View Full Version : date rape drugs

14-11-2012, 09:46 AM
Anyone can explain what is date rape drugs and where to get them?

14-11-2012, 09:55 AM
why you want to know, do you intend to do something bad, remember kama.

14-11-2012, 11:02 AM
the answer is here (http://www.google.com.sg/)...:D

14-11-2012, 11:04 AM
oh he is going to spike girls' drinks and have a wild night fucking them.

i wouldnt mind having some too. so i can spike my enemy's drink and dump him at a construction site. :D

14-11-2012, 11:14 AM
you can get the drugs in changi prison.

14-11-2012, 11:16 AM
Wash your ass clean after u get it and use it. Oh and don't drop the soap!

14-11-2012, 11:23 AM
call 9.99 and ask for it :D

14-11-2012, 03:39 PM
oh he is going to spike girls' drinks and have a wild night fucking them.

i wouldnt mind having some too. so i can spike my enemy's drink and dump him at a construction site. :D
then the banglas up him at the construction site? bad karma for u

14-11-2012, 03:52 PM
"explain what is date rape drugs "

U sounded very young. U don't know what is date rape drugs and u still ask where to get?

It is like asking "what is Changi Prison"

Ans- It is a Prison in Changi

14-11-2012, 04:09 PM
wow...can do a search in google but its something totally not right...karma befalls those who take advantage of others...hmmm...:(

14-11-2012, 04:13 PM
If u buying drugs, always go to pharmacist or doctors for advice....:D

14-11-2012, 05:43 PM
sg have meh? even if have i think need connections loh.. but jin zek ark la.. imagine a group of filthy greasy fat old men date rape drug u.. u wake up naked and tio poke n unloaded by 5 of them.. how u feel?

14-11-2012, 05:48 PM
assuming you are a male; sex is fun and it is to be done with mutual-willing in a complete conscious manner, well, for love or for benefits or whatever else, is different thing in different situation.
asking for what where of date-rape pills in an open forum? you are humiliating the ethical limits of forumers here.
ask a rapist for your answer and if at all you manage to get it, have a good look at your self in a mirror before you use them, ask yourself "why am I doing this and is it right and fair to put an irreparable damage to a young innocent lady?"

14-11-2012, 08:25 PM
sg have meh? even if have i think need connections loh.. but jin zek ark la.. imagine a group of filthy greasy fat old men date rape drug u.. u wake up naked and tio poke n unloaded by 5 of them.. how u feel?

You make ti sound so scary:mad: wonder TS still want the date rape drug:eek:

14-11-2012, 08:29 PM
You make ti sound so scary:mad: wonder TS still want the date rape drug:eek:

Thanks for the points!!! You've made my day haha! Ya la. How can anyhow date rape drug girls sia :eek:

14-11-2012, 09:58 PM
better dont even think of it... one wrong step... thats it bro

14-11-2012, 10:09 PM
Reminds me of an old story my friend told me. Donno true or not.

Long long time back. Pre HP era.My friend's friend was studying in nus and staying in Hostel. Male by the way.

For some reason. Always got diarrea and bloody stool frequently. So go see doctor.

Doctor ask him if he's a gay and is he a drug user. He blur.

When he finally piece all the facts together. He confronted his room mate.

and his room mate confess that he did drug his drink and jam his ass.

TS. if that happens to u, how would u feel?

Certain things is nice to fantasies but not really that nice to carry out in the real world.

14-11-2012, 10:36 PM
dont let me find out who are u

15-11-2012, 12:05 AM
u want to be local justin lee? http://www.whatsonningbo.com/ent1505.html

15-11-2012, 12:16 AM
Reminds me of an old story my friend told me. Donno true or not.

Long long time back. Pre HP era.My friend's friend was studying in nus and staying in Hostel. Male by the way.

For some reason. Always got diarrea and bloody stool frequently. So go see doctor.

Doctor ask him if he's a gay and is he a drug user. He blur.

When he finally piece all the facts together. He confronted his room mate.

and his room mate confess that he did drug his drink and jam his ass.

TS. if that happens to u, how would u feel?

Certain things is nice to fantasies but not really that nice to carry out in the real world.

Which year was that? I oso know about a similar case which happened in my hall. Could be referring to the same case?

15-11-2012, 12:33 AM
this is interesting.. both the buyer and seller would get into big T! :o

15-11-2012, 01:17 AM
Knn, bad karma. What comes and goes around. Think thrice. A moment of song a lifetime of regrets. You reap what you sow. Think properly.

15-11-2012, 01:41 AM
TS are u ok ornot having such thought will lead u to prison n u might get stroke is no joke.

N most impt is if u done and went off without being caught what if that gal can't take the blow and kill herself? How u feel?

Or of that happen to ur sister, your wife or your gf how u feel? Or even a close female friends of yrs

Think before u act! Need a gal can always go GL there plenty of bro here to recommend u which one is good

15-11-2012, 01:44 AM
announcing criminal intentions here? Not a wise idea.
Wake up & recognise what a mistake ure making

And from what I heard, u DO NOT wanna go to prison on such a charge, to be put in palace by those there....

15-11-2012, 01:48 AM
announcing criminal intentions here? Not a wise idea.
Wake up & recognise what a mistake ure making

And from what I heard, u DO NOT wanna go to prison on such a charge, to be put in palace by those there....

Haha those gay will rape him up??? I heard so leh many many years ago my school mates he was caught by something and put into prison and he was being ass f cause he was quite good looking de

After 1 yr or 2 yr inside he came our he turn gay or whatever but his stroke cane he got he can't perform as a man.

Idk how true...

15-11-2012, 02:13 AM
Dont the word 'date rape drugs' sounds so obvious to you? Com'on bro if you wna bed a girl as least have some gentleman standard and do it the right way. Why you wna drug and rape her? People also have parents one la. Your backside asking for some rotan??

15-11-2012, 02:48 AM
C'mon, you need to use this to get laid? :rolleyes:

Sounds really lowdown to me.

15-11-2012, 09:01 AM
TS go get a life, this offence is much more serious than taking video or pics of upskirt, stealing undergarments at clothesline if you are caught.

therefore please think twice or thrice.

15-11-2012, 11:28 AM
Some people 不见棺材不流泪

Whatever we said wont make an impact if he is a stubborn person and think he is right.. He will assume he will be fine wont get caught or he find it thrills to have that kind of fun.

15-11-2012, 11:41 AM
TS, very bad to have such thoughts of using date rape drugs.

男人可以风流,但不能下流。That's why comparing Edison Chen and Justin Lee, Edison Chen has my respect. :p:D

15-11-2012, 11:53 AM
TS..i recently got a few tabs of the drug u asked for....maybe if u let me try it on u and do some pokie pokie....I will give u a tab or 2?? LOL!:D

Come on....imagine how u feel if i used it on u...and u woke up with the ability to shit when u actually just want to fart??:cool:

15-11-2012, 11:54 AM
Drug offences are not light man.

Date rape drug are basically hallucinogens, like ketamine and LSD.

Very poorly manufactured and contains impurity which can kill.

U do not wan multiple charges against u if things goes even worst.

The intention of date rape is already very serious.

Just pay $ and fuck ur brains away.

15-11-2012, 06:23 PM
Based on the above, I remember reading a new drug which was to be introduced and induced on the packet drinks in Malaysia. They had this drug that supposed to inject on Pigs to make them wild and wanting. Someone applied this on 5 girls already and the ladies are now in the rehab institutes to curb their sexual desires. This is really zek ark. Even now we have to be careful on packet drinks offered by someone in pubs or night spots.

Take care.

15-11-2012, 10:02 PM
One of my FB ever kana before where she was drugged by another guy in a club.. lucky her friend was around to look after her until I arrived to take her home. Spent the whole night looking after her and prevent her from raping me, next day she woke up and don't remember a thing... lucky no side effects from it.

TS, I hope you wake up one morning feeling pain in the ass and feeling sticky near the hole. :mad:

15-11-2012, 10:04 PM
imagine someone drug ur sis, mum or daughter. use ur brain to think before acting.:mad:

15-11-2012, 10:32 PM
Seriously?! Date rape drugs?!?! WTF!

Pay someone for sex if you can't get a girl to do it with you willingly. Seriously. OMFG!!!!

16-11-2012, 01:23 AM
think tat young boy got so many comments until he quiet liao...

16-11-2012, 02:24 AM
Go Geylang spend $50....U happy, the prostitute also happy:rolleyes:
Why want to spend $ buy illegal drug and risk rotan plus going jail:confused:

19-11-2012, 07:06 PM
you looking for roofy ah bro? you might as well go buy some dettol at the same time; wash you backside clean get ready for Changi. hope your mom get date rape by some bangla!

why not buy time stopper? you can press the button, then time stops around you. then you can go strip the girls and fuck them. but i think only works on japanese girls. must go japan and use.

19-11-2012, 11:22 PM
TS u are one sick fuck.

for knowledge : the date rape drug is liquid GHB. can be made in Ur own home if u have that key ingredient. be warned : one drop too much and the patient or victim goes into permanent comatose (dependent on the victim's tolerance. 2 drops for one may mean 1 drop for another). warning to all the ladies to be wary of accepting drinks in a bar or pub. who knows if the sick fuck knows the bartender.

23-11-2012, 01:20 PM
OP, why the fuck are you asking about this shit?!?!?!

A girlfriend of mine (a beautiful and sweet chinese malay singaporen who lives in europe) was in s'pore last month visiting her family. She was having a drink in a bar when a pinay approached her and asked if she was a hooker. She told the pinay to fuck off. A few minutes later, she was feeling dizzy and sick, and a singaporen man who was hanging around her asked if she needed help. Next thing she woke up with the bastard fucking her in a cheap hotel. She fought him off and he left, after biting her and pounding her until she was raw. She went to the hospital and they called the police. The police accused her of taking drugs! WTF, no kidding, except they got it backwards. She was given the shit you are asking about. The experience of getting raped has left her depressed and broken. She can't sleep at night without taking pills. If I could find out who this fucking bitch and fucking bastard are who did this to my friend, they would know pain.

So again, I ask you why the fuck are you asking about this shit? If you need date rape drugs to get laid, do us all a favour and jump in front of a train.

23-11-2012, 02:59 PM
go die in a fire u fucking bastard. hope ur lj get cut off by a freak accident in public place

23-11-2012, 04:08 PM
I am so glad our bros in SBF have a line and all of us pretty much stand on the same side!

23-11-2012, 06:29 PM
Anyone can explain what is date rape drugs and where to get them?

Bro.... you need help..

Don't do something that you will regret for the rest of your life.


I know a legal version though.Everybody use it.
Some call it KC, some call it love, some call it 'feeling' .

I kena this legal drug many times before. I also use it on others openly in public, on the train, at work, in school, in pub, in clubs....

If the dosage is high enough, the girl will pretend to be asleep so i can do whatever i want.

Sometimes the dosage i kena from them is higher, more potent ... so i end up getting raped by them .....

Sometimes i wake up with just a blanket covering my body... i always ask myself why did i take this drug...

There was once i kena one dose jia lat jia lat one... i was violated through the night... then the next thing i know is i see a red and blue line.....

I wanted to complain.. i needed help but no one was there. i felt lost.

I went to the police, they shook my hand, say grandpa will be there for me.. want to give the person who raped me bonus $$. Tell me it would be better if i take a few more dose, more $$ .

I wish i had a shoulder to cry on.

Do you feel the power of this legal drug ? Is this not more powerful than that so call date rape drug you wanted to get.

Can you feel my helplessness ?

And i remember everything that happened... cannot erase from my mind.

I hope this information helps.

25-11-2012, 01:59 AM

You are sick! imgaine someone use that on your mother or sister or daughter.

It has been a long time since i zap someone.

25-11-2012, 02:32 AM
Date rape drugs like Rohypnol is not something you should temper with, as the bros had said, you could be jailed for misusing it. There are more dangerous drugs in the world, example Scopolamine that can black out the person completely and cause permanent brain damage simply by blowing it in your face. People use it for robbery, and whatever malicious intent. It's a scary world.

25-11-2012, 09:20 AM
Bro, pls dun think abt rape.
Would you like if some stranger come around and stuck his finger into your nostril?
Also would you like if someone come and dump shit into your house.
Other implication is the consequence of moral and legal issue.

Imagine the traumatized mind state of the victim. You will ruin the victim's life forever.

25-11-2012, 11:54 PM

You are sick! imgaine someone use that on your mother or sister or daughter.

It has been a long time since i zap someone.

Don't have to be mother or sister or daughter.... any human being should not have to suffer this fate at all.

I too would like to zap TS but unfortunately I do not have the power yet. :o

27-11-2012, 02:13 PM
If TS is jus curious on this date rape drugs,fine,there is nothing wrong in exploring your curiosity.

But,using the drug on someone else is another matter...

it is breaking the law and u can get jailed and caned if you decide to be "creative" with the drugs.

morality wise,well,morality is something that is subjective to each individual(we are all in a sex forum,for us,morality is flexible in some ways).some say its wrong,while others have no qualms with using it and sleeping like a baby afterwards.

piece of advice TS,committing a crime is wrong...you live with the consequence of your actions.

27-11-2012, 02:30 PM
Curiousity kills the cat.

20-01-2025, 11:08 AM
https://mothership.sg/2025/01/woman-ghb-poisoning-bedok/?fbclid=IwY2xjawH6nM5leHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHY2SGJ4c3ZkC GqZbwcx2_NI-hMtp5LaFz1_rJY5n6Z2ND2gs_bPCEMl7Gg_aem_d-_1wSJyJoeB1QQDk6Jtiw

Someone died using GHB. Please consider the consequences

21-01-2025, 06:15 PM
Bro this is a 2012 thread leh......

22-01-2025, 11:50 AM
This indo guy in UK used GHB to fuck the ass of 190 guys all of whom did not know they were fucked, even after they woke up. Finally he was caught in his last one. He took photos and videos of them all, and one video even lasted 8 hours. What did he do in those 8 hours, I wonder ? In another news, a gal spiked her ex-bfs drink with GHB and he died from it. So don't anyhow play OK.

22-01-2025, 12:10 PM
Bro this is a 2012 thread leh......

Yup. I noticed it's a 2012 thread.... after I had posted. Sigh. Anyway, it's a serious message. So whoever uses the search to search for GHB in future, this thread may pop up. Then my previous message about the danger of this drug will hopefully get people to think twice before using this drug

23-01-2025, 03:20 PM
Never never play with others' life just to satisfy your sex lust.

Whoever using such drugs should rot in hell. Sickening behaviour.