View Full Version : Beware of this SCAM-FL!!!
19-02-2005, 03:21 PM
This just happened to a close fren of mine.
Apparently this girl, supposedly from Clementi ITE and residing in either Clementi or Teban Gardens or Pandan Gardens initiated a paid sex deal online with my fren.
Once they met, the gal suggested driving to West Coast Park ( one ulu part of West Coast ). My friend did not want to go there and suggested hotel. But she was extremely persistent and eventually my fren agreed. She claimed to be from ITE so my fren did not bother to check her IC. Anyway, she looked 18 yr old.
Over at a ulu corner of the carpark, this cheap slut climbed to my fren seat to seduce him and they hugged and kissing right in the carpark. It was an isolated weekday afternoon. My fren was actually pissed off by her not so pleasant face and did not have the mood to have sex with her. However, she pulled down his pants and began to BJ him forcefully to make him horny and erected. Under normal circumstances, a normal guy would not have resisted a girl who was willing to fuck.
Just 10 minute into the foreplay, this gal was below my fren and my fren was fucking her off while she was desperately horny and moaning.. AT that moment, one guy appeared out of nowhere and knocked on the car. SHOCKED, my fren winded down the window and asked what he want. He claimed that this girl is HIS girlfriend and that he is a police pfficer! Also, he claimed that this girl is NOT yet 16. My fren repeatly asked for her IC to verify her age and HIS warrant to verify HIS occupation as a police officer. This guy was wearing a police-coloured pant that scare the shit out of my friend. The girl did not produce her IC and the guy fished out a green-colour card with his photo ( which I later confirmed that it is none other than an armyboy easilink card )
The "police" guy was adamant that the settle at the police station. My fren, who was married, was not scare of the underage stuff. But the problem was: He is married! He was too scare to settle at the station as that would mean blowing up the matter and his wife would leave him with his kids! Shit my fren asked what the guy want in order to drop the matter. The guy replied that $10,000 is "just enough" to clear his anger....
My fren bargained to $3,500, which he has in his wallet... He paid them on the spot and promised not to contact the girl anymore. He told me that he was lucky that this thing did not escalate further into the police station as his family would break up. I suspect that this girl had everything planned as on the internet, she was looking for " married man with kid and $$". She knew exactly that married man usually would pay the demand to prevent further damage to their reputation.
GUYS, if you want to fool around, please take care of yourself.Nowadays, girls are so much more venom than guys!
Dude, your friend paid 3.5k to a guy who claimed to be both police officer and gf of an 'underage girl'?
19-02-2005, 05:42 PM
I can see that you have post this long message out of good intention. However, this may not be the correct discussion thread under 'Adult Discussions about Sex' category.
Anyway, I appreciated your kind effort!
19-02-2005, 05:51 PM
All Police Officers are issued with a warrent Card. Any member of Public has a right to demand that he/she produce it.
As it is confirmed by yr friend that it was not a warrent card, the man is actually impersonating a Civil Servant. This is a serious offence and carried a manadotory jail term pluc caning.
I believed that if your friend insist on going to the Police Station, the other guy would back off!
Thanks for your post on it!
19-02-2005, 06:01 PM
popper has said well...
19-02-2005, 06:05 PM
I guess next time, got to be extra careful. Especially if u suspect something is wrong with the girl. :p
19-02-2005, 06:19 PM
well said bro cherri popper!
Thanks for ur "reminder"
btw how to bcum a member of ur club huh?
19-02-2005, 06:21 PM
All Police Officers regardless of ranks or whether they are Regulars, VSC or PNSmen are issued with a Warrent Card.
All Warrent Cards has the following:-
1) A picture of the officer
2) The Officer's name
3) The Officer's Rank
4) Their service number (Only for regular & VSC officer)
For officers who joined SPF before 1995, their service numbers range from 0001 to 9999 (Pls note these are recycled numbers) they are the OLD BIRDS. For officers who join in 1995 to 1999) Their service nos will start with 95,96,97,98 or 99 plus another 3 or 4 digit behind. Theses 95,96,97,98 or 99....are they years which they had joined. For those whom had join in 2000 and after, their service number will start as T00, T01....and so on. As far as I know, VSC also follow the same style of issuing service numbers and that PNSmen are not issued with such service numbers but instead use their NRIC nos:
19-02-2005, 06:44 PM
well said bro cherri popper!
Thanks for ur "reminder"
btw how to bcum a member of ur club huh?
Read this link post no: 40 :)
19-02-2005, 07:27 PM
[QUOTE=message]This just happened to a close fren of mine.
I hate to sound mean, ur friend is stupid!
Someone knock on his window then he must open it is it?
Never even check the so call warrent card properly.
In S'pore, the cops u think dare to collect $$$ so openly?
Wah lan, read already, darn buay tahan. Ask him to log on here and learn to be street smart first lar. Want to bonk but no brains.
20-02-2005, 12:27 AM
sigh... wanna tell story, make it more realistic next time, please.... ;)
20-02-2005, 10:53 AM
My fren bargained to $3,500, which he has in his wallet...!
Maybe the victim's wife is willing to forgive him at this sum S$ 3,500 :D
20-02-2005, 12:00 PM
I hate to sound mean, ur friend is stupid!
let say that they really went to the police and the girl is underage,dun u think the friend would get charged with sex with the underage and kanna rottan..Which is worse?Pay $3500 or kanna sapu roti at backside..
PPl do get kancheong when this kinda of things happen to them and futher more with his family on his mind,he woulnt want to jeapordise his family over this matter.So i think it should be a lesson learnt for him..
Jus my 2cents worth
20-02-2005, 01:37 PM
I hate to sound mean, ur friend is stupid!
let say that they really went to the police and the girl is underage,dun u think the friend would get charged with sex with the underage and kanna rottan..Which is worse?Pay $3500 or kanna sapu roti at backside..
PPl do get kancheong when this kinda of things happen to them and futher more with his family on his mind,he woulnt want to jeapordise his family over this matter.So i think it should be a lesson learnt for him..
Jus my 2cents worth
Any person under the age of 14 is considered a minor. Even if anyone had sex with her, even with her consent is still consider rape. The thread starter had already said that the girl is above that.
He is liable to be charge for "Unnatural Sex" (BJ) with her as well. Very seldom are people charged for this offence. All of us I believed had "committed" this offence as well even if its with our GF or wife.
The other guy is Impersonating a Police Officer which he will definitely be charged for it.
If you will the guy impersonating a Police Officer, would you dare to go to the Police Station in the first place?
20-02-2005, 01:50 PM
I hate to sound mean, ur friend is stupid!
PPl do get kancheong when this kinda of things happen to them and futher more with his family on his mind,he woulnt want to jeapordise his family over this matter.So i think it should be a lesson learnt for him..
Jus my 2cents worth
So u mean u are one of them that will be bluffed as well? Hello, no matter how kan cheong you are, basic instincts is that u shd still check a person's identity.
20-02-2005, 01:52 PM
Maybe the victim's wife is willing to forgive him at this sum S$ 3,500 :D
Wah, ur dumdass friend is very rich. Carry 3.5k in cash, as if it's peanuts.
20-02-2005, 02:23 PM
Sibei gong hor yr 'fren'.
1. Y he bring along 3.5k? He's a showoff cos the girl ask for "Married with kids + $$$"
2. Y he nvr bother to check the ID to see whether real or fake? He so easily believe what the guy tell him? Bcos he 'blur' from too much sex.
3. Some more he got caught doing' un-natural sex' (in the case of the BJ) with the girl (who is prolly abv the age of consent), after that he want to 'bribe' the so-called 'police officer'? See ans. #2 abv
4. By the looks of it, if he paid the BF off with 3.5k, might as well go ahead & finish the job...since he nvr cum :eek: :D
Do i really believe what u wrote? Hmmmm, better to add a little salt, sugar & spice!
20-02-2005, 02:43 PM
Normally the thread starter will start the thread and den disappear for good. :)
20-02-2005, 02:51 PM
Do i really believe what u wrote? Hmmmm, better to add a little salt, sugar & spice!
a lot of different new nicks recently starting threads of bullshits, especially in the FL section, could be the same person.....
20-02-2005, 07:13 PM
brothers... i advice all of u when things like this happen first u do is to keep calm..
u can just sit in ur car if u think and in doubt if hes a officer.. if he wants to search ur car or touch ur car grab u out of the car or wadeva they need warrent if im not wrong... see if he have handcuffs with him.. dammit.. i realli pity ur friend... played by a young bitch and her bf.... i hate this kinda act :mad:
Haha well this kind is a classic case of KGB (Former Intelligence Service of Soviet Union for those too young to remember) tactics.......
Put it this way, the victims are normally people who have alot to lose. Hence they are more easily "broken". Married men, successful businessmen etc etc...... If it was someone who has absolutely no status.... well he might fight it out with the guy and challenge him to the police station. But for those status people..... its throw money and lets settle the whole issue. The risk of having the issue blow up in the press and all is too much for them to bear.
20-02-2005, 09:35 PM
This just happened to a close fren of mine.
1. if this is a warning, wheres the data on the ger? her hp no? her irc no? chatline nick etc etc?
2. cherri popper is rite. impersonating a police is a serious offence. but even if your fren at that time thought he was a cop, why is he so stupid to pay off a cop to settle the matter? a police officer asking for a bribe? thats stupid n sure sign he is someone impersonating a cop. your fren should have some balls n report both to the police.
3. why did he carry $3.5 k to meet a fl? never bring excess cash when meeting these people. u dont want to get pickpocket or robbed by them.
20-02-2005, 09:51 PM
1. if this is a warning, wheres the data on the ger? her hp no? her irc no? chatline nick etc etc?
2. cherri popper is rite. impersonating a police is a serious offence. but even if your fren at that time thought he was a cop, why is he so stupid to pay off a cop to settle the matter? a police officer asking for a bribe? thats stupid n sure sign he is someone impersonating a cop. your fren should have some balls n report both to the police.
3. why did he carry $3.5 k to meet a fl? never bring excess cash when meeting these people. u dont want to get pickpocket or robbed by them.
yea well said... threadstarter friend realli suey.. well.. he did have a taste of a 18 yr old chick right :D
even its for just a while :D
20-02-2005, 10:32 PM
This just happened to a close fren of mine.
Apparently this girl, supposedly from Clementi ITE and residing in either Clementi or Teban Gardens or Pandan Gardens initiated a paid sex deal online with my fren.
GUYS, if you want to fool around, please take care of yourself.Nowadays, girls are so much more venom than guys!
I assume your story to be true giving you the benefit of doubts that some bros here won't give, kekekekeke
And if I were you, I wouldn't have post it out here to let all bros here know that I got a dumb friend. Very ma lu lah...
KNN, married man with kids, know how to look for FL online (please don't tell me its first time hor, it insults my intelligence), carry $3,500 in wallet, drives a car, ..... kenna "pester" by girl to go West Coast Park? And also knowing that it is "planned" he still believe and pay the money? Saying lucky it did not escalate into the police station?
I believe your dumb friend should have the girl's contact no (don't tell me he erased and forgot the number, as it insults my intelligence hor) and he doesn't, or you being the "intelligent" (b'cos you believe him) friend don't know how to recover the money?
Finally, if YOU want to fool around here, please come out with a more credible story. MAybe check with some of your friends for loopholes, etc, etc before posting hor...
Don't insult our intelligence hor :cool:
20-02-2005, 11:45 PM
I think no body in the right mind would want to cary so much cash if h is going to bonk someone he does not know.
Anyway I had a similar experience 2 years back but I got the contact via the chatline. This Malay gal was looking for mature chinese men and offering FJ for 50 bucks living in Bukit Ba+++. Thot got a good deal gave her my HP number and she called me and gave me her address.
Drove there and saw a fair Malay gal and before anything asked me for 50 bucks first, While insie the 2-room flat, sh was kind of trying to delay and saw her press some numebrs on the telephone.
I maanged to caress her and not long someone was knocking on the door, told me to hide her room and said her brother was back.
At that point felt a bit scared and then she came in to the room and asked me to come out and introduced her borther to me and me like a lan no choicne shook hand and quickly went out feeling like a sucker.
Not too sure if she is still doing it but a few days after that incident, I went back to the chatline and she was back again and I went to he line to warn those guys and guess what she called me and asked if I am telling those guys about her, I told her to fuck off.
21-02-2005, 01:49 AM
[QUOTE=thaivisitor]I assume your story to be true giving you the benefit of doubts that some bros here won't give, kekekekeke
And if I were you, I wouldn't have post it out here to let all bros here know that I got a dumb friend. Very ma lu lah...
I was already being very polite by saying that sorry for being mean but ur friend is dumb. And yet some newbie dare to tell lim pea off.
Anyway, nevermind, Uncle Fish is a nice man. Instead of zapping idiots, I save my power and up people.
So I shall start with the few bros that can smell the truth but I think got some like doggie that I cannot up anymore liaos!
21-02-2005, 10:26 AM
jut curious.. why everytime.. i read these STUPID incidents.. its all posted by NEWBIE???? only newbie friend will ganna such stupid incidents?? moral of the story.. read more sb post to be smart.. or the thread starter is the "ugly singaporean" thread starter...
21-02-2005, 11:45 AM
So u mean u are one of them that will be bluffed as well? Hello, no matter how kan cheong you are, basic instincts is that u shd still check a person's identity.
Its not that i would be bluffed or not but somehow rather ,for an inexperienced cheongster,(why would u pay sex online?Definately not me)if i were to be in that situation for the first time i would definately unable to think properly.1st of all got to think abt how to siam from this situation as i wouldn't want my family to know that i went to pay for sex.Secondly its ganna be a case of 2 vs 1 and the girl might just cook up some story abt me raping her and thus escalating into bigger problem for me.
Therefore i would jus pay up and leave.I think that would leave u with a peace of mind.
21-02-2005, 02:09 PM
[QUOTE=message]This just happened to a close fren of mine.
Apparently this girl, supposedly from Clementi ITE and residing in either Clementi or Teban Gardens or Pandan Gardens initiated a paid sex deal online with my fren.
21-02-2005, 06:25 PM
1. Y he bring along 3.5k? He's a showoff cos the girl ask for "Married with kids + $$$"
2. Y he nvr bother to check the ID to see whether real or fake? He so easily believe what the guy tell him? Bcos he 'blur' from too much sex.
3. Some more he got caught doing' un-natural sex' (in the case of the BJ) with the girl (who is prolly abv the age of consent), after that he want to 'bribe' the so-called 'police officer'? See ans. #2 abv
4. By the looks of it, if he paid the BF off with 3.5k, might as well go ahead & finish the job...since he nvr cum :eek: :D
Do i really believe what u wrote? Hmmmm, better to add a little salt, sugar & spice!
Well written about the doubtful points. I wish to add on a few pointers based on an experience I had a few years back.
I managed to meet this chatline gal after a few sessions on the phone. Initially it wasn't a ONS or anything. I was just bored and was looking for someone to meet. Met her at CCK and then we went for a drink. She was in her 25-30 yrs. After a few drinks, I drove her to NIE at Bukit Timah. There is a quiet place near the garden there. Parked the car there and she proceeded to give me a BJ. I leaned down my car seat into a almost horizontal position. Big mistake. After 5 mins, someone shone a torch light into the car. It was 2 police officers. Pushed me and that gal out of the car. Asked what we were doing and what is my relationship with her. I told them atht she was my fren. They asked me what was her name. I told them Armada. Shit. They then checked with the gal and asked her the same questions. Obviously she got the wrong name too. In the end, I confessed to the police and told them that I met her in the chatline and we went for a drink and one thing led to another. Throughout I was very polite and humble to the 2 police officers. They cautioned me and told me that I could be charged with trepassing NIE campus. I politely told them that I was sorry and that I was too horny to consider that. All along I was polite and kept saying sorry. Then they let us go. We then went to my office to finish the job.
The morale of the whole story is that when you are doing such thing, it would be best to park your car in a strategic position that allows you to have a wide angle view of the surroundings and ALWAYS keep an eye open for such situation. If caught by real police, always be humble, tell the truth and keep your tone down. They are on patrol and the last thing they want to do is to brng you to the station and write more paperwork.
21-02-2005, 07:01 PM
[QUOTE=peterfish] I politely told them that I was sorry and that I was too horny to consider that. All along I was polite and kept saying sorry. Then they let us go. We then went to my office to finish the job.
Bravo bravo, clap clap.......wah lan eh, real life story, champion man. Amanda, si pae funny brudder. You should have started a thread on this looooooooong ago man.
By the way, I stay near CCK leh. Any possibility of letting me have a go as well? Hahaha.....
21-02-2005, 07:04 PM
[QUOTE=peterfish] I politely told them that I was sorry and that I was too horny to consider that. All along I was polite and kept saying sorry. Then they let us go. We then went to my office to finish the job.
Bravo bravo, clap clap.......wah lan eh, real life story, champion man. Amanda, si pae funny brudder. You should have started a thread on this looooooooong ago man.
By the way, I stay near CCK leh. Any possibility of letting me have a go as well? Hahaha.....
That was many years ago when I was addicted to chatline. 19009121900 was my killer number. HP bill abt 400+ per month. HAve to force myself to call M1 to ban my 1900. Ban and unban a few times before finally weaned himself of this expensive habit.
21-02-2005, 07:21 PM
[QUOTE=message]This just happened to a close fren of mine.
I hate to sound mean, ur friend is stupid!
.....Want to bonk but no brains.
probably been scared by sudden intrusion till blank-out (cant think properly)....poor chap :o
21-02-2005, 07:21 PM
By the way, I stay near CCK leh. Any possibility of letting me have a go as well? Hahaha.....
One thing that I always do when I go online aka "fishing". I personally feel that playing chatline and irc is like fishing. You used different ID or style of chatting aka bait to lure the fishes. As in the real world, there are many "fishermen" around all trying to fish for the same group of fishes. Some of the hours are hot (8-10pm weekdays and 6-8pm on weekends). My theory is very simple. Studies have shown that ppls are the most bored and lonely during 8-10pm. Hence the chances of getting a bite is high. For weekends, more gals are willing to go out and meet cos next day no school or work and they wanna company too. The best time is one day b4 V day and Xmas. Sure got lots of lonely gals waiting to be hooked.
I always practised non-recycle. Everytime i met with a gal, no matter she is fat, ugly or hot, I never keep the number and call them again. Some of my fren asked me why. I felt that if you only wanna to bonk a gal then might as well go to GL and bonk a CAT150. The thrill is not in the meat itself but in the hunt. The thrill of meeting someone, the suspense while waiting for her to come down, the anxiety of how you are gonna to "touch" her and the expectation of how far you can go the distance with her. All these are the thrills that I am looking for. Enjoy the trip, not the destination.
Bro fish76, hope that answer your PM. Sorry bro, better to teach you to fish than to give you a fish.
21-02-2005, 07:41 PM
why scare leh, the guy pretend to be a police officer, which itself an offence. Sure dare not go to policestation.
21-02-2005, 07:44 PM
.. well.. he did have a taste of a 18 yr old chick right
even its for just a while
Well, for that kind of money (S$3.5k), u cud get a couple of virgins aged ??from several neighbouring countries if that's his 'kick'.
....but I think got some like doggie that I cannot up anymore liaos!
Thanks for the thought though! Cheers!!
Well written about the doubtful points.
Thanks for the compliment! :D
21-02-2005, 07:47 PM
why scare leh, the guy pretend to be a police officer, which itself an offence. Sure dare not go to policestation.
When one is caught with his pants down at a time when he feels the most secure, it is not imporable that one may just do the things describled and paid the money. It depends on the individual. But surely after that incident, that guy must feel that he had been taken for a ride and feel stupid.
21-02-2005, 07:51 PM
Yes, a brain freeze but a very expensive lesson
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