View Full Version : HFJ Gals

06-11-2012, 09:37 AM
Wtf! It was 2 am and I received this SMS from her:


I met her about a month ago and on our 3rd meeting we checked into the hotel.

After that night, the first SMS I received from her was:


Of course, no reply from me.

This SMS followed thereafter:


After a day of work, I was tired and I needed a chill out. Or, could have said I was high and dry? Nobody was free then. So, I decided to walk into this club where I knew at least there would have singer to accompany me for drink.

I spent about $10k after I learnt how to play the hfj games. Although hfj is an interesting game for me now, however, I never fail to forget hfj is also a business and all businesses need to earn profits.

When I stepped into this joint, a 20+ syt prc was introduced to me...

06-11-2012, 09:51 AM
story? real fact? something that just happened? sharing of experience?

nice opening but gimme some head and tail. should buy some popcorn first

06-11-2012, 11:43 AM
Interesting start, would appreciate TS write in more detail. Set camp here!

06-11-2012, 11:47 AM
camping here...

06-11-2012, 12:03 PM
wah, like hfj story... must camp ... :D

06-11-2012, 12:32 PM

06-11-2012, 01:13 PM
Sorry any bro can explain wat's HFJ??

06-11-2012, 01:15 PM

hang Flower Join

06-11-2012, 01:56 PM
Sorry any bro can explain wat's HFJ??

similar to hand foot mouth disease la. HFMD and HFJ

06-11-2012, 02:15 PM
Except the names, this is a true story.

We had good time teasing and chatting with each other. I left the club after I hanged $200 flowers and I left another $100 for her pai pai chan.

With my experience, pai pai chan is very important for the gals. You are like the hero who rescued them from embarrassment. Even if you didn't crown her as the hua hou of the night, she would still very grateful to you if you hang her $100 or $200. Furthermore if you really wish to get her as your " girlfriend ".

When I left the club, she hugged me and we kissed each other. It was unusual that hfj gals would hug and kiss their customers at their workplace. This was the reason I preferred to visit this club than others.

Overall, a good experience and I hope to return soon.

06-11-2012, 02:18 PM
Don't ask me where is this joint coz I won't tell u. Sorry in advance.

Nevertheless, I will share some tips here. I hope seniors will guide us juniors.

06-11-2012, 03:02 PM
TS, so u not sharing story huh? just sharing a less than half past 6 report and tips??

Anyway, whats so big deal about the joint that you visit that you have to be so secretive? Singapore big big small small HFJ more than 400. Scare no place to go meh?

06-11-2012, 03:02 PM
Waiting to hear ur stories Cos my gf also from hjf! Keep it coming!!!

06-11-2012, 03:05 PM
Waiting to hear ur stories Cos my gf also from hjf! Keep it coming!!!

Wah bro, having a HFJ gf very siong leh. Every week must ding tai, then monthly target then do show.

06-11-2012, 04:20 PM
Wah bro, having a HFJ gf very siong leh. Every week must ding tai, then monthly target then do show.

Bro my gf went back China already but still together! But gf from small hfj joint still ok! Very interesting to have hfj gf I would say

06-11-2012, 04:25 PM
Wah bro, having a HFJ gf very siong leh. Every week must ding tai, then monthly target then do show.

2 scenarios la. 1 is real gf that u bring out see movie kia kia, no need to ding tai or hang flowers for her.

2nd is HFJ gf. the type u ding tai and hang flower for her to meet quota.

this type, the bro always ensure he get back more than he paid de unless tattoo carrot on forehead

06-11-2012, 04:44 PM
2 scenarios la. 1 is real gf that u bring out see movie kia kia, no need to ding tai or hang flowers for her.

2nd is HFJ gf. the type u ding tai and hang flower for her to meet quota.

this type, the bro always ensure he get back more than he paid de unless tattoo carrot on forehead

Yes i do agree with you bro. I also do cheong HFJ. There is always a saying by bros:


06-11-2012, 04:45 PM
But gf from small hfj joint still ok! Very interesting to have hfj gf I would say
Yes, I did have one hfj gf before too.

06-11-2012, 04:47 PM
2 scenarios la. 1 is real gf that u bring out see movie kia kia, no need to ding tai or hang flowers for her.

2nd is HFJ gf. the type u ding tai and hang flower for her to meet quota.

this type, the bro always ensure he get back more than he paid de unless tattoo carrot on forehead

scenarios 1 impossible I would say Bro! If her flowers not enough, u still have to top up I guess! Or maybe some samster here got before I dunno

06-11-2012, 08:20 PM
i have one hfj gf, went back on may this year, during my bd on oct this year she fly back n find me

06-11-2012, 08:51 PM
scenarios 1 impossible I would say Bro! If her flowers not enough, u still have to top up I guess! Or maybe some samster here got before I dunno

ok since bro u in category 2 then u must get back more than double of what u hang, cheers.

actually i think not impossible la some bros live off earnings of ktv gals also. got some bro divorce to get married with his ktv gf. true love prevails. they also human want to find true love mah. but the face must be white enough la. most of us old face liao can only use yusoff face to get the gals, not own face

06-11-2012, 10:10 PM
Not juz flowers u have to take care, in fact she got more liability back home in China, all the entire family blood all becum ur biz :eek: :D

So overall, its a bottomless pit, u bleed lots of $$$!

06-11-2012, 10:57 PM
Sorry TS, no experience in local HFJ. Only experience was in HDY, Paragon hang flower and press that fucking enhanced boobs. After each pressing must rush to the toilet to wash ur hand with soap.

06-11-2012, 11:58 PM
Yes i do agree with you bro. I also do cheong HFJ. There is always a saying by bros:


well said , too bad i belong to the second group hahaa

07-11-2012, 10:55 AM
Seriously, those gals don't take what you hang.
only a tiny portion.
The bosses of HFJ set up this type of joint for another reason la.

08-11-2012, 03:34 AM
Damn it, I also think bo hua, damn it easily more than 10K on her.....siao leow....bleeding....but bo hua to cut loss now...lol...maybe should cheat back some money...

08-11-2012, 06:14 AM
Second visit, when I walked in the club I saw my gal sitting with another man. An old man. Most men who go to hfj are old men and some have withdrawn their CPF.

Once, I saw an old man went to a hfj alone. I think it must be his first time because I overhead his conversation with the singer manager. A funny thing was the conversation was more like an interview. The talk started with asking if it was his first time to the place and if he knew any gal there. Then, what type of gal he liked. Lolz! It was liked a dating agency.

When my gal saw me, she was happy and she came to sit with me. Most hfj gals would be happy to serve younger and pleasant men than old men. So, if you belong to this category then you will have more luck. If not, dressing up better might help.

Good chit chat and I tried to hug her. Then, I tried to kiss her. Of coz, the gal was shy. Usually I would book their ktv rooms than sitting in their hall coz more action pack going inside the room. Although there is a room charge, the manager can waive it for you if you are a spender there.

I didn't stay long and when I left the place we ended up a long and fierce kissing.

My third visit was the time I asked the gal out.

08-11-2012, 07:54 AM
me belong to 'old man face' category...
no wonder the gals dun stay wif me long...
only con me into spending $500 on drinks and flowers...
me knie can't go far...then me cut loss liow...

13-11-2012, 10:54 AM
I was kena bitten by this HFJ girl.....

Burnt a big hole in my pocket, now kinda regret......

During those moments, it was fun..... but the price to pay is high....

so my advice is, you need to have alot of time & money to spend on these HFJ girls..... else you will never recover back.

13-11-2012, 11:39 AM
HFJ is a 无底洞.

The gals there are just like stock market. You must have lots of $$ to keep investing until one day the stock go up and you can cash out to enjoy the profit. For some gals, if you got style and you know how to win their hearts, you can get profit very quickly - 2 weeks or 4 weeks or 2 months. For some, maybe you can take profit 6 months or 10 months later. And for the rest, you can wait long long no matter how much you have invested. Most guys don't have the stamina to keep investing, they cut loss.

13-11-2012, 12:03 PM
HFJ is a 无底洞.

The gals there are just like stock market. You must have lots of $$ to keep investing until one day the stock go up and you can cash out to enjoy the profit. For some gals, if you got style and you know how to win their hearts, you can get profit very quickly - 2 weeks or 4 weeks or 2 months. For some, maybe you can take profit 6 months or 10 months later. And for the rest, you can wait long long no matter how much you have invested. Most guys don't have the stamina to keep investing, they cut loss.

Totally agree..... i cut lossess before i fall further...... but at least I got what I wanted, although i did not breakeven.....

13-11-2012, 06:59 PM
sorry bro, what means HFJ?

13-11-2012, 09:24 PM
emmm... sounds interesting hahaha...two thumbs up

13-11-2012, 10:40 PM
I was kena bitten by this HFJ girl.....

Burnt a big hole in my pocket, now kinda regret......

During those moments, it was fun..... but the price to pay is high....

so my advice is, you need to have alot of time & money to spend on these HFJ girls..... else you will never recover back.

I am down 13K in 2 months, bleeding badly, don't know should I continue or cut loss...

13-11-2012, 10:46 PM
I am down 13K in 2 months, bleeding badly, don't know should I continue or cut loss...

Have you gain anything out of this? Anyway, my advice is to cut losses......

13-11-2012, 10:48 PM
sorry bro, what means HFJ?

Please refer back to page 1, post #8

13-11-2012, 10:59 PM
Have you gain anything out of this? Anyway, my advice is to cut losses......

A lot of KC and fucked her about 20 over times?

14-11-2012, 04:07 AM
Estimate 24 fucks and spent $14k, that's about $600 per fuck.

That's very rich for me.

14-11-2012, 07:35 AM
A lot of KC and fucked her about 20 over times?

I think that's good enough..... unless you wanna continue to bled further,

14-11-2012, 09:44 AM
HFJ is a 无底洞.

The gals there are just like stock market. You must have lots of $$ to keep investing until one day the stock go up and you can cash out to enjoy the profit. For some gals, if you got style and you know how to win their hearts, you can get profit very quickly - 2 weeks or 4 weeks or 2 months. For some, maybe you can take profit 6 months or 10 months later. And for the rest, you can wait long long no matter how much you have invested. Most guys don't have the stamina to keep investing, they cut loss.

bro i beg to differ. at least stock market u got hope to make profits and even multibagger.

for these? can breakeven u should gum sia zor gong 18 dai. thank your ancestors liao.

they are more like 4D to me. u keep pumping $ and never know when u can strike. just keep throwing good $. then 1 day u realised wah u striked a prize ah! after that count then u know, still never cover back the $ u keep throwing. net loss still.

it seems the HFJ business damn bad now and there are damn alot lor. those who open is there to wash wash dirty to clean $ la the flowers, diamonds etc where got keep track one? they only report the wine and fruits income only. alot of expenses can balloon one, such as housing of singers. claim owners pay but they collect back from singers also. alot also tio exploit but bully them foreigners.

i knew of 1 which kanna complained by own singers till closed down but sprout out immediately elsewhere.

14-11-2012, 10:14 AM
First night, I invested $350 including beer. Second visit, I invested another $450 cos I increased my stack on her flower. This also indicate my interest on her. I could have brought her to complete my mission but OC waited me to be home.

Lessons learnt?
1. Don't need to hang too big a flower to test water on first visit. U will know your chance on her if she called u the next few minutes when u walked out.
2. Increase stack the next stack to highlight your interest.
3. Hfj not a game for married men. Not only $$$, u need time to bring them out for sightseeing or shopping.

Guess how much I spent to complete my mission on the 3rd time? IMHO, u need to be in control on the game and pull out immediately if u are out to play only. Why I say this? I actually saw a man proposed to the singer on her 秀.

Btw, for most singers u only have 6 months cos they will return unless they are fortunate to have 2 years pass.

This means, the gals are pressured to not only recover their $10k 中介费they also wish to earn as much as possible within 6 months. In addition, they will be penalised anyhow like they forgot to wear their number tag.

14-11-2012, 03:58 PM
me belong to 'old man face' category...
no wonder the gals dun stay wif me long...
only con me into spending $500 on drinks and flowers...
me knie can't go far...then me cut loss liow...

Conned? Muhahahaha... I can still rem it happening!

14-11-2012, 04:12 PM
IMHO, u need to be in control on the game

I strongly agree with this sentence. Must always remember, the singers need you more than you need the singers. In singapore, there are about 400 HFJ, big and small all added. Assuming each joint only got 8 singers, there are total of 3,200 singers in all. Even if you were to fuck one each day, you still need to fuck for 8.7years before you can finish fucking all singers in singapore.

That's why one needs to be in very much control when going HFJ. Singers always ask me to hang or help them with book table or their show, I always tell them: 你付出了什么值得我帮你?帮你不是问题,问题是我有什么好处。

From there then you start talking terms with them. If you are satisfied with the terms offered, then go ahead and help the singers. If not, then next one please. Remember you need to fuck for more than 8 years to have fuck all singers here.

14-11-2012, 05:25 PM
From there then you start talking terms with them. If you are satisfied with the terms offered, then go ahead and help the singers. If not, then next one please. Remember you need to fuck for more than 8 years to have fuck all singers here.

Wau lao eh... If only this advice was shared during the days I was hooked on HFJ lor... Maybe I won't have paid such a high course fees for my lesson on HFJ.

Nonetheless, it takes lots of determination to not get carried away with the KC by the singers. The reason why people are paying high course fees its mainly due to the KC and GFE being showered upon them, thus giving man (myself included) a false sense of perception that what they do is not simply a transaction between the 2 party but something based on feelings.

Just liked what one of the 'trainer' aka singer shared with me. 我们来到这里,有谁会真的和你讲心,讲情。有几个未婚的男人能够接受我们的工作,和我们一起度 过终生。


14-11-2012, 05:49 PM
Nonetheless, it takes lots of determination to not get carried away with the KC by the singers. The reason why people are paying high course fees its mainly due to the KC and GFE being showered upon them, thus giving man (myself included) a false sense of perception that what they do is not simply a transaction between the 2 party but something based on feelings.

Just liked what one of the 'trainer' aka singer shared with me. 我们来到这里,有谁会真的和你讲心,讲情。有几个未婚的男人能够接受我们的工作,和我们一起度 过终生。

I agree bro. In the first place, we should not have kc to begin with. They try kc us, we just reverse kc lor. I always believe in a saying: 欢场无真情。It's just me.

So when they kc me, i reverse back kc to them. I make them feel i kena their kc, but in fact they are the ones that kena my kc. Since I'm out to play in the first place, I never believe whatever they say about they like me etc. I only make them believe I "believed" them. Of cos, it does not work all the time but I do yield good results from time to time. Many bros say no free lunch in this world, which I dun really agree as I did had free before.

It's all about battle of the wits. Many say these singers are very street smart, I do agree! But I have been through lots of bad and worse shit to be street smart and even smarter than them.

14-11-2012, 11:44 PM
Just to share some of the interesting thing i see from HFJ before since was a regular before last time at 1 small joint

Case no 1 old wan went to borrow money from loan shark just to support her so called gf show! cos tat her first show and lend $3000 for that!

Case no 2 Young man calling singer and say he wanna jump down the building and died be cos she dun wan to accept him!

Still got many more funny thing to see from HFJ

I always wonder why is so fun abt HFJ? hang flower need to invest time and money also... return also have to wait long long! esp if u r going for ang pai singer...

14-11-2012, 11:51 PM
I agree bro. In the first place, we should not have kc to begin with. They try kc us, we just reverse kc lor. I always believe in a saying: 欢场无真情。It's just me.

So when they kc me, i reverse back kc to them. I make them feel i kena their kc, but in fact they are the ones that kena my kc. Since I'm out to play in the first place, I never believe whatever they say about they like me etc. I only make them believe I "believed" them. Of cos, it does not work all the time but I do yield good results from time to time. Many bros say no free lunch in this world, which I dun really agree as I did had free before.

It's all about battle of the wits. Many say these singers are very street smart, I do agree! But I have been through lots of bad and worse shit to be street smart and even smarter than them.

Totally agree..... but i'm sure you had paid enough "school fees" to learn to be smarter than them....... which I did. Now, I dun spend so much, but do have my fair share of fun from time to time......

15-11-2012, 01:48 AM
That's why one needs to be in very much control when going HFJ. Singers always ask me to hang or help them with book table or their show, I always tell them: 你付出了什么值得我帮你?帮你不是问题,问题是我有什么好处。

Just liked what one of the 'trainer' aka singer shared with me. 我们来到这里,有谁会真的和你讲心,讲情。有几个未婚的男人能够接受我们的工作,和我们一起度 过终生。

two version :
hahaa too bad this thread came too late would have save quite a sum if this thread come earlier .
had few "singer gf" but end up only wan $ everything else fake . some will tell u sad stories back home in china ( if u bother to check their story with china pi would know most are fakes ).
other will sound like saving u money tell u to hang 1st then return u back as they dun wan you to spent so much hahaa and also u will have face and such hahaha end up when pay day usually will say back home got some problem thus use the money and will return u later ( never ) haha ...
( things/ stuff i saw while in the joints no matter big or small )

15-11-2012, 07:46 AM
Before I proceed to share my third visit, I think I share this stupid " tips " from hfj gals.

When hfj gals desperate for booking tables, some of them will try this - gals buy u drink when u book their tables. Can u imagine that u spend 200 &they buy u a jug of beer? Wtf?! Yes! And they thought this is good offer for their customers. I will think they really thought that their customers are either stupid or like to 贪小便宜.

15-11-2012, 09:43 AM
Before I proceed to share my third visit, I think I share this stupid " tips " from hfj gals.

When hfj gals desperate for booking tables, some of them will try this - gals buy u drink when u book their tables. Can u imagine that u spend 200 &they buy u a jug of beer? Wtf?! Yes! And they thought this is good offer for their customers. I will think they really thought that their customers are either stupid or like to 贪小便宜.

i knew 1 even more power. everytime nv book and hang, fine 500. that time desperate liao ask me go down she pay for the flower 150, i top up 50 and drinks 12 (actually she will save 350 la). then say i must reach before 1230am (her showtime) then hang around 30mins i can go liao.

i was at home slacking and do not have car. have to take bus down then nightrider home with $62 damage with nothing in return. so i ask her what's in it for me?

she say she off work 3am i say i wait for u la

she then scold that i think too much, she pay 150 still want her go bed with me. she rather pay the 500, don't contact again in future.

oh well, obviously i stayed at home pcc better

15-11-2012, 10:06 AM
i knew 1 even more power. everytime nv book and hang, fine 500. that time desperate liao ask me go down she pay for the flower 150, i top up 50 and drinks 12 (actually she will save 350 la). then say i must reach before 1230am (her showtime) then hang around 30mins i can go liao.

i was at home slacking and do not have car. have to take bus down then nightrider home with $62 damage with nothing in return. so i ask her what's in it for me?

she say she off work 3am i say i wait for u la

she then scold that i think too much, she pay 150 still want her go bed with me. she rather pay the 500, don't contact again in future.

oh well, obviously i stayed at home pcc better

Good one bro. Might as well stay at home Zzzzzz :D

15-11-2012, 10:16 AM
Any brothers here have experience visiting the HFJ at Popular KTV at the ground floor of Royal Hotel or Ginza Lounge at Grand Paragoh Hotel in JB.

15-11-2012, 10:27 AM
I have visited Popular KTV at the ground floor of Royal Hotel at the corner of Newton Circle in Singapore, if any brothers here have experience with any HFJ gals in this KTV, please share it here as I was told that the gals there are very daring and experience in getting money from the customers.

I was told that Ginza Lounge located on the 14 floor of Grand Paragoh Hotel in JB is rather fun, any brothers have visited that KTV and is there anything to share about the gals waoking there and interesting stories to tell

15-11-2012, 10:28 AM
Lolz! Wtf!

Next x why not we say we hang 500 then she accompany for one whole night, hotel included?

Once a vb offered me 400 for one whole night. This vb has an angel look and a devil body. The offer was very tempting but I didn't take up coz need to report OC.

15-11-2012, 10:34 AM
other will sound like saving u money tell u to hang 1st then return u back as they dun wan you to spent so much hahaa and also u will have face and such hahaha end up when pay day usually will say back home got some problem thus use the money and will return u later ( never ) haha ...
( things/ stuff i saw while in the joints no matter big or small )

If you are in a particular joint long enuff and the management knows you, you can always make arrangements to pay only 30% of the flowers to the company. Usually they will be ok with it you are a regular and has been spending there.

15-11-2012, 11:02 AM
Been there and done that. Was a super regular customer in HFJ, burned a big hole in my pocket! I think I spent at least 40k in these kinds of joints, stopped 2 years back.
I believe every bros here visit HFJ for a reason, some for the fun of it, the girls, chill. But if you are going for the girls, I can tell you to forget about that, if you planned just to release some of your loads, geylang spend a hundred or two your mission is accomplish. In HFJ, girls will keep on luring you to spent more because this is their source of income. Of coz you can find true love there, I would say 1/10 perhaps? Provided you look decent or pure luck. I met so many of girls who worked in HFJ and upz some of them, but nothing went further. My advice to bros out there is if you got a substantial fund in your pocket and you would love some adventures you can try, but for those who merely make your ends meet each month, don't even step in!

15-11-2012, 07:02 PM
First x went H81 cos I knew a vb. quite love. Ended up there. No $$$ for her. But, a lot of love like bfgf.

Thus far, I didn't bring any prc singer to H81. But, this prc hfj gal seemed prepared so I brought her there. That night, I hang $500 for her. And, she was the 皇冠that night.

When we were outside H81, she was damn scared and in a way begging me go hotel that doesn't need 2 check in. Wtf! Where got hotel no 2 check in? Anyway, she walked into H81 with me.

We spent whole night till the morning at H81. Loved. Total damage to up the gal about $1k plus. Do u think it is worth?

15-11-2012, 11:35 PM
First x went H81 cos I knew a vb. quite love. Ended up there. No $$$ for her. But, a lot of love like bfgf.

Thus far, I didn't bring any prc singer to H81. But, this prc hfj gal seemed prepared so I brought her there. That night, I hang $500 for her. And, she was the 皇冠that night.

When we were outside H81, she was damn scared and in a way begging me go hotel that doesn't need 2 check in. Wtf! Where got hotel no 2 check in? Anyway, she walked into H81 with me.

We spent whole night till the morning at H81. Loved. Total damage to up the gal about $1k plus. Do u think it is worth?

Well, it depends on individual.....

some of us like to process of hunting, that's why dun mind spend the amount and finds it worthwhile.

For those who only want end-results, suggest you go GL, pay up & get it over.

For me, I prefer the former, that's why i burnt such a big hole in my pocket.

18-11-2012, 12:52 PM
Received a message via wechat from a hfj gal.

Hfj gal: 还在吗

Hfj gal: 我很难过

Hfj gal: 睡不着觉

Saltwet: 为什么呢?

Hfj gal: 我犯错了

Hfj gal: 怎么样才能挽回他的信呢

Hfj gal: 我难过死了

Hfj gal: 心很痛

Hfj gal: [Sob]

Hfj gal: 你来陪我好吗?

A very weird message. Any brother received such message before?

19-11-2012, 03:47 AM
Any brothers here have experience visiting the HFJ at Popular KTV at the ground floor of Royal Hotel or Ginza Lounge at Grand Paragoh Hotel in JB.

hahaa u give FR lor

19-11-2012, 03:50 AM
Received a message via wechat from a hfj gal.

Hfj gal: 还在吗

Hfj gal: 我很难过

Hfj gal: 睡不着觉

Saltwet: 为什么呢?

Hfj gal: 我犯错了

Hfj gal: 怎么样才能挽回他的信呢

Hfj gal: 我难过死了

Hfj gal: 心很痛

Hfj gal: [Sob]

Hfj gal: 你来陪我好吗?

A very weird message. Any brother received such message before?

haha maybe trying to sell u the idea she is devoted thus when u up her u can be lure in by her :P
hahaa like many bro here said they have higher eq and iq then most gal in sg hehe

19-11-2012, 10:30 AM
haha maybe trying to sell u the idea she is devoted thus when u up her u can be lure in by her :P
hahaa like many bro here said they have higher eq and iq then most gal in sg hehe

should say what u replied and what happened before we determine if it is weird. a man with a dick will surely reply instead of deleting it and go to sleep

19-11-2012, 11:30 AM
Received a message via wechat from a hfj gal.

Hfj gal: 还在吗

Hfj gal: 我很难过

Hfj gal: 睡不着觉

Saltwet: 为什么呢?

Hfj gal: 我犯错了

Hfj gal: 怎么样才能挽回他的信呢

Hfj gal: 我难过死了

Hfj gal: 心很痛

Hfj gal: [Sob]

Hfj gal: 你来陪我好吗?

A very weird message. Any brother received such message before?

Should reply: 那你要给我多少小费? :D:D

29-11-2012, 09:50 PM
Saltwet: 星期六我不是做给你看了吗? 我都说了。我想但是我怕我自作多情啊。何况,我都不知道你是否真心接受我做男朋友。如果你是真心,等我回来 后,我就约你。

Hfj gal: 感情是需要培养的,我们才见过两次面,等你回来后再说好吗

Some hfj gals are treating us like carrot. They don't know that we have put a price tags on them.

Seniors, do you budget your investment when you go Hfj? By when if they still don't give in to you you will pull the brake and eject them to go for other play field?

29-12-2012, 12:09 PM
This thread is like my abandoned baby.

Thinking will there be anyone interested to join me for this joint that I mentioned. $100 for drinks & tips. Ktv room is provided than sitting in the hall.

29-12-2012, 08:46 PM
Hfj is for those dirty old morons aka lao tikos! It's a boring place for old morons. Hang flowers for those low class cheapo china prc sluts and they laugh at you once they go back to their hometown for being stupid and a robert to them only lah... hahaha

29-12-2012, 11:21 PM
is not call HFJ, shld call HNJ (Hang Neck Joint). Haha.....

30-12-2012, 12:26 AM
Now wechat so common, anyone got hook up with HFJ gals thru' wechat?

30-12-2012, 03:22 AM
Hey guys, I just got to notice this thread thought I'd share my experience. I've been to such joints numerous times but I guess I spent a total of 2k max? I find the singers to be always high on maintenance. What I learned at such joints was to simply enjoy the scene whereby my friends choose to burn their pockets for a long termed investments while I enjoy the company of the non-singer "models". I had better luck with those as they are more willing to spend time and some actions like frenching and exploring their beautiful bodies at a much lower costs haha.

30-12-2012, 03:27 AM
I have visited Popular KTV at the ground floor of Royal Hotel at the corner of Newton Circle in Singapore, if any brothers here have experience with any HFJ gals in this KTV, please share it here as I was told that the gals there are very daring and experience in getting money from the customers.

I was told that Ginza Lounge located on the 14 floor of Grand Paragoh Hotel in JB is rather fun, any brothers have visited that KTV and is there anything to share about the gals waoking there and interesting stories to tell

Bro are u referring to hotel grand paragon? The one which is pretty near to KSL shopping mall?

30-12-2012, 03:42 AM
Bros, do they really able to sing, I mean real singing & not bj.

30-12-2012, 06:03 AM
As long she is not a mute and have no issue opening her mouth.
She is a singer. But how she sounds is another story. But i think most of us are more curious on how she moans.. :P

30-12-2012, 10:06 AM
bros, just play it smart, HFJ becoming money and honey traps, and they play the game so well ;)

30-12-2012, 02:13 PM
Yes, Ginza Lounge is located on the 14th floor of Grand Paragon Hotel in JB

30-12-2012, 04:02 PM
As long she is not a mute and have no issue opening her mouth.
She is a singer. But how she sounds is another story. But i think most of us are more curious on how she moans.. :P

So no one bother how they sing, or how good they sing, they just pay & hang the flowers for them? And waiting for an opportunity to up them?:confused:
This is kinda boring:(

30-12-2012, 04:23 PM
i am consider very lucky then, i though those flowers cost $10 or $20 like that, wanted to get there to hang some flowers to the prc i know, to see how she perform as well as pay a visit to these kind of joints.

31-12-2012, 06:11 AM
10K, you can go to PRC, bao a syt and everyday bang her for 3 months until you get sick of pussy.... Why throw it away at such places? :confused:

04-01-2013, 10:46 PM
Just back from banging hfj gal for the whole day. We checked in at 5am and checked out in the afternoon at 4pm.

Met and made this hfj gal my gal friend. Received her call at 3 and went to look for her. Chatted and checked in hotel at 5am. Bang and sleep and sleep and bang whole day and whole night. Went to the register counter and kept asking them to extend hours.

There is another hfj gal whom I met over wechat. I think if I tried a bit harder, I might up her without hang any flower. I told her that I won't be gg to the joint to meet her and she still continue to chat with me. If a hfj gal only wants you to go hang flowers, they would stop chatting with you. But, she still chat sweetly with you.

I guess that to accomplish mission, we need firstly to attack their hearts.

05-01-2013, 02:42 AM
Salt wet: 现在在休息。好累。你几点下班?

Hfj gal: 3:00

Salt wet : 下班有节目吗?

Hfj gal: 没有

Salt wet: 你喜欢我吗?

Hfj gal:你喜欢我吗?

Salt wet : 是我问你

Hfj gal: 有点喜欢上了

Saltwet: 那你想吗?

Hfj gal:我怕你伤害我,这是心里话,真的

Salt wet: 我怎么伤害你呢?

Salt wet: 别想这么多了。

Hfj gal: 我只怕我喜欢你,你又不要我

Saltwet: 我也不想伤害你

Salt wet: 别想这么多了。没事。

Hfj gal: 喔

Salt wet: 我不会伤害你的。

Hfj gal: 你说的哦

Salt wet: 嗯。我说的。

Hfj gal: 好

Hfj gal: 等我吗

Salt wet: 嗯。等你。

Hfj gal: 我下班了带我去玩吧

No need hang any flowers. Not even step into the joint. Even if you hang flowers, I don't think she might go out with you.

05-01-2013, 09:45 AM
Salt wet: 现在在休息。好累。你几点下班?

Hfj gal: 3:00

Salt wet : 下班有节目吗?

Hfj gal: 没有

Salt wet: 你喜欢我吗?

Hfj gal:你喜欢我吗?

Salt wet : 是我问你

Hfj gal: 有点喜欢上了

Saltwet: 那你想吗?

Hfj gal:我怕你伤害我,这是心里话,真的

Salt wet: 我怎么伤害你呢?

Salt wet: 别想这么多了。

Hfj gal: 我只怕我喜欢你,你又不要我

Saltwet: 我也不想伤害你

Salt wet: 别想这么多了。没事。

Hfj gal: 喔

Salt wet: 我不会伤害你的。

Hfj gal: 你说的哦

Salt wet: 嗯。我说的。

Hfj gal: 好

Hfj gal: 等我吗

Salt wet: 嗯。等你。

Hfj gal: 我下班了带我去玩吧

No need hang any flowers. Not even step into the joint. Even if you hang flowers, I don't think she might go out with you.

Clap Clap Clap....
Last time one of my fren told me, No need to be handsome but
must know how to GORENG..........LOL....:p

10-01-2013, 06:23 PM
I really in great dilemma ( and, also danger). I have 2 hfj gf. One here and the other coming back here.

One said want me to go china with her and she would work to support me.

The other said want to meet me and won't ask much from me.

In addition, I am married.

How? Hfj really so addicted to love?

10-01-2013, 07:54 PM
I really in great dilemma ( and, also danger). I have 2 hfj gf. One here and the other coming back here.

One said want me to go china with her and she would work to support me.

The other said want to meet me and won't ask much from me.

In addition, I am married.

How? Hfj really so addicted to love?

The one ask you to go china with her?lata she kidnap you!

25-01-2013, 11:21 AM
Last week I just screwed one gal from Club Monte Carlo 东方皇朝 for a mere $200 cash. She quite like me and even said that as long as I pay her monthly rental of $650 she can be my FB :D

18-10-2013, 12:49 AM
go for it bro

18-10-2013, 05:57 PM
6 yrs ago...used to know a pinoy syt in one of the pubs along neil rd. those that need to buy LD and a bit of HF.

i would drop by that pub once every month. every visit i don't spend much, even after she begged and pleaded and "sainai " at most $200.

when she changed from neil rd to boat quay, I followed her to her new pub...from then, our relationship got closer.

down the years, became very good friends and eventually FB. whenever I fly to manila for business trip, I will extend my trip for another 3 days, fly to Davao and find her. and in return she will take good care of me and my small brother

saltwet... thumbs up for you =)

18-10-2013, 11:14 PM
interesting. camping for more.:p

19-10-2013, 10:31 AM
saltwet im willing to share ur burden hahaha

24-10-2013, 12:34 AM
Not juz flowers u have to take care, in fact she got more liability back home in China, all the entire family blood all becum ur biz :eek: :D

So overall, its a bottomless pit, u bleed lots of $$$!

Haha bro I fully understand where you are coming from

24-10-2013, 12:39 AM
Clap Clap Clap....
Last time one of my fren told me, No need to be handsome but
must know how to GORENG..........LOL....:p

I totally agree with what you say bro those girls beside
Wanting big flowers they are also looking for

12-07-2014, 05:01 AM
Yes i do agree with you bro. I also do cheong HFJ. There is always a saying by bros:


HFJ is a 无底洞.

Both can happen. :cool:
It is really "无底洞" if not in control. :p

29-10-2014, 03:45 PM
Omg! There are Singapore girls in this hfj!

29-10-2014, 06:31 PM
Everyone wants to be loved I guess, doesn't matter where you are from or what line of work you do.

egmar mah
29-10-2014, 08:34 PM
Some spend like 20k, given me I will spend thIs 20k on my fm. Though divorce with kids at least this milf still worth the money to me. 20k shd be enuff to touch her heart and make her mine. Mind u , her figure quite tock gong one hor. Make her service me for the rest of my life and take care for my living routine.how nice!!!!

31-10-2014, 11:37 AM
seen many people trapped in the HFJ game.

in the end burn such a hole in the wallet what for? End of the day she is probably going to be one of the most expensive fucks (the money can be used for higher quality FLs).


28-02-2015, 11:57 PM
nice thread. thanks for info sharing saltwet.

I recently got introduced to HFJ. I have not spent that much cash because I am not convinced about happy endings in HFJ. Although, drinking with the group and HFJ gals plus drinks is really fun.

However, I am a happy-endings guy. If I go out to hunt, whatever the scenario is, then I should get my expected happy ending before I call it a day.

I do not like KTVs mind you. I like clubs with big bar spaces where you can take your time to choose a gal, do your negotiation and finish with a happy ending.

Incalls are pretty much a photoshop / 50-50 chance game. So I don't want to go there as well.

The only issue I see here nowadays is that most young and pretty ladies from China/SG/Korea/Thai are in HFJ. So how do I get then my happy ending if I do not want to burn $$$ in HFJ? Not much places now other than HFJ or KTVs to get young and pretty lady.

08-03-2015, 12:25 AM
Yes i do agree with you bro. I also do cheong HFJ. There is always a saying by bros:


Well said!! i also belong to 2nd group.:(

i also agree HFJ gf- i got so call HFJ gf. she just want me keep buy LD and hang flower for her. and she request the most ex drink waterfall and flower 300 or 500. but end state? nothing happen. just hug or kisses (after u buy LD or hang flower) she also say she wan watch movie, lunch, dinner, accompany me whole day but i have to "Buy her out" so she can have off day which means that night she no need to work. donno it true or not. any bro know? of cos it ex to buy her out and of cos i not 大凯子, so i did not buy her out. i guess most gals at HFJ will try their best and tactic to con / make us buy LD and HFJ. From what i know from my so call HJF gf, u buy LD or flower, they take 80%, the club take 20%. donno it true or not.

花的最多,得到最少就是大凯子. Once beside my table i saw a few tais tais hang flower for male singer. min $200 and keep hanging. so is these tai tai 大凯子?:D
and the tai tai looks not bad. maybe it HFJ bf? end state? just hug only.

My friend go one club where alot of sg gals, he told me he knew his his gf there, so i told him where will HFJ gals treat u as real bf. he told me yes. she like him alot. so one day i accompany him to the club. he hang flower for his gf, play dice game till he drunk, Suddenly my friend MIA donno go where. yet his gf go other table drink with customer. when my friend comes back, his gf bring 2 of her friend ask my friend buy flower for her friend. my friend agree, guess she see my friend drunk she make use of him. end state? i sent my friend home lol. next day i tell him, he told me he spend total around 6k, once he hang flower for her $1k, my friend say he ask her out few times, she keep saying busy or overslept. so i guess this is a tactic also. KC traps?