View Full Version : Bonking car park attendants

22-08-2012, 09:15 AM
Nowadays, i seem to see more PRC car park attendants.

Wonder if any bros had any luck picking them up.

instead of giving you a saman, they give u bj instead.

22-08-2012, 09:31 AM
I thought u wanna bonk the auntie so she wont have time to summon our car :D

22-08-2012, 09:50 AM
I agree. There are more and more PRC carpark attendants. They are young and active and energetic. They walk faster, more productive and quicker in dishing out fines.

But not all are female. Maybe, your subject should make it clearer by stating which sex you are interested to bonk... :)

22-08-2012, 10:55 AM
if they are willing to be bonk like that, they probably wont be car park attendent liao leh... agree?

only come across few lookable PRC some time ago, but seems like these days back to the minah

22-08-2012, 11:04 AM
reminded me of the show 强奸3 in the past by athena chu. the guy got pissed by given a summon so he drugged that gal and bang her on the spot saying 开我罚单?

haha u try next time and tell us how it goes. say thank u and offer her a kopi. come back she can give another one to your little bro for illegal parking inside her

22-08-2012, 11:43 AM
Nowadays, i seem to see more PRC car park attendants.

Wonder if any bros had any luck picking them up.

instead of giving you a saman, they give u bj instead.

Tried reasoning with one that day. Shocked to see she is quite pretty as well. Tempted to ask for number. I like PRC gals.

Wonder if amount is sufficient, will they be tempted.

22-08-2012, 12:28 PM
wow... they r everywhere now..omg...

22-08-2012, 11:27 PM
We saw era of factory meimei, stall helper,4D/toto seller, shoppe mall sales meimei, beer promoter,now car park attendants,WOW!!! What's next by the GarMen?

22-08-2012, 11:36 PM
We saw era of factory meimei, stall helper,4D/toto seller, shoppe mall sales meimei, beer promoter,now car park attendants,WOW!!! What's next by the GarMen?

Toilet fee collector?

22-08-2012, 11:37 PM
Tried reasoning with one that day. Shocked to see she is quite pretty as well. Tempted to ask for number. I like PRC gals.

Wonder if amount is sufficient, will they be tempted.

Wa wasted, you never try.

Maybe the saman auntie app will be more useful now. Heh

22-08-2012, 11:38 PM
I agree. There are more and more PRC carpark attendants. They are young and active and energetic. They walk faster, more productive and quicker in dishing out fines.

But not all are female. Maybe, your subject should make it clearer by stating which sex you are interested to bonk... :)

I've yet to see a male prc car park attendant bro.

23-08-2012, 12:15 AM
when i saw the heading of the post i know it may sound funny but it could be true there are good looking attendants around. of cos dont expect locals but who else ... ah tiongs lah! seriously in my offc building, there r 2 not bad looking cleaners who are in their late 20s. sometimes i seriously doubt they really want to work in this line ... surely, they can choose other decent lines like retail, F&B ... muz have other agenda lah! :rolleyes:

23-08-2012, 08:44 AM
Isn't it dangerous? Unless you meant pick up one in some other car park. If you pick yOur own estate one than later she everyday camp beside your car how? Than the question "ask u to fuck her yes or no?" no busy dia dia. Summon on windscreen.......

23-08-2012, 08:49 AM
saf charter bus also driven by prc, straight into camp..talk abt security...fcuk u gov

23-08-2012, 09:00 AM
I accidentally got to know a PRC car park attendant. I was walking back to my car to put something in the boot. So imagine from Point A walk to my car then walk back the same path to point A.

Along the way, I saw an Indian guy scolding the PRC girl very badly. She turned to walk away from the aggressive man but the guy quickly ran to stand in front of her to prevent her from walking away. She turned again and the guy did the same thing. It was quite bad. I was worried she might get slapped or something. The guy was saying things like if you like money so much, why not go stand in Geylang? Go back to China!! He took down her name and say he will complain about her. I think he got fined because his parking ticket has just expired.

I walked past, heard those words, saw what he did and went to put my stuff in my boot. When I returned, the guy has already left. The attendant just stood there in a daze. A small crowd has also gathered due to the shouting. I walked up to her and told her I can be her witness that she was abused. I gave her my number and told her to call me if her bosses investigate. She did call me to say she wants to hear what I can say to co-ordinate our stories. Went out for a meal and I got to know her. Interesting girl.

Her bosses didn't investigate though. So that's how I got to know a PRC car park attendant accidentally. ;)

I've yet to see a male prc car park attendant bro.

Got lah.

23-08-2012, 09:24 AM
She did call me to say she wants to hear what I can say to co-ordinate our stories. Went out for a meal and I got to know her. Interesting girl.

A good deed indeed, bro.
Let's hope that future meetups, she issue u a special summon, a summon to park your centre "kar" inside her.

23-08-2012, 11:29 AM
Haiya no wonder sg jobs r getting lesser n lesser...summon kia oso PRC!!!! :(

23-08-2012, 02:57 PM
I accidentally got to know a PRC car park attendant. I was walking back to my car to put something in the boot. So imagine from Point A walk to my car then walk back the same path to point A.

Along the way, I saw an Indian guy scolding the PRC girl very badly. She turned to walk away from the aggressive man but the guy quickly ran to stand in front of her to prevent her from walking away. She turned again and the guy did the same thing. It was quite bad. I was worried she might get slapped or something. The guy was saying things like if you like money so much, why not go stand in Geylang? Go back to China!! He took down her name and say he will complain about her. I think he got fined because his parking ticket has just expired.

I walked past, heard those words, saw what he did and went to put my stuff in my boot. When I returned, the guy has already left. The attendant just stood there in a daze. A small crowd has also gathered due to the shouting. I walked up to her and told her I can be her witness that she was abused. I gave her my number and told her to call me if her bosses investigate. She did call me to say she wants to hear what I can say to co-ordinate our stories. Went out for a meal and I got to know her. Interesting girl.

Her bosses didn't investigate though. So that's how I got to know a PRC car park attendant accidentally. ;)

So where's the bonking part? Inspire us,le. Hee

23-08-2012, 03:53 PM
I saw a PRC carpark attendant a few times while waiting for my girlfriend at the MSCP. Young one but didn't pay attention to her, maybe I should from now on.

Bro 2centsworth got "free parking" in her? :x

23-08-2012, 04:24 PM
no luck for me, so far i only met saman auntie, no saman chio bu :(

23-08-2012, 05:34 PM

They employ syt car park attendances a good move lah.

when i see one auntie attendance, i usually dash to my car to put coupon or quick drive away. with the syt fair skin attendance in a nice ponytail, i was dazed. ended up got to pay $30 fine :(

23-08-2012, 05:40 PM
no luck for me, so far i only met saman auntie, no saman chio bu :(

Got nice milf can consider la

23-08-2012, 05:42 PM

They employ syt car park attendances a good move lah.

when i see one auntie attendance, i usually dash to my car to put coupon or quick drive away. with the syt fair skin attendance in a nice ponytail, i was dazed. ended up got to pay $30 fine :(

Lol, so u paay also shiok ah? :p

24-08-2012, 07:54 AM
So where's the bonking part? Inspire us,le. Hee

I really meant to help her so I gave her my real name and real handphone number, just in case her bosses need me to be a witness. Never cross my mind to bonk her too. Now if I bonk her, she knows how to find me, not a good idea if I wish to disappear after the bonk, right? :p

Maybe some guys fantasize about bonking girls in uniform but car park attendant uniform.. I really have no fantasies about. ;)

24-08-2012, 09:27 AM
no luck for me, so far i only met saman auntie, no saman chio bu :(

why not u bonk the auntie, later she can intro her young chiobu colleague to u :D

24-08-2012, 10:20 AM
good app lor, summon auntie. instead of rushing to put coupon, it is just like an alert "eh chio bu coming" then on the pretext of guarding ur car, can ask "wanna go for a ride?"

24-08-2012, 10:29 AM
I accidentally got to know a PRC car park attendant.

Maybe I left Sinkie land for too long, didn't know that there are PRC car park attendants nowadays:D

Alot for me to catch up when I have my home leave!

25-08-2012, 02:00 PM
Maybe I left Sinkie land for too long, didn't know that there are PRC car park attendants nowadays:D

Alot for me to catch up when I have my home leave!

there probably will be pinoy and bangala next.

25-08-2012, 02:01 PM
any guys got any sightings on chio car park attendants, pls post here.

26-08-2012, 11:44 PM
which area are u guys toking abt?

26-08-2012, 11:51 PM
which area are u guys toking abt?

Anywhere bro. Just post any sightings and approx time spotted.

Chances are they usually come by around same time.

26-08-2012, 11:54 PM
Saw a fair syt ponytailed PRC one weekday morning around 9am at the big open surface car park at Joo Chiat near Tembeling. Was also surprised that they employ syt instead. Of auntie nowadays.

27-08-2012, 08:13 AM
I've yet to see a male prc car park attendant bro.

Then you have not seen enough. I just talked to one 2 weeks ago. I asked for his help to validate some coupons which I have torn incorrectly. He was friendly and spoke English with the PRC Chinese accent. That's how I knew he was a PRC.

27-08-2012, 09:28 AM
Did you get to bonk him since this thread was about bonking parking attendant?

27-08-2012, 09:41 AM
Then you have not seen enough. I just talked to one 2 weeks ago. I asked for his help to validate some coupons which I have torn incorrectly. He was friendly and spoke English with the PRC Chinese accent. That's how I knew he was a PRC.

Guess I'm not interested in males. So never take note of them. Haha

27-08-2012, 09:43 AM
this is ultimate!

27-08-2012, 10:07 AM
Sound new to me ~ Bonking parking attendants. :D

27-08-2012, 10:42 AM
shoot, one less job opportunities for the locals to apply ..... but being replaced
by chiobu SYT PRCs is not a bad deal :D

27-08-2012, 10:58 AM
try something new next time. if u see them and even if u got coupons, gek siao tell them eh don't summon me la i save the money and treat u?
if they guai lan and summon u, show them the valid coupons. they knew they in the wrong liao, u can be nice guy again.

then the story carry on...

27-08-2012, 01:48 PM
(no choice, already punched data into the system)

Then proceed to bash her up?

27-08-2012, 03:34 PM
Sound new to me ~ Bonking parking attendants. :D

Wherever the PRC ladies go and whatever they do, people just want to bonk them. If the toilet attendants change from old aunties to young PRCs, we will have a thread called bonking toilet attendants too.

27-08-2012, 08:03 PM
Wherever the PRC ladies go and whatever they do, people just want to bonk them. If the toilet attendants change from old aunties to young PRCs, we will have a thread called bonking toilet attendants too.

I think there are lots more prc 'public toilets'

27-08-2012, 08:07 PM
I think there are lots more prc 'public toilets'

Ya. Way better than car park attendant too because toilet attendants come with a disabled toilet which you can use to get to know her better. Car park attendant can only bonk you in quiet staircases or thick bushes if you ever get lucky. :p

27-08-2012, 10:23 PM
[QUOTE=littlepok;7684603if they guai lan and summon u, show them the valid coupons. they knew they in the wrong liao, u can be nice guy again.
met one prc carpark attendant & she was damn friendly to me after knowing i m property consultant. think they think high of us property consultants

27-08-2012, 10:54 PM
Ya. Way better than car park attendant too because toilet attendants come with a disabled toilet which you can use to get to know her better. Car park attendant can only bonk you in quiet staircases or thick bushes if you ever get lucky. :p

perhaps the prc car park attendant has a thick bush herself! :p

27-08-2012, 11:04 PM
camping for more!

27-08-2012, 11:27 PM
perhaps the prc car park attendant has a thick bush herself! :p

Oh then the PRC car park attendant's thick bush wins! Because if there is any prc toilet attendant, their bush will be like a toilet brush, very pricky ah... :D

27-08-2012, 11:42 PM
Passed by OCBC centre today saw two lady PRC workers that look like carpark attendant. They offered me a plastic for my wet umbrella.

28-08-2012, 12:31 AM
Ya. Way better than car park attendant too because toilet attendants come with a disabled toilet which you can use to get to know her better. Car park attendant can only bonk you in quiet staircases or thick bushes if you ever get lucky. :p

Fark la bro, u got a car. What're you waiting for? The car can take u to H81 lo. :p