View Full Version : Friends with benefits (Need some help)

03-09-2012, 01:06 PM
Okay so I managed to meet a girl online who's willing to be friends with benefits with me.
She's 18, college student,virgin, chinese, decent body but ok-ok face.

I know she isn't lying because she's my sister's friend. But they aren't close and they only met up one time for some concert. And she has no idea I'm her sister's brother so it's all good.

So basically, I'm really inexperience in this sort of thing and I was wondering if you sifus out there can help me.
I will be most likely meeting up with her either somewhere this week or next week. Where shall I take her and what do I do?

Do I just take her to a hotel and then have sex with her? Or should I just start this slowly? Is there any "rules" I need to follow for this kind of relationship?

Need help cos I don't want this to be a one-time event only. I want to make sure she enjoys it so I can continue with her next time.

Thanks in advance! :D

03-09-2012, 01:43 PM
dont think too much about the sex part. just enjoy her company, see what she like, hobby, cita2, etc. activity wise can go catch a movie, have a meal and jalan2 at the beach or somewhere nice. whatever you do, never cheat or mislead her so you can bonk her. if she want to give you the benefit, so be it. dont demand it.

03-09-2012, 01:44 PM
Just let nature take it course bro as most first timer are very nervous to get into sex. If she is ready to take you, than all the best and enjoy it with ease at the place both are comfortable to enter into. Cheer and good luck

03-09-2012, 02:07 PM
Firstly, make sure she is above 16. Since she is your sis fren, u shd be ok. But if she wants you to pay her then make sure she is fully 18yo.

Since this is a friends with benefits situation, I guess the above advice is "just in case". And since it's FwB, I'm assuming she & you are already friends. So when you go out with her, treat her like a gal fren. But she already know there will be "action" at the end of the date. So just bring her to a meal, movie and an alcoholic drink!

The alcohol is essential as you make her less inhibited but make sure u dun drink too much. Alcohol ups the desire but is bad for performance. Alcohol also make it more UNlikely for her to back out becoz you have planned the date to flow smoothly into the bedroom. The place to drink shd be near a hotel so easy to just go "nearby" or "upstairs" to rest.

During the drinking, start talking abt sex related stuff and listen like you are really interested. You shd be interested becoz she will be telling you what turns her on or off. Getting her to talk abt sex also gets her in the mood. Then when the heat is on, then suggest to go "somewhere else". By now, she will know what to expect & if she ask where, tell her it'll be somewhere comfortable.

The hotel. Since its the first time, please dun bring the gal to Geylang or Joo Chiat or anywhere seedy. If you are not rich kind then pre-book a decent yet affordable hotel. You shd be able to get one between 100-150 for 1nite. Take it as an investment, it's the same as bonking a WL in Geylang.

A nice hotel will make not make the gal feel cheap. It also avoid the hassle of showing both ICs. But as the bonking with your FB get more frequent, u can go Hotel 81 kind since she knows it will be too expensive to keep going posh hotels. That's the good thing abt FBs, they will start to think for your wallet after a while and will not mind the place so long as she gets to bonk.

Lastly, u sound pretty inexperienced. Since u got her to agree to FB, pls dun get into an actual rship with her unless you really want to. Dun get into it juz becoz u dun want her to F other men. The beauty in FB rship is u get GFE without having to pay or the emotional attachments.


03-09-2012, 02:19 PM
Thanks for your help guys! Much appreciated with the quick replies :D
As you can see from my name,Malaysian and my location is Malaysia , I'll be able to rent a hotel room by hourly rates.
Does SG have hotels with hourly rates too?

Anyways, was chatting with her just now (no I do not know her personally, I just know her as a person) And we agreed on meeting up around afternoon timing.
So day time I don't think I can get her to a bar and she says she's fine if I just straight away bring her to a hotel :O

Should I chat with her first in the hotel room before starting anything serious?

And btw, since she still virgin nd never had any sexual encounters before, is it safe if I eat her out without using any dental dam and those stuff?

03-09-2012, 02:44 PM
And btw, since she still virgin nd never had any sexual encounters before, is it safe if I eat her out without using any dental dam and those stuff?

technically speaking, if she is a virgin, you can eat/screw her raw without any health concern to you... other than getting her pregnant..

of cos, you might pass STD/AIDS to her .. technically speaking, i do not know your health status..

but seriously speaking, if she is a virgin and I am sure she is not fucking ugly since you have seen her before.. i really cannot figure out why she wants to give her virginity to a online stranger??

03-09-2012, 02:48 PM
And btw, since she still virgin nd never had any sexual encounters before, is it safe if I eat her out without using any dental dam and those stuff?

What is a dental dam? virgin girl? dont forget the ang pau hor... :D

03-09-2012, 03:00 PM
I would give her looks nothing to shout about la. But she seems decent looking on facebook.
Well, she mentioned she was looking for make out sessions,patting, and maybe even sex.
So yeah kinda excited and I don't want to screw this up cos meeting girls like this one are extremely hard to find so when you find one you gotta keep her.

Any tips to make her feel more comfortable?

03-09-2012, 03:17 PM
It is a latex that is use in dentistry...
It suppose 2 block virus from transmitting from 1 side of it 2 another side... ;)
I never use it b4, but I doubt I'll like it, b'cos I don't feel like tasting rubber... :D
U may check it from the link below:
What is a dental dam? virgin girl? dont forget the ang pau hor... :D

03-09-2012, 03:27 PM
What is a dental dam? virgin girl? dont forget the ang pau hor... :D

Hahahahaha, Ang pao sia... Still got people practice this meh??

03-09-2012, 03:32 PM
What is a dental dam? virgin girl? dont forget the ang pau hor... :D

imagine u put a plastic bag over your .......

03-09-2012, 03:44 PM
You can bring her to the library on your 1st date since she's a virgin.


03-09-2012, 03:45 PM
i suggest you pass her to me first. i'll teach her to satisfy you. boleh? ;)

03-09-2012, 04:29 PM
Firstly, make sure she is above 16. Since she is your sis fren, u shd be ok. But if she wants you to pay her then make sure she is fully 18yo.

Since this is a friends with benefits situation, I guess the above advice is "just in case". And since it's FwB, I'm assuming she & you are already friends. So when you go out with her, treat her like a gal fren. But she already know there will be "action" at the end of the date. So just bring her to a meal, movie and an alcoholic drink!

The alcohol is essential as you make her less inhibited but make sure u dun drink too much. Alcohol ups the desire but is bad for performance. Alcohol also make it more UNlikely for her to back out becoz you have planned the date to flow smoothly into the bedroom. The place to drink shd be near a hotel so easy to just go "nearby" or "upstairs" to rest.

During the drinking, start talking abt sex related stuff and listen like you are really interested. You shd be interested becoz she will be telling you what turns her on or off. Getting her to talk abt sex also gets her in the mood. Then when the heat is on, then suggest to go "somewhere else". By now, she will know what to expect & if she ask where, tell her it'll be somewhere comfortable.

The hotel. Since its the first time, please dun bring the gal to Geylang or Joo Chiat or anywhere seedy. If you are not rich kind then pre-book a decent yet affordable hotel. You shd be able to get one between 100-150 for 1nite. Take it as an investment, it's the same as bonking a WL in Geylang.

A nice hotel will make not make the gal feel cheap. It also avoid the hassle of showing both ICs. But as the bonking with your FB get more frequent, u can go Hotel 81 kind since she knows it will be too expensive to keep going posh hotels. That's the good thing abt FBs, they will start to think for your wallet after a while and will not mind the place so long as she gets to bonk.

Lastly, u sound pretty inexperienced. Since u got her to agree to FB, pls dun get into an actual rship with her unless you really want to. Dun get into it juz becoz u dun want her to F other men. The beauty in FB rship is u get GFE without having to pay or the emotional attachments.


Im pretty sure that now some upper clase hotels requires ur IC...sometimes both as well. Correct me if im wrong

03-09-2012, 04:32 PM
You can bring her to the library on your 1st date since she's a virgin.

What do you mean by bring her to the library??

03-09-2012, 04:54 PM
Just let nature take it course bro as most first timer are very nervous to get into sex.

03-09-2012, 05:12 PM
Okay so I managed to meet a girl online who's willing to be friends with benefits with me.
She's 18, college student,virgin, chinese, decent body but ok-ok face.

I know she isn't lying because she's my sister's friend. But they aren't close and they only met up one time for some concert. And she has no idea I'm her sister's brother so it's all good.

Am I getting an impression you go to other people face book, go through their friends, try to hit one with those you prefer using another account?

So day time I don't think I can get her to a bar and she says she's fine if I just straight away bring her to a hotel :O

Should I chat with her first in the hotel room before starting anything serious?
This part I can say is not fitting when I did the logic setting vision transform mind process stage. That girl cannot be a virgin lo!!! Go hotel chit chat and that's it? That virgin tag is day basic har? I also virgin today.:D

Bar <old man playing ground? Suggesting it to her to go to a pub(bar) in the day??? I think is like going sight seeing(flower garden) at night. Sight seeing must be in the day so you can see all the flowers blossoming under the light. Out of sync!!!

She agreed to go hotel with you even not going to bar.Do not make any sense to me. Then in the first place straight go hotel, why the bar in the first place?

Go hotel rest, tcss? Is like putting the cat and a fish together and hoping that the cat do not eat the fish. TS, are you yandao kia? Or that girl got no brains to think what you planning to do?

Most virgin gals experiences must got planning and tactics all executed in perfect sync. Setting them in the right mood, make them so in love to reject your request, promising them this and that till the last second before breaking in.

Such a short post yet with so much doubts. See liao also headache.:D BTW what is the benefit that she is going after or you are giving to her in exchange for that V tag?

03-09-2012, 05:20 PM
if u can get her to be your friends with benefits and surrender her virginity to u so easily den u can be sifu and share your experience rather than us sharing :rolleyes: :confused:

03-09-2012, 05:26 PM
Nope, I don't go on FB stalk people randomly message people.
In fact she was the one who found me.
I posted a topic on CL about a month ago and she replied to it.
I know it sounds kinda unreal right? What are the odds to that? But it happened.

So I'll admit I'm new to this kinda things that's the reason why I created a thread for peoples' advises.

03-09-2012, 05:32 PM
if u can get her to be your friends with benefits and surrender her virginity to u so easily den u can be sifu and share your experience rather than us sharing :rolleyes: :confused:

That's only "if" I manage to get her. So far she confirm can but I'm scared last minute ffk.
But if I do managed, you'll be sure to have my story.

03-09-2012, 06:20 PM
Am I getting an impression you go to other people face book, go through their friends, try to hit one with those you prefer using another account?

This part I can say is not fitting when I did the logic setting vision transform mind process stage. That girl cannot be a virgin lo!!! Go hotel chit chat and that's it? That virgin tag is day basic har? I also virgin today.:D

Bar <old man playing ground? Suggesting it to her to go to a pub(bar) in the day??? I think is like going sight seeing(flower garden) at night. Sight seeing must be in the day so you can see all the flowers blossoming under the light. Out of sync!!!

She agreed to go hotel with you even not going to bar.Do not make any sense to me. Then in the first place straight go hotel, why the bar in the first place?

Go hotel rest, tcss? Is like putting the cat and a fish together and hoping that the cat do not eat the fish. TS, are you yandao kia? Or that girl got no brains to think what you planning to do?

Most virgin gals experiences must got planning and tactics all executed in perfect sync. Setting them in the right mood, make them so in love to reject your request, promising them this and that till the last second before breaking in.

Such a short post yet with so much doubts. See liao also headache.:D BTW what is the benefit that she is going after or you are giving to her in exchange for that V tag?

good csi work. ur link back to the facebook is scary. didnt realise fb can be used in that way.

03-09-2012, 09:34 PM
:eek: why in the world would a girl in her right mind choose to lose her virginity so willingly to a guy who is just her FB. Worse still, someone she hardly even knows. Man I'm baffled.

03-09-2012, 10:23 PM
when comes to women and sex, there are no fix rules because every woman is different

if you want it to be a friends with benefit type of relationship, you must make it clear to her and there is no emotional attachment means both sides can have his/her real lover and can end this kind of relationship anytime

you said she is 18 and virgin, so you must make sure if she knows what she is doing

because she is inexperience, have to be careful, and not to make her feel she is being taken advantage -most important she must knows what she is doing to prevent in future if anything goes wrong,she turns round to accuse you of something bad

not necessary at hotel,anywhere also can fuck as long as no one is around to disturb you, if your house has no one, you can bring her home to fuck at your own pace, or you can pitch a tent at East Coast seaside and fuck her under the Moon and the stars and the sky, won't it be very romantic,this way?:p

03-09-2012, 10:45 PM
I gave up my virginity (way back) to someone really random just because I wanted to lose it and be done with it.

I figured the less he meant to me, the less of a chance I'd ever get hurt, you know, because of all the significance people normally attach to the whole 'first time' thing.

Yes I am a silly twerp. :(

03-09-2012, 10:50 PM
I have no idea why I can't edit my posts and somehow Mod seems quite busy so looks like all my either posts which I tried to explain myself did not appear earlier.
Let me just make this clear to those misinformed-
No I did not engage the girl on Facebook nor do I look for girls to exploit on Facebook. ( Only once when she emailed me with her photo did I realized I have mutual friends with her, then I checked my FB)

I posted a topic on CL about a months back or so and she took the initiated to reply to my post, not the other way round.

03-09-2012, 11:16 PM
Yup as wat shiokpleasure said pass her 2e bros here. We will teach her accordingly. Age 16 factor cums in again. Ha!

04-09-2012, 12:18 AM
Let me borrow this tread...

I dont have a FB, thats friends with benefit right? Now, i know this girl that i like to have as FB, she is an open person, we often meet up or dinner, we used to go for drinks together.

How do i ask if she wants to be my FB? I so wanted to ask when we were out having dinner, but really dont know how to and am also afraid it will ruin our friendshp if she is not into being my FB...

04-09-2012, 09:09 AM
Let me borrow this tread...

I dont have a FB, thats friends with benefit right? Now, i know this girl that i like to have as FB, she is an open person, we often meet up or dinner, we used to go for drinks together.

How do i ask if she wants to be my FB? I so wanted to ask when we were out having dinner, but really dont know how to and am also afraid it will ruin our friendshp if she is not into being my FB...

See how risky that is? One wrong move could ruin the whole relationship.
I don't mean to sound like a jerk but the safest way ( not necessarily the best) is to get her drunk and then maybe trying asking her then? Worst case scenario you can just say you were drunk.

EDIT: Out of topic, how come only now I can edit this post but not my previous ones?
And for does of you who have been reading this thread, please read my previous posts cos finally got approved by mod.

04-09-2012, 11:27 AM
See how risky that is? One wrong move could ruin the whole relationship.
I don't mean to sound like a jerk but the safest way ( not necessarily the best) is to get her drunk and then maybe trying asking her then? Worst case scenario you can just say you were drunk.

Don't do this. She can cry rape with this. The most is only when she is sober, but not totally knock out. You will end up losing this friend.

06-09-2012, 07:11 AM
Don't do this. She can cry rape with this. The most is only when she is sober, but not totally knock out. You will end up losing this friend.

Yeah, i dont want to loss her as a friend but would want to ask if she's intrested to be my FB...
Really no experience in this and hope those experience can give some advice.

07-09-2012, 12:41 AM
Gonna meet up with the girl tomorrow evening. Hopefully everything goes well as planned.:rolleyes:
This can either turn up to be my luckiest day or most embarrassing one. :S

07-09-2012, 01:04 AM
She also human lah. Treat her like one not like piece of meat for fuck sake only lah.

How you feel if people nice to you because they want to use you?

Think you also little boy. Best you go back to school learn how to take care girls, don't think of sex all the time, be good boy, help mother father, outside people,=.

Then maybe girl will give face to you.

07-09-2012, 01:12 AM
good csi work. ur link back to the facebook is scary. didnt realise fb can be used in that way.

Oh you never know what I can do. Those exploits showed themselves to me as I saw the light directions from them.:D Anyway I'm not that evil.

So moral of story: Fuck the face book and concentrate on the fuck buddy.

My CSI skills are way below standard comparing to the feats of some brothers here. Somemore CSI will lead to war not raw loh:(, no benefits at all.

Hopefully can reach the stage where once liang stood before. <<WAKE UP!!:D

ps: Why liang? Someone mentioned before intell can aroused and attracted.

07-09-2012, 01:13 AM
She also human lah. Treat her like one not like piece of meat for fuck sake only lah.

How you feel if people nice to you because they want to use you?

Think you also little boy. Best you go back to school learn how to take care girls, don't think of sex all the time, be good boy, help mother father, outside people,=.

Then maybe girl will give face to you.

Yes I do agree with you. I'm not sure how it goes we'll just play by ear.
Don't worry, I'm not the kind of guy who uses girls just for my own pleasure.
I'm not sure but correct me if I'm wrong, for a FB to last, both parties should be able to respect as well as satisfy one another.
I'll definitely do that, to ensure relationship longevity.

07-09-2012, 01:38 AM
Nope, I don't go on FB stalk people randomly message people.
In fact she was the one who found me.
I posted a topic on CL about a month ago and she replied to it.
I know it sounds kinda unreal right? What are the odds to that? But it happened.

So I'll admit I'm new to this kinda things that's the reason why I created a thread for peoples' advises.

Well maybe the FB stalker thingy is not and purely thru coincident the 2 of you are connected.

CL as you mentioned if I'm not wrong. (sg or my)

I do wish to learn from you the style of writing a post. Will you be so kind as to let me read the post by you? Personal section< most likely but due to the volume of postings over there, my search return a nil.

A month of buried postings and able to found a reply, these indicate the post that you put up is of caliber. Hoped that I can get to view it asap as I kinda sucker for works of quality.

Many thks for going thru the trouble of getting the link of the post. Like what boss always preach :" up to valuable posting." I promised you the up for that masterpiece of your.;)

07-09-2012, 08:30 AM
Well maybe the FB stalker thingy is not and purely thru coincident the 2 of you are connected.

CL as you mentioned if I'm not wrong. (sg or my)

I do wish to learn from you the style of writing a post. Will you be so kind as to let me read the post by you? Personal section< most likely but due to the volume of postings over there, my search return a nil.

A month of buried postings and able to found a reply, these indicate the post that you put up is of caliber. Hoped that I can get to view it asap as I kinda sucker for works of quality.

Many thks for going thru the trouble of getting the link of the post. Like what boss always preach :" up to valuable posting." I promised you the up for that masterpiece of your.;)

For personal reasons, I would like to keep things personal therefore i am not posting the link here.
Check your inbox, I have send it to you.

07-09-2012, 09:47 PM
Why no one ask if Malaysian is good looking? Handsome, charming or maybe loaded?

Mention the girl approached him.

Did you post your best angle on fb? Or flash your sportscar or something else?

Wish you all the best and hope she don't ffk you. But logic and rational thinking in play, she is so so long with nice body and a virgin. You must have some sort of "gong tau" that makes her attracted to you.

Otherwise this might be a scam! Just be careful because you are a virgin!

She may or may not be...

Just my 2 cents bro!

07-09-2012, 10:59 PM
Okay here's what happened today :

Okay so first met up with her and went to Starbucks...Bought for her a frap and sat down with her.
I mostly tried talking to her but hard to get more than single sentence replies so quite awkward after awhile.
Especially when I sat down while she drank her frap, it was awkwardly quiet...
and she took her sweet time to drink her frap..waited for her to finish took about 30minutes.

After she finally done, I asked her if she was still up for "it" later and I told her if she wanted to change her mind it's not too late. She said she was fine with it so she followed me in my car to some cheap hotel around that area.
Not bad RM50 ($20 SGD) for 3 hours for a basic room. Wah when I went inside damn small..only room, one small bed and toilet damn small but since room already so cheap can't really complain.

So we started out slow, kissing and heavy petting. Even like this also roughly around 40minutes. Touched her breasts,(no clue what cup size but its small size) Wah I was damn dissapointed. Dunno why everyone say breasts damn nice to touch, etc etc. I remember last time I touched my fat friend's chest...now I compare her breasts feel exactly the same.
Now her vagina. Where do I start... Well she didn't shave her vagina but it wasn't that hairy so boleh tahan la. When I went down on her, well I don't know which people say pussy smells like fish? But for me it smells of pee.

She then gave me a blowjob, oklah nothing that great but not bad for a first timer. She was quite willing to give me a blowjob so I couldn't say no now could I? After that got the condom ready and tried to have sex with her. Wah very difficult. First tried with her lying down with her legs spreading open while I go in. Half way go in, she quickly pull out. Tried doggy also didn't quite work out. She wasn't quite ready to handle my dick in her so she asked if we didn't have sex. So of course I had to agree with her, no point trying to force her.

So then I just masturbated and fingered her. I did that for around 30minutes++ What a workout for my fingers,forearms and biceps! Now at home I can already feel the burn. I have a feeling now my right arm is bigger than my left. Took her damn long to orgasm, omg. But what to do, since no sex this is the only other way to please the girl.

And of course, that was a bad mistake. Cos after she orgasmed, I could sense that she was already done for today even though she offered me a blowjob/handjob until I cummed so I politely declined.

So in a nutshell that's what happened today. Somehow if she ever called me again and ask I think I might decline. It' s not because of me not having an orgasm it's just somehow I didn't really enjoy overall. Other than that, quite interesting day for me today.

07-09-2012, 11:02 PM
Why no one ask if Malaysian is good looking? Handsome, charming or maybe loaded?

Mention the girl approached him.

Did you post your best angle on fb? Or flash your sportscar or something else?

Wish you all the best and hope she don't ffk you. But logic and rational thinking in play, she is so so long with nice body and a virgin. You must have some sort of "gong tau" that makes her attracted to you.

Otherwise this might be a scam! Just be careful because you are a virgin!

She may or may not be...

Just my 2 cents bro!

When I chatted with her (via email and texts) and never once mentioned my financial status (anyway I'm still studying) and she had no clue what I looked like as I never will post face shots of myself online. All I did was mentioned roughly how I looked like and my body shape etc etc.

What attracted her also I have no idea.

07-09-2012, 11:13 PM
Why do people need advice on getting a friend with benefit?
Risk it, hint, observe her body language and then ask only if you think she respond well. If she is interested, you gain a FB. If she isn't you lose a friend.
Need to ask for advice on how to screw a girl?

07-09-2012, 11:22 PM
Why do people need advice on getting a friend with benefit?
Risk it, hint, observe her body language and then ask only if you think she respond well. If she is interested, you gain a FB. If she isn't you lose a friend.
Need to ask for advice on how to screw a girl?

I was only trying to find out the do's & don'ts and maybe more info regarding friends with benefits, not how to screw a girl.

08-09-2012, 01:30 PM
Okay here's what happened today :

Okay so first met up with her and went to Starbucks...Bought for her a frap and sat down with her.
I mostly tried talking to her but hard to get more than single sentence replies so quite awkward after awhile.
Especially when I sat down while she drank her frap, it was awkwardly quiet...
and she took her sweet time to drink her frap..waited for her to finish took about 30minutes.

After she finally done, I asked her if she was still up for "it" later and I told her if she wanted to change her mind it's not too late. She said she was fine with it so she followed me in my car to some cheap hotel around that area.
Not bad RM50 ($20 SGD) for 3 hours for a basic room. Wah when I went inside damn small..only room, one small bed and toilet damn small but since room already so cheap can't really complain.

So we started out slow, kissing and heavy petting. Even like this also roughly around 40minutes. Touched her breasts,(no clue what cup size but its small size) Wah I was damn dissapointed. Dunno why everyone say breasts damn nice to touch, etc etc. I remember last time I touched my fat friend's chest...now I compare her breasts feel exactly the same.
Now her vagina. Where do I start... Well she didn't shave her vagina but it wasn't that hairy so boleh tahan la. When I went down on her, well I don't know which people say pussy smells like fish? But for me it smells of pee.

She then gave me a blowjob, oklah nothing that great but not bad for a first timer. She was quite willing to give me a blowjob so I couldn't say no now could I? After that got the condom ready and tried to have sex with her. Wah very difficult. First tried with her lying down with her legs spreading open while I go in. Half way go in, she quickly pull out. Tried doggy also didn't quite work out. She wasn't quite ready to handle my dick in her so she asked if we didn't have sex. So of course I had to agree with her, no point trying to force her.

So then I just masturbated and fingered her. I did that for around 30minutes++ What a workout for my fingers,forearms and biceps! Now at home I can already feel the burn. I have a feeling now my right arm is bigger than my left. Took her damn long to orgasm, omg. But what to do, since no sex this is the only other way to please the girl.

And of course, that was a bad mistake. Cos after she orgasmed, I could sense that she was already done for today even though she offered me a blowjob/handjob until I cummed so I politely declined.

So in a nutshell that's what happened today. Somehow if she ever called me again and ask I think I might decline. It' s not because of me not having an orgasm it's just somehow I didn't really enjoy overall. Other than that, quite interesting day for me today.

OMG. I think both of you should have washed up prior to committing the acts...

And sounds like she is not experienced which can be good or bad. Good cuz if you are more experienced you can suggest things for her, bad cuz she has no idea how to make you song. Patience is important.

09-09-2012, 01:28 AM
Wah, now I'm curious. Which part of Malaysia? probably KL? And did u find out what was it that she wanted from u, as your FB? Thanks for sharing!, cheers .......................

09-09-2012, 01:47 AM
For personal reasons, I would like to keep things personal therefore i am not posting the link here.
Check your inbox, I have send it to you.

I did received and read it. Thanks

But I wanted to see it again just now. I got this message.
This posting has been deleted by its author.
(The title on the listings page will be removed in just a few minutes.)
Si bei disappointing as I scanned for the writing style which is not my type.:(

That post was a normal work. But I felt you did sent it to me, I will upz as an offer of gratitude when I clear my list.

09-09-2012, 01:54 AM
just a quick question...

if the girl is so easy to get, not scared she got HIV Meh? I mean condoms are but just rubbers. someone once told me the HIV pores still can transmit.

how likely to tio aids leh? anyone can advice?

09-09-2012, 02:15 AM
just a quick question...

if the girl is so easy to get, not scared she got HIV Meh? I mean condoms are but just rubbers. someone once told me the HIV pores still can transmit.

how likely to tio aids leh? anyone can advice?

Well honestly, as for my case, I don't think girls like that can be found that easily. Perhaps it seemed easy for me to get her, but to find girls like that on websites especially CL is like searching for a needle in a haystack.
As for me, she found me, she replied to my postings on CL. I guess it was her first and last time there?
I could definitely tell it was her first time as she was really submissive and had not clue what to do.
But yeah, I really can't tell whether she got HIV/AIDS. I suppose that's the risk I had taken...

12-09-2012, 01:55 AM
I gave up my virginity (way back) to someone really random just because I wanted to lose it and be done with it.

I figured the less he meant to me, the less of a chance I'd ever get hurt, you know, because of all the significance people normally attach to the whole 'first time' thing.

Yes I am a silly twerp. :(

I've known girls like you who just gave it up for the sake of giving it up, and that doesn't make you a twerp at all. Just always remember what your current path is and don't regret it. That's good enough. :)