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My friend Shawna has sent me this site and I saw a comment like this:
"Its Amazing! I have never seen my wife sooooo WET!!!
I recently use the trick I learnt from Squirting Orgasm Mastery.
She wet all over my bed sheet and she was excited with multiple orgasms that we failed to count.
I bought it at and its really
works - I've never heard my wife screams so LOUD before!!
I have bought Superman Stamina and Incredible Sex Now the next day.
I trust the products!!! My wife is going to love me FOREVER!!!"
She also sent me some materials on how to have good sex with your girls. I will share these information with you via PM.
Please drop me PM for some tricks I learnt from my friend. And I may post some pic and video here if my friend allow me to.
ah rat
27-09-2012, 07:54 AM
TS, can share pixs & tricks via pm :D
TS, can share pixs & tricks via pm :D
Certainly. PM me with your email address.
I have received many PM about the sharing.
All brothers who are interested please provide me with your email address in the PM, so that I could sent you some pics and short clips information.
My friend Shawna has sent me this site and I saw a comment like this:
"Its Amazing! I have never seen my wife sooooo WET!!!
I recently use the trick I learnt from Squirting Orgasm Mastery.
She wet all over my bed sheet and she was excited with multiple orgasms that we failed to count.
I bought it at and its really
works - I've never heard my wife screams so LOUD before!!
I have bought Superman Stamina and Incredible Sex Now the next day.
I trust the products!!! My wife is going to love me FOREVER!!!"
She also sent me some materials on how to have good sex with your girls. I will share these information with you via PM.
Please drop me PM for some tricks I learnt from my friend. And I may post some pic and video here if my friend allow me to.
TS, can share pixs & tricks via pm :D
Thank you for your rewards. As you are the first brother who responded to my thread. You will be the first one to get any new information when I get updated.
Hi bro care to share the tricks with me too? my email is [email]
[email protected]
28-09-2012, 12:19 AM
Hey bro, looks like your PM box is full. If you don't mind, pls share your "mastery" to me (
[email protected]).
Many thanks in advance!
28-09-2012, 12:31 AM
pm me thanks!!
28-09-2012, 09:12 AM
bro, your PM is full, pls PM me your email add then i will reply you with my email.... thanks
28-09-2012, 09:19 AM
Pls pm me..thanks alot.. :)
My PM box is full. I have just managed to clear some of the PMs.
Please give me sometimes to organized what my friend Shawna has sent me. Brothers who sent me PM earlier, please check your email tonight.
Hi bro care to share the tricks with me too? my email is [email]
[email protected]
Please check your email tonight.
28-09-2012, 11:37 AM
Please check your email tonight.
Can share with me
[email protected]
Thanks in advance
ah rat
28-09-2012, 11:47 AM
TS, waiting for yours update :D
TS, waiting for yours update :D
Brother, I have just come back from night shift. I work at sea.
Follow the link for someting that tease you a little first:
Secret 3 - How your girl acts when you are amazing in bed,
I have misplace the links to Secret 1 & 2. Will update you later.
28-09-2012, 01:13 PM
Bro, teach us part1 & 2 as well as teach me how to up your power as well: D
28-09-2012, 01:56 PM
Hi, can send me an email,
[email protected]
Bro, teach us part1 & 2 as well as teach me how to up your power as well: D
Sure will update part 1 and 2, there are 10 parts.
28-09-2012, 04:58 PM
Bro I want Cos my sexy life suck
28-09-2012, 05:04 PM
Sure will update part 1 and 2, there are 10 parts.
Bro my email
[email protected]
This is a link teaching you how to tease your girl, I hope it helps:
Sex secret 6
All my email replied.
28-09-2012, 05:33 PM
thanks for sharing great stuff bro
Sorry brothers, just written to shawna for the links to Part 1 & 2. I am very disorganized. I hope these help:
Sex secret 1 - 3 sex positions
Sex secret 2 - 10 most dangerous mistakes
28-09-2012, 06:04 PM
pm me bro. :) thank you.
28-09-2012, 06:09 PM
Sorry brothers, just written to shawna for the links to Part 1 & 2. I am very disorganized. I hope these help:
Sex secret 1 - 3 sex positions
Sex secret 2 - 10 most dangerous mistakes
Thanks for the great info, bro. They are indeed helpful and insightful. Will try them tonight. 😊
28-09-2012, 10:31 PM
Sorry brothers, just written to shawna for the links to Part 1 & 2. I am very disorganized. I hope these help:
Sex secret 1 - 3 sex positions
Sex secret 2 - 10 most dangerous mistakes
Thxs for the sharing.... videos pls.... hehe.....
28-09-2012, 10:47 PM
Sorry brothers, just written to shawna for the links to Part 1 & 2. I am very disorganized. I hope these help:
Sex secret 1 - 3 sex positions
Sex secret 2 - 10 most dangerous mistakes
Thxs bros....
28-09-2012, 10:58 PM
Sorry brothers, just written to shawna for the links to Part 1 & 2. I am very disorganized. I hope these help:
Sex secret 1 - 3 sex positions
Sex secret 2 - 10 most dangerous mistakes
Thxs bros....
28-09-2012, 11:58 PM
My PM box is full. I have just managed to clear some of the PMs.
Please give me sometimes to organized what my friend Shawna has sent me. Brothers who sent me PM earlier, please check your email tonight.
Thanks for sharing such wonderful stuff, upz:)
29-09-2012, 12:17 AM
TS have up your pts and also pm u! Thx
29-09-2012, 12:34 AM
Smay, Please send me by
[email protected]. Thanks.
Below is another 2 links from Shawna, waiting for her to send me more:
Sex Secret 4 - The "Triple Play"
Sex Secret 5 - Bing "nice" in Bed is being MEAN to your girl
Sex Secret 6 - 10 ways to tease a woman,
had posted earlier because I was so dis-organised.:p
TS have up your pts and also pm u! Thx
Thanks for ups. Check your email brother.
29-09-2012, 03:02 AM
appreciated ts for sharing his finds on how to be a better lover great contributions
29-09-2012, 08:19 AM
Thanks for sharing! :D
Thanks for sharing! :D
Thanks for up.
I like this:
"做人要学陈冠希, 做爱要带照相机!";)
29-09-2012, 10:04 AM
Bro smay
Fyi, just PMed u. Thanks.
Another Sex Secret. Sorry for keeping you waiting.
Sex Secret 7 - The 9 Types Of Orgasms
Enjoy your reading.
29-09-2012, 10:22 AM
Bro my email
[email protected]
Hi Mo, pls help to delete my E-mail info cos alot shit email send to me... thxs for the help.
Actually, that was my wife who wet my bed sheet. I wrote those feedback to Shawna Blog. I will share with all of you when I get more familiar with the trick from the pratice in my battle field.
Brothers whom sent me their email addresses will receive some paid information today - guide to prostate care. But I am giving to all of you free-of-charge. Good things must share ma!
I hope we can exchange experience after we have win the battle.
Hi Mo, pls help to delete my E-mail info cos alot shit email send to me... thxs for the help.
I did not sent or give away your email. Only 2 emails with reports and pics were sent to all brothers whom gave me their addresses. MO Please check the source to the inconvenient. I am sorry to hear about that, brother.
Actually, that was my wife who wet my bed sheet. I wrote those feedback to Shawna Blog. I will share with all of you when I get more familiar with the trick from the pratice in my battle field.
Brothers whom sent me their email addresses will receive some paid information today - guide to prostate care. But I am giving to all of you free-of-charge. Good things must share ma!
I hope we can exchange experience after we have win the battle.
Check your mails, brothers. 4 video links was sent. Hope these will help in your sexual performance. I had tried part 1, it works for me.
These will complete the Sex Secret Series from Shawna:
Sex Secret 8 - How To Make Her Sex Drive Stronger Than Yours!
Sex Secret 9 - How To Triple Her Orgasm Intensity?
Sex Secret 10 - Are You Man Enough In The Bedroom?
I will post new series when I am updated.
Do you want a wet bed sheet like mine, check this out:
I like how the video was drawn, very nice,very creative.
For those who responded, check your mail today.......:rolleyes: I am figuring out how to put a link to it to share!!
Shawna wrote this to me this morning:
"I know they’re great to look at…and DEFINITELY fun to play with…but there’s
a lot more to them than meets the eye…
Yes, I’m talking about a girl’s breasts ;-)
And the better you handle them…the MORE and BETTER she’ll handle you!
Her entire breast area is SUPER PACKED with nerves and super sensitive because of it!
So tonight…after you take off her blouse…first use your fingers to trace a T-shape across the top of her breasts and down in between them…then move
your finger underneath her breasts and trace a U-shape along the underside…
NEXT…make the letter N with your finger by tracing up along one side of
her breast…then down between both…and up along the other…
If you REALLY wanna take it up a notch…start circling your finger closer
and closer in towards her nipple…the path should look like a corkscrew hehe!
Once you’re really got her hot and heaving…trace your tongue along the same exact path as your fingers…
Make a “C” with one hand…then massage underneath one breast while you lick circles around the other nipple…
Now…for a SUPER advanced move that’ll drive her absolutely WILD with torture…
Tell her you won’t touch her “area” until she figures out what word you’re spelling with your fingers and tongue…and confuse her by jumbling and twisting the letters C.U.N.T…hehe!
This should REALLY drive her over the edge!
And that’s just a simple way to give her an EXTRA SPECIAL surprise when you play with her tonight…
It’s ok if you forget what patterns to trace or in what order…just remember to use your favorite letters C, U, N, and T! Hehe =)"
Thanks Shawna
ah rat
30-09-2012, 05:35 PM
Check your mail.
Bro,how to make the video files u sent by email works :)
Bro,how to make the video files u sent by email works :)
Just click on the link, it will play if you have a plug-in or start to download if you don't. Or cut and paste in the address bar of a browser.
"Dear Men
I want to talk about VARIETY
Variety is the spice of life, and it is DEFINITELY the spice of your sex life!
That is what the "V" stands for in my P.A.V.E. system and it is the topic of this week.
Here's how to add variety to your sex life!
1) Emotional Variety
This is the most important type of variety.
Some times you should go for a romantic experience. Start with a massage and spend a TON of time with foreplay. Tell her how much you love her and how great it feels to make love to her.
Other times you should give her the authoritative and dominant style. Tear her clothes off as soon as you get in the door and talk dirty to her.
Mix it up! Don't give her the same emotional experience every time.
2) Fantasies
Most guys don't understand how much (emotional) fantasy is involved in a woman's sex life.
Did you know that Danielle Steele is the seventh best selling author of all time? She has sold over 550 Million books because she knows how to turn a woman on EMOTIONALLY. Pick up a book and read it.
3) Spontanaeity
Nothing kills variety and leads to boring sex like routine.
Do you take her out every Saturday night for dinner, have a couple drinks, and then have your only sex of the week when you get home?
If this sounds like you, you need to try some of these immediately!
Wake her up with sex
Surprise her in the shower
Pull over on the side of the highway and get it on in the car
Do it in the kitchen, the living room, the ocean, the back yard
Take a whole Saturday afternoon to do nothing but have sex
Bottom line. Sex should never be planned, routine, or obligatory.
4) Variety of Positions
When I first said variety I bet you thought I was going to write a long email about different positions.
So why have I left this for last?
Because it really isn't that important.
Incredible sex isn't about putting her in the reverse upside-down catepillar one night and the inverted spinning froggystyle the next...
That being said, a little variety of positions can go a long way.
There are a ton of great ideas in our Video, "Advanced Sex Positions." Check it out and start having incredible sex NOW!"
Thanks Shawna, BED time is coming. I say BED TIME!!
30-09-2012, 10:21 PM
Just up you, bro. Hope to hear more from you soon !
Just up you, bro. Hope to hear more from you soon !
Thanks for your encouragement. Will post more to share.
Video link account was suspended for 3 days for excessive traffic.:(
01-10-2012, 12:26 AM
great thread must support
01-10-2012, 01:08 AM
Interesting, pls share...
01-10-2012, 01:30 AM
TS thanks for good sharing..upz ur pts.
Pls check ur box ,PM u oridi..:D
TS thanks for good sharing..upz ur pts.
Pls check ur box ,PM u oridi..:D
Thanks for upz. Your mail replied. Enjoy.
01-10-2012, 08:41 AM
Hi, can send to
[email protected]? Wan to noe more, thanks bro
01-10-2012, 05:36 PM
Send to
[email protected] too. Appreciate much!
Dear all,
Just come back from work at sea. My links is down for 3 days due to heavily usage.
I am finding a better host to share with all of you Shawna's trick to make your sex life wonderful. Some kind brothers offer to help me in this, the link will be ready soon.
Bro i only received only 1 link from u where is the rest?
Bro i only received only 1 link from u where is the rest?
Bro, be patient. Will get new link up very soon.
And don't worry, you will get yours.
02-10-2012, 12:16 PM
Wonderful posting. Just wait I need for my partner. Life's getting bored.
02-10-2012, 12:18 PM
Wow Bro, can send me some info on this?
Shawna wants me to help her to post a link here to show her product review. In order to thank her for the free information that I post here. I have the obligation to comply. She will continue to sent me information as and when she is free to do so. Just take it as another information provided by her, ok.
I am not trying to sell anythings here, I paid for those things I sent to you via emails. So be patient to wait for those things to come. I started this thread to share wonderful information to make your sex life better with your love one. I encourage all brothers whom have use them successfully to share your experience here.
Hope to see some feedback. Cheers!!!
02-10-2012, 03:38 PM
Bro, can share with me? Thks
Bro, can share with me? Thks
Btothers, I will go through the whole thread and all the email addresses again to see if I have miss out someone. Don't get angry if I miss you out, just drop me a PM. I have more than 300 requests by now and more requests is coming in, it is growing.
Shawna asked me 3 questions about my love life...
1. Do you get the feeling your partner is bored
with your sex life? Are you worried that it is
only a matter of time before she looks elsewhere
to get off? ...or worried she already is??
2. Do you feel lost, like you don't know HOW to
please a woman?
3. Are you willing to learn a few simple techniques
that will literally rock your girl's world and
have her sexually addicted to you?
Well there's great news!
03-10-2012, 12:06 AM
Can share with me too? D
[email protected]
Shawna asked me 3 questions about my love life...
1. Do you get the feeling your partner is bored
with your sex life? Are you worried that it is
only a matter of time before she looks elsewhere
to get off? ...or worried she already is??
2. Do you feel lost, like you don't know HOW to
please a woman?
3. Are you willing to learn a few simple techniques
that will literally rock your girl's world and
have her sexually addicted to you?
Well there's great news!
Want more information? Let's me organized what I have and I will post them here, it is far too many emails Shawna has sent me.
For those Brothers who upz me, please leave your nicks.
I will return you with goodies.
03-10-2012, 09:22 PM
Thnx for the links. Upzzz you.
Thnx for the links. Upzzz you.
Thanks for upz. I will send u a ebook, read well and get into action.
Brothers who have up me, please check your PM.
Sorry for those did not leave your nicks.
04-10-2012, 11:31 PM
ts thanks for sharing the great stuff hoped to see more
"Many guys think that they need to last for hours and hours while other guys attempt to make up for their premature ejaculation by claiming to have amazing oral and fingering skills.
Let’s cut to the chase:
If you are giving your girl orgasms she wants you to last a long time and keep giving her orgasms.
If you can’t last long enough to give her an orgasm she is going to record you as pathetic and an inadequate lover, plain and simple." -- 2 Girls Teach Sex
Do you want to know How To Last As Long As You Want In Bed…
Read on......
05-10-2012, 10:19 AM
Great post...!
05-10-2012, 02:34 PM
Hi bro, can send to Like to learn more, thanks bro
"Many guys think that they need to last for hours and hours while other guys attempt to make up for their premature ejaculation by claiming to have amazing oral and fingering skills.
Let’s cut to the chase:
If you are giving your girl orgasms she wants you to last a long time and keep giving her orgasms.
If you can’t last long enough to give her an orgasm she is going to record you as pathetic and an inadequate lover, plain and simple." -- 2 Girls Teach Sex
Do you want to know How To Last As Long As You Want In Bed…
Read on......
Not lasting longer usually falls into one of these 2 categories:
1) Being able to overcome the initial excitement and last longer than the first 30 seconds- 3 minutes
2) Not getting so turned on in the 3-5 minute range that you have no choice but to cum
Let’s look at
Situation 1)
Currently lasting only 30 seconds to 3 minutes or so
Here you are having an issue with excitement. Let’s gauge YOUR sexual excitement on a scale of 1-10.
1) Looking at an ant farm (no sexual arousal..hopefully lol)
4) Notice a hot chick but you are in public (aroused but no action from Mr. Big Dick down there)
7) You start making out with your girl and getting some wood down there
8) You are about to have sex or having sex but you could keep going WITHOUT coming
9)You are going to cum no matter what - an oncoming train could be about to hit you, there is no turning back, you are blowing your load
10) Ejaculation
During sex you want to be hovering right around number 8. The issue you are facing is that you are having sex at 9 INSTEAD of at 8.
Here’s what to do:
Actually think about the numbers while you are hooking up for the next few times only. This also works well if you practice while jerking off. As soon as you hit 8 take 4 deep breathes QUIETLY and slow down your thrusting only slightly. Also, make sure your eyes are open and you are looking at your girl.(when your eyes are closed for many guys it intensifies the stimulation and makes it harder to control yourself)
Now, you can go back to thrusting as usual. Keep repeating this until you are having sex steadily an 8 level of arousal. This is a very common way to get your stamina up BECAUSE IT WORKS.
Practice while watching porn. Recognize where you hit the point JUST BEFORE ejaculation is inevitable and then back it down with the breathes, slower thrusting (or jacking off), and by opening your eyes.
NEVER THINK ABOUT DEAD HORSES OR BASEBALL. You don’t want to put your mind elsewhere but rather to PUT YOUR MIND EXACTLY on what you are doing. After you have done this 3-5 times whacking off and 5-10 times during sex you should find that you can last at least 2x as long.
Tip: Breath quietly, I’ve made mistake of breathing loudly in the heat of the moment and it didn’t go over well. No girl wants to fuck a steam engine that is doing weird breathing techniques. And your girl will think that you are getting old.
:rolleyes:Big head control small head.:cool:
PS: Extracted from 2 girls teach sex with some of my own words added. Along the way, I will add comments or feedbacks from some brothers.
To be cont....
Situation 2)
Lasting 3-5 Minutes but certain positions or hard thrusting makes you blow
This is a very common scenario as well. You don’t come IMMEDIATELY but certain positions (doggystyle), really hard thrusting, or maybe a really sexy blow job make you come WAY before you want to.
Here is how to remedy this and last as long as you want:
1) Same as above your sexual excitement is peaking a bit too early so….Make foreplay last TWICE as long. This will bring down your level of arousal to the point where you are very hard but not ready to come.
2) Make sure your eyes are totally open and then take a few deep breathes quietly. Again, being more AWARE of your sexual excitement is the answer not trying to distract yourself.
3) Take your weight off of your hands and use standing positions. By taking the weight off of your hands you remove tension. (a source of cumming too early) Do it by placing your hands palms up under her upper back and shoulders rather than flat on the bed. Make your body hold your weight not your arms. And by using standing positions you don’t have to worry about the thrusting motion carrying you over the edge as you can use your entire BODY to fuck her not just your hips.
Tip: Avoid you standing and her bent over when you try this. That position is very stimulating. (All doggy style is) Give this a try with her on her back and you standing.
Let’s recap:
Usually stamina problems are either immediately after penetrating her or prevent you from fucking hard or in doggy style.
Use the above tricks to last much longer. You will find that the longer you are lasting you can combine your stamina with other tactics and techniques to give her multiple orgasms or even a squirting orgasm! I will post them later.
P.S. Do not just paying attention in doing the above tricks and forget to kiss and touch your girl. You can still use your other parts of body to keep the girls stimulated.
End -- open for discussion. (extracted from 2 Girls Teach Sex - super stamina)
06-10-2012, 01:24 AM
great tips bro thanks for sharing this very much interesting
I have share with brothers here how to take care of the male prostate sometimes back. If you do not know what is a prostate, please see the picture:
Be mindful where the location is. You can massage from outside (Is it zhua gen 抓根? Look alike:confused:) and inside the anus only (there are tools to do it, do a search).
Prostate massage or sometime called Prostate milking is the massage or stimulation of the male prostate gland for sexual stimulation or medical purposes.The prostate takes part in the sexual response cycle, and is essential for ejaculation. Due to its proximity to the anterior rectal wall, it can be stimulated from the anterior wall of the rectum or externally via the perineum. It is not uncommon for a male to achieve orgasm due to prostate stimulation alone.
It is also not uncommon for a male to suffer from Prostatitis. It is an inflammation of the prostate gland.
In the late 1990s, doctors tried prostate massage in conjunction with antibiotics for the treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis with uncertain results. In recent trials, however, prostate massage was not shown to improve outcomes compared to antibiotics alone. As a consequence of these findings, prostate massage is not used in the treatment of any medical disorder today, and prostate massage should never be performed on patients with acute prostatitis, because the infection can spread elsewhere in the body if massage is performed.
I will find out more on how to prevent prostatitis and update later.
06-10-2012, 03:19 PM
Great thread... Will upzz TS when i recover.
Great thread... Will upzz TS when i recover.
Thank you. I am glad that you like it.
06-10-2012, 05:32 PM
Nice thread ts, up u my humble 8points will try it tonight..
06-10-2012, 05:44 PM
care to share some tricks with me?
[email protected].... tks
07-10-2012, 01:20 AM
Send to
[email protected]. Want to know more. Thank.
07-10-2012, 03:15 AM
here to support buddy's great wonderful thread
here to support buddy's great wonderful thread
Brother, thank you for your warm support.
I will try my best to post more info.
I have share with brothers here how to take care of the male prostate sometimes back. If you do not know what is a prostate, please see the picture:
Do you know where is MALE's G-Spot?
"You’ve probably spent a considerable amount of time studying the female G-spot: How to find it, how to stimulate it and how to turn a woman into putty with a G-spot orgasm. What most men are far less familiar with is their own male G-spot. That’s right; some of you may be surprised to learn that the prostate is, essentially, the male equivalent of a woman’s G-spot -- and yours is far, far easier to find. We realize that, for some, the idea of exploring this area may be taboo, but if you keep an open mind while reading this article, our advice could lead you to one of the best orgasms you could ever hope for." - ASKMEN
Discovering your G-spot
The male G-spot isn’t all that difficult to find, but it does require a little patience. Lying on your back is generally considered to be the most comfortable position for this, so you’ll probably want to make use of the bed or perhaps a large sofa. The process will be easiest with your legs elevated, which you can do by simply leaning your legs against the wall behind the bed or draping them over the back of the sofa. If you’re still having difficulty reaching the perineum from this position, you can lift your backside further by sliding a pillow or two under your bum.
Once you’ve made yourself as comfortable as possible, start by gently massaging the area surrounding your anus. Most men enjoy having their taint (also known as the perineum) stimulated, and that can certainly be incorporated into this process. Use the soft pad of your index finger while exploring, and be gentle. As you relax further, lube your finger up and let it gently brush across the surface of your anus. Repeat this move several times, each time increasing the pressure slightly. When you’re comfortable enough to begin probing, you should keep things slow and gentle, taking care to relax your sphincter during the process. Once you’ve come in contact with the male G-spot, you’ll recognize it as a small, chestnut-sized bump situated approximately two inches inward.
Read more:
08-10-2012, 02:12 AM
Hi bro
Hope u can share your secret with me. My sex life is getting no where cause my wife don't get a good orgasm.
Hi bro
Hope u can share your secret with me. My sex life is getting no where cause my wife don't get a good orgasm.
Please check your PM.
08-10-2012, 02:40 AM
thanks for all your sharing smay bro
as it benefited me a lot to learn more great tricks
08-10-2012, 04:37 PM
Thanks TS for the wonderful thread, keep updating :)
08-10-2012, 05:01 PM
Can I get some help here also? Thanks TS...
Here Are Just A Few Of The Tips I'll share with you
in my own words after I have tried them personally.
Shawna won't be happy if I copy her works and paste here:
* A simple shift to make in the missionary position that gives her the feeling you are a full 2 inches longer and thicker inside of her.
* Here’s how to get her so into you that she won’t even look at another man (Warning: this will cause a woman to want to be around you a LOT… so it’s best not to use it unless you are really into her)
* A simple 3-second "trick" which 100% eliminates "performance anxiety" in men!
If you like these tips, please read on......
Or if you would like to hear from Shawna personally, visit her @
Before I share with you those tips.
Let's me share an article with you on the topic of how to prevent PROSTATITIS as I promised in my post "Prostate Care".
What is Prostatitis?
Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate either as a result of bacterial infection or decreased immune or muscle related function.
Men with prostatitis experience extremely debilitating symptoms that, until recently, were thought to be caused mainly from a bacterial infection of the prostate gland. It is now known, however, that bacterial infection accounts for only a very small fraction, about 5 percent, of cases of prostatitis. The cause of bacterial prostatitis is obvious, and generally easy to diagnose; infection with some type of bacteria (usually E. coli).
Basically, if you’re a man, you have a 50% chance of getting prostatitis in your lifetime.
If you’re younger than 50 you also have a greater risk than do older men. The incidence declines for men between the ages of 50 and 69, and then rises again slightly for men 70 and older.
Risk Factors for Prostatitis
There are specific risk factors for the different types of prostatitis.
For example, those associated with both forms of bacterial prostatitis (acute and chronic) include:
Bladder and/or urethra infection
Insertion of any device, such as a urinary catheter, into the urethra
Presence of a sexually transmitted disease
HIV infection
Trauma (e.g., riding horses)
When it comes to nonbacterial prostatitis, however, researchers have not clearly identified the risk factors, although they suspect genetics may be involved.
Overall, what we know about risk factors for prostatitis has been gathered from studies that have focused mainly on white men. Therefore it is possible that other groups experience the disease at different rates or have different risk factors. For example, a recent study that involved African-American men evaluated 703 black men ages 40 to 79 and found that 6.7 percent had a history of prostatitis. Factors found to be associated with increased risk of developing prostatitis in this study included:
Presence of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)
Poor physical health
Poor emotional health
Low levels of social support
Elevated levels of stress
On the other hand, factors associated with a possible reduced risk in this study included more frequent sexual and physical activity.
Another study was done in China, where researchers collected and evaluated data from 12,743 men ages 15 to 60. A total of 1,071 (8.4%) reported having prostatitis-like symptoms, and 571 (4.5%) were found to have chronic prostatitis. In this study, it appeared that factors such as alcohol use, cigarette smoking, fatigue, lack of sleep, and frequent intercourse were associated with prostatitis-like symptoms. (Liang 2009)
Prevention of Prostatitis
Trying to prevent a disease that is poorly understood and that can appear in four different forms is not an easy task.
However, the good news is that we do understand some of the factors that have been linked with an increased risk of developing the disease....
Please read on here :
Take good care, brothers.
Dear all,
I am not a sex guru, but the guru’s student. Shawna and her friends are a group of porn stars teaching sex. I learnt these tricks from them.
In one hand I share these tricks and tips with you, in the other I hope to see if I am doing the right things by getting feedback from you after I have shared. So, please share your opinion with me after you have scored.
How to make your dick be felt 2 inches in length and in girth? This is a trick I learnt recently called “2 Inches Bigger Missionary”.
Most of the couples have 2 pillows on their bed; I think we should add another smaller one for some bedroom fun. Why? It is not conformable for anyone of you to sleep on your own cum after a good sex performed by you and your wife, right. Not really, it has its purpose.
Please follow the steps:
1. Place a pillow under her back - this is what the smaller pillow is for.
2. Just lift her pussy a little higher. Don’t go too high nor too far down. This is to get you go in deeper when you penetrate her.
3. Put yourself inside her with the normal missionary position and begin.
4. With the angle of the dangle, she will feel that you are having a bigger dick in her.
5. Then you move her legs onto your shoulders and lean yourself forward.
6. Lean really far forward and go deeper while you are on action.
7. Do not break her stimulation; do not stop your trust but you don’t have to go quickly.
8. Go forward a few more inches. Go deeper.
9. While you are fucking her, move your head to her and kiss her…. Kiss her neck and talk dirty to her.
10. Don’t break the stimulation but go smoothly.
11. Remember to do your breathing exercise to get a longer stamina – mentioned in my last post.
Want to see more? PM me.
10-10-2012, 01:08 AM
Im interested too. Thanks
10-10-2012, 08:08 AM
Bro. Ur teaching is good. Teach more make us all masters in bed. Hehehe
10-10-2012, 04:02 PM
TS, good educational articles, thanks for the time & efforts in sharing making happy sex life & some health management, my humble 1 pt tuition fee:)
10-10-2012, 04:48 PM
Interesting and great stuffs. Any links ?
[email protected]
Thanks for sharing.
TS, good educational articles, thanks for the time & efforts in sharing making happy sex life & some health management, my humble 1 pt tuition fee:)
Thank you. Add you!
10-10-2012, 05:49 PM
Thank you. Add you!
i have PM you few days back...
Hear from you soon. :D
10-10-2012, 06:30 PM
i have PM you few days back...
Hear from you soon. :D
Check PM tonight. I am still at the west sea.
10-10-2012, 08:54 PM
Great stuffs..
Mind sharing the links?
[email protected]
Thanks for sharing. Cheers
11-10-2012, 12:58 AM
Hey, possible to share it with me too?
[email protected]
Please do not mistaken my intention of this post.
I am not a supporter of Sex Stimulant nor Supplement from any unknown and unapproved source.
I personally do not consume this substances to enhance my sex activities, I don't need any.
Shawna wrote these:
What is a "Sex Stimulant", and what do they do?
A "Sex Stimulant", or "Sex Supplement"… is a combination of herbs designed to increase your sex drive and make you more turned on.
How do they work?
Every supplement is different, but typically the GOOD ones do 3 things:
1. Stimulate the part of your brain that makes you WANT sex
2. Open up the pathways for more blood to flow to your sex organs (this is the same thing the prescription pills do)
3. Put your body in "sex mode"… so you recover faster and are ready to go again!
There is no actual pill that can make your penis "grow"… but because they make you so much more TURNED ON than usual, many guys report bigger, harder erections when using them.
What do you mean by "the good ones"?
There are literally HUNDREDS of these things being marketed right now… but they are NOT all created equal!
A lot of guys will cut costs by using cheap ingredients that are not only ineffective… but can actually be HARMFUL! So it's important to do your research before you buy… not only to make sure you don't waste your money… but to stay SAFE.
Do they work for men of all ages?
Yep. In fact, older guys usually notice more dramatic improvement as they are more likely to have issues with decreased blood flow "down there". Taking an effective supplement restores blood flow to youthful levels, resulting in an instant increase in not only "wood" quality… but sex drive!
And HERE'S A SECRET most guys don't know…
I don't know if it's pheromones or what… but ask any woman and she'll tell you… we can totally "sense" when a man is ready to f*ck our brains out… and it gets us VERY turned on! ;)
So should YOU try a sex stimulant?
That depends on you!
Taking these things can make you horny ALL THE TIME… which I know can be frustrating to some guys. So if you're worried about that then maybe not.
On the other hand, if you want to increase your sex drive and give yourself an edge… I don't see why not!
I'm a firm believer in giving your body everything it needs to perform at it's MAXIUM POTENTIAL… and in today's world of processed foods and such it's very likely your body is MISSING some of the key things it needs for GREAT SEX!
My comments:
It is up to you to believe it. My advice to all of you is to play safe.
Re-awaken her Sex Drive
Shawna wrote this:
"I was talking to some of my girlfriends who are in relationships and we discovered the BIGGEST PROBLEM they face in their sex lives. It's something you would never think about and it's actually SO BAD almost NONE of their guys know what to do to fix it! You and your girl might even be one of the many couples suffering from this problem right now. Was sex with your girl HOT and WILD in the beginning, and now really mundane and almost non existent?
Do you guys spend more nights eating and watching TV than you do having sex? If you've answered yes to either of these questions, this means that you're at HIGH RISK for ending up in a sexual COMFORT ZONE! Maybe you've been there yourself. The sex was hot and thrilling in the beginning. And now she's more excited to clean the house than she is to fool around with you!
The reason sex gets boring and mundane is because it becomes ROUTINE and EXPECTED. The reason SHE isn't initiating it as much as you (or AT ALL!] is probably because she's lost her sex drive. In fact, if she IS still having sex with you at this point, it's probably only because she feels like she HAS TO. And I hate to tell you this.but you're gonna have to REALLY step it up in order to salvage her desires and get back to having the wildest craziest sex of your life! Not many men know how to do it, though, and sadly. They just never do! These are the guys whose wives and girls fantasize about OTHER men. These are the guys who get CHEATED ON! But I wanna make sure you don't EVER have to lose your girl because SHE lost her urge.
In fact, I'm not only gonna help you REAWAKEN her sex drive. I'm gonna help you make sure she NEVER loses it again. I have a simple step-by-step way to win her back and really give her the body-shaking orgasms that'll keep her CRAVING and BEGGING you for sex ALL THE TIME! The key to REALLY wake up her long-lost sex drive is to bring the SPONTANEITY and SURPRISES back into the bedroom! If things in the bedroom have gotten boring, it's probably she got really used to the sex and it doesn't feel special or exciting anymore.which is most likely ISN'T!"
Will be continue...
Here is a short clip to stir you up a bit in the morning.
I will continue my topic tonight when I am back home.
12-10-2012, 07:40 AM
bro can email me the trick???
[email protected]
Part 2
1. Shawna: “Before you even THINK about touching her, you first have to turn her on MENTALLY and EMOTIONALLY. The best way to do this is with dirty talk. Text or tell her how beautiful you think she looks and how hot you get just from looking at her. Knowing she turns you on will totally make her feel sexy and jump-start her juices!”
Me: “Guys, do you still tell your wife or your girl such thing as if that both of you are just falling in love with each other. No more right. Many couples don’t even communicate at home at all. Or when they talk, they are talking about kids, electrical bills, and money not enough and so on. They do not put their personal interest such as sex in the most important place. Talking sex, what I means telling your wife how beautiful she is, how much you love her and so on.
2. Shawna: “The best way to REALLY make her feel special is to make a statement unique to JUST YOUR GIRL! Talk about your favorite outfit on her or the way she looks when she first wakes up. Whatever it is just make it personal so that she knows you're being genuine.”
Me: “don’t be afraid of the presence of your kids. You can always whisper into her ear, call her mobile even if both of you are at home. Show to your kids that how loving you and your wife are; this will help in the up bringing of your children to prepare for their marriage when they grown up.”
3. Shawna: “Wait until you're both out in public together to begin touching and teasing her. When you are, come up behind her and wrap your arms tightly around her as you kiss her neck.
Then, VERY QUICKLY, firmly grab her breast with one hand and lightly graze her pussy with the other. :eek:You wanna do it in public because it's highly UNEXPECTED! Make sure you do it really quickly and discreetly too because it will DEFINITELY leave her wet and wanting MORE for later.”
Me: “Not so nice to do it in the public;:confused: may be in a more discreet location.”
4. Shawna: “When you get home later, look deep into her eyes and pull her into you by the back of her head. Hold onto her tightly and then kiss her deeply. Make sure you take the time to kiss her slowly and passionately! Do this by kissing her for at LEAST as long as it takes for you to yawn.REAL kissing was probably the first thing to go in your sex life so you wanna take the time to bring it back here!”
Me: “this is where the action is going to be started” :D……. To be continue.
13-10-2012, 12:13 AM
Brother, please email is
[email protected]
Part 3 - END
5. Touch her all over and tell her how badly you want her. As you rub your hands across her body, gently massage into her skin to really wake up her senses. You can REALLY get her warmed up by avoiding her nipples and pussy lips. Teasing her like this will help create sensitivity to your touch and help her loosen up a bit if she's stressed.
The longer you take to touch all over her body, the more aroused she'll get really take your time when you use your hands to explore her ENTIRE body. To REALLY get her begging for you, start as far away from her nipples and pussy and slowly make your way in towards them. RIGHT BEFORE you touch them, start all over again! Teasing her like this will get her even MORE excited and really wake up her senses, sending tingly sensations ALL OVER!
6. Continue to massage into her skin as you slowly remove her clothes. Then kiss and lick along the areas of her body that are becoming exposed as you do this.
7. Before removing her panties, massage her pussy with one hand until you feel her soaking wet through them. To get her EXTREMELY wet, lick circles around her nipples one at a time as you play with her below her waist. Waiting until she's moist on your hands will ensure that she wants you as bad as you want her!
8. Once she's good to go, remove her panties and begin licking up along the length of her lips, starting at the crease of her thigh and making your way in towards her increasing wetness.
9. As you lick her lips, take your finger and spread her wetness in circles around her clitoris. Once her pussy is really swollen and dripping wet, place your lips gently around her clitoris and lightly suck on it as you slide your fingers slowly in and out of her.
Gently hum as you take her into your mouth. This will really help liven up her libido and the sensation she feels will drive her ABSOLUTELY insane! You can also tell her how great she tastes and how much you love getting her wet. This encourages her to respond to your touch and allow her to really let loose.
10. She'll probably be BEGGING you to get inside her at this point! Before you give her what she wants, continue to lick her pussy up and down while you use your finger to stimulate her g-spot. You can do this by moving your finger in a "come-hither" motion inside of her. Increase your speed and pressure as you hear her coming close to her climax.
11. RIGHT BEFORE SHE HAS A CHANCE TO ORGASM, stop what you're doing and begin passionately kissing her on her mouth. The sudden change will keep her from cumming and make her even MORE wild with anticipation! This will also get her body more sensitive for sex and mentally "train" her to get as aroused as possible before actually having sex with you, to the point where she'll start initiating sex more often!
12. You can repeat the last couple steps as often as you want, depending on how badly you wanna tease and torture her:) But when you get to the point where YOU can't take it anymore, go ahead and give her what she wants!
13. Pin her arms above her head and slowly ease your way inside her. Keeping her from being able to touch you will make her more sensitive to your penetration and drive her absolutely wild!
14. So there you have it! If you really take your time and follow these steps EXACTLY, it should take you at least an hour and could last you AALLL night long!:)Building up her sensitivity and anticipation throughout will give her the most INTENSE orgasm at the end of'11 also give YOU the extra edge you need to reawaken her sex drive and keep it from EVER going away again!
So have fun waking her up and be careful from how INSANE you make her afterwards!"
Me: " Too DEEP:(, can't get myself involve in any comment. If you want to get this information from Shawna directly. Please GOTO ."
Want to increase your sexual stamina?
You must be very interested to know how I get my sexual stamina shooting up from 10 minutes to 30 minutes. There is a increase of a full 20 minutes from what I used to be. I can get it much longer if I have enough practices and if my big head can control my smaller head much effectively.
Follow the following link for some tips,
and if you want to know more; see more details in ;).
This thread was read more than 26,000 times. Any feedback?
13-10-2012, 09:28 AM
Incredible info
Sorry Brothers,
I have been busy. This is the second part of the clip:
14-10-2012, 10:23 PM
Good info bro, keep it up
15-10-2012, 01:19 PM
Just google 2GTS, you'll find some stuff on this, for example
2GTS Extreme Female Orgasms (8 DVD-Set)
Just when you thought you knew everything… You will be blown away by the amount of content in the DVDs! While beginners will enjoy the tips about how to tease, kiss, and undress a woman, the actual sex and foreplay techniques demonstrated are very HIGH-LEVEL. These DVDs were shot in HD with great camera work and professional editing. See next page for complete descriptions.
DVD # 1 – Extreme Orgasm Secrets
In this DVD I’m going reveal my wildest secrets for giving your girl the most INTENSE orgasms of her life! Give her a different kind of orgasm each night… or several different kinds in one session to memorize her mind and body in a way she never even DREAMED was possible!
You’ll discover:
* The Full-Body Orgasm – this exciting orgasm completely overtakes a woman’s body… sending electric pulses of pleasure from her core to her toes and fingertips and back again. She’ll become putty in your hands as she BEGS you to give her these orgasms again and again as only you can
* How to get a girl to see you as her “orgasm trainer” who knows more about her body than she does!
* My special “Toy Killer” technique – A new way to touch a girl that feels BETTER than any toy she’s ever tried! (She’ll want to use YOU as her sex toy from now on after you do this!)
ps: If you dont have account with a multi hosters by now, maybe try alldebrid or real debrid, make your life easier so you can download stuff like this, I use it for tv series
Just google 2GTS, you'll find some stuff on this, for example
2GTS Extreme Female Orgasms (8 DVD-Set)
Just when you thought you knew everything… You will be blown away by the amount of content in the DVDs! While beginners will enjoy the tips about how to tease, kiss, and undress a woman, the actual sex and foreplay techniques demonstrated are very HIGH-LEVEL. These DVDs were shot in HD with great camera work and professional editing. See next page for complete descriptions.
DVD # 1 – Extreme Orgasm Secrets
In this DVD I’m going reveal my wildest secrets for giving your girl the most INTENSE orgasms of her life! Give her a different kind of orgasm each night… or several different kinds in one session to memorize her mind and body in a way she never even DREAMED was possible!
You’ll discover:
* The Full-Body Orgasm – this exciting orgasm completely overtakes a woman’s body… sending electric pulses of pleasure from her core to her toes and fingertips and back again. She’ll become putty in your hands as she BEGS you to give her these orgasms again and again as only you can
* How to get a girl to see you as her “orgasm trainer” who knows more about her body than she does!
* My special “Toy Killer” technique – A new way to touch a girl that feels BETTER than any toy she’s ever tried! (She’ll want to use YOU as her sex toy from now on after you do this!)
ps: If you dont have account with a multi hosters by now, maybe try alldebrid or real debrid, make your life easier so you can download stuff like this, I use it for tv series
Thank you brother for bringing some light to this threat. It has made this thread more interesting.
15-10-2012, 03:29 PM
hi bro just to show my experience with the videos.
tried it on a FL yesterday and she did not squirt. still need some practice but made her cum a few times. needless to say, sex after that is very satisfying once their switch is on.
gotta admit i was quite vigorous on her which i doubt i will try on my own girl for fear of hurting her.
the upper part is really the climax portion, can feel the diff. hope all bros learn more from this.
thanks bro smay
15-10-2012, 03:55 PM
7Up for good sharing. Thanks!
7Up for good sharing. Thanks!
Thanks for those brothers who have up me. All of you are in my UP list; it will take me a long time to complete upping.
Here are something you may be interested. TCCS session for woman orgasm:
hi bro just to show my experience with the videos.
tried it on a FL yesterday and she did not squirt. still need some practice but made her cum a few times. needless to say, sex after that is very satisfying once their switch is on.
gotta admit i was quite vigorous on her which i doubt i will try on my own girl for fear of hurting her.
the upper part is really the climax portion, can feel the diff. hope all bros learn more from this.
thanks bro smay
Increase the speed of your 2 fingers doesn't mean you must increase the force proportionally. So long the fingers touch the G-spot, she squirt. So far I have a perfect scores. Will share with you one finger orgasm techniques.:D
16-10-2012, 02:50 AM
heard of the product before, is it good? maybe can asked my future bf to use it.. LOL :D
heard of the product before, is it good? maybe can asked my future bf to use it.. LOL :D
Hi, the product is good but needs you bf to practise it on you to make perfect. If you want to enjoy your sex life like my wife does, encourage your bf to master all the skills and know the tricks. I am still learning.:D
16-10-2012, 06:26 PM
Hi, the product is good but needs you bf to practise it on you to make perfect. If you want to enjoy your sex life like my wife does, encourage your bf to master all the skills and know the tricks. I am still learning.:D
will take a while to master all the good stuff that u had shared bro
Today Shawna wants to share a secret with you that will REALLY help you ROCK HER WORLD!
It involves something that drives girls ABSOLUTELY WILD with excitement but something that most guys NEVER take the time to do!
A lot of my girlfriends complain about how guys usually just initiate sex and then pound away at them like jack rabbits.
The problem is: This is a sure fire way to having the most BORING sex life ever!
Unfortunately, a lot of girls are too embarrassed to tell guys this or even HOW to give them the sex they need. So instead they just settle and go along with it.
Most of the time girls just settle for bad sex…they bear it until it's over because they don't wanna hurt their man's feelings.
Some women even go as far as FAKING ORGASMS to be done with it already!
Maybe you've been there yourself. Your girl would go absolutely CRAZY in the sack when you first started having sex. Now you're wondering if she's even having the mind-blowing orgasms you used to give her.
Some guys think that going FASTER or HARDER is the answer to really turning a girl on and giving her the wildest sex of her life.
Others think that using weird, over-the top sex positions are the way to really spicing things up in the bedroom. But they couldn't be more wrong!
In fact, the key to really giving a girl the type of sex that will keep her cumming and come begging back for more has NOTHING to do with how fast you pound away at her or how acrobatic you try to be with new positions.
What girls really want and CRAVE in the bedroom is VARIETY. And the secret to getting her REALLY soaking wet and wanting you is to wait as LONG AS POSSIBLE before you even BEGIN having sex!
Now, Shawna is sharing with you the exact way to do just that so you NEVER have to wonder if you're one of those boring guys in bed. Better yet, she is going to tell you exactly what to do so that she's BEGGING YOU for sex ALL THE TIME!
Attention to all my friends:
All the links given out will be deleted to give space for new clips.
For those who haven't DL. Please do it before midnight today, thanks.
20-10-2012, 04:10 PM
thanks for all the hardwork
20-10-2012, 10:45 PM
pmed you..awaiting your reply..
Thanks for sharing.
Always start your sex with kissing fist.
Before you even start kissing her, gently tug the back of her hair at the nape of her neck. Then trail soft kisses from her collar bone and up her neck. Instead of kissing her, use your tongue to trace along the length of her collar bone and up her neck.
The lips and tongue are VERY SENSITIVE so be sure to get to them last! Once she starts to really respond with pleasure, slowly kiss her with your lips slightly parted and run your tongue gently along her lips.
Before you go any further, PULL AWAY and look deeply into her eyes. By pulling away helps build the anticipation and keeps her guessing! When you go back in to kiss her, lightly suck on her lips. Lick them as you kiss her then SLOWLY graze your tongue against hers.
The key is to GO SLOW! There is no need to rush, you are making love with joy, not to make baby, so don't rush.
Follow this link to see more:
Sorry to all for not updating the thread for a long time.
I have a deep discussion with my wife on this thread. She felt I had jumped the gun for giving away information too early that is not essentials to a good sex. To have good sex with your partners has got some more things to do than those techniques.
I will reorganize the materials I have and restart a fresh.
Be back soon.:D
28-10-2012, 08:22 AM
thanks for your hard work bro and the great effort...... awaiting you return ...
thanks for your hard work bro and the great effort...... awaiting you return ...
Thanks Bro Keewee for the unconditioned support.
Tonight I will complete the topic "How to tease your girl Uncontrollably?". There after I will begin with the series of "how to make a good lover?" starting with Hygiene and body workout. Along the way, I will post links of video clips relevant to the topics.:D
As the passion starts to build while you're kissing, start caressing her arms up and down. Then massage her shoulders while kissing and licking her neck.
She should start to really loosen up and begin moaning with pleasure. At this point massage her breasts, but don't touch her nipples yet because they're the most sensitive spots! The key is to leave the super sensitive parts of her body FOR LAST!
Undressing her, be sure to take your time when you take her clothes off! As you remove her blouse, run your hands firmly against her skin and kiss EVERY INCH of her flesh as it becomes exposed.
Don't worry about this taking too long because she'll be getting even hotter and hotter as you go!
Now, whatever you do. DON'T TAKE OFF HER BRA! Leave it on to build the anticipation and excitement. When you take off her pants, leave her panties on and begin to lick from her knee all the way up to her inner thigh. Trace your tongue in circles up her body as you go to REALLY drive her wild. This will also help you slow down your pace in case you're too eager to get started!
Stop right before you reach her pussy lips and then switch to her other leg. She should be SQUIRMING with eagerness at this point! So before things get TOO HOT start kissing her very passionately.she'll expect you to go down on her so kissing her instead will help keep her on her toes! With her bra and panties still on.
Continue to kiss her as you massage her breasts firmly. Then slide your tongue underneath her bra and use it to trace circles around her nipples. Keeping her bra on while you do this will enhance the teasing and make her even WETTER and WILDER with anticipation! Then cup her breast in one hand and begin licking her nipple as you massage her outer pussy lips with your other hand. Keep playing with her pussy until you feel her REALLY soaking through her panties.
When you've got her REALLY wet, with her panties still on, put your lips around her pussy and softly breathe hot air onto it.the warmth will send CHILLS throughout her whole body! Then continue to kiss and lick her area over her panties as you massage her inner thighs.
If you REALLY want to step it up a notch, lick the area between her thigh and pussy then slip your tongue JUST SLIGHTLY under her panties.this will give her just a LITTLE taste of what's to come and have her heaving and panting with eagerness!
31-10-2012, 12:17 AM
Sorry to all for not updating the thread for a long time.
I have a deep discussion with my wife on this thread. She felt I had jumped the gun for giving away information too early that is not essentials to a good sex. To have good sex with your partners has got some more things to do than those techniques.
I will reorganize the materials I have and restart a fresh.
Be back soon.:D
Looks like your wife is some kind of sexpert also:D antway thanks for your trouble to re-organize and updates:)
Now That She's Naked
Here's where the REAL fun begins! Kiss and suck on her neck and shoulders while you take off her bra. Then slowly make your way down and continue to kiss and lick in between and around her breasts. BUT DON'T TOUCH THE NIPPLES JUST YET!
Play with her pussy (her panties should still be on!) and then lick and suck on her nipples. Switch between them and rub one nipple with your hand when your mouth is on the other. Now slowly make your way down to her waist by kissing down her body. Be sure to use the same slow anticipation building way you've been doing throughout!
When you get down to her hips, tease her some more by slipping your tongue underneath her panties while you massage her breasts. At this point she should be begging you SENSELESSLY to put your hard dick inside her. But hold on just a bit longer! Now slowly remove her panties and caress her skin from her hips to her toes as you do. Then take her one foot in your hands and begin to slowly kiss every inch of her leg from the tips of her toes to her top inner thighs.
Now slowly massage outer part of her pussy lips with one hand, inching your way in towards where she's dripping wet. Then move your fingers in slowly as you lick her nipples.
Very SLOWLY slide your fingers inside her soaking swollen pussy and then lick her wetness off your finger. Then use that same finger and trace circles around her nipples as you softly kiss her pussy. Lick up and down along the length of her increasing wetness then make your way out towards her thigh.
Then separate her pussy lips with your tongue and slowly slide it in and out of her while you continue to rub her nipples in between your fingers. As you lick her lips, take your finger and spread her wetness in circles around her clitoris.
Once her pussy is really swollen and dripping wet, place your lips gently around her clitoris and lightly suck on it as you slide your fingers slowly in and out of her.
At this point, if she isn't already ATTACKING you, she should be begging and pleading with you to just RIP OFF her panties and PUNISH HER with your cock! So go ahead, and give your girl EXACTLY what she's been DYING FOR! And there you have this entire process should take you A LONG TIME. But don't worry because she'll be loving EVERY SINGLE SECOND of it!
Now YOU have all the dirty secrets that can drive even porn stars wild with passion and excitement! This stuff will DEFINITELY give you the edge you need to give HER the most AMAZING, most THRILLING sexual experience of her LIFE! But be careful with these techniques. She'll be so ADDICTED to your sex that she'll be begging you for it ALL THE TIME!
END - Original Text from Shawna, 2GirlsTeachSex.
My wife told me not to jump the gun by starting to share the techniques and tricks before we get the essential things right. It is like putting a Mercedes engine into a Suzuki 800cc car. The body will be tore apart after sometimes if we don’t have the basis.
To be a good lover, the most important thing is to reach some mutual agreements between both parties and tell each other what are your likes and dislikes. Especially, we man, you shall always listen to your partner’s instructions during lovemaking. It is a total piss off if you do the wrong thing to her.
There was a lady friend told me this, “My hubby is a taxi driver. His working hours are very flexible. When he came home and found me lie down on the bed, he pulled down my panties and whacked me with his smelly cock. Everything is smelly. He didn’t even bother to wash up before climbing up to the bed. Sometimes, I was thinking of kicking him out off my bed.”(Man, that was more than 20 years ago. If you are doing this to your wife today, she can report a rape case to the police, Law has changed).
I think many cheongsters including me had experience these many times: the OL always clean your bodies properly, especially your penis and ass holes to make sure they are very clean. But what happen later? They give you a very short bbbj, nipple licking and ass rimming. Do you know the reason?
It is Hygiene. Yes, hygiene and body hairs.
02-11-2012, 03:57 PM
hi hi, thank you very much, dont mind share with me the tips my email is
I think many cheongsters including me had experience these many times: the OL always clean your bodies properly, especially your penis and ass holes to make sure they are very clean. But what happen later? They give you a very short bbbj, nipple licking and ass rimming. Do you know the reason?
It is Hygiene. Yes, hygiene and body hairs.
Typo error, it should be WL and not OL.
Hygiene and Body hairs:
Shawna teaches me always start making love with kissing.
Who would you kiss?
Smelly head, spiky mustache and beard, heavy smoker or bad breathe?
Do you like to be French-kissed, licked, suck and cat bathed?
Then you have to ask yourself seriously whether you are clean and hygienic enough to meet your girl requirement, so she is willingly to serve you.
My high-sex-drive wife tells me to wash my hair everyday. She also tells me to shave my mustache and beard daily. She doesn’t like the cigarette smell so I quit smoking. She likes me to bathe before I go to bed, but she enjoys my body odor so I save a little time every night.
Listen to your girl. Do what she wants and she will pay you back in bed. You will enjoy licking at your ear, deeeeep throat bbbj and even AR (cos they are hairless, clean and easy to eat), you will be french like nobody business (nice to bite and smell good), and cat bathe from head to toes (hairless body is easy to lick).
So talk to your girl what she likes and dislikes. How clean she wants you to be. Some girl may like your hairy body, so don’t listen to me but her.
Girls, do the same to your man too to get good sex in return.
“ How to last longer in bed?”, asked many times by the brothers here. To last longer in bed isn’t difficult to achieve, my own record does not fall below 30 minutes. I am going to share in this thread the techniques, tricks and skills on lasting longer with everyone reading it. But what is the point when you can last longer but you cannot make your girl “song song”? There come the Shawna’s lessons on how to give your girl multiple orgasms.
Let's see, if everyone has known what to do. Can you do it with a Suzuki 800 cc engine? Definitely you need a better engine to enjoy your sex adventure. But can you change your engine? You can’t, so train it, maintain it, give it good servicing and give it good fuel.
The body workout:
I don't intend to train a sportsman, a sportsman doesn't mean he can last longer in bed. If you want to last longer in bed, you need to be “fit” in a very particular way. Here you are going to learn from a porn star what body parts to trains, what parts you can ignore (Not totally lah! brothers. Or you will become popeye the sailor man). Building up your confident and your endurance so your engine won’t get jammed halfway(半路死车):mad:. From weight training to cardio, from number of reps to getting 6 pack abs, you’ll learn it here.
PS For those who are interested to know where I got these information from, you can visit the following video link:
03-11-2012, 04:03 PM
Bro Smay, Downloaded but can't play. can anyone assist???:confused:
03-11-2012, 04:10 PM
thanks for giving us the guide for the wonderful skill
03-11-2012, 04:32 PM
Bro Smay, Downloaded but can't play. can anyone assist???:confused:
U need to join(merge) the files to 1....use fsj software to join....
Now we shall see what the 2 girls are offering.
Do feel free to look at the product review link at my signature; Shawna asked me to put it there for her.
2 Girls Teach Sex
These are what the girls, Shawna and Jessica, are going to teach:
Part 1: Multiple Orgasm Method
Here you will discover multiple ways to bring your girl to orgasm. Since every girl is a bit different Shawna and Jessica made sure that they show a bunch of their favorite tricks . Remember all of these methods work even better after a LOT of foreplay so remember to warm her up!
Part 2: Forbidden Sex Secrets
This program reveals what your girl would NEVER tell you about sex! Listen to the break down what women REALLY want. Make sure you “get” this information. the mental side is often more important then the physical side for women : )
Part 3: Advanced Sex Positions
Everyone LOVES sex positions! These positions are GREAT and are some of the best positions you can use for orgasms. (unlike many OTHER positions that LOOK good but don’t allow your girl to reach orgasm)…
Part 4: Secrets of Squirting Orgasms
When it comes to sex Shawna thought that she had seen and done it all… until Hunter Bryce told her how to give a squirting orgasm. Her instructions were so good that they TOTALLY soaked the guy . check it out!
Part 5: Shawna Sex Secrets
In this lesson, Shawna reveals EXACTLY what She like in her personal sex life. Use the techniques on your girl to give her the most sexual experience of her (and your) life.
P.S. If you have any questions, comments, or just want to shoot me and Shawna any email… feel free to do it anytime! Her email is
[email protected]. Mine, PM lah!
08-11-2012, 09:08 PM
maybe in the meanwhile u guys could try out our "Beg for mercy" and also " the right thing" in our adult online sex toy shop at
Confirm would squirt on your partner... i swear
Dear all, sorry for the late update. These are the content in part 1 that Shawna and Jessica are going to show you.
Part 1 : Multiple Orgasm Method
Kissing Instructional
Sex Initiating Massage Instructional
The One Finger Orgasm Trick Instructional
Eating Her Out Orgasm Instructional
Dominating Doggy Style Instructional
2 Inch Bigger Missionary Instructional
Technique Demo 1
Technique Demo 2
Multiple Orgasms Seminar
TBC ....
This may be repeating, but to get the sequence right, I post this again.
Shawna says: Always start your sex with kissing fist.
Before you even start kissing her, gently tug the back of her hair at the nape of her neck. Then trail soft kisses from her collar bone and up her neck. Instead of kissing her, use your tongue to trace along the length of her collar bone and up her neck.
The lips and tongue are VERY SENSITIVE so be sure to get to them last! Once she starts to really respond with pleasure, slowly kiss her with your lips slightly parted and run your tongue gently along her lips.
Before you go any further, PULL AWAY and look deeply into her eyes. By pulling away helps build the anticipation and keeps her guessing! When you go back in to kiss her, lightly suck on her lips. Lick them as you kiss her then SLOWLY graze your tongue against hers.
The key is to GO SLOW! There is no need to rush, you are making love with joy, not to make baby, so don't rush.
Follow this link to see more:
Kissing involves tongue actions a lot , but sexies, do you know ...
The Top 5 Mistakes Guys Make
WithTheir Tongues!Common mistakes guys make when using their tongue on a girl...
and exactly what to do instead to make her SCREAM!
Shawna was just thinking about he ultimate sexual kryptonite...And She decided... that it's DEFINITELY when a guy knows how to lick her body right! Hehe =)BUT... the only problem is...Finding a guy that ACTUALLY knows how to use his tongue is almost IMPOSSIBLE!Can you Shawna has only been with one guy that REALLY knew what to do with that little thing?!(And how long has she been in this business now...? COME ON!)All the rest did the same AWFUL THING that she just can't STAND...Your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body... but it can also b your WEAKEST if you're guilty of ANY of these mistakes...So pay careful attention... because eliminating just one of them can mean the difference between you being a total dud to a complete STUD!
Mistake 1)
Not Knowing The Difference Between FLAT and POINTED tongue
A lot of guys think that all they have to do is to lick a girl and it'll feel amazing for her...
I'm sure when you lick the girls, you will be thinking that they are getting licked it feels GREAT no matter what. But if you think the same goes for all girls then you couldn't be more wrong! For starters... knowing when to use a pointed tongue vs. a flat tongue is the MOST IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER when it comes licking a woman ANYWHERE... So here's a general rule that'll make her naturally wetter from having your tongue on her:
Use a flat tongue when...
you're licking anywhere around her collar bone, neck, and shoulders
you're licking the insides of her elbows, knees, or inner thighs
you lick over her nipples
you lick her outer lips "down there"
Use a pointed tongue when...
you trace circles around her nipples
you're separating her outer lips "down there" with your tongue
you circle her clitoris with your tongue
you use your tongue in her back door hole
Mistake 2)
Killing The Mood With Kissing
Knowing the difference between FLAT and POINTED tongue is the key...
but using them the wrong way can be the ultimate mood killer! Especially if you don't know how to use it in her mouth.
There was once a guy stick his ENTIRE TONGUE into Shawna's mouth... and just leave it in there... She also had another guy just dart his tongue ALL OVER THE PLACE... even into her nostrils! BOTH WERE JUST AS AWFUL AS THE OTHER!
If anything... just remember THIS:
If she has to wipe her face or chin afterwards... YOU ARE TURNING HER OFF!
Now I don't want you turning ANYONE off or wondering where the hell you learned to kiss... So when you go in for the kill...start first by gently sucking on her top and bottom lips...then lightly lick across each one... When you can hear her start to breathe heavier and give little moans...ease your way into her mouth and slowly lick the underside of hers...
This is a REALLY good way to warm her up and give her a PREVIEW of how good you are with your tongue...
27-11-2012, 03:19 PM
thanks for all the great sharing
27-11-2012, 04:29 PM
Hi bro can share the trick.
[email protected]
27-11-2012, 04:54 PM
Hi bro can share the trick.
[email protected]
Mistake 3)
Using It In The WRONG Spots
OK... don't laugh... but once Shawna hooked up with a guy who would get so turned on from licking her armpits...
Keyword: ONCE.
Now She can't say that EVERY WOMAN is gonna HATE having her armpits licked...
But if that's YOUR thing and NOT hers... you're in for quite the blow to your sex life... =(
The folds in the skin are generally the MOST SENSITIVE... so here are some guidelines to hitting the right ones and avoiding the wrong ones:
DO AVOID: the armpits, the nostrils, and any folds of skin that she may think is fat on her
DON'T AVOID: the inside of her elbows and knees, the underside of her breasts, her ears, where her thigh meets her pussy
Those are just a few of Shawna's own sweet spots... and she is sure that they'll be the girls' too =)
Mistake 4)
Being Lazy or Stingy With It
Even if you know the difference between a pointed and flat tongue... and now know which spots to avoid on her... If you barely use or move your tongue... you've got even BIGGER problems!
Some guys will only lick a woman's nipples and no other regions...Do you know there are over 18 erogenous zones on the female body?!
That's 18 different spots that can get her wetter and wilder in bed for you.
So next time you're lickin her body up and down... work your way IN towards her nipples and naughty spot...
In fact... make sure to hit the nipples last. This will build her sensitivity... get her even hotter and hornier for you... and have her SOAKING WET before you even have a chance to lick it yourself ;-)
Where are the 18 spots?
Will cover them when Shawna go along with her teaching.
Mistake 5)
Thinking It's The ONLY Thing You Need
Now... using your tongue the RIGHT WAY is definitely a fantastic start... So let's talk about how to take things to the NEXT LEVEL...
After all... you don't want her comparing you to the "amateurs" she's been with... So here's a Pro Tip ;-)
For Shawna, she definitely like when a guy can REALLY lick and suck her down there till she cum...But what she LOVE is when a guy can take it even further!
And she is not just talking about penetration sex...She is talking about something this guy did...that made her heart feel like it was gonna pound RIGHT OUT of her chest...and made her ENTIRE BODY shake UNCONTROLLABLY...until before she knew it...she was just EXPLODING ALL OVER HER BED!
So what is it? Delay penetrating her when she begs you. Let her anticipates what you are going to do next... keep licking and sucking her down there even if she trying to avoid your tongue...hold her tight or she will run away from your tongue.
More of these licking and sucking techniques will be cover in the orgasm lesson by the girls. So keep your self alert!!!
Hi all,
I am so sorry for not being here for a long time. I did have some issues including the copy right contents to settle before I contribute my stuffs here.
I will still sharing with you all information I have but maybe in a different way; please do come back for more; also watch out for my new threads : "All about prostate" and " Qi Gong (气功)and Sex".
31-07-2013, 11:09 AM
I will still sharing with you all information I have but maybe in a different way; please do come back for more; also watch out for my new threats : "All about prostate" and " Qi Gong (气功)and Sex".
you meant threads...:p
welcome back...hope to read more of your contribution...:)
31-07-2013, 01:12 PM
My friend Shawna has sent me this site and I saw a comment like this:
"Its Amazing! I have never seen my wife sooooo WET!!!
I recently use the trick I learnt from Squirting Orgasm Mastery.
She wet all over my bed sheet and she was excited with multiple orgasms that we failed to count.
I bought it at and its really
works - I've never heard my wife screams so LOUD before!!
I have bought Superman Stamina and Incredible Sex Now the next day.
I trust the products!!! My wife is going to love me FOREVER!!!"
She also sent me some materials on how to have good sex with your girls. I will share these information with you via PM.
Please drop me PM for some tricks I learnt from my friend. And I may post some pic and video here if my friend allow me to.
Wow bro sound interesting
Can pm me the link pls .
Like to learn more pls
you meant threads...:p
welcome back...hope to read more of your contribution...:)
Thanks for the correction. English getting rusty.
31-07-2013, 11:04 PM
PM are tricks n advices ..
[email protected]
01-08-2013, 06:58 AM
smay bro your inbox toshare the tricks and videos with me?
my email is
[email protected]
01-08-2013, 07:52 AM
Pls email me the trick at
[email protected] . Thks
01-08-2013, 09:32 AM
Would you mind sharing with me?
Would you mind sharing with me?
you meant threads...:p
welcome back...hope to read more of your contribution...:)
Wow bro sound interesting
Can pm me the link pls .
Like to learn more pls
PM are tricks n advices ..
[email protected]
smay bro your inbox toshare the tricks and videos with me?
my email is
[email protected]
Pls email me the trick at
[email protected] . Thks
Will get back to all of you soon.
02-08-2013, 01:14 AM
welcome back bro
welcome back bro
Long time no see, brother. Thank you.
02-08-2013, 11:42 PM
Please share the link with me bro !
Squirting Mastery Seminars links were send to all the requesters.
Please give me some time to organize my stuffs.
05-08-2013, 08:58 PM
Able to share the link??
05-08-2013, 10:52 PM
bro, would like to request for the link as well if you may share.
cheers :)
07-08-2013, 03:23 PM
Interesting thread :)
07-08-2013, 05:18 PM
thanks smay bro for sharing!!!
09-08-2013, 01:32 AM
Pls share the links, bro. tks
I have received a holiday personal mail from Shawna about sex position.
Brothers, please watch this video clip.
09-08-2013, 08:22 AM
Thank you Bro smay for your links. May I also contribute to your thread with my limited knowledge?
Thank you Bro smay for your links. May I also contribute to your thread with my limited knowledge?
Yes. Sure, all are welcome.
09-08-2013, 07:27 PM
TS, can ok links of the Squirting Mastery Seminars.
Many thanks
16-08-2013, 12:31 AM
TS , please share the link. I have PM you my email address. Thanks.
16-08-2013, 12:52 AM
Hi, Please share the info to me.
16-08-2013, 02:39 PM
bro pls share. I wan to upgrade my skill..
[email protected]
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