View Full Version : Ever heard moaning sound when walk past corridor?

21-07-2012, 10:10 PM
Sometimes back when I stay in amk,I stay at corner flat, everytime when I go back home I will pass by my neighbour house there is a chio bu stay there. There's one night when I walk pass her house after my midnight movie, I heard a loud moaning sound came out from her room which is near the corridor.. I immediate stop my journey at listen to it. My didi cannot tahan and automatic marikita. what a wonderful experience..

22-07-2012, 09:45 AM
haha pm me which location she stay la, enjoy the sound tgt. LOL!

22-07-2012, 11:07 AM
Hear that very often, fm nx door neighbors n downstairs neighbor too

22-07-2012, 11:52 AM
never hear before, my house no corridor wan :p

22-07-2012, 12:15 PM
could it b on the seventh lunar month......& we oso drink too much? :D :D

22-07-2012, 12:40 PM
go those h81 or fragrance hotel, walk along corridor sure hear one....sometimes even when in the room due to poor sound proofing....and those prc ladies can really moan damn damn loud...

22-07-2012, 12:49 PM
Especially in apt blks where its quiet. I once was walking home after alighting the bus, while walking through a block of apts where it's really quiet, heard a woman screaming, not the violent type but the sexual type, was giggling all the way home.

22-07-2012, 01:36 PM
Had Booked Hotel 81 last time.. while walking to the room heard a loud Moaning and continuously banging of the bed to the wall.... sometimes its too loud as a moan.... i wonder if the woman is enjoying shouting or moaning... :p

22-07-2012, 04:10 PM
Sometimes back when I stay in amk,I stay at corner flat, everytime when I go back home I will pass by my neighbour house there is a chio bu stay there. There's one night when I walk pass her house after my midnight movie, I heard a loud moaning sound came out from her room which is near the corridor.. I immediate stop my journey at listen to it. My didi cannot tahan and automatic marikita. what a wonderful experience..

Perhaps she was in the toilet shitting...that explains the moaning sound...;)

22-07-2012, 05:57 PM
sometimes its too loud as a moan.... i wonder if the woman is enjoying shouting or moaning... :p

She is acting so as to get more tips:D

22-07-2012, 06:08 PM
moan too loud = sore throat, still must buy strepsil later.

Rasta Marley
22-07-2012, 10:43 PM
You get lots of variety of moaning when you book a room in 81 and walk along the corridor to your assigned room. Amazing dolby surround sound which vary from the sensuously soft moans and soft whimper to the very loud moan and even screams of delight. LOL

22-07-2012, 11:26 PM
There's one night when I walk pass her house after my midnight movie, I heard a loud moaning sound came out from her room which is near the corridor.. I immediate stop my journey at listen to it. ..

Wahz, at midnight can really be very quiet 1, any loud sound sure heard by all surrounding ppls..

I bet all ur other male neighbours aso joined u for the 'listening comprehension' :D

22-07-2012, 11:28 PM
Used to hear that ALOT from my neighbor above my room when I stayed in Sembawang. Almost every week at least twice in the middle of the night. Once I popped my head out and look up, the woman was top naked and half body facing out of the window moaning!

Guess they must have loved to do sex by the bay window. :cool:

22-07-2012, 11:33 PM
top naked, head out.. she never fall out of the window ah.. like that almost half body out of the window already..
notwithstanding the thrusting from the back..

Should go have taken a video hehehe

22-07-2012, 11:47 PM

23-07-2012, 01:24 AM
top naked, head out.. she never fall out of the window ah.. like that almost half body out of the window already..
notwithstanding the thrusting from the back..

Should go have taken a video hehehe

Bro, I merely 15 year old then... More than 10++ years ago already lah... Back then there's no iPhone!

23-07-2012, 01:40 AM
Walking past a local uni hostel, one of their doors were open. And as you know, many overseas students are now occupying the spaces in our universities. I overheard 2 china students moaning and the guy was like, jiao wo huang shang, "call me the emperor". The girl went like, Huang SHANG! HUANG SHANG! "emperor, emperor!"

23-07-2012, 01:56 AM
The girl went like, Huang SHANG! HUANG SHANG!"

o m g ... this is ... :eek:

23-07-2012, 02:42 AM
Walking past a local uni hostel, one of their doors were open. And as you know, many overseas students are now occupying the spaces in our universities. I overheard 2 china students moaning and the guy was like, jiao wo huang shang, "call me the emperor". The girl went like, Huang SHANG! HUANG SHANG! "emperor, emperor!"

Next time u will hear these PRC moan & say, "叫我X主席".......

23-07-2012, 10:42 AM
I also encounter something too. When I returned home late at night after work , I can hear my neighbours's bed creaking and squeaking sound. As well as piak piak sound . :eek: So you can imagine what is really going on. Went closer to the window to take closer look but dam they lock the window from the inside. The curtain was drawn. So can't see what happening inside. But sure can hear sounds . It doesn't take a lot of imagination to guess what was going in the room. :D

23-07-2012, 10:47 AM
Only heard it along the hotel corridor, moaning and screaming sounds from China. As for typical houses in Singapore, my neighbors all are plain folks. Maybe they were sneaking outside my window while am humping my ex last time. :D

23-07-2012, 11:00 AM
My didi cannot tahan and automatic marikita. what a wonderful experience..

Why you never moan back to her? That will really shock her. :p

I overheard 2 china students moaning and the guy was like, jiao wo huang shang, "call me the emperor". The girl went like, Huang SHANG! HUANG SHANG! "emperor, emperor!"

You must be from NUS. This guy is a NUS urban legend. The ugliest PRC NUS under-grad comes with the loudest moan in bed. Imagine this guy moan back "Gui Fei" instead of "Huang Hou". Now that will be funny.

When you are in your hostel room and you hear moaning and you remember how ugly that PRC girl is, you can't help but feel disgusted.

23-07-2012, 04:28 PM
Used to hear that ALOT from my neighbor above my room when I stayed in Sembawang. Almost every week at least twice in the middle of the night. Once I popped my head out and look up, the woman was top naked and half body facing out of the window moaning!

Guess they must have loved to do sex by the bay window. :cool:

aiya too bad my neighbours not so adventurours.

23-07-2012, 04:43 PM
I ever heard a super loud moanig sound from a standard room in first world hotel last year...far from walking out of the elevator along the corridor to my room can hear it....and to my shocking, a few uncles and also 2-3 kids loitering along the corridor just to enjoy the moaning sounds of this room...:eek:

Later in the evening, saw this couple came out from the room, wah...a Malay chio bu with her angmo boyfriend.....

23-07-2012, 06:20 PM
Used to hear that ALOT from my neighbor above my room when I stayed in Sembawang. Almost every week at least twice in the middle of the night. Once I popped my head out and look up, the woman was top naked and half body facing out of the window moaning!

Guess they must have loved to do sex by the bay window. :cool:

I stay in Sembawang, which block huh? Mind sharing

23-07-2012, 06:22 PM
I ever heard a super loud moanig sound from a standard room in first world hotel last year...far from walking out of the elevator along the corridor to my room can hear it....and to my shocking, a few uncles and also 2-3 kids loitering along the corridor just to enjoy the moaning sounds of this room...:eek:

Later in the evening, saw this couple came out from the room, wah...a Malay chio bu with her angmo boyfriend.....

Last time I go ZH and stay in GuoTai hotel. For some reasons, the sound proofing v poor, can hear every night the actions next door.

23-07-2012, 10:41 PM
there was once i was staying in this 2star hotel in Taipei, i was going thru mi stuffs in mi rm when i suddenly hear v loud moans, it sounded more like screams, i thot which idiot full blast the volume of the AV channel, so i on the tv to chk it out and the frequency n moaning sounds were different. So either someone was doing it damn loudly or i was hearing things

23-07-2012, 11:05 PM
Walking past a local uni hostel, one of their doors were open. And as you know, many overseas students are now occupying the spaces in our universities. I overheard 2 china students moaning and the guy was like, jiao wo huang shang, "call me the emperor". The girl went like, Huang SHANG! HUANG SHANG! "emperor, emperor!"

Legend story. Was told one of the guy went to bang onto the door and say DIAM LAH HUANG SHANG(shut up emperor). LMAO

24-07-2012, 01:33 PM
I heard this a lot when I was staying in New Century Hotel Macau, I was station there long term so I stay in one room sometimes for 30 days or more. Every now and then I can hear the couple on the adjacent room moaning and screaming and the head board of the bed banging on the wall. Sometimes when I have no one with me I PCC while listening to them. :D:

24-07-2012, 02:37 PM
Imagine this guy moan back "Gui Fei" instead of "Huang Hou". Now that will be funny.

Now that is hilarious! LOL!

Didn't know the urban legend has got a cohort of "gui fei niang niang"sss

Legend story. Was told one of the guy went to bang onto the door and say DIAM LAH HUANG SHANG(shut up emperor). LMAO

And didn't "Huang Shang" chop that fellow's head off.. LOL

24-07-2012, 03:15 PM
Was in a budget hotel with fan room overseas 2 weeks ago and I was awaken up with moaning and banging on my room wall by my bed. Wow, the woman was really enjoying it and later when they left the room, I had to peek and see who they were.

Looks like couple in their 30s who needed a room for their sex cos they stay in crowded house. They were at it almost all night long and me all alone. Self service for me.

24-07-2012, 03:50 PM
My ex, lyn, minah, became my sex fling (for money)after we broke up( she was unfaithful). Anyways there was this 1 time when she was supposed to meet me but cancelled last minute. I suspected her bf must be coming her place so I stalked her place. True enough. She was staying those 's' flats with windows along the corridor. Her bedroom window has some gaps and there she was getting banged by her bf, at 9am in the morning. Super shiok. Her floor was quite ulu and not much neighbours so I just stayed watching the show. What happened next was even a bigger surprise.
After her bf was done and she was damm exhausted( can see from her look), suddenly another 2 guys came in in boxers into the room. The bf took a back seat while she was gangbanged there and then. Can see she was resisting but beyond any resistance. Fucking shiok watching her get gangbanged!
I later found out that the bf and his friends came over to chill out after clubbing the nite before and they had a few drinks. So 1 thing led to another. But she never expected to get banged from the 2 friends. She got pregnant and the bf dumped her. She was staying in bedok north then. Her pic came out in one of the malay girls2 thread. Damm solid fuck show.

24-07-2012, 06:54 PM
I stay in Sembawang, which block huh? Mind sharing

That happened more than 10+ years ago already, when Sembawang was still a very new deserted town. If you stay in Sembawang, you should know those few blocks with blue tinted bay windows…

27-07-2012, 12:14 PM
nextmenthol : Do write more about the gangbang you wrote about. Thanks in advance. Camping here.

27-07-2012, 02:32 PM
Sometimes back when I stay in amk,I stay at corner flat, everytime when I go back home I will pass by my neighbour house there is a chio bu stay there. There's one night when I walk pass her house after my midnight movie, I heard a loud moaning sound came out from her room which is near the corridor.. I immediate stop my journey at listen to it. My didi cannot tahan and automatic marikita. what a wonderful experience..

Is she a divorcee with 2 kids? staying near a primary school?

27-07-2012, 05:13 PM
Is she a divorcee with 2 kids? staying near a primary school?

Siao liao!!! Here comes the ex-husband...:eek:

Paiseh bro, just joking thou..no offence..:o

27-07-2012, 05:29 PM
when i was renting a room during my younger days, always heard loud moaning from my fellow housemate room whenever he brought his gf back overnight...
damn, his gf can really moan..!!! :eek:
and me, the poor horny and worse still single young boy always ended up watching porno and pcc in my own room..:o

those were the days.... :p

27-07-2012, 07:10 PM
Next time u will hear these PRC moan & say, "叫我X主席".......

Actually I sort of enjoy all these names calling when bonking with PRC cai(s) :D

28-07-2012, 12:25 AM
Siao liao!!! Here comes the ex-husband...:eek:

Paiseh bro, just joking thou..no offence..:o

Neh, maybe someone who used to be my fling... Pretty looking, but very flat front, BUT, killer on the bed... :D

Dun worry, I got good sense of humour... Not easily offended even when my points ever went down to negative... kekeke... Why so serious?

28-07-2012, 12:36 AM
i once slept with a lady who not only moans but screams during orgams. her neigbours can definately hear her clearly

29-07-2012, 02:21 AM
nextmenthol : Do write more about the gangbang you wrote about. Thanks in advance. Camping here.

Ok...here it goes... I was there looking through the windows gaps. Her house over at bedok north was those with windows along the corridors and the windows comes with those grey aluminium shutters. Her cupboard was against the side windows which provided a nice opening to peep with the people inside knowing. Her corridor was very ulu. Neighbours either old folks or leave early for work kind. There I was at 9am in the morning peeping at her getting screwed by her bf. Her bf back was facing the window and I could see she was in a lot of 'trouble' getting pounded . Her sweet moans turn into exhausted pleas of 'stop, penat(tired) in malay' she came quite a few times already, can see her legs shivering. She was obviously very exhausted. Finally the bf came (wearing condom) and she just laid there . Her bf exited the room and shortly 2 malays guys entered wearing just boxers. She was too tired and weak that she did not resisted when they began touching her naked body. Her breats were the just the right size, easily full with 1 hand. Her eyes were closed. 1 of the guys craddle her head and guide her left hand to massage his dick. The other started to finger her. Both started laughing. Slowly she started to wake up and resisting. The 1 craddling her head started to hold her head and tried to push his dick into her mouth. She began to resist and make unwilling noises. The other guy then held her down. With force, the dick was in her mouth and the guy just continue to gag her mouth. The 2nd guy held her down and sucked on her nipples. She was really starting to gain some energy and resisting back with some force but no much she can do. Her bf came into the room, smoking, and laughed. He told his friends ' what u waiting for? ' The 2 guys switched places and with his erected dick (from the forced bj) , he jammed into her pussy and began pumping. Lyn came with the most uncontroable look on her face before getting stuffed with another dick in her mouth. Her bf joined in holding down her hands and stomach. I felt pity yet so turned on by what I seen. There she was on the bed, held down by her bf , getting pumped and forced with another dick in her mouth. The bf was the guy with whom she cheated with while she was with me.too bad I was in the army and had a non camera hp.this carried on and the guy shot his load into her. By them, she was limp and obviously had no energy to do anything. The last took over and had a easy time fucking her crazy. She came another time with really minimal effort to make any noise. All 3 guys just sat in the room laughing, it was a good 1hr had passed since I set up camp at the window. The neighbours gate down the corridor started to open and I hurriedly made my way to the lift. Downstairs, I waited to see if the guys came. After 20 mins , the 3 guys came down the lift. They didn't see me as I was in my car. I came up after they left and saw lyn tired limp on the bed, naked . Nice breasts and her hair all ruffled. I decided against calling her and left.

Do up me if u like my TRUE story. It is true .
There's more to come . Do up me and I shall continue with lyn for the next installment. Btw, lyn stays on the 12th (top) floor facing the field and main road towards bedok reservoir. Clues for those keep asking me to divulge the identity of lyn.

30-07-2012, 09:37 AM
Do up me if u like my TRUE story. It is true .

Thanks. Sorry I no up power, but I stand up and clap clap. More....

30-07-2012, 02:26 PM
Do up me if u like my TRUE story. It is true .
There's more to come . Do up me and I shall continue with lyn for the next installment. Btw, lyn stays on the 12th (top) floor facing the field and main road towards bedok reservoir. Clues for those keep asking me to divulge the identity of lyn.

Awesome story.

30-07-2012, 06:34 PM
Dammed funnie thread especially the "shut up emperor" comments....

LOL almost fell off my chair!!

31-07-2012, 10:07 AM
Dammed funnie thread especially the "shut up emperor" comments....

LOL almost fell off my chair!!

You said it right. Have humor and sex and local content. I patient waiting more.