowledge, i know what needs to be done to avert all this problems .....
but then getting a good decent gal is not my cup of tea seriously, like i said i had a very decent gf but then cannot tahan lah, by 10.30 must go home .... wah kaoz ..... i think i prefer a naughty gal still ......
02-02-2005, 01:40 PM
thanx thanx ..... i really wish that my thread have help even those who dun post undergo an easier vietnamisation process .......
definitely have helped.. .dat's y i toasted u when i first met u... cum 2 think of it, i din know it was u when i first met u n subsequently always jio u 2 drink w/o knowing ur sb id... after a formal intro by plman, dat's when d fun began.. kekeke...
but funny thing is dat before u wrote dis, i've oreadi embarked on d journey n really used everything u mentioned.... guess dat birds of d same feathers flocks together... kekeke.. we're both wearing black feathers.. "Crow~! Crow~!" ... hahahaa... :D
dat gal u spoke of too decent oreadi lah... even betta than cinderalla... kekekek.... even if u wanna hang onto her, i'll tear u away... kekeke..
but i think u have 2 thread carefully.. i'm a newbie to jc n wouldn't want u 2 fall for obvious pitholes...
ok... jz reserve a bit of yeu for ur parents, n samsters den i'm sure u'll fine... if u long for one 2 call ur own... i'll get u a bitch in jc.... den u can bring it home n call it any names u like... kekeke.. jz dun bonk d bitch.... animal vs man is strictly forbidden for u.. kekeke...
not like sum one ... only beo males.... err.... arses :eek: ... kekeke..
02-02-2005, 02:45 PM
gal? decent? i like! who? :p
02-02-2005, 02:57 PM
dat gal u spoke of too decent oreadi lah... even betta than cinderalla... kekekek.... even if u wanna hang onto her, i'll tear u away... kekeke..
which gal u toking about ?????
decent ??? did i show her 2 u ...... which 1 leh ..... please post description of look leh ....
i'll get u a bitch in jc.... .. jz dun bonk d bitch....
really huh ....which one leh ..... better intro fast ....
02-02-2005, 04:18 PM
which gal u toking about ?????
dat ex gal frenz of urs who have to go back by 1030pm... :D
bitch? as in female dog :eek: ... kekekeke....
02-02-2005, 04:37 PM
dat ex gal frenz of urs who have to go back by 1030pm...
bitch? as in female dog ... kekekeke....
that is realli must consider sia ....
03-02-2005, 09:14 AM
that is realli must consider sia ....
hahaha..... how's last nite pool session w sexlover? u 2 had a mass orgy? :eek:
03-02-2005, 09:52 AM
hahaha..... how's last nite pool session w sexlover? u 2 had a mass orgy? :eek:
Hello hello,,,, last nite i at home playing Gameboy lah,,, never go out?? Got clone 'sexlover' at 51? :eek:
03-02-2005, 10:17 AM
Hello hello,,,, last nite i at home playing Gameboy lah,,, never go out?? Got clone 'sexlover' at 51?
playing Gameboy? not reading Playboy izit? eat vegetable n pray but read sex book~!....
maybe... :eek:
03-02-2005, 11:29 AM
hahaha..... how's last nite pool session w sexlover? u 2 had a mass orgy?
never go in JC till very late .....was trying to xiam the place ....
was at another part of joo chiat with some SB bro in a very boring area and yes its a PRC joint so rest assure i behave myself ....
11 odd, took a walk down joo chiat on my way back and met some friends makan and M. Low .... they say wan to go 51 ..... so no choice still go lor ....
playing Gameboy? not reading Playboy izit? eat vegetable n pray but read sex book~!....
he playing the latest version of Leisure Suit Larry mah ......
03-02-2005, 11:41 AM
never go in JC till very late .....was trying to xiam the place ....
dun worry lah... jz walk in straight n hug d first gal when u sat down.. dat will tell ur gal u r gng there 2 play... kekekek... :D
no wonder... one big DOM he is~! :eek:
03-02-2005, 12:05 PM
dun worry lah... jz walk in straight n hug d first gal when u sat down.. dat will tell ur gal u r gng there 2 play... kekekek...
trust me that when u r there ...u would siam all the gals also ....
most look like they can be my jie jie ......
anyway i went on to the place of no-through road yesterday ..... left with my buds for supper .... saw a new arrival age 20 y.o with her sis.... kinda cute and fit criteria but dun see myself pursuing further based on initial assessment ...i ask them to come over area 51 to work 2nite leh........
A 2-week old viet 24y.o ask me to give her a ride back but i say my friend go supper and she join in ....whilst on the mini-bus and I was busy quenching my thirst for fresh viet saliva jus like a vampire's thirst for blood ....... ain't tasted some for a while ....but she spoil my mood by asking why am i doing it .... See how lah .... if my elder brother say go then i go else this gal also siam ....
03-02-2005, 12:15 PM
trust me that when u r there ...u would siam all the gals also ....
i believe so as well.. dat's y not much motivation to go down nowadays, except 2 play pool w sexlover n watch men's... errrr.... butt there loh...
dat 20yo gal can intro o not?? i muz get sum motivation as well leh.... :D
why spoilt ur mood by saying dat? dun understand? because she knows u got a gal oreadi?
03-02-2005, 12:20 PM
heh this becoming a msn chat for you all two sia :p
03-02-2005, 12:44 PM
heh this becoming a msn chat for you all two sia
no contributors to this thread leh ...... and this is just how pubs along joo chiat started leh .....
boh pian lah .... no cheongster coming to be vietnamised mah ...
03-02-2005, 12:48 PM
no contributors to this thread leh ...... and this is just how pubs along joo chiat started leh .....
boh pian lah .... no cheongster coming to be vietnamised mah ...
is like that la, not much flowers, where got bees...
if i dun have a flower there, i think also stay home sleep... :p
03-02-2005, 12:52 PM
i believe so as well.. dat's y not much motivation to go down nowadays, except 2 play pool w sexlover n watch men's... errrr.... butt there loh...
realli wanna skip 51 lah ..... her presence is hampering me leh ...... and thats y sexlover quite happy got new pool kaki in me liao ..... i m really eyeing his ass real hard ....
dat 20yo gal can intro o not?? i muz get sum motivation as well leh....
sure ...y not but u got tag-team kaki or not .....cos she got an older sis who is 26y.o. not as good looking though ......
lets hope they call me 2day lor else we have to scour blue area for them ...
why spoilt ur mood by saying dat? dun understand? because she knows u got a gal oreadi?
no lah ..... she kept asking me "why am i kissing her leh" and i say "dun know" .....
usual replyfrom them ..."u r a liar...".... i say "y b cos i know ur language .....u only here 2 weeks but i drink here 4 years liao ....."
anyway she quite a good kisser though but should be a temporary reprieve only ..... till the dry season is over or my heart tells me too ....
03-02-2005, 01:47 PM
realli wanna skip 51 lah ..... her presence is hampering me leh ...... and thats y sexlover quite happy got new pool kaki in me liao ..... i m really eyeing his ass real hard ....
dat i know oreadi dat u got such fetish after seeing wat u've done 2 poor plman.... kekekee.... but jz dun care dat much n get a gal loh.... keekeke... dat way u can tell her dat she's not interested as no reply frm ur sms n hence u decided to move on... turn defend to offence... kekeke...
again got sista?.... err... ask plman 2 go but i feel it's a great disservice to him.... u oso not interested in her sista... den i'll get sexlover loh... anyway, he only par pool... so let him distract d sista while i work on her instead... at least i sponsor his pool games while i'm there.... he's such a gd player n i'm sure $2 will do 4 whole nite.... guam bo sexlover? :D
wow liaoz... u shld come out w smth betta than dat.... i think u oreadi spearm clouching ur whole brain oreadi.. shld jz say i wanna kiss u because ur lips r so delicious... hahaha... :eek:
03-02-2005, 01:55 PM
sure ...y not but u got tag-team kaki or not .....cos she got an older sis who is 26y.o. not as good looking though ......
though i dunno japboy very well, I can be a very good tag team partner..... :D
03-02-2005, 02:14 PM
though i dunno japboy very well, I can be a very good tag team partner.....
brudder, u sure u wanna do dis mission impossible?.... lidat can... but i do not wanna do a disservice 2 u too... lesson 2 young... sha gua i dunno well... since u so steady, i'll buy u a drink man... swee bo~? :D
in case sexlover complained dat i did him a disservice, he only go there 2 par pool so can use his free time 2 distract d sista a bit... :D
03-02-2005, 03:38 PM
again got sista?.... err... ask plman 2 go but i feel it's a great disservice to him.... u oso not interested in her sista... den i'll get sexlover loh... anyway, he only par pool... so let him distract d sista while i work on her instead... at least i sponsor his pool games while i'm there.... he's such a gd player n i'm sure $2 will do 4 whole nite.... guam bo sexlover?
Simi? U want to go sian cha bor? Ask me to tag team ahh?? No problem lah.... I par pool,,, she par chiew cheng for me under table can or not :D
03-02-2005, 03:40 PM
Simi? U want to go sian cha bor? Ask me to tag team ahh?? No problem lah.... I par pool,,, she par chiew cheng for me under table can or not
wat pcc?.. i think bbbj for u betta leh...
but brudder wahpiang took ur slot for replying faster than u oreadi... so sorry~!... kekekee.... :D
03-02-2005, 04:25 PM
though i dunno japboy very well, I can be a very good tag team partner.....
so who want the younger one ...u 2 scissors paper stone lah ...
WP ...the younger one resemble your bl gal .....
brudder, u sure u wanna do dis mission impossible?.... lidat can... but i do not wanna do a disservice 2 u too... lesson 2 young... sha gua i dunno well... since u so steady, i'll buy u a drink man... swee bo
in case sexlover complained dat i did him a disservice, he only go there 2 par pool so can use his free time 2 distract d sista a bit... :D
no worries ...i like to play tag team but no partner leh ....
Simi? U want to go sian cha bor? Ask me to tag team ahh?? No problem lah.... I par pool,,, she par chiew cheng for me under table can or not
she pcc u and i come from behind lah .....
03-02-2005, 04:32 PM
dat i know oreadi dat u got such fetish after seeing wat u've done 2 poor plman.... kekekee.... but jz dun care dat much n get a gal loh.... keekeke... dat way u can tell her dat she's not interested as no reply frm ur sms n hence u decided to move on... turn defend to offence... kekeke...
see how lah ...this gal is in the Shoot & Forget Category choice lah my Elder brother say that his small head cannot take it liao and thats y me being the younger brother must respect big gor gor ....
again got sista?.... err... ask plman 2 go but i feel it's a great disservice to him.... u oso not interested in her sista... den i'll get sexlover loh... anyway, he only par pool... so let him distract d sista while i work on her instead... at least i sponsor his pool games while i'm there.... he's such a gd player n i'm sure $2 will do 4 whole nite.... guam bo sexlover?
i interested but i take the younger one lah .... how ???? cos she in my category mah ....
wow liaoz... u shld come out w smth betta than dat.... i think u oreadi spearm clouching ur whole brain oreadi.. shld jz say i wanna kiss u because ur lips r so delicious... hahaha...
no time 4 there .... actually was thinking if i can bonk her or get her to give me a bbbj in the back of my friend's van sia .......
actually she kissed quite well and her bosom quite ample ..think she is a b-c cupper .....only thing is she 2 old leh ....but boy she kiss well sia ....
03-02-2005, 04:41 PM
see how lah ...this gal is in the Shoot & Forget Category choice lah my Elder brother say that his small head cannot take it liao and thats y me being the younger brother must respect big gor gor ....
hahaha... i think so too.... man and their lust~!.... haiz.... i oso interested in younger one so we canot tag team together... kekeke...
haiz... give u a bit but u want so much... kekekeke... still want bbbj in ur frenz van.... luckily i dun drive u... if not, u'll have a full show at d back 4 mi 2 c... kekeke....
03-02-2005, 04:44 PM
hahaha... i think so too.... man and their lust~!.... haiz.... i oso interested in younger one so we canot tag team together... kekeke...
no problem lah, u wan i will help u lah ....
haiz... give u a bit but u want so much... kekekeke... still want bbbj in ur frenz van.... luckily i dun drive u... if not, u'll have a full show at d back 4 mi 2 c... kekeke....
i like it ...the more people see the more shiok ..... the adrenaline rush and so on ...........
03-02-2005, 06:27 PM
no problem lah, u wan i will help u lah ....
hahaha... dun wan lah... we can go w two different assualt team... i partner w wahpiang n u partner w sexlover.... den we'll each take her time n one time we go together, sit together n c who she'll hug so dat d other can break it off w her n find new targets~! :eek:
wow liaoz... i wouldn't want mi back car seat 2 spoil.... kekekeek.... u tot u r doing AV in d back of a moving car izit?... kekekke
03-02-2005, 06:35 PM
hahaha... dun wan lah... we can go w two different assualt team... i partner w wahpiang n u partner w sexlover.... den we'll each take her time n one time we go together, sit together n c who she'll hug so dat d other can break it off w her n find new targets~! :eek:
dun b so cruel lah ......
wow liaoz... i wouldn't want mi back car seat 2 spoil.... kekekeek.... u tot u r doing AV in d back of a moving car izit?... kekekke
well make in sg pore ...rare & hard to find ....think of the export market potential
03-02-2005, 06:54 PM
she pcc u and i come from behind lah .....
Who's behind?? Dont scare me leh,,, make sure u aim correctly hor,,, I am still a virgin in my ass :D
04-02-2005, 09:30 AM
dun b so cruel lah ......
force her 2 make a choice only wat~!... kekeke
well, home-made movie got alot ... sb vid forum can d/l oreadi... :D
so it'll be titled Beauty vs d Beast? u d Beauty n she's d BeasT? :eek:
04-02-2005, 01:27 PM
so it'll be titled Beauty vs d Beast? u d Beauty n she's d BeasT?
So thats wat u think of me ....the beast ...... u fare no better ok ....... just dun let me see u around JC area anymore .... c 1 time wack 1 time .........
Anyway, last 9 ... i was at 51 ..... one of the gals that stay same place as my royal highness....lets call her TT from now on ..... got to jaga her bag but never mind, was caught hugging her by me ex .....she saw and gave a wry smile and walk off ....... i sms & ask her "y u smile" .... she reply "got meh"...
This morning...bro PH sms me & say me ex royal highness tok to him last 9 about me ......... anyway she still available cos thought she still with her bf as i saw hiw twice over the last 3 days mah but according to PH, they r not an item liao ....
Thanks Bro ..... but then u give me new headache sia ..... y she dun wanna tok 2 me direct leh ..... wan me behave and get the word spread that she still the ger i want ....... that has and have always been told to her b4 ..... the last time her aunt was here......aunt told me wat PH told me too and i told her aunt how i feel about her .....
Think i must be a good good boy liao .... be a 1-Ba Xa man ......
Does this speel the doom of my own personal Vietnamisation Program ...... maybe i need some de-vietnamisation jabs to sober up .....
04-02-2005, 02:02 PM
So thats wat u think of me ....the beast ......
i said u d Beauty hor... print big big for u 2 c oso dun wanna c~!...
she smiled as she's happy for u meh~!... dat u go find other gals.... well, at least ur gal still take notice of u... mine ask mi 2 look 4 other gals as she's working but when c another gal, she buay song oreadi.. but after a while, she auto come over n stay w mi n stick w mi whole nite... by den i always ask her 2 go away n look ard 4 pple... haiz... women always hard 2 please...
so if she cfm no more den go up up her rep pts urself loh~!.. u can up her front, back, behind o anywhere u want~!.. kekeke
but i think u raised her rep a bit too high oreadi... shld start 2 deduce her rep a bit... if not she'll get over her head~!...
when u mentioned aunty, i tot it's dat kind of come red aunty... kekekeke ... i tot how cum u so powder can tok 2 her come red aunty~!... muahahaha..... when did her aunty came? for both her aunty n come red aunty hor~!... kekekek.
i tot u always wanna order a few cups of coffee and wait c which cup is nice 2 drink.. .still 2 early for u to let go lah.... play d waiting game now... :D
04-02-2005, 02:16 PM
i tot u always wanna order a few cups of coffee and wait c which cup is nice 2 drink.. .still 2 early for u to let go lah.... play d waiting game now... :D oei ti ko.. never report to our office.. first post sian char bo first is it.. :p
04-02-2005, 02:21 PM
oei ti ko.. never report to our office.. first post sian char bo first is it..
now trying 2 catch mi back... back oreadi lah.. lau ti ko.. yest commando assualt! :D
04-02-2005, 02:43 PM
she smiled as she's happy for u meh~!... dat u go find other gals.... well, at least ur gal still take notice of u... mine ask mi 2 look 4 other gals as she's working but when c another gal, she buay song oreadi.. but after a while, she auto come over n stay w mi n stick w mi whole nite... by den i always ask her 2 go away n look ard 4 pple... haiz... women always hard 2 please...
if not serious then dun be bothered by wad she say lor, see another one you like just go... being too tied up is not that good also la, me the best example haha... but everyone enjoys differently :D
04-02-2005, 02:52 PM
i said u d Beauty hor... print big big for u 2 c oso dun wanna c~!...
sorry lah ...paiseh leh .....
she smiled as she's happy for u meh~!... dat u go find other gals.... well, at least ur gal still take notice of u... mine ask mi 2 look 4 other gals as she's working but when c another gal, she buay song oreadi.. but after a while, she auto come over n stay w mi n stick w mi whole nite... by den i always ask her 2 go away n look ard 4 pple... haiz... women always hard 2 please...
Hope thats wat on her mind ...problem is we now talk thru a middleman .....
when did her aunty came? for both her aunty n come red aunty hor~!... kekekek.
her real life auntie lah ...anyway u wan i can intro 2 u ...her aunt only 22 y.o. leh ..... the oldest is onli 28 .........
i tot u always wanna order a few cups of coffee and wait c which cup is nice 2 drink.. .still 2 early for u to let go lah.... play d waiting game now...
I have had enuff kopi to know which cuppa i realli like and she is that kopi which leaves a long lasting lingering taste in the tongue that other kopi does not taste as good liao ....
04-02-2005, 04:31 PM
sorry lah ...paiseh leh .....
u owe mi smsb chap 10k~!.... nx x i c u, u betta siam far far, if not, i'll make u drink like siao~!... kekekek ... jz dun sit on mi can oreadi... kekeke... :D
wow liaoz... life so tough for u.. same w mi as well.... sometimes body language is best~!... kekeke...
can intro, intro loh... later u got 2 call mi uncle oreadi if i up her aunty's rep.. kekekeke....
u sure o not? sometimes man have to learn 2 b contented... well, seems like u r contented but jz play d waiting game a while longer n c how... remember u got plenty of them.... time n patience.. kekeke
04-02-2005, 05:05 PM
wow liaoz... life so tough for u.. same w mi as well.... sometimes body language is best~!... kekeke...
now u then know .....
can intro, intro loh... later u got 2 call mi uncle oreadi if i up her aunty's rep.. kekekeke....
call u unkle ..small case lah as long u take care of nephew mah .....
u sure o not? sometimes man have to learn 2 b contented... well, seems like u r contented but jz play d waiting game a while longer n c how... remember u got plenty of them.... time n patience.. kekeke
i know wat u driving at but deep down i feel hollow & lonely ....
04-02-2005, 05:43 PM
now u then know .....
sama sama lah... but u speak more vietnam than i do... so u r in a betta position...
i will take care of mi niece for u.. not nephew-in-law hor... i will first shave her properly, shower w her, lick her clean, n most imptly, make sure i grease her properly before sending her to u... swee bo? :D
wow liaoz... hollow & lonely... u want mi 2 get sexlover 2 poke ur... err.. arses o not... lidat u r only looking for companionship... not a lover... u betta think properly... dun because of lonely den do dis.... can always PCC in front of ur screen now.. jz like s_xl_V_r do when he's at home playing his joystick... err.. sorry... gameboy~!... kekekeke
04-02-2005, 05:56 PM
wow liaoz... hollow & lonely... u want mi 2 get sexlover 2 poke ur... err.. arses o not... lidat u r only looking for companionship... not a lover... u betta think properly... dun because of lonely den do dis.... can always PCC in front of ur screen now.. jz like s_xl_V_r do when he's at home playing his joystick... err.. sorry... gameboy~!... kekekeke
knn ....u better dun appear in 51 ..... sexlover will shred u 2 pieces sia .....
u suan him again & again and then dun appear ...damn smart move ....
04-02-2005, 06:03 PM
knn ....u better dun appear in 51 ..... sexlover will shred u 2 pieces sia .....
wow liaoz... i n him on truce.... he can always suan mi n i suan him no prob one... kekekeke.... at most i play a few more rds of pool w him... kekekeke...
but u betta dun appear in 51 if not i make u lim song song until jurong~!... kekekekke...
04-02-2005, 06:18 PM
wow liaoz... i n him on truce.... he can always suan mi n i suan him no prob one... kekekeke.... at most i play a few more rds of pool w him... kekekeke...
but u betta dun appear in 51 if not i make u lim song song until jurong~!... kekekekke...
jurong onli .... i thought all the way to vietnam mah ...
04-02-2005, 06:23 PM
jurong onli .... i thought all the way to vietnam mah ...
in ur dreams brudder.. no way i'm giving u a free tix 2 vietnam.. lidat we'll have one less contributor in sb... :D
04-02-2005, 07:36 PM
her real life auntie lah ...anyway u wan i can intro 2 u ...her aunt only 22 y.o. leh ..... the oldest is onli 28 .........
Hello Jit poon kia ,,, mai tu liao,,, sian the auntie,,, and u will be promoted to be Lament's Uncle,,, kekeke,,,, :D
04-02-2005, 07:38 PM
Bro Lament,,, my rep pt 95,,, how to clear my 1st 100pts barrier,,, are u in position to assist?? Kekekek :D
04-02-2005, 08:14 PM
Sometimes it takes a bit of loneliness to give one time to ponder about life and where it leads you.
Let think long & hard this weekend ......
Cassanova - what say u? U know her well too .... how ????
I dunno man but i have heard some things about her that you may want to consider before getting back with her. One thing though she has a fiery temper(which viet dun have...hahaha) and after listenng to me and you think its ok then i will definitely give you my blessings man!!! anyway you will become my family what...hahahahahahah and you have to call me Uncle too .....hahahaha why not man.
Seriously man listen to what info i have before making a decision.....sorry for the late reply
04-02-2005, 10:26 PM
I dunno man but i have heard some things about her that you may want to consider before getting back with her.
which ger u toking abt? i also heard something about lament ex girl...wonder we toking abt the same ger
05-02-2005, 02:50 AM
Bro Lament,,, my rep pt 95,,, how to clear my 1st 100pts barrier,,, are u in position to assist?? Kekekek
wow you same as me :o
but your rep power 6! :eek:
05-02-2005, 05:45 AM
which ger u toking abt? i also heard something about lament ex girl...wonder we toking abt the same ger
I believe we are toking about the same one....Lament only have heart ache over one ma...hahaha...the youngest one...:)
05-02-2005, 10:52 AM
Hello Jit poon kia ,,, mai tu liao,,, sian the auntie,,, and u will be promoted to be Lament's Uncle,,, kekeke,,,,
anytime lah ...when she come back i intro lor ....
Bro Lament,,, my rep pt 95,,, how to clear my 1st 100pts barrier,,, are u in position to assist?? Kekekek
u not scared kenna chop by sammy ...this kind of thing pm mah ....will do so when i recover lor now can only add 1 person a day .....
05-02-2005, 10:56 AM
Seriously man listen to what info i have before making a decision.....sorry for the late reply
wat thingz ...... when u free 4 kopi session to give me a debrief ......
One thing though she has a fiery temper
u think i dunno her temper meh ....... kenna b4 liao ... but the heart dun listen to the head at all .....
anyway you will become my family what...hahahahahahah and you have to call me Uncle too .....hahahaha why not man.
call u uncle also bo pian but this will only be valid in Vietnam not in sillypore for that u wait long long .....
I believe we are toking about the same one....Lament only have heart ache over one ma...hahaha...the youngest one...
all this while she the only one to kill me ....... cham ....
05-02-2005, 10:58 AM
which ger u toking abt? i also heard something about lament ex girl...wonder we toking abt the same ger
the gal u also know ....the 32 gang ..... anyway wat have u heard ..... when free 4 kopi ....
05-02-2005, 11:12 AM
wow lament so early wake up liao :D
05-02-2005, 11:15 AM
wow lament so early wake up liao
in orpice liao lor ..... u leh .....
05-02-2005, 11:25 AM
in orpice liao lor ..... u leh .....
at home cho bo lan lor... cant really sleep much, 6+ wake up then cant get back to sleep again :confused:
05-02-2005, 11:29 AM
u not scared kenna chop by sammy ...this kind of thing pm mah ....will do so when i recover lor now can only add 1 person a day .....
Dont worry, cos I never beg for pts mah,,,, only ask are u in position to assist,,, kekekeke ,,,, its could be recommend a viet,,, then post good FR :cool:
05-02-2005, 11:33 AM
Dont worry, cos I never beg for pts mah,,,, only ask are u in position to assist,,, kekekeke ,,,, its could be recommend a viet,,, then post good FR :cool:
for good reasons, there's no more fr anymore, heh, we just discuss about who's good company :p
05-02-2005, 11:38 AM
wow you same as me
but your rep power 6!
But I join earlier in Dec2001 mah,, looking forward to Power 7,,,, but seem very far now,,,, 400pts = 1 power,,,, difficult lah,,,,,,,,,, 200days = 1 pts, seem nearer :D
06-02-2005, 11:42 PM
But I join earlier in Dec2001 mah,, looking forward to Power 7,,,, but seem very far now,,,, 400pts = 1 power,,,, difficult lah,,,,,,,,,, 200days = 1 pts, seem nearer
hahaa... wanna complain go 2 another thread... for d meantime... LL loh... :D
07-02-2005, 12:16 AM
hahaa... wanna complain go 2 another thread... for d meantime... LL loh... :D
oopp...nice to meet up you guys too last 9 @ who won most on de poker cards game ah?? kekeke! :D
07-02-2005, 12:23 AM
oopp...nice to meet up you guys too last 9 @ who won most on de poker cards game ah??
well, i think it's mi... i'm only a newbie 2 d game~! :eek:
sexlover is a close second... kekekeke
07-02-2005, 02:07 AM
well, i think it's mi... i'm only a newbie 2 d game~!
sexlover is a close second... kekekeke
U Newbies??? :eek: Mai k siao lah,,,,, if plman say he newbies i might believe,, or maybe call him ''hiong kar'' :D
07-02-2005, 10:04 AM
U Newbies??? Mai k siao lah,,,,, if plman say he newbies i might believe,, or maybe call him ''hiong kar''
你这样说plman好蔑? kekekeke.... call him "hiong kar" cannot lah.. my brudder a bit drunk dat nite oreadi... kekekeke :D
07-02-2005, 10:57 AM
你这样说plman好蔑? kekekeke.... call him "hiong kar" cannot lah.. my brudder a bit drunk dat nite oreadi... kekekeke :D
各位bro, 小弟向各位请安,说声对不起。应为我blur blur. 我不是hiong kar啦.
这样说我gum咩 kekeke
07-02-2005, 11:00 AM
各位bro, 小弟向各位请安,说声对不起。应为我blur blur. 我不是hiong kar啦.
这样说我gum咩 kekeke
bro... i stood up 4 u here.. u owe mi one big time.... :D
07-02-2005, 11:02 AM
bro... i stood up 4 u here.. u owe mi one big time.... :D
here u support mi, but another thread u ...............................
quits. hahahaha
07-02-2005, 11:09 AM
here u support mi, but another thread u ...............................
quits. hahahaha
where got? both thread i oso support u... :D
07-02-2005, 11:13 AM
pl - thanks 2 u itchy we go shopping with u only to end up in TCSS with me, sexlover, michi & mich friend. We only left in the morning round 9am ....
u guys go back to fast liao ....
07-02-2005, 11:14 AM
9am??? :eek:
07-02-2005, 11:16 AM
pl - thanks 2 u itchy we go shopping with u only to end up in TCSS with me, sexlover, michi & mich friend. We only left in the morning round 9am ..
wah lao eh, 9am. siao ah.
but mi 9am also woke up liao.
went marketing, buy CNY stuff, do this n that, neber had nap too n slept at 11pm last nite.
this morning also blur like sotong.
07-02-2005, 11:26 AM
pl - thanks 2 u itchy we go shopping with u only to end up in TCSS with me, sexlover, michi & mich friend. We only left in the morning round 9am ....
u guys go back to fast liao ....
heng ah... i sleep song song until 2pm b4 gng abt 2 do sum cny shopping ... so not too bad lah... :D
07-02-2005, 11:30 AM
wah lao eh, 9am. siao ah.
but mi 9am also woke up liao.
went marketing, buy CNY stuff, do this n that, neber had nap too n slept at 11pm last nite.
this morning also blur like sotong.
in your case ...sleep dun sleep also blur like sotong lah ...
07-02-2005, 12:03 PM
heng ah... i sleep song song until 2pm b4 gng abt 2 do sum cny shopping ... so not too bad lah... :D
u need to prepare for CNY meh! think u onli chauffeur yr mummy. u not QUALIFIED yet. hahaha
sleep until 2pm. song song kau jurong.
in your case ...sleep dun sleep also blur like sotong lah lament
07-02-2005, 12:09 PM
u need to prepare for CNY meh! think u onli chauffeur yr mummy. u not QUALIFIED yet. hahaha
sleep until 2pm. song song kau jurong.
mi brudder lament oreadi sed d wise words... kekeke... i qualified oso as i oso buy things ok~!...
07-02-2005, 01:03 PM
mi brudder lament oreadi sed d wise words... kekeke... i qualified oso as i oso buy things ok~!...
wait till u finish the smsb chapt at yr wedding.
u muz come to the sam...ster table n gan 1 glass each. <no water n no ice type> how to spell the word 'nik' ah? mi engiris no good.
07-02-2005, 01:10 PM
wait till u finish the smsb chapt at yr wedding.
u muz come to the sam...ster table n gan 1 glass each. <no water n no ice type> how to spell the word 'nik' ah? mi engiris no good.
neat... basket.. want mi 2 spell it out...
one glass each table... ok.. i'll do it... anyway, not alot.. kekekee.... but got 2 tan ku ku loh... :D
07-02-2005, 01:36 PM
one glass each table... ok.. i'll do it... anyway, not alot.. kekekee.... but got 2 tan ku ku loh... :D[/QUOTE]
thanks for the spelling.
btw, correction hor. not per table but per sam....ster. kekeke
disclaimer : i reserve the right for changes at anytime.
i think all bros agree to it.kekeke :D
07-02-2005, 01:42 PM
neat... basket.. want mi 2 spell it out...
one glass each table... ok.. i'll do it... anyway, not alot.. kekekee....DSteady!! i bring my own glass!!!..
make sure u drink ONE GLASS!!.. i think i have a bottle of WU LIANG YE with me.. (waiting patiently for ur red bomb..) :)
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