View Full Version : Hate for Indian guys?
18-09-2012, 09:14 AM
Not sure if this thread has been here before..couldn't find any in the search. I'm sorry if i missed it and made another thread of the same name.
Anyways back to the topic, why the hate? Recently I went to a club with my friends and while dancing I saw a really pretty Chinese girl. So after a bit of coaxing from my friends I went up to say hi. The moment I said hi she walked away, and I distinctly heard the words 'fucking Indians'. I was just plain old shocked.
I have also seen this behaviour in my school during orientation camps. Mind you most of my friends are Chinese due to the fact I was the only Indian guy in my class in sec sch. And I'm quite sure I don't have the 'Indian smell' cause I can actually smell it on others and can't stand it myself.
And even here alot of FLs don't specifically take Indian men. Why is this? Why are local Indians being lumped in with them FTs?
Please don't be an ass when you answer. If you have nothing constructive to say, just leave.
18-09-2012, 09:58 AM
Sorry..its the reality of life much as we wanna think racial discrimination doesnt exists in our very multi-cultural society it IN FACT DOES!! solution to you is to keep to ur, own race if u dont wanna face this Stupid Racists...
18-09-2012, 10:09 AM
And even here alot of FLs don't specifically take Indian men. Why is this? Why are local Indians being lumped in with them FTs?
Please don't be an ass when you answer. If you have nothing constructive to say, just leave.
Although racism is not encouraged. Its an inevitable choice of preference to many from marriage to friends to even sexual partners whether its paid or consensual.
I agree that sometimes its sad to experience this but its everywhere and its not limited to only Singapore and to Indians! Just look at Chinese in Caucasian dominated countries.
18-09-2012, 10:17 AM
For the most part, that might be true.
But eh guys here's a food for thought, why is it that sometimes men in general, can be racist, say, a caucasian, hates chinese men, but when it comes to chinese women, it's a totally different story :D
My point is: don't bother about what others are thinking, they are just living in their own world of illusions..
my humble thoughts.
18-09-2012, 10:25 AM
Shitty attitude. These people have low self esteem.
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18-09-2012, 10:33 AM
Prataman like some bro say face the reality. FLs dun take Indians cos dey cant speak mandarin. Too bad. Dis is not racism.
18-09-2012, 10:39 AM
Anyways back to the topic, why the hate? Recently I went to a club with my friends and while dancing I saw a really pretty Chinese girl. So after a bit of coaxing from my friends I went up to say hi. The moment I said hi she walked away, and I distinctly heard the words 'fucking Indians'. I was just plain old shocked.
I am answering in response to a question asked. So do not be offended as I mean no harm to point in any direction. The only highly possible reason that I can think of to explain for the girl's reaction is stereotyping. I choose to believed that there isn't any so called hated but one's so called arrogance coupled with her fixed mind set.
What is stereotype? It is a generalization and fixed set of one's thinking and belief about with respect to a group of people or race.
For example: A guy will tattoos will be regarded as a secret society member even though tattoos are promoted as body art in today's time.
Merit of stereotyping helps one to act in an instance to situations due to one's past experience. Because of that, one will have a much simpler social circle due to instance categorize of people when making new friends.
A big advantage is that it makes ones unable to separate between individual from the group due to the typical mindset "that all are the same".
Most of the time, stereotyping often refers to the negative impressions rather than the positive ones. For an instance, when we hear that this person is a nurse, we will assume that she must be caring and kind. In the event of TS's post, I see it as a form of stereotyping commonly known as a racial stereotype.
Studies have been carried out and concluded that most stereotypes are of negative impact and hardly any participating students had difficulty in responding to the questionnaire. The most famous study of racial stereotyping was published by Katz and Braly in 1933 when they reported the results of a questionnaire completed by students at Princeton University in the USA.
Most students who took the test belonged to white Americans. The compiled data showed ethnic groups such as Jews are regarded as shrewd and mercenary, Japanese as shrewd and sly, Negroes as lazy and happy-go-lucky and Americans as industrious and intelligent.
It is not surprising to see that the racial stereotypes always seem to favor the race of the holder and looks down on the other races. Every ethnic group has racial stereotypes of other groups in their own perspective. Some psychologists argue that it is a “natural” aspect of human behavior so as to benefit by to be in that group. Able to identify with one’s own ethnic group is seen as a form of protection and most of times one do feel safe when with the group. One will felt the success or victory feeling by the groups they are in even if they were not the ones that made the feat.
Many see it is merely a way of justifying racist attitudes and behaviors as no evidence can be gathered.
Using the above case study, I can say racial stereotyping do exist within our society. Most of times, such remarks are not made so openly in the public as it might created some uproar and brings danger to the person who passed that remark. Luckily in Singapore, racial harmony has been educated to the citizens and hence only a handful still do have that type of undesirable thoughts.
No one wished to be associated with the negative traits but some things are tough for one to be disassociate away from it as it has been passed down from generations to generations. Those affected may wish to accept it as a passing remark and not taking into the heart for they have a bigger heart to endured the passer's naive way of thoughts.
Hope TS do feel better after reading my post. :)
18-09-2012, 10:43 AM
TS if its juz 1 out of many gals that behave this way then I think its juz one off case lah........
18-09-2012, 12:05 PM
Brother, I have many Indian friends, so not say Singaporeans are racists.
Some of my best friends are Indian, and I trust them, do business with them.
Last time I also chase after Indian girl. She is very sweet, smile a lot, easy to chit chat. I also fall in love with her. But she reject me, maybe because I am not English ed, and cheena ah Beng type.
So, it's because we are different needs but we are still friends and she is married now to Indian. So not because I am Chinese she don't want me. I accept that and now happy for her.
18-09-2012, 12:30 PM
Hi Bro, I share the thoughts of most Samsters here. Like them, I grew up in the company of Multi Racial community. To me, it's not the Colour of the skin we wear but rather the respect we had for each other. Being said, at times.. There might be a Few black sheep that brings us this Racial sense of Disgust. But I strongly believe that Most Singaporeans are living very well with the presence of other Races. Sometimes when U run into some of those disgusting Racists. Dun bother about them. Cause they meant nothing to You nor your Life. So just treat it as tripping over stones in your path and move on. :) The road ahead will only better once you move past it. Cheerio! ;)
18-09-2012, 01:32 PM
well, if they are not prepared to date an indian, just accept it. i have not tried hitting on indian gals but guess they probably like bollywood shaking indian guys rather then chinese. I am fine with that, can call that racist, color discrimination. It is a matter of choice.
don't be like American blacks ok? as long as it does not go their way, they attribute it to discrimination. u think all KKK here meh?
the gal can scold fucking indians, fucking guy, fucking chinese fuck this fuck that.
that is her freedom of speech. don't tell me u never said fucking malay, fucking chinese before in your life, within your circle of friends. instead of calling it racial harmony, might as well call it racial tolerance.
the only minus point is indians are the minority here hence for FL and FB, u got a smaller circle than hoped. Nonetheless, I am sure the indians, pinoy or thai would still welcome u with open arms.
the plus point? Fewer people fighting for your own kind with u. be glad about that. the chinese must fight with ang moh for SPG, not the best battle to have u know? disadvantaged by length liao
18-09-2012, 03:06 PM
Bros is not I saying anyone racist or what. Is just why is it that we are treated so? Just a simple hi and I get this kind of reaction is quit sad. And it's not one off case either. But really thanks for your insight guys! And as for me going for Indian girls, it's impossible for me at this stage. I have tried dating them before and failed miserably because I cannot click with any of them. Hope some day can meet a girl who wouldn't mind the colour of my skin. Once again thanks guys!
18-09-2012, 03:21 PM
Dude, this is a case of the Indian FTs causing problems for the locals. Personally, I don't see color, but I can't stand the foreign indians or banglas. Not all are bad, but most I have met are assholes. Maybe its a cultural difference or whatever. Singaporean Indians, served NS, I don't see any problems. Foreigners, different story.
The girl may have had a bad experience with the foreign indians and thought you were 1 of them. I'm sure it happens in India too with the local born Chinese there.
Don't take it so hard, freedom means choice, choice means what a girl wants may not be the same as what you want, and you should respect that.
Rasta Marley
18-09-2012, 03:41 PM
Dude, this is a case of the Indian FTs causing problems for the locals
I absolutely agree with your viewpoint; the situation has certainly been made worse by the large numbers of Indian Employment pass holders....who actually claim they are expats; I once had to shut someone up when he claimed he was an expat but when I asked him if his housing was paid for, his car was provided, his kid's education paid for, His answer was no and I directly told him that he was here on local terms and that he better stop proclaiming he is an expat when he is merely just an EP Holder.
It is also a well established fact that quite a few of these guys behave like as if they are God's gift to Singapore, and frankly, that had had it coming for the treatment some of them have been receiving from the locals.
These guys and their wives are the cause of the problem the local Indians face, as some locals to stereotype them, which is unfortunate. I have quite a number of Indian friends who have actually married Chinese girls and they live happily together. So I agree with bro Gixer on this:-)
18-09-2012, 03:56 PM
I think most of the times, only gals will re-act this way. The reason I see it is these gals lack time spent with Indian guys. Hence, the sterotype. Look around, gals will only tend to hang round people of their own race only. Guys usually have no such problems as we have been to NS and we lived with our comrades of different races. hence, guys are more ready to accept other race frds as compared to gals.
18-09-2012, 04:28 PM
Bros is not I saying anyone racist or what. Is just why is it that we are treated so? Just a simple hi and I get this kind of reaction is quit sad. And it's not one off case either. But really thanks for your insight guys! And as for me going for Indian girls, it's impossible for me at this stage. I have tried dating them before and failed miserably because I cannot click with any of them. Hope some day can meet a girl who wouldn't mind the colour of my skin. Once again thanks guys!
i am quite puzzled. u say u cannot go for indian girls because u cannot click. care to share what is so special about them that u cannot click (only can click with chinese?) u don't speak tamil but chinese? no offence, just abit blur.
if u are dark black, most prob is local la. the lighter shades are the fake expats, god gift to singapore, as quoted by another bro. middle finger to them. slacker shit who are here because their village have someone as HOD or HR. pui
18-09-2012, 07:48 PM
I cannot click because I have never had any Indian friends before.. As for colour I look Malay. My grandmother is chinese but raised by Indian family. And I can say my Chinese is good enough to under stand simple spoken sentences. More than what I can say for my Tamil though
18-09-2012, 07:52 PM
Anyways bros I thank you for your insights on this matter. I don't want to blow it up into something serious as racism. I will just keep my morale up and I'm sure someday I'll succeed hahaha! Cheers bros!
18-09-2012, 08:14 PM
Good on you....Ignore the stupid un educated people that pass these comments. Everybody is EQUAL. I have Chinese blood, mixed with Spanish, a BANANA... I too get comments passed by some local Chinese girls at times that I am a Pariah. Who cares!!! It is their lost and ignorance in a global society. I enjoy my life and live in an environment where they are over 100 different races/ religion/ colour live. And I get to lay lots of different girls, LOL.
Singapore is a great place and sad that a few that has this sort of behaviour.
18-09-2012, 08:29 PM
Good on you....Ignore the stupid un educated people that pass these comments. Everybody is EQUAL. I have Chinese blood, mixed with Spanish, a BANANA... I too get comments passed by some local Chinese girls at times that I am a Pariah. Who cares!!! It is their lost and ignorance in a global society. I enjoy my life and live in an environment where they are over 100 different races/ religion/ colour live. And I get to lay lots of different girls, LOL.
Singapore is a great place and sad that a few that has this sort of behaviour.
hahaha banana bro you made my day offence!
I think its a matter of choice. Same like u guys prefer eating roti prata than chinese pancakes right?
18-09-2012, 09:30 PM
Singapore is a place for all the different mixtures. What is there to worry about. 1 comment dun kill you. Btw I do know friends who are indians or malays but all their friends are chinese. But I saw a common point in all of you, you guys have chinese relatives within your family tree. Maybe that might lead to chinese friends only. No offences to any just a small deduction of mine.
18-09-2012, 09:41 PM
Singapore is a place for all the different mixtures. What is there to worry about. 1 comment dun kill you. Btw I do know friends who are indians or malays but all their friends are chinese. But I saw a common point in all of you, you guys have chinese relatives within your family tree. Maybe that might lead to chinese friends only. No offences to any just a small deduction of mine.
Not exactly true bro. I have a friend of a mutual friend who is pure Indian. But his parents dicouraged him from mixing around with Indians in his school days coz the parents scared he become gangster after watching all those programs on vasantham. End up he also same Problem as me. Always hang around with Chinese people then have the mentality he also Chinese. And he also cannot click with other Indians.
18-09-2012, 09:43 PM
dude be confident in yourself. those who discriminate you are not the ones you want to mix with anyways.
Not sure if this thread has been here before..couldn't find any in the search. I'm sorry if i missed it and made another thread of the same name.
Anyways back to the topic, why the hate? Recently I went to a club with my friends and while dancing I saw a really pretty Chinese girl. So after a bit of coaxing from my friends I went up to say hi. The moment I said hi she walked away, and I distinctly heard the words 'fucking Indians'. I was just plain old shocked.
I have also seen this behaviour in my school during orientation camps. Mind you most of my friends are Chinese due to the fact I was the only Indian guy in my class in sec sch. And I'm quite sure I don't have the 'Indian smell' cause I can actually smell it on others and can't stand it myself.
And even here alot of FLs don't specifically take Indian men. Why is this? Why are local Indians being lumped in with them FTs?
Please don't be an ass when you answer. If you have nothing constructive to say, just leave.
18-09-2012, 11:28 PM
i'm sorry to hear about your hurt pride.
but firstly, you were trying to hook up. in singapore, the only way you can actually hook up by going over to say hi is
a. you are good looking (to the girl at least)
b. you give off a very attractive vibe (as above)
c. you are rich and it shows because she saw your sports car/centurion card/patek/huge stack of money/etc.
if you even want to be moderately successful, you have to be prepared to be embarassed, butthurt, pride hurt, everything hurt.
but i digress.
let's go back onto topic.
the world is a racist society. i don't discriminate against any race in particular. however, i would not date an indian girl, or a malay one, nor a prc one - it's just a matter of preference.
you have to understand the mentality of women. if a guy who she deems attractive trys to hook up with her, regardless of whether she reciprocates, she will feel that it's a compliment.
on the contrary, if it's a guy who she doesn't like - either not her type, or she doesn't like guys of that particular race - it fills her with disgust. this, coupled with some drinks and all, can easily lead her to make a racist remark. she might not hate indians that badly but rather it was probably just an insensitive passing remark.
again, i stress that if you want to play, you have to be more thick skinned, and take things with a pinch of salt.
i've a similar friend as you. a close friend of mine is full on indian. all of his friends are chinese, and he can't even speak a single word of his mother tongue. when he goes to party, the people he parties with are obviously, also chinese. i've seen him hook up with chinese girls and none of them seemed to mind.
he looks every bit indian, and he's definitely not good looking, probably just average, well groomed and well spoken.
i'm gonna take a leap in the dark and make a wild guess that you were probably with a group of indian guys. the fact that
a. it's a whole group of guys
b. they were coaxing you to talk to her
c. you're not the same race as she is
any of these are enough to totally turn off a girl.
if you're really adamant on going after chinese girls, you definitely have to change your approach, and probably even your lifestyle.
18-09-2012, 11:29 PM
Not sure if this thread has been here before..couldn't find any in the search. I'm sorry if i missed it and made another thread of the same name.
Anyways back to the topic, why the hate? Recently I went to a club with my friends and while dancing I saw a really pretty Chinese girl. So after a bit of coaxing from my friends I went up to say hi. The moment I said hi she walked away, and I distinctly heard the words 'fucking Indians'. I was just plain old shocked.
I have also seen this behaviour in my school during orientation camps. Mind you most of my friends are Chinese due to the fact I was the only Indian guy in my class in sec sch. And I'm quite sure I don't have the 'Indian smell' cause I can actually smell it on others and can't stand it myself.
And even here alot of FLs don't specifically take Indian men. Why is this? Why are local Indians being lumped in with them FTs?
Please don't be an ass when you answer. If you have nothing constructive to say, just leave.
The local indians are just like the local chinese, the local malays and the local mixed bloods. We all belong here.
It is the india indians FTs that is causing the pain all over the place. The fairer ones are the worst of all. They look down on the darker skin fellow indians and they treat the locals like shit. I have been on the receiving end of such treatments from such arseholes.
18-09-2012, 11:42 PM
Not exactly true bro. I have a friend of a mutual friend who is pure Indian. But his parents dicouraged him from mixing around with Indians in his school days coz the parents scared he become gangster after watching all those programs on vasantham. End up he also same Problem as me. Always hang around with Chinese people then have the mentality he also Chinese. And he also cannot click with other Indians.
Anyway thanks for pointing out another example. But that was what I saw with the friends. Lolz.
Does your friend's parents know chinese race even more gangsters! The Ming revolution rebels in china were seen as the earliest formation of secret society. It all boils down to the kid's mentality and the friends around do play an important role. I knew of someone, never wanted to join those guys with tattoo and piercings all over. But in the end, he joined them when he was 23-24. So I can say, his parents worries were unfounded.:cool:
18-09-2012, 11:44 PM
sorry to say but, out of say 20 to 30 indians i've met... they don't know how to open their mouth and say THANK YOU...
a very good example is this Indian family of 3, father came out of the lift WAITING for somebody to hold it for them and then the mother slowly take her own sweet time to push out the baby trolley w/o saying thank you just walk away.... wow... and this is not the first time...
i don't normally stereotype, but this is one fact that has been proven over and over again... if the Indian say thank you it's about time you strike 4D...
see see only
19-09-2012, 09:38 AM
Not exactly true bro. I have a friend of a mutual friend who is pure Indian. But his parents dicouraged him from mixing around with Indians in his school days coz the parents scared he become gangster after watching all those programs on vasantham. End up he also same Problem as me. Always hang around with Chinese people then have the mentality he also Chinese. And he also cannot click with other Indians.
Yo bro theprataman,
An incident to make you feeling better .... a group of us including a Indian bro, very dark, went partying and ktving in China :cool:
Our indian bro was really treated like GEM :eek: among those PRC girls .... even got a 3P session without paying any extra charges .... :eek:
Our special chinese speaking indian bro ... never regret going China and was treated like VIP there among those PRC girls ...
I guess life is ok lah ... you lose some .. you gain some in return ;)
19-09-2012, 09:58 AM
Our indian bro was really treated like GEM :eek: among those PRC girls .... even got a 3P session without paying any extra charges .... :eek:
wah so gd!!! me must go suntan liao ... :D :D
19-09-2012, 11:07 AM
some chinese singaporean gals i know love indian men....
19-09-2012, 11:38 AM
some chinese singaporean gals i know love indian men....
Some chinese women i KNOW likes to suck ONLY indian n malay dicks!
19-09-2012, 11:56 AM
well, take pride your dickhead is redder than most people (colour contrast) and many gals love it.
19-09-2012, 04:00 PM
chillax TS. For every Chinese Gal that hate Indian guys, there will be at least 1/4 that likes Indian Cock.
Maybe the gal u met when young her mother say: u be guai ok. otherwise I ask the Apu neh neh uncle come and catch u!
Rasta Marley
19-09-2012, 05:27 PM
some chinese singaporean gals i know love indian men....
He he, looks just like those white gals who love black dicks:-) LOL
Seriously, could it be because of size? No idea as I can't remember reading any statistics or research on this subject.
19-09-2012, 08:36 PM
go and shave, remove unwanted hair.
look fashionable and be a cool dude with a nice vibe..
naturally you'll be able to speak to most woman..
of course some of the racism is deep seated but thats only 1 chick outta many..
just move on mate.
19-09-2012, 08:59 PM
bro, relax no hard feeling as long as you are singaporean , you are 100 per cent cool. cheer up.
19-09-2012, 11:21 PM
This so called indian stereotyping is such a norm in most of the fl's and even in reality. I am not saying its correct but all i am saying is its something we have to accept. Due to the indians from india pouring into our country and giving the term 'indian' a bad name, we locals are also receiving this stereotyping which is just unfortunate. Even in the ads in the fl doms are an example. Everything is ok with the girl but "NO INDIANS". What the hell man!
The solution = Wait until she smiles before you approach!
20-09-2012, 08:41 AM
This so called indian stereotyping is such a norm in most of the fl's and even in reality. I am not saying its correct but all i am saying is its something we have to accept. Due to the indians from india pouring into our country and giving the term 'indian' a bad name, we locals are also receiving this stereotyping which is just unfortunate. Even in the ads in the fl doms are an example. Everything is ok with the girl but "NO INDIANS". What the hell man!
The solution = Wait until she smiles before you approach!
ha ha ha thats wat they all say but when u try ur luck sum of this fls do take indian dudes.
20-09-2012, 01:56 PM
ok i may sound fucking racist here...but all my life i only hear INDIANS and only indians complaining that they are fucking being oust here...for fucking god sake, try living in another country as an indian...see do you received better treatment than in sg...
try living in thailand, malaysia or indo...see do you have the same opp u had in sg.
you ppl are fucking fortunate here so fucking quit having this damn inferior fucking complex on why you guys are being hated in Singapore just because a chinese girl fucking doesnt want to speak to you.
Fuck! forever the indians are saying they are being discriminated in Singapore.
20-09-2012, 02:27 PM
ok i may sound fucking racist here...but all my life i only hear INDIANS and only indians complaining that they are fucking being oust here...for fucking god sake, try living in another country as an indian...see do you received better treatment than in sg...
try living in thailand, malaysia or indo...see do you have the same opp u had in sg.
you ppl are fucking fortunate here so fucking quit having this damn inferior fucking complex on why you guys are being hated in Singapore just because a chinese girl fucking doesnt want to speak to you.
Fuck! forever the indians are saying they are being discriminated in Singapore.
This show that you are still a kid. Singapore racial harmony is fake. If you ever work for a recruitment agency. Just see how they treat the Indians and malays.
It's not the agency fault. It's the employer who reject.
As for TS, you already say clubbing Liao. How many girls in a club is good?
I have female Indian colleague who never date a single Indian man till now. She only go for Chinese. So is she being racist?
20-09-2012, 02:36 PM
This show that you are still a kid. Singapore racial harmony is fake. If you ever work for a recruitment agency. Just see how they treat the Indians and malays.
It's not the agency fault. It's the employer who reject.
:D i am still a kid but i mean the indians here are being treated better then them being in our neighbouring countries.
20-09-2012, 04:46 PM
ok i may sound fucking racist here...but all my life i only hear INDIANS and only indians complaining that they are fucking being oust here...for fucking god sake, try living in another country as an indian...see do you received better treatment than in sg...
try living in thailand, malaysia or indo...see do you have the same opp u had in sg.
you ppl are fucking fortunate here so fucking quit having this damn inferior fucking complex on why you guys are being hated in Singapore just because a chinese girl fucking doesnt want to speak to you.
Fuck! forever the indians are saying they are being discriminated in Singapore.
ya i fully concur with u. hence i told him don't behave like the blacks in US. as long as don't go their way they attribute to discrimination haha... actually not his fault la but the other indians give negative impression and you are grouped with them
20-09-2012, 08:45 PM
Fear not's not the end of the world..I own massage parlors before n my girls say they don't serve Indians.not they hate..fear of the unknown...they got Indian frenzy but this not there are against u pork...if yes this line not suitable for u.alot Indians don't take pork...but want Chinese who eat pork..y do u not eat u hate pigs or pork.when I was in London pub a few years ago..I saw a sign in Indians n dogs....personally I m starting to hate Indians too ESP the many so call ft coming my business, my masseuse hate them ESP the ft....but some of them have local Indian proud of who u are...the special talent of a Indian is to be hatred n yet make ur doubters be ur frans. A diamond is just a glass/natural resources till it is cut n polish..Indians are like that.
And even here alot of FLs don't specifically take Indian men. Why is this? Why are local Indians being lumped in with them FTs?
Please don't be an ass when you answer. If you have nothing constructive to say, just leave.[/QUOTE]
20-09-2012, 08:48 PM
Haha ...
talking about colours ...
I remembered how my friend described to me on his visit-into-sex session with his ex-classmate during CNY once.
As the girl was clearly into one-off as she was attached to another classmate who's an indian.
The first cheeky thing my friend asked was ..... is his big??
She refused to answer it, we all know ....
and guess what, at that time, we wish we're Indians!!! lolx.
20-09-2012, 08:54 PM
i always thot FL dont take indians bcos their dick too thick/big?
20-09-2012, 10:06 PM
Chillax mate.
Why u have to be so hostile.
We are all united as one for being horny bastards..
Chinese cunts or Indians who seriously gives a fuck.
If you are a great guy, fuck it man.
One of my best mate is an Indian.. he hangs out with everyone, why cause he's a cool bloke.
And he does recruitment for a living for high level corporate execs.
And I'm Chinese and I hang out with him..cause he's cool
If the girl blows u off then shes missing the boat to a great time.
There are so many chicks...why the fuck so hard up for that single one...?
Its her fucking lost mate.
So fuck her and her racist BS.. shes the one that needs help, not you man
21-09-2012, 12:36 AM
Aiyo like that also can get zapped? Anyway guys guess what? I actually got lucky with a Chinese girl last night..we actually went back to her place to bump uglies! Hahaha! And it was one of the best nights of my life. Thank you guys for all the encouragement!
21-09-2012, 01:04 AM
Do tell us about how you managed to bonk a Chinese girl.
I m sure bros will be more interested to know how you fucked her.
Let us encourage him to share his best story with us.:D
21-09-2012, 10:24 AM
Not sure if this thread has been here before..couldn't find any in the search. I'm sorry if i missed it and made another thread of the same name.
Anyways back to the topic, why the hate? Recently I went to a club with my friends and while dancing I saw a really pretty Chinese girl. So after a bit of coaxing from my friends I went up to say hi. The moment I said hi she walked away, and I distinctly heard the words 'fucking Indians'. I was just plain old shocked.
Please don't be an ass when you answer. If you have nothing constructive to say, just leave.
TS.. you mean she shouted the words loud enough so you can hear her over the music in the club? Or did she coincidently say it just when there was a break in the music?
Also, was she talking to her friend or something? If she is alone and she is talking to herself loudly, I'll leave her alone man...
Frankly, you are potentially starting a flaming war. Even if your encounter is real, why start a topic like this in here? What answers are you hoping to achieve? Most importantly.. what the hell has this got to do with sex? :D:D
Rasta Marley
21-09-2012, 12:17 PM
Even if your encounter is real, why start a topic like this in here? What answers are you hoping to achieve? Most importantly.. what the hell has this got to do with sex? :D:D
Actually, you are right bro. This is a seriously sensitive topic and there have been some strong comments passed on this thread so far. Let's keep the discussion healthy and free of racism. Any sharing should be done so in a sensitive manner without any racial innuendos. SBF is, after all, for sharing, but we must also ensure that whatever we share is done so in a proper and humane manner. Let's not get carried away :cool:
21-09-2012, 01:39 PM
Frankly, you are potentially starting a flaming war. Even if your encounter is real, why start a topic like this in here? What answers are you hoping to achieve? Most importantly.. what the hell has this got to do with sex? :D:D
I think a juicy FR from TS on how he bonk the latest Gal is more important then wats the gal's race:D
21-09-2012, 01:41 PM
bros please sync both threads and discuss as 1
21-09-2012, 03:37 PM
TS.. you mean she shouted the words loud enough so you can hear her over the music in the club? Or did she coincidently say it just when there was a break in the music?
Also, was she talking to her friend or something? If she is alone and she is talking to herself loudly, I'll leave her alone man...
Frankly, you are potentially starting a flaming war. Even if your encounter is real, why start a topic like this in here? What answers are you hoping to achieve? Most importantly.. what the hell has this got to do with sex? :D:D
There was a break in the music and she was with a friend. but beside that yeahi agree with you,it was purely spite of the moment. i quite regret putting this up sia..i realized got quite a bit of flames being stroked here and there.. anyway to have the thread removed?
21-09-2012, 03:38 PM
I think a juicy FR from TS on how he bonk the latest Gal is more important then wats the gal's race:D
sometime soon when i got time bro!
21-09-2012, 03:46 PM
i have requested for this thread to be removed as it seems to be more trouble than its worth. i apologize if i have offended anyone over this issue.
23-09-2012, 03:55 AM
i have requested for this thread to be removed as it seems to be more trouble than its worth. i apologize if i have offended anyone over this issue.
I have restored the thread. This forum has always been one where controversial and unpleasant issues can be discussed.
Censorship does not remove the underlying prejudice. It's better to know what people REALLY think rather than create a false facade.
23-09-2012, 09:15 AM
sometime soon when i got time bro!
I think we bros are more interested to know how you bonked chinese girl successfully.
Do share your juicy story with us ASAP.
Then bros will be more than happy to listen to your exciting story.
23-09-2012, 02:40 PM
normall chinese girls with indian bfs should get their eyes checked or smt
23-09-2012, 02:49 PM
Aiyo like that also can get zapped? Anyway guys guess what? I actually got lucky with a Chinese girl last night..we actually went back to her place to bump uglies! Hahaha! And it was one of the best nights of my life. Thank you guys for all the encouragement!
I BELIEVE YOU HAD PAID SEX :confused: How is it possible for an indian to score:confused::confused::confused:
dantes inferno
23-09-2012, 08:44 PM
lol. aiyah. it's her loss.
I've chased an indian girl before too. it just didn't work out though haha. nothing to do with race.
24-09-2012, 07:11 PM
Dear all Bros,
If you can't wait to listen theprataman's juicy story, just pm him to encourage him.
Your encouragement will give him confidence to tell us his best story.
25-09-2012, 12:59 PM
LOL this TS sure sounds like a loser leh. Sorry but read this TS postings he sure sounds clueless. Bro advice - take it or leave it but always remember its easy to the blame but look into yourself and see yourself for what you are. If you go to a club and have zero iron balls or the X-factor with gift of the gab to top all the rest of the cocks hanging out there just have your drink and go home lah. No point blaming racism and "OH china girl said fucking indian" or "oh no china girl hate me" go drink a kool aid broman and eat your prata day and night maybe with fish head curry.
OK there is a point if you are going to clarke quay or BQ most local chinese girls there prefer ang mo anytime. They are not much keen on local guys anyways. But then again you cant paint everyone with the same brush too. Some local guys get lucky in st james power st. Some get lucky in CQ area but in the end dont be blaming Indian expats and outside indians etc. Maybe its time to look back and think what have you got that is better or different as a local Indian other than complaining about not getting local pussy. Another way to look at it would be to look back and see if local Indians very getting way more local pussy much before the indian expats or FT start coming to SG. If yes then true the FT has spoiled your market leh if not then you are a total LOSER who will most likely remain one unless you decide to get out and act and be different bro. Remember its all in the mind. If you cant change your mind then just forget about it.
26-09-2012, 01:02 AM
What happens to theprataman?
We men love to brag about our conquests with male friends or SBY members.:D
26-09-2012, 01:09 PM
Indian guys generally find some difficulty dating Indian gals because Indian gals are afraid of gossip. If an Indian gal goes out with an Indian guy, she may be branded "used goods" and therefore not of marriageable material. Chinese gals on the other hand are more open; may be they have heard that the Indian guy is more well endowed than than the Chinese. The sad things is once they get screwed, and are addicted to the big stick, the Indian guys don't want them because of family pressure. So Indian guys you can guess why some of the girls don't like you.
27-09-2012, 09:31 AM
Dear all Bros,
If you can't wait to listen theprataman's juicy story, just pm him to encourage him.
Your encouragement will give him confidence to tell us his best story.
I'm writing out the FR right now lol.
What happens to theprataman?
We men love to brag about our conquests with male friends or SBY members.:D
Was sent overseas on an urgent errant. Just got back last night.
27-09-2012, 09:43 AM
I'm writing out the FR right now lol.
Let me guess, she went crazy over yr prata?
27-09-2012, 07:35 PM
I'm writing out the FR right now lol.
Was sent overseas on an urgent errant. Just got back last night.
Bro theprataman,
Pls finish writing your juicy story quickly.
We bros can't wait to read your interesting story.:D
Don't disappoint us.
29-09-2012, 09:47 AM
Bro theprataman,
Where is your juicy story?
If your story is ready for us bros to read, what are you waiting for?
Do brag about your recent conquest with us bros soon. :D
29-09-2012, 02:03 PM
I BELIEVE YOU HAD PAID SEX :confused: How is it possible for an indian to score:confused::confused::confused:
Bro Idon'tknow, first you have to get your attitude check before you comment. Just read. Nothing good to say Don say anything at all. Cheers
29-09-2012, 02:43 PM
yeah ts do share some stories with us
30-09-2012, 11:07 PM
I BELIEVE YOU HAD PAID SEX :confused: How is it possible for an indian to score:confused::confused::confused:
... Because India has the second highest population via asexual reproduction like amoeba right? Dumbass.
30-09-2012, 11:41 PM
I don't think so. That time I went club, I saw this indian dude, he got 2 very pretty syt chinese girls with him. That time I was like WOW this indian dude sure got some skills :)
01-10-2012, 09:52 AM
Is this Indian dude attractive looking n fair skinned?
If he can speak good Chinese and has a good sense of humor, it will attract PRC or local Chinese girls.:D
03-10-2012, 11:33 PM
Bro theprataman,
What happens to your juicy story?:(
03-10-2012, 11:40 PM
I'm writing out the FR right now lol.
TS theprataman, from Sept 27 we waited till now Oct 3 :D
No need to write like murtabak, just the normal prata with egg can already la :D
Thank you ;)
03-10-2012, 11:42 PM
No need to write like murtabak, just the normal prata with egg can already la :D
Thank you ;)
To start the ball rolling, I can also accept Kosong... :D
04-10-2012, 12:00 AM
White gals tend to prefer Malay and Indian guys over chinese sometimes in life, you win some, you lose big deal.
My mantra is what I can't get, I buy. :D
With money, you will eventually get a Chinese gal who is willing to suck your cock and swallow your cum...and perhaps even have an offspring with you. I know of many chinese gals who are willing to trade their arses for money, regardless of race, language or religion. :p
07-10-2012, 10:12 AM
TS theprataman, from Sept 27 we waited till now Oct 3 :D
No need to write like murtabak, just the normal prata with egg can already la :D
Thank you ;)
Bro theprataman,
We bros waited for your juicy story From sept 27 to now.:eek:
sometime soon when i got time bro!
TS, believe me, there are some non-Indian WLs who doesnt mind Indians. But not many though.
Still awaiting for your frs..
07-10-2012, 11:13 AM
No offense meant, but a lot of Indians I met in my life, all chief of NATO one. Especially this one I met during my bmt recourse. Bmt recourse already very relax, this fucker still keng until most if the time out nights off got delayed and it become no meaning to book out!
07-10-2012, 07:38 PM
Aiyah, to each his or her own.
U like ppl, ppl dun like u!
Ppl like u, U dun like ppl!
It's a democratic world, everyone's free to choose.
07-10-2012, 08:33 PM
i always thot FL dont take indians bcos their dick too thick/big?
Gaha, Indians pack too much meat for FLs?
09-10-2012, 04:58 PM
Bro theprataman,
What happens to you?
We bros are still awaiting your juicy story for so long.:(
14-10-2012, 01:45 AM
Bro theprataman,
What happens to your juicy story?:eek:
14-10-2012, 01:50 AM
Don't worry so much bro still got lots of Chinese girl in love with Indians as I have quite a number of Indians setting up family with Chinese girls..
14-10-2012, 08:59 AM
Well, I have a few Indian friends....guys are handsome and smart whereas ladies are pretty and smart as well...
Interestingly I read that Indian guys are blessed with big tools...I think Chinese FL will have issues
14-10-2012, 09:07 AM
take it easy man.. Racisms are anywhere, just ignore than n be proud of urself.
14-10-2012, 01:13 PM
TS puts the prata on the hot plate and goes home.
Now the pcs of prata is nearly done, but he decided to close shop.
The fate of the prata is unknown.
Maybe better let it burn, cos there is no curry :p
Lets go to other prata shop if it stay closed, no point waiting for a closed down prata shop, that should not have open for business. :mad:
14-10-2012, 02:40 PM
Now, see my point about most of them being NATO chief?
No Action Talk Only !
14-10-2012, 08:31 PM
Now, see my point about most of them being NATO chief?
No Action Talk Only !
More like NANO NANO
No action no talk
missing in action too
14-10-2012, 09:04 PM
Bro theprataman keeps us waiting for his juicy story from sept 27 to now.:eek:
Looks like he is missing in action.
15-10-2012, 05:51 PM
just fyi: expat = ex patriate = somebody moved out from homeland....has nothing to do with cars, appartments and stuff like that....
hahaaa good one:)
20-10-2012, 06:22 PM
More like NANO NANO
No action no talk
missing in action too
I totally agree with you.
Bro theprataman is NATO man here.
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