View Full Version : Fantasy tale: intellectually disabled / spastic teen in HCs.
21-07-2012, 12:38 PM
Hi, all.
This is fantasy version of "disabled schoolboy true adventure in place of liar" at HC / KTV Tango. Earlier, I included fantasy sex in HC thread to faciliate imagination of what I desired in HC scenes.
Now this thread consisted of roleplaying as disabled teen visiting HC of the pasts and imaginary HCs which I hope to exist in SG.
1st story:
I called receptionist at 'Spa De Sense'' -high class spa at Sentosa, which got VIP rooms which facial bed , jazcui pool, and gals are of acceptable grade, some do AJ for extra $100. standard special service consist of BBBJ,AR, FJ, (all in rate is $120).
Receptionist: Hello? May I help you?
Me: I am making a booking . -2 hour VIP room , on my behalf of my young master. His name is Mr Alan Poon. He will come at 5 pm. He want a gal named Vanessa.'
Receptionist : right away..
(she was feeling happy that more $$$ come. 2 Hour session at VIP Room cost $150)
Vanessa, 29 was a angpai in this spa. She look like HK actress, Ou Yang Pei Shan. She is tall, 1.7m and slim and possess 34 C cups. She do AJ.
She would strip naked and joined you in pool. One bro wrote FR on her, frenching in pool,etc. and AJ with her on all fours ,she was holding the pole of facial bed, where you see her expression on mirror..
Vanessa was happy at the thought of rich young master seeking her service. He wonder how he look like.
At 2.30 pm, I arrived , walk clumsily, my face look stupid and the receptionist look at me like that..
She look at me with disgust ,eventually she asked me
" what can I do for you, boy?"
I replied with strange way of speaking
" I am Alan......Poon (my eyes closed and face twisted, I am here for massage at 5 pm.''
Receptionist look surprised that rich young master is intellectually disabled kid.
Receptionist : who is the person who make booking on your behalf?
Me: my servant who work for my family.
Receptionist: did you ask him to make a booking ?
Me: no, he recommend I come here.
Receptionist (bemused): why?
Me: Vanessa look a lot like my stepmother. I am here for massage.
Receptionist feeling uneasy about allowing this boy to come here for sex. She knew Vanessa would not be willing to have sex with this person.
Nevertheless, she had to do the job and make arrangement . She asked me to pay. I produced $1000 note . On her side, she decided against accepting disabled kid but she was confused as to wat to do. She then make a call to her boss, Christine Goh, who was a former masseue during 1990s, and she was now 49.
Christine was bemused after hearing the whole story. A rich retarded kid booking angpai for sex, in a VIP room?
Christine came down and greeted me.
Christine : hi Mr Poon, I am a manager here. What make you pay a visit?
Me: I am here for massage.
Christine, was bemused and confused whether I am fit to come here.
Christine: Do you have anybody who accompanied you?
Me: yes, but he drove to JB after dropping me here.
Christine: what is his contact number?
me, behaving like retarded kid and shook my head: I dont know.
Christine: where do you live?
Me : Green Hill Enclove ..
( imaginary enclove of exclusive area for the ultra rich, and it is a row of bungalows and entrance/exit is guarded by former Gurkha guards.)
Christine: oh... very exclusive place for billionaires.
Me : huh?
Christina : oh nothing.. I will make arrangement for you..
her expression was full of reluctance. She had some plans in mind.
She took my $1000 note and gave changes.
(I purposely moved in slow motion and put $100 in tip box. so that they would notice. Their eyes glow with $$$$..)
After she let me inside the spa, and uncle in bulter uniform accompanied me..( his face was full of disbelief..)
Christine then called Vanessa to her office.
Christine: Vanessa, I have to tell you this. The person who booked you at 5pm is actually retarded kid from very wealthy family. and he is here . Do you want to serve him? He said his servant recommend you because you look like his stepmother. do you want to serve him?
Vanessa was shocked with disbelief: I...
Christine: oh never mind , I understand. I would arrange for another gal and you gave her your name tag...
Vanessa : never mind.. I would serve him. but no special involved just massage and facial and just go..
Christine: ok. that is your choice.. I admire your professionalism..
I was in buffet cafe where the waiters look at me in disbelief so do other customers. and then relax in lounge.
Until 4.30pm, bulter uncle came and look for me with a menu ..
(the masseue would arrive with food you ordered..)
I picked some exotic snacks and one alcoholic cocktail.. Uncle butler was bemused that retarded kid know how to enjoy life with high end spa, dishes..
(continue later.. going to cinema and explore shopping centres for new HCs..)
21-07-2012, 06:34 PM
First camper reporting in.
21-07-2012, 06:40 PM
Woahhh nice one bro....2nd camper here n i need poon-tato chips...
21-07-2012, 06:58 PM
Fantastic imagination bro...supporting here :D
21-07-2012, 11:51 PM
Uncle butler then took me to Prestige Room 5 which is at 3rd storey..
I had to walk up with him. Then he opened the door and let me in, told me to wait for gal.
I took off my kimono and drip in jazzcui pool with shorts on. I get excited at the thought of bonking Vanessa. (to tell you the truth, Ouyang Peishan look alike was actually senior manager of travel agency which I work at during my temp days. Her name was Sabrina.)
Vanessa was abit apprehensive and thought whether she had regretted her words during her briefing with her boss, Christine as she walked towards my room with tray of snacks and alcoholic cocktail..
Knock, Knock.. It was Vanessa..
Vanessa: can I come in , sir?
I decided to play with water.. giggling..
When Vanessa open the door, she was bemused and disturbed by what she saw.
I was smacking at the surface of the water , pretending not to notice her.
Vanessa then stood patiently as she watched me, she was wondering whether she wanted to serve me.
(normally when she came in she would undress and join in with man at jazzcui pool ,not in my case. She was still apprehensive about undressing in front of retarded boy..)
Eventually, she came to me ,saying hi, waving her to catch my attention.
I looked at her , pretending to be afraid, called out ''mum''
Vanessa was stunned and bemused, nevertheless she kept cool and say " stop playing , boy. come out now..''
I then stood up and came out. Vanessa said look at you, who asked you to wear short at jacuzzi pool...
She then dried my upper body before squating in front of me, proceeding to pull down my short..I reacted by saying ''hey ,mum... you cannot put down my pant..''
She was amused by my behaviour.. nevertheless, she said firmly... '' listen to your mum..''I had to act like being afraid of this Vanessa.
and let her pull down my wet short.. She was staring at my hardened long cock. She wanted to suck it as she was a nymphomaniac, who loved aroused cock. ( I am aware of that as previous FRs stated so..)
She resisted the urge by shutting her eyes, took a deep breadth , telling herself that this person was not worthly of being served sexually as he was of lower intelligence.
She asked me to bath in a shower room. I maintained that I bathed already downstairs. She said bathe one more so that I can massage you.
I then went to shower room which is of transparent glass. so that Vanessa can see me shower..
She was eyeing me as she was talking on her phone, updating situation to Christine Goh.
During shower, I washed my cock, and arsehole thoroughly because i know she would give AR and BBBJ. My mind was thinking whether she would allowed me to AJ her.
When i came out, she immediately took towel to dry my body..
after drying my body ,she asked me to lie down on my facial bed, with my back facing..
She began soft massage as she was never into massage and offer sex to customers who book her, regardless of races, she had been by fxcked and analed by angmo tourists, rich Indian and Malay guy who were of managerial ranks. But in this case, her current customer was of lower intelligence.
Therefore,she press my back softly once as she look at mirror.. she was distracted and reluctant. She then asked me to sit up and she sat on the chair and engage in chat..
She : how old are you?
me: 17 plus..
She paused for a while and stared at me.. then asked me " when your birthday?"
Me: " August 29''
She thought to herself, ''so his birthday was four days away from today.''
She : so , on August 29 ,you will be 18 year old."
me ,nodding my head..'' yeah..''
She gave unwilling smile as she was confused.. but she cannot help it as she stared at my cock..
Then she asked me " are you working or studying?"
My replies: I am studying at Zhao Tong Special school' ( I am thinking of Chao yang school for educationally subnormal.)
She paused and think hard.. then she asked me ''how much did your parents give you every month?"
Me: $2000 . Every december my father gave me more.
She was shocked and envious. ( her family was poor , and owed creditor a lot of money.. She was envious of my wealthy life..)
Then she smiled and said '' help yourself to snack and drink''
I eat and drink as she stared at me, thinking whether she should offer special..
Vanessa then blurt out something " you want special?"
Me ; huh? ( can feel erotic arousal as I need to cross my legs ) you mean facial? okay la..''
Vanessa looked at me ,slightly regretted mentioning the word ''special''
but she needed money to pay creditors who charged high interest rate..
She : I heard you got some money left in your wallet.. how much you have now? '
I stared at her with childish innocence and shutting my eyes , and using fingers to count. She was bemused yet regretful but she had no choice as she need money and she heard from receptionist I got fat wallet and even put $100 in tip box at receptionist counter..
Then I blurted out " $600"
She( after some thinking) : If i asked for $300, would you give me?''
I nodded readily.
She was left with decision whether she would tell him about what is the meaning of ''special''..She had to make decision fast as time running out ..(still got 1 hour 25 mins left..)
Continue later tomorrow .. Thanks for reading..
22-07-2012, 12:38 AM
Very unusual but good. Please carry on.
22-07-2012, 10:47 AM
THE most unusual story I've ever read. But like bro adzeman says, carry on with the story...
22-07-2012, 11:10 AM
Bizarre but interesting tale.
But would even be better if it's a normal underage teen boyboy (<16), very kinky, hahaha
22-07-2012, 11:54 AM
Vanessa then caressed my cock, and looked at me with uneasy feeling..
Vanessa: Alan, how are you feeling?
I looked at her, then cross legs, moving my muscle around my cock.
I: mum, i feel weird today..
Vanessa: oh? is it because of your kuku? very big and hard ,right?
I nodded my head like innocent child: yeah..
She dared not looked at me straight as she was feeling with guilt. Her mind was frought with conflict - whether it is right to have sex with this person who is of lower IQ and minor? should she offer HJ and take only $50? What happen if he tell his employee that she offer HJ to a client for $50? His employee would post FR on her.. Would she be a laughing stock in her spa?
Then she looked at me, I was still staring into space like a moron.
She then took a breadth and said ''Alan, look at me and I want to talk to you.."
I look at her innocently: yes, mum?
Vanessa: do you know what is sex? what did teacher teach you about sex?
Me: yeah, sex is...' man and woman take off clothes, make love to make babies'
Vanessa nodded and ask: do you want to experience what it is like?
Me (my heart felt victorious yet my facial expession look blur type): yes,
Vanessa (hesitant for a moment , thinking whether she should take $150 (standard) or $300 (sex including AJ), she felt that she wanted to see how I analed her ) : I can teach you. After you learnt , you will pay me $300. Deal?
I nodded... and she said '' let me go out first and then come back ,hor?"
I nodded..
After she went out , I felt victorious..She walked slowly to office, her conscience pricked on her mind'' how could you influence his feeble mind? he took you for his stepmum ,and you want have sex with this person?
She brushed aside her conscience and entered the office.
Christine: how?
Vanessa: I am taking condom.
Christine looked at her in disbelief: you want to have sex with him? have you consider carefully?
Vanessa stared at her for a moment, thinking whether Christine should know his age.. her mind wavered.. it is wrong to have sex with minor with low IQ.
Finally, she decided that she need $300 and chose not to disclose his age.
Vanessa: yes, I have thought carefully..
Christine then gave her condom.
Then she head back to the room , slowly as her mind wavering and two sides inside her arguing.
Vanessa entered the room and saw me sitting on the bed, leaning the mirror wall.
She dimmed the light abit and unbuttoned her pink qibao..
She was left with her blue bra and matching panties..
I said ," mum ! let me hug you..'
She walked towards me, and I hugged her...
my face burying on her C-cup breasts , covered by bra cups with flowery design.. She was aroused when I licked along cleaveage formed by her bra cups. She was surprised when I slide my hand inside her panties and rubba rubba.. this aroused her further..
She pinned me down on the bed and stared at me with horny look..( I was thinking of Sabrina, who look like Ouyang Peishan..)
She pushed her lips against mine.. and wriggled her tongue inside my mouth..
She finally engaged in tongue battle against mine..
She unhook her bra as she was in tongue battle..
Then she stopped, removed her bra from her arms and gave me catbath , her hand fondle my cock..
Then she stopped and slide down her panties and continued catbath .. till she moved southwards, licking my balls, kiss my cock.. and then lift my legs up to do AR. As she was drilling my arsehole, I stared at mirror, feeling so happy.. Then she bit my ball sensually before engulfing cock into her mouth and being BBBJing.. ( I stared at mirror watching her..and thought of Sabrina, MILF with nice figure. I was thinking it would be nice if Vanessa dressed like Sabrina...)
She stop blowing and took out condom and show me and asked whether I know about this thing.. I nodded, saying my employee got a few and teach me what this for.
Then she smiled and tear off the cover and capped my cock . She climb on top of me, and began to let my cock penetrate her vagina. and she cowgal (her expression full of pain..)
Then her conscience pricked her again.. (her mind was asking whether it is right to have sex with low IQ minor..) Two minds battled and she cannot focus on cowgal vigorously. Instead her motion was slow and I can see that she was frought with guilt..
(I have experienced this with pretty HC gal from Malaysia recently in 'beauty boutique'. her face was full of guilt and unease.. Refer to my thread in HC subforum)
Finally, she decide that I do missionary as she cannot focus on cowgal.
We switch position and I 'bonk bonk bonk' her and squeeze her breast.
She moan with a mixed feelings ( she was feeling aroused and pleasure as well as guilty that she was having sex with disabled minor who took her for stepmum..)
Then she decide after few missionary steps that she wished to be bonked thru the back..
She get up and turn her body till her ass face me.. she guide my cock inside her anus and told me to begin..
I banged her few times, she was not looking upwards, her face was downwards as she was feeling of guilt.. and ashamed ..
I cupped her breasts and squeezed both as I bonked till I released.
She then smiled as it was finally over..
She removed cd and tied it and show me cd.. saying this liquid inside was for making babies.
I nodded with understanding. She smiled and we bathed together ( assume that VIP room shower room was big enough to take two persons)
Then she dried my body...and I said" mum, can I see you next time?"
She hestitant for a moment and took a deep breadth.. Then she smiled' yes, you can .. Just book me.''
Me: okay.. can I bring you clothes so that you look like my mummy and we do this sex...'
She was shocked and finally said " yes, are your mummy and I same size?''
Me : yes, she is 1.7 m tall, slim and 34 C breasts..''
She look at me with disbelief: mentally retarded know about these?
Finally she smiled and said : okay.. but you have to pay me more..''
I : okay..
We left the room together and I entered the lock room, and get changed and took out $300 and gave her. She smiled and said '' thank you, sir. Pls come again..''
Uncle butler look at me with bemusement.
I left the spa and took train to Vivocity..
Will write again when I got new aspiration , preferably in alternate situation about me as a deaf or mentally disabled teen and real life HC gals of the past.
22-07-2012, 12:00 PM
Thanks bros for compliment..
I had done it with HC gals this year ,as a mental handicapped teen.
I loved the feeling of uneasiness, reluctance in the mind of HC gals, especially older ones.
I dont look like 15 year old , but late 18 to early 20.. althought I am in my late 30s. I can pretended to be of low intellect , mental age ( early teens.)
I get a kick when gal was reluctant and her mind was in conflict whether she wanted to offer special..
22-07-2012, 09:57 PM
Part 2: '18 year old spastic child' at Bugis Facial Therapy Centre.
One morning at 10.50 am, I went to Bugis Facial Therapy.. walking clumsily as I entered the door. Elieen , the receptionist greet me and then asked me " may I help you?"
I (with slurred speech ,face distorted) : I want facial and massage..
Elieen: huh? say again?"
I (slowly ) :I need facial and massage (slow motion.)
Elieen: no massage. only facial and beauty therapy.. (she had to lie )
I : okay... I need to book Ice..
Elieen: you are first time here? how you know about Ice?
I: my neighbour is a regular here.. he said Ice look like my sister.
Elieen (bemused): so you want to come here and get facial?
Me: hmmm
Elieen was feeling reluctant to make arrangement as she knew this place not or mentally handicapped like me.
At this point , James (boss of Bugis Facial) appeared ..
Elieen told him about me.
James look at me in bemused manner, saying'' so , you want to book Ice? how old are you?'
I told him I am 18.
James : got money to pay ? $36 per 45 minutes.
I took out 3 wad of $50 from front pocket and give him one note.
He said "ok.. Ice will come at 1 pm.Is that okay with you?"
Me: yes.
He processed my money and give me change.
I went to the locker room , and changed into short after bathing for 10 mins.
James and Elieen was bemused when they saw me in TV room..
Elieen told James that he should not be allowed in as he was mentally disabled.
(Ice was one of horny D-cupper angpai in Bugis HC during mid 2000s.)
Ice arrived at Bugis Facial at 12.35 pm.. Elieen used the opportunity to warn her about me. saying I am mentally siao who took her for sister. Ice was bemused when she heard that.
Ice then observe me watching TV from the corner.. I was fair skinned and boyish looking.....
Then at 12.55 pm , James came to me, telling me to go to room 12.
Ice came in as I bathed... open the bathroom door and I had to cover my cock and said Hey??
Then I said " Da Jie.. what are you doing ?"
Ice was bemused by my action- then asked me "Coffee or tea, sir?"
I said coffee.
She closed the door and went out,giggling.. James look at her like that. and asked her whether I should be asked to leave. She said "no need.. I have to serve him since he asked for me"
James: be careful hor?
Ice nodded and poured a cup of coffee and bring to room 12.
I come out of bathroom and dried my body and wear short and lied on facial bed..
Ice entered the room with cup of coffee. I said,''thank , Da jie"
I had purposely showed that I have difficulty holding a cup as I am spastic..
Ice then decide to help me, sat beside me and assist me in drinking cup.
She then looked at me pitifully and wondered whether she want to offer special to this man-child.
(continued later tomorrow....I gonna bath and sleep...)
22-07-2012, 10:58 PM
Bro Ang076, nice story and some thing new to most of the readers in this thread. Keep it coming, camp here for more update.
22-07-2012, 11:26 PM
Marvellous. Thanks for sharing.
24-07-2012, 12:04 AM
Ice then decided that it was time for massage and put away the cup..
She then proceeded to put down my short...I purposely hold on to my short and said" hey! hey!...''
She explained that it was a part of procedure. I told her ''facial got put down pants mah?"
She rolled her eyes and proceed to put down my shorts..I resisted weakly...
As cerebral palsy sufferer got weak hand muscle, she can push my hand away with force..I simply jerked my hands away as an act.
She finally removed my shorts and my hardened cock was exposed.. This aroused her but she was trying her best not to get excited as she struggled very hard not to think of sucking my cock..
She asked me to turn to my back..I resisted weakly and my facial expression was full of defiance..eventually, my back was turned and she sat on my buttock and massage my back weakly as she stared into space..She wondering what should she do in 10 mins time? ( her massage skill was lousy and she dont do facial .she know how to fxck for cash..)
Slowly temptation overcame her as she found my skin was fair and youthful..
She got off my body and staring at my buttock..
She massage my buttock slowly and open my buttock just to see whether it is clean...( I had washed my arsehole as I know she provided AR,BBBJ..)
Then she spread my legs wide and her fingers was in contact with my balls..
Later, she help me turn my body around ... and stared at my cock..
and she looked at me...
Ice: ni yao bu yao special?
Me: facial ha? okay.
Ice shook her heads, saying bu shi facial ..
Me, scratching my head like idiot, she wavered in her thought.. she was in conflict whether she wanted to explain ..
Should she forgot about this and go off ? James would understand.. but she want $$$ to pay off monthly instalment for condo and expensive new car which she bought in Singapore.. She was in competition with other ang pai ,like Eva, May , Vivian for $$$ from special services. Besides, this retarded boy got numerous $50 notes in wallet.
Will Ice give in and explain to me what is special? time is running out fast.. 38 mins left..
24-07-2012, 11:34 PM
Ice then sat on chair and ask about my cock..
Ice: did you notice that your kuku so big now?
Me: yeah .. (my legs crossed as I cannot tahan her face and boobs..)
Ice: do you know what is sex?
Me: hmmm.... it mean I boy , you girl..
Ice (giggles): no, it also got another you want to experience?
Me: ok..
Ice: how much you have in your wallet?
Me: hmmm.. (finger counting). $350
Ice: where is your wallet?
Me: outside. in locker.
Ice: bring your wallet and show me..
I got off the facial bed and reach for short.. but Ice was quicker , she snatch away the short and took short towel and wrap it around my waist..
So that my pointed cock can be shown..She open the door and let me go out ..I walked towards the locker room... Saw May, she was in blue sleeveless dress with bra straps exposed. She made eyes at my cock..I cannot tahan..I hold on to towel to prevent it from falling..
I reach the locker room,and took cartoon wallet and locked the locker door and walked back... Saw Vivian , she was fair and cute , she also look at my cock..
Reach the room,and show my wallet to Ice.. She giggled at my cartoon wallet.
I stood in front of her who was sitting arrogantly. I then proceed to sit on facial bed. To this, Ice said " who give permission to sit? you stand .
She commanded me to give her the towel which had been on my waist.
She counted $50 notes which she took from my wallet..
She said 'I took $150 , can or not?'
I : no , this is my school fees and my allowance for meal...'
Ice: pls... I will take off my clothing for you to see and touch..
I( upon hearing that , I get aroused and my cock was lengthen further..):
I stomp my feet like small boy, which caused my cock to sway.. This make Ice horny..She grabbed my cock ,saying '' your kuku sway too much.. behave yourself..""
Ice: look at your kuku.. so hard.. how are you going to make it smaller so that you can wear your pants?
Me: I want to go back..
She: you cannot go back with your hardened and long kuku. Think: it take long time for your kuku to go back to normal.. stay here longer and you have to pay towkay $400. So, what is your choice? "
Me: okay, I give you $150..
Ice: good boy.(patting my head,,) let me go out first and come back later ok?
She close the door and walk to counter where James is sitting.. Ice gave $50 to James ( it is extension fee to extra 40 mins) and ask for condom.
James look at her bemused: you want to have sex with this retarded boy?
Ice: hmm... he is cute..
James : okay and he gave her condom..
Ice then walked back to room ,slowly as she was confronted with mental conflict '' is it right to seduce retarded boy?'
Continued later: sex action where she and I bonking..
24-07-2012, 11:58 PM
rather weird kind of sex
the retarded didn't seem to be one, became normal when comes to sex:)
25-07-2012, 11:29 PM
Ice entered the room and saw me sitting on the bed naked..
She took off her pink uniform and her strapless skin tone bra and panties was exposed. I get aroused at the sight of her breasts..
She then stripped everything off and walked towards me.
Me: jie jie, ni de xiong bu hao da..
She simply smiled and ask me to lie down on my back facing her..
She rub my back with her breasts and then go south to rub my buttock with her breasts..
Then she assisted in moving my legs to doggie all four position and pushed her tongue into my arsehole and do AR... and her hand caress my balls, and my cock...
I was feeling pleasure as I guessed she did AR with reluctance and her caressing was soft...Then she asked me to lie down front and she catbath me..
As she catbathing me, she caress my cock slowly and sensually..
Then she licked my balls.. and began to BBBJ me..
Then she capped my cd, and gave me slow cowgal, and did it with reluctance.
Her breasts swaying..
Then she asked me to fxck her in missionary.. I had to act spastic and said I dun know..Should she gave me HJ instead?
She decided to cowgal me with more force..
She shut her eyes as she moaning as she rock me with more force ... she was overcame with guilt as she was raping disabled youth.
I was like...feeling with pleasure till I cummed..
Then she stop and stared at my cock and said '' your cock became small..
I then bathed together with Ice and dried ourselves..
and she bid me goodbye and said take care..
( next scenario: small japanese restaurant and secretive unit..)
25-07-2012, 11:36 PM
Japanese restaurant? I love sashimi!:)
26-07-2012, 02:52 AM
Very hentai ne... :D
26-07-2012, 11:21 PM
Imagine this: SBF got a secret section of exotic lobang which can be accessible by secret bros who posted FRs and scored a lot of points,
I read the FRs on exclusive Japanese restaurant which served normal patron food and beverage and gals all not wearing panties under their kimono uniform. (not everyone know this , but only a handful of regulars know..) They are PRCs and Malaysian Chineses who can speak Japanese.
Manager is from Japan and he is one of Yazukas. and his assistant manager is a Japanese KTV lounge mamasan. I PMed one senior bro who is the regular there. and he gave me details ,contacts of manger and asst manager- and the list of gals , photos , their vital satistics.. I scanned thru the photos and
saw one gal who caught my eyes. (She is codenamed Kaomi Sayzuwa- 28 year old, 34 C breasts, long straight hair and foxy eyes, 1.66m tall..)
I then contacted assistant manager- Yuki.
Later, Yuki responded..
Me: Yuki?
Yuki: thats me.. what can I do for you?
Me: I got your contact thru Seima. I am making a booking on behalf of Mr Alan Poon, a company director. He wanted to book a room, and server he wants is Kaomi Sayzuwa. Tomorrow, 4 pm...
Yuki: right away..
Next day, at 3.30 pm, I arrived at that restaurant, dressing like a teenager with slight hearing disabilities and with mild cerebral palsy but IQ average..
Yuki looking at me, assumes that I am walk-in patron who wanted normal Japanese fare. She said to me..'' come in.'' as she walk to the main restaurant entrance.
I stopped.. and said'' yuki, not this''
Yuki was surprised that I know her name.. I dont look hard at her name tag.
This cannot be.
She walked to me..'' may I help you?"
I showed her msg from smartphone " I am alan poon, I am going to try menu G.'' (Menu G - Menu Geisha)
She was shunned that I turned out to be boyish looking and disabled.. How can the company director be so young and disabled?"
She was at a loss .. what to do?
She decided to call her boss, Mayizaka.. Mayizaka came down and greet me.
3 of us entered the office and manager wrote to me..
Mayizaka: how old are you?
Me: 19 year old.
Mayizaka: who make booking for you?
Me: my personal assistant from my company..
Mayizaka( looking disbelief): your company..
Me: my company belonged to my daddy who is Chairman and my siblings are directors..
Mayizaka: oh? you know the booking fees?
Me: yes. $500.
Mayizaka : show me $500.
I took out numerous notes from my pocket and counted.. and give him 10 $50 notes and keep $400 into my pocket.
Mayizaka : you want Kaomi to serve you?
Me: hmmm..
he then signalled to Yumi..and she guide me to another unit behind the restaurant which is not frequently passed by members of public.
I entered the room.. which is like Japanese room and she offered me a food and beverage menu..
I picked Sashimi Moraiwase and Tempura Ebi,and one small bottle of sake.
In the meantime, Mayizaka spoke to Kaomi.. She was shocked that she was to serve disabled youth in a special room. She said Mayizaka insisted and that is final.. (as a matter of principle, those know the secrets of this restaurant must be served in special way, that is special services , regardless of dsabled or normal, young or old. )
26-07-2012, 11:38 PM
Very unique. Thanks for sharing.
27-07-2012, 06:52 AM
I looked around the room while waiting for meal to be served..
Kaomi look very reluctant as her thought went wild. She did not even hear the cook calling her.
The cook then nudge her arm... she then said sorry..sorry..
and bring the tray to my room..
She knocked on the door and opened and greeted me very unwilling as I was disabled and young.
She was supposed to sit in front of me , as she did to other clients. She wont. She stood at the corner, staring at me. I drink sake a bit and ate one piece of sashimi, after dipping into soya sauce with wasabi. She was wondering whether she wanted to give special? She knew from Mayizaka that I got $400 remaining cash. he expect $50 tip (out of $250 sexual service) taken from every gal who served in that room. (this disabled guy knew the secret of this place and expect sexual service )
After I finished the meal, and drink one small glass , I saw her staring into space.
I said with slurred speech, my mouth twisted,'' kaomi...kaomi..''
She responded and said sorry , sorry..
Kaomi, with full of reluctance:ahemm, you want massage?
I ( expecting that ) : ok..
Kaomi : pls take off your clothings..
I took off my top with clusmiliness..
She was wondering whether he should took off his pants off..
Finally, she said : pls take off your pants and underwear..
(continue later tonight. this weekend , there will be new fantasy tale about lingerie chain in which pretty salesgirls double as escorts serving clients in hotels...)
29-07-2012, 09:14 AM
I look around for the chair but no high leg chair , just a small stool..
I lean against the wooden wall for support as I removed my pants ,much to her amusement.
She opened the door , and there it was, the bathtube.. She prepare the bath and then went to the cabinet, preparing towel and soapy powder..
I went to her back, hugging her and squeezing her breasts.
She saw my facial expression thru the mirror, I dont look like spastic but lustful man. My hand move southwards and caress her lower parts..
I: I know you dont wear panties, right?
She: let me undress myself and let you see.
She undress slowly amid her reluctance to serve spastic teenager.. but her another side of mind state that she should serve him professionally as she did to other clients.
Then she was in her bra ,and her pubic hair was slightly trimmed.
I then walked towards her , hugged her and kiss her lips.. she turned her face away as she dun like to french spastic kid.. I turned her face towards me, she stared at my horny eyes.. (she french everyone who seek her service, but she felt strange about frenching spastic kid.)
I pushed my lips against her ( she shutting her eyes) and my tongue wiggle around the front of her lips and she had this feeling that I had frenched women before.. judging from the way I licked her mouth..
Eventually, she open her mouth and allow my tongue to push inside her mouth and wriggling with her tongue. slowly, her tongue moved together with mine.
After frenching, she eventually eyed me hornily.. and turn around , gesturing me to unhook her bra..
I hugged her and squeezing her breasts from behind.. she moaning..
Then she stopped me, gesturing me to unhook her bra..
I unhook her bra without any struggle (she suspected I got sexual experience..)
Then bathtube was ready and I entered the bathtube and she also..
Intense hand action by her aroused me as she sensually massage my back and even finger my asshole. I was like ahhh..
After that , we french once more.. and we get up and step out of the bath tube.. she brought out air mattress and then dried my body.. and ask me to lie down and apply lotion on my body .and use her breast to rub lotion and then she opened my buttock and fingering my asshole.. and wiped my ass with tissue and open my asshole to do AR..
Then she ask me to turn around and rub my body with her breasts and then wipe my cock clean and do BBBJ..
After BBBJ, she looked at me and took out condom and place it over my cock and let young cock enter her womanly pussy..
Then she cowgal and hugged me... moaning closely to my ear..
I cummed and she clean me and walked to the bathtube and gestured that I got up and come with her , showering me , then shower herself..
Then I dressed up and paid her ..
She bowed and thanked me..
She opened the door and see me out, Mayizaka appeared , thanking me for patronage. He said "Next time, you try two ladies .Ok?''
Wow! got shuangfei
I thanked him and told him I would visit again.
29-07-2012, 10:07 AM
Browse thru SBF special section for 'decent place with secrets' pertaining to sexual services. Came across one thread about lingerie sale girls of well known lingerie chain, Le Romance who doubled as high end escorts at night, providing sexual service to male clients. I decided to PM the threadstarter.
At night, finally received PM. This threadstarter told me that he liked my FRs at 'decent place with secrets'' and he felt safe sharing more info. He reveal that he was the manager of Le Romance. and show me the photos of La Romance Angels , ages, name, vital statistics, and which branch they worked.
I decide on one gal named Sherry, she look like Eelyn Kok. (without telling the threadstarter..
(It is partly based on my experience at La Senza, Vivocity where I was attended to by that Eelyn Kok lookalike. )
and I took half day off next day (weekday) and went to Vital Megamall for meal and window shopping till 3pm. It was then there are no customers..
I entered the la Romance boutique ,walking like mentally dull, and my facial expression was that of spastic kid.
Sherry looked at me, and I looked at her with spastic expression..
She was disgusted and bemused that this kind of person can come here.
As I stood near the counter where she stood to stare at bras and panties ...
Then looked at her and smile like retarded. She was disgusted..
Then I walked into inner area to see more.. I can see from the side that she was following at the distance, with arms folded..
My hands then touch one bra and examined the back , then tag..
She sprung into action..
She (eyes angry and stern..arms folded): What are you doing,boy? dont touch , and go out..
I stood , staring at her foolishly.
She then said: If you dont leave, I will call police.''
She folded her arms with arrogance ,said firmly :you never hear what I said? Leave now.. If I count to three, I will call police.'
At this point, I decided to leave..
At night , I PMed threadstarter saying I wll take Sherry, 9 pm ,Saturday.
Threadstarter replied: '' right away.. I will let Sherry know..
(Continued later...)
29-07-2012, 10:05 PM
When I am in office, I received SMS saying, "Sherry will agreed to meet you at hotel 21 near XXXXX..'
I smiled , and wondered how she reacted when she meet me in hotel..
I replied to him " I will give her $400, you took half..will you act according to my wish? will tell you tonight."
( La Romance gal= $250 per hour and this manager took $50. he is happy to be given $200 for his service.)
He: ok.. thank you very much.
At night, I send him PM saying I wanted Sherry to wear product number( set XxxXX-xxx. ) (he will know this is a code for black La Romance Luxe padded lacy bra with golden leaves on cups, plus see thru g-string.
and dressed in black dress, and lipstick must be cherry red. ( a trademark colour for La Senza gals in black dress in real life)
I copied and paste one FR which she did to one client who is big buyer for La Romance bras and panties, modelling in lingerie for him . intense frenching, kneeling BBBJ , AR, and doggie..
and send it to him
Moment later , I received PM saying " your wish will be fulfiled and I will notify her of your desire.''
I started smiling at the thought of her getting shocked ...heeheheee
Continued later
(after this lingerie salesgirls, I would post stories about Internet cafe with hidden centre where bros surfing porn with its staffs serving them sexually..
(based on one Internet cafe cum massage centre in Gelyang which was closed few years ago..)
03-08-2012, 10:08 PM
Sherry was notified of my requests by the manager, she agreed to meet me without knowing who I really was. She took the lingerie set to the staff room and put those on before putiing on her own attire. Then she headed to Ladies where she put on make-up, including La Romance trademark red lipstick.
She took MRT to Chinatown where the hotel was.
Upon reaching the hotel room, she pressed door bell, I opened the door and she stared at me unbeliveably..
She was hesitant about entering the room.I smiled at her like a spastic teens.
She entered the room slowly and reluctantly.
She looked at my naked body and was startled.
(my body look like I was in my late teens. and she stared at my cock, very boyish and soft. In fact, I went to Petain Road this early afternoon for 15 mins FJ before coming here..)
Instead of stripping , she look very reluctant and sat on bed, asking me about my age, and whether I was working. What do I work as?
My replies: 19 year old
I working in Bizlink Centre.
She asked me what do I do there. and how much do they pay me?
''I only do production and I earn $350.'
She look at me like that. So low?
Then she asked about my family and my home.
I replied I stay in 2 storey bungalow at East Coast Road. my father was a managing director and my mother was a non-executive director.
Her eyes then lid and say" so your family got money..''
How much they give me.
(My replies: i get $2000 from my father and my mother gave me $1000.)
She: how do you go to bizlink?
Me: my father employee drive me to work and take me home..
She: what is your purpose in visiting my workshop that day? to buy lingerie?
Me: look for you.
She : me? your friend is my boss?
Me: yeah. I got to know him online and he recommend you to me.
She: is it true you wanted to pay $400?
Me: yes.
She: can you show me your money?
Me: okay..I took out my wallet ( classy one from well known brand - I bought last year with my bonus.)
and produced ten $50 note and count..
She was eyeing my money greedily.
I passed her $400 and ask her ''you want extra $50?
She said ''hmm..''
Me : show me what you have got.
Continue later.. my cock hardened now..Better started planning which places to go tomorrow..
03-08-2012, 11:48 PM
very funny,your cock get harden by what you wrote:)
04-08-2012, 06:41 AM
Extraordinary. Thanks for sharing.
05-08-2012, 10:05 AM
She stood up and undressed ..
Revealing La Romance lux black bra and panties, and catwalk.
I then stood in front of mirror and gestured for her to come to me.
I then position her in front of mirror and caressed her breasts ,licking her bra cups. Her expression show reluctance and disgusted as she was being licked and groped by intellectual disabled teen who dont know how to work and earn money to support himself and dependant on rich parents.
She shutted her eyes as her breast was being squeezed continuous by teenage hands. Then I slide my hand into her panties and rubba rubba...
I whisper to her , ''you looked like my auntie, Eelyn Kok..''
She opened her eyes and turned to look at me..
"Eelyn is your aunt?"
She dont know whether to feel flattered or disgusted..
I put my face closer to her, she turned her face away..
I then told her'' kiss me, I have to write letter to your boss and pay $400.''
Then she turned her face and allowed her mouth to be licked and penetrated by my tongue.
After intense frenching, she signalled that it was time to bath.
And she unhooked her lingerie and took me to bathroom.
And soapy me..
I then turn to my back and bend over..she was wondering whether she want to clean my ass for AR..
Eventually she do it as she is aware that I could feedback to her boss.
After that , she kneel before me to give BBBJ..
Then she led me out and bath herself.
She was feeling disgusted and reluctant that she had to serve retarded teen who apparently did all these to women.
When she came out, she saw me sitting on bed, staring at mirror..
I then look at her, saying " auntie, here is my present''
She unwrapped and took out Aubade Le de Pomerre bra and g-string. She examined.. and remarked this is very expensive.. . then she looked at me.
and inquired she had to wear. I nodded my head and motioned her to stand in front of mirror.. She understood and wore g-string and adjust the straps and wear it and hooked it .I stood behind her and watched . she made an attempt not to look at my face as she adjusted the cups and the bra for proper and comfortable fit.
I hugged her and said: "auntie, this look nice on you..''
She smiled unwilling and said thks.
Then she made me sat on bed facing the mirror and kneeling and gave me catbath.. I was aroused and smiled like horny as I looked at mirror.
She then gave me BBBJed...
After BBBJing, she motioned me to lie down and spread my legs up and gave me AR..
After AR, she stood in front of me and asking whether she should take off bra ..I shook my head, and she pointed to g-string I nodded.
She took off g-string and look at me with guilt and unwillingness.
She gave me BBBJ and put on cd and gave me slow and weak cowgal. because she was not willing to do this with net savy retarded youth who took her for his famous auntie.
She initiated that we changed position..
I bonked her in missionary.. she was surprised that I could bonk like experienced cheongster..
Then she moaned in pleaure with eyes shutted. She tried her best not to think but just enjoyed the pleasure of being bonked by rich who gave her money.
After some time, I stopped,saying I cummed..
She then pulled me towards her and hugged me..
I withdraw my cock and lowered myself till my face on her breasts and I burying my face on breasts and licking the bra cup..
Then we went to bath room and bathed
after dressing up, I gave her $50 and a gift from Aubade.
She then gave me application form. ( La Romance Prestige VIP membership)
asking me to fill up and passed to her.
I told her I will fill up and passed to your boss via mail..
(If I filled up, she would know my actual age )
(next segment: cybercafe with secret door leading to sex club where you can get sex from gal as you surfed and watch porn..)
09-08-2012, 10:40 PM
Was browsing secret section of SBF when I came across Sweet Angel Cybercafe (based on cybercafe with massage facilities located in GL few years ago.) read the FRs and PMed the TS for location and contact number.
One day later, received PM, from TS saying he is the owner of this joint. He asked for my email address and phone number so that he can send exclusive website to me.
The website detailed gals info, facilities and services, same as KTV joints.
VIP room can take 3 people with wine and beers, with computer, and chairman chair, gals can dress whatever customer wishes. and comfortable twin bed. ($500 fee per 2 hour plus 100 per gal)
(located in 3rd floor)
Prestige room got beer and computer, and got executive chair , and for two persons , single bed. $200 fee per 2 hour plus 100 for gal.
(located in 2nd floor)
standard room got soft drink and computer , got one school chair plus one mattress on floor , $150 fee per 2 hour plus 100 for gal.
(located in 2nd floor)
at first floor, there is customer service, young PRC who can speak English and one local guy who is a lookout for AV. In office , there is the manager.
There is also row of table and computer and drink dispenser for soft drink..
No cubicle. thus cannot watch porn , can only surf Net and type email..
I Smsed the manager that I will take VIP room and picked two gals ,Coco and Fann who are bisexual. I told him I prefer them dressed like lawyers , one gal wear black bra/g-string underneath their clothes and other wear white set.
Coco, 29 look abit like Hui Ying Hong, 34B-26-33, 1.67 m tall
Fann , 27 ,Shanghainese look, 32C-25-32, 1.63 m tall
Moments later, Manager agreed to make arrangement..
(Continued later.. got to sleep)
12-08-2012, 03:04 PM
I visited the cybercafe, saw the lady counter..
She:may I help you, sir?
Me(speaking with my mouth twisted): I had booked VIP room at 3rd storey.
She looked at me with disbelief (how can he be so young and look like that):
you want 1 hour ? $4 pls.
I shook my head : I had booked VIP from 4 to 6 pm..
A lookout arrived to the wat the commotion about. A counter gal whispered to him that he is mentally retarded , we cannot admit him.
Lookout: boy, you want to play games for 1 hour - $4 hour and $2 per extra hour.?
Me: no... i had booked VIP room..
Lookout : come in and see... all PCs on common tables. where got VIP room?
If you dont want to play games, pls go out... we are running biz.
I then type msg to towkay of this cybercafe: hi, I am here. your staff dont allow me in..
Moments later, towkay came out and greeted me and invited me to his office.
At the office, I became normal self.
Towkay: so you like to act like mentally retarded to go to HCs?
Me: yes , it is fun to test the gals whether they are willing to have sex with me..
Towkay: oh.. $500 pls..
I gave him $500 and we went out... counter gal and onlooker looked at me in amusement.. I walked like spastic guy..
Upon reaching the door, towkay used phone to call Coco and Fann to receive me.The door opened and two gals dressed like lawyers ,accompanied me by holding my hands as I walked up..
Towkay rushed back to his office to view cam and listen..
in the VIP room, Fann turned on PC for me and Coco present me menu for drink and snack....
I order Chervon 1989 red wine and beef steak stick..
Fann : may i take off your clothes?
Me: okay..
She stripped me naked and help me sit on chair..
(continued later.. cinema show starting soon..)
(next segment will be rogue branch of decent and clean foot and reflexology centre with a secret)..
19-08-2012, 10:25 PM
I then typed porn website to watch together with Fann.
Fann teased me as I watched lesbian secretary vs her female superior.
Coco entered the room with a bottle of wine , 3 glasses, and beef steak sticks. Coco opened the bottle of wine and poured wine on 3 glasses.
And served me a glass and feed me with beef steak cube.
We watch the scene on video together.
Fann spread my legs and caress my cock as I watched the video.
I cannot concentrate on watching video, thus, close browser and Coco smiled and drank wine and then direct my mouth to hers.. and she transfer wine to my mouth..I was like ..yuck..But I drank it anyway..
Fann then place my legs on arm of the chair, and BBBJed me..
Coco then lick my nipple. Fann and coco stood up and undressed ..
I was like...ohhhhh... so good..
Coco then lick my balls and then BBBJ me.
Fann frenching me with her wine in her mouth...
Then they help me to bed where one gal BBBJing me and other licking my nipples.
Coco and Fann asked me which lady I wanna bonked first..
I picked Coco because she look like Hui Ying Hong.
Coco then took off her panties, Fann put condom on my cock and guide my cock to penetrate her (coco) pussy and she bonked me in cowgal..Fann sat behind her on my legs and cupped Coco breasts and move her body vigously.. Coco moaned loudly in pain..
Then I cummed..
We rest for a while ,as Coco and Fann whisper sweet nothing like a pair of lesbian lovers.
Then both of them lied side by side on my body..
And caress my cock..
Coco BBBJing me again and Fann just watched.
Coco then direct me to bonk Fann missionary..I begged her saying I never do this. Coco then asked me ''you dont know how to ? did you watch movies showing you how to do."
Me: I cannot do because I am spastic.
Both ladies laughed.
Fann : let Coco guide you.
Fann then lied down with her legs spread ..
Coco then direct my body and assist in penetration of Fann pussy.
I was sandwiched ...Coco moved her body againist mine and this cause Fann to moan in pain because of combined weight of Coco and mine on her body.
I kept saying...enough ...enough..
but Coco moving vigously..
I came second time.
Fann was breathing heavily.
Coco and Fann then took me to wash up and help me dress up.. I paid them and walked downstairs to the door , escorted by two gals.
19-08-2012, 10:52 PM
Browsed SBF secret section again.
Saw the thread about rogue branch in the decent chain of spas -'Huang Chao' Wellness Spa group which overseas the spas , Tang , Ming , Song, Qing.
one branch manager named Stephen of 'Qing Chao' had set up its own joint at the 2nd floor , where gals dressed up in Qing Dynasty lmperial ladies costumes. 1st floor is for normal spa operations where gals dress in decent uniform. If she was chosen to serve at 2nd floor, she has to change uniform .Thats why advance booking is necessary.
I decided to PM Stephen .
One morning, Stephen replies after going thru my postings and profiles.
He explained the details like rooms , ladies ,costumes and rates.
Emperor room- you get to wear yellow robe and lady or ladies you chose had to address you as Your Majesty. Price - $500 plus maximum of 4 ladies
Prince room- you wear black robe with dragon designs and you are called Your Highness. $300 plus maximum of 3 ladies.
Duke- you wear black robe with tiger designes and you are called Your lordship. $200 plus 2 ladies.
Then he showed me the photos and vital statistics of the ladies.
I decide on 3 of them ..One look like Idy Chan. and two of them look pretty.
I decide Idy Chan lookalike be Empress, and other two be Imperial consorts.
Let me think... should I play young Emperor with intellectual disabilities (Empress will be regent but Imperial cocubines very resentful) or Emperor who look normal and can think like normal person but cannot talk , therefore be dependent on Empress and resentful Imperial cocubines must take Emperor away from Empress?
It was hard decision to make..
02-09-2012, 09:32 AM
Finally, decision was made and I PMed Stephen that I take Emperor room and told him of the fantasy situation where Empress be licked by two consorts and mentally retarded Emperor do empress in missionary, and ask for bank account number so that I can pay $100 in advance.
Few hours later, I received PM saying that he accept and made preparation for me. I told him to tell the gals that 19 year old intellectually disabled teen is their Emperor.
( I love the feelings of reluctance and unease the gals had when attending to me..)
Stephen later told the gals that intellectual disabled teen from rich family will be Emperor, they must serve him well.
One of them voiced against it saying she refused to attend to such people.
Stephen reminded her that decision made by him is final and if she refused to obey, she be sent back . but she cannot go back to her homeland as she need money, derived from sexual services and $800 monthly salary paid by the Huang Chao Group, deductible by CPF
Next day, I arrived at the Qing and Stephen play along and personally led me to the Emperor room at 2nd storey.
I pay him $540 in cash. and he smiled and thank me. I sat on the dining chair, while waiting for Empress and consorts to come.
Knock knock, 3 ladies arrived, dressed in Qing costumes, greeting me, kneeled slightly in standing position, hands clasped to the side
Huang Shang , ni hao. (greetings, your majesty)
Empress Idy then proceed to strip me of modern clothings and took me to bath tube where I lied and scrubbed by two consorts, while Empress asked me whether I need refreshment and snack.
As Empress left to take snack and refreshment ,two consorts look so uneasy, but caress my cock under water.
Empress arrived with a tray and said "Huang Shang, chi fan le."
Two consorts helped me up, and Empress look at me cock hornily.. (it was hardened and look boyish.) but she later turn away as she was reluctant to offer sex to lower intellect boy.
Two consorts after drying me , helping me put on yellow dragon robe and a cap.
They led me to dining table, where gals sat with me and chat with me.
Consort 1( in Chinese) : your majesty, where you work?
Me: at the Wacoal factory , packing products.
Consort 2: Wacoal? it is lingerie company? how much is your pay?
me: yeah. $500
3 gals looked at each other, with disgust.
Empress: how you come to know about this place?
Me: my personal chaffeur told me about this place.
Empress: you have a driver?
Me: my driver work for my father
Empress: what is your father working as?
Me: he is a chairman of the company.
Consort 1: did your father give you allowance? how much?
Me: yes, $2000. at the end of the year , I get more.
Empress: your majesty , how much money you have now?
Me: $600
Continue later.... Next session will be normal HC with oldie gal of the past I know but will act like intellectually disabled boy.
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