View Full Version : My Good 'O' Days with this Vietnam gal.

23-11-2012, 08:43 AM
Hi Bros.. Have been a reader for many years.. Now I think it's finally the time I come out with my story..

Below is my story which happen many years ago.. While the current Newton Circles is renovating and I'm drinking with my friends at the temporary Newton Circles ( if some bros can remember).. We were drinking at a table and next to us there's a table with 6 guys and a gal.. At first we never notice that gal until suddenly there is 1 guy from that table vomited on the floor and it kena my friend's leg.. My friend was so angry that he wanted to stand up and wallop that guy, but we stop him as we know that guy wasn't intentionally doing that.. The guy's friends quickly apologies to us and from there me and one of my friend notice this gal who is very sweet and cute with a pair of huge headlights.. After a while we notice that this gal keeps looking at our direction.. Me n my friend was curious as we are not sure who is she looking at. Then I told my friend that we will each move a side and see which direction is she looking at.. The oerson that she is looking at will go n ask for her number.. Fortunately she is looking over at my side.. Then I waited for a chance to get her contact number as she is sitting with all guys.. Finally the time has come.. She is heading to the toilet.. After she left the seat, I went to the toilet also.. Waited for her 5mins outside the toilet.. She finally came out..


23-11-2012, 09:19 AM
I love Vietnamese girls. Camping here for more. :)

23-11-2012, 09:30 AM
It's pho and spring roll time!!! Camping.

23-11-2012, 02:01 PM
It banh mi time with caphe sua da...hihi...:D

23-11-2012, 09:24 PM
Sorry bros for the broken English.. Will return with more stories..

23-11-2012, 09:43 PM
Please tell us more bros! Vietnam style!

23-11-2012, 11:21 PM
After she left the seat, I went to the toilet also.. Waited for her 5mins outside the toilet.. She finally came out..
I walk over and ask for her number, she was blushed even under the streets lights.. Not sure it's due from the liquor that she drink or is it that she is shy.. Got her number and ask her the relationship with the guys sitting with her.. She told me that the guy beside her is her cousin n the others are her cousin's friends.. Got her name and from here we should call her Diana. After the talk we walk back to our seats and I just wink at my friend.
While continue our drinking, she keep looking at me and from then I know that this gal confirm I will get it for sure.. After an hour or two.. She,her cousins and friends left first, she waved goodbye to me and of cos as a 'gentlemen' I waved goodbye to her too.. Suddenly the guy who vomited turned around and walked towards us.. We tot that this guy wanted to pick up a fight with us.. Some of us stand up and some prepared to use the stool for weapon.. He bowed towards my friend and took it his hand and apologise to my friend.. At that moment we do not know whether to be angry or to laugh..
I waited for 2 days then I called Diana, she picked up the call and ask me who am I, I told her that I'm Bleach and she started to scold me in some Vietnam language. Although I do not understand but I can sense that its not good words coming from there..
B: Y u scold me for?
D: Cos you took 2 days to call me, you know I waited for your call for very long?
B: Since you waited for so long, y dun you call me first?
D: wanted to call you but that day forgot to take your number.
B: oh yeah hor.. I also forget to give you my number.. Haha.. So fast miss me oredi meh?
D:miss you for what? You are not my bf..
B: oh.. You never miss me ah.. Ok loh.. Then I put down the phone loh..
D: ooi.. You very naughty ah.. Like to disturb me hor..
B: haha.. You say never miss me mah.. Then no point talking oredi mah.. Ok lah.. Dun disturb you anymore.. Wanna come out today? We go for dinner and then bring you out for shopping and walk..
D: today cannot but tomorrow I can.. Today need to help my cousin's school to do some stuff which I promise him yesterday.. Who ask you not to call me earlier?
B: huh? Now become my fault? Ok loh.. Tomorrow buy you dinner for apology ok?
D: ok.. You say one ah.. U better bring more money as l'm quite a big eater..
B: ok.. No problem.. So we meet up at Orchard takashimaya tomorrow at 6pm? I need to work tomorrow..
D: huh? Where is that? I just came here 4 days onli.. Tat day when you saw me its my first day in Singapore..
B: ok.. Tell me where u stay.. I go n fetch you..
D: I stay at redhill blk ** .. So you come and fetch me what time?
B: I will fetch you at 6pm.. So will see you tomorrow ok?
D: ok.. See u tomorrow .. Muacks..
Tot to myself.. Wat was that abt? So fast muacks? If meet up how? Hmm.. Dun think too much.. Well follow the momentum as it goes on..

23-11-2012, 11:27 PM
Look like an easy catch..

TS u got the luck man!

24-11-2012, 02:10 AM
good 'o' days?
curious to know how many 'o' she experienced with you?:)

24-11-2012, 11:06 AM
camp for more here ... :D

24-11-2012, 01:53 PM
Please continue..

24-11-2012, 02:27 PM
cant wait for more

24-11-2012, 05:42 PM
So fast got date liao. :p