View Full Version : I Hate Valentine's Day!
10 cc
14-02-2005, 10:50 AM
this is the when love is all around... around me that is, but not with me. when i had a girlfriend, i got to crack my head days before this to think of something to please her. where to have dinner, what to give her, where to go after that, how to be creative in bed and make her orgas 10 times...
i mean really, what's so special about this day anyway? just another day on the calendar if u ask me??! why must we do all these things we do for them on this specific day alone? not to mention the amount of money spent. mind u, what normally cost $2 can be jacked up to 500% on this very day - like roses, dinner packages, hotel rooms/packages... geez...
and then when u are like me, not attached (PT girlfriend dont count - more on this later), u cant help but feel lonely at night that makes u wanna pick up the phone and call up all those ex-es 1 by 1 and see who's free to go out with u... i know i know. i am contridicting myself. on 1 hand, v day is not important, and on the other, v day is lonely - now, why should i feel lonely when it is unimportant?! peer pressure my friends, peer pressure. see, from morning, i started to get calls and sms from friends asking me all the what/where/who questions. in the office, colleagues are asking too. for crying out loud, even my parents are asking me...
its like, "hello? why u got no plans tonight? u loser!!"
and then for those with only PT girlfriends or multiple girlfriends - this is the day to hide and cash in on that rain check. its obvious isn't? u get seen with a PT girl and that's it. you are stuck with her - she will stick with u and parade all around orchard road calling herself you GF. now u dont want that, do u? that's why she is only a PT GF in the first place!
there must be some places for people... (losers!) like me to hide on this very day... i almost want to call the florist to send meself flowers at the office u know...
... so I HATE VALENTINE'S DAY!!! :mad:
14-02-2005, 10:53 AM
Personally I do not celebrate V day much.. I alway thought that V day is a day created by greedy merchants and florist to fleece us of more cash.
Dun feel sad. think about how much you will be saving on this day when all other sucker (including me) will be spending on this "burn hole in pocket" day.
14-02-2005, 10:54 AM
its ok lah.. i already survived 5 days of..
"ah boy ah.. when u getting married huh??" "brother, sisters already have kids liao.." "when are we drinking ur happy wine.." :rolleyes:
14-02-2005, 10:55 AM
Ya Agree! Why Remember and Celebrate with ur loved 1 just on Valentine day? If U have the heart,i think everyday should be Valentine Day For Couple lor!
14-02-2005, 10:57 AM
"ah boy ah.. when u getting married huh??" "brother, sisters already have kids liao.." "when are we drinking ur happy wine.." :rolleyes:
Bro you also getting that??? I used to hate family gathering days. Used to be when getting married... now its when going to have kids. Man those relatives has nothing better to talk about?
14-02-2005, 10:59 AM
Got money.......everyday New Year....
Got love..........everyday Valentine's day....
14-02-2005, 11:12 AM
Got money.......everyday New Year....
Got love..........everyday Valentine's day....
Brudda 10cc, I think VD is just a commercial day for people to make some money and also for the hectic SG guys n gals to find time to say n do some stuff together to get the luvey dovery feeling
I think if all the guys hv more than a VD candidate, they would be saying "Hell! I luv VD"
Don't get too hyper abt it if u hv 10 VD candidates nor feel dejected when u r alone.
Basically its a day to be spent with ur luved 1, which is not only zabors
LS! U got money and luv?
RK is v lonely, asking people to buy lunch/dinner @ IMM :D
Ah Huat ^_^
14-02-2005, 11:21 AM
New Year....
Got Valentine's day....
GOT $$$, everyday is new year,
NO $$$, new year day is good for working OT
got love.. every hour is valetine
NO love...valentine day is good to stay home rest
14-02-2005, 11:47 AM
I hate Valentine day when my FL girlfriend is overseas AND MY girlfriend is also overseas. And all my PT girlfriends got no time for me because they think PT is just for them to play with when they are naught and horny.
14-02-2005, 11:49 AM
Personally I think V day is simply another opportunity for women to try to feel "special" at their men's expense.
Women may never admit it, but their self-worth is pretty much tied up in how much market value she THINKS that she has. Therefore if a man lavishes expensive presents on her, or takes the time and effort to make VD special, a woman will feel great simply because she thinks that her "market value" is high.
I for one, am tired of this kinda game lah. I suppose that's why I cheong WLs. So much easier. FInd WL, fuck WL, pay WL and fuck off. No need to make her feel "special" or sian... :D
14-02-2005, 11:56 AM
Every 14th of February you get the chance to display your fondness for your wife or girlfriend by showering her with gifts, flowers, dinner, shows and any other baubles that women find romantic.
Secret...guys feel left out. That's right...left out. There's no special holiday for the ladies to show their appreciation for the men in their life. Men as a whole are either too proud or just too embarrassed to admit it. Which is why a new holiday has been created.
March 20th is now officially "Steak & Blowjob Day."
Simple, effective and self-explanatory...this holiday has been created so your ladies can have a day to show your man just how much you love him. No cards, no flowers, no special nights on the town-the name of the holiday explains it all...just a steak and a BJ. That's it. This twin pairing of Valentine's Day and Steak & BJ Day will usher in a new age of love as men everywhere will try THAT much harder in February to ensure a more memorable March! It's like a perpetual love machine.
The word is already spreading, but as with any new idea, it needs a little push to start the ball rolling. So spread the word, and help bring love and peace to this crazy world.
:D :D
14-02-2005, 12:00 PM
i love march 20th already, a day for pay back :D
14-02-2005, 12:02 PM
I think if all the guys hv more than a VD candidate, they would be saying "Hell! I luv VD"
VD = Valentine Day or Veneral Disease?? :confused: :p
14-02-2005, 12:20 PM
VD = Valentine Day or Veneral Disease?? :confused: :p
Perhaps both?
Can get Venereal Disease if you ONZ somebody RAW during Vday thinking she's 'safe'.
Anyway got SUPER HIV around now, V day or no V day, better CAP UP before bonk!!!
14-02-2005, 12:27 PM
I hate Valentine day when my FL girlfriend is overseas AND MY girlfriend is also overseas. And all my PT girlfriends got no time for me because they think PT is just for them to play with when they are naught and horny.
Seems like a win-win situation, dude. You got a full time gf, FL gf and PT gf. And at this time of the year, no need to come out money to bring anyone out, quite ideal leh. hehe...
anyway, I always have my pms on Valetine's Day. I always feel unwanted. My parents have long given up hope on me getting married. Since Last june when I started out cheonging, whenever they mentioned abt gf or married, I tell them that I am going GL. For me, I am destined to be a bachelor and will not have any remote chance of getting married, reason being I am will not be wanted by any woman, especially SG girls. The only girls I known will pay attention to me are those whom I paid their services for. On the outside, I put up a brave face, inside I know when it comes to relationship I am a loser.
I hate VD, I hate myself more. :mad:
14-02-2005, 12:33 PM
anyway, I always have my pms on Valetine's Day. I always feel unwanted. My parents have long given up hope on me getting married. Since Last june when I started out cheonging, whenever they mentioned abt gf or married, I tell them that I am going GL. For me, I am destined to be a bachelor and will not have any remote chance of getting married, reason being I am will not be wanted by any woman, especially SG girls. The only girls I known will pay attention to me are those whom I paid their services for. On the outside, I put up a brave face, inside I know when it comes to relationship I am a loser.
I hate VD, I hate myself more. :mad:
I think the only solution for you might be to source for Vietnam girls... No doubt that it is somehow commercial especially when you haven't even get to know them well enough before marrying them. But then as time gets along, you will find that they actually make good wives... There's always an option for you and it's whether or not you want to take up the option....
Cheer up!!!
14-02-2005, 02:05 PM
For me, I am destined to be a bachelor and will not have any remote chance of getting married, reason being I am will not be wanted by any woman, especially SG girls. :
bro t123, please take heart. i may not be qualified here, if you have difficulty in getting gf, maybe you can overhaul yourself a little, including the looks department, a change if you will. can also ask friends for opinions.
you look better, you'd feel better.
pls dont misunderstand, i am not rubbing it in, but a change may help, and 1st impression goes a long way. :D
14-02-2005, 02:05 PM
LS! U got money and luv?
RK is v lonely, asking people to buy lunch/dinner @ IMM :D
hey hey.. VD got outing for lonely tiko pehs like us or not??? :D
14-02-2005, 02:16 PM
hey hey.. VD got outing for lonely tiko pehs like us or not??? :D
Knn....u w got 7.80?
Mai confuse the mkt hor
Lao uncles refer to old man that no1 1 2 date
LS/Unc D and u r definitely out! :mad:
14-02-2005, 02:31 PM
Knn....u w got 7.80?
Mai confuse the mkt hor
Lao uncles refer to old man that no1 1 2 date
LS/Unc D and u r definitely out! :mad:
so bottomline is wan to mit for dinner.. as i need to revert to uncle lobert.....
14-02-2005, 02:34 PM
so bottomline is wan to mit for dinner.. as i need to revert to uncle lobert.....
I cmi, paiseh
Got work appt :(
10 cc
14-02-2005, 02:37 PM
eh? i dont know so many bros here also like me leh... thought i am the odd one out...
so points gathered:
1. VD is a marketing gimick for some people to make money
2. VD is BAD
3. main important factor is money
4. everyday can be a VD
5. (i add this myself) VD is a day for ti ko pehs like me to get hearts of weak-knee-women (!!) (now where do we find them... that's the question)
6. 20th March (sunday) is a very very important day for samsters
7. no gf? wife? can consider vietnamese
8. no gf on VD and feeling horny? can go HC/Tui-na/GL (take your pick)
...and for the last 5 days, my relatives are asking me "ah ya, why u Dee-Walls huh? she nice girl what?! go back lah! lei lah, listen to auntie/uncle's words of wisdom... swallow your pride lah. she girl mah, u need to give in lah..."
well... that's the story for another thread liao...
ps: anywhere for single bros to cheong tonight? dont want to stay at home and feel miserable... any suggestion? devil's bar?
i mean really, what's so special about this day anyway? just another day on the calendar if u ask me??!
... so I HATE VALENTINE'S DAY!!! :mad:
i agree, nothing special about the day. some of my ex's agreed with me to postpone the dinner etc to a week after, to save $$. (nice girls!) some were not too happy so bo pian i have to pay through my nose and run around like a mad dog. but i don't hate it lor. just ignore if i can.
actually it's the same with a lot of other "celebration". a lot has no more meaning. christmas: supposedly to remember and celebrate birth of christ, today it means giving presents, etc. Christmas should be for christians to go church and pray, that's it. New Year: formerly meant to celebrate the end of harvesting period, nowadays carry no physical meaning as most people are no longer farmers... etc etc.
we should have new celebrations every 30-40 years.
For example, i say from 2000-2050 we should celebrate Albert Einstein birthday, the anniversary of the industrial revolution, Mozart and Picasso birthday, Tiananmen day remembrance, sept 11 remembrance, Lumiere bro's anniversary (inventor of the movie projector) etc. etc. Among those celebrations to be dropped should be valentines'. I mean, these are examples, but u get the drift...
14-02-2005, 04:19 PM
Secret...guys feel left out. That's right...left out. There's no special holiday for the ladies to show their appreciation for the men in their life. Men as a whole are either too proud or just too embarrassed to admit it.
Think in Japan it's the reverse during Valentine's Day....the girls actually give gifts to the like home-made chocolates. Awww....
Lucky bastards!
14-02-2005, 04:22 PM
V Day is too commercialised liao.......
Nevertheless, it's just another bonk day for me....... kekekekeke
14-02-2005, 04:39 PM
For example, i say from 2000-2050 we should celebrate Albert Einstein birthday, the anniversary of the industrial revolution, Mozart and Picasso birthday, Tiananmen day remembrance, sept 11 remembrance, Lumiere bro's anniversary (inventor of the movie projector) etc. etc. Among those celebrations to be dropped should be valentines'. I mean, these are examples, but u get the drift...
gasp... one cultured samster here......
Spanish Fly
14-02-2005, 05:06 PM
Me Fucking hate this day. FFFUUUCCCKKKIIINNNGGG Stupid !!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
14-02-2005, 05:15 PM
Me Fucking hate this day. FFFUUUCCCKKKIIINNNGGG Stupid !!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
welcome to the club.........
14-02-2005, 05:16 PM
No lah... we should all celebrate the creation of SBF lah. Or celebrate our birthday.
Mine next mth hor... remember hor.
Anyway, VD is a waste of time and money. But sucker in me still mark it faithfully year after year together with anniversaries (meeting wife, 3 mths after signing slavery cert, 6th mths after signing slavery cert,etc etc).
Bottomline is those with gf/wife/mistresses etc etc will know that women are hung up on dates and expects us to remember every single important (to them) dates.
- Ethanas currently sobbing over the big hole in his pocket.
No lah... we should all celebrate the creation of SBF lah. Or celebrate our birthday.
- Ethanas currently sobbing over the big hole in his pocket.
happens to all of us (blowing good dough on women)
its ok lah.. i already survived 5 days of.."ah boy ah.. when u getting married huh??" "brother, sisters already have kids liao.." "when are we drinking ur happy wine.." :rolleyes:
Haha you are right on, bro, the timing is uncanny.
14-02-2005, 05:52 PM
Last year i had my girl celebrating for me, its a nice day and i enjoyed it. Now this year i am single so no celebration and i dun enjoy it.
Amx 10
14-02-2005, 06:01 PM
Today, this time, this moment. I am oso alone. :(
I dun like VD too. Ever break off wif my gf on VD too. Dat was long long time ago. Bring back old memories. :(
14-02-2005, 06:08 PM
Simply put it, VD is fine if u have someone to celebrate with u....
14-02-2005, 06:19 PM
Simply put it, ....
simple put it.. VD is a bonking day
10 cc
14-02-2005, 06:51 PM
actually it's the same with a lot of other "celebration". a lot has no more meaning.
couldnt agree more. in fact, i also dont celebrate birthdays, and all the other festivals. no meaning... just enjoy the holidays and bring kids out to have fun enough liao...
For example, i say from 2000-2050 we should celebrate Albert Einstein birthday, the anniversary of the industrial revolution, Mozart and Picasso birthday, Tiananmen day remembrance, sept 11 remembrance, Lumiere bro's anniversary (inventor of the movie projector) etc. etc. Among those celebrations to be dropped should be valentines'. I mean, these are examples, but u get the drift...
my sister actually celebrates Albert Einstein's birthday u know? her idol. got a big A1 size poster of this old man in her room. at night, no lights u see the pics and be scared to death one...
ps: most bros that has given comments in this thread are no longer on-line now... hmmm... out for VD dinner?
14-02-2005, 06:53 PM
ps: most bros that has given comments in this thread are no longer on-line now... hmmm... out for VD dinner?
10 cc
14-02-2005, 07:02 PM
hahaha... y u so free huh? got no gf to bonk is it? go go go! shu shu!!
14-02-2005, 07:05 PM
hahaha... go go go! shu shu!!
:o :(
this month eat veggies
14-02-2005, 07:07 PM
:o :(
this month eat veggies
yo bro, liked yr signature man....
10 cc
14-02-2005, 07:08 PM
:o :(
this month eat veggies
aiya... our lives... sad...
i am going to buy some toys now and go home and play with myself...
14-02-2005, 07:08 PM
Add me to the club as well. I also hate this day, every year got to end up singing "All By Myself" while everyone goes out in pairs. The strange thing is that I also feel particularly horny on this f**king day. Feel like going out to bonk some WLs but afraid they may laugh at me for bring single :(
14-02-2005, 07:10 PM
yo bro, liked yr signature man....
life is just unfair... we see other ppl good, other ppl see us good
i breath more then 10000 days liao.. only on 2 year i had a gf to accopmany me. now, i am back alone again...
to all other, see how pathetic my love life are... :D
Spanish Fly
14-02-2005, 07:11 PM
Over the weekends and today, the sales of rubber had gone up by 100 %
14-02-2005, 07:13 PM
aiya... our lives... sad...
i am going to buy some toys now and go home and play with myself...
u know... last nov, me go to the sex toy shop.. i bought myself a $168 plastic cheebye..
the sale gal damn seah-lan, dun wanna entertain me, say i wont buy one.. she say, " u need it meh?? "
14-02-2005, 07:16 PM
Actually i also dun know why gt this day exist.Maybe is for those who r rich to spend $.Cos i have a bad experience for VD.Nw clever a bit nt to be robert.
14-02-2005, 07:20 PM
.Cos i have a bad experience for VD.Nw clever a bit nt to be robert.
yr avatar..CHIO!!
14-02-2005, 07:26 PM
life is just unfair... we see other ppl good, other ppl see us good
i breath more then 10000 days liao.. only on 2 year i had a gf to accopmany me. now, i am back alone again...
to all other, see how pathetic my love life are... :D
There r other things in life that are more important at our stage, like family, work and friends....
In life, we always depend on others to help us. Inside, we depend on family for motivational and heart to heart talk, outside, we depend on friends for that pad on the shoulder....
14-02-2005, 07:29 PM
that pad on the shoulder....
u win some... u lose many...
14-02-2005, 07:37 PM
to make this VD more miserable ( :D
14-02-2005, 07:51 PM
to make this VD more miserable ( :D
I feel the same too bro life, we win some, we lose some..
14-02-2005, 08:42 PM
listening to Greenday - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams...make me more sad sia...
I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone
I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
and I'm the only one and I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk a...
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone
Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah,
Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah
I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line
Of the edge and where I walk alone
Read between the lines
What's fucked up and everything's alright
Check my vital signs
To know I'm still alive and I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk a...
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone
Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
I walk alone
I walk a...
I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk a...
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone...
couldnt agree more. in fact, i also dont celebrate birthdays, and all the other festivals. no meaning... just enjoy the holidays and bring kids out to have fun enough liao...
Yes I feel the same. Cant understand the hoohaa about celebrations based on dates anymore.
10 cc
14-02-2005, 10:19 PM
there are basic differences between men and women. we are really from another planet as that of the ladies. we look at big things, they look at small things. and unless u are (1) manipulative, or (2) willingly giving in, there's no way both can co-habit in harmony.
dates to them are important for god knows what reasons, and so some men play to that, and others, like us, refused.
like 1 of the bro said, want sex, then pay for it. want love? can happen, but only for a short while. once u guys wakes up from the initial infactuation, and start seeing each other's living habits... game over man.
or unless the girl willingly give in to u because (1) u are damn rich, (2) u are a damn good fucker, (3) u r a damn good lover, or (4) any of the above combo.
now, on a brighter note... any one wanna cheong hc or gl tomorrow?
14-02-2005, 10:42 PM
there are basic differences between men and women. we are really from another planet as that of the ladies. we look at big things, they look at small things. and unless u are (1) manipulative, or (2) willingly giving in, there's no way both can co-habit in harmony.
Not really lah bro,
Ying and Yang, light and darkness, positive and negative :D two differences makes one whole. The difference between men and women binds.
If you find your second half, she should probably be quite different in character as you, her good compensate for your bad, your good compensate for her bad. Don't feel too bad bros. There is a plan in everything, your fate probably not arrive yet.
14-02-2005, 11:20 PM
After reading all these posts,
i like to express myself here...i used to have a very steady galfriend 4 yr ago but now im 28 yrs old....after encountering bad relationship with my ex....i started to lose confidence in myself.....most sex activities are indulging in geylang...hc....i dun spending the money as i get to rty all sorts of figures of women...but not a singaporean women...somehow i have become the kind pf perosnality with no"kumcheng" for women my mind was fuck only!!!!!even today 14 feb i also do not i wish to seek any lady out for a normal valentine dinner...if i look into her eyes ..i just want to fuck nothing else to talk about!!!!!!!
15-02-2005, 12:42 AM
a have a view after reading all these posts. There are two types of people here:
1) without gf and feeling lonely on VD
2)those with gf but have lost feelings with them.
There may be more cat, but i only typing forum, not thesis, so dun pick stone in egg ok?
for cat1, i understand it feels terrible to be lonely. I never had a gf before in my life, being 27 this yr. Like afew before, but they always rejected me cos i very good good honest honest type of man(which i damn hate to be one nowadays). I dun feel lonely on this day. You can always ask a guy friend to go out. only insecurity makes you hate this day.
for cat2, it is sad that many couples after going out togather for sometime will lost mutual feelings, being together simply because there is no reason to break. I have had no relationships before, so i may not have the right to comment on this but personally, i feel you guys should try to find out why you were together in the first place. what you like abt her etc? sometimes, being together too long makes you take each other for granted such that the good points that attracted u to her has become numb. search urself again.
there is nothing wrong celebrating VD. merchant cash in because of demand. normal economic theory of supply and demand. Not they want to eat you or what. I feel couples should celeb on VD. celebrations are events that pull everyone together to do the same thing. that is the fun! imagine everyone doing it on earth. like a big party. so no reason why u should purposely siam VD celebration. food expensive, then eat at hawker. movie always cost same what. flowers may be expensive, but just a stalk of rose, how much can it burn your pocket? one stalk to show you appreciate her. need to buy a whole bunch. only childish ppl and meteor gardens then emphasize such things.
so let's enjoy this VD, a day for lovers, Saint Valentine's Day!!!
15-02-2005, 01:20 AM
Brudda 10cc, I think VD is just a commercial day for people to make some money and also for the hectic SG guys n gals to find time to say n do some stuff together to get the luvey dovery feeling
I think if all the guys hv more than a VD candidate, they would be saying "Hell! I luv VD"
Don't get too hyper abt it if u hv 10 VD candidates nor feel dejected when u r alone.
Basically its a day to be spent with ur luved 1, which is not only zabors
LS! U got money and luv?
RK is v lonely, asking people to buy lunch/dinner @ IMM :D
VD? Virginal Disease? :D
15-02-2005, 01:36 AM
anyway, I always have my pms on Valetine's Day. I always feel unwanted. My parents have long given up hope on me getting married. Since Last june when I started out cheonging, whenever they mentioned abt gf or married, I tell them that I am going GL. For me, I am destined to be a bachelor and will not have any remote chance of getting married, reason being I am will not be wanted by any woman, especially SG girls. The only girls I known will pay attention to me are those whom I paid their services for. On the outside, I put up a brave face, inside I know when it comes to relationship I am a loser.
I hate VD, I hate myself more. :mad:
Rest assured, you are walking alone on this one. I seen enough Valentine's and SPGs to walk with my eyes closed and ears shut, whenever this damn accursed day comes along.
I, myself, can never seem to understand girls in the first place. The good thing is my parents aren't anxious, which justifies the existence of greater indifference towards marriage and relationship in my family.
Sometime back, a relative suggested about "lowering" my expectations. Probably, the world works like people lose, not because of expectations, but some previous life curse to remain bachelor forever.
The one other thing I didn't tell her was, Li Ka-shing isn't my dad and Mr Sim isn't my neighbour. crap....
These days, I learnt that, to survive in this environment infected with the "Valentine" bug, one must be indifferent to anything and everything which happens around him/her. You might even need to become a monk to achieve this. I don't need to, cos' I achieved "nirvana", right after my ex cheesed me off so much, until I had sworn off relationships/marriages for life.
Not to worry, anyway. Girls are trouble. If you court one, you are also courting for trouble. A good girl is .... sad to say.... a dumb and deaf one, yet she may not be able to moan as loudly in bed. :(
15-02-2005, 08:03 AM
yr avatar..CHIO!!
Thks Bro....
10 cc
15-02-2005, 09:39 AM
i think Valentine is a florist when he is still alive...
i think the new Pearl G-String (or called P-String) is damn sexy...
i think women are good lovers for short term romance, or better to live apart with...
i think sex is great with it is done with a FL, WL, GF, Wify, HJ, BJ, FJ or any thing u choose to do it with...
i think yin-yang is in constant motion and there no 1 time where this stays in perfect balance...
i think men-women relationship is a cat and mouse game where the strong mind controls the weak...
i think money is a great evil, but if u have access to lots of it, most of your problems, not all, can be solved/purchased...
i think marriage is a cliche that works for women more then for men...
i think u only need a marriage cert in order to have birth certs (at first 2, then 3, now 4)...
i think legalizing commercial sex reduces rape and other sex offenses and thus we should convert one of our southern islands into a sex island (good at least to protect outflow of sg's money to china/indo/thai/m'sia/etc.)...
i think i love life but hate the way it is at the moment...
i think i am too old liao...
i think i am getting grumpy...
i think i need to get to work now...
i think i will go gl later...
02-02-2016, 04:37 AM
Happy valentine day
02-02-2016, 07:08 AM
Actually you can preorder roses online. A couple of years ago, I order 99 and deliver on Valentine time. I think it is $199.
If you want to order roses last minute, 99 roses can be $399 to $599 easily.
There are people making quick bucks using this method
02-02-2016, 02:29 PM
Me too hated Valentine day. Really meaningless.
02-02-2016, 03:02 PM
Me too hated Valentine day. Really meaningless.
Of course lah, u where got time for Valentine day .... so busy creating clones, upping to power 1, and the cycle repeat
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