View Full Version : Vice should consider legalize PRC
05-02-2005, 07:25 PM
I think the SG vice should consider that. like that we can have MY, Thai and PRC dishes.
05-02-2005, 07:39 PM
If u think deeper, do u think People Republic of China will allow their citizens to be chicken outside their country? They even outlawed the chickens in their own country liao. :rolleyes:
05-02-2005, 07:49 PM
If u think deeper, do u think People Republic of China will allow their citizens to be chicken outside their country? They even outlawed the chickens in their own country liao. :rolleyes:
Well.... our MY and Thai... ok with it wat
05-02-2005, 07:55 PM
PRC u know...their govt place alot of emphasis on "face".
05-02-2005, 08:24 PM
then everywhere in sg flood wif prc char bo liao
05-02-2005, 08:43 PM
i think is possible if all bro in sb pay 100% more taxes!
05-02-2005, 09:01 PM
If u think deeper, do u think People Republic of China will allow their citizens to be chicken outside their country? They even outlawed the chickens in their own country liao. :rolleyes:
But brothels r also banned in malaysia.. hmm..
05-02-2005, 09:10 PM
If u think deeper, do u think People Republic of China will allow their citizens to be chicken outside their country? They even outlawed the chickens in their own country liao. :rolleyes:
no lah bro,u mistaken liao,they are "exporting" chicken,becos local nt enuff money to "feed" chicken so bros in sb are feeding them on PRC 's behalf!
05-02-2005, 11:18 PM
Don't think I wanna go thru explaining all the reasons why Thais and MYs are approved and PRCs are not lah... too tiring leh... :)
Don't think I wanna go thru explaining all the reasons why Thais and MYs are approved and PRCs are not lah... too tiring leh... :)
But seriously, don't know why Singapore kanna rank very low on sex. If sex is so low here, why there are increase in demand for foreign sex workers here. Kind of ironic right? :confused:
I think the survey did not include commercial sex. LOL. :D
Or maybe CS never use Durex, mostly Carex brands.
05-02-2005, 11:59 PM
Don't think I wanna go thru explaining all the reasons why Thais and MYs are approved and PRCs are not lah... too tiring leh... :)
After a while.. kua pua lah. :D
Me? Haven't kua pua yet.. Me newbie.
06-02-2005, 12:22 AM
Don't think I wanna go thru explaining all the reasons why Thais and MYs are approved and PRCs are not lah... too tiring leh... :)
I vaguely recall some1 xplained it b4.. think its tv.. guess his posts must b compiled and made sticky :) actually why not save your posts in a folder, tv?
Tho I saved 1 of his posts on how the setting up of a brothel is done.
06-02-2005, 12:24 AM
I vaguely recall some1 xplained it b4.. think its tv.. guess his posts must b compiled and made sticky :) actually why not save your posts in a folder, tv?
Tho I saved 1 of his posts on how the setting up of a brothel is done.
When u have 2,454 posts and still counting. I think not easy to save. :p
06-02-2005, 01:43 AM
If u think deeper, do u think People Republic of China will allow their citizens to be chicken outside their country? They even outlawed the chickens in their own country liao. :rolleyes:
Thats what i was about to say to him too....hehehehehe....
p.s. dear friends, do not allow your thoughts to sour the bilateral friendship between these 2 lovely countries......shove it aside please....*please huh, don't even think of Hong Lim Park huh...."
06-02-2005, 10:43 AM
If i remember the previous explaination correctly ... it all boils down to the language barrier ... got other reasons but the major one is language.
Thai and My gals not so easy to communicate with ... cos when all go to AV ... sure declare only can speak Thai ... other languages no can do (despite the fact some of them can speak chinese - hokkien - etc etc). Since not everyone can speak thai here it will remain largely a fcuk and go kinda situation ... less chance of forming a bond.
If PRC ... it will not be just fcuk and go cos majority of the pple here speak mandarin so higher chance of chit chatting and forming a bond ... gah men don't wan this sorta bond forming in case we CS fcukers get emotionally involved ...
The general idea is as such lah ... if i cum across the old post i post the link here ... it makes a much better read than the BS i just posted :p
06-02-2005, 11:48 AM
can't risk being cut off from the largest consumer market in the world...
perhaps in future PRC will be issueing 'most favoured nation' trading partners
& sillypore will want to be on that list when that day comes...
better to have 'close 1 eye' policy now, anyway our coffers r being filled up with the $ being paid for their visas, visa extensions, over staying fines etc; not to mention the under ground economy...
my 2cents worth
06-02-2005, 12:46 PM
Thai and My gals not so easy to communicate with ... cos when all go to AV ... sure declare only can speak Thai ... other languages no can do (despite the fact some of them can speak chinese - hokkien - etc etc). Since not everyone can speak thai here it will remain largely a fcuk and go kinda situation ... less chance of forming a bond.
If PRC ... it will not be just fcuk and go cos majority of the pple here speak mandarin so higher chance of chit chatting and forming a bond ... gah men don't wan this sorta bond forming in case we CS fcukers get emotionally involved ...
The xplanation may not do, coz malaysia gals sure speak eng/chi. dun tell me malay? :eek:
06-02-2005, 12:52 PM
The xplanation may not do, coz malaysia gals sure speak eng/chi. dun tell me malay? :eek:
Think he meant Malay ceweks from Indonesia..
06-02-2005, 01:22 PM
If i remember the previous explaination correctly ... it all boils down to the language barrier ... got other reasons but the major one is language.
Thai and My gals not so easy to communicate with ... cos when all go to AV ... sure declare only can speak Thai ... other languages no can do (despite the fact some of them can speak chinese - hokkien - etc etc). Since not everyone can speak thai here it will remain largely a fcuk and go kinda situation ... less chance of forming a bond.
If PRC ... it will not be just fcuk and go cos majority of the pple here speak mandarin so higher chance of chit chatting and forming a bond ... gah men don't wan this sorta bond forming in case we CS fcukers get emotionally involved ...
The general idea is as such lah ... if i cum across the old post i post the link here ... it makes a much better read than the BS i just posted
Bro, kekekekekekekeke
you said it, not me, kekekekeke
Where the hell you get the idea that language is used to determine which nationality can come to SG as WL? It has never been the cae lah bro.. kekekeke
06-02-2005, 02:48 PM
If PRC ... it will not be just fcuk and go cos majority of the pple here speak mandarin so higher chance of chit chatting and forming a bond ... gah men don't wan this sorta bond forming in case we CS fcukers get emotionally involved ...
wuah !!! does that means we can look forward to Russians and Mongolians coming to ply their trades here ??!! Some of them really chio !!!
I know it is quite impossible now ... but who knows ? maybe ... who would expect to soccer betting or see a casino in Sin say 10 yrs ago ...
06-02-2005, 02:58 PM
I Remember Ytd i Just Post a Reply in The FL Section Regarding abt This Topic also! I Think U Dream Abt Tio 4D also More Easy Rather Than Legalise PRC Here man! :cool:
06-02-2005, 03:38 PM
Bro, kekekekekekekeke
you said it, not me, kekekekekeDon noe leh ... recall i read somewhere :confused: ... maybe bonk too much liao memories all distorted a little :p ... heheheheheheh ... told u guys my post might just be a load of BS ... ok ok will make some effort and try to find the exact post ... watch this space
06-02-2005, 03:56 PM
will make some effort and try to find the exact post ... watch this space
No need lah.. for the benefits of those frustrated bros, let you give you a summary of why PRCs are not allowed to operate in SG.
Before that, you must first understand the procedures of how the Thais come to work in SG and then compare the difficulty for the PRCs. So I'll put in red the difference for the PRC.
First of all, there is already an exisiting set-up for the Thai WLs to work, which is in GL. No need to explain the history of how GL was set up lah.. only that they exist.
If the govt wants to allow PRC, then they must also set the administration like who to allow to be the OKT, rules and regulations, etc which, at this point of time, is not in the interest of our govt.
Basically the Thai girls working legally comes in 2 ways. One is thru an agent (there's a syndicate) and the other is the OKT which source the girls themselves. As far as AV is concerned, there should be no agent involved.The reason is that AV doesn't want a girl coming to work to be in heavy debts, and with the consent of their parents.
Whichever is the case, the OKT must take a trip to LOS for a couple of days supposedly to see the prospective girls who want to work in SG. Then when they come back, they are to submit photographs and a copy of the girl's passport to AV.
AV will view the pics and decided who is allowed to come to SG. AV will then informed the OKT which girls are approved and the date they must come into SG.
Will an OKT handling PRC find this a cost effective method for them to fly all the way to China to see the girls and get a copy of their passport? Will the PRC girls be willing to make such travel documents knowing that there is no guarantee that they will be approved? And if AV disapprove on seeing the pics, will all those affected able to handle the financial loss?
Couple of days before arrival date, OKT will take a trip to Hatyai to meet up with the girls and bring them into SG by coach thru Woodlands Check point. AV will also be there on that day. When the girls arrived at Woodlands immigration, AV will interview the girls, basically asking them whether they are working with the knowledge of their parents and whether they are from any agents. If parents do not know, or thru agents, AV will send them back immediately.
For PRC, how do OKT go and "collect" the PRC girls if approved? Do you think the Chinese Government will say "no problem, since these girls are going to SG to work as WL" the OKT can just come in to bring the girls back? Upon entering SG, what happen if the PRC girls are turn back by AV? Moreover, for PRC, they need visas. How do AV informed the SG embassy in China to approve the visas?
Those that have been allowed in will go back to the OKT's farm in GL. That's where many Samster know about "new girl".
In the morning, the OKT will bring the girls to AV for interview which will be quite detail. They girls will be finger printed like a criminal and records kept for future references. For the Thais, they have no problems with this as it is very easy to get a replacement passport, or change their names legally in Thailand. Moreover, most of their families already know what they are doing.
Will the PRC agrees to this as they would be considered as criminals? When they are sent back, would their authorities question them? Would they be trouble? Is is the PRC culture that their daughters be sent to work as WL is a normal thing?
AV will also brief them on the do's and don'ts with regards to discipline, eg cannot drink, no gambling, etc. There are no "3 strikes". One strike and they'll be send back, and OKT will also face penalty like close for a week, etc.
Can OKTs face the loss if one of the PRC were to be penalised due to the cost the OKT has to spend to bring the PRC here?
If AV approved, the girls will then go for a medical check up. The blood test will take a few days whereby the girls need to go back to get their report. This is why when new girls come, you have to wait for a few days before they start work. Girls will also be brief on the dos and donts like using condoms, etc.
If there is any sign of a medical problem, not only STD, the girls will be sent back. Basically, the authorities does not the girls to be a burden on our medical system here.
Again, can OKT bear the loss?
Those girls that AV approve to work in SG will have a 6 months immigration permit, renewable 3 times for up to 2 years.
The rest is not so much a problem as the main difficulty face is the Visa, money coming to SG, and the methods of bringing them in.
You see, Government analyse that Thais and MY coming to SG is easier and cheaper thus the WLs do not need to get themselves into debts. Thais coming to work here MUST come by bus, not by air.
As for PRC, it is not feasible b'cos they need visas to come to SG. So how do our embassy approve these visas on application? SG openly, does not allow sex trades, they cannot allow visas to be approved for sex workers.
Basically the procedures for the OKT to bring in PRC girls will be too much of a hassle if they use the same system as Thais, costing too much, etc, etc. Also, the government to government part may be a problem.
Moreover, the influx of PRC girls, although to you is a lot, is more or less, within our control, and AV is of course monitoring it and does not see the need to have them legalised.
06-02-2005, 05:33 PM
heheheheheheheheh ...
That's the post ... KNN think my brain all screwed from bonking too much liao :o ... for any bro's interested in this topic can find the old thread here ... Guide to CS (
Pai say pai say ... dun know how cum i got the idea it's a language thing :confused: ... well i learn something new here everyday
06-02-2005, 07:00 PM
If u think deeper, do u think People Republic of China will allow their citizens to be chicken outside their country? They even outlawed the chickens in their own country liao. :rolleyes:
ya lor.
that why prc can never be chicken in singapore.
unless they get my or sg ,citizen or pr...
06-02-2005, 08:05 PM
ya lor.
that why prc can never be chicken in singapore.
unless they get my or sg ,citizen or pr...
bcos singapore onlt import chicken fr malaysia & thai,therefore they are legal :p
06-02-2005, 09:48 PM
This thread shld b made a sticky or the question will b raised again and again..
Cheers to tv
06-02-2005, 09:58 PM
Basically the Thai girls working legally comes in 2 ways. One is thru an agent (there's a syndicate) and the other is the OKT which source the girls themselves. As far as AV is concerned, there should be no agent involved.The reason is that AV doesn't want a girl coming to work to be in heavy debts, and with the consent of their parents.
So all the legal houses girls are not through agents?
I am surprised that their parents actually knew about it.
The culture difference is so huge...I'm enlightened.
Couple of days before arrival date, OKT will take a trip to Hatyai to meet up with the girls and bring them into SG by coach thru Woodlands Check point. AV will also be there on that day. When the girls arrived at Woodlands immigration, AV will interview the girls, basically asking them whether they are working with the knowledge of their parents and whether they are from any agents. If parents do not know, or thru agents, AV will send them back immediately.
So at woodlands there, it's like another filter to go through?
Those girls that AV approve to work in SG will have a 6 months immigration permit, renewable 3 times for up to 2 years.
What happens after 2 years? I heard they cannot apply for PR after 2 years working in SG. Last time still got lobang, but now, with advance technology, it's no longer the I right?
Then those who did manage to marry the WL, they reside in WL homeland?
Is there any thread regarding on this issue?
06-02-2005, 11:27 PM
heheheheheheheheh ...
That's the post ... KNN think my brain all screwed from bonking too much liao :o ... for any bro's interested in this topic can find the old thread here ... Guide to CS (
Pai say pai say ... dun know how cum i got the idea it's a language thing :confused: ... well i learn something new here everyday
Actually before that, I've already written in some other posts lah..
Anyway, that's the thread where they quote the guy who wrote somewhere else and pissed me off. I even challenge him to come to our forum but to no avail.
06-02-2005, 11:35 PM
Waaa, you ask a lot leh... do you have a tirak? :)
So all the legal houses girls are not through agents?
I am surprised that their parents actually knew about it.
The culture difference is so huge...I'm enlightened.
Many of them are thru agents but they are taught how to answer to AV during the interviews. Again, not all of them are working with the knowledge of their parents, although many are. Again, they are taught how to answer AV.
So at woodlands there, it's like another filter to go through?
Several filters lah... even too pretty ones will also be send back as the cat40 must be be a competition to the cat150.
What happens after 2 years? I heard they cannot apply for PR after 2 years working in SG. Last time still got lobang, but now, with advance technology, it's no longer the I right?
After 2 years (most don't last that long), they go back lor.. They are only allowed to come to SG as a tourist after some time as their passport will have a special stamp. But many just change their passport. When they change their passport, the number on their passport also changes. Only if they are arrested for a crime will they be indentified thru fingerprints, else no worries.
Then those who did manage to marry the WL, they reside in WL homeland?
They can also reside in SG.
Is there any thread regarding on this issue?
I'm not sure but "post your tirak" thread may have.
Hope this satisfy your curiosity. :cool:
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