View Full Version : maid need abortion,please help bros
27-10-2012, 07:35 AM
hi bros,please please gf(maid) is 2 months pregnant!!any bro know lobang to get medicine to stop the pregnancy,cause miscarriage. or any clinic in singapore that do abortion but can don't report her to MOM?please send me private messages or post here.thks a millions im in big trouble :-S
27-10-2012, 12:30 PM
Wow, you are in trouble indeed.
27-10-2012, 12:37 PM
there are no medicine which can cause abortion/miscarriage after 2 months.
any such medication are potentially life-threatening and dangerous.
I would advise you to go to a proper doctor and see whether they can do it in a hush hush manner.
27-10-2012, 12:49 PM
Sorry but I think you should just bring her go hospital and face whatever may come for you.......
Any other means is illegal and dangerous. She is also a human.
You should not have even make this happen in the first place .....
27-10-2012, 01:09 PM
bro, must always do protection. We wanna bonk maif freely must also care about them. They are human being also.
I have seen a brother caused the maid pregnant until 6 months then sent the maid back to philipine to deliver the baby (off couse, the maid lost the job). Because the maid love the baby so much and do not want to do aborption. But at the end the maid died during the delivery because over-bleeding..Very sad.
the baby later then were arranged to come to singapore and the bro together with his parents accept the baby and decided to raise him up.
It just happen last year.
So brother, the best way is to send her back philipine to deliver your baby...dont do aborption, you are killing a life...阴公啊。。。。
Bro can try the clinic at tampines st 81 blk 821..seen a few maids go for abortion there
27-10-2012, 01:25 PM
Go to Lucky Plaza and get info as many maids there knows there's a clinic there that can do abortions for maid for around $500.
27-10-2012, 01:42 PM
Eat pineapple ~_~
27-10-2012, 02:42 PM
Eat pineapple ~_~
30 years ago I believe you.
TS, send her back and abort in their home cuntry then bring her back and screw again. way cheaper + you get to go for holiday. who knows, you may want to change maid
27-10-2012, 02:54 PM
30 years ago I believe you.
TS, send her back and abort in their home cuntry then bring her back and screw again. way cheaper + you get to go for holiday. who knows, you may want to change maid
Thing is ... TS mentioned the maid is his gf. He never say he is the employer of the maid.
I'm wondering who is the poor fellow going to lose his deposit liao.
27-10-2012, 03:33 PM
i think those woman clinic should be able to do it for you.
27-10-2012, 04:04 PM
Thing is ... TS mentioned the maid is his gf. He never say he is the employer of the maid.
I'm wondering who is the poor fellow going to lose his deposit liao.
can MCYS read this thread and tell us where this mandatory off day for maids will lead to?
ya, higher birth rate in singapore!
and alot of naturally converted singaporeans.
27-10-2012, 05:02 PM
can MCYS read this thread and tell us where this mandatory off day for maids will lead to?
ya, higher birth rate in singapore!
and alot of naturally converted singaporeans.
ya true. we bonk pina maid get pregnant indirect contribute birth rate to S'pore government? wow...increase productivity !
27-10-2012, 05:07 PM
ya true. we bonk pina maid get pregnant indirect contribute birth rate to S'pore government? wow...increase productivity !
gov should consider giving subsidy (waiver) of the security deposit of employers if is local baby. if is bangala baby, confiscate the maid's and bangala's bond.
seriously, they should have some form of security with government to deter them from doing F things la.
make employers give 5k bond then must give off days, how to keep watch on them? can only pray they don't screw around, if not like this case, hosei liao lor. the employers will send her back at 1st sign of trouble, same for the agent. to prevent any problem and issues with the 5k bond.
therefore TS, the best method (if u cannot find loca abortion) is to tell the employers who will immediately send her back. Meet her in Manila / Jakarta and decide on next course of action
27-10-2012, 05:12 PM
gov should consider giving subsidy (waiver) of the security deposit of employers if is local baby. if is bangala baby, confiscate the maid's and bangala's bond.
I like this suggestion! Since Gov so hard up for babies :D
27-10-2012, 05:36 PM
Will not happen. Our govt are hard up for babies, but they are even more hard up for money. :p
27-10-2012, 05:39 PM
therefore TS, the best method (if u cannot find loca abortion) is to tell the employers who will immediately send her back. Meet her in Manila / Jakarta and decide on next course of action
Yes, think this is the best course of action, although a bit unfortunate for the maid. Income lost and have to go through the trauma of having an abortion.
27-10-2012, 06:39 PM
bring her go malaysia one will know.malaysia many clinic will do it
27-10-2012, 06:46 PM
bring her go malaysia one will know.malaysia many clinic will do it
bro sean,you have passport for her?:confused:
27-10-2012, 07:34 PM
hi bros,please please gf(maid) is 2 months pregnant!!any bro know lobang to get medicine to stop the pregnancy,cause miscarriage. or any clinic in singapore that do abortion but can don't report her to MOM?please send me private messages or post here.thks a millions im in big trouble :-S
chk yr pm...
yr frenly old wolf...hehe...
nx time be careful...
27-10-2012, 09:28 PM
we only did it twice n I used condom both times.i don't know why become pregnant.i hv decided on abortion proper doctor.any bro knoe where doc can don't report her name to moh or MOM?pl pm me thks a millions
28-10-2012, 09:28 AM
r u sure u r the responsible one? twice only n with condom, still kena... I think she may have other bf?
28-10-2012, 09:34 AM
hi bros,please please gf(maid) is 2 months pregnant!!any bro know lobang to get medicine to stop the pregnancy,cause miscarriage. or any clinic in singapore that do abortion but can don't report her to MOM?please send me private messages or post here.thks a millions im in big trouble :-S
1. marry her if u not married
2. abort? what if the baby spirit come look for u at night?
28-10-2012, 09:40 AM
we only did it twice n I used condom both times.i don't know why become pregnant.i hv decided on abortion proper doctor.any bro knoe where doc can don't report her name to moh or MOM?pl pm me thks a millions
Bro, girlfriend or not... This sound fishy. Yes. There is still a chance that the baby is yours. But the likelihood that it is not is much higher.
Have you verify with at least a DIY test kit? or it just a missed period? Does she start to mention money or settle down etc?
28-10-2012, 10:50 AM
bro, must always do protection. We wanna bonk maif freely must also care about them. They are human being also.
I have seen a brother caused the maid pregnant until 6 months then sent the maid back to philipine to deliver the baby (off couse, the maid lost the job). Because the maid love the baby so much and do not want to do aborption. But at the end the maid died during the delivery because over-bleeding..Very sad.
the baby later then were arranged to come to singapore and the bro together with his parents accept the baby and decided to raise him up.
It just happen last year.
So brother, the best way is to send her back philipine to deliver your baby...dont do aborption, you are killing a life...阴公啊。。。。
He is asking for solution, not another wave of preaching la .. Aiyo.
If you got lobang this poor soul.
28-10-2012, 10:57 AM
we only did it twice n I used condom both times.i don't know why become pregnant.i hv decided on abortion proper doctor.any bro knoe where doc can don't report her name to moh or MOM?pl pm me thks a millions
I can guarantee that baby is not yours but she knows u can afford her abortion as her Bangla Bf can't! :D
28-10-2012, 10:57 AM
r u sure u r the responsible one? twice only n with condom, still kena... I think she may have other bf?
Bro, might be truth, with CD on still kana as mention she might have BF outside. But want you to settle the problem. Unless you want to keep the baby than go for DNA test make sure it your not someone screw her you take over.
28-10-2012, 01:28 PM
I can guarantee that baby is not yours but she knows u can afford her abortion as her Bangla Bf can't! :D
OUCH x100 :eek::eek::eek:
28-10-2012, 02:05 PM
bring her go jb do?
28-10-2012, 02:56 PM
U use condoms and did it twice only and u accept tat the baby is urs.......hmmmmmmmmmm?
28-10-2012, 03:04 PM
How about JB Malaysia?
i hear near johor perling have hospital
Eat Ang Hua from TCM shop
28-10-2012, 03:14 PM
see doctor and ask doctor what should you do if you dont want the baby .
28-10-2012, 03:20 PM
we only did it twice n I used condom both times.i don't know why become pregnant.i hv decided on abortion proper doctor.any bro knoe where doc can don't report her name to moh or MOM?pl pm me thks a millions
Sound like sol winner of 1M ToTo draw
28-10-2012, 03:50 PM
Bro. Twice only and protected. Not likely yours lah.
I'm not sure can do DNA test when 2 mths or not. U better check.
Worse case if tested still yours, u can name the baby David copperfield Liao.
I still think highly unlikely lah. U take care bro.
28-10-2012, 05:02 PM
camping for more
28-10-2012, 05:03 PM
camping for more
28-10-2012, 05:03 PM
camping for more
28-10-2012, 05:07 PM
we only did it twice n I used condom both times.i don't know why become pregnant.i hv decided on abortion proper doctor.any bro knoe where doc can don't report her name to moh or MOM?pl pm me thks a millions
You did 2x and both protected and still she can say is yours? Please don't be stupid and pay for others mistake. It's highly the baby is not yours but she's looking for Robert to pay for the abortion.
I thought only prc think Singapore men are Roberts. Now pinoy also...
28-10-2012, 08:13 PM
Since u got wear rubber and did 2X only. I also don't think is yrs bro.
28-10-2012, 09:25 PM
Since u got wear rubber and did 2X only. I also don't think is yrs bro.
Bro, I agreed.
I know you want to solve the problem. But if you think you have done enough protection, then maybe you want to check is it really your problem first. Even if is not your problem, still can help , but must help in the right way.
Every doctors here will need her ID, so there is no way to hide. If it is really yours, then face the music.
If it is not, then pity her and help her anyway you can, but don't take the rap for some other who had enjoy and now deny.
28-10-2012, 09:52 PM
Thks to all bros who gave advice n who pm is settled I got the ctc fr bro ol'coyote to abortion.thks alot I no more stress she also happy.
28-10-2012, 10:06 PM
Quick question: If it ain't your kid and you paid for the abortion. Does it mean you played an unnecessary hand to take a life? Of course, if its your kid, its still taking a life but you could convince yourself you had your reasons. But someone else's kid? I won't know how to answer that.
Ok, don't mean to run the guilt trip on you there but its a lousy deal if you hear me out. I am with the boys here. Did you put it on and take it off properly? Did your rubber tear? If not, banging her up after only bonking her twice with proper usage of cap sounds highly unlikely to me. I guess if that's the scenario, its a matter of who blinks first... do you believe her or does she 'fess up?
I have a feeling there is more to it. I won't rule out the possibility that she did it with someone out there and decided to frame you for it. What I recommend you to do, is be honest with your parents. No choice now. Unless you are loaded and willing to do some test to see if the baby's your's.
28-10-2012, 11:36 PM
ya true. we bonk pina maid get pregnant indirect contribute birth rate to S'pore government? wow...increase productivity !
Are you a Singaporean or an FT.
If you are a Singaporean, don't abort the baby.... do your part as a Singaporean and contribute to the falling birth rate. Go to MCYS and speak to Chan Chun Sing. Tell him you intend to raise the kid as a Singapore citizen, the MCYS will work something out for both of you.
If you are an FT..... fark back to your country and deliver the baby. This assistance program is only for Singapore Citizens. :D
28-10-2012, 11:46 PM
btw pinoy maids like to do raw one. perhaps u are not the real father.
28-10-2012, 11:54 PM
If you really want to abort hush hush..... I know a doctor at Mt Elizabeth.
The fee for the abortion procedure is $500 + admin charges + consultation fees + medication + anaesthician fee, the total bill will come up to about $1K.
But he is very discreet and its a hush hush clinic. :D
29-10-2012, 12:01 AM
Wow, you are in trouble indeed.
Indeed. Good luck
29-10-2012, 01:26 AM
2 months is 8 weeks. i think it is possible to do it through medication. i can't really remember but i think the limit should be around 12 weeks.
one of my ex-gf did it before. that is after we broke up and the baby is not mine. i remember her aunt ask me to talk to her about aborting the baby and do it before 12 weeks. can't remember the figure but it should be around there. it some kind of pills affecting the hormone causing the undeveloped baby to pass out as menstruation.
even if it is possible, i think it will be very hard to get such pills in Singapore and potentially dangerous without a doctor to monitor. you can try going across the causeway and seek advice from private clinic.
i still think you should go through the proper method. either send her back to keep the baby or do it through proper channel. this might cause her life.
good luck.
29-10-2012, 09:42 AM
Hi bros out there,to be frank,i also super suspicious im not the one.hv sex on sep15,pregnancy test on oct 27october show pregnant 2 wks.!! but I pity her lah she panic like mad.if she hv other man I think he too poor to afford.nvm she is human too. so just help.maybe I didnt take out cd properly?after the abortion will break off all ties.thks all bros
later the baby come out different skin tone or hair color as yours then you'll know its not yours. natural ways to rid of the baby
29-10-2012, 01:03 PM
later the baby come out different skin tone or hair color as yours then you'll know its not yours. natural ways to rid of the baby
actually i will ask the maid, whose baby? during time of conveiving, u never screw her mah. tell her u very sure is not yours, if she is not truthful, then u wont bother her anymore and tell employer.
u already decided to pay for her liao, hear the truth from her mouth also worth it right?
29-10-2012, 01:24 PM
we only did it twice n I used condom both times.i don't know why become pregnant.i hv decided on abortion proper doctor.any bro knoe where doc can don't report her name to moh or MOM?pl pm me thks a millions
why dun go for DNA?
29-10-2012, 01:55 PM
why dun go for DNA?
DNA is very expensive..... costs more than abortion.
Some more the baby is not born yet so cannot get samples. :)
29-10-2012, 02:01 PM
O, no !!!!!
had to go back and rest a " while " :mad:
29-10-2012, 02:37 PM
Hi bros out there,to be frank,i also super suspicious im not the one.hv sex on sep15,pregnancy test on oct 27october show pregnant 2 wks.!! but I pity her lah she panic like mad.if she hv other man I think he too poor to afford.nvm she is human too. so just help.maybe I didnt take out cd properly?after the abortion will break off all ties.thks all bros
u are helping the bangala a favour taking a life..
29-10-2012, 03:59 PM
DNA is very expensive..... costs more than abortion.
Some more the baby is not born yet so cannot get samples. :)
Actually that's not correct. Possible to get DNA sample even during pregnancy stage. But expensive and have to wait after certain number of month then can. By then, too late to abort already.
29-10-2012, 07:05 PM
To TS,
Having a baby is a blessing. Why take away a life who cannot even defend him or herself???
29-10-2012, 08:25 PM
from what you say, the chance of you being the father is vanishing small. high chance she is just making use of you.
like all the bro here, i will also suggest you be frank to her and stay out of it. why go through the emotional stress and potential problem. if anything happen to her during the illegal abortion, you might be implicated. the blood will be on your hand.
two wrong doesn't make one right. don't let your 同情心作怪... if you have problem telling her straight, just drop her a sms.
really, please seriously think twice about what you are about to commit yourself into. talk to some mature buddy that you can trust.
good luck mate.
29-10-2012, 08:38 PM
just 2 times with condom and it happened? if it is so easy, geylang will be full of pregnant chicken.
30-10-2012, 06:19 PM
u are helping the bangala a favour taking a life..
exactly. if it isnt ur baby dont take the life away...why help carry other ppl's sin.
are u Jesus? it isnt ur baby, ignore her and dont give her money cause she will abort it once she has the money.
30-10-2012, 09:35 PM
How well TS know her (just bonk twice) so sure baby is his ?
As for going to JB......unless passport is with her.
Which I doubt. Which employer will do that ?
31-10-2012, 01:41 AM
u are helping the bangala a favour taking a life..
There's no need to kill the baby.
See out the full term and put up for adoption. :)
01-11-2012, 01:20 AM
from what you say, the chance of you being the father is vanishing small. high chance she is just making use of you.
like all the bro here, i will also suggest you be frank to her and stay out of it. why go through the emotional stress and potential problem. if anything happen to her during the illegal abortion, you might be implicated. the blood will be on your hand.
two wrong doesn't make one right. don't let your 同情心作怪... if you have problem telling her straight, just drop her a sms.
really, please seriously think twice about what you are about to commit yourself into. talk to some mature buddy that you can trust.
good luck mate.
The best person now is to talk to the maid's employer :D
05-11-2012, 02:11 AM
The best person now is to talk to the maid's employer :D
Why? That would mean game over in Singapore for the maid.
14-12-2014, 08:14 AM
Pour concentrated sulphuric acid into the vagina.
15-12-2014, 04:32 AM
Out of curiosity I read the whole thread. Glad TS had the problem solved and maid is happy.
But it occurred to me, his GF(maid) is 2 months pregnant.. and he only had 2 times sex with her, both protected.
While most bros think its not his baby, I think...
1 month 1 time only ar? And got to settle abortion? I change GF liow lor.
But maybe TS is a really sweet guy.. I wish him and his GF the best!
15-12-2014, 11:34 AM
Just out of curiosity. I have a friend who is a single mother, lazy and always changing job. Financially not stable. I see the kid suffering and no one to discipline and look after. The kid has been failing all his exams and may need to go to pathlight school...
I ask myself, is it more cruel to abort the baby or let the baby be given birth to suffer? A kid suffering from inferiority complex, no fatherly love, no motherly love, no happy family, no weekend family outings unlike other kids.
Would like to hear more opinions from bros n sis... Just share your views, no right or wrong and no arguments after all its the mth of xmas :D
16-12-2014, 12:09 AM
Hi noobie77,
Pathlight is strictly for autistic kids only. If her child is headed there, he is definitely autistic. His failure at a mainstream school has little to do with neglect. Rather, it is a direct result of his autism - he is not developing normally. Not many understand the pains of bringing up an autistic kid. It is made worse when she is a single mom. Just this year alone a single mother pushed her autistic child off a building to murder him. Autism cannot be detected before birth, unlike Down syndrome. It will not be fair to judge or critique the mom's choice. We just have to hope our children will not be autistic when we decide to be parents.
As for poverty, I was so poor till I didnt even have a roof over my head till I graduated. I came from a single parent family too. Hardly saw my mom though she had custody. It was like you wrote. Inferiority complex, no happiness, no family outing, no dad. Pure loom and gloom. I still turned out fine and I am happy with whatever Life has to offer me. It made me a more determined person - so I wouldnt worry about this part.
16-12-2014, 12:26 AM
Guys guys guys~ I have a similar problem, but I think worse..
I got my female manager pregnant and she just recently got married too!
She insisted the kid is mine. She often does not go home too and would go drinking with us.
She says she's getting a divorce regardless if I will take any responsibility or not.
How bros?
Advice please?
16-12-2014, 12:48 AM
My mistake its northlight. Sometimes through hardship some people turned out to be stronger. Thank you for your opinion.
Hi noobie77,
Pathlight is strictly for autistic kids only. If her child is headed there, he is definitely autistic. His failure at a mainstream school has little to do with neglect. Rather, it is a direct result of his autism - he is not developing normally. Not many understand the pains of bringing up an autistic kid. It is made worse when she is a single mom. Just this year alone a single mother pushed her autistic child off a building to murder him. Autism cannot be detected before birth, unlike Down syndrome. It will not be fair to judge or critique the mom's choice. We just have to hope our children will not be autistic when we decide to be parents.
As for poverty, I was so poor till I didnt even have a roof over my head till I graduated. I came from a single parent family too. Hardly saw my mom though she had custody. It was like you wrote. Inferiority complex, no happiness, no family outing, no dad. Pure loom and gloom. I still turned out fine and I am happy with whatever Life has to offer me. It made me a more determined person - so I wouldnt worry about this part.
16-12-2014, 12:57 AM
Wore protection and still strike lottery? I never bothered checking country of manufacture. Maybe condom manufacfuring plants also shifted to China. :p
Bro, you single, attached or married?
Guys guys guys~ I have a similar problem, but I think worse..
I got my female manager pregnant and she just recently got married too!
She insisted the kid is mine. She often does not go home too and would go drinking with us.
She says she's getting a divorce regardless if I will take any responsibility or not.
How bros?
Advice please?
16-12-2014, 01:56 AM
Guys guys guys~ I have a similar problem, but I think worse..
I got my female manager pregnant and she just recently got married too!
She insisted the kid is mine. She often does not go home too and would go drinking with us.
She says she's getting a divorce regardless if I will take any responsibility or not.
How bros?
Advice please?
Bro , u really jialat leh
Pregnant no joke , Divorce even more no joke
1 ) Abort
2 ) Talk her out of divorcing
3 ) Quit your job
4 ) Go temple pray
Jk lol but for real now , if you are personally close to her and if you know you are really the one that made her pregnant...then take responsibility lor
16-12-2014, 09:12 AM
Hi noobie77,
Pathlight is strictly for autistic kids only. If her child is headed there, he is definitely autistic. His failure at a mainstream school has little to do with neglect. Rather, it is a direct result of his autism - he is not developing normally. Not many understand the pains of bringing up an autistic kid. It is made worse when she is a single mom. Just this year alone a single mother pushed her autistic child off a building to murder him. Autism cannot be detected before birth, unlike Down syndrome. It will not be fair to judge or critique the mom's choice. We just have to hope our children will not be autistic when we decide to be parents.
As for poverty, I was so poor till I didnt even have a roof over my head till I graduated. I came from a single parent family too. Hardly saw my mom though she had custody. It was like you wrote. Inferiority complex, no happiness, no family outing, no dad. Pure loom and gloom. I still turned out fine and I am happy with whatever Life has to offer me. It made me a more determined person - so I wouldnt worry about this part.
Well done Bro..
Happy to know that u turn out well in spite of all the difficulties u had to overcome...
16-12-2014, 05:49 PM
Thank you, thank you. Have a nice day!
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