View Full Version : can a fb become my bf

30-12-2012, 02:22 PM
Hi guys,

There is this guy I like. But he only likes me for sex.

For me so far he is the only the who does it the way I love. Sex with him is amazing and very satisfying/
Problem is I want a serious relationship. But he is a player.

We have stopped contacting each other for awhile, after I got upset that he is looking to date girls online.

I was over him. Till yesterday he msg me, wishing me merry xmas n happy new year. Caled me baby in the msg and kiss. Said I am great in bed and I am the only one that pleases him.

Is there a way for him to want to be in a serious relationship with me?
Or i should just continue my life and ignore him

30-12-2012, 03:35 PM
why dont you just ask him that you love him alot and you want a serious relationship with him, you ask him if he agree to have a serious relationship and promise he will quit to be a player? if he not willing to quit and only interested in sex with you. then you should forget about him.

30-12-2012, 03:38 PM
Is there a way for him to want to be in a serious relationship with me?
Or i should just continue my life and ignore him

Unless he really wants to have a serious r/s w/ u, else u r just a gr8 fb to him.
Move on...

30-12-2012, 03:49 PM
I second this opinion. Good luck!

why dont you just ask him that you love him alot and you want a serious relationship with him, you ask him if he agree to have a serious relationship and promise he will quit to be a player? if he not willing to quit and only interested in sex with you. then you should forget about him.

30-12-2012, 04:58 PM
Tell him you love him and want to take things a step further. If he is agreeable, tell him you want to meet his friends, colleagues and family like how a gf would. See what he says.

30-12-2012, 04:58 PM
dont ask for too much lah, scarly next time u found better player want to change partner also difficult liao.

enjoy the fuck for the time being, a good fuck is hard to come by these days. stay by his side and giving in to his need will make him feel that u r always there for him. which is quite touching for a guy. slowly he'll be urs...wahahaha

30-12-2012, 06:50 PM
To be honest TS, as you've said he's a player. Calling you baby in his messages and kiss is really nothing for a player because chances are he might be calling every single girls baby in his messages. :D

You can either let him know how you feel and see what's his reaction. The possibilities are either you get him as a boyfriend or you lose him forever.
Either that or just enjoy the sex and continue to be fuck buddies. But the problem with this is that guys can differentiate sex and love well but most ladies can't. With this arrangement your feelings for him might be even deeper and hard to pull away if he's really taking you as a fuck buddy only.

Just my 2 cents worth. :D

31-12-2012, 11:41 AM
Think about it you need a mature man. He should be the one that ask you first right. I think you much more mature than him.

31-12-2012, 04:21 PM
Classic case of men give love to have sex while women give sex to have love though both of you haven't gone into love yet.

TS, he'll never cherish you. The reason he's getting lovely now is because he can't find a free fuck. If you're serious in finding a proper relationship then start it off cleanly & sex comes later.

Nice to hear that you're good in bed but just don't get pregnant ok cos everything will crumble around you if you do ;)

31-12-2012, 11:51 PM
Well sis, u said it Urself. He only likes u for sex...

And he is contacting u after a hiatus...
It seems that he sees u as a convenient back up in case he doesn't get lucky elsewhere, to put it bluntly.

Maybe u shld look to others, anther guy who will appreciate u better for who u are...
Just my own humble opinion..

01-01-2013, 12:03 AM
I think you should get over him and stop being a toy.


01-01-2013, 05:04 PM
Is there a way for him to want to be in a serious relationship with me?
Or i should just continue my life and ignore him

I think you should move on and ignore him, unless you're still looking for fun.

01-01-2013, 09:26 PM
Thank you everyone.
You are right I have to move on. I wonder if I hadn't slept w him maybe we could be in a r/s not just fb. That this is where i hv done wrong.
He said I'm the longest girl he has dated in these two years since his ex. But it's because I'm the only one silly enough to stay on n good enough that he wanted to continue.
Hurts when I saw him w another girl outside. Hurts when I see him flirting w other girls.
He said b4 he can't be w me cause he isn't over his ex..
I know it's not possible but when he msg me, reminds me of him, makes me hope that there's a chance.

02-01-2013, 01:23 AM
Take a look at his hp and u will realise he send the same thing to some other girls.And he jus need one who is interested and reply him to get another free bonk.

Forget abt player and find a better one. He may make love the way u like but he may not be a good lover and hurt ur heart in the end.

Im sure theres a better guy out there :)

02-01-2013, 08:09 AM
Just find a man who believes in monogamy and will loves u only......why waste ur time on a player....:D:D:D

02-01-2013, 11:38 AM
maybe u enjoy the intimate moments becos of ur love for him.. but if u confess ur love and he's willin to change, he could be worthy of ur love :)

02-01-2013, 10:09 PM
You will be able to move on if you are determined to do so. All the best.

03-01-2013, 01:13 AM
Kristabel... Why not like what others say... Jus ask him and see if can proceed further other then fb? I think everything is possible. Don't live with regret. I used to have a fb....whenever we meet up we end up on bed. This went on for close to a year. I wasn't expecting anything either maybe cos i was very young and also want to keep my option open hahaha.
Suddenly he brought me to meet his friends and brought me home for dinner! :)
Sadly we broke up 5 yrs later.

03-01-2013, 01:28 AM
ello' sis.. based on my experience, on both personal and as an advisory role, just do what your heart tells you to.. it's no use asking a thousand people for advice, end up you will only do what you want to. nobody, not even yourself knows the ending or the path you will walk, unless you walk it... i'm not saying it will be a good ending, neither am i saying that it will be bad. well, at least you walked it.

pessimistically speaking, even if it turned out to be all bad, you will have a +1 on your experience chit.. its not that bad of a deal, if you ask me...

and hey, you are not alone on this. I've even got friends who fell in love with their gay guy friends, because they are too sensitive to my friends' needs...

03-01-2013, 02:16 AM
Thank you everyone.
You are right I have to move on. I wonder if I hadn't slept w him maybe we could be in a r/s not just fb. That this is where i hv done wrong.
He said I'm the longest girl he has dated in these two years since his ex. But it's because I'm the only one silly enough to stay on n good enough that he wanted to continue.
Hurts when I saw him w another girl outside. Hurts when I see him flirting w other girls.
He said b4 he can't be w me cause he isn't over his ex..
I know it's not possible but when he msg me, reminds me of him, makes me hope that there's a chance.

u believe the words of a player?:rolleyes:

he isnt over his ex and he is out there flirting with other girls?

only 1 word to sum you up - Naive

03-01-2013, 03:06 PM
Thank you everyone.
You are right I have to move on. I wonder if I hadn't slept w him maybe we could be in a r/s not just fb. That this is where i hv done wrong.
He said I'm the longest girl he has dated in these two years since his ex. But it's because I'm the only one silly enough to stay on n good enough that he wanted to continue.
Hurts when I saw him w another girl outside. Hurts when I see him flirting w other girls.
He said b4 he can't be w me cause he isn't over his ex..
I know it's not possible but when he msg me, reminds me of him, makes me hope that there's a chance.

based on what you have said so far, this guy is just out to play. the ex thingy is just an excuse to get you to stay on without pushing him to be in a r/s with you.

regardless if you have slept with him or not, it's still impossible to be with him simply because he is just out to play and have fun.

a player will never stop for anyone unless till they are tired of the game. unless you are willing to wait till he is tired of the game? which might takes a few years and honestly, it's not worth it to wait for such a person who used feelings as his tool to get girls. he can do this to you, he will also do the same for the others. even if you are in a r/s with him, are you able to take it that he flirts with other girls?

a player is just not worth it unless you are sure you can change the situation that you become the player. if not, just forget about it.

above it's just my 2 cents.


03-01-2013, 04:13 PM
Everything is possible just take 1step at a time

03-01-2013, 04:17 PM
He only like sex with u. One day, he might changing a new FB.
Pls consider :) Just mt 2 cents.

09-01-2013, 12:10 PM
Don't speculate, just ask and get your answer

09-01-2013, 12:46 PM
Don't redefine the term FB it always end up badly. If you are looking for other stuff other than sex from the guy.

Suggestion is move along to the next better person.

Time and tide wait for no man or woman.

Good luck

(o)(o) Tuner
09-01-2013, 01:53 PM
TS, you already said he's a player and only used you for sex. In my opinion, he's not mature enough for you. Forget about him, look for a better man who truely loves you. There are better things lying ahead of you.

12-01-2013, 01:36 PM
It started as FWB, it will end as one.

Move on, there's no confirmation that sex will remian the same and as great as before when both of you are so taking each ther for granted in a R/S.
New demands outside bed will come in.

When it happens and all he can think of no goodness of you except in bed, be prepared to expect him to find another FWB when sex is lost in the R/S process.

12-01-2013, 03:08 PM
My 2 cents worth. Do forget about him. He is not serious about u. Only interested in ur body!

12-01-2013, 03:48 PM
He is not the only man that give good sex.

14-01-2013, 03:32 PM
u can prove our hypotheses right or wrong by taking action! wish u luck

15-01-2013, 04:49 PM
There is only 50-50 chance for your dream lover to be totally yours. Not sure if I'm gonna gamble on it?

15-01-2013, 06:16 PM
maybe u r just feeling bored and lonely. You should know at the back of your mind that such a person is not the best choice for u.