View Full Version : Chao Ah Beng ah...Ai Sio Kan Mai?

20-09-2012, 07:06 PM
Gabriel parted his heavily gelled hair into the center parting with a proper M , making sure every single strand was in place. Tucking the sharp comb into his back pocket. He pulled his spit fire orange and red 3-quarter sleeve shirt and made sure it was in line with his tight fitting bell bottoms.

This was it. He was going to be initiated into the gang. It was time for the ceremony. Putting on his silver skull necklace and diamond earrings, he left the house for the billiard center.

The 'clubhouse' of where he was about to be recruited. Gabriel was a typical teenager. Studying in a neighbourhood secondary school , he was rebellious but didn't get involved in any gangs. Since hanging out with James however, James brought Gabriel after school to billiard centers, arcades and shopping malls to laze around.

James was a typical chao ah beng, with side parting and frinches almost reaching his chin and slightly dyed brown hair. They were childhood friends, but only met up recently again.

Gabriel was the typical rebellious teenager in school. He didn't join any gangs but was always trying to show how cool and fierce he was. Talking back to teachers, making fun of other kids and always walking with wings. Now he was about to be initiated into a gang, he was sure his wings will be even bigger.

Just than the phone rang.

J: Eh wah lan eh, what time already.. u wan ur future tao eh wait for u is it...knn...

G: ok la..on the way out now already..must look handsome ma..later ok already still must take new family foto ma..tio bo..

J: u mai come and lan jiao wei.. kin la eh..

G: okok...

Gabriel arrived at the club house and was shocked to see got both tarboh and charboh mixing around playing pool..

G: eh simi lj sia..so many charbo here also ah..later they all see i shy leh..

J: You don't think they are here for you la...they also new bird..just come from Wood ville secondary school eh..later also going to offer jossticks.. see the girl there with golden hair..that one is the char bo gina tao..Call Tracy.. Dont play play..People call her siopak kui ...

G: Wa eh...the figure power sia... Bra like wanna burst out..

J: Haha..you can you up lor..Than you become promoted to gina tao already..but count on charbo to climb up ladder one la... Hahaha...

Gabriel took a look around at the girls and focused on two of the hottest girl. One was the female head Tracy with waist length hair dyed golden. She wore the most tight fitting spaghetti strap ever with a tight mini skirt. Definitely at least a C cup with a slim waist, decent butt as well. Just than as she bent over to take a shot on the pool table, he could see her cleavage from her direction and it was one of the moments he will always remember. Straight out of a movie.

The other girl looked like she was straight out of poly. Wearing a yellow tube top barely concealing her bra within with a black cardigan with bell bottom jeans as well , anyone looking at that dressing would have imagined a chao ah lian. But her face was the sweetest angel you can imagine. Small miniature almost fairy like face with big eyes and very long hair as well. Her tube barely concealed her bra but Gabriel estimated it should be about a B cup. Her cardigan which was unbuttoned showed a tummy with slight baby fats and Gabriel licked his lips in anticipation on inserting his manhood into this girl.

Just than, a muscular 20 odd man walked into the pool room in a tight fitting t shirt with tribal tattoo's all over his body. Immediately James called him.

J: Tao eh !
This is the new guy i was talking about..sibei guai lan eh ... sometime i also cannot stand him..If not because he is my childhood friend long ago whack him already.. Hahahha.. Sure wont siasuay us one..
Eh Gabriel this is Ah huan, our tao eh.

Ah Huan : Gabriel is it? Knn, need to do some training for you, too skinny already. But okay, I like your face. Sibei guai lan. Just remember can already. Don't do sia suay things and you better remember to come if hia di kia got problem! In return, don't worry. We do everything also together. Swee swee eh.

G: Yes boss! Don't worry! Anyway got any thing i do wrong you just whack James can already..He bring me in..So anything he tah for me tio bo?

Ah Huan: Hahaha..This guys lan jiao wei alot also..I like! Come let me introduce to you. This is Tracy, she is the charbo gina tao! We also have Yvvone who just join today. And we also have .......

Gabriel was hardly paying attention to the rest of the names as his mind was fixated on Yvvone...Oh Yvvone.. I am going to lift up your yellow tube and bury my head's within..

I never get to lick those neh neh's I will quit this gang...

21-09-2012, 09:26 AM
me the 1st camper woah....

21-09-2012, 10:54 AM
TS continue please!

21-09-2012, 11:38 AM
Something new and fresh. Definiately showing my support. Ts hurry hurry!

21-09-2012, 11:40 AM
Camping for more...

21-09-2012, 12:20 PM
Great start, TS.

Hope you get out of moderation soon and we can get faster updates.

21-09-2012, 01:11 PM
Camping for more! ;)

21-09-2012, 01:45 PM
Wah seh, ah beng and ah lian story. I like! Hope the story got bai loti :D

21-09-2012, 03:20 PM
faster continue story...

21-09-2012, 03:32 PM
camp here ... :D

21-09-2012, 04:07 PM
Camping here

21-09-2012, 08:23 PM
Thanks bro for the support. I will try to at least post once a day. This story true or fiction I leave it up to you bro's to imagine. Just remember to read it with a pinch of salt! And for bro's who up me, I will return the favor with 7 green apples when I gain back my power. Hope you guys enjoy reading. 2nd installment.

As they were leaving for a nearby coffeeshop to slack and talk cock sing song, Ah Huan decided to organize a drinking pub at the techno pub at Mohammad sultan.

Ah Huan : Eh, i tell you all what la..Since today so happening.. We go lim jiu tonight, got one hia di kia just open one pub called Daggers.. We go support him. Got one lau pue lang coming down also..His name Steven..Ah long lai eh..I ask him sponsor all drinks tonight.. On anot?!

Gina: ON!!!!

Gabriel only had one motive in mind... No matter what happened, he is going to be sitted beside Yvvone tonight...And get drunk tonight with her. As they all got into Ah Huan lorry , he drove them to the place near Muhammad Sultan. It was a typical pub, sofa seats, KTV singing atmosphere and lots of other YP hanging around.

Ah Huan brought them in and instantly almost all the pub patrons turned and stared at them. When they realize Ah Huan was bringing them in , almost everyone in the pub greeted him. Huan brought his gina around and there was about 8 people in total in their group.

Gabriel actually haven't been to any pub's as he was a teenager and this was his first time in a pub and he was quite intimidated by the atmosphere. He decided to stay silent. Yvvone was also quite shy as she was from a guai kia background.

The only reason why she decided to join was because when she was in poly, she was always being bullied due to her petite body size. Not only that, she had never raised her voice and was the soft demure spoken angel in school. But deep inside, she wanted to fight back against her schoolmates who often gossiped behind her back and pointed fingers at her. They were jealous of her beauty, and she was a constant target by girls for her sexy dressing in school. "Slut", "Whore", "Last night don't know sleep with who" was often heard when she passed by the school bully group. This is her time to get some backup and get revenge.

Huan lead them to the tables and as they were sitted, Gabriel pretended to edge closer to Yvvone and they sat together side by side. Huan proceeded to order towers and bottles of martell for them.

Huan : Eh tonight all just drink, steven say already..He will bao all tonight..Just make sure you all zai abit because the pub will kanna if got raid! Understand anot!

For close to an hour, Gabriel was drinking heavily. Being in such a KTV pub suddenly didn't seem to be that happening at all. Drunk people were singing in off tune voices and the love songs were drowning out whatever small talk he could do with Yvvone. He decided to take things up a notch and start to behave like what he set out to be. A pai kia.

G: Eh yvvone, lai leh. Play some game. I see tv they always play 5 10 or Direction..Mai hum la.. Loser drink one glass..On bo?

Y: Lai lor . You think i scared ah? Come.

It was a rapid game of 5-10 followed by quick scissors paper stone. They were oblivious to the jealous looks of the fellow male members as Yvvone was definitely the looker in the group. Yvvone lost close to 5 games in a row and was definitely getting high.

Y: Eh...don't play already la..Damn sian sia the fuckin tarboh keep singing the song like bird crowing..Don't have the mood leh..

G: Ya lor..I thought will be alot more happening.

Just as if on cue, the clock was close to midnight and the KTV pub soon transformed. Popular techno songs started playing. Walk in the sun, amor infinitus blasted the entire pub.

G: Wah lan eh ! Ho seh bo ! Lai liao! Mood come liao.

Y: Wah cheebye sibei song the music..should have start like this long ago..Eh lai leh.. My brother at home listen techno always do all the pattern. You know anot?

G: Don't know la. I do pattern on you can anot?

Y: You dont kuai lan with me , cb kia.. but if you wu ji can try.

Yvvone gave a slight smile as she turned away. She was definitely teasing. High from the alcohol, they started speeding up on their drinks. Soon Ah Huan came over


G: Let's go!

Gabriel grabbed Yvvone hands and was first on the dance floor. She started swinging awkwardly to the techno music. They were both pretty high and soon almost everyone in the pub started to join in.

Gabriel knew this was his chance if he ever wanted to lay his hands on this beautiful creature. Like a newborn baby, he placed his hands on her waist and started moving with her. She was shaking and moving like crazy. The techno beat definitely was moving her bums up and down. She didn't have the grace of a season clubber but definitely that tight yellow tube top and little cardigan was making her look downright sexy that night.

Yvvone started grinding her ass on Gabriel crotch and he couldn't believe she had such an perfect ass for such a petite body. He pretended to let his hands slide lower from her waist to her hips, she turned her body and faced him and raised her hands in the air. Shouting with the techno music and moving her body like a vibrator. He could almost feel her boobs touching him, what was hidden in that tiny yellow tube? He WANTED SO BADLY to touch those beautiful tits.

Just then, out of nowhere a guy from Yvvone's back pushed her aside and she banged straight onto Gabriel. The touch of those tits on his chest was absolutely heavenly. It was hard yet soft at the same time. The initial feelings was hard by the bra but when pressure was added, the boobs could be felt pushing through. He grabbed her and pretended to shield her from anyone else.

They were both very high and Gabriel decided to test if things could be gone further. He moved his hands down to her ass and just let it rest there. She kept moving to the music and pretended she didn't feel anything.

This went on for close to a minute and as Gabriel was considering his next move , another guy slided up behind her and grabbed her waist. Gabriel yelled loudly over the music. He recognized him, he was also at the clubhouse playing billiards. His name was Kiong but he didn't talked to him.

G: Eh Siao eh! Na bei you cannot see limbei is it? You think I fake 1 ah!?

K: Naaaaaa beii... You mai ka limbei guai lan.... I tell yuuuu....

Kiong was drunk. His voice was slurred and his eyes were half closed, yet it seemed like he was almost in a trance like.

G: Chao chee bye this is my charbo you want play sibo, lai!

Gabriel gave him a hard push and suddenly Kiong just threw one punch at Gabriel. It just missed him as he moved aside and Gabriel was actually scared as he had never been in a fight before. Suddenly Ah Huan barged in and stood in the center between them.

Huan: Eh Cheebye! Kaki lang also wanna sio pak. You all got respect me one anot? Simi lan jiao taiji ? Come both of you come behind the pub and talk. NOW!

G: Tao eh, this cheebye suddenly come in grabbed Yvvone when she was dancing with me.

K: Whyyyy cannot... He bo lam pa one laaaaaaa.... So many song also never do anything. I show him simi si lampa ji....

Huan: Kiong you don't think I don't know you seh is it. Since when you drink will drunk. Cheebye I told you to stop playing this kind of things tio bo. You want tio kai kuat is it? Gabriel limbei tell you go back inside and next time if I know because of charbo you all fight limbei give you jialat also. You kiong kan go back inside now. Kiong you follow me , cheebye kia what i tell you about seh.

Gabriel was cursing to himself after the incident and swore his revenge on the cheebye who made him get into trouble on his first night. All that anger was suddenly melted when he saw Yvvone quietly sitting at the table.

Y: Eh Gab! You ok anot? What happen?! That cheebye kia also same shirt as us right? He so fast so drunk already, sibei weak sia.
G: Ok la, I heard the tao eh say he seh already..Don't know drag him go where, next time got chance i sure give him jialat.. Cheebye!
Y: Anyway thanks for sticking up for me..Got chance I sure repay you one.. Steady leh you.

The only thing that came to Gabriel mind was beautiful little Yvvone..With those big angel-like eyes staring at him..Repay...Hmm.. His mind pictures that beautiful face sucking on his cock.. Repay? Oh yes.. that would be the best repayment ever.

22-09-2012, 08:13 AM
Hi bros, will be away for the weekend.
Will try and post again soon.

22-09-2012, 02:26 PM
Good story bro.

22-09-2012, 02:49 PM
nice story. maybe u got similar experience during your sec school days. i am more guai kia during sec days and always admire the ah lians from afar. cannot let them catch me stealing a glance at them if not never know what will happen. haha the humji days.

22-09-2012, 06:42 PM
Camping for more.

22-09-2012, 07:13 PM
Sibei hoseh story. Will the hero get his dick sucked? LOL :D

22-09-2012, 08:04 PM
Can tell us they what di tao anot? Than i also go see what di tao the char bor water so sex de :p

22-09-2012, 08:16 PM
nice story....

22-09-2012, 09:35 PM
Waiting for me

23-09-2012, 03:46 AM
Remind me of the younger days~
Camping for more

23-09-2012, 10:33 PM
Keep it up TS! :D

23-09-2012, 11:23 PM
One of the most vulgarities story being posted here :D

Keep it up :p

24-09-2012, 02:27 AM
camping for more bro... had the same experience.. ahh the good old days

24-09-2012, 10:40 AM
getting interesting....waiting for more!

24-09-2012, 02:37 PM
LOL... So funny!!! I love singapore for the Hokkienish......

24-09-2012, 03:23 PM
cant wait for the next update. something new here. :D:D

24-09-2012, 05:28 PM
swee la!!! long time never see ah lian liao!!! haha! ups!!! waiting for next post!

25-09-2012, 11:44 AM
Thank you for the support!

Next installment:

Gabriel went home that night with a raging hard on. He offered to send Yvvone home but she had to leave with the other charboh's especially since Tracy, the voluptuous sexy head was insisting on all the charboh's leaving together since there were some underage girls in the group and drunk.

There was a call from James a few days later.

James: Eh cheebye kia, tonight got song ka. Gather at Block 912 Bishan there the coffeeshop at 7pm. Dont be late understand anot, got bus will pick us up.

Gabriel: Huh what song ka? Your one is it?

James: This is standard one leh.. We need to attend when got anyone pass away that is related or at our zai tui.. Give people see our power you know anot?

Gabriel: Wa sibei mafan leh..Like that next time you die I need to attend also..

James: Ni na bei..you lucky you my hia di kia..

Gabriel: Hahahaha!

Gabriel arrived at the location and was saw almost everyone present. He immediately approached Yvvone and made small talk. She was his wet nightly dream every single night. She had a white thin spaghetti strap with blue flare skirt and her perfect curves were oozing out. Boobs were just right, not too big or too small. Just perfect in his hands. The white spag stripe was definitely turning him on. Hugging the curves at exactly the right angle, it was exactly what you would call "Angel with a demon's body".

G: Hey yvvone! Didn't expect you to be here also.

Y: Ya lor, they kpkb ask me come.

G: Nvm la, after this I send you home, ok?

Y: You send me? Dont lan jiao wei la! I send you ai mai. You so good will send me.. Wanna send me or go my house?

G: Wa you see me like that ah. Next time don't want stick up for you already.

Y: Ok la kidding nia..dont guniang can anot. I know you steady one. Eh bus come already lets go.

Yvonne turned and walked up the bus that just arrived. Gabriel sat beside her and throughout the whole trip he was secretly peeking at her cleavage in the white spaghetti strap. It didn't have a deep cleavage but it was so tight that everytime Yvonne made a move or gestured her hands while talking it sort of bunched up and made it look even more tempting.

At the funeral, everyone drank beer and played cards to pass time. Definitely the atmosphere is not one of those disco pubs and it was just relaxing and slow beer drinking. Gabriel was always cheering with everyone in the table because he wanted to get Yvvone high. He didn't care about the rest. He needed her, tonight.

Yvvone face was getting red after her third can of beer and he set his plan in motion for tonight.. Tracy, the girl head came to join them at the table and chided them on being so noisy and drinking so much.

Tracy: Eh siao eh! Tell you all mai kao pei kao bu right. Drink so much beer, want to get drunk for fuck? can drink but make sure you all behave! And this is song ka, show some respect to the dead understand anot!

Gabriel whispered to tracy: Wa.. paikia also must behave, like that become politician better.

Tracy: Eh gabriel you like to talk jiao wei so much right, whisper simi lan jiao to yvvone. Never mind you stand up and drink finish every body beer on the table!

G: Huh? You serious ah?


G: Okok....

Yvonne: its ok i will help him to drink half.

Tracy: WA Now got heroine come. Ok whatever, fuck both of you. Drink up now. And fucking make sure next time limbu talk u all listen.

Both Gabriel and Yvvone finished up the cans on the table, it was a bad call. Most of the can's were just opened after finishing up and everyone else just kept quiet while they were drinking. They were both definitely high and after the ceremony Gabriel took a cab back home with Yvvone.

Yvvone was definitely extremely high and fell asleep on Gabriel's lap. He was high, but he was horny as well. Beer always had something to do with his manhood rising up. He let his hands on her waist and slowly stroke her hips. Pretending to stroke her to sleep, he was actually feeling the curves from her ribs to her waist. Unexpectedly, he could feel his dick standing up.

Yvvone was asleep , but could she feel his dick underneath those pants? If she did, she was showing no response. Suddenly he could heard a slight mutter from Yvvone.

Y: Wa , like that also hard.. Must be virgin blood.

G: Eh..i thought you suppose to be sleeping?

Y: Ya sleeping..but something woke me up..I dont know what is it.. Maybe its your lan jiao tao?

G: Hahahaha!

Ho seh liao! Gabriel was smiling all the way in the taxi, this was it! As they went up the lift, Gabriel planted a kiss on her lips. Paikia or not, when it comes to girls, he needed alcohol to boost his shyness. He definitely wasn't the most daring guy when it comes to girls. She returned his kiss fiercely. Tongues intertwining with every movement. Licking the caves of his mouth he started touching her waist. Those god damn spaghetti stripes are so damn sexy on her body. Probably a 23 waist size. He will find out for himself tonight.

As they got on her floor, they stopped and she pulled him into the stair case. Yvvone was living on those newer blockers whereby the stairs were separated from the lifts. It had a door opening to it and you could practically hear every single door open as it was shut off from the lift entrance.

They continue their tongue battle and Yvvone hands were grabbing his crotch outside his pants while he had his hands all over her. It was definitely a bra worth remembering for. It was black against her white strap. All night long he had longed for it.

This went on for about 10 minutes, when he tried to move down to her skirt, he could feel a moist wet feeling. The panties were wet. Bingo. He moved his hands to slide down her panties.

Yvonne: Don't! Later got people how. My neighbours know me.

Gabriel: Won't one la.. Fuckin horny now man..

Yvonne: Eh dont leh.. Outside.. Touch me outside...

She whispered into his ears and he felt his dick on fire now. She slowly unzipped his pants and let her fingers in. It was just outside his boxers now. Surely, she was going to remove the boxers?

As she licked his ears, she whispered again softly.

Y: Eh I go back home already...

G: SIMI LAN JIAO?! Mai lai leh...

Y: Really..I go already.. Damn wet..

G: Wet than sio kan la !

Y: You think i so easy ah.. You need to try harder

G: Wa lan dont like that leh!

Y: I'm like that..how? Force fuck me lor.

Yvvone gave a quick peck on his cheeks and left the door. Gabriel was left standing alone at the staircase, dick hard as hell. Zipped open and he could hear a gate open and slammed shut quickly. What a fucking bitch. What a fucking tease.

25-09-2012, 11:53 AM
Sibeh ho......TS hurry continue! :D

25-09-2012, 03:52 PM
Yvonne gin tng lai leh ... :D :D

26-09-2012, 12:06 AM
Old school I like *thumbs up* Yvonne Xin jiao need to warm up first lol...so TS faster come back and warm us up

26-09-2012, 02:00 AM
Must faster call all his hia di kia keong kan yvonne

26-09-2012, 02:25 AM
fucking cocktease yvonne. playing hard to get. LOL:D

26-09-2012, 03:58 PM
Gabriel went home with a raging hard on that night. He could barely contain his anger, yet at the same time he was quite turned on. She was a cock-teaser, definitely. She was also one angelic little fairy that was worth waiting for. It seem's even though she was at such a young age, she was playing the game well.

He went home and immediately received a phone call awhile later.

Caller : eh, siao eh!

G: Who are you?

Caller: Knn, you don't know me is it? Why you never save my number? Cheebye.

G: Yvvone ah?

Caller: Fuck you la! Just now tio kan by me now don't know who am I?

G: Omg, Tracy?

Tracy: Ya. Calling to check if you at home anot. Just now punish you drink so much. First name you guess is Yvvone. Did you sio kan with my gina anot. just now see both of you go in taxi.

G: No la... Wah lan..I only send her home come back liao..Sum pa..

T: Sumpa ur lam pa..Don't let me catch you doing anything with her. I will skin ur fuckin balls. Anyway, I noticed today you keep staring at me. You interested in me is it?

G: Huh? Stare what? Never la..

Instantly, Gabriel pictured Tracy. She was the ultimate ah lian. With almost perfect C cup boobs, she always loved wearing "X" bra's and those bra strap's hanging around the neck. Red, yellow, blue straps were here favourite pick's and with the killer bare back and tight hot pants, it was hard not to stare at her. As much as Gabriel loved Yvvone, Tracy would probably be the best fuck with that body.

T: Good. Better don't stare. Eh, next week I am inviting all the new gina's come my house drink. You all need to how to spar and fight. After that all ton my house drink. I will give you address and time later. Your tao eh all also will be there.

G: Orh.. Ok.

T: Good dog..Cheebye paikia talk like dog. Hahaha!
*Kup phone*

Gabriel was fucking pissed off. First he got teased by Yvvone now Tracy seems to be picking on him. He immediately called Yvvone.

G: Eh..... You fucking cock teaser.

Y: Yes baby? I know la.. relax. Don't be mad, in return I will do another favor for you ok?

G: What?

Y: Cant you hear?

G: Hear what?

Y: My panting.

G: Are you a fucking dog?

Y: No i'm not a dog, but i have two fingers in me now listening to your voice.

G: In where?

Gabriel could imagine her beautiful face with her mouth open... Oh God..He unzipped his pants and fished out his still standing tall dick.

Y: In..my chee bye la..than where.. Sibei song leh gabriel just now..Mmmm...

G: Uh huh....than why you don't wanna fuck.. I'm so hard.

Y: Because i want it to be on a bed..And i want you to fuck me..i like your hard cock..I'm so wet now.. Wanna come over my house...

G: Huh you serious !?

Y: No la...my parents at home..but i wanna come...finger fucking myself.. cheebye very long never become so wet liao.. want sio kan with u ... ahhhh...mmmmm

G: I'm coming already yvvone..oh yvvone...

Y: AHH!!! AHHH!!

They both came together and immediately there was a awkward silence on the phone.

Y: Eh...I go clean up first.. My bed is so wet now..Too bad your not near me now, or I would let you fuck me.

G: You like to tease so much right.. I will get you one day.

Y: Okay la, I set date for movie can anot. Cheebye la you kan irritating.

G: Ok set.

Y: Oh btw, forget to tell you.

G: What?

Y: I love to squirt.

*Kup Phone*

26-09-2012, 04:13 PM
Steaming ah lian story.

I always have a big fantasy for ah lian, esp those with long, yellow dyed hair and colourful sexy clothings. But would never get one cos I am always seen as a mature gentleman whom no one would ever associate with a ah lian.

This story is smoking hot!

Upz you with my humble pint.

27-09-2012, 03:21 PM
Waiting for your update .

27-09-2012, 06:43 PM
The finally awaited day has arrived.

Gabriel was scheduled to meet Yvvone in the morning for a movie. His mind had wild thoughts. Why morning? Why such a wulu place? Jurong West? Why watch a 11am show on a weekday? What's going through her mind ? What will I get?

He arrived on time and immediately glazed through the mall. It was dead. Shops were just beginning to open and the ticket counter just opened.

He immediately bought two tickets for a thai horror movie.

G: Eh chiobu, got simi seat available huh? Full show is it?

Countergirl: We have the entire seats for selection. So far it's a empty show.

G: Hosehliao la... Okay, set you give me this two tickets...Ya.. Most further inside and somewhere at the center.

Countergirl: Oh.. Okay.

She gave a smile to him knowingly. He grinned and collected his tickets. He was dead tired, he couldn't believe how tired he was but he grabbed single ounce of energy left in his body to actually get out of bed this morning.

Dressed with his brand new black glittering tribal design shirt with a baggy three quarter jeans and flip flops. Just at the back of his pocket, a pointy comb tip could be spotted. Hair gelled to perfection as usual with a huge M with the center parting and not to mention lots of his dad Hugo Boss perfume on him. He was giving quite an impression.

Yvvone soon arrived and he was slightly disappointed to see her wearing a casual T shirt with a flare skirt.

G: Wa, wear until so lok kok. Go pasar malam is it..Cheebye our first date leh.

Y: Sua I go home lor.

G: No la joking only..Eh gia..let's go movie starting.. its a empty show.

Y: Good, that's why I booked a morning show.

G: You got what thing in ur mind huh..Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Y: For me to know for you to find out lor... by the way gab...

G: Simi?

Y: Very windy today hor...

G: Windy meh we inside shopping center.. Where got wind can feel sia. Air con leh..

Y: Don't know leh..my below damn windy..maybe because I din wear anything inside..


Y: Later you see lor... ;)

Gabriel could feel his manhood rising as he walked to to his seats. Perfect. Far end corner and right at the center. Another couple walked in and went straight to the other end of the cinema at the back.

G: Eh..you said you never wear..Let me check..

Y: You check lor.

Gabriel pretended to put his hands on her creamy white thighs. He creeped slowly up and could feel the texture of the pelvic bone and lifted up the skirt slowly. Bingo! There was feeling of some little pubic hair but that was it. Clumsily he tried to find the hole and inserted a finger into it.

Y: Oi! Pain leh!

G: Sorry la too kan chiong ma...

Y: Slowly..play outside first...

Gabriel found a little piece of meat out the outskirt of the hole and wondered..Is this the famous clitoris of my little Yvvone? Played with it, twirling and circling his finger around it, he could feel Yvvone opening up her legs for him to have better access to her.

In return, Yvvone moved her hands and started grabbing his crotch. He had wore baggy bermudas today for this purpose. Easy access and wouldn't look out of place if the zip was down.

Soon he could feel the slish slosh sound of liquid feeling his hands. A sweet yet musky smell filled the air and he took in every single breath of it. The little angel was enjoying herself no doubt. He inserted a finger slowly and he couldn't imagine how tight it was. It was practically having a finger in a beer bottle. Extremely tight and wet.

The movie was starting and he inserted two fingers into her love hole. The smell and wetness of her was driving him crazy. He was practically about to cum in his pants if she continued touching him.

He tried to reach further into her love hole when suddenly...!

Stranger: BOY AH ! WHERE IS THE SEATING M 16 17 18 AH?

Gabriel: Simi lan jiao?! Simi tai ji leh? Ahh......

The stranger was with a group of guys and girls, they looked to be in their mid twenties and were grinning away. Gabriel immediately retracted his hands when he heard the voice and was visibly pissed. They were obvious something was going on and were actually playing a prank on him.

G: M over there la this is S you cannot see meh.

Cursing under his breathe, he told Yvvone. "I go to the washroom first, wait for me...Cheebye kia come and disturb."

He went to the washroom in double quick time and unzipped, grabbed some tissue and looked at himself in the mirror.

Muttering to himself , "Wah lan eh Gabriel, sibei sia suay leh..haven't even put her hands on my cock you like this already. Fucking cummed in my pants. Chao Chee Bye!"

27-09-2012, 07:24 PM
upz u my humble points. ;)

28-09-2012, 12:02 AM
upz u my humble points. great story!!!

28-09-2012, 01:40 AM
Iss this a real story?

28-09-2012, 11:56 AM
Gabriel returned to his seat and was extremely pissed off at the group that spoiled his perfect moment.

He saw Yvvone slumped in her seat , she had fallen asleep! And just across a couple of rows towards the center of the cinema, the group were there. Commenting loudly on the show and laughing loudly at the parts that were meant to scare people. They were a group of two guys and a girl. The group looked slightly older at young odd twenty and look like your typical poly students.

Nothing happened throughout the show as Yvvone slept through the entire movie, in his head, Gabriel was seething with anger and was wondering what should he do? Is he too young to take them on? But they look like poly students. Ai Sio Pak mai?

As the movie ended, Gabriel woke Yvvone and as they were walking towards the exit door behind the group, Gabriel commented loudly

Gabriel: Wa chee bye, orgy is it, two guniang and one charboh. Think the leg sure open big big give them kan jialat jialat.


Gabriel: I got talk to you all meh? Why so guilty? Also never mention you. Really fuckin her day and night is it. Eh hiong kan la.

The group than turned to one of the guys who looked like a typical poly student. With spectacles and neatly short side parting hair, they yelled "Hey Tony, whack that guy la fuck! Your black belt shouldn't be for nothing."

Gabriel: Black belt? Black ur chee bye. Lai lor 1 to 1 ai mai.

Tony: Okay come!

They walked to a nearby carpark and went to the last top 2 deck and Yvvone kept quiet. She was a wild girl in bed but definitely not as wild when it comes to this occasion. This was her first time encountering such problems, all along she had been a girl who did well but jealousy in school made her join gangs to get back at those girls who gossiped behind her back.

G: How ? Want fight until drop or first blood? Dont kei siao run away hor. Lim bei tell you

Tony: I give you one cigarette you drop already.

G: 1 cigarette enough for me to give you jialat jialat only la eh.. Fucking si bak gao.. (4 eye taunt)

Once the cigarette was lit, Gabriel wasted no time and immediately launched a punch at Tony. It hit him square in the eyes and one of his glasses broke. Taken by surprise, Tony threw the specs on the floor and immediately launched a attack on Gabriel.

Bam! Three hits was all it took and Gabriel dropped to the floor like a sack of coal. Tony had undergone taek kwan do training since he was young and was a black belt. He knew all the right places to hit and to KO the opponent.

T: Next time don't so arrogant boy. You are still young. Have you heard of this saying? One mountain is higher than the other.

G: Na bei chee bye lim bei from 248 gang eh.. You wait..i will fucking come back and find you with my water.

T: Hahaha. See you later than.

Yvvone rushed to Gabriel side and the group walked away. Laughing and taunting him loudly as they walked away.

Y: Are you ok?!

G: Ya la ya la, no problem eh. For you everything ok. :D

Flashing a big grin, he had a swollen bruised cheek and slightly bloody mouth.

Y: Eh better call your tao eh report.

G: Okok.

G: Eh tao eh, i tio whack sia. Fucking 20+ year old whack me 1to1.

Huan: Simi tai ji? They got bao you anot or you tio. How many people?

G: 3 people lor, but 1 to 1 fuckin alot older than me leh.

Huan: Where are they now?

G: Go already, they like never play shirt 1 leh. But fucker got black belt i think.

Huan: Never mind, you still new. Take it as lesson .. understand anot. Next week got meeting at Tracy home. We will train sparring ! Make sure you train hard. Got chance we will catch them back.

G: Ok boss. See you than.

Yvvone overheard the conversation and said a sentence that made his day.

Y: Eh .. Since your so injured, I stay nearby..You come my house first I help you dress up your wounds.

G: Wa later your parents or siblings at home how? I shy leh. You so fast bring their future son-in-law home.

Y: You mai lan jiao wei la... Nobody at home now...Come.

As he walked down the stairs of the carpark, wild thoughts was running through Gabriel mind.

28-09-2012, 02:03 PM
This gotta be one of the best stories ever.. Did join a gang when i was in my younger days.. all these fight first blood.. 1 on 1.. 1 ciggerate.. really make me think back of last time hahahah

28-09-2012, 07:02 PM
this story sound so familiar ... i think those guy u mention the people i think i know some of them my friend the friend maybe ... the gina tao i think i know also if this is real story ... use to hang out with them too but maybe not with this group de . im a good boy but just drag by them :( i dont know about the gabriel but i heard him before . other name were all fake except gabriel i think ... and my friend also same gang he also always go songka de... that was secondary school time now not sure le long time never hang out or talk to him le ...

28-09-2012, 09:36 PM
Nice story bro, keep it up!

29-09-2012, 12:02 AM
Very interesting.... well done TS... pls continue.....

30-09-2012, 09:31 AM
Best story i have read so far... Nice..

01-10-2012, 12:59 PM
Ah beng where are u. Continuing le

01-10-2012, 06:51 PM
pls have at least 1 "hian toh" then "piah jwee" incident :)
Chop Chop continue Young and Dangerous - Singapore Edition.

01-10-2012, 07:03 PM
Bringing back memories of my teenager years...

01-10-2012, 08:54 PM
Interesting thread, makes me open my eyes on the dark side. I got a friend during ns who told me people who are in the white side of the coin can never imagine what how the other side is like. What they are expose to are just the surface and vice versa. Hope to see T S next post...

01-10-2012, 10:04 PM
Ai Sio Kan Mai?

Wa Si Chin Cai...

02-10-2012, 07:47 AM
Ah beng Si mi tai chi, ah ni koo bo sai. Tio lock up is it.

02-10-2012, 12:15 PM
Thank you for all the support. I have been really busy last few days but I'm back again.

Next installment;

Gabriel arrived at Yvvone's home and was surprised that it was such a beautifully renovated. He always thought people who join gangs were people who came from broken families or rebellious kids.

He could see pictures of Yvvone with her parents in Japan, Korea, etc all over the wall's. Recent pictures of her with her dyed golden hair taken at Fantasy Island were taken and posted on the wall. (for those bro's who still remember, the Sentosa amusement park that had a few deaths because of lousy safety management)

G: Eh ..you so loving with your parents.. Why chup paikia sia.

Y: You huan lo.. come let me see your bruise..

G: I got two bruise..one nothing..other damn pain leh..

Y: Where pain ?

G: One on my face..the other... come you touch.

Y: Eeeee.. knn just come in my house you hard already..

G: Lai liao lor...

Gabriel wasted no time in feeling her thighs as he already knew she was pantyless underneath her beautiful short flare skirt. Her t-shirt might seem plain but it hugged her curves perfectly and he couldn't help getting a hard on as he walked with her back home.

Standing outside in the living room, his fingers trailed her thigh back and forth as they frenched and kissed passionately. He teased her pubic area by brushing his fingers lightly across and than dragging it over her clitoris.

Y: Stick it in..I'm wet already..

G: Your chee bye feels really good..

This went on for awhile, teasing lightly but kissing fiercely. He lifted up one of her legs on the couch and inserted two fingers into her. It went in smoothly, again he could feel the tightness of her pussy. This was definitely an extremely tight hole.

G: Eh..damn tight... How many guys pia you before huh..

Y: Only one..your the second..

G: How long ago was it ?

Y: A year ago.. very long never sio kan already... ah..stick it in further...

A year's hole without fucking? Gabriel had hit a gold mine.

G: I need some help... Just now fight now hands injured.. Need someone to unbuckle.. and make me happy.

Y: Limbu turn... Stand so long tired.. Sit down.

She kneeled on the floor looking at him and took down his pants. Immediately Gabriel's dick stood out. She took in her mouth like a little girl devouring her lollipop for the first time.

First, little flicks and licks were given to the head. Circling down to his testicles and than back up again. He was rock hard. She engulfed his member into her mouth, she had a petite face and that means a small mouth. She could only get it in slightly more than half. She was horny, but inexperience.

Gabriel felt teeth on his head, but he didn't care. This angel was sucking him. It was in the moment, no time to complain now. She started alternating between using her mouth and teeth going up and down and licking the head. She kept her head down, a certain degree of shyness was involved. This went on for a good ten minutes, Gabriel couldn't stand it any longer.

Sensing his orgasm was coming, she took it in her mouth and went faster. Up down, up down, up down, up down. Gabriel squirmed and trembled in his seat. Both his legs were 'locked' , getting extreme sensations on his dick.

G: Eh..I'm coming, come in your mouth ok?

Y: No, i use hand you shoot on the floor

G: don't like that leh... sibei song..

Immediately he could feel a torrent of water about to exit his head , in his excitement he pressed down Yvvone's head on him and half ignoring her attempt at pushing her head backwards, he ejaculated into her mouth.

Yvvone gagged and immediately ran to the kitchen to spit out the sperm in her mouth. Gabriel zipped up and felt his legs tremble.

G: Eh sorry ..just now too excited..

Y: CHAO CHEE BYE! Limbu say dont come in my mouth right. I fucking hate the taste of sperm!

G: Sorry sorry...but damn song...let's go round 2 leh..

Y: Round 2 your cheebye face! No mood already, fuck off from my house

G: Wah lan eh, steady eh.. Baobei....

Y: Steady your lampa ..Fuck off.

G: Ah...hiong kan la!

Gabriel stormed off. He was pissed off yet excited at the same time. As he went down the lift, his dick was still standing tall, angry at the fact he couldn't penetrate her sweet little pussy.

Yet, his face was smiling. He had gotten a blowjob from his beautiful Yvvone. Sweet little fairy. It was all worth it.

02-10-2012, 12:29 PM
A couple of days later, Gabriel went back home. Yvvone didn't contact him, he was pissed, she was pissed. It didn't matter, he would fuck her. Sooner or later.

Just than, he received a call from James.

J: Eh, limbei tio bao sia! Come and help!

G: Simi tai ji? Where are you?

J: limbei at junction 8 ! Chao chee bye ahgua 5 people whack me one person.

G: Okok..I take taxi down now!

J: Ah huan all coming down also, eh, dont forget bring KC.

G: Simi si KC? Kock Cock?

J: Cock your lan jiao la... take weapon... I dont know where they go already..maybe they diao zhui also..

G: What weapon sia... knn.



Ni na bei, Gabriel was always getting hanged on the phone by others. Immediately he rushed to change and looked for a suitable weapon. Just then, his phone rang.

Huan: EH siao eh I now in my van with some gina, we are near your house you go down your block now. I fetch you.

G: Ok, give me 5 minutes.

Gabriel was excited , yet worried. Pia zhui? What will happen? Will he die? Will he kill someone? Will someone kill him? He pulled on long black shirt with jeans. He wanted to be covered everywhere to prevent himself being injured. It was a stupid thought, but it makes sense in a way with a layer of cloth protecting it.

He rushed down and soon a van arrived. Huan slide open the rear door and he boarded, immediately he could see 3 mid twenties and 2 that looked about his age in the van.

Huan: Umbrella? Good! You know what to do. Anyway, behind van here i got some parang. You all gina take the baton or umbrella, older ones take the parang. Limbei got one samurai sword. Later reach there, gabriel and tony see water at the block beside. The rest we go meet up with the rest of the water.

G: Ok boss.

H: If you see people chiong towards us, REMEMBER TO SHOUT. And let me say first..Mai ka lim bei ah gua all of you. Who run let lim bei see, all of you will tio kai kuat. Chao chee bye! Understand anot!

Gina: Yes boss!

Soon they arrived and as Gabriel exited the van, one thought was running through his mind.

Will this day be his last?

02-10-2012, 12:42 PM
wah....pia zhui liao leh....:D

02-10-2012, 05:48 PM
chiong ah !!

02-10-2012, 09:28 PM
Don't forget to shout "slogan" when piah jwee..

02-10-2012, 11:13 PM
Support with my jiao tao.use to lust for those ah lian when in teens.always heard stories how ah beng roti all the lians at chalets after d n d ie drink n drugs.all raw n shot in.

03-10-2012, 05:59 AM
After piah jwee piah simi?

Gabriel piah Yvvone or Tracy? :D

03-10-2012, 07:45 AM
Chiong ah Chiong !! 21 tiong!!! Piang ahhh!!!

03-10-2012, 09:07 AM
Chiong ah Chiong !! 21 tiong!!! Piang ahhh!!!

Lim peh tiong meng kok.

03-10-2012, 11:01 AM
wah....exciting wor!!!
nice story!

03-10-2012, 11:02 AM
wah....exciting wor!!!
nice story!

wah, u suddenly appear in this thread :D

03-10-2012, 01:14 PM
:confused: i cannot come in to read??

Nutella lim
03-10-2012, 02:37 PM
Chiong ah Chiong !! 21 tiong!!! Piang ahhh!!!

Shout lan lah !!! Lim peh lo guan kia . :mad:

03-10-2012, 03:04 PM
wah interesting more.....more..

03-10-2012, 05:16 PM
camping here.

03-10-2012, 05:18 PM
wah! sibeh many pia kia here sia :eek:

03-10-2012, 05:47 PM
Good story, really make me think of things i seem when i am young... LOLx
camping here

04-10-2012, 12:27 AM
Good story, really make me think of things i seem when i am young... LOLx
camping here

lol...were u ah lian last time ??

04-10-2012, 10:03 AM
Nice story in local context.

04-10-2012, 10:50 AM
limpei hakim kia pht kia

04-10-2012, 01:08 PM
errrr... paiseh ar.....lim peh wa lao bu eh kia :D

04-10-2012, 02:01 PM
Ang Soon Tong reporting :p

04-10-2012, 02:23 PM
Shout lan lah !!! Lim peh lo guan kia . :mad:

huh....same same leh..here also can see my bros...one ah one..!!

04-10-2012, 02:25 PM
Lim bei is horny kia that's why I am here.
Lim bei big boss is mr money..without him I will die :rolleyes:

04-10-2012, 02:26 PM
wah. sbf really alot of pai kia. But all buay gan. 混了那么多年还都只是小弟,连中辈都不是。真失败!:D

04-10-2012, 02:36 PM
:Dinteresting, something u dun really get to sees here often...:D

04-10-2012, 06:41 PM
Limpei sio kun tong bt go undercover in anti vice.nw.will tip off all ml,fl when there is a raid coming:)

04-10-2012, 06:47 PM
so interesting... think back of old times.. when its all abt alcohol and drugs n sex...

04-10-2012, 07:00 PM
si bei song please carry on

04-10-2012, 07:01 PM
wah. sbf really alot of pai kia. But all buay gan. 混了那么多年还都只是小弟,连中辈都不是。真失败!:D

KNN You Tink HHH nd Shawn michaels Can help you is it? Wait i Cor alL 32 kia piang you . :D

04-10-2012, 08:17 PM
wah ast also come out, fierce.

04-10-2012, 08:24 PM
Shout lan lah !!! Lim peh lo guan kia . :mad:

Lol 24 sio Lo guan..?

Really don't waste my time lah. I huat here I ownself song. End of the day this society is see money not see your di Tao now power. U need money your Tao eh will lend you? Your Lao puay will lend you?

But I know a 24 Lo guan Lao eh earn my respect he is rich and Pai and drive BMW 7 series. Lol. Whole body tattoo.

05-10-2012, 02:08 PM
TS stop miaing liao !

05-10-2012, 03:16 PM
TS scared of u all already la ! see la

06-10-2012, 07:10 AM
Killed in action?

06-10-2012, 10:47 AM
Maybe kena biggest pai kia in singapore .. 999 kia?

06-10-2012, 10:52 AM
TS come back leh, standby first aid kit for u liao .... :D

06-10-2012, 11:08 AM
TS come back leh, standby first aid kit for u liao .... :D

ok i chip in also. i take knife, cloth (for u to bite) and candle. take knife heat under fire help u dig bullet out.

then alan bro pour yellow antiseptic on wound and wrap.

06-10-2012, 11:24 AM
The only bullets Sg pai Kia get to shoot are bullets from their Xiao didi lei~ just pass TS box of doreamon tissue to wipe off can liao

06-10-2012, 11:36 AM
ok i chip in also. i take knife, cloth (for u to bite) and candle. take knife heat under fire help u dig bullet out.

then alan bro pour yellow antiseptic on wound and wrap.

See too many 英雄本色 :eek::D:p

06-10-2012, 12:49 PM
TS havnt finish pia zui ar....

06-10-2012, 02:54 PM
英雄本色=英雄本来就好色 lol

06-10-2012, 06:37 PM
TS hurry come back!

06-10-2012, 06:55 PM
Sorry guys been really busy.

Will try to update on monday onwards!

06-10-2012, 08:33 PM
:confused: i cannot come in to read??

yes yes
nice pic for me to read .... see :D

09-10-2012, 09:31 AM
Sorry guys been really busy.

Will try to update on monday onwards!

boss, already tuesday liao ... :D

09-10-2012, 10:21 AM
Sorry guys been really busy.

Will try to update on monday onwards!

boss, already tuesday liao ... :D

alan0338: TS is smart.. he didn't say which monday!! :D

09-10-2012, 02:42 PM
Haha lol. Yes he didn't say which Monday. Brother steady hor, dai po kai say Monday is Monday la. Today Tuesday le. Bua tahan Liao. Lai lai miao tu Liao.

11-10-2012, 09:25 PM
Abandoned thread ?

11-10-2012, 10:06 PM
pia zhui pia liao then pia ah lian thats why never updates

11-10-2012, 11:18 PM
nice twist of story..now feel like watching "ku wai zai" instead.so many zi tao all come out liao...reminds me of good old days but reality is cruel but memories is good for the old when looking back at those days.Now i prefer to pia another type of zhui though.:D

12-10-2012, 12:21 AM
Immediately Gabriel exited the van and went to the block beside. Sitting himself on the stone chair and with the baton hidden in his pants, wild thoughts was running through his mind.

What if they came for him first? Do they even know he is with the gang? Will be kill someone?

He kept his eyes peeled and with his heart thumping like a techno beat, he could barely conceal his excitement. Adrenaline and fear rush through him as he contemplated being both a hero and turning to zero if he died.

After a long 15 minutes, he received a call.

Huan: Eh chee bye...You come back first, those fuckers dont know go where already.

G: Okok...

Gabriel rushed back to the group. He could see the group gathered near the lift. James was bleeding from the mouth and his eyes were bruised and swollen.

G: Eh , ok anot?

J: You ask lan jiao wei la..you see my face. Kan ni na dont know where those guys run to already. They say want diao zhui, until now never turn up.

Huan: Simi di tao wan fuck around, they got poh di tao anot?!

J: Dont have leh, i got say mine, than they whack already. Chee bye!

Huan: All sua diu first.. later got police come. I call van come pick us up. Go back zai tui than talk.

Just as they boarded the van, they could see a couple of QX with flashing lights racing past them , turning into the carpark entrance.

Huan: Wa sibei heng ah..If tio caught all go in sit already..kan ni na!

J: tao eh.. pain leh..

Huan: okok, we go back i get charboh rub egg and massage oil for you.. okay boh?


Huan: On your chee bye.. You think charboh for you to rub egg one is it. Anyway, tomorrow we will meet at Tracy home don't forget. Fucking need to teach you all how to fight. There will be alot of things to have fun there as well.

G: Simi fun?

Huan: Huan lo, you tomorrow lai limbei give you enjoy songsong until jurong than whack you jialat until pasir ris..

G: Wa ... aiya anything la..

Gabriel went back home and wondered if he could manage to get closer to Tracy tomorrow night. How about Yvvone? Will that be the last and only straw he will be able to have with her?

Unable to resist the urge, he picked up the phone and dialled Yvonne number.

G: Hey .. err.. girl ah..mai an ni kuan leh...

Y: *Heavy breathing*

G: Girl ah..sorry la..steady leh.. i mountain turtle very long never like this already.. suddenly got you this fairy come to my mountain.. buey tahan ma..

Y: Wah your lan jiao wei alot hor.. Kan ni na..your lan jiao also alot of zhui leh.. Make limbu dulan only

G: Ok la say sorry already...

Y: You wait one day i wil fucking squirt into your mouth and make you swallow all of it..

G: Wa..can talk like that means ok already, swee la ,tomorrow you going anot?

Y: Go or not, you huan lo. Limbu now go train how to squirt. Hiong kan.

*KUP Phone*

Chao chee bye, this fucking people love to kup his phone. But wait, what did she mean she went to train how to squirt? Was she actually inserting those devilic fingers into herself right now?

With his imagination running wild, he unzipped his pants and started stroking himself. Paikia or not, everyone need to release. With all the action happening all day long, what better than to self pleasure ?

He practically filled the tissue with a pound of semen as he imagined the huge tits of perfect ah lian Tracy. That fucking chao ah lian. Neh neh dua dua lup, she should be the head woman of neh neh tong. Tomorrow will be the perfect opportunity to get close to her.


12-10-2012, 12:31 AM
Lol! Ups for Neh Neh Tong!

12-10-2012, 04:27 AM
neh neh tong ftw!

12-10-2012, 03:32 PM
welcome back ts, we miss tracy and yvonne. :D

12-10-2012, 09:27 PM
welcome back TS~

13-10-2012, 12:08 AM
Nice story, camping for more!

13-10-2012, 12:00 PM
upss for the thread,camping for more

14-10-2012, 11:58 AM
Still waiting for Neh Neh Tong to continue leh :D:p

14-10-2012, 02:34 PM
tong ah tong! neh neh tong!! wan sui wan sui neh neh tong!!

17-10-2012, 03:30 AM
Ts we know you are busy...but do come back and update the story u left 1/2 way. If not all the gangs will be look for u Liao lor.

17-10-2012, 04:00 AM
Ts we know you are busy...but do come back and update the story u left 1/2 way. If not all the gangs will be look for u Liao lor.

yalor ts am a long time camper here

17-10-2012, 07:17 AM
cant wait for more

17-10-2012, 12:45 PM
where is my Ah bBeng? What happen to Yvonne squirting in his mouth?
Did Gabriel choke??
Please up date.

Building A Hut waiting, plus borrow some camp fire from Kitty. :D

17-10-2012, 08:34 PM
Gabriel left his home in anticipation at that night happenings. He had spent a load of time combing his hair, what was going to happen tonight? Training? Sparring?

He arrived on location to Tracy's home. It was located someplace on the north side of the city. It looked like your typical run down estate. At least 50 odd years , run down buildings, paint were peeling from the walls. He went up to 9th floor and knocked on the door.

He wiped the sweat off his forehead and could hear slight techno music thumping from the inside.

Soon the door opened and Tracy smiled at him.

Tracy: Eh what time already, chee bye invite you come also must let me wait sibo.

G: Sorry la, just now got traffic jam.

T: Jam ni na bu la! You take MRT come here exit and my block right beside, gong jiao wei right! later i ask huan give you jialat jialat.. cheebye!

G: Hahahaha ok la like that also can spot me.. fuck you la open the door.

T: Kin leh.. we all here already.

G: Open the chee bye door la, never open how to go in.

As Tracy lead him into the room, he opened his mouth in shock. In the tiny little room was crammed about 8 people.

James: Come already ah?! Cheebye kia so long. Anyway, come let me introduce. Ah huan, tao eh today will teach us how to spar. We have Tracy, yvvone and michelle as well here. They are new. Ali and Ah Sam are old bird. They will do all the training also.

Huan: Mai gong lan jiao wei.. You all get ready, we will practice 1 to 1 first. NI na bei especially you Gabriel better train more. Tio pak liao now give you self defense lesson, you are lucky i never charge you training fee!

Gabriel: Yes boss!

Gabriel tried to catch Yvvone eyes, but she avoided him, Tracy was smiling like a witch looking down at her prey while Michelle. Who was Michelle?

Huan: Eh dont keep looking at Michelle la chee bye she is my gan mei mei.

Gabriel: No la , just wondering who is she.

Huan: You better mai sieng siao i tell you. Anyway,later after got ho liao for all of you. Got vodka, martell all this for you. Also got super ingredient give you all high song song until jurong. Come! Mai gong wei liao. Put on the boxing gloves!

For the next 2 hours, Gabriel sparred with James and than Huan joined in, Ali and Ah Sam also played parts holding all the boxing pads. Training hooks, straight and uppercuts, they did the basic training before engaging in some light sparring.

With the gloves, they didn't hit the face but aimed for the body. First one to hit 10 clean shots to the opponents body won. With the girls looking on, the guys tried to look as 'sud' as possible. As gabriel was sparring with Ah sam, Sam caught gabriel on the jaw with a upper cut.


As he yelled, Gabriel swung a right hook at Ah Sam. Immediately Ah Sam collapsed on the floor. Immediately the others rushed in to stop the fight.

Gabriel: Sibei buay kan ni na bei zhi liap tou liao chee bye!

Huan: I say this is sparring right! You all want to fucking guai lan lai!

Huan immediately went to put on his boxing gloves and told Ah Sam to stand up.


Both guys stood their ground and took a step back immediately. They wanted to fight each other, not against Ah Huan. He was alot muscular and he had been trained in Thai Boxing. His light casual punches in the sparring was more than the boys can handle but they kept a tough face on with the girls looking on.

This went on for almost thirty seconds and immediately Tracy stood up and said.

Tracy: Ok ! Enough already. Hiadi kia dont fight hiadikia. Come. Anyway, train so long already. Lai. Now time to party. I go and bring the alcohol, HUAN YOU COME AND HELP ME.

Both guys breathed a sigh of relief and immediately sat down. Yvvone went over to Gabriel and made casual talk with him.

Yvvone: Eh ok anot?

Gabriel: Ok la..che ebye damn suay everytime see you tio pak one leh..Or not give you kan!

Yvvone: Wah lan eh, come and care about you like that talk to me. Sua lor.

Gabriel: Ok la.. kidding nia..

Just than Tracy walked in with Gabriel.

Tracy: Ok , SUA! Dont kpkb already. Tonight we party. Nobody at my house. Inside the alcohol i gei liao already. Dont worry, you all just enjoy. Huan lo what it is. And if you are too high, TELL US so we know what to do!

What the fuck was in that drink? Panadol?

17-10-2012, 10:07 PM
Welcome back! been waiting for your nice story

17-10-2012, 11:24 PM
Welcome back ts!! Made our day but don't suspend too long hor...
And I guess the pills shld be 5 bah. Am I right?

17-10-2012, 11:35 PM
mass orgy next!

18-10-2012, 12:01 AM
i think all will seh liao and have sex!

18-10-2012, 02:12 PM
interesting story. Keep it coming

18-10-2012, 03:00 PM
it's been quite sometime since the last heard this kind of very Singapore Hokkien conversation....very very homly!!!!:)

Been ho kia bery long liao...suddenly time turn around...all the knnccb, simi lanjiao, gong simi jiao wei all come out liao!

Really have a good laugh listening to these phrase.

Bro u really make my day



18-10-2012, 10:31 PM
As Ah Huan and Tracy poured out the alcohol evenly , everyone was tense with excitement.

James: Lai, first glass. All steady, drink finish! Lai!

Yvvone: Steady kia buey ku la..kan ni na..You want lim you lim yourself. Later I drunk how?

Yvvone gave a slutty face to Gabriel and winked. Wah, that fucking bitch tonight must give it to her man. Gabriel couldn't help remembering her slutty face as she blew him.

Ah huan: Nobody will get drunk tonight...We will all high and yo ah yo!

Immediately, three glasses were down in unison with equal amounts for everyone. As the pitcher was nearing empty, Tracy poured alcohol into the pitcher and added coke. After which, she took out a little bag with white powdery substance in it and poured into the drink.

Gabriel: What is that ?!

Tracy: Huan lo.. You diam diam drink.. Sibei song eh..

Huan: Lai lai dont talk so much , we share finish this cup. Everybody drink evenly, I pass around, i Lim first. HUAT AH!

Gabriel: What is that? Tell me leh?

Tracy: You hum ji is it? Na bei! Zho pai kia arni ah gua sibo!?

Gabriel: Simi ah gua, lai!

With loud techno music thumping in the back ground, soon they were playing dices and enjoying. Feeling slightly dizzy, Gabriel got up to goto the toilet. As he left the room, he could hear someone else behind him.

Michelle: Eh..hold me leh..damn dizzy..

Gabriel: You ok anot? Wah lan sibei gu niang..

Michelle: I guniang what.. phua bye..

Gabriel: ok la..I hold you..lai..we go toilet together..

Michelle: Together your chee bye la.. I go first..wait outside.

As Gabriel waited, he started thinking of Yvvone. That fucking bitch, she totally ignored him when they were drinking. He kept his attention on Tracy tits. That little sio pak gui char bo gina tao wore a loose t shirt and fbt pants. He could spy her bra strap when her t shirt was a little loose at the side. It was red, with little flowery strip patterns running over it. Must be some cheap bra from the pasar malam. But with her big fucking tits, it was going to be a knock out if he had it on his face.

He wanted for close to 5 minutes day dreaming about tit fucking her when he wondered why there was no sound in the toilet.

Gabriel: Eh you ok anot?! Why so long in the toilet? Finger yourself is it?


Oi hello!?


Cheebye die already ah?


No reply I open the door already ah.



He gently pushed open the door and it wasn't locked at all. He saw michelle slumped on the floor beside the toilet bowl. He immediately checked her breath and saw she was still breathing. Probably fell asleep or too high and took a nap. He should notify Tracy and let her bring her to the living room to rest.

Wait, or should he.......?

Starting to feel a slight stirring in his pants, he bend down beside her and started stroking her legs.

Gabriel: Michelle? Michelle!? Are you ok? Hello?

Michelle: Mmm....hmmm......quiet....tired.....

Gabriel: Okay you rest...

He slide his fingers slowly over her creamy white thighs. Michelle looked every bit your good guai neighbour next door kind of girl. With probably a B cup tits. Her strong point was her beautiful long legs. She had a tight fitting t shirt with hot pants on that day. Those legs. Damn. Long, smooth, creamy white. What more can you ask for?

As he ran his fingers up and down her thighs, his dick got harder and he went up to her stomach. Running lightly across her abdomen, he went to her tits. Squeezing slightly, he could feel her B cup tits in his hands. It was heavenly. Rubbing himself on the pants, he put his hands into her t shirt and went up to her bra. He could feel pre-cum oozing out of his dick as he made his way. Sticking his fingers into her bra, he could feel her nipples. Rubber-like 20 cents nipples. Just what he loved, perfect.

Playing and twisting and tickling her nipples, he could feel it harden and a soft moan could be heard from Michelle. He slowly unzipped his pants and took out his harden dick and started stroking it as he played with her tits. Taking in her beautiful legs, he kneeled over her legs and stared at it as he played with himself.

He moved his free hand down from her tits to her hot pants and started to unbutton her. Pulling the zip down, a yell came from behind.


Standing up immediately, harden dick in one hand, free hand attempting to cover, he turned around in a quarter of a second.

There, stood Tracy.


18-10-2012, 10:37 PM
ho seh liao, tracy gan him upside down and rape gabriel? exciting story to catch:)

18-10-2012, 10:38 PM
Actions come liao.

18-10-2012, 11:03 PM
I think Tracy will pao toh him than jialat the guy tio Kai kuat.

18-10-2012, 11:21 PM
<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/RY81QFir2sw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

19-10-2012, 12:58 AM
wah TS stop at the crucial moment pls continue

19-10-2012, 02:53 PM
Getting more and more interesting. Got Yvonne, Tracy and now Michelle.

TS, hope your story can include bai loti. :D

19-10-2012, 08:45 PM
Wa Lau eh! How can I join this party so late?! Sibei funny aar! I read the whole thread plus other bro comment in one go. I think TS should be born in the late 70s. All the small little details are so vivid and sexy, you just want to have more.
TS really talented, will def Up you when I recover. :)

19-10-2012, 09:01 PM
I guess the era early to mid-eighties leh my era also like that lol but is chalet leh haha

19-10-2012, 09:25 PM
omg ts y u stop?! please continue haha pleasee

19-10-2012, 11:05 PM
Nice.... Camping here...:)

20-10-2012, 12:16 AM
Damn it TS...you really know how to keep all of us in suspense. You should really consider writing professionally.

20-10-2012, 01:55 PM
*pulling hairs* Why must you stop at that moment?! :mad::D

22-10-2012, 10:54 AM
Continuation ? Suspense is killing us !

22-10-2012, 12:46 PM

22-10-2012, 09:06 PM
reminds me of the time im in sec sch. updateyyyyyy

23-10-2012, 11:31 AM
Bro ts.u beta dont keep our dick stand too long else this chao n siao gina here will gai kuat u for keeping our dick in suspense

23-10-2012, 04:56 PM
Center parting, M hairstyle, long wallet, sharp comb. confirm is early 80s. Bring back alot of memories..

23-10-2012, 05:04 PM
ya not my era the pai kia hahah..

23-10-2012, 09:47 PM
JPG dragon wallet is a must..... :D

25-10-2012, 06:23 PM
Where's TS?hoping for more...

25-10-2012, 09:41 PM
Where is my ah Beng and ah seng ...not forgetting my ah lian and ah huay :(

26-10-2012, 08:30 AM
Wah, please continue...

26-10-2012, 10:37 AM
Can someone go and post bail for Chao Ah Beng to cum back and start writing?

Bittersweet Guy
26-10-2012, 04:25 PM
Chao Ah Beng!! U diao so many "water" here liao and left us standing ard?? :rolleyes:

31-10-2012, 09:36 PM
Chao Ah Beng Tio Lia Liao............

03-11-2012, 10:22 PM
Chao ah beng si tuo lou?

03-11-2012, 11:34 PM
Ah Beng play MIA ah ?

04-11-2012, 12:08 AM
no more updates ?

07-11-2012, 11:31 AM
Still waiting for updates!

07-11-2012, 08:29 PM
Another good story on sbf tat is not complete, wat a pity

08-11-2012, 01:42 PM
This chao kia got caught by police already

22-11-2012, 08:18 PM
No more ahbeng liao. :(

22-11-2012, 11:10 PM
Looks like no more already, sigh.

11-12-2012, 11:12 PM
ahbeng come back!

13-12-2012, 12:24 PM
Mr Chao Ah Beng tio 55 issit?
Complete the story leh!!!