View Full Version : Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings Fetish
The silky material never fail to send a sensual shiver down my spine whenever they come into contact with my skin (when beautiful women are wearing them of coz ;) )..This thread is for guys and gals to share their personal experiences, as i could only find guys sharing their experiences of WLs in PH.
Those with WL experiences to share on footjobs, pantyhose & stockings may share them in the links below ;)
16-01-2005, 03:13 PM
dun wear nething better....the feelin of stockin iz an irritant to me skin....i prefer it raw ha ha.....not w/o condom hor...
Hmmm...probably cos u haven't had the feeling of wearing real silk stockings ...only those cheap ph...women would whore themselves to get a pair of those in the victorian days cos it was so expensive...
dun wear nething better....the feelin of stockin iz an irritant to me skin....i prefer it raw ha ha.....not w/o condom hor...
17-01-2005, 12:44 PM
I totally agree, and i'm glad there r people of the same mind here. I have had this desire since young and the sight of a lady in pantyhose will drive me crazy. That is also why now whenever i am making love with my wife i will insist that she wear p.h without underwear. The full sight of her xx behind a layer of neylon is really sensation. there after i will tear a hole and ram her with the ph on. :D
Thanks for sharing guess you have to buy your wife lotsa pantyhose ? Try need to keep tearin em .. ;)'s my two cents worth first since this thread is about sharing experiences..may this encourage others to come forward to share their experiences also..
It was the new year, and i had just hooked up with my gf (let's call her Gigi) .a beautiful short haired petite and skinny lady(Really had a CFM look..). We had spent the night partying and she decided to spend the day at my place ( It was already daylight ) We were already pretty randy in the cab on the way to my place...feeling each other when we got to my place..there was no holding back.
We started kissing passionately ..all the way to my bedroom..and proceeded to tear each other's clothes off..As i was necking her and teasing her nipples, i could feel her hands playing with my nipples (I love it when she does dat,drives me really wild..esp when she does it with nylons..but dat's another story).I proceeded to eat her out and make her high, when i suddenly stopped and popped the question..yup.. "Would you wear pantyhose for me?"
She looked at me in amazement and agreed, probably due to the fact that i was getting her really high and she didn't want to stop the moment of pleasure.. I then helped her put on a pair of pantyhose which i had prepared , one leg at a time..(God it felt really good..) . I sucked on her nyloned toes while fingering her at the same time(thru her nylons), sending her into throes of esctacy and begging me not to stop..
Having done this for a while i then made her lie on her front, and tore open the crotch portion of the pantyhose...whereby i duly eased myself into her...and started pumping away rythmically..alternating between slow and fast strokes...
After a while of pumping her breathing became irregular..and she cried out "I'm cumming !!" and her body started to writhe like a contortionist.. I did all i could to stop myself from joining her as i had other plans...
Once i saw she was done i pulled out, and grabbing her feet, instructed her to rub my dick with them.The sensation and sound of nylons rubbing together together on my dickhead, with the occasional pinching with her big and second toe, her hands playing with my nipples and her teasing tone asking me "Are you gonna cum for me?" sent me over the edge as i came in spurts all over her beautiful dark nyloned feet..
18-01-2005, 12:51 PM
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW. What an experience. Thanks 4 sharing. Personally i prefer p.h then stocking and u r right we do stock up quite a bit and i am looking for those that is like a full suit that that wear all the way up to th breast. It seems like your gf comes quite easily, as 4 my wf, she need more time to build up that sensation, usually we'll watch B.Film first till she is high than we'll use a vibrator which she really enjoy and now a days we never make love without it and she will always ogas every session. I uasally ramp her slow then fast , and when she is really really high, i'll do short thrust about 10 times and follow by 10 deep one and u can c her going crazy especially when doing short thrust which she will move her own ass to get a deeper penatration. At this point, anything goes, any part of the body u touch will send her shivering. Sometime i'll use my cock shape vibrator and put it into her mouth with me pumping behind. And u can c her face sluting 4 more.
oooooo u can imagine that kind of feeling... :p
bodystocking you mean? well i believe you can get them locally...check out the sticky sites put up in the forums...if you want to get good quality stockings for your wife (pure silk!) at a reasonable price with variety check out this website.
22-01-2005, 09:51 AM
bodystocking you mean? well i believe you can get them locally...check out the sticky sites put up in the forums...if you want to get good quality stockings for your wife (pure silk!) at a reasonable price with variety check out this website.
Thank You bro acka, been following ur posts closely, got a few good first lessons in PH fetish, will try them out soon n give FR ...hehehe :p
22-01-2005, 02:52 PM
bodystocking you mean? well i believe you can get them locally...check out the sticky sites put up in the forums...if you want to get good quality stockings for your wife (pure silk!) at a reasonable price with variety check out this website.
Bodystocking are those that cover all the way to breast one, i dunno wheather is that how you call it, it's just my own way of descriping it. And thanks 4 your website, but it's all stocking, i'll check out those adult shop and see how.
22-01-2005, 02:54 PM
Thank You bro acka, been following ur posts closely, got a few good first lessons in PH fetish, will try them out soon n give FR ...hehehe :p
Hi Mamboking,
do keep us updated after your experience ok? good to know people of the same mind here. :p
Yup it's great to know people who like women who wears ph/stockings. Have covered a few forums and realised that sadly singapore women don't really like to wear's a culture thing i guess. Japanese women on the other hand however, wear them almost everyday!!! :eek: Wow i'd love to have a japanese gf.. Some people had relationships with japanese gals , and all they had to do was tell the gals he loved them in stockings and they turned up in them without fail everytime they went i'd love to see singapore women do that...
Hi bro, believe this'd be a more appropriate thread to address your concerns..
Just relax and enjoy...i personally enjoy it when the gal takes the sticking her nyloned feet into your boxers while pretending that nothing is going on...heavenly!! But if you really want to get are A few common preferences I noticed people like while getting a footjob(nyloned)..
1)Your partner squeezes the head rythmitically with the big and second toe of both feet.
2)one foot is doing 1) while the other is wanking the full length your shaft
3)partner puts both her feet covering your shaft and start to work it.
4)gripping the head with all her toes and milking it for all its worth..
5)partner giving a blowjob while gripping your shaft between both her feet( only for gals who are really flexible!!! WArning: Gf may be offended if you attempt this least it happened to me :D )
other things like teasing of your nipples ,teasing your scrotum (some dudes like insertion..) just serves to heighten the sensation of a footjob..(try getting her to give a nyloned heeljob ie with heels! The visual sight juz blows your mind away..) You might also want to get an oiled footjob (w or w/o nylons) in case you feel it might chaff your your partner!!
24-01-2005, 02:07 AM
Yup it's great to know people who like women who wears ph/stockings. Have covered a few forums and realised that sadly singapore women don't really like to wear's a culture thing i guess. Japanese women on the other hand however, wear them almost everyday!!! :eek: Wow i'd love to have a japanese gf.. Some people had relationships with japanese gals , and all they had to do was tell the gals he loved them in stockings and they turned up in them without fail everytime they went i'd love to see singapore women do that...
Too bad nylons are not in Fashion now...Indeed jap gals always wear them when i was in Japan. Even the fish net type.
24-01-2005, 01:55 PM
Yup it's great to know people who like women who wears ph/stockings. Have covered a few forums and realised that sadly singapore women don't really like to wear's a culture thing i guess. Japanese women on the other hand however, wear them almost everyday!!! :eek: Wow i'd love to have a japanese gf.. Some people had relationships with japanese gals , and all they had to do was tell the gals he loved them in stockings and they turned up in them without fail everytime they went i'd love to see singapore women do that...
YA Ya Ya,
I would love to try a jap as well preferbaly in p.h of couse, got to know a few through some friends before, but it seems like they always go 4 Ang Mor, they really go crazy 4 them i don't know why and it's really very obvious. I have heard from friends who has up jap before and their feedback are usually similiar that is they r very loud and horny.
Heh actually i believe japanese ladies prefer caucasians because they noe how to treat a gal right (not to mention shower them with praises) as compared to the stereotypical MCP japanese men who are very rigid and expect their women to be obedient at all times.So..if you noe how to treat a gal right and noe how to speak get the drift?
Anyway since we are on this topic about Japanese ladies... I once had this wonderful experience on the mrt..was on the way to boat quay after's how it goes:
While waiting for the train to arrive i casually let my eyes roam around for eye candy..and then i saw it. 3 beautiful women were standing close to me, one wearing pants, the other two wearing skirts (sadly no stockings or ph).
From their conversation i could tell they were japanese, and as i was intrigued by the japanese language, i stayed on trying to fathom what they were saying.
The train arrived and after settling down , i found that the 3 japanese ladies had managed to find a seat while i hadn't .It was then that i realised the one wearing pants was wearing black stockings/ph (gasp!)
As i focused ever so intently on her lovely nylon encased feet, i failed to see that she had actually noticed me looking (ogling) at her feet. I looked up to find the 3 ladies in deep conversation while looking in my direction from time to time. Feeling abashed i looked away , but from the corner of my eye i could see them giggling like schoolgirls , and they began to stretch their legs , one person at a time. When the lady in pants stretched hers (dangling her heels in the process .whoa..) i could not help but turn and look.. and it was then that she gave me the "caught ya" look . We smiled briefly and she returned to her fast conversation with her friends , who also tried to make me look at their legs(or so i thought).
The lady in pants stretched her legs for me again, and i was caught hook line and sinker. The ladies then giggled among themselves as if sayin they confirmed i had a fetish for ph (damn right if they were!). The train then pulled to a stop. It was my station hence i alighted. I saw that the japanese gals also alighted at the same stop but being shy i did not dare approach them for their numbers...regret!!!
YA Ya Ya,
I would love to try a jap as well preferbaly in p.h of couse, got to know a few through some friends before, but it seems like they always go 4 Ang Mor, they really go crazy 4 them i don't know why and it's really very obvious. I have heard from friends who has up jap before and their feedback are usually similiar that is they r very loud and horny.
26-01-2005, 02:27 AM
I then helped her put on a pair of pantyhose which i had prepared ..[/QUOTE]
Which brand? How did you go about buying ? ONline ? If departmental stores, very paiseh leh :D
26-01-2005, 03:18 AM
i also haf a fetish for girls wearing pantyhose.. it just makes them so sexy... ;)
Yo bro, i'm sure you've noticed little shops lying around (guardian pharmacy,watson etc) where they have absolutely no customers at certain times...that's the time to strike! If your gf is willing to indulge in your fetish..get her to buy..if u're at her place even better!Just use hers!! :D
I then helped her put on a pair of pantyhose which i had prepared ..
Which brand? How did you go about buying ? ONline ? If departmental stores, very paiseh leh :D[/QUOTE]
26-01-2005, 11:44 AM
Heh actually i believe japanese ladies prefer caucasians because they noe how to treat a gal right (not to mention shower them with praises) as compared to the stereotypical MCP japanese men who are very rigid and expect their women to be obedient at all times.So..if you noe how to treat a gal right and noe how to speak get the drift?
Anyway since we are on this topic about Japanese ladies... I once had this wonderful experience on the mrt..was on the way to boat quay after's how it goes:
While waiting for the train to arrive i casually let my eyes roam around for eye candy..and then i saw it. 3 beautiful women were standing close to me, one wearing pants, the other two wearing skirts (sadly no stockings or ph).
From their conversation i could tell they were japanese, and as i was intrigued by the japanese language, i stayed on trying to fathom what they were saying.
The train arrived and after settling down , i found that the 3 japanese ladies had managed to find a seat while i hadn't .It was then that i realised the one wearing pants was wearing black stockings/ph (gasp!)
As i focused ever so intently on her lovely nylon encased feet, i failed to see that she had actually noticed me looking (ogling) at her feet. I looked up to find the 3 ladies in deep conversation while looking in my direction from time to time. Feeling abashed i looked away , but from the corner of my eye i could see them giggling like schoolgirls , and they began to stretch their legs , one person at a time. When the lady in pants stretched hers (dangling her heels in the process .whoa..) i could not help but turn and look.. and it was then that she gave me the "caught ya" look . We smiled briefly and she returned to her fast conversation with her friends , who also tried to make me look at their legs(or so i thought).
The lady in pants stretched her legs for me again, and i was caught hook line and sinker. The ladies then giggled among themselves as if sayin they confirmed i had a fetish for ph (damn right if they were!). The train then pulled to a stop. It was my station hence i alighted. I saw that the japanese gals also alighted at the same stop but being shy i did not dare approach them for their numbers...regret!!!
Well i have this tendency just like u, couldn't help looking at ger with p.h. But luckily never get caught. For your case i feel that u could have good chance knowing them but given me in your situation i also dare not approach,shy. :( When i go 25 Bangkok, i notice that those ger in the fish tank, they usually wear p.h, so siok just looking at them. Once i called one, never f**k as i m very concern of dieases, but ask her to take off everything except p.h 2 masterbate 4 me while i ruba her below with my finger. Wow she was so wet after a while and was moaning and enjoying it so much as if gona orgas any time but i came b4 she does, 2 bad.
But definetly an expreience never forget. :D
26-01-2005, 01:59 PM
Yo bro, i'm sure you've noticed little shops lying around (guardian pharmacy,watson etc) where they have absolutely no customers at certain times...that's the time to strike! If your gf is willing to indulge in your fetish..get her to buy..if u're at her place even better!Just use hers!! :D
but those at watson, the material is more to cotton, kinda rough when u touch it... ;)
27-01-2005, 12:21 AM
Yo bro, i'm sure you've noticed little shops lying around (guardian pharmacy,watson etc) where they have absolutely no customers at certain times...that's the time to strike! If your gf is willing to indulge in your fetish..get her to buy..if u're at her place even better!Just use hers!! :D
The quality of those pantyhose at Watson and Guardian is lousy. You should try Marks & Spencer, a bit expensive though. These days jewellery shop girls are beginning to wear black opaque pantyhose. It's kinda thick - 40 denier - but it's elegant. Most are CHARNOS.
27-01-2005, 12:50 AM
The quality of those pantyhose at Watson and Guardian is lousy. You should try Marks & Spencer, a bit expensive though. These days jewellery shop girls are beginning to wear black opaque pantyhose. It's kinda thick - 40 denier - but it's elegant. Most are CHARNOS.
yes my fren, i can't help but to agree with ur views...
i love going to hotels either to the lounge or for wedding dinner cos thats where i can see girls in pantyhose ;)
HANES & SARAH BORGHI would be brands to take note off too :D
27-01-2005, 01:46 AM
yes my fren, i can't help but to agree with ur views...
i love going to hotels either to the lounge or for wedding dinner cos thats where i can see girls in pantyhose ;)
HANES & SARAH BORGHI would be brands to take note off too :D
My favourites:
Be warned. These highly sexy provocative pantyhose when worn on a pair of pretty legs can cause serious damage to your cock, as the man in charge will be screwing non-stop. For the less experienced, you will simply spill your juice on those pantyhose. It's a sight to behold!
27-01-2005, 01:50 AM
My favourites:
Be warned. These highly sexy provocative pantyhose when worn on a pair of pretty legs can cause serious damage to your cock, as the man in charge will be screwing non-stop. For the less experienced, you will simply spill your juice on those pantyhose. It's a sight to behold!
cool.. thats some nice hoses....
is the girl in the first link wearing a pantyhose plus garter belt fishnet stockings? cos i realised her upper tighs are shiny :o
27-01-2005, 02:10 AM
cool.. thats some nice hoses....
is the girl in the first link wearing a pantyhose plus garter belt fishnet stockings? cos i realised her upper tighs are shiny :o
It's a one-piece pantyhose.:rolleyes:
UP my points, if you like. I'm going to hit 100 soon...hehehe.
27-01-2005, 02:48 AM
It's a one-piece pantyhose.:rolleyes:
UP my points, if you like. I'm going to hit 100 soon...hehehe.
i like the pantyhose.. may consider ordering :p
27-01-2005, 02:54 AM
i like the pantyhose.. may consider ordering :p
It's very sexy. Who's going to wear it to show you ?
You will not come across girls in Singapore walking around in that pantyhose.
27-01-2005, 12:58 PM
It's very sexy. Who's going to wear it to show you ?
You will not come across girls in Singapore walking around in that pantyhose.
for my future gf? hahaha.. can buy and keep it in my cupboard.. :D
anyway how to upz the points ?
27-01-2005, 01:32 PM
for my future gf? hahaha.. can buy and keep it in my cupboard.. :D
anyway how to upz the points ?
You think future g/f dare to wear that pantyhose in public ? Actually must try to get those trans @ Changi Village to wear and parade. They sure have got nice legs.
Your rep power still zero leh. You must post more and gain rep power. When you have at least something in your rep power, just click on the icon above your rep points and follow the on screen prompt.
Bro, any personal pantyhose sex romp to share ?
27-01-2005, 03:49 PM
You think future g/f dare to wear that pantyhose in public ? Actually must try to get those trans @ Changi Village to wear and parade. They sure have got nice legs.
Your rep power still zero leh. You must post more and gain rep power. When you have at least something in your rep power, just click on the icon above your rep points and follow the on screen prompt.
Bro, any personal pantyhose sex romp to share ?
maybe not in public but inside a room .... anyway i'll be more den happy if she wears those normal pantyhose ( except thosse u find at watsons and G.P) out in public...
pantyhose sex romp.. hmm have yet to do it. but i used to ask my ex to wear pantyhose out, telling her its really nice on her, this and that.. espicially praising her legs ;)
28-01-2005, 01:40 PM
maybe not in public but inside a room .... anyway i'll be more den happy if she wears those normal pantyhose ( except thosse u find at watsons and G.P) out in public...
pantyhose sex romp.. hmm have yet to do it. but i used to ask my ex to wear pantyhose out, telling her its really nice on her, this and that.. espicially praising her legs ;)
It seems that only the two of us are left in this thread :(
I believe your prefer pantyhose over thigh-high stockings. I read in many other forums, most men prefer stockings over pantyhose.
I just enjoy the thrill of peeling off the pantyhose from the girls, starting all the way from the waistband, and to have the pantyhose pulled just below their ass to make way for my pole to enter.
28-01-2005, 01:55 PM
Just to add, my first encounter with pantyhose was the brand "Annabel". To this day, I still like this brand because of the abundance of yarn. The waistband is very sexy, if you know what I'm referring.
The addition of spanex into the making of pantyhose has given pantyhose more support, but less sensation that nylon provides.
28-01-2005, 02:01 PM
It seems that only the two of us are left in this thread :(
I believe your prefer pantyhose over thigh-high stockings. I read in many other forums, most men prefer stockings over pantyhose.
I just enjoy the thrill of peeling off the pantyhose from the girls, starting all the way from the waistband, and to have the pantyhose pulled just below their ass to make way for my pole to enter.
haha ya.. maybe of the fact that i was influence to pantyhose and not stockings when young...
i also dunno why other people prefer stockings den to pantyhose either.. hmmz.
28-01-2005, 02:03 PM
Just to add, my first encounter with pantyhose was the brand "Annabel". To this day, I still like this brand because of the abundance of yarn. The waistband is very sexy, if you know what I'm referring.
The addition of spanex into the making of pantyhose has given pantyhose more support, but less sensation that nylon provides.
ah yes.. annabel i saw this brand before.
i go try to go for more percentage of nylon normally, but will wan to try getting a pure silk material someday.
i know of CK TANGS department store, they haf quite a wide range of hoses and stockings there ;)
28-01-2005, 07:57 PM
ah yes.. annabel i saw this brand before.
i go try to go for more percentage of nylon normally, but will wan to try getting a pure silk material someday.
i know of CK TANGS department store, they haf quite a wide range of hoses and stockings there ;)
Are you sure CK TANG still sell pantyhose ? I tried using my voucher to redeem last month, but could find the hosiery section.
28-01-2005, 08:36 PM
Are you sure CK TANG still sell pantyhose ? I tried using my voucher to redeem last month, but could find the hosiery section.
ya i'm sure.. went there with my ex before.. its on the 2nd level if i remember correctly..
anyway tinking back, CK TANG is such a big department store.. why wun it sell pantyhose on the ladies section
28-01-2005, 08:57 PM
ya i'm sure.. went there with my ex before.. its on the 2nd level if i remember correctly..
anyway tinking back, CK TANG is such a big department store.. why wun it sell pantyhose on the ladies section
Bro, when was the last time you visited TANG'S ? I searched all levels, bo leh.
28-01-2005, 09:02 PM
Bro, when was the last time you visited TANG'S ? I searched all levels, bo leh.
ok let me check it out by this weekend if i haf the time and i'll get back to u okie? ;)
28-01-2005, 10:19 PM
ok let me check it out by this weekend if i haf the time and i'll get back to u okie? ;)
Okie, sure. Actually Isetan has a wider range.
You familiar with the thrill of purchase pantyhose from shopping centres ? In contrast, buying online lacks kick.
28-01-2005, 11:19 PM
Okie, sure. Actually Isetan has a wider range.
You familiar with the thrill of purchase pantyhose from shopping centres ? In contrast, buying online lacks kick.
isetan? maybe i should go haf a look
how about METRO? i remember they hafing a wide range too.. but that was at the old FAR EAST PLAZA area.
urm yes i do like the trill of walking around shopping centres to look at kinds of hoses they got :D But sadly i haf not bought any from the major department stores
29-01-2005, 12:55 AM
isetan? maybe i should go haf a look
how about METRO? i remember they hafing a wide range too.. but that was at the old FAR EAST PLAZA area.
urm yes i do like the trill of walking around shopping centres to look at kinds of hoses they got :D But sadly i haf not bought any from the major department stores
Yes, METRO is more practical. Lotsa ProPeds stuff. Isetan & Taka tend to be on the higher ends. Isetan sells fancy and fishnet ones.
HEy bros, great to see you guys sharing...guess there should be lots more of us nylon clad admirers out there...probably too shy...we should organise a nylon party or something...if we can get enough women who like nylons to come forward. kekeke
Yes, METRO is more practical. Lotsa ProPeds stuff. Isetan & Taka tend to be on the higher ends. Isetan sells fancy and fishnet ones.
29-01-2005, 03:16 AM
Yes, METRO is more practical. Lotsa ProPeds stuff. Isetan & Taka tend to be on the higher ends. Isetan sells fancy and fishnet ones.
propeds is not bad too as far as i know.. hmm i find it on the better material, lasting side of the typical hoses... its more on the comfy side i guess..
isetan and taka i never go and see before becos theres many people walking around.. kinda fishy if u keep walking around the area.. lolz..
29-01-2005, 03:18 AM
HEy bros, great to see you guys sharing...guess there should be lots more of us nylon clad admirers out there...probably too shy...we should organise a nylon party or something...if we can get enough women who like nylons to come forward. kekeke
yes i believe there are many out pantyhose lovers..
but as far as i know the frens that i have, they prefer legs which are naked.. heee i dunno why either but who cares when i know whats my liking :D
hmmz finding women who are daring to admit their liking for wearing hose is already very hard, much more asking them to come forward to a party..
my two cents worth :)
Propeds are pretty gd, Guardian's PH are actually not bad ...try the honey chocolate ones, seems they obtain them from diff manufacturers..But buying doesn't give me kick..I really get the biggest kick from sitting opposite women in MRT and watching them swing their heels here, dip a bit there...when they do reveal their nylon clad feet it is the ultimate! Sadly haven't seen one who knowingly teases me, probably too shy to look me in the eye. :D
29-01-2005, 12:53 PM
Propeds are pretty gd, Guardian's PH are actually not bad ...try the honey chocolate ones, seems they obtain them from diff manufacturers..But buying doesn't give me kick..I really get the biggest kick from sitting opposite women in MRT and watching them swing their heels here, dip a bit there...when they do reveal their nylon clad feet it is the ultimate! Sadly haven't seen one who knowingly teases me, probably too shy to look me in the eye. :D
i like the sound made by the girl when she rub her pantyhose clad legs against each other, making the sound.. so kinky :D
30-01-2005, 01:13 AM
i like the sound made by the girl when she rub her pantyhose clad legs against each other, making the sound.. so kinky :D
No need to rub. Just remove their shoes and show me their 'web feet' in pantyhose.
30-01-2005, 03:40 AM
No need to rub. Just remove their shoes and show me their 'web feet' in pantyhose.
ooh.. i love that lots lots.. my ex used to wear pantyhose and when i send her home, i'll knee down and put one of her feet on my tigh and kiss the top of her feet :D
30-01-2005, 03:54 AM
ooh.. i love that lots lots.. my ex used to wear pantyhose and when i send her home, i'll knee down and put one of her feet on my tigh and kiss the top of her feet :D
Is that why she ended up as your EX ?:D
Did you ever ram her with her pantyhose pulled down halfway ??
Sounds ex was more adventurous...she lets me cum anywhere i wan on current gf however only allows me to cum in my hands or on myself...gers nowadays are getting harder to please..
ooh.. i love that lots lots.. my ex used to wear pantyhose and when i send her home, i'll knee down and put one of her feet on my tigh and kiss the top of her feet :D
30-01-2005, 03:58 AM
Is that why she ended up as your EX ?:D
Did you ever ram her with her pantyhose pulled down halfway ??
of course not.. lolz.. we broke up for other reasons that are not related to my fetish..
nope i did not ram her cos i didn't wan to
30-01-2005, 04:00 AM
Sounds ex was more adventurous...she lets me cum anywhere i wan on current gf however only allows me to cum in my hands or on myself...gers nowadays are getting harder to please..
ya i miss those days.. hopefully can do it the same to my future gf :D
30-01-2005, 04:36 PM
ya i miss those days.. hopefully can do it the same to my future gf :D
What did you miss ? Bro Acka is saying he cummed everywhere on her g/f. You didn't even ram her.:confused:
30-01-2005, 04:37 PM
Sounds ex was more adventurous...she lets me cum anywhere i wan on current gf however only allows me to cum in my hands or on myself...gers nowadays are getting harder to please..
I'm looking for a g/f who has the guts to wear fishnet pantyhose. The fence pantyhose also very sexy. You can do it with her 'through the fence'.
...realised that sadly singapore women don't really like to wear's a culture thing i guess. Japanese women on the other hand however, wear them almost everyday!!!...
I think it's not just a culture thing. Singapore is hot all year round, so stockings get really uncomfortable. That's what most females will tell you. I've lived in cold countries for years and it's usually the cold that drives the women to wear stockings.
Japanese - well, they have mixed weather but over the years, stockings have become a fashion item so they will wear it even during summer. Even then, it's usually the thinner, cooler variety. Fishnets would be the coolest.
Yea bro Peter...only allowed to cum in the cap at most..nowhere on her . Haha but at least she's ok with wearing PH while making out that's what matters!
Anyway i have leads on a company who claims their gals come in stockings when they come for housecall massages.Not tried before but can PM me if interested.
Believe there are many other bros other than us who like the feeling of silk and nylon so do come forward and share your experiences!
I'm looking for a g/f who has the guts to wear fishnet pantyhose. The fence pantyhose also very sexy. You can do it with her 'through the fence'.
30-01-2005, 06:18 PM
What did you miss ? Bro Acka is saying he cummed everywhere on her g/f. You didn't even ram her.:confused:
i miss those days where she wore pantyyhose and let me kiss the top of her feet.. ;)
30-01-2005, 11:24 PM
Yea bro Peter...
Anyway i have leads on a company who claims their gals come in stockings when they come for housecall massages.Not tried before but can PM me if interested.
Silk Stockings izzit ?
31-01-2005, 01:07 AM
Silk Stockings izzit ?
dude, sorry i didn't haf the time over the weekend to go and check the pantyhose out.. will try to keep u inform asap :)
31-01-2005, 01:09 AM
dude, sorry i didn't haf the time over the weekend to go and check the pantyhose out.. will try to keep u inform asap :)
No problem. BTW, you got rep power now.
31-01-2005, 01:12 AM
No problem. BTW, you got rep power now.
ya.. anyway check the other thread out.. i posted 3 pics using someone's thread on pantyhose ;)
31-01-2005, 01:14 AM
ya.. anyway check the other thread out.. i posted 3 pics using someone's thread on pantyhose ;)
Yeah, I saw. The first pic was mesmerizing - my favorite web feet.
31-01-2005, 01:16 AM
Yeah, I saw. The first pic was mesmerizing - my favorite web feet.
glad that u like it.. i'll try to post more when i'm free.. :)
Yup bro P_N!!
Anyway good to see bro IMOM in this forum too hehe. He's been one of the biggest regular contributor to this genre.
Anyway anyone has movie, experience of footsie,under the table play? Personally i've only had a rub on my calves now and then from my gf...but not the full blown thing.
Silk Stockings izzit ?
...Anyway good to see bro IMOM in this forum too hehe. He's been one of the biggest regular contributor to this genre.
Anyway anyone has movie, experience of footsie,under the table play?...
You flatter me, Bro Acka... I've been more of a general foot fetish contributor rather than stockings and PH...
Anyway, I've had an ex-gf, sitting across the table from me in a fancy restaurant, put her foot up on my knee and let me massage and play with them... and this all or her own accord and fancy... Took me by surprise (pleasantly of course) - guess she must have liked the foot worship I gave her in our previous love-making sessions... Heh... Anyway, what added to the excitement was that the tablecloth wasn't exactly long enough to hide what we were doing - not sure if anyone saw us but I didn't care much at that time!
31-01-2005, 01:28 PM
Yup bro P_N!!
Anyway good to see bro IMOM in this forum too hehe. He's been one of the biggest regular contributor to this genre.
Anyway anyone has movie, experience of footsie,under the table play? Personally i've only had a rub on my calves now and then from my gf...but not the full blown thing.
Actually I have experiences with ladies in black pantyhose. I used to fetch those ladies in my car. But I need mood to write lah.
31-01-2005, 11:06 PM
Actually I have experiences with ladies in black pantyhose. I used to fetch those ladies in my car. But I need mood to write lah.
oh come on brother, i'm waiting for u to tell us ur experience :D
31-01-2005, 11:55 PM
oh come on brother, i'm waiting for u to tell us ur experience :D
Why my rep still stuck at 88 leh ?
01-02-2005, 12:11 AM
Why my rep still stuck at 88 leh ?
i tried uping ur point but they say i must spread some reputation before adding u again..
wat does it means?
02-02-2005, 12:43 AM
where are all the the nylon and stockings lovers? :D
02-02-2005, 01:11 AM
where are all the the nylon and stockings lovers? :D
Bro, how come you kanna zapped so jialat ?
Not long ago, I got to know this girl, Cat. Cat is a professional, and during her spell of unemployment lasting some 8 months, she helped out occasionally at an office belonging to our mutual friend. As for me, I would frequent the office whenever I needed to freeload.
Cat is a tall girl, standing at 1.67m. She is a peranankan, but looks like a Thai girl. Her face is well-chiselled like Tata Young, and very chatty. I invited her to work in one of my projects, and we would often work together in our friend's office in the night, after the staff had left for the day.
The first day when I fetched Cat with my car, it was a Saturday. Cat wore a sleeveless black T and a very short levi's mini. When she sat next to me in the car, I couldn't help but notice her long shapey legs. But because it was a Saturday, she didn't wear any nylons. Just bare legs and a pair of slip ons.
We worked through the afternoon, and finally when it was time for dinner, we decided to close the office and have dinner together. Cat stood behind me while I knelt down to lock the door. Just when I was about to finish, Cat suddenly complained to me about the rashes on her legs. I turned around and was greeted with a pair of long beautiful legs. Cat directed my attention to the rashes on her right sheen. You know when you are in that position looking up a girl in mini skirts, your mind cannot help but wanders into some adult movie scenes.
(to be continued)
02-02-2005, 01:41 AM
Bro, how come you kanna zapped so jialat ?
Not long ago, I got to know this girl, Cat. Cat is a professional, and during her spell of unemployment lasting some 8 months, she helped out occasionally at an office belonging to our mutual friend. As for me, I would frequent the office whenever I needed to freeload.
Cat is a tall girl, standing at 1.67m. She is a peranankan, but looks like a Thai girl. Her face is well-chiselled like Tata Young, and very chatty. I invited her to work in one of my projects, and we would often work together in our friend's office in the night, after the staff had left for the day.
The first day when I fetched Cat with my car, it was a Saturday. Cat wore a sleeveless black T and a very short levi's mini. When she sat next to me in the car, I couldn't help but notice her long shapey legs. But because it was a Saturday, she didn't wear any nylons. Just bare legs and a pair of slip ons.
We worked through the afternoon, and finally when it was time for dinner, we decided to close the office and have dinner together. Cat stood behind me while I knelt down to lock the door. Just when I was about to finish, Cat suddenly complained to me about the rashes on her legs. I turned around and was greeted with a pair of long beautiful legs. Cat directed my attention to the rashes on her right sheen. You know when you are in that position looking up a girl in mini skirts, your mind cannot help but wanders into some adult movie scenes.
(to be continued)
haha.... more more!!!
i dunno either.. dunno wat i did wrong or wat... sighz worries will up u guys once i get rep power...anyway keep going bro P_N!!
Bro, how come you kanna zapped so jialat ?
Not long ago, I got to know this girl, Cat. Cat is a professional, and during her spell of unemployment lasting some 8 months, she helped out occasionally at an office belonging to our mutual friend. As for me, I would frequent the office whenever I needed to freeload.
Cat is a tall girl, standing at 1.67m. She is a peranankan, but looks like a Thai girl. Her face is well-chiselled like Tata Young, and very chatty. I invited her to work in one of my projects, and we would often work together in our friend's office in the night, after the staff had left for the day.
The first day when I fetched Cat with my car, it was a Saturday. Cat wore a sleeveless black T and a very short levi's mini. When she sat next to me in the car, I couldn't help but notice her long shapey legs. But because it was a Saturday, she didn't wear any nylons. Just bare legs and a pair of slip ons.
We worked through the afternoon, and finally when it was time for dinner, we decided to close the office and have dinner together. Cat stood behind me while I knelt down to lock the door. Just when I was about to finish, Cat suddenly complained to me about the rashes on her legs. I turned around and was greeted with a pair of long beautiful legs. Cat directed my attention to the rashes on her right sheen. You know when you are in that position looking up a girl in mini skirts, your mind cannot help but wanders into some adult movie scenes.
(to be continued)
02-02-2005, 01:49 AM
Well all bro put there, im happy to see so many of them have same fetish like me too. i have many experience with stockings and pantyhose. Since young i use to steal neighbours pantyhose while they are drying outside HDB flat. Guess i use to have more than 30 pairs of them,HEEHEE.
Once family not at home, i will take them out wear them and masturbate it and thinking of those office ladies staying near me. Now i dun steal already coz im already married. My wife knows that i love stockings and pantyhose. When we make love she will ask me if she need to put it on. OF COURSE!
Sometime she will want me to wear it also.Well we have such great fun.
I use to call up Silk Stockings too, agent name is michelle. Her girls wear stockings for call up. You can request whatever you want. Damage is 150 ex hotel. From i believe, her girls are from philipine. Who cares? i have tried about 10 times already. All i can say, is shiock! I also tried May from casanova who recommended by the other tread. she is so so only.
All brothers why not we book a hotel room and invite some really crazy girls to have fun with us in pantyhose or stockings. What do you guys think?
02-02-2005, 01:52 AM
Well all bro put there, im happy to see so many of them have same fetish like me too. i have many experience with stockings and pantyhose. Since young i use to steal neighbours pantyhose while they are drying outside HDB flat. Guess i use to have more than 30 pairs of them,HEEHEE.
Once family not at home, i will take them out wear them and masturbate it and thinking of those office ladies staying near me. Now i dun steal already coz im already married. My wife knows that i love stockings and pantyhose. When we make love she will ask me if she need to put it on. OF COURSE!
Sometime she will want me to wear it also.Well we have such great fun.
I use to call up Silk Stockings too, agent name is michelle. Her girls wear stockings for call up. You can request whatever you want. Damage is 150 ex hotel. From i believe, her girls are from philipine. Who cares? i have tried about 10 times already. All i can say, is shiock! I also tried May from casanova who recommended by the other tread. she is so so only.
All brothers why not we book a hotel room and invite some really crazy girls to have fun with us in pantyhose or stockings. What do you guys think?
i'm waiiting waiting :D
02-02-2005, 02:05 AM
find an organizer lor :)
02-02-2005, 04:10 AM
Bros, don't quote the whole passage unnecessarily. Sam will zap 12 points off you.
02-02-2005, 04:12 AM
Bro, click your USER CP on the top left and see if the zappers left any messages.
02-02-2005, 04:31 AM
Cat directed my attention to the rashes on her right sheen. You know when you are in that position looking up a girl in mini skirts, your mind cannot help but wanders into some adult movie scenes.
I began to suspect that Cat was doing a cock-tease on me. I wasn't very sure, but behind my mind I was hoping that Cat would be into pantyhose. It was a mere hope as my previous few encounters with Cat in the office she was in pants. She appeared a bit tomboyish in character, and I didn't think she would be into pantyhose. After all, she was just helping me out in the project, and a formal attire wasn't necessary.
We agreed to meet up for project the following Monday evening. I wasn't expecting anything kinky, but little did I realize that Cat had something up her sleeves...
(to be continued)
02-02-2005, 02:23 PM
one story from me :)
We met on irc and started chatting as usual. Asked her for her intro and it came to be she's 18, not studying currently but working part time in a chinese restaurant. I was too 18 then, into my year 2 in poly.
I somehow knew that normally girls working in those chinese restaurant had to wear pantyhose as part of their uniform. So during the chat, I casually asked her how was her uniform like. Just as what i expected, her reply was, " black skirt, white blouse, court shoes and skin colour pantyhose".
I was excited with her reply and thus asked her what was her plans for the next day and she replied that she is working the next day in the evening.
So I though she might be free before she went for work and decided to ask her out before she went to work. To my surprise, she agreed.
In my mind now was her in her uniform, nice pair of legs encassed in pantyhose. So we planned to catch a movie and the timing and place which was around the west to meet.
( guys, if u like the story, pls give me ur views before i continue )
02-02-2005, 09:43 PM
Amour, ur story real or bluff one ?
Mine is real one. To this day, I still wonder if Cat was trying to seduce me.
02-02-2005, 10:10 PM
Hard to say it is true or false...
Thanks for sharing.
03-02-2005, 12:15 AM
Wow!!! Pantyhose is COOL!!!! especially when we tore it bit by bit..... and can see the wetness on the stocking :D
Bros..doesn't matter if it's real or fantasy..juz keep up the good work!! :D
03-02-2005, 12:50 AM
Amour, ur story real or bluff one ?
Mine is real one. To this day, I still wonder if Cat was trying to seduce me.
its real.... so what u tink of the 1st part?
03-02-2005, 01:23 AM
its real.... so what u tink of the 1st part?
Bro, I don't look back. I'm looking forward to the second part. :D
You bros sure are taking your time..kekeke..anyway in the interim, here's a story i picked off the net, for your viewing pleasure!
"There are times when you have to turn off your mind and think with your balls," Michael thought idly. Eight years of blissful, loyal marriage had not stymied his vivid fantasies of making love to other women. Even the joys and rigors of parenthood had not dampened his intense imagination. He had gone through phases where he actually thought about other women while making love to his wife. In spite of his fantasies, he still had deep feelings of personal contentment as well as pride in the fact that he had never even touched another woman in the ten years since he met his wife.
"Enjoy your meal sir."
Michael's introspective reverie was interrupted by the turbaned waiter who slipped a menu on his dish. Sitting in the Indian restaurant browsing the tandori dishes on the twelve page menu, he could not help stealing glances at his soon-to-be sister-in - law. She was without question one of the best looking women he had ever seen. She noticed his peeking over his menu and smiled playfully at him.
A fashion model-turned stewardess, Corina had received a lot of attention from many different men in her 22 years. She had exquisite, long legs, a near perfect figure, large, wide-set, dark eyes, and short well-kept black hair. It was her grace, posture and grooming, however, that set her apart from most other girls. Tonight she was wearing a stunning black evening dress, a bit too much makeup and a some gaudy sparkling jewelry.
Michael's in-laws were celebrating Corina's engagement to Marshal. Marshal was Michael's body-builder brother-in-law, the obnoxious younger brother of Michael's wife. Somehow the seating arrangement had placed Corina opposite Michael at the foot of the table against the wall. It's interesting how such random circumstances can sometimes lead to high adventure.
Michael shifted positions in his chair to concentrate on the menu. His foot accidentally touched Corina's under the table and he looked at her with a startled, embarrassed expression. Her eyes twinkled, and a tiny smirking smile crossed her mouth but she did not meet his apologetic gaze. Her legs were extended and her feet remained in harm's way under his chair. When the appetizers arrived, Michael turned to feed his two-year-old son. Again his foot brushed Corina's. Again she ignored his startled glance.
In a fit of blind, drunken betrayal to his ten years of fidelity, Michael carefully took off his shoes and put one stockinged foot on Corina's instep. Without hesitation, she took another fork full of salad and continued her cheerful conversation with her fiance. Her feet remained squarely parked under Michael's chair.
Michael timidly put his other foot on Corina's, hesitated a few seconds, then slowly and carefully, with both his feet, removed her shoe. He manipulated her foot up onto his own chair then slowly and gingerly slipped his right foot along her left leg, up under her dress to her thigh. It was only then that he noticed she was wearing stockings and garters instead of panty hose.
His foot hesitated several seconds on her bare thigh. Her demeanor, conversation, and outward appearance betrayed nothing of their little "footsies" game under the table. Michael, on the other hand became quite pale. His heart was pounding and he had a very hard erection.
"Oh my god!" he gasped to himself. "This can't be happening to me!!"
Then Corina took the initiative. She put her left foot squarely on his erect penis and simultaneously slipped forward in her chair, maneuvering her vagina under Michael's foot. Michael quickly moved the table cloth to cover his lap. Corina began stroking his penis, sliding her foot up and down his lap. Michael burrowed his foot between Corina's legs and began manipulating his toe in an area he hoped contained her clitoris. She helped him find her hot-spot with slight movements of her thighs and pelvis.
They sat stroking each others' genitals, while outwardly ignoring each other for several minutes.
As the dinner progressed, Corina became more aroused. Michael noticed her cheeks flush and saw her occasionally inhale sharply. Her foot on his penis became sloppy. Soon she stopped stroking his penis entirely and pushed her clitoris harder against each stroke of his foot. His foot manipulations and her pelvic movements merged into an almost coital rhythm. Michael was afraid her increasingly strenuous movements were going to give them away, but his hypnotic fascination by her intense beauty and blind, hot sexual arousal made him continue manipulating his foot in her lap.
Corina started shivering and lost the rhythm of their mutual masturbation. She held her breath for a few seconds, then sighed softly once, twice, and again. During her final heavy sigh, she shuddered deliriously and relaxed her legs completely. Then she started chewing her food again, gave an appreciative, loving glance at Michael, and began manipulating his penis in earnest with her foot.
Now his pleasure had her full attention, and she seemed to know a lot about how to please a man. She alternated between massaging the head of his cock with her toes and stroking the entire length of his penis down to the root with the ball of her foot. She applied just the right amount of pressure. Michael started smiling, caught himself, and made small talk with his two-year-old son.
Corina slowly increased the pressure and tempo of her movements and Michael knew he was going to come in his pants. He slipped his paper napkin under the table cloth, through the top of his pants, and around the head of his penis. He wrapped the napkin around the top of his cock as best as he could and then took a drink of water. At the same time his left hand stroked Corina's calf gently and lovingly, trying to put love and gratitude into the smile he flashed at her.
Corina settled into a steady rhythm, stroking the length of Michael's shaft with the entire sole of her foot. She glanced at his face every few minutes to gauge how she was doing.
Finally, Michael could not hold back any longer. Turning his head away from the others, so they wouldn't see the contortions of the consuming pleasure playing across his face, he shot his load into the napkin in five unbearably intense strokes. Corina felt the semen flowing through Michael's hard, hot penis and broke into a faster, harder pumping action with her foot.
In spite of all the bizarre circumstances, it was one of the most intense orgasms Michael ever had. As the last after-shocks washed through him, Corina reduced the pressure, speed, and intensity of her foot manipulations, softly milking the last drops of semen from Michael's still-erect cock.
Michael again put his hand under the table and stroked her calf appreciatively, then manipulated her foot back into her shoe.
Hope you bros liked my posts!! Keep the stories and experiences coming!! :D
03-02-2005, 11:04 AM
Well all bro put there, im happy to see so many of them have same fetish like me too. i have many experience with stockings and pantyhose. Since young i use to steal neighbours pantyhose while they are drying outside HDB flat. Guess i use to have more than 30 pairs of them,HEEHEE.
Once family not at home, i will take them out wear them and masturbate it and thinking of those office ladies staying near me. Now i dun steal already coz im already married. My wife knows that i love stockings and pantyhose. When we make love she will ask me if she need to put it on. OF COURSE!
Sometime she will want me to wear it also.Well we have such great fun.
I use to call up Silk Stockings too, agent name is michelle. Her girls wear stockings for call up. You can request whatever you want. Damage is 150 ex hotel. From i believe, her girls are from philipine. Who cares? i have tried about 10 times already. All i can say, is shiock! I also tried May from casanova who recommended by the other tread. she is so so only.
All brothers why not we book a hotel room and invite some really crazy girls to have fun with us in pantyhose or stockings. What do you guys think?
WOW, was aways for a while, and so much responds for the las few days, i am suprise that there r so many people of the same mind.
Mariko, u really have some very interesting way of enjoying and exploring the joy of nylon, must learn from you man. :D
i'm also married and will always make love with my wife in pantyhose as well, but things r getting boring doing the same staff over and over again, any suggestion on what we can do :confused: please advise.
Can try in even in restaurants, movies...juz play with you using her pantyhosed feet...Ive only had the experience of playing with PH feet in the movies...when we got home after that..the sex was terrific!! :)
WOW, was aways for a while, and so much responds for the las few days, i am suprise that there r so many people of the same mind.
Mariko, u really have some very interesting way of enjoying and exploring the joy of nylon, must learn from you man.
i'm also married and will always make love with my wife in pantyhose as well, but things r getting boring doing the same staff over and over again, any suggestion on what we can do :confused: please advise.
03-02-2005, 12:52 PM
In my mind now was her in her uniform, nice pair of legs encassed in pantyhose. So we planned to catch a movie and the timing and place which was around the west to meet.
The day came for us to meet. We agreed on westmall as our meeting location to catch a movie. I told her that i'll be coming by the mrt so we will meet at the control station.
The night before we were chatting on irc, and i purposely asked her what was she going to wear so that i could know which one is her among the people. And so as i expected, her dress code was her work uniform. I was getting excited to meet her as i stroke my dick thru my boxers.
I knew she would probably hide one corner so I made my way to westmall by taking a bus. As i came from another side, I saw her standing one corner behind a pillar. Indeed what she have told me, she was in her working uniform and from the start my eyes was looking at her legs that was encassed in a skin tone pantyhose. Damn, my dick was getting hard.
I went up to her from the back and called her and we acknowledge each other. So we started to walk into westmall with some casual talks.
Went up to the cinema counter, bought tickets for two which were corner back seats. I purposely bought a show which was not that interesting cause i knew few people will want to watch it.
(In the cinema)
So we got sitted and i looked around, and there was hardly anyone except for a few people watching that show.
The show started and soon i found my way to the side of her arms on the armrest. I began to start on my mission where i asked if she was cold, and her reply was 'yes'.
I gladly told myself, this is the chance, and began to hold her hand. Slowly, I rubbed my thumb against her hand and she didn't reacted to it. I guess she didn't mind and just continued rubbing.
After some time, i began to place our hands on her legs. I tried to push her skirt alittle higher so that i can haf a feel of her stockinged legs. And Yes! I finally got the feel of it. The feeling was so smooth and my 'brother' became alive once again! I then use my finger to gently move up and down her tigh. But yet she didn't mind nor react to it. I just continued my little fun.
( to be continue )
03-02-2005, 01:16 PM
Can try in even in restaurants, movies...juz play with you using her pantyhosed feet...Ive only had the experience of playing with PH feet in the movies...when we got home after that..the sex was terrific!! :)
We have tried at East Coast car park, but very gan chieong and is constrain by the limited space in the car, so did not manage to complete the mission, only have a good bolw job. Wasted. :(
03-02-2005, 02:19 PM
Bro Amour, met her for the first time can touch her thigh liao ? You the can ! :D
yea man...never had the guts to do dat on a first date.. ;)
Bro Amour, met her for the first time can touch her thigh liao ? You the can ! :D
03-02-2005, 02:59 PM
Bro Amour, met her for the first time can touch her thigh liao ? You the can ! :D
well i really did.. heee.. dun see a need to lie or boast something which i;ve not done. ;)
03-02-2005, 03:12 PM
After some time, i began to place our hands on her legs. I tried to push her skirt alittle higher so that i can haf a feel of her stockinged legs. And Yes! I finally got the feel of it. The feeling was so smooth and my 'brother' became alive once again! I then use my finger to gently move up and down her tigh. But yet she didn't mind nor react to it. I just continued my little fun.
Soon the show ended, and i had to take my hands off her legs.. my didi was already hard for the past 30 mins... We decided to have a cup of drink at coffee bean before she left for work.
As we were walking down the escalator, she saw her fren and i moved to one side to wait for her.
Few mins past and she was finally done. Den we began to proceed to our destination.
Found one nice corner and sat down, i purposely sat in a direction that i could see her legs. As we were talking, i complemented on her legs and look at it. She was so shy and told me not to look.
But den i still stole glances and she kept telling me not to look by slapping gently on my tigh.
She crossed her left leg over her right and kept swinging, and i could hear the sound of her hose rubbing against each other. I got really very high at that time.
Soon it was time to leave, and i suggested to send her to work which she agreed.
As we were walking through the MSCP, i asked her wat her fren talked to her. And she told me that her fren said i was not bad, and go for me.
So i took the chance and held her hand, asking her what she felt of me. She was so shy that she did not answer. I stopped while holding her hand and ask her to look into my eyes, told her if she like me, den give me a kiss.
But yet she didn't as she was shy. So i brought her to one of the levels above and put her against the wall, with my hands holding her waist.
( to be continued )
03-02-2005, 03:14 PM
well i really did.. heee.. dun see a need to lie or boast something which i;ve not done. ;)
Interesting, Interesting, all ican say is : YOU R THE MAN :)
I can imagine that feeling, must b damm shiok. How u wish u can just climb on top of her on the spot right?
03-02-2005, 03:18 PM
Interesting, Interesting, all ican say is : YOU R THE MAN :)
I can imagine that feeling, must b damm shiok. How u wish u can just climb on top of her on the spot right?
haaa.. ya.. indeed.. but it was too public for such scene.. hee..
03-02-2005, 03:25 PM
haaa.. ya.. indeed.. but it was too public for such scene.. hee..
Well i would say that make things more exciting provided u can handle, my exprience in public area normally end in failure. sometime gan chieong till cannot stand pai say. :p
03-02-2005, 03:27 PM
Well i would say that make things more exciting provided u can handle, my exprience in public area normally end in failure. sometime gan chieong till cannot stand pai say. :p
my only time i tried making love was at east coast park.. somemore was not in a car but at a bench ... whoa.. damn exciting but damn scare too .. :D
03-02-2005, 04:33 PM
my only time i tried making love was at east coast park.. somemore was not in a car but at a bench ... whoa.. damn exciting but damn scare too .. :D
So is she wearing pantyhose too? hehehe. Anyway, what happen to this real life story of yours with this 18 years old girl? Can't wait for u 2 continue liao. :o
03-02-2005, 04:42 PM
So is she wearing pantyhose too? hehehe. Anyway, what happen to this real life story of yours with this 18 years old girl? Can't wait for u 2 continue liao. :o
nope she didn't... sad.. but when we had met up for some fun in the hotel, she wore for me :D
03-02-2005, 04:55 PM
nope she didn't... sad.. but when we had met up for some fun in the hotel, she wore for me :D
What a waste, well got 2 go now, and has been nice writing to u. Will follow up on this thread once i'm free. Still waiting 4 your story. :p Chao.
03-02-2005, 05:08 PM
But yet she didn't as she was shy. So i brought her to one of the levels above and put her against the wall, with my hands holding her waist.
i then asked her again whether she likes me, but still to no avail..
So i tried to kiss her which she tried moving her face away from me...
After a few tries, she finally gave up and return me back the kisses.. and started french kissing.. i roamed my hands around her body, den slowly pulling up her skirt, then hands to her ass under her skirt.
I could feel the smoothness of her pantyhose and make some small squeezes on her firm ass.
After a min or two of french kissing, I kneel down in front of her, placing my face against her legs and rub up and down, telling her she's so sexy espically her legs. She smiled back giving the wide grin at me,
Then i did what i done to my ex, I gently hold her left leg, took out her shoe and place on my tigh and started kissing the top of her foot. She started moaning and told me i'm making her wet.
I did the same to the other foot too. And i french kiss with her again.
After i found my way to her pussy and started rubbing it under her skirt . Initially she stopped me because she didn't wan to get 'SO' wet before she start work later. But I was too naughty to listen to her and continued rubbing her thru her pantyhose. She started moaning so loud that I had to use my mouth to kiss her so that her moans would be muffled.
Seeing that, I purposely rubbed harder pressing against her pelvis. She was really in estacy when i rubbed her hard and told me to stop.
STill i did not heed her words. Suddenly she grabbed my hands so tightly and she shivered as though she caught a chill. Then i realised she just had an orgasm as my fingers were really wet. Her pantyhose and panty were soaking wet as i continued to rub her hard till she begged me to stop.
I then plant small kisses to her mouth, asking her how she felt. She was panting quite heavily as she tried to catch her breathe. But soon she told me this was the most exciting thing that she had done in public.
I began smiling at her and asked her if she would blow me, which she agreed to.
( to be continued )
03-02-2005, 05:28 PM
wow .. brother Amour ... U the can .... great story .... girls look best in stockings & panty-hose ...
But yet she didn't as she was shy. So i brought her to one of the levels above and put her against the wall, with my hands holding her waist.
i then asked her again whether she likes me, but still to no avail..
So i tried to kiss her which she tried moving her face away from me...
After a few tries, she finally gave up and return me back the kisses.. and started french kissing.. i roamed my hands around her body, den slowly pulling up her skirt, then hands to her ass under her skirt.
I could feel the smoothness of her pantyhose and make some small squeezes on her firm ass.
After a min or two of french kissing, I kneel down in front of her, placing my face against her legs and rub up and down, telling her she's so sexy espically her legs. She smiled back giving the wide grin at me,
Then i did what i done to my ex, I gently hold her left leg, took out her shoe and place on my tigh and started kissing the top of her foot. She started moaning and told me i'm making her wet.
I did the same to the other foot too. And i french kiss with her again.
After i found my way to her pussy and started rubbing it under her skirt . Initially she stopped me because she didn't wan to get 'SO' wet before she start work later. But I was too naughty to listen to her and continued rubbing her thru her pantyhose. She started moaning so loud that I had to use my mouth to kiss her so that her moans would be muffled.
Seeing that, I purposely rubbed harder pressing against her pelvis. She was really in estacy when i rubbed her hard and told me to stop.
STill i did not heed her words. Suddenly she grabbed my hands so tightly and she shivered as though she caught a chill. Then i realised she just had an orgasm as my fingers were really wet. Her pantyhose and panty were soaking wet as i continued to rub her hard till she begged me to stop.
I then plant small kisses to her mouth, asking her how she felt. She was panting quite heavily as she tried to catch her breathe. But soon she told me this was the most exciting thing that she had done in public.
I began smiling at her and asked her if she would blow me, which she agreed to.
( to be continued )
03-02-2005, 05:32 PM
wow .. brother Amour ... U the can .... great story .... girls look best in stockings & panty-hose ...
hee hope u like my story
Yup thanks bro!!
hee hope u like my story
04-02-2005, 01:55 AM
reading it makes me hard, what an interesting experience! up up up
Now waitin for bro P_N to complete his story...gonna post another soon!
reading it makes me hard, what an interesting experience! up up up
04-02-2005, 10:23 AM
Brother don't wait just POST URS!!!! :D
04-02-2005, 10:37 AM
Hahaha........... This Thread Is Getting Hotter N Hotter.......... :d
I'm Loving In......
Foot in nylon
I had a VERY interesting experience last night with some co-workers. Here's the set-up: This Friday is my last day at work, I am relocating to another part of the country. Because of this I've been going to farwell lunches and dinners for the past few days with different people that I work with. Last night I had dinner with two female friends/co-workers. They are both married and have children. And, needless to say, they are both very attractive. Rachel is tall and blonde, very elegant and a classy dresser. Melinda is a short redhead, a more casual dresser, and very athletic. I had known them both since I started working for the company several years ago. We had spoken almost every day and engaged in the sort of light flirting that goes on in offices that have not been invaded by the sexual harassment bug. Other than this interaction, neither woman had shown more than a casual interest in me.
Well, I met both ladies at a nice restaurant about 7:00pm. I wore a suit and tie because I wanted to make a good last impression. My eyes were greeted with a lovely sight as I walked into the building: Rachel and Melinda had also dressed to impress. They each wore a nice dress, and because it's getting a little cold up here, both wore hose. The fact that they were also wearing high heel pumps helped out too!
Oh, those hose clad legs and feet! How many times at the office had I watched these two dip and dangle their pumps, exposing shapely little feet encased in pantyhose (thank god for office dress codes that require hose!). I'm sure they probably had caught me staring on more than one occasion, but had never said anything about it.
I'm sure of this because of what happened next. We were led to a small circular table with a tablecloth that only extended about a third of the way to the floor. I was seated more or less across from the two babes, and we ordered drinks and appetizers.
We were laughing and having a nice conversation when the appetizers arrived. At the same time, I felt something nudge my right shoe. I didn't move, but the mystery object did, and when it slid up to my socked ankle, I tensed with excitement as I recognized it: a set of nylon clad toes.
As the toes began to gently wiggle against my ankle I swallowed hard and looked up at my dinner companions. Both ladies were still engaged in the coversation with me, and I looked hard for some sort of recognition as to which one of them was doing this. Try as I might, I could not pick up any signals from them.
Feeling my cock beginning to slowly uncoil, I tried to continue talking to the ladies. Below the table, the pantyhosed foot move surreptitiously up inside my trouser leg, the toes curling around the top of my sock. Clearing my throat and tensing again, I sat and allowed her, whoever she was, to pull my sock down around my ankle. Then I was treated to the cool, slick sensation of her nyloned foot as it caressed the bare skin of my lower leg.
She used her arch to move up and down my calf, and then would pause to make circles around my anklebone with her big toe before letting me feel the ball of her foot gliding back up under my trouser leg. After a few minutes of this she pushed her foot up my pants leg as far as it would go.
I shifted in my seat, trying desperately not to look like I was squirming under the minstrations of this very talented foot. Again I looked my companions, each a vision of beauty and both equally desireable. Yet neither of them gave a hint as to whether they were behind this devilish teasing.
My heart was beating faster and it was becoming a little difficult to talk and eat. Besides, I was past impatient to know which lady was using her pantyhosed foot so effectively on me. I envied the husband of whoever was doing this, if he got this treatment on a regular basis, he's a lucky bastard!
Pushing my chair closer to the table, I slowly reached under the table to try to feel the toes wiggling on my knee. I was able to feel them under my slacks, and they responded to my touch, wiggling more vigorously. Then they disappeared as she pulled her foot out of my pants leg and moved it up to my hand.
Ahhh the feel of her hose in my fingers! I massaged the small foot that had been delightfully tormenting me for the past 20 minutes. Now was a chance to get a reaction, and I dragged my index finger up and down the sole of the foot a few times while watching the faces of my dinner companions.
Curses! Nothing again. She's either not ticklish, or she has tremendous self control.
Frustrated, in more ways than one, I released the pantyhosed foot and made another move. I "accidently" dropped my napkin on the floor, and bent to retrieve it. But my tormenter was too quick for me. As I glanced under the table, I saw the hose clad feet of my lady friends were all on the floor, pumps firmly on their feet.
I sat back up and shook my head. I was not going to find out tonight. But when I felt the shoeless foot sliding back up my leg to my inner thigh, I decided "screw it". And for the rest of the meal I sat back to enjoy the incredibly intense sensations of..someone's..nyloned foot stroking my inner thigh.
Right before we left the restaurant, the little foot got bold, and drifted over my swollen crotch. I coughed and turned red feeling the pantyhosed toes curling over my throbbing cock, which was screaming for some hose to cum over! I glanced at my amused audience, my mind racing to figure out which of my married female friends was jerking me off with her foot here in the restaurant!
But before I could react further, the foot was gone, and my dinner companions were laughing at my apparent uneasiness. I removed my jacket before we stood up to cover my obvious bulge. We paid our check and left the place.
I walked both women to their cars and received a nice kiss from both of them. However, neither one let on if they were "the one" teasing me earlier.
So now I'm left wondering who it was and if I should follow up on this. Offhand I'd say one of them just decided to tease the shit out of me because I was leaving. Oh well, it's a great memory, but what I would have given to cum on that oh so talented little hose covered foot...
05-02-2005, 02:16 AM
nice short story from u bro :)
05-02-2005, 02:58 AM
I then plant small kisses to her mouth, asking her how she felt. She was panting quite heavily as she tried to catch her breathe. But soon she told me this was the most exciting thing that she had done in public.
I began smiling at her and asked her if she would blow me, which she agreed to.
I quickly open and unzip my jeans, sat on the stairs.
Slowly she kneel in front of me, began rubbing my dick while playing with the 'head' using her tongue. She then started to suck my my whole dick and her hand found my balls... Whoa my dick felt so cooling when she took my whole dick inside her mouth....
She was really sucking so hard that i tot she haf not done this for a long long time. As she was sucking, she occasionally look up and gave me that slutty look as though meaning she loves what she's doing.
Of course i didn't wan to be unfair, i stretched out my hands and unbutton the top 3 buttons of her white blouse and found her breast.. Sure it was so smooth and fair... i began to give some soft squeeze as she moan and sucked my dick.
Soon i could not take it and told her i'm gonna cum. Once again she gave me that look and this time, she sucked harder, tickling my balls using her fingertips.. and very quickly i cummed into her mouth, every single drop as she sucked till i told her there was no more left.
She spat my cum out as I took out some tissue from my pocket and gave it to her to wipe her mouth.
I started to zip up my pants while she button up her blouse and straighten her skirt and we rested for a few minutes, then left for the bus stop to take the bus.
As we boarded the bus, i scanned for empty seats at the back. I asked her if she like what we did, she just nodded while smiling back at me.
The bus moved on and i rested my hands on her tighs, continue to carress her pantyhose legs till we reached the destinated stop.
That was really a very nice experience i got with her :)
PS: she was still damn wet when we were about to alight
05-02-2005, 10:18 AM
So r u still in touch with her?
Hose Panty Story
The autumn day was sunny, windy, and full of promise. Little did I know just how promising a Saturday this was going to be. It was close to noon, and my wife Holly and I had just arrived at J.R. Dowling's, a popular restaurant on the riverfront. We had finished a hectic morning filled with shopping, and were now going to meet one of my wife's friend's for lunch. Since my wife has many friends whom I also associate with, such a meeting was a normal occurence. This time however, I was looking forward to it more than I cared to admit. To try and distract myself from this impending encounter, I took in the sights and sounds of this well regarded restaurant. The Matrie'D took Holly and I on a meandering path between the crowded tables to our reserved booth, which commanded a splendid view of the riverfront. There were many people out and about, and pedestrians and cyclists alike filled the scenic walkway just below and outside our window.
I slid into the booth first, and Holly moved in close beside me, smiling and patting me on the thigh. I had purposely taken the interior seat, knowing that Holly's weak bladder would send her to the rest room at least three times during our meal. This was usually very irritating. I preferred to make eye contact with my wife when speaking to her. With her seated next to me, it was nearly impossible to maintain focused on her.
Today though, I would be able to focus on an entirely different person, and one who certainly piqued my interest, among other things...
Our lunch guest today was a young lady named Denise, who I have said, was one of Holly's co-workers. Denise was in her mid-20's, slim, brown haired and with a tanned and toned body that spoke of outdoor adventures rather than trendy health clubs. I had immediately noticed Denise's good looks, bright personality and quick wit when I met her six months ago. She was single, and had a seemingly endless stream of admirers that she kept at a very amused arms length. Being the typical male, I spent quite a bit of the time I was in her presence checking her out.
It was inevitable that I would compare her to my wife. Holly and I were a full 9 years older than Denise, and although Holly wore her age well, there was something about Denise that absolutely lit my fires! Probably the main contributor to this was the way Denise played to my foot fetish.
Until now, I had indulged my foot fetish primarily through magazines and the internet, with a hooker or three thrown in when I was a young man. I had not even told Holly of my fetish, even though her feet and legs were outstanding. So, I had contented myself with giving her foot rubs, trying to work up the courage to tell her I wanted more. And then Denise came along.
Denise's feet were small and well formed, and despite her active lifestyle, were smooth and soft. I knew this because of the times when she visited our house, Denise would immediately kick off her sandals after coming in the front door. I would sweat out these visits, trying not to stare and admire the shapely legs and pretty feet of my wife's friend. There were times when I was sure she caught me looking, but all I received from Denise for my transgression was a mysterious little smile. It only made me want her more.
Then, at my wife's office, there was more to look at. Because of the strict dress code, all the females there wore skirts, nylons and heels. Denise was always a sharp dresser, and the times I visited the office she would treat me to a spectacular round of shoeplay. Denise never failed to dangle her pumps when sitting at her desk, dip out of them when standing, or simply toy with her shoes under her desk if she stayed seated. The girl obviously liked being shoeless, and I certainly wasn't going to discourage her!
Just yesterday I had made my biggest mistake with Denise. I had come by to pick up my wife for lunch. Holly had been busy so I waited outside her office for a few minutes. Denise had been at her desk, on the phone talking, and her nylon sheathed legs were crossed and on display for all (especially me?) to see. The high heel pump on her crossed foot was dangling precariously off the ends of her polished toes, and I watched breathlessly as the shoe swayed back and forth like a metrotome.
Denise curled her toes and let the pump fall to the carpeted floor with a muffled thud. My hypnotic trance broken, I glanced up to see Denise staring straight at me, giving me the same little mysterious smile I'd gotten from her before. My face flushed red and I quickly walked away, knowing I'd been busted. Denise certainly knew my secret now.
I hadn't seen her again that day, and now wondered what, if anything, she would say to me about it today.
"Hi guys, nice to see you two." The cheerful, melodious voice of Denise brought me back to reality. I turned in my seat to greet her and was figuratively floored. Standing there was a true vision of beauty and grace. Denise wore a dark dress with a jacket, navy hose, and suede pumps. Her brown shoulder length hair was slightly curled at the tips, and her glossy red lips seemed more sensuous now than I had ever seen them before. For a brief moment, I had a startlingly clear vision of those lips wrapped around my cock.
I stammered a greeting, but my wife was already engaging Denise in conversation. Listening politely to Holly, Denise locked eyes with me for a moment as she removed her jacket before sitting down. The dress she had on underneath was sleeveless, and I glimpsed her red fingernails as she folded the jacket and set it aside. Then Denise gracefully slid into the cushioned bench across the table from us.
She was smiling wide, and we all began talking and debating what to order from the menu. Denise seemed to be looking at me more than usual, playful glances mixed with an almost sultry smirk that, in addition to a whiff of her delicious perfume, had my pulse rate climbing. The waiter arrived before anything else could pass between us, and we began to order.
Then I felt it, a touch on my ankle. I jumped a little in spite of myself, and the girls inquired if I was ok, the waiter merely giving me a curious look. I swallowed and said I was fine, just ready to eat. Denise gave me a meaningful glance, then turned her attention back to the waiter.
[to be continued]
But the touch was still there. Gentle and warm, I felt the distinct sensation of nylon covered toes making lazy circles of my anklebone. Holly was not seated in the proper position to do this, and there was no one else at the table.
It was Denise's foot.
She had removed one of her pumps and was playing footsie with me.
That concrete realization caused my face to flush, but I had to maintain my composure. As Holly made her final decision on the menu, and passed it to the waiter, I looked to Denise for some clue as to why she was doing this. My answer came in the form of a subtle and seductive tilt of her head, a wink then a smile which morphed into another sultry smirk.
I gripped the seat cushion as Denise slid her stockinged toes up underneath my trouser leg, over the top of my sock. Her probing toes pushed the trouser leg material up so that she could feel my bare shin. I supressed a gasp of pleasure at the touch of her nyloned foot on my skin. "Jack sweetie, are you going to order?" Holly looked at me with slight impatience. I was so wrapped up in the sensations of Denise's foot that I had lost all sense of where I was. Pulling myself together, I made my selection and passed it on to the waiter.
But Denise wasn't done yet. "Are you sure you want to get that Jack? I hear it's really spicy here!" Her toes stroked my shin up and down under the table.
"Yes, I'm quite sure Denise." I replied, trying to say as little as possible as I felt my throat begin to tighten with excitement. It wasn't enough my wife was here, Denise was trying to draw out the tension and make me as uncomfortable as possible with as many people around as she could get.
And it was exhilirating beyond my wildest fantasy!
I nodded to the waiter, sending him away. Now I only had one person to fool, my wife.
It occurred to me that I was doing nothing to stop Denise's under the table explorations. Although committed to my wife, I seemed eager to allow her friend's amorous foot unlimited access to my body. Well, not having told Holly about my foot fetish had caused my desires to build up. Their only outlet was in my fantasies that were fueled by Denise's unintentional (maybe unintentional) teasing over the past few months.
Now, Denise was helping me to live out my "restaurant fantasy", and the fact that my wife was sitting next to me seemed to merely add to the excitement.
We sat, drinking and chatting amiably about all things under the sun. Meanwhile, hidden from Holly, and the general public by our table and it's tartan cloth, Denise's foot made it's way slowly up my leg. She had removed her toes from underneath my trouser cuff, and was now using them, and the ball of her foot, to lovingly work her way up to my knee. Up and down her foot moved, softly pushing against my inner calf and knee. Denise kept this up through our drinks and the appetizer.
By the time the main course arrived her foot was toying with my knee. I had begun to grow a little uneasy, and was trying my best not to look like I was squriming in my seat. Denise merely shot me an amused glance once and a while. Her hazel eyes were alight in the secret knowledge of what she was doing to me under the table.
My wife suddenly patted me on the thigh again and annouced a bathroom break. As she got up to walk away, Denise's foot left my leg. When Holly was about ten feet from our table I sighed, and gave off a few muffled, pent up moans of arousal. Denise giggled, her laughter was sexy and delightful.
"Are you having a problem Jack?" She asked, smiling wide.
"You know exactly what the problem is my dear." I replied, sounding more confident than I felt.
"Don't worry pooky, your secret is safe with me." Denise winked at me again, "It's pretty easy to tell you foot guys. All that staring, it's kind of funny."
I just stared at her. "So how long have you had this fetish?" She asked casually, sipping her drink.
"As long as I can remember."
"Does Holly know about this?"
"No, I haven't told her. I've never told any of my female companions. You're the first to know."
Denise perked up, and an evil smile parted her red lips. "So no one's ever done anything like this to you before? In a restaurant I mean."
"Nope, I've only seen it in the movies." I replied swallowing hard and wondering where she would take this encounter.
"Hmmmm, I've never done anything like this either. But I'm a fast learner." Denise smirked at me again, and adjusted herself in the booth so that she was directly across from me. "Just keep your cool pooky and I'll give you a lunch to remember. You have to stay calm because I'm NOT gonna stop!"
She sipped her drink again, and cut me off before I could reply, "I'm a born tease, so this kinda thing really appeals to me. Just enjoy it pooky."
I gasped at her words, and was somehow oddly turned on by her referring to me by an affectionate nickname, "pooky".
Denise continued to eat her appetizer while I tried to calm down. After another minute Holly returned to the table. As soon as she sat down, Denise's shoeless foot returned to my ankle, and quickly made the journey back up to my knee. This time I couldn't help but squirm, and tried to pass it off as "getting comfortable in my seat". The growing bulge in the crotch of my trousers however, was anything but comfortable, and I'd soon have to find a way to discreetly adjust myself so my cock would't be stuck in a bent position.
Our main course slowly began to disappear as we ate and talked more. My meal of course, was the slowest to go, as my stomach was knotted tight with excitement. Denise's stockinged foot was now caressing my inner thigh, her steady back and forth rythym killing both my appetite and my composure. Denise was careful not to come too close to my crotch, which was screaming for attention. She let her nyloned toes and her high arch make lazy circles on my thigh, tracing aimless patterns that went nowhere.
[to be continued]
As the minutes passed she let her meandering little foot creep closer and closer to what I hoped was her ultimate goal. My cock was now pulsing in my shorts, twisting and expanding down my leg to try and meet Denise's teasing foot halfway. Thoughts of Holly were now gone, I only wanted Denise to touch me, the consequences be dammed.
Above the table there was little indication of Denise's naughty games underneath. She was the perfectly composed friend, laughing and joking with Holly about the latest gossip in the office, womens fashions and of course, men. Holly was oblivious to it all, not picking up on my flushed face, my tightly controlled but labored breathing, and my stilted movements. I was doing everything possible to hold it together as Denise's nylon covered toes finally began lightly brushing and touching my infamed cock.
As her toes settled into a gentle kneading of my cock through my trousers, I couldn't help but cough in an attempt to cover what would have been moans of passion. The girls looked at me questioningly, and I could only point numbly to my plate.
"I told you it was spicy here!" Denise teased, daintly wiping a bit of red clam sauce from her chin. Her toes slowly and firmly wiggling against the underside of my rock-hard shaft. I swallowed hard and felt my cock pulse against her toes. My blissfully ignorant wife laughed and patted me on the thigh, "Poor thing."
I tried not to squirm again, hoping that Holly would keep her hand away from me. Touching my thigh put her hand only inches from Denise's foot. If she should get frisky and try and cop a feel, I'd be in deep shit. But as Denise began to pick up the pace of her foot's minstrations against my cock, I knew that the reward outweighed the risk!
There was no way I could eat now. The sole of Denise's stockinged foot was firmly pressed up against the underside of my throbbing cock, and she was now swiftly stroking me toward a powerful orgasm which I knew could be no more than minutes away. I had no idea how I would react, and if I could keep this from Holly. It wasn't too late to stop Kerrigan, but trapped in the booth and unable to move, I let my raging hard-on think for me, and I stayed put and enjoyed her talented foot.
"What do you think Jack?" Denise's voice again brought me back to the real world. She and Holly looked at me expectantly for an answer to a question I hadn't even heard. "Yes." I replied, my throat tight and my voice slightly squeaky. The girls burst out laughing, and Denise just pressed her rapidly moving foot harder into my cock.
"You haven't heard a word of what we've been saying have you?" Holly smiled at me, taking my pre-orgasm expression for one of tense embarassment. "Like I said, it's too spicy in here for him." Denise smirked at me, her foot never slowing a moment in it's mission to get me off.
Feeling the stockigned toes working around under my cockhead, I felt more than saw Holly get up to go to the restroom again. As she left, Denise removed her busy foot from my crotch. I slumped in my seat, desperately trying to control my breathing and maintain my composure. Without these "breaks", I was sure I'd have cum by now and/or alerted Holly.
"Please Keri..I.." Was all I could moan.
"Please what?" She inquired with mock seriousness. "Please stop? Please tell Holly what I'm doing? Please make you cum?" She smiled at the last suggestion.
Denise took another bite of her linguine, put her fork down and then leaned forward, whispering to me in a low, conspiratorial tone. "Unzip your fly Jack. Take it out so I can feel it! I want to feel your jizz on my stockings." I gasped again at the thought. "Go ahead, do it. You know you want to. Be a good boy and open your pants for Keri" She was positively purring.
Without conscious thought I moved one hand down to my zipper. My fingers worked awkwardly to open my fly and try and fish out my screaming erection. But it was too late. Holly had not gone to the rest room, but to get some more napkins, she returned abruptly, and I clenched my fists to stay in control.
[to be continued]
Sitting down, Holly ordered another round of drinks for us. Denise looked at me and stuck out her bottom lip in exaggerated disappointment. "Well like I said Jack, we're just going to have to keep doing what we've been doing." Denise said, her foot returning to my crotch.
"What's that?" Holly asked, distracted by her drink.
"Oh I was just telling him about a project at work." Denise winked at me, her foot rubbing my expanding cock with new determination.
Since my cock had not entirely deflated, Denise's motions quickly brought it back up to full strength. I leaned back slightly in my seat, hunching my hips forward to press into her foot, determined to get the most friction possible. My eyes shut briefly to revel in the sensations that Denise's nyloned foot was brininging me.
I couldn't believe it, it was past being a dream, or a fantasy, but yet it was happening: My wife's sexy friend was giving me a stockinged footjob in a crowded restaurant! To use the old beer commercial cliche, it doesn't get any better than this!
But I still had to keep my act together or I would pay dearly for this. Denise had slumped slightly in her seat, and now, with a little more reach, was able to run the sole of her foot up and down the entire length of my raging hard-on. Her swiftly moving foot was now firmly pressed against me, and she started to pick up the pace again, intent on driving me to the brink of orgasm once again.
Both my hands went to grip the seat cushion as my body began to tense for orgasm. I was glad for the tablecloth, but it would have been so sexy to actually look down and see Denise's little nylon covered foot working in the lap of my outrageously tented trousers.
I looked at Denise with a mix of fear and passion, my expression certainly giving her notice of my impending orgasm. Denise just smiled at me as she played those glistening red lips of hers around the straw in her glass. This was getting serious, I didn't know if I could hide this from Holly, and was using every ounce of strength not to begin shaking. Denise's foot was moving faster and faster over the hot bulge in my pants. I could feel pre-cum leaking into my boxers.
Then, Denise spoke to my wife. "You're squirming again girl, go to the bathroom. We'll keep ourselves entertained until you get back." Holly moaned with defeat. "I was trying to hold it, I guess I'll be right back." She laughed and slowly stood to leave.
My mind screamed for her to move faster as my balls drew up close to my body. A few seconds later she was out of earshot, and I began trembling, whispering pleas of mercy to the cool, calm beauty across the table from me.
"Oh please Denise, please make me cum, don't stop! I'm almost there!" I panted to her, not caring if another diner saw what was happening.
"Hmmmm, well.." She flicked her tounge around her straw again, her hazel eyes flickering at the knowledge of her power over me, "You've been a good boy. Bite your napkin pooky, ok?" Denise slumped again in her seat, casually scanning the restaurant as her leg muscles worked overtime in their nylon cover. I grabbed the seat cushions again, screwed my eyes shut and pushed my hips foward again into her foot.
Denise smiled and licked her lips lasciviously at me as I gave her a final glance. That was it. I put aside Holly and our two years together, I put aside all committements and surrendered to the pumping foot in my lap. An unstoppable load of semen boiled up from my balls and fired down the length of my shaft.
I closed my throat to stifle a cry of ecstasy as my cock seemed rear back and then explode in my pants. Spurt after powerful spurt shot out of my cock, milked along by Denise's still busy foot. My shorts now filled with the product of months, years of frustration, now given a happy ending as a result of Denise's masterful under the table footjob.
My body began to relax as my cock withered, the bursts of semen becoming less powerful and less frequent. Denise gently kneaded my cock, pushing the remaining liquid out of my shaft to further soak my shorts and trousers. As I came back to earth my absolute bliss was slightly marred by the thought that I'd have to "accidently" spill my drink in my lap to cover the obvious stain.
But that didn't matter right now. Realxing more, I reveled in the sensation of my post-orgasmic "high". I took deep breaths and looked longingly at Denise, hoping that my eyes conveyed to her how good and how grateful I felt.
"Your'e welcome, and you owe me one." She giggled. I laughed back, looking around at the other diners, all ignorant to the fact I'd just had a better dining experience than ALL of them combined! Denise smiled with me, removing her talented foot from my crotch, and innocently slipping it back into her empty pump.
Holly walked back to the table a few minutes later. I had calmed down by then and had finished my meal, feeling better than I had in months. We wrapped up our meeting and stood to leave, my pants now soaked with my "accidently on purpose" spilt glass of water. Meeting my gaze one last time, Denise gave her little smile, and added a quick run of her tounge over her upper lip.
I wondered about that gesture, and her final comment to me after the footjob. I did owe her one, and I feverently hoped that I would see her again.
But that's another story.
05-02-2005, 12:42 PM
So r u still in touch with her?
nope we lost contact :(
05-02-2005, 01:21 PM
anyone wanna share their experience with hose or stockings? :p
06-02-2005, 02:34 PM
One Bro here upped my reputation to continue with my story. I'll oblige. I have been busy lately. Sorry for the delay. But at least I managed to get the ball rolling for the rest of the bros.
I had a full time job during the day. Cat agreed to meet me in the evening at our mutual friend's office. She was helping out with his work too. I didn't expect Cat to come in office attire even though it was a Monday. After all, she wasn't employed by our friend. And previously when she was around during weekdays, she was in pants.
When I arrived at my friend's office, it was already 6 pm in the evening. Every other staff had left for the day except Cat. She greeted me behind the computer monitor. We were almost finished by 8 pm, and as usual I invited her for dinner. Cat wore a full dress with a cardigan. I took a quick glance at her legs. I didn't think she was in hose. After dinner, and while walking towards the MRT station I decided to drop by Guardian Pharmacy to buy something for a friend. After I got my stuff, I signalled to Cat to get going. While walking out of the store, Cat suddenly stopped. She turned around to look at the pantyhose displayed just outside the store. That got me excited. I felt uneasy too because I hardly knew Cat. If you have been a pantyhose freak all these years, you will know that the sight of pantyhose appears like Kryptonite to Superman. It just makes my knees weak. And the sight of an attractive lady rummaging through the myriad of pantyhose on the display counter was an even greater sight to behold. I pretended to be composed and looked at Cat as if asking "What's next ?" Then she said something that jolted me. "I don't know whether this is good", as she picked up a pack of charcoal color pantyhose from the counter. Goodness, she was asking for my opinion ? An attractive lady like Cat seeking my opinion on pantyhose? For a moment, I was shocked that "my little secret love for pantyhose" had become public. I didn't dare to engage her on the topic of pantyhose. The moment of silence seemed like a decade. I just couldn't fashion any answer to that question. I was just beginning to know Cat and didn't want her to know I was experienced with women. Sensing no response from me, Cat immediately return the pack of pantyhose to where it belonged. "Come, lets go!", she said.
I walked behind Cat, and this time I made an extraordinary effort to zoom in on her legs. I realised she was wearing nude color pantyhose, in fact. My mind was in complete disarray, wondering what would have happened if I had offered Cat my expert opinion on pantyhose.
(to be continued)
PS. What do you guys think ? What was she up to ?
06-02-2005, 04:59 PM
hm...quite an interesting and curiosity-filled topic
Franly speaking i also don't know what she up got to figure out yourself to see the next time..maybe just pluck up a bit of courage of you what you desire to do to her!!!!!wait and see how??
07-02-2005, 03:40 AM
My guess is she wanted you to look at her legs right there and then...
07-02-2005, 11:09 AM
My guess is she wanted you to look at her legs right there and then...
That begs another question. Why would she want me to look at her legs ?
07-02-2005, 12:46 PM
anyone wanna share their experience with hose or stockings? :p
I would love to but my only exprience in Bangkok was already shared at the begining of this thread other then that r all with my wife, i'm trying to try new things with her provided i can convince her first, then i'll share with u guys again. :D . Any suggestion?
07-02-2005, 01:44 PM
I would love to but my only exprience in Bangkok was already shared at the begining of this thread other then that r all with my wife, i'm trying to try new things with her provided i can convince her first, then i'll share with u guys again. :D . Any suggestion?
You should wear pantyhose and ask your wife to give you a blowjob. :D
07-02-2005, 02:54 PM
Bro Amour very quiet leh. :D
07-02-2005, 05:12 PM
You should wear pantyhose and ask your wife to give you a blowjob. :D
HA HA HA, that is very exciting but have to convince myself first. :rolleyes: Also i'm afriad my wife will laugh non stop, or maybe think that i have mental problem. hum. Anyone tried b4, if there is, how did u manage 2 talk your partner into it?
07-02-2005, 05:19 PM
Oh yes, there was this time, i actually requested my wife to go out with me in pantyhose, and when when we r having coffee at a cafe, she will purposely zhao geng for me when no body notice. Was quite exciting. Initially i wanted her not 2 wear undie inside but she refuse, so no fish prawn also good. :p Will try 2 convince her again .
...Anyone tried b4, if there is, how did u manage 2 talk your partner into it?
Actually, when I was living in the western part of the world, this girl tried talking me into it.... Too bad my fetish is for her to wear it and not me wearing it! :P
Hmmm I wouldn't mind wearing actually..if i can get her to wear as well dat is...
I used to see women wear double layer ph....think it felt incredibly sexy....softness to the touch~
Actually, when I was living in the western part of the world, this girl tried talking me into it.... Too bad my fetish is for her to wear it and not me wearing it! :P
07-02-2005, 10:36 PM
I was just beginning to know Cat and didn't want her to know I was experienced with women. Sensing no response from me, Cat immediately return the pack of pantyhose to where it belonged. "Come, lets go!", she said.
We went separate ways after arriving at Raffles MRT. Cat was very composed, but I was utterly confused with her behaviour. Cat didn't come across as a sexy sluttish girl capable of seducing men. Neither was she outright serious.
The following day while attending to my full-time job, an ex-colleague came to my office and presented me with a bottle of Italian red wine. I remembered Cat told me she was into wine. I picked up the phone and called my friend's office to try my luck. I asked if she was there, and the secretary immediate had Cat answer my call. I told Cat that somebody just gave me a bottle of wine and she could have it as I wasn't into wine. Cat's response was spontaneous. Again, I was taken back when she said: "Why ? You want to make me drunk huh ?" I knew she was joking, but it wasn't something I anticipated. I stuttered, but quickly shrugged off the subject from our conversation. I asked her to wait for me at the office as I would pay her a visit later.
When I arrived at her office (or my friend's office, to be precise), Cat came to open the door as she heard my footsteps. I was stunned when I saw Cat. She wore a white blouse and a tight black mini-skirts. She was in black pantyhose !!!
At the back my mind, I was really wondering if Cat had already seen through my fetish for pantyhose. For the next two hours in the office, I just couldn't concentrate on my project. I fiddled with the computer, but the sight of Cat walking to and fro before my very eyes had my imagination wild. I felt my will power softening like Superman's encounter with the deadly kryptonite. By this time, my little snake had uncoiled and transformed itself into a mighty python. I felt as if someone had forced an overdose of viagra into my body. Everything about Cat now seemed seductive. Her voice, her lips, her neck, her cleavage, her small waist......her black pantyhose.
(to be continued...)
07-02-2005, 10:58 PM
Oh yes, there was this time, i actually requested my wife to go out with me in pantyhose, and when when we r having coffee at a cafe, she will purposely zhao geng for me when no body notice. Was quite exciting. Initially i wanted her not 2 wear undie inside but she refuse, so no fish prawn also good. :p Will try 2 convince her again .
Bro, half of the fun is lost if the girl knows the game plan. The best part about pantyhose sex is pantyhose is part of office attire for girls, and the best fuck with pantyhose is to do it with an office lady without her realising your fetish, and the best place to fuck an office lady in pantyhose is in the office.
Do it in the office. Catch her by surprise from behind. Hike up her skirts, tug at the waistband of her pantyhose, pull it down just below her ass, make her bend down, and stuff your hungry meat into her love tunnel.
The best part ? Make sure you cum on her pantyhose !
07-02-2005, 11:23 PM
That begs another question. Why would she want me to look at her legs ?
Speaking as a woman...
We all want guys to check us out,
it makes us feel pretty.
But DON't stare!
or give us dirty look until saliva drip... :rolleyes:
When my bf 1st started stealing glances at me,
my heart always beats faster,
When I knew I has that little bit of power over him,
it turned me on and made me feel sexy.
I'm not saying it's the same for you,
but it might be... :)
Oh yah, thanks for the points,
as you can see I've yet to reach 50 post so can't return the favour.
07-02-2005, 11:26 PM
You should wear pantyhose and ask your wife to give you a blowjob. :D
I would not want to see my bf in any panty hose or women's underwear... :eek:
07-02-2005, 11:30 PM
Oh yah, thanks for the points,
as you can see I've yet to reach 50 post so can't return the favour.
No need to return favour. Just support my threads as and when. :p
07-02-2005, 11:30 PM
Bro, half of the fun is lost if the girl knows the game plan. The best part about pantyhose sex is pantyhose is part of office attire for girls, and the best fuck with pantyhose is to do it with an office lady without her realising your fetish, and the best place to fuck an office lady in pantyhose is in the office.
Do it in the office. Catch her by surprise from behind. Hike up her skirts, tug at the waistband of her pantyhose, pull it down just below her ass, make her bend down, and stuff your hungry meat into her love tunnel.
The best part ? Make sure you cum on her pantyhose !
Ah... You like to live dangerously...
I'd be way to chicken to try that with my bf,
though now that you mention it,
it is kind of a turn on for me too...
07-02-2005, 11:52 PM
I would not want to see my bf in any panty hose or women's underwear... :eek:
Check it out. Pantyhose for man. It has that extra pouch to take care of the manhood. Think of Robin Hood, and you won't find man in pantyhose weird. I am sure with the right texture and colour, the sight of bulging tool wrapped in hose will tempt you to trace the contours.
07-02-2005, 11:57 PM
Ah... You like to live dangerously...
I'd be way to chicken to try that with my bf,
though now that you mention it,
it is kind of a turn on for me too...
Well, if that turns you on, then perhaps I should share a personal experience with the bros here. But let me finish with Cat first.
You wear pantyhose too ? Get a 'french-cut' pantyhose with sewn in lace panty. Don't wear panties, JUST pantyhose. Your b/f will go NUTS !!!
08-02-2005, 01:03 AM
Check it out. Pantyhose for man. It has that extra pouch to take care of the manhood. Think of Robin Hood, and you won't find man in pantyhose weird. I am sure with the right texture and colour, the sight of bulging tool wrapped in hose will tempt you to trace the contours.
bro.. i'm here :D hahaha.. not been active for these few days... nice encounter u got with CAT ...heee
08-02-2005, 01:45 AM
bro.. i'm here :D hahaha.. not been active for these few days... nice encounter u got with CAT ...heee
I'm not finished yet. Still have a few chapters to go.
Don't forget to reserve your Office Interview clip for Bro-in-Hose here :D
08-02-2005, 01:48 AM
I'm not finished yet. Still have a few chapters to go.
Don't forget to reserve your Office Interview clip for Bro-in-Hose here :D
haha.. sure.. no prob... u are on the list
08-02-2005, 02:08 AM
haha.. sure.. no prob... u are on the list
You had better make sure the girl in the clip wear pantyhose
08-02-2005, 02:23 AM
You had better make sure the girl in the clip wear pantyhose
haaa.. wat do u tink ? of course she's wearing one.. :D
but hafing some problems uploading the file.. failed once.. now trying to upload it again..
Hey bro Amour...put me on the list too yea?...Let's revive bro P_N's pantyhose links thread in the Link Exchange Plaza thread!!! heh bro P_N quickly finish d story..getting really exciting!! Had upped your points to encourage u to contribute more !!... :D
haaa.. wat do u tink ? of course she's wearing one.. :D
but hafing some problems uploading the file.. failed once.. now trying to upload it again..
Hmmm I've always wondered how a local woman will react if she catches me checking out her legs..i noe how a jap one would....sadly not many singapore women wear stockings anymore... sigh. Anything to do to encourage our local ladies to put them on more often?
Speaking as a woman...
We all want guys to check us out,
it makes us feel pretty.
But DON't stare!
or give us dirty look until saliva drip... :rolleyes:
When my bf 1st started stealing glances at me,
my heart always beats faster,
When I knew I has that little bit of power over him,
it turned me on and made me feel sexy.
I'm not saying it's the same for you,
but it might be... :)
Oh yah, thanks for the points,
as you can see I've yet to reach 50 post so can't return the favour.
08-02-2005, 10:51 AM
Actually, when I was living in the western part of the world, this girl tried talking me into it.... Too bad my fetish is for her to wear it and not me wearing it! :P
No shit, is she an Asian or Ang Mo? Asian r usually generally more reserve. So how did that session end, did she wear it 4 u?
08-02-2005, 10:57 AM
sorry off topic alittle..
bro peter_north, ur message inbox is full.. i can't send u the link
08-02-2005, 11:00 AM
Bro, half of the fun is lost if the girl knows the game plan. The best part about pantyhose sex is pantyhose is part of office attire for girls, and the best fuck with pantyhose is to do it with an office lady without her realising your fetish, and the best place to fuck an office lady in pantyhose is in the office.
Do it in the office. Catch her by surprise from behind. Hike up her skirts, tug at the waistband of her pantyhose, pull it down just below her ass, make her bend down, and stuff your hungry meat into her love tunnel.
The best part ? Make sure you cum on her pantyhose !
Well, bro, what can i say, u r like reading my mind. I can only agree with what u say, but this is the best i can get cause she doesn't like wearing P.H at all. I have to request then she will do it 4 me. And this O.L office sex stuff is something i would always dream about. Anyway CNY is just around the corner and i'll not b able to come to this thread 4 a while after today so i wish everyone here HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. :D
08-02-2005, 11:01 AM
lets name some places to see girls in pantyhose :D
No shit, is she an Asian or Ang Mo? Asian r usually generally more reserve. So how did that session end, did she wear it 4 u?
Yeah bro, you guessed right - she was caucasian... If I remember correctly she was already in black garter-top stockings...
08-02-2005, 11:06 AM
Hey bro Amour...put me on the list too yea?...Let's revive bro P_N's pantyhose links thread in the Link Exchange Plaza thread!!! heh bro P_N quickly finish d story..getting really exciting!! Had upped your points to encourage u to contribute more !!... :D
Count me in 2, which topic is that? :D
08-02-2005, 11:07 AM
i'll pm when i completed uploading the 2nd time again :)
08-02-2005, 11:09 AM
lets name some places to see girls in pantyhose :D
Shanton way la, that is where all the O.L are. But Bangkok's fish tank has all their girls in P.H too and u can see until your eyes pop out. :cool:
08-02-2005, 11:11 AM
how about the airport? :D went there last week .. had a fun time looking at the girls.. esp the legs :P
08-02-2005, 11:11 AM
Yeah bro, you guessed right - she was caucasian... If I remember correctly she was already in black garter-top stockings...
R they more wild compare to Asian? Pardon me cause i have never tried caucasian b 4.
Shanton way la, that is where all the O.L are....
Yeah! I do not have enough pairs of eyes when I'm down at Shenton Way/Raffles Place area.... I know it's a big fashion boo-boo to be wearing stockings/PH with open-toe shoes, but hey - it sends my imagination running wild!
08-02-2005, 11:14 AM
how about the airport? :D went there last week .. had a fun time looking at the girls.. esp the legs :P
YA YA YA, they wear 2, the airport staff wear black colour one, but i still prefer the honey colour p.h. What's your colour preference? ;)
R they more wild compare to Asian? Pardon me cause i have never tried caucasian b 4.
I would say they are more open-minded to fetishes and crazy stuff because of their culture and environment - not necessarily wilder. The asians who grew up there are just as wild....
08-02-2005, 11:17 AM
ooh this thread is going fast .. haaa..
ya the airport staff wear black colour pantyhose..
while i tink the SIA girls wear the skin colour tone ones..
for me i like ballerinas' tights ( well ain't it the same as pantyhose just only different material ), and i like nude ones.. i like the fact that i hafta to look closely and realised the girls are actually wearing hose... it makes me so excited :D
08-02-2005, 11:18 AM
I would say they are more open-minded to fetishes and crazy stuff because of their culture and environment - not necessarily wilder. The asians who grew up there are just as wild....
ya.. the american born chinese... they are more open in the mentality compared to the chinese born locally.
... What's your colour preference? ...
You should take a walk around Shinjuku or any of the happening districts in Tokyo... Very pretty OLs, housewives, shoppers, etc - walking down the streets wearing all manners of stockings in a myriad of colours in stilettos.... Your nose will bleed....
Actually, the trains are a good place to ogle too....
08-02-2005, 11:31 AM
You should take a walk around Shinjuku or any of the happening districts in Tokyo... Very pretty OLs, housewives, shoppers, etc - walking down the streets wearing all manners of stockings in a myriad of colours in stilettos.... Your nose will bleed....
Actually, the trains are a good place to ogle too....
used to take trains.. really a good place to look for targets.. but its only during the before and after work hours where u can easily find girls in hose..
in the afternoon, finding one is like looking for needle in a haystack :(
08-02-2005, 11:54 AM
haaa.. wat do u tink ? of course she's wearing one.. :D
but hafing some problems uploading the file.. failed once.. now trying to upload it again..
You don't talk cock, Bro Amour. You PM me some school girl petting AV. Where got pantyhose ? I'm going to ZAP you :D the afternoon, finding one is like looking for needle in a haystack...
In Tokyo, you can find them all times of the day... ;)
We live in the wrong country bro....
08-02-2005, 11:59 AM
Shanton way la, that is where all the O.L are. But Bangkok's fish tank has all their girls in P.H too and u can see until your eyes pop out. :cool:
Bro, can tell me which fish tank ? Give me the location. I'm interested.
08-02-2005, 12:05 PM
You don't talk cock, Bro Amour. You PM me some school girl petting AV. Where got pantyhose ? I'm going to ZAP you :D
that link was just a trial one.. let u see see.. now i uploading again.. when its done. i'll send u the link again.. hopefully this time successful :)
08-02-2005, 12:09 PM
brother north!!!! delete some of ur messages.. i can't pm u :rolleyes:
08-02-2005, 12:09 PM
ooh this thread is going fast .. haaa..
ya the airport staff wear black colour pantyhose..
while i tink the SIA girls wear the skin colour tone ones..
for me i like ballerinas' tights ( well ain't it the same as pantyhose just only different material ), and i like nude ones.. i like the fact that i hafta to look closely and realised the girls are actually wearing hose... it makes me so excited :D
If you are into skin color, go T2 and beo Silkair stewardess. The new uniform is sexy, and the pantyhose....shiok !
08-02-2005, 12:17 PM
If you are into skin color, go T2 and beo Silkair stewardess. The new uniform is sexy, and the pantyhose....shiok !
never see any leh.. shall go to T2 again.. will sit at starbucks.. :D
08-02-2005, 12:17 PM
Bro, can tell me which fish tank ? Give me the location. I'm interested.
I believe most of the bigger complex(the whole building type) the girls there wear p.h and as far as my memory can stratch 1 of them i can remember is call CEASAR, can remember because the name is easy to remember. Sorry that i have log out for some urgent errend.
08-02-2005, 12:20 PM
never see any leh.. shall go to T2 again.. will sit at starbucks.. :D
The color is beigy, very sexy. The new uniform resembles massage girls.
BTW, you have yet to report to me on CK Tang's hosiery dept.
08-02-2005, 12:22 PM
The color is beigy, very sexy. The new uniform resembles massage girls.
BTW, you have yet to report to me on CK Tang's hosiery dept.
ok i will go and see..
oh ya.. these past two weeks no time becos of common test ..
hey can u delete some of ur private messages? i can't send u the link to download the file :D
08-02-2005, 12:32 PM
Guys, has been nice communicating with people of the same interest like you all, really have to log out first to finish my work b 4 i can go home for new year. So will follow up on this thread again after the holiday all the best. ;)
Heh great to see so many bros communicating...anyone has any good sites where i can upload my movies and share with you all? Maybe we can make this a
sharing community as good movies with ph and stockings let's share!!
PS : Bro P_N do finish your story with Cat...really curious about what happened...hehehe....cliffhangers ah...
Guys, has been nice communicating with people of the same interest like you all, really have to log out first to finish my work b 4 i can go home for new year. So will follow up on this thread again after the holiday all the best. ;)
08-02-2005, 01:50 PM
acka, try to upload ur movie files.. ;)
08-02-2005, 04:40 PM
Praying hard tmoorrow can see some nice legs encassed in pantyhose when visiting :D
08-02-2005, 06:30 PM
brothers and sistas, i created a thread on some hose pics... pls support :D
08-02-2005, 06:43 PM
brothers and sistas, i created a thread on some hose pics... pls support :D
The new threads you created I've not been able to post a reply. I don't know why. :confused:
08-02-2005, 06:45 PM
Heh great to see so many bros communicating...anyone has any good sites where i can upload my movies and share with you all? Maybe we can make this a
sharing community as good movies with ph and stockings let's share!!
PS : Bro P_N do finish your story with Cat...really curious about what happened...hehehe....cliffhangers ah...
Bro, I'll post tonight. Just came back from Chinatown.
I remember last time when I was small, I had always looked forward to CNY becos more often than not, my parents' and siblings' friends who visit us would wear pantyhose.
Now ? Don't celebrate CNY anymore.
08-02-2005, 07:41 PM
The new threads you created I've not been able to post a reply. I don't know why. :confused:
i got no idea either... maybe u trying replying again later?
I remember last time when I was small, I had always looked forward to CNY becos more often than not, my parents' and siblings' friends who visit us would wear pantyhose.
ya... i like to see those frens of relatives who just nice will be visiting them when i'm there.. i'll immediately look at the legs to see whether are they wearing hose.
probably of the fact that i dun really look forward to CNY as much as i was young where it was so fun getting ang paos and meeting up with cousins... now is more like looking forward to see anyone wearing pantyhose... haahaa
08-02-2005, 10:22 PM
Bro, got rep power now. Who added you huh ?
I tried many times replying but to no avail. So if you are not getting support for that thread, you know why hor.
Speaking of Silkair, I really wish I could do a Silkair girl in her uniform, one of these days.
09-02-2005, 02:37 AM
I felt as if someone had forced an overdose of viagra into my body. Everything about Cat now seemed seductive. Her voice, her lips, her neck, her cleavage, her small waist......her black pantyhose.
I wasn't sure what I was going to do to Cat. Or should I say, I wasn't sure what Cat was going to do to me. It began to seem like Cat could read my mind like an open book, and yet I had no answer to her subtle tease. The hemline that traced her sheer pantyhosed legs felt like a snare over my neck, and the translucent nylons a sheet of net ready to tame the beast in me. If she was my girlfriend, I would surely have grabbed her from behind, push her body against the wall, slip my hand into her skirts, pull her black pantyhose down to her knees and slide my thickened tool into her love tunnel. I would pump the tunnel relentlessly even if it meant missing out on my favourite blowjob, and devour her sheer black pantyhose with streams of thick white cum spurting involuntary from my trademark 'North Pole'.
I waited for Cat to finish her work, and we decided to go for dinner as usual. Just when we were cutting across Marsh & McLennan Building, I made an unusual detour towards the lift lobby. Sensing something unusual, Cat stopped. "Where are we going ?", Cat asked. "You drove today ?", Cat asked before I had time to reply to her first question. I grinned at Cat, intimating that she got it right. Cat was coquettish in reply. "You naughty er !", she jested. Once again, I had no answer to her teasing words. The effect of her sheer black pantyhose must have taken its toll on me. Except for the cannon between my legs, the rest of my system had malfunctioned, especially the brain. I felt completely overpowered by her charm smacked of sexual overtones. With the "meat stick" protruding between my limbs awaiting picking like a burning giant sausage, Cat's long sexy legs seemed like a pair of shimmering black tongs, ready to pick me and have me served on her dinner plate.
(to be continued...)
Bro, what do you think of Cat ?
09-02-2005, 03:37 AM;jsessionid=15420914071a51b/shopdata/index.shopscript
Pantyhose for Man. It's the in-thing in Europe now.
Anyone interested ? Female forummers can buy for your b/fs :D
09-02-2005, 03:51 AM
Bro, got rep power now. Who added you huh ?
I tried many times replying but to no avail. So if you are not getting support for that thread, you know why hor.
Speaking of Silkair, I really wish I could do a Silkair girl in her uniform, one of these days.
i'm not sure who added my rep power.. but i know of some bros upz my points for sharing the nice movie with them.. but sadly someone deleted it... :(
i wanna go see silkair girl.. hmmm maybe can try searching website :D
09-02-2005, 11:30 AM
i'm not sure who added my rep power.. but i know of some bros upz my points for sharing the nice movie with them.. but sadly someone deleted it... :(
i wanna go see silkair girl.. hmmm maybe can try searching website :D
Just fly Silkair the next time. Bro, it's very arousing, if your fetish is as jialat as mine.
Anyway taking this chance to wish everyone a Wonder Chinese new Year!! Eyy so far the ph sightings have been dissatisfactory...Hope you guys had better luck?
Just fly Silkair the next time. Bro, it's very arousing, if your fetish is as jialat as mine.
09-02-2005, 07:45 PM
Anyway taking this chance to wish everyone a Wonder Chinese new Year!! Eyy so far the ph sightings have been dissatisfactory...Hope you guys had better luck?
hi brother.. my ph sightings ain't as good as yours either... bad bad :(
09-02-2005, 11:03 PM
Bro, got rep power now. Who added you huh ?
I tried many times replying but to no avail. So if you are not getting support for that thread, you know why hor.
Speaking of Silkair, I really wish I could do a Silkair girl in her uniform, one of these days.
brother pete,
i know where u are unable to reply to my the other thread.. its becos the boss dun allow of users posting in the thread..
like anyone posting video link.. if wanna contact the thread starter, hafta PM him and not reply in the thread :)
anyway i can't possibly fly silkair just to see the stewardess ya? unless i'm going abroad..
so how is ur PH sightings today? fulfilling? :rolleyes:
09-02-2005, 11:06 PM
brother pete,
so how is ur PH sightings today? fulfilling? :rolleyes:
fired blanks, so far :(
09-02-2005, 11:07 PM
fired blanks, so far :(
ah ya.. same here... saw a few girls with nice pair of legs but sadly not wearing any hose
09-02-2005, 11:17 PM
ah ya.. same here... saw a few girls with nice pair of legs but sadly not wearing any hose
Go Changi Airpor T2, sit outside Starbucks or Burger King. The elevator next to Burger King is the one that SQ and SilkAir girls use. You will see them coming in from the carpark entrance.
Guess i gotta get myself a few SQ gals .... heh anyway Cat's such a tease bro P_N!!!! *sigh*Coming to the topic of PH.. Unless the lingerie sellers do something about it, otherwise i think wearing ph or stockings in this lil country is fast becoming a novelty.
Go Changi Airpor T2, sit outside Starbucks or Burger King. The elevator next to Burger King is the one that SQ and SilkAir girls use. You will see them coming in from the carpark entrance.
10-02-2005, 12:33 PM
Good day to Peter_North and acka,
wish u a fruitful sighting today :)
keep us bro updated if theres any nice sight :D
10-02-2005, 03:13 PM
No go out, nothing to see leh.
BTW, still need to continue with my story on Cat ? After all, very mild response.
10-02-2005, 05:15 PM
No go out, nothing to see leh.
BTW, still need to continue with my story on Cat ? After all, very mild response.
why not? carry on bro... theres always me here to support u :D
10-02-2005, 05:27 PM
Bro North Pole ... your stories on CAT is really great!! Keep it up bro!!
Well ... when i was at Changi Airport T2 .... many of the SIA gals are wearing pantyhose ... probably cold after the long flights .... those smooth legs are a real eye-food!! :rolleyes:
10-02-2005, 05:30 PM
Bro North Pole ... your stories on CAT is really great!! Keep it up bro!!
Well ... when i was at Changi Airport T2 .... many of the SIA gals are wearing pantyhose ... probably cold after the long flights .... those smooth legs are a real eye-food!! :rolleyes:
ya but mostly their legs are being blocked by their skirts... not much chance of hafing a good look at it :(
10-02-2005, 05:39 PM
Well.... let me share a short encounter that I had many years ago with my ex-gf ...
Well... it was in her 1st year at NUS & they had this dinner & dance thingy at Westin ....
well my gf seldom wears pantyhose .. only caught her wearing it twice before this .... both time skin toned ones .... once during CNY & anothe time a more serious function ....
Anyway ... i was to pick her up from her cousins' place & when I reached there .... wo ..... i was greeted by the most exciting sight ever .... my gf & her 2 cousins were all dressed in black knee length dresses & all wearing black panty hose .... they were chatting away & were having fun ... my mind was whirling ... wow... 3 SYTs in black pantyhose ..... i couldn't stop staring at those silky feet that seem to go on & on ...
Well ... we drove to Westin ... & when we were having our meals at the table .... my hand playfully went under the table & started stroking my gf's silky legs ... initailly she felt shy & pushed my hands away ... i persisted & she let me .... WOW ... I was on cloud 9!!
After the meal ... the place was converted to a mini dance hall .... & my gf & her cousins started dancing ... i was not much of a dancer but i joined them ... we hd a fun time ... but all the while .. i was transfixed at those pantyhosed clad feet ....
Around 1.30am ... we left the place & I sent my gf & cousins home .... when we reached her cousin's place ... they went in & told us to spend some time outisde to "enjoy" private time together ....
We went down 2 flights of stairs from her cousin's house, sat on the stairs & we started petting & kissing... (to be continued)
10-02-2005, 05:42 PM
Well.... let me share a short encounter that I had many years ago with my ex-gf ...
nice experience u got there. Did u take off her pantyhose and kept it? :D
10-02-2005, 06:04 PM
we were like frenching & started to warm up.... & i worked her dress down half way down to her waist .... & uncliped her bra ... & started to lick & tease her ... she started moaning a bit .. my little bro became strong .... my hands then started to auto roam below .... WOW .... her thighs & legs felt so so so smooth & silky in her pantyhose .... i hiked up her dress so that it is now a clump at her waist ...i moved my fingers to her crotch & started to "massage" her there ... she moaned louder & asked me to remove her pantyhose ..... i slowly slipped them down .... (I din want to remove them all the way but she told me to as it was getting in the way & made her uncomfortable) .... i felt a bit disappointed as I wanted to "do her" with her panty hose down half way ... like in those AV movies ... but anyway ... i continued on & started to finger her ....she moaned louder and her hands moved to my little bro in my pants as she lay on the staircase landing ... i was unzipping myself when ..... we heard some loud clanging on the metal railing on the stairs above us ... shit! we quickly zipped up & she put on her bra & adjusted her dress.... i grabbed hold of her pantyhose & stuffed them on my pocket as we hastily walked down the stairs ...... at the bottom of the stairs ... we walked to the lift & took a life back to her cousin's place to spend the night .... SHIT! i found out later that it must be a cleaner who was sweeping the landings ... & had free show .... No thanks to him ... if not I would surely have had a wonderful time ... but at least i get to keep her black pantyhose. :D
Hope you liked my little encounter with my gf ... if U like it ... pls up my points!! Cheers to all the bros who loved pantyhose & stockings!! :cool:
10-02-2005, 06:08 PM
nice story u got there.. upz ur points...
anyway i got a thread on pics of pantyhose.. go take a look... upz my points when u haf the chance :D
10-02-2005, 06:11 PM
Sure thing bro!! :) btw ... where is the ltread on pics on pantyhose??
10-02-2005, 06:13 PM
Sure thing bro!! :) btw ... where is the ltread on pics on pantyhose??
u mind scrolling back locate it urself? i posted the link on the 13th page i tink...
haf fun looking :D
10-02-2005, 07:26 PM
Bro North Pole ... your stories on CAT is really great!! Keep it up bro!!
Well ... when i was at Changi Airport T2 .... many of the SIA gals are wearing pantyhose ... probably cold after the long flights .... those smooth legs are a real eye-food!! :rolleyes:
You are inexperienced, Bro. It's not becos of the climate. It's becos they are lazy to paint their nails. It's SQ's regulations. You either paint your nails, or your wear pantyhose.
But I'm not keen on SQ. I was referring to SilkAir new uniform.
10-02-2005, 07:31 PM
You are inexperienced, Bro. It's not becos of the climate. It's becos they are lazy to paint their nails. It's SQ's regulations. You either paint your nails, or your wear pantyhose.
But I'm not keen on SQ. I was referring to SilkAir new uniform.
oh so i've learnt something new.... btw bro north, how do u know of this regulation that the SQ girls have?
if you have any pic of the silkAir uniform, mind sending me? thanks :)
i just posted a few pics .. happy viewing :)
10-02-2005, 07:58 PM
oh so i've learnt something new.... btw bro north, how do u know of this regulation that the SQ girls have?
if you have any pic of the silkAir uniform, mind sending me? thanks :)
i just posted a few pics .. happy viewing :)
I came to know about it from this forum, and I did my own observation. You'll never see a SQ barefoot without painted nails.
I don't have any pic of SilkAir girls. They ever appeared in the papers, though.
10-02-2005, 07:59 PM
I came to know about it from this forum, and I did my own observation. You'll never see a SQ barefoot without painted nails.
I don't have any pic of SilkAir girls. They ever appeared in the papers, though.
will remember ur words and look at the feet of the SQ girls :)
10-02-2005, 08:03 PM
will remember ur words and look at the feet of the SQ girls :)
The pic that you post with the car in driving position is tempting :D
10-02-2005, 08:07 PM
The pic that you post with the car in driving position is tempting :D
glad u like it
its so boring.... no hose sightings the whole day :(
10-02-2005, 08:31 PM
Thanks for the pointer bro North ... will take note of SQ girls in the future ... roger !!
10-02-2005, 08:32 PM
Speaking of pantyhose & stockings ... check out RAFFLES PLACE ... many SYTs ... professionals ... all dolled up & lots of pantyhoses ... the professional look ... gosh .... I miss that place!! :D
10-02-2005, 08:34 PM
Speaking of pantyhose & stockings ... check out RAFFLES PLACE ... many SYTs ... professionals ... all dolled up & lots of pantyhoses ... the professional look ... gosh .... I miss that place!! :D
what does SYT means anyway?
what about bukit batok.. where the shatec girls always hang around :)
10-02-2005, 08:35 PM
I have come across school girls @ Tanjong Pagar area. I don't know which school, but the uniform is yellow top and brown skirts. They don't wear school shoes, but flat leather shoes. I have caught a couple of students wearing skin color pantyhose.
10-02-2005, 08:36 PM
what does SYT means anyway?
what about bukit batok.. where the shatec girls always hang around :)
Slutty Young Things.
10-02-2005, 08:39 PM
I have come across school girls @ Tanjong Pagar area. I don't know which school, but the uniform is yellow top and brown skirts. They don't wear school shoes, but flat leather shoes. I have caught a couple of students wearing skin color pantyhose.
not that i can remember of any school uniform which is the one that u are refering to. But i do know that ITE bishan girls wear skin colour pantyhose.. i tink they haf nursing and office course..
10-02-2005, 11:41 PM
I felt completely overpowered by her charm smacked of sexual overtones. With the "meat stick" protruding between my limbs awaiting picking like a burning giant sausage, Cat's long sexy legs seemed like a pair of shimmering black tongs, ready to pick me and have me served on her dinner plate.
In the car, I couldn't help but steal glances at Cat's legs. As a result of the low seating of my car, Cat's skirts hiked up to reveal an even higher hemline. I could vaguely see her fair skin through her sheer black pantyhose. Cat was chatty during the journey in the car. Somehow the subject turned into one of sex. Cat was talking about her friends screwing in her apartment etc. I had a hard time trying to concentrate on my driving. For some reasons I didn't feel it right to engage Cat in the topic of sex. Maybe because we had a mutual friend, and I feared a romp with Cat might have negative repercussions. I wanted to very sure that Cat was into it before I would let go by python to roam her cave.
After we stopped by at a food corner and had our dinner, I drove Cat back to her apartment. Just when I was reversing my car into a parking lot, Cat alerted me to a couple opposite us. The guy had just opened the door for the girl to step out. "See ? The guy is so sweet. He opened the door for his girlfriend", Cat said in a coquettish demeanour. I was wondering if that was an invitation for me to strike. I wanted to play safe. After all, I had just given Cat a bottle of Italian wine. I said to myself: "If she invites me to her apartment for a taste of the wine that I brought her, that's it !"
To my disappointment, an invitation was not to be. Cat walked to the lobby after bidding me farewell. I watched her silhouette disappear in the dim moonlight. After that evening, Cat started avoiding me. We never got to see each other again. Why ? Maybe someone can tell me. :confused:
(End of Cat)
Sorry Bros if the story turned out to be an anti-climax.
10-02-2005, 11:48 PM
To my disappointment, an invitation was not to be. Cat walked to the lobby after bidding me farewell. I watched her silhouette disappear in the dim moonlight. After that evening, Cat started avoiding me. We never got to see each other again. Why ? Maybe someone can tell me. :confused:
(End of Cat)
Sorry Bros if the story turned out to be an anti-climax.
I just feel sad for u bro.. can feel the dissappointment u had :(
10-02-2005, 11:55 PM
I just feel sad for u bro.. can feel the dissappointment u had :(
What do you think was in her mind ?
11-02-2005, 12:05 AM
What do you think was in her mind ?
maybe she just wanted to flirt with u thats all? or was just making use of u?
11-02-2005, 12:35 AM
maybe she just wanted to flirt with u thats all? or was just making use of u?
The tease was too hard to bear. I had to relieve myself. If you have been caught by a pantyhose fetish, you will know that after an intense pantyhose tease from an attractive girl, a normal fuck will not do the job.
A name came into my mind - Nora. Nora is a minah, a MRO at my regular Club Gym...
11-02-2005, 12:38 AM
A name came into my mind - Nora. Nora is a minah, a MRO at my regular Club Gym...
so what about Nora bro?
it seems not many like the pics that i posted.... no one upz my points
11-02-2005, 12:39 AM
Hi guys, gotta share a bit on Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings. I can remember when Shatec was still in town area near Plaza Singapura, it was pure heaven for me, eye candy everywhere. Not forgetting the restaurant they work (Petals). Nowadays, the standard of Shatec babes seems to have dropped quite a bit (1996-1998 was the best, my humble opinion).
I like to see ladies wearing open toes and their feet clad in Nylon, simply heaven. I know this will fail the fashion test just like the visible pantyline(VPL), but WHO CARES!!
Office ladies have their own charm especially those very professional ones in jackets and stuff WOW!!
11-02-2005, 12:43 AM
Hi guys, gotta share a bit on Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings. I can remember when Shatec was still in town area near Plaza Singapura, it was pure heaven for me, eye candy everywhere. Not forgetting the restaurant they work (Petals). Nowadays, the standard of Shatec babes seems to have dropped quite a bit (1996-1998 was the best, my humble opinion).
I like to see ladies wearing open toes and their feet clad in Nylon, simply heaven. I know this will fail the fashion test just like the visible pantyline(VPL), but WHO CARES!!
Office ladies have their own charm especially those very professional ones in jackets and stuff WOW!!
ahh yess... now that they have shifted to bukit batok.. i haf my fair share of sightings of them in their skin tone hose and black court shoes....
i always get excited when theres a wedding dinner at a hotel cos it means i get to see those banquet waitress :P
11-02-2005, 12:44 AM
so what about Nora bro?
it seems not many like the pics that i posted.... no one upz my points
Maybe you should post your pics sparsely in this thread, not exchange plaza.
As for Nora....coming up soon !
11-02-2005, 12:47 AM
ahh yess... now that they have shifted to bukit batok.. i haf my fair share of sightings of them in their skin tone hose and black court shoes....
i always get excited when theres a wedding dinner at a hotel cos it means i get to see those banquet waitress :P
You know skin tone pantyhose goes well with what kinda of attire for a girl ? An oversized man's long-sleeves shirt that barely covers her ass. Yes, just an shirt without bottoms.
If you've been watching Pi Li Huo, it's what Yong Hui wore after she was made a captive.
11-02-2005, 12:52 AM
Maybe you should post your pics sparsely in this thread, not exchange plaza.
As for Nora....coming up soon !
can i do that? cos i dunno if posting my pics sparsely is a good idea in this thread...
You know skin tone pantyhose goes well with what kinda of attire for a girl ? An oversized man's long-sleeves shirt that barely covers her ass. Yes, just an shirt without bottoms.
yes i get wat u mean. I remember watching the jap drama "God, please give me some time" where kyoko fukada wore Jin Chen Wu's oversize shirt :P maybe i should do that to my future gf.. lolz
anyway theres this girl who i will be inviting to my home to stay overnight.. i'm gonna ask her to wear hose around my home with a pink nightie.. will try to take some pics and post here... but she's on the plump side.. oh well.. who cares.. haaa
11-02-2005, 12:58 AM
Well here it goes :D
11-02-2005, 01:07 AM
wow, i used to think that i had some mental prob as i'm always looking at girls' legs to see if they are wearing any hose/stockings. but that's before i came to know about the internet... haha glad to know that there are similar bro out there that enjoy the same thing as me...
sadly i never encounter any close experience with a girl wearing pantyhose...
recently i'm fooling with the idea of fulfilling this fantasy using escort agency but i think that its alittle not worth it...
11-02-2005, 01:28 AM
Well here it goes :D
Actually who cares if open toe with pantyhose is a fashion disaster ? I like it, in fact.
As for oversize shirt, well I have seen Irene Wan and Rosamund Kwan in that attire in movies. Irene Wan, if you noticed, wears pantyhose in most of all movies.
11-02-2005, 01:33 AM
Actually who cares if open toe with pantyhose is a fashion disaster ? I like it, in fact.
As for oversize shirt, well I have seen Irene Wan and Rosamund Kwan in that attire in movies. Irene Wan, if you noticed, wears pantyhose in most of all movies.
true but den girls are very sensitive to what they wear... i tried asking a few girls to wear but they dun like... they say like "aunty", and no teenagers wear pantyhose ... sadly i really gotta admit it. unless its those malay girls who wear fishnet stockings with black colour hosiery underneath it.
irene wan... she like long time never act already.. the shows that i see her in are mostly the shows that were shot like years back.
Hmmm yea dat's's pretty taboo..unless we are able to make wearing ph and stockings seem hip again otherwise i think not many women will want to wear it...Not even seen a single person under 35 at my relatives' place wear PH this year! :eek:
true but den girls are very sensitive to what they wear... i tried asking a few girls to wear but they dun like... they say like "aunty", and no teenagers wear pantyhose ... sadly i really gotta admit it. unless its those malay girls who wear fishnet stockings with black colour hosiery underneath it.
irene wan... she like long time never act already.. the shows that i see her in are mostly the shows that were shot like years back.
11-02-2005, 02:29 AM
Hmmm yea dat's's pretty taboo..unless we are able to make wearing ph and stockings seem hip again otherwise i think not many women will want to wear it...Not even seen a single person under 35 at my relatives' place wear PH this year! :eek:
precisely! argh.. this is bad manz.. my side also today not even one wore it.. not even the grandmas, grandaunties... :(
11-02-2005, 08:01 AM
precisely! argh.. this is bad manz.. my side also today not even one wore it.. not even the grandmas, grandaunties... :(
I guess it is the weather too in Singapore.... this year is just so hot (& sweaty) .... & also it doesn't seem hip to wear hoseiry ...
OH man ... 3 cheers for Shatec ... the girls are young & Chio in their Hose ... especially the slim & tall ones!!
I still feel that the best place for Hoseiry & stocking lovers is Raffles Place ... that place is crawling with ladies in power suits & various shades of hose ... power up!
There was this once I was on the MRT & i spotted this "CHIO BU" .... looks a bit like Lucy Liu (Charlie's Angel) .... she was chatting with this "Ang Mo" on the train whilst standing in the middle of the train & i just awoke from my short slumber (early in the morning MRT) & what a pleasant surprise i got ....
She was wearing a skirt (near her knees) & the slit went all the way to somewhere halfway up her thigh. at a particular angle, I could see that she was wearing translucent black stockings & it was held up by black strapped suspenders (suspender belt?!) I was mesmerised ... 1st time in Singapore that I saw a lady wear suspender belt to hold up her stockings .... wow ... power up! As she was chatting & laughing at the "Ang Mo" ... she would move her legs & I would catch glimpses of those silky legs .... what a way to start the morninG!
Rush Morning (or evening) MRT towards (away from) Raffles Place is the place to be ..... :D
Hmmmm ..... any bros had any luck getting their gf to wear suspender belts with stockings? Girls look so so chio & sexy in them.... esp the black & white coloured ones ..... makes their legs "go on forever"
11-02-2005, 08:08 AM
[QUOTE=Peter_North]The tease was too hard to bear. I had to relieve myself. If you have been caught by a pantyhose fetish, you will know that after an intense pantyhose tease from an attractive girl, a normal fuck will not do the job.
Sorry to hear about what happened bet U & CAT ... yup yup ... she sounds like a real tease .... cheer up bro! there are others pantyhose gals out there! :rolleyes:
11-02-2005, 08:14 AM
yes i get wat u mean. I remember watching the jap drama "God, please give me some time" where kyoko fukada wore Jin Chen Wu's oversize shirt :P maybe i should do that to my future gf.. lolz
anyway theres this girl who i will be inviting to my home to stay overnight.. i'm gonna ask her to wear hose around my home with a pink nightie.. will try to take some pics and post here... but she's on the plump side.. oh well.. who cares.. haaa[/QUOTE]
cheers to U bro! .... anyway ... there is this place at BTSC where they sell lots of lingerie ... all forms of sexy stuff & in a discreet corner ... there are also the "high class" type of hoseiry & stockings .... those lacy stuff ... but a bit expensive ... as compared to those that U can get off the shelf at Watsons .... probably a good place to shop to fulfil your fantasies ... .... oh man ... long well toned legs in pantyhose!!
11-02-2005, 11:25 AM
yes i get wat u mean. I remember watching the jap drama "God, please give me some time" where kyoko fukada wore Jin Chen Wu's oversize shirt :P maybe i should do that to my future gf.. lolz
anyway theres this girl who i will be inviting to my home to stay overnight.. i'm gonna ask her to wear hose around my home with a pink nightie.. will try to take some pics and post here... but she's on the plump side.. oh well.. who cares.. haaa
cheers to U bro! .... anyway ... there is this place at BTSC where they sell lots of lingerie ... all forms of sexy stuff & in a discreet corner ... there are also the "high class" type of hoseiry & stockings .... those lacy stuff ... but a bit expensive ... as compared to those that U can get off the shelf at Watsons .... probably a good place to shop to fulfil your fantasies ... .... oh man ... long well toned legs in pantyhose!![/QUOTE]
What and where is BTSC ?
11-02-2005, 11:56 AM
What and where is BTSC ?[/QUOTE]
Should be Bukit Timah Shopping Centre. Near to Ngee Ann Poly.
11-02-2005, 12:33 PM
What and where is BTSC ?
Should be Bukit Timah Shopping Centre. Near to Ngee Ann Poly.[/QUOTE]
oh okie.. i tink i know which shop... They do sell Hanes brand of pantyhose i remember... i didn't have the chance to go in because each time i went, they were closed :D
11-02-2005, 01:59 PM
Should be Bukit Timah Shopping Centre. Near to Ngee Ann Poly.
oh okie.. i tink i know which shop... They do sell Hanes brand of pantyhose i remember... i didn't have the chance to go in because each time i went, they were closed :D[/QUOTE]
BTSC is Bukit Timah Shopping Centre ...
U gotta call the boss b4 U go down cos' cometimes he's over at Batam where he has another shop ... also since its a discreet place ... not too many people go there ... so gotta call him & give him support!! interesting lingerie & other toys there ... enjoY! :D
11-02-2005, 02:53 PM
BTSC is Bukit Timah Shopping Centre ...
U gotta call the boss b4 U go down cos' cometimes he's over at Batam where he has another shop ... also since its a discreet place ... not too many people go there ... so gotta call him & give him support!! interesting lingerie & other toys there ... enjoY! :D
but go there also no use... dun haf girl to wear for me to see either ... lolz
11-02-2005, 02:58 PM
11-02-2005, 02:59 PM
but go there also no use... dun haf girl to wear for me to see either ... lolz[/QUOTE]
don't worry bro .... get a gf ... this is a new year ... a new beginning!! Don't give up!!
If not ... i heard some of the bros here mentioned that some PRC FL are willing to dress up for you .... :D
11-02-2005, 03:00 PM
but go there also no use... dun haf girl to wear for me to see either ... lolz
don't worry bro .... get a gf ... this is a new year ... a new beginning!! Don't give up!!
If not ... i heard some of the bros here mentioned that some PRC FL are willing to dress up for you .... :D[/QUOTE]
its the money that i need... hahaha
11-02-2005, 03:00 PM
Bro U the can ... thanks for the photos!!
11-02-2005, 03:02 PM
Bro U the can ... thanks for the photos!!
no prob.. i took bro NORTH's advice to post the pics here so that the true pantyhose lovers can view it with ease :D
11-02-2005, 03:59 PM
no prob.. i took bro NORTH's advice to post the pics here so that the true pantyhose lovers can view it with ease :D
I just came back for Changi T2. Had a dose of pantyhose. Two SQ girls were in the same lift as I. Polished nails but no hose. But the SATS girls, there were plenty.
11-02-2005, 04:01 PM
I just came back for Changi T2. Had a dose of pantyhose. Two SQ girls were in the same lift as I. Polished nails but no hose. But the SATS girls, there were plenty.
hahaha.. what were u doing at T2?
satisfying ur urges? :D
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