View Full Version : Fl
27-03-2005, 07:23 PM
danelle 92767***
Ice, malay 91431***
jasmine 98516***
joanna 94275*** stay bishan, young ah lian
joan 32 yo 81324*** $50
joey 90038***
Lina, malay 94266***
lizah malay 94818***
Lynn bedok 91675***
may housewife 90224***
sophie , malay. stay woodland 94207***
serah , malay 91361***
stephanie 94312*** stay yishun, can do at her place
wendy, stay bukit ba+++, 94749***
xueting 91825*** 16 yo, $200 ( she quitting very very soon!!)
Raine, cherge $500!! 90590***
cherry 90519***
christy 91895***
Isus, indian 90433***. TCMI
fion 96979*** PETTING only.
christy ONS!! 96475***
yinyin ONS!! from NYP, will be working in kidergarden soon. 90619***
All r local FL, if not stated her race mean is chinese.
U can PM me asking for anyone of the contact if.. U have rep power and u never zap me b4. those with no rep point, pls dun waste yr time to PM me.
those that got no rep point or had zap me b4, SORRY. why should i give u any of the contact?
cheer and have fun,
27-03-2005, 07:26 PM
bro nivarna, today u seems in very good mood, so many FLs lobang to give out.... :D
27-03-2005, 07:29 PM
Bro I am quite new not yet have reputation power. Can sign IOU and give u next time ?
27-03-2005, 07:32 PM
am i qulified or not? bro nirvana.... :D
27-03-2005, 07:32 PM
Can i PM u??? :D
27-03-2005, 07:33 PM
bro nivarna, today u seems in very good mood, so many FLs lobang to give out....
local fl.. life span very short.. so share share lor :D
i regret missing on two chick..
DION and Joanne. DION is a jap mixed. she only charge $100 for unlimist shot!! very young and presentable.. joanne very hard to contact.. stay woodland too.
i had seem a few i tried retired liao..
the piglet from woodland JOANNA $50
another piglet, Jess
D cupper, sharon. my fav.
where is the cute little DORIS?? :D
Samatha, a nice lady
Mindy.. another cute piglet..
ariel.. my baby elephant
27-03-2005, 07:34 PM
Wow that is a very long list.
u have any favourites? :D
27-03-2005, 07:37 PM
local fl.. life span very short.. so share share lor
i regret missing on two chick..
DION and Joanne. DION is a jap mixed. she only charge $100 for unlimist shot!! very young and presentable.. joanne very hard to contact.. stay woodland too.
bro nirvana, how can u lost the contact of the above :eek: Very good gesture of u to share....3 cheers to u. :)
27-03-2005, 07:39 PM
bro nirvana, how can u lost the contact of the above :)
i have her contact... problem is she QUIT :(
27-03-2005, 07:39 PM
bro nirvana...
seems intrested wif ur FL leh...
plz gimme the number ...hehehe
wanna try to bonk one of them...
27-03-2005, 07:43 PM
So many how to choose le???
Bro Nirvana
How abt some FR?? :p
27-03-2005, 07:46 PM
Bro I am quite new not yet have reputation power. Can sign IOU and give u next time ?
u need ppl to upped 2 point to get back ur rep power... :D
27-03-2005, 07:47 PM
wow bro nirvana,giving out easter eggs huh?three cheers for u........:D
Malaysian Datuk
27-03-2005, 07:49 PM
cheap is good for me.....which one is the cheapest bro? :)
27-03-2005, 07:49 PM
bro nirvana...plz reply my PM leh...
cant tahan liao...wanna bonk liao.. :D
27-03-2005, 07:53 PM
cheap is good for me.....which one is the cheapest bro? :)
MD oso join in liao huh??
Looks like tis reali a rare case hor.... :p
27-03-2005, 07:57 PM
MD oso join in liao huh??
Looks like tis reali a rare case hor.... :p
wan to do orgy is it? i also wan to join leh...... :D
27-03-2005, 10:37 PM
local fl.. life span very short
DION and Joanne... (contact Joanne b4.. but no reply :(
i had seem a few i tried retired liao..
D cupper, sharon. my fav. (She the one that do interior deco one?)
where is the cute little DORIS?? (Sayang... sayang..
Samatha, a nice lady (Yeah she is nice... chatty lady)
To bad they all retired then...
Brudder, who are the good one you think you can pass to me?
I have fetish only for local FL leh.... nowadays too many PRC....
27-03-2005, 10:48 PM
Can i PM u..ha ha ha...
Ariel, i guess went to oversea for study, if not wrong be back at June/July.
27-03-2005, 10:54 PM
I also wan..... Can I please??????
Bro... who the best malay that U got? meaning can french can paint & will banana wizout e skin. :)
27-03-2005, 11:52 PM
Oh Great Lord,
U steady many local FL..... take all.....sure pocket have a big hole...sperm tank sure on empty mode.....hahaahaha....
can recommend some?....hehehehe.
I am sure all lot of bros sure benifitted from ur kind deed :D
27-03-2005, 11:58 PM
Bro, got lobang share share ley, dun only care about the rep lar, wat are bros for rite? All +++ abt rep then like no meaning already! We join this forum to share and haf fun, not for rep only!!
28-03-2005, 12:01 AM
Must have reached Nirvava. :cool:
28-03-2005, 12:30 AM
haiya.........sounds like newbies like me got no chance to cheong these FL la.........
bro.. good on you for williness to share...u one cool dude
tried pming u but veri full, so will hve to wait till ur box is cleared.
28-03-2005, 01:29 AM
Joan chinese is a $50 bonk. 1 shot within 1 hour
for christy.. she sibei horny, can go her place bonk her, just sms her and chitchat.. of cose, pls dun be a CLOWN and sms her, wanna have a FUCK?? be nice, chit chat for a while.. then when the time is right, pop up the magic topic!!
YinYin, love to chat on the phone.. if anyone of is lonely and need a gal to superglue u to yr Hp.. she is the one!!
Sorry, those without rep point, save yr time. i wont reply u. WHY WOULD i
and to those who say in the PM, will add my point after u try her. please. i kana this kind of stuff many time in the past liao,..,
hence.. for the past one year, i dun like to give out fl number, cose, after gave him the number, not even a thanks you. not to mention abt adding my point. ( most recent case, gave this samster GUYHERE jasmine number last week, no even a thanks you note. talk abt sharing. )
And those who had zapped me before.. paiseh.. since u already zapped me, u expect me to be a saint and give u the contact?
And please, do u think i will risk my reputation in conning yr point? and without giving u the fl number that u requested?
i believe u should know wat to do b4 u PM me,
have fun bonking
28-03-2005, 02:46 AM
Can i PM u..ha ha ha...
Ariel, i guess went to oversea for study, if not wrong be back at June/July.
wow, i am happy for her if this is the case, hope she will get some good result.
28-03-2005, 02:49 AM
Brother Nirvana, I have just pm u my request. Thanks.
28-03-2005, 02:54 AM
Joan chinese is a $50 bonk. 1 shot within 1 hour
for christy.. she sibei horny, can go her place bonk her, just sms her and chitchat.. of cose, pls dun be a CLOWN and sms her, wanna have a FUCK?? be nice, chit chat for a while.. then when the time is right, pop up the magic word.
hahaha......bro nirvana, if i never read this post & yet i called joan, think i will be thr clown man.....keke......... :D
28-03-2005, 02:57 AM
hahaha......bro nirvana, if i never read this post & yet i called joan, think i will be thr clown man.....keke......... :D
for joan cases, she speak chinese, (confirm is 100% local gal )
wat i said wat christy.. she stay at toa payoh..she had many bf!! :D
28-03-2005, 03:01 AM
ok will pm you when I can up your points cheers. :D
28-03-2005, 03:04 AM
a important point to take note..
some of the fl i mention already had Fr written on her in this forum liao.
pls make a search 1st.
cose i will only give u one contact only.
just now got a samster, asking me for this "s" fl number, after i gave him, then he PM me again and tell me, i just did a search on her, she is not my cup of tea, and ask for another contact.
haiz..... :o
another point is, pls dun use a old fl number to exhange with me.
pls take note,
28-03-2005, 03:05 AM
Joan chinese is a $50 bonk. 1 shot within 1 hour
for christy.. she sibei horny, can go her place bonk her, just sms her and chitchat.. of cose, pls dun be a CLOWN and sms her, wanna have a FUCK?? be nice, chit chat for a while.. then when the time is right, pop up the magic topic!!
YinYin, love to chat on the phone.. if anyone of is lonely and need a gal to superglue u to yr Hp.. she is the one!!
Sorry, those without rep point, save yr time. i wont reply u. WHY WOULD i
and to those who say in the PM, will add my point after u try her. please. i kana this kind of stuff many time in the past liao,..,
hence.. for the past one year, i dun like to give out fl number, cose, after gave him the number, not even a thanks you. not to mention abt adding my point. ( most recent case, gave this samster GUYHERE jasmine number last week, no even a thanks you note. talk abt sharing. )
And those who had zapped me before.. paiseh.. since u already zapped me, u expect me to be a saint and give u the contact?
And please, do u think i will risk my reputation in conning yr point? and without giving u the fl number that u requested?
i believe u should know wat to do b4 u PM me,
have fun bonking
Bro, Why you so bitter these days? These clowns has been around since the begining.
We are here to enjoy. As long as we are happy and you are bonking straight, who the F*@k care what other thinks.
Do I owe you any pts? :D
28-03-2005, 03:06 AM
hehe ... never seen much of such generous acts ;)
Too bad I don't qualify :o
28-03-2005, 03:08 AM
Bro, Why you so bitter these days? Do I owe you any pts? :D
u owe me any point? hahaha.. dun use the word "OWE' , better is say....have u donate any point to me?
hahahaha.. well, which fl caught yr interests? :D
28-03-2005, 03:17 AM
for joan cases, she speak chinese, (confirm is 100% local gal )
wat i said wat christy.. she stay at toa payoh..she had many bf!! :D
wat i mean if i call joan, i will ask her like u said when can hv a session straight, dunno must slow talk a bit ma....hehe :D
28-03-2005, 03:21 AM
wat i mean if i call joan, i will ask her like u said when can hv a session straight, dunno must slow talk a bit ma....hehe :D
JOAN is fl, $50, can just ask her straight.
28-03-2005, 03:30 AM
JOAN is fl, $50, can just ask her straight.
Ok got it. i'm not a number collector, will pm u if i want a session. thank u bro nirvana. :)
28-03-2005, 03:46 AM
cheer and have fun,
wah bro u so good mood today.
wanna to up u but Sam said "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to nirvana again." :eek:
keke.... :D
28-03-2005, 07:43 AM
JOAN is fl, $50, can just ask her straight.
Hi Bro,
By providing contacts .... u hv to provide consultation too ... sibei chiam ... hahaha
Cannot up your rep liao for sharing ... :p
28-03-2005, 12:00 PM
Hi Bro Nirvana,
I had sent a PM to u hoping that you can take a minute of your time to read my PM.
thx u and have a nice day.
Bro Trick
28-03-2005, 02:23 PM
Noted your PM and hope this reply will do the magical touch.
Hi Bro Nirvana,
I had sent a PM to u hoping that you can take a minute of your time to read my PM.
thx u and have a nice day.
Bro Trick
28-03-2005, 02:42 PM
wah bro u so good mood today.
keke.... :D
which FL r u keen?
For u only, want some of my private collection of FL hp numbers??
28-03-2005, 02:45 PM
Hi Nir,
How r u lately? Been a long time since I last chat with u in IRC ... Still into Dragon Boat?
28-03-2005, 02:47 PM
Hi Nir,
How r u lately? Been a long time since I last chat with u in IRC ... Still into Dragon Boat?
oh yah.. last year champion team.. we aiming for a double this year :D
28-03-2005, 02:50 PM
oh yah.. last year champion team.. we aiming for a double this year :D
bro..u in dragonboat? which team? I was into this sport from 97-99, participated in 1 river regatta and 2 june race.
28-03-2005, 02:56 PM
bro..u in dragonboat? which team? I was into this sport from 97-99, participated in 1 river regatta and 2 june race.
not any uniform, not any ang-mo, not any CC, not any company.
and we are the only one in sg to have our own boat.
for the past 3 river regatta, out of 5 boat in final, two are from my team :D
i also went to malacca twice for the race.
yo, u keen to come back to this TEAM sport?
PM me if u r keen
28-03-2005, 02:59 PM
omg! so many local fl contacts.....too bad cannot try....never even try a local fl b4 man...i will try harder to gain rep pts..hope the fl wait for me hehe..
28-03-2005, 03:03 PM
not any uniform, not any ang-mo, not any CC, not any company.
and we are the only one in sg to have our own boat.
for the past 3 river regatta, out of 5 boat in final, two are from my team i also went to malacca twice for the race.
yo, u keen to come back to this TEAM sport?
PM me if u r keen
can roughly guess which team liao since so many possibility out. I was formerly rowing for S----, also non uniform, no ang mo, not CC, nor company :D During my time, they were not so good but these few years, they had improved alot. So u also know which team I was rowing for huh ]
I'm keen but cannot afford the time, also too fat now, cannot sustain those 70 rep/min kind of siong training. Btw, I was in power-pack then. Nowadays, go for less siong sports like badminaton/jog to keep fit.
28-03-2005, 03:15 PM
Hi Bro, i m not sure whether m i qualified?
I m very interested, care to share some?
Thks a million!!
28-03-2005, 03:20 PM
and.. or yes, i alert to all. since many had draw interests in this thread..
i should take this chance to warn u guy on sherine.
many newbie.. and even some senior still dunno who is this ' IT "
avoid at all cost if u come across her number,
if u r too free,
if u wanna know why so many fall into her trap..
or if u just wanna call her for fun, or just to chitchat with her
here is the number
nine four three three four one four one
listen to her voice, and can u imagine such a 100kg monster ah gua will have such a sweet voice.
28-03-2005, 03:32 PM
joanne very hard to contact.. stay woodland too.
ur joanne's number starts with 96899xxx? :)
28-03-2005, 03:35 PM
ur joanne's number starts with 96899xxx? :)
the MIA joanne is 94499***
yr 96899*** i got no idea who is it.
Yo yo, which fl in the list do u want?
PM me, i give u.
thanks for yr points.
28-03-2005, 03:39 PM
possible to disclose how old is christy ONS?
28-03-2005, 03:42 PM
possible to disclose how old is christy ONS?
late 30's.
so far, she is the only ladies that can rock non-stop and follow my rythm when i give her my turbo bonking.
she sibei horny..
work near a OCBC building of raffles area.
28-03-2005, 04:15 PM
Whoa Nirvana
Sound like my type, can i try?
Hi Bro Nirvana
Great lists u have there..
Hi Bro
U have a long list there...
28-03-2005, 05:09 PM
late 30's.
so far, she is the only ladies that can rock non-stop and follow my rythm when i give her my turbo bonking.
she sibei horny..
work near a OCBC building of raffles area.
Late 30s I like. When can intro? I buy coffee in Raffles Coffee bean. Always go UOB plaza for business.
28-03-2005, 05:16 PM
Late 30s I like. When can intro? I buy coffee in Raffles Coffee bean. Always go UOB plaza for business.
can buy for looksee, DNAT,shiokday and me?? we are very near coffee at raffles coffee bean.. :) thanks in advance..
cant let u bonk but confirm tell u a joke or two...
28-03-2005, 05:21 PM
can buy for looksee, DNAT,shiokday and me?? we are very near coffee at raffles coffee bean.. :) thanks in advance..
cant let u bonk but confirm tell u a joke or two...
No issues lah bro! I will be down there this coming Wednesday or Thursday. Shall we meet at Coffee bean? Maybe exchange some updates with you guys. :D
28-03-2005, 05:22 PM
can buy for looksee, DNAT,shiokday and me?? we are very near coffee at raffles coffee bean.. :) thanks in advance..
cant let u bonk but confirm tell u a joke or two...
kopi more X...i cheap cheap...only wat coke...10q 10q
i can't tell joke like lawry but i can clap clap clap :D
28-03-2005, 05:26 PM
Joan chinese is a $50 bonk. 1 shot within 1 hour
for christy.. she sibei horny, can go her place bonk her, just sms her and chitchat.. of cose, pls dun be a CLOWN and sms her, wanna have a FUCK?? be nice, chit chat for a while.. then when the time is right, pop up the magic topic!!
YinYin, love to chat on the phone.. if anyone of is lonely and need a gal to superglue u to yr Hp.. she is the one!!
i believe u should know wat to do b4 u PM me,
have fun bonking
Bro, I like the one loves to chat on the phone and the $50 bucks bonk!
You got any FR on them?
28-03-2005, 05:26 PM
another set of new local fl will be release soon
christy 91895*** $180 super new!
adriana ( she change to new hp liao ) 90770*** go search her thread.
28-03-2005, 05:31 PM
adriana ( she change to new hp liao ) 90770*** go search her thread.
is she the 17yo? last time she was late for 1.5 hrs so i left cos got appt but I promised to pay her more if i meet her again.
thanks for jasmine contact. maybe meeting her wed or thurs.
28-03-2005, 05:35 PM
is she the 17yo? last time she was late for 1.5 hrs so i left cos got appt but I promised to pay her more if i meet her again.
thanks for jasmine contact. maybe meeting her wed or thurs.
she just turn 18 liao.. still as cute as before.. she also quitting soon.
28-03-2005, 05:36 PM
kopi more X...i cheap cheap...only wat coke...10q 10q
i can't tell joke like lawry but i can clap clap clap :D
Coke or Coffee no issues lah.
By the way, if those Lao Jiao are reading and is interested in a Mega Project in PRC eg Power project with one of the fortune 500 we can always meet up and talk. Only those who have some know how may participate or if you have USD700 mil to spare I am OK to spend some time with you! :D
28-03-2005, 05:41 PM
she just turn 18 liao.. still as cute as before.. she also quitting soon.
quitting soon...can i have her contact to repay my dues first?
28-03-2005, 05:51 PM
Ok or not?
bro nirvana?
28-03-2005, 08:29 PM
another set of new local fl will be release soon
christy 91895*** $180 super new!
adriana ( she change to new hp liao ) 90770*** go search her thread.
bro this christy is the one operating in balestier rite??She the one who quote 80 for bj and 150 for fj rite??she raising her price further .Seem her business very good hor :D
28-03-2005, 10:08 PM
another great link with more details
29-03-2005, 04:22 AM
which FL r u keen?
For u only, want some of my private collection of FL hp numbers??
thks bro.
at moment very buzi with work, and also saving $$ for BKK trip during Songkran. :p
so i have to wait till then.
btw, the ONS christy sound very tempting...
so far, she is the only ladies that can rock non-stop and follow my rythm when i give her my turbo bonking.
she sibei horny..
29-03-2005, 04:34 AM
Me too new maybe no chance liao :( kia le gian lo
Lau Chek
29-03-2005, 09:53 AM
another set of new local fl will be release soon
christy 91895*** $180 super new!
adriana ( she change to new hp liao ) 90770*** go search her thread.
wa lau, your pt shoot up so fast :D
i just pm u.
29-03-2005, 02:51 PM
wa lau, your pt shoot up so fast :D
i just pm u.
regarding Adriana,
Guess she really only gave me her new hp.
i gave it out to 2 guy so far.. and one of it told her i am doing a charity here by spreading her new hp and her pic.
last nite she fuck me upside down. very confirm me is the culprit :o
29-03-2005, 02:53 PM
regarding Adriana,
Guess she really only gave me her new hp.
i gave it out to 2 guy so far.. and one of it told her i am doing a charity here by spreading her new hp and her pic.
last nite she fuck me upside down. very confirm me is the culprit :o
u should pass it to me mah.. i confirm wont shoot u one.. sigh.. wanted to try her.. money withdrawn liao.. but no number.. sibeh sian... :(
29-03-2005, 03:14 PM
Bro nirvana, just curious, this raine cost 500 bucks? Is she really a gem?
29-03-2005, 05:14 PM
regarding Adriana,
Guess she really only gave me her new hp.
i gave it out to 2 guy so far.. and one of it told her i am doing a charity here by spreading her new hp and her pic.
last nite she fuck me upside down. very confirm me is the culprit :o
Hmm... I am sorry about that bro. Perhaps you can gimme some other girls like selina or perhaps ask adrianna gently whether she still in the line? Else we all have to give up on her already. How about cherry 90519***? Is she avail?
Lau Chek
29-03-2005, 05:21 PM
regarding Adriana,
Guess she really only gave me her new hp.
i gave it out to 2 guy so far.. and one of it told her i am doing a charity here by spreading her new hp and her pic.
last nite she fuck me upside down. very confirm me is the culprit :o
pianz, sorry to hear that man. heng I haven't got her no yet. but brother, I had one question, is she very fierce? :p
29-03-2005, 05:23 PM
pianz, sorry to hear that man. heng I haven't got her no yet. but brother, I had one question, is she very fierce? :p
problem is.. when i ask her, u still in fl? she replied me ON OFF. so i assume she still in it.. and the number she gave me, she might gave to a few other too.
turn out.. only i have the number, so she very sure it is me!!
her sms to me in the new line was..
THIS NUMBER IS NOT FOR FL!! why u ............
29-03-2005, 05:24 PM
Bro nirvana, just curious, this raine cost 500 bucks? Is she really a gem?
for this amount.. wat u think?
actually,... 500 she also not very happy.. she got asignment ranking from a few thousand SINGAPORE dollars.
29-03-2005, 05:30 PM
Bro. Got any other girls cute and slim one? Hee.. Can recommend? Looks like Adrianna and Xueting are out.
Lau Chek
29-03-2005, 05:31 PM
turn out.. only i have the number, so she very sure it is me!!
her sms to me in the new line was..
THIS NUMBER IS NOT FOR FL!! why u ............
ahhh I c, that means she treat you very special liao. I only have her old number dun know is it for FL. But anyway if she quit then no point lor.
regarding christy, pretty in your opinion ?
29-03-2005, 05:42 PM
ahhh I c, that means she treat you very special liao. I only have her old number dun know is it for FL. But anyway if she quit then no point lor.
regarding christy, pretty in your opinion ?
cose i never bonk her!! to me, she is cute little princess, my cute little meimei.
29-03-2005, 11:47 PM
Brother Nirvana, I believed I have done my part but it seems that I have not receive the number from you. Do I still have the privilege of getting christy's numbers? :)
30-03-2005, 01:22 AM
Brother Nirvana, I believed I have done my part but it seems that I have not receive the number from you. Do I still have the privilege of getting christy's numbers? :)
in yr PM box now :D
30-03-2005, 10:22 AM
Bro... I also done my part. However, the numbers that I want (Adrianna / Xueting) seems out of the reach. I supposed I have to settle for something else. Perhaps, if you have Selina / Jolin 's number? Can share? Or can shed some light on Cindy? Can't seem to find any reports on her.
30-03-2005, 12:25 PM
tks to bro nirvana for the christy (ons) contact. manage to meet up after 2 days on the phone. 100% can on cos i size up her boobs while in the lift 20mins after meeting n she no resist. but nvr on cos 44yo cmi typical auntie. jus had lunch w her n left.
30-03-2005, 02:30 PM
Bro nirvana. I up your rep liao. hope you can pass me danielle's number.
30-03-2005, 03:13 PM
bro nirvana, u sure have quite a handful of contacts here haha :cool:
30-03-2005, 04:15 PM
tks to bro nirvana for the christy (ons) contact. manage to meet up after 2 days on the phone. 100% can on cos i size up her boobs while in the lift 20mins after meeting n she no resist. but nvr on cos 44yo cmi typical auntie. jus had lunch w her n left.
bro sopil so for this mature christy,does she has a good body like big boobs or not ??Sound good :)
31-03-2005, 01:14 AM
Bro nirvana. I up your rep liao. hope you can pass me danielle's number.
in yr PM box
31-03-2005, 01:16 AM
bro nirvana, u sure have quite a handful of contacts here haha :cool:
as u can see.. all r local one..
i still havent post my over-sea fl. hehehe
31-03-2005, 01:18 AM
bro sopil so for this mature christy,does she has a good body like big boobs or not ??Sound good
Good thing dun come cheap, Cheap thing dun come good.
Then wat abt free thing??? :D
want free, want big boob, want good body?
in this whole world? where to find? unless u have Andy lau, 5566, F4 look. :D
31-03-2005, 01:22 AM
Hi nirvana,
i have PM you a request. Care to take a look and reply to the PM?
31-03-2005, 01:49 AM
in yr PM box
thanks bro. already got your PM liao.
i'll try to post a report once i get to try her.
31-03-2005, 02:48 PM
got ur point bro nirvana .I was think maybe this christy is a divocees or something like that mah .In that case maybe she have gave birth b4 so maybe there is a livelihood she might have a bigger bust mah .But any way i agree wif you lor free thing dun mean they come good .
Erm bro i send you a PM ,did you check through? ;)
31-03-2005, 02:52 PM
bro... i still cannot give u rep points ... say must spread etcetc... and still no pm from u...
31-03-2005, 03:14 PM
bro... i still cannot give u rep points ... say must spread etcetc... and still no pm from u...
i had never recieve yr approred vote b4. so should be.. kana zaped by u b4.
31-03-2005, 03:18 PM
haha bro nirvana indeed the pioneer here .. most of the local fl he knew ya haha.. gd to have senior above us to share some of the info haha :D
31-03-2005, 03:19 PM
haha bro nirvana indeed the pioneer here .. most of the local fl he knew ya haha.. gd to have senior above us to share some of the info haha :D
wah.. u really good in making indian food.. curry favour chicken u also noes how to cook.. i bet nirvana must have enjoyed it.. :)
31-03-2005, 03:37 PM
i had never recieve yr approred vote b4. so should be.. kana zaped by u b4.
never zapped anyone before leh... *faint*
*** bulletin***
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to nirvana again.
31-03-2005, 03:38 PM
wah.. u really good in making indian food.. curry favour chicken u also noes how to cook.. i bet nirvana must have enjoyed it.. :)
haha for me more fren is better than enemy ya haha. bro lawry also one of the senior also yar.. hee.. so may all the senior pls give a lead haha
31-03-2005, 03:54 PM
haha bro nirvana indeed the pioneer here .. most of the local fl he knew ya haha.. gd to have senior above us to share some of the info haha
me not pioneer lah.. just that.. spended money to try to them.
but, too bad my phone last year lost, if not. still got many more local number...
and.. i wish to ask, how many have try this stay in west side malay Sophie??
regarding the aeroplane queen, jasmine.
she think she sibei ang-pai, sibei eh-sai.
so everytime aeroplane..
i was thinking.. to get 10-20 guy.. make appoitment with her.. ( experience her aeroplane , but dun turn up, and keke say u at hotel liao , untill one fine day she finally turn up at the hotel room, ringing at a empty or wrong unit, then tell her,
sorry, last min office meeting,
sorry, busy,
sorry, forget abt u.
sory, got to leave earlier, granny called say hungry, wanna eat.
Let her have a taste of her medicine... :D
i believe those ROBIN HOOD will say i evil or cruel, then she put my aeroplane is my own fault?
i remember Serah, we arrange at the afternoon, confirm time, she agreed on 8pm, 7pm i still remind her, she say no problem, by 750pm i chewck in a room and forward her the room number, she say on her way, reaching soon.. 30min gone.. i watch the tv untill HOT, i come room to bonk no watch tv. another 30 min gone!!
finally she arrive at 910pm. by this time, i already put on my clothing. abt to leave the room, so i decide to have a look at this LATE-Queen, my room is just beside the lift, so i just stand at the lift and pretend waiting for lift.
then saw a malay gal, slim, tall, face machaim the road.. go to my room press door bell, i just take the lift and go.. check out-- $20 wasted.
40min is never enough for me to bonk a pussy... i dun wanna rush.. which is why i decide to leave, i pay to enjoy.. to not see her attitude.. she reply me, i told.. u late first, i am not waiting for VIP.
however, for this malay ICE case, she told me, she kana aeroplane many time. a few idiot make her waited for hour without turning up..
another problem with fl is.. abt half of the call/sms are to make friend, bargain. unlimited shot, that guy think they going to SUNGEI road flea market buy goods.
to those number collector, pls, they r out to make a living.. respect them abit oki? she also got mother born her out one.
worse is those idiot that dun pay after the deal.. u will be bless to get CANCER or any deadly disease and leave this world soon.
oh.. this adriana scold me for spreading her pic, but, yesterday i saw a samster using her pic as avatar!!! so i ask her, she say she gave him permission to use it, wanna know which samster? is using it now??? :D
31-03-2005, 04:04 PM
is it benQ?
31-03-2005, 04:05 PM
wanna know which samster? is using it now??? :D
Faster tell leh who who???
31-03-2005, 04:12 PM
Faster tell leh who who???
her pic is been used as a avatar .. look at this thread
saw a cute gal?? :D
31-03-2005, 04:16 PM
Wow...she look gd leh, got this cfm look! :D
Bro Acer, dun get too excited hor? Beware of yr heart leh.
her pic is been used as a avatar .. look at this thread
saw a cute gal?? :D
31-03-2005, 04:21 PM
saw a cute gal??
Wa bery swee leh :)
Bro Acer, dun get too excited hor? Beware of yr heart leh.
Doctor say see can do can not mah keke :D
31-03-2005, 04:32 PM
Wa bery swee leh
Doctor say see can do can not mah keke :D
? ? ... u heart attack ??
wanna come here
Lau Chek
31-03-2005, 04:37 PM
her pic is been used as a avatar .. look at this thread
saw a cute gal?? :D
bro, why this guy so special huh? is he more handsome than me??? :confused:
31-03-2005, 04:54 PM
and.. i wish to ask, how many have try this stay in west side malay Sophie??
her number starts with 94207xxx... can CIM one... :D
31-03-2005, 05:26 PM
her number starts with 94207xxx... can CIM one... :D
the most horrible thing was.. got one time.. her mother or auntie call me..
lucky i ke-siao..
her tattoo nice?
31-03-2005, 06:21 PM
the most horrible thing was.. got one time.. her mother or auntie call me..
lucky i ke-siao..
her tattoo nice?
called u to arrange to bonk sophie iszit... :D (sophie if u read this...just joking hor)
tatoo not bad...just had it a few months back...i told her to do one just above her butt....looks more sexy...kekeke...have u meet her friend? :D
01-04-2005, 12:54 PM
Just some contribution from my fl contact.
Justina - 9870****
30+ liao
Attitude - A+
Face - 7/10
Body - slim 7/10
Boob - Cup B (I guess)
FJ - AA+
Can do at her place in Hougang
Damage - $120
Katty - 9435****
early 20 late teen
Attutude - B
Face - 7.5 /10
Body - 7/10
Boob - small
FJ - B
Damage $120 exclude hotel
And am searching for my long lost Tiffany or better known as Lily Tiger.
Used to stay in Sengkang now putting up in Sembawang.
Any bros knows of her where about can PM me?
01-04-2005, 01:05 PM
Fresh...New " LOTUS "
34A 25 35
singapore chinese
this is for BBBJ lover.
fair skin, long dark shoulder length hair, average look
1.6m, 45kg
age is .. 27
She is a nite party animal.. so if u r a clubber, u might happen to see her @ a few of the top nite spot.. Devil bar.. MS road..
Will release her number to samster with REP-power and had never added/zapped me B4. ONce 20 samster fall in, i will release her number at one shot.
$100 1 shot 1 hour without room.
local chinese
cheong ah!!!
01-04-2005, 02:09 PM
Samster in queue on fresh FL , Lotus
01-04-2005, 02:11 PM
Fresh...New " LOTUS "
Will release her number to samster with REP-power and had never added/zapped me B4. ONce 20 samster fall in, i will release her number at one shot.
xie xie :)
01-04-2005, 02:22 PM
me me.. :)
01-04-2005, 02:25 PM
me me.. :)
hehehe this time i faster than u...but if she do 3P...we can take same Q number lor... :D
01-04-2005, 02:26 PM
Samster in queue on fresh FL , Lotus
bro, nirvana.... how abt me?
01-04-2005, 02:32 PM
hehehe this time i faster than u...but if she do 3P...we can take same Q number lor... :D
let me ask her.. hopefully, she can agree to a mini-anabel-orgy.
1queen 20 king. :D
Samster in queue on fresh FL , Lotus
WOW!!! My nick no 1.... any special bo har... :D
01-04-2005, 02:37 PM
let me ask her.. hopefully, she can agree to a mini-anabel-orgy.
1queen 20 king. :D
steady...i bring the allow? :D
01-04-2005, 02:38 PM
WOW!!! My nick no 1.... any special bo har...
will inform her to paste a red ribbon outside the door, then u bring yr scissor to cut it..
as for lion dance and dragon dance.. u got to arrange yrself liao :D
will inform her to paste a red ribbon outside the door, then u bring yr scissor to cut it..
as for lion dance and dragon dance.. u got to arrange yrself liao :D
Like that like telling everyone I kio kway lah...
Ribbon good idea...i like
01-04-2005, 02:42 PM
WOW!!! My nick no 1.... any special bo har... :D
bro u no. 1 still want special...then nothing left for me liao :D
01-04-2005, 02:48 PM
stephanie 94312*** stay yishun, can do at her place
serah , malay 91361***
Thank you.
01-04-2005, 02:50 PM
stephanie 94312*** stay yishun, can do at her place
serah , malay 91361***
Thank you.
serah i think mia for long time liao...
Ah Dez
01-04-2005, 02:59 PM
wah... so many..... i greddy, i want all? :D
Ah Dez
01-04-2005, 03:07 PM
Lotus.... oh...... from the Lotus Sect??.. lim pay Huang Fei Hong! will destory her....
i also want... :D
01-04-2005, 03:43 PM
i'm in for lotus
counted me in please thanks
bro u no. 1 still want special...then nothing left for me liao :D no 3 that bad meh?
01-04-2005, 05:38 PM no 3 that bad meh?
i have to spare a though for the 17 brudders after me meh..left with bones for the brudder no 20 paiseh leh... :D
01-04-2005, 05:46 PM
Lotus.... oh...... from the Lotus Sect??.. lim pay Huang Fei Hong! will destory her....
*shiver* cannot give ah dez.. later he make lotus drink with him.. die.. lotus die from alcohol poison than the rest no more liao.. no even bones..
01-04-2005, 05:54 PM
Hi there
To be honest..i'm kinda new I don think I have those rep points you mentioned ..but i am sincerely asking for any ONS turn I'd be more than glad to give you some 'good' numbers frm some yougn girls for you to try.*they are pretty good!* hear from you real soon, bro
01-04-2005, 05:59 PM
Yo Bro Nirvana.
Does her hp start with 8137****
if not, can pm me the number? Thanks!
01-04-2005, 10:30 PM
Samster in queue on fresh FL , Lotus
cheer...tonite she is going cheonging.
01-04-2005, 10:33 PM
cheer...tonite she is going cheonging.
Bro Nirvana. Can put me in the queue a not. :D
01-04-2005, 10:53 PM
hi nirvana,
can i join the line as well?
01-04-2005, 11:10 PM
Samster in queue on fresh FL , Lotus
01-04-2005, 11:14 PM
lucky number 6...
01-04-2005, 11:18 PM
Haizz.. Looks like i not senior enough... :(
01-04-2005, 11:20 PM
Hey Nirvana please count me in for Lotus Thanks
01-04-2005, 11:29 PM
Will release her number to samster with REP-power and had never added/zapped me B4. ONce 20 samster fall in, i will release her number at one shot.
bro.. err.. i blur liao.. y those who never added u cannot get? I dun get it?? sori ah.. i one blur horny guy ah
i have to spare a though for the 17 brudders after me meh..left with bones for the brudder no 20 paiseh leh... :D
I see...since you pai seh, then you give up yr no 3 spot to other bros loh...
buay pai seh liao :D
02-04-2005, 01:25 PM
i believe u should know wat to do b4 u PM me,
paiseh bro I really do not know wat to do B4 I PM u...hahaha..I up ur pts before long time leow....hahaha..I jus PM u...Please check...
02-04-2005, 01:28 PM
paiseh bro I really do not know wat to do B4 I PM u...hahaha..I up ur pts before long time leow....hahaha..I jus PM u...Please check...
that number i gave u tat nite.. u try liao boh?
if she replied late or dun bother abt u, tell her my name, not nirvana, but my name. hehehe
02-04-2005, 01:42 PM
Hey could I have NYP gal contact ?
02-04-2005, 01:48 PM
Hey could I have NYP gal contact ?
i am not trying to be rude.. but, can u pls go to the 1st page and read over the 1st post over and over again.
and then u tell me, wat make u think i will pass it to u huh?
i already stated so clearly, so, maybe,
u need some butter spreaded up yr arse or u wanna wanna act cute
today yr uncle good mood.
take yr handphone (if u have one, or use yr house phone ) press in this 9 digit.
nine four three three four one four one ( power!! )
die die must try!! FL of the year 2005!
dun blame me if u never read my post clearly.
take care and have a nice weekend.
Ah Dez
02-04-2005, 01:56 PM
then how... say like this.?
Lim pay want that NYP contact, now just give, don't waste my time typing out ask for it... Never die si bo?
Don't make me wait too long..
02-04-2005, 02:04 PM
then how... say like this.?
Lim pay want that NYP contact, now just give, don't waste my time typing out ask for it... Never die si bo?
Don't make me wait too long..
in yr PM box now
Ah Dez
02-04-2005, 02:10 PM
in yr PM box now
Opss.. i was just joking... :D
02-04-2005, 02:47 PM
Samster in queue on fresh FL , Lotus
Hmm.. thanks thanks.. looking forward then...
02-04-2005, 03:23 PM
Samster in queue on fresh FL , Lotus
Wah, Im in the list! :D Hope to get her contact from you soon, bro! Thanks alot! :p
02-04-2005, 03:27 PM
Just some contribution from my fl contact.
Justina - 9870****
30+ liao
Attitude - A+
Face - 7/10
Body - slim 7/10
Boob - Cup B (I guess)
FJ - AA+
Can do at her place in Hougang
Damage - $120
Katty - 9435****
early 20 late teen
Attutude - B
Face - 7.5 /10
Body - 7/10
Boob - small
FJ - B
Damage $120 exclude hotel
And am searching for my long lost Tiffany or better known as Lily Tiger.
Used to stay in Sengkang now putting up in Sembawang.
Any bros knows of her where about can PM me?
Hi Bro, can share Katty's contact no? Thks Bro
02-04-2005, 05:12 PM
Bro Nirvana,
Yesterday up yr pts n pm u oreli, but have not received yr pm for the contacts I requested. If u got time, remember to pm hor? Tks ;)
i am not trying to be rude.. but, can u pls go to the 1st page and read over the 1st post over and over again................
02-04-2005, 06:44 PM
Bro Nirvana,
Yesterday up yr pts n pm u oreli, but have not received yr pm for the contacts I requested. If u got time, remember to pm hor? Tks ;)
yah..which gal u want? :D
02-04-2005, 06:53 PM
sorry bro nirvana check with u
is xueting still working??
02-04-2005, 08:16 PM
Bro. i up your points for Xueting last time, you said you will give me adrianna instead. But before you give me adrianna contact, she scolded you. Then you never give me any contacts liao. Can i have lotus's contact? I will appreciate if you can give me lotus contact this time
02-04-2005, 09:37 PM
Samster in queue on fresh FL , Lotus
curiosity kills
03-04-2005, 09:37 AM
Dear Bro nirvana,
i already up ur reputation points (hope i did it correctly) can pm me the no. for ons christy and joan FL fr 50?
03-04-2005, 09:41 AM
Dear Bro nirvana,
i already up ur reputation points (hope i did it correctly) can pm me the no. for ons christy and joan FL fr 50?
Yo bro, you can't add or minus ppl yet cos your reputation power stands at 0. It won't do anything, you got to wait till you reach 50 posts and a rep power of 1. :)
curiosity kills
03-04-2005, 09:47 AM
Yo bro, you can't add or minus ppl yet cos your reputation power stands at 0. It won't do anything, you got to wait till you reach 50 posts and a rep power of 1. :)
Dear Tittyhawk,
thanks...quite sotong cos not regular users.....hope the seniors here not thinking me "newbie" trying to jump on bankwagon, take no. n enjoy myself..... anyone can offer help to get the numbers i hope to have?
03-04-2005, 09:52 AM
Dear Tittyhawk,
thanks...quite sotong cos not regular users.....hope the seniors here not thinking me "newbie" trying to jump on bankwagon, take no. n enjoy myself..... anyone can offer help to get the numbers i hope to have?
No problem bro. By the way, one of the kind hearted samster has set up a basic guide to your needs, please refer to the following thread as guideline:-
03-04-2005, 05:14 PM
Thanks Bro Nirvana for putting me in the list! =) Hope to hear from you soon!
04-04-2005, 06:22 PM
tks to bro nirvana for the christy (ons) contact. manage to meet up after 2 days on the phone. 100% can on cos i size up her boobs while in the lift 20mins after meeting n she no resist. but nvr on cos 44yo cmi typical auntie. jus had lunch w her n left.
manage to got Christy (ONS) contact & SMS her today but no reply from her... will try again ( & harder)
Sopil - Thanks for your info.
04-04-2005, 06:57 PM
haha for me more fren is better than enemy ya haha. bro lawry also one of the senior also yar.. hee.. so may all the senior pls give a lead haha
Wei Lawry you double standard leh... He PLP others you make a lot of noise and when he PLP you. You Song song tiam tiam :D
bro, try to up yr points.. did it go thru?? Cos never heard from u leh..
If did, can share the following contacts?
Ice, malay 91431***
may housewife 90224***
yinyin ONS!! from NYP, will be working in kidergarden soon. 90619***
04-04-2005, 07:46 PM
bro, try to up yr points.. did it go thru?? Cos never heard from u leh..
Answer, NO point = no answer.
very simple.
i didnt recieve anything from u, so, do u expect anything from me
okie.. will try again lah... sori..
05-04-2005, 12:42 PM
Answer, NO point = no answer.
very simple.
i didnt recieve anything from u, so, do u expect anything from me
hahaha, recieved a red card on this..
2dv8, i doubt is you, but be some housefly or mice. :D
05-04-2005, 12:47 PM
i doubt is you, but be some housefly or mice.
Me me i did it cause you got so much good lobang but no gib me keke :D
05-04-2005, 12:52 PM
Me me i did it cause you got so much good lobang but no gib me keke :D
bro, i got no D cup lobang leh :D
any of the local fl u interested??
05-04-2005, 01:03 PM
bro, i got no D cup lobang leh :D
any of the local fl u interested??
Now can not lah, doctor still have not clear me yet, i still got to rest so bonking for the time being haizzz :(
05-04-2005, 01:05 PM
Hi Nirvana,
I agree with you absolutely. Some ppl are not truthful and alot are ungrateful ones.
Keep up your integrity.
05-04-2005, 05:16 PM
bro, i got no D cup lobang leh :D
any of the local fl u interested??
Bro have you updated the pix in your comic section? Waiting till neck long long!
06-04-2005, 01:44 PM
Bro, you have any FR on Fion? the 18yo gal? wanna see a FR before trying her...
06-04-2005, 02:17 PM
Bro Nirvana. No news of Lotus already?
dinky draguth
06-04-2005, 02:42 PM
Hi Bros,
Please PM me if you have any lobang for super D cuppers!
ThankS! :cool:
07-04-2005, 09:48 PM
Hi Bros,
Please PM me if you have any lobang for super D cuppers!
yes sir, r u mr ng ting foong or mr sim from creative-t ??
08-04-2005, 12:05 AM
yes sir, r u mr ng ting foong or mr sim from creative-t ??
I knew the joker is going to get it, but you never told me Mr Ng and Mr Sim is involved!
You meant they got all the Super Ds? Not fair man! :D
08-04-2005, 12:55 PM
yes sir, r u mr ng ting foong or mr sim from creative-t ?? is Ching Meng period, I think maybe he is Mr Lian Yin Chow, former Chairman of the OUB group or even can be Mr Khoo Teck Phuat from the Goodwood Park? :eek: :D
09-04-2005, 11:34 AM
manage to got Christy (ONS) contact & SMS her today but no reply from her... will try again ( & harder)
Sopil - Thanks for your info.
being trying to sms & call her but no reply or ans her phone...
any Bros with better luck? Any FR?
09-04-2005, 04:33 PM
hey Nirvana, is this serah serah , malay 91361*** mixed? I bonked her 3 yrs ago, she change number liao. Can pass me bo?
13-04-2005, 12:55 PM
Samster in queue on fresh FL , Lotus
ahberthen ( black listed )
Actually, my plan was to gather 10 samster that r interested in her.
then go inform lotus, i got 10 guy wanna be yr client...
but.. one condition.. u must charge us @ $100 each.
so it is $1000. for this 10 guys.
she will take it...
too bad.. someone spoil the market...
( gone with the wind )
to the 7 guy , if u still want her contact. let me know..
or u guy wanna a more fresh FL?
local chinese.
super fresh
13-04-2005, 12:59 PM
Opps. Sorry Bro Nirvana. I don't know that you operate this way. Long time never hear from you ma. Thats why when someone in IRC recommend me lotus, then i go and try lor. Didn't know i spoil market. Can you forgive my ignorance?
This time i will wait for your negatiation. :)
13-04-2005, 01:03 PM
Opps. Sorry Bro Nirvana. I don't know that you operate this way. Long time never hear from you ma. Thats why when someone in IRC recommend me lotus, then i go and try lor. Didn't know i spoil market. Can you forgive my ignorance?
This time i will wait for your negatiation. :)
i am not a OKT...
cose she is new.
we can still neg the her price..
so my intention was to temp her @ $100. with promised 10 ready clients to screw her LOTUS pussy.
anyway, got another new fresh brew local FL, APPLE.
anyone keen?
i think.. get 10 guy that really wanna screw this apple chee-bye and i will tell her $80!!!
13-04-2005, 01:05 PM
i am not a OKT...
cose she is new.
we can still neg the her price..
so my intention was to temp her @ $100. with promised 10 ready clients to screw her LOTUS pussy.
anyway, got another new fresh brew local FL, APPLE.
anyone keen?
i think.. get 10 guy that really wanna screw this apple chee-bye and i will tell her $80!!!
I m keen! Hope you can "da ren bu ji xiao ren guo"
This time i will wait patiently for your green light =)
But can provide some stats of her? I don't like elephants.
13-04-2005, 01:20 PM
[QUOTE=nirvana]i am not a OKT...
anyway, got another new fresh brew local FL, APPLE.
anyone keen?
i think.. get 10 guy that really wanna screw this apple chee-bye and i will tell her $80!!!
Bro nirvana, can i be in the q......................kam sia :p
13-04-2005, 05:25 PM
local chinese.
super fresh
Siao eh, still have not thanks you for the contact of sophie. We had a 4some with her.
Will be meeting Apple tonight.
13-04-2005, 05:37 PM
Siao eh, still have not thanks you for the contact of sophie. We had a 4some with her.
Will be meeting Apple tonight.
4some again?
13-04-2005, 05:46 PM
anyway, got another new fresh brew local FL, APPLE.
anyone keen?
i think.. get 10 guy that really wanna screw this apple chee-bye and i will tell her $80!!!
sian cannot eat lotus liao...
80 or 100 not a problem as long as this is a green apple...any stats on her...
13-04-2005, 05:48 PM
sian cannot eat lotus liao...
80 or 100 not a problem as long as this is a green apple...any stats on her...
my bro earth tonite meeting her. wait for his FR. but.. he alway never write Fr one.
He should be 4some her. so hope the other samster will write the FR
13-04-2005, 05:51 PM
my bro earth tonite meeting her. wait for his FR. but.. he alway never write Fr one.
He should be 4some her. so hope the other samster will write the FR
hopefully can have pic with FR....with cloths on is fine.
13-04-2005, 05:55 PM
Siao eh, still have not thanks you for the contact of sophie. We had a 4some with her.
Will be meeting Apple tonight.
guess there will be many bros here waiting patiently for ur FR liao.heez.. ;)
13-04-2005, 08:44 PM
Brudder Na, hope you will share share abit wif me..... coz i dunno how to see got point or not.....
17-04-2005, 01:04 PM
danelle 92767*** $80-$100
Ice, malay 91431***
jasmine 98516*** $150
joanna 94275*** stay bishan, young ah lian $100-$150
joan 32 yo 81324*** $50
joey 90038*** $100-$120
Lina, malay 94266*** $100-$150
lizah malay 94818***$80-$100
Lynn bedok 91675***$150
sophie , malay. stay woodland 94207*** $100
serah , malay 91361*** $120-$150
stephanie 94312*** stay yishun, can do at her place $100-$120
wendy, stay bukit ba+++, 94749*** $80-$120
Raine, cherge $500!! 90590***
cherry 90519***
christy 91895*** $100-$150
Isus, indian 90433***. TCMI
christy ONS!! 96475*** stay toa payoh
All r local FL, if not stated her race mean is chinese.
U can PM me asking for anyone of the contact.
JUST REPLY HERE..and i will PM you. PLS dun PM me.
Those negative point samster dun bother to ask for anything, the tribe had spoken.
17-04-2005, 01:17 PM
Really har.....I want also leh... :D
17-04-2005, 01:29 PM
christy ONS!! 96475*** stay toa payoh
This is interesting. :)
I am new in this FL and ONS stuff. How to trade? hehe..
17-04-2005, 01:33 PM
This is interesting. :)
I am new in this FL and ONS stuff. How to trade? hehe..
U can PM me asking for anyone of the contact.
JUST REPLY HERE..and i will PM you. PLS dun PM me.
will PM u christy hp now. dun need to trade anything.
those those with negative point, u know wat u have done.
17-04-2005, 01:51 PM
christy ONS!! 96475*** stay toa payoh^_^
This is interesting..............can PM me her contact for ons.........feel like bonking her.......any nice pretty babe for local FL to try,1 or 2 would do........PM me......bro.....hehehe.....ty :p
17-04-2005, 01:56 PM
hi nirvana can u pass me christy ONS!! 96475*** stay toa payoh^_^ contact... thanks
17-04-2005, 02:00 PM
This is interesting..............can PM me her contact for ons.........feel like bonking her.......any nice pretty babe for local FL to try,1 or 2 would do........PM me......bro.....hehehe.....ty :p
hi hotdick and ahpaul ....her number in yr PM liao.
in my year of cheonging fl.
the best local fl i ever saw was KELLY of AMK. not that talkative kelly.
this chiobu kelly, is SYT. C cup nienie, her charge WAS $250. but she now working for social ascort.. her charge now is at least $500.
recently, i saw another SYT. 18 year old.
$300. (and she is more chossey then that uni girl last time .. look for custy.)
more pretty then kelly..
sorry that i am not allow to give anyone her hp. cose she is a private-collection for one of my kaki.
17-04-2005, 02:02 PM
bro nirvana
can you pm me christy contact ?
17-04-2005, 02:04 PM
bro nirvana
can you pm me christy contact ?
she like to deal in balestier
17-04-2005, 02:06 PM
hi hotdick and ahpaul ....her number in yr PM liao.
in my year of cheonging fl.
the best local fl i ever saw was KELLY of AMK. not that talkative kelly.
this chiobu kelly, is SYT. C cup nienie, her charge WAS $250. but she now working for social ascort.. her charge now is at least $500.
If kelly is good, Chicken can fly
17-04-2005, 02:07 PM
If kelly is good, Chicken can fly
uncle... do u know which kelly we r taking abt here :confused:
17-04-2005, 02:08 PM
she like to deal in balestier
That christy nice bo..........ONS or FL 1? what your comment for her? don wish to waste my bullet on her hahaha.....if she not worth old is her and her figure? Damage?
$300. (and she is more chossey then that uni girl last time .. look for custy.)
more pretty then kelly..
sorry that i am not allow to give anyone her hp. cose she is a private-collection for one of my kaki.
Wah......I believe this 1 sure damn power 1...........bcos pte collection for own pleasure......hehehehe........
17-04-2005, 02:10 PM
uncle... do u know which kelly we r taking abt here :confused:
kelly amk rt??
94573xxx?? rt??
that one dman fuck up
u say that one?
17-04-2005, 02:11 PM
$300. (and she is more chossey then that uni girl last time .. look for custy.)
more pretty then kelly..
sorry that i am not allow to give anyone her hp. cose she is a private-collection for one of my kaki.
Wah......I believe this 1 sure damn power 1...........bcos pte collection for own pleasure......hehehehe........
4 samster had saw her liao.
for local fl, if she say she is no2, i tell u no other local fl dare to not she is no1.
bonk her now.. and next time when read some mag, u will see a model with simliar look.. dun doubt. that is her.
17-04-2005, 02:14 PM
kelly amk rt??
94573xxx?? rt??
that one dman fuck up
u say that one?
now tell me which local fl look better than her?
yah, she dun give bj... she dun serve...
but.. any local more chio then her??
danelle 92767*** $80-$100
Ice, malay 91431***
jasmine 98516*** $150
joanna 94275*** stay bishan, young ah lian $100-$150
joan 32 yo 81324*** $50
joey 90038*** $100-$120
Lina, malay 94266*** $100-$150
lizah malay 94818***$80-$100
Lynn bedok 91675***$150
sophie , malay. stay woodland 94207*** $100
serah , malay 91361*** $120-$150
stephanie 94312*** stay yishun, can do at her place $100-$120
wendy, stay bukit ba+++, 94749*** $80-$120
Raine, cherge $500!! 90590***
cherry 90519***
christy 91895*** $100-$150
Isus, indian 90433***. TCMI
christy ONS!! 96475*** stay toa payoh
All r local FL, if not stated her race mean is chinese.
U can PM me asking for anyone of the contact.
JUST REPLY HERE..and i will PM you. PLS dun PM me.
Those negative point samster dun bother to ask for anything, the tribe had spoken
17-04-2005, 02:16 PM
now tell me which local fl look better than her?
yah, she dun give bj... she dun serve...
but.. any local more chio then her??
a agree she is chio
her frd isabell more chio
but they both have fuck up attitude
17-04-2005, 02:17 PM
U can PM me asking for anyone of the contact.
JUST REPLY HERE..and i will PM you. PLS dun PM me.
will PM u christy hp now. dun need to trade anything.
those those with negative point, u know wat u have done.
hi... tried few FL. only 1 can make it, the rest... sian.
Me new on ONS can i have the contact of christy?
thanks :D
17-04-2005, 02:18 PM
a agree she is chio
her frd isabell more chio
but they both have fuck up attitude
isabell more struck up.
both of them tag team.. wat a pair.
apart from this pair, u know of anyother that come close to them in term of look?
i am talking abt chiobu.. not asking for service wise.
17-04-2005, 02:20 PM
isabell more struck up.
both of them tag team.. wat a pair.
apart from this pair, u know of anyother that come close to them in term of look?
i am talking abt chiobu.. not asking for service wise.
i agree that they r the most chio FL
but their attitude is the other way around
17-04-2005, 02:23 PM
i agree that they r the most chio FL
but their attitude is the other way around
attitude .. u still havent kana that serah.
but kelly very nice to me leh :D
17-04-2005, 02:26 PM
attitude .. u still havent kana that serah.
but kelly very nice to me leh :D
maybe u can clcik with her
or u are handsome
me feel like giving her and bell 2 tight slap
17-04-2005, 02:26 PM
i agree that they r the most chio FL
but their attitude is the other way around
True lah, but u need to get her attention in u, then you will know the true her her mind, u r just a customer to point talk to u abt feeling......just bonk and f*** off rite........if u r his fav. lover, u get different attitude change.......hehehe.......... care to intro isabell bo to me.......see how i hit her.......hahahaha :p
17-04-2005, 02:29 PM
True lah, but u need to get her attention in u, then you will know the true her her mind, u r just a customer to point talk to u abt feeling......just bonk and f*** off rite........if u r his fav. lover, u get different attitude change.......hehehe.......... care to intro isabell bo to me.......see how i hit her.......hahahaha :p
u need to call kelly to arrange
i dont have bell no
but i heard bell no more working
17-04-2005, 02:30 PM
stephanie 94312*** stay yishun, can do at her place $100-$120
hi, can i have stephiane contact ?????
17-04-2005, 02:34 PM
u need to call kelly to arrange
i dont have bell no
but i heard bell no more working
Cannot lah bro alantan27, my gd bro nirvana mention liao, pte collection hehehehe..........anyway i got a gd ques to ask both of kelly or isabell standard same as my avatars picture.......ty :p
17-04-2005, 02:36 PM
Cannot lah bro alantan27, my gd bro nirvana mention liao, pte collection hehehehe..........anyway i got a gd ques to ask both of kelly or isabell standard same as my avatars picture.......ty :p
hi Paul, the latest SYT i mention is not bell.
17-04-2005, 02:37 PM
Cannot lah bro alantan27, my gd bro nirvana mention liao, pte collection hehehehe..........anyway i got a gd ques to ask both of kelly or isabell standard same as my avatars picture.......ty :p
kelly and bell is as pretty as U
bell is more pretty-tanned
more both fuck up attitude
dont worth the $$$$
17-04-2005, 02:38 PM
hi, can i have stephiane contact ?????
DHL service.. in yr PM box liao :D
17-04-2005, 02:41 PM
hi Paul, the latest SYT i mention is not bell.
i aslo heard a rumour that one guy paste kelly pic on her HDB lift in serangoon
she cry and beg
she live seranggon not amk
a lot off ppl also spread rumour she got aid
u see how many ppl she offended
17-04-2005, 02:43 PM
hi Paul, the latest SYT i mention is not bell.
Nmind lah.........any of the FL u guys know,got standard same my avatars pic can liao......i very interested 1...........hehehehe.........bcos she my hk gf........... :p
17-04-2005, 02:45 PM
i aslo heard a rumour that one guy paste kelly pic on her a lot off ppl also spread rumour she got aid
u see how many ppl she offended
i got a kaki, he one week bonk FL 6 time. super hard-core. then got one time we saw kelly outside in singapore street. and he tell me..
this gal is a fl and had spread STD to one of his doctor's friend.
well, the last time i saw her was in orchard.. she with a ang-mo uncle.
17-04-2005, 02:48 PM
i got a kaki, he one week bonk FL 6 time. super hard-core. then got one time we saw kelly outside in singapore street. and he tell me..
this gal is a fl and had spread STD to one of his doctor's friend.
well, the last time i saw her was in orchard.. she with a ang-mo uncle.
i think this kelly need to be teach a lesson
17-04-2005, 02:49 PM
but but but....recently, i saw another SYT. 18 year old. KANG SI RANG POWER SAILOR MOON KAWAII $300. (and she is more chossey then that uni girl last time .. look for custy.) more pretty then kelly..sorry that i am not allow to give anyone her hp. cose she is a private-collection for one of my kaki.*sigh*, make us gian only. I wanna join your private-collection club. Where do I sign up? :cool:
17-04-2005, 02:50 PM
well, the last time i saw her was in orchard.. she with a ang-mo uncle.
Omg, which meant is it the truth that this kelly kenna STD dangerous man.......cannot anyhow find ger to xxxx, better find a clean 1.........hai
17-04-2005, 02:52 PM
i think this kelly need to be teach a lesson
NO. pls dun.
Be nice to her.
she like mashimoro.. so mayb b4 u meet her, get her a mashimoro soft-toy.
this might open the gate toward her inner heart.. :D
i not saying to give in kamcheng.. just wanna say. be nice to them...
17-04-2005, 02:55 PM
*sigh*, make us gian only. I wanna join your private-collection club. Where do I sign up? :cool:
she cheong MU. mayb next trip, we go there together? then u open a cannon ( heheheheh ).. her few friend also not bad.. but they not doing fl.
17-04-2005, 02:57 PM
Omg, which meant is it the truth that this kelly kenna STD liao........, find customers and make them 'welcome to the AIDS club'..........
pls pls.. she got std, not HIV.
that time.. many flame her, i got tell her abt now so many flame u got STD. the best way is to go for a check-up. if result is negative, i will clear yr name for u. she decline my offer.
17-04-2005, 02:57 PM
she cheong MU. mayb next trip, we go there together? then u open a cannon ( heheheheh ).. her few friend also not bad.. but they not doing fl.Open which cannon? The one in my pants? ahahaha just kidding. Like that must save money and quickly open cannon before she turns 19. :cool:
17-04-2005, 02:59 PM
Open which cannon? The one in my pants? ahahaha just kidding. Like that must save money and quickly open cannon before she turns 19. :cool:
if u sincere, dun need cannon, we share the bill for the bottle lor.
and..she got funny taste, she dun like handsome, she like cute guy.
17-04-2005, 03:15 PM
if u sincere, dun need cannon, we share the bill for the bottle lor. and..she got funny taste, she dun like handsome, she like cute guy.can you pass her my pic and see whether she think i'm cute or not? :o
actually she's beginning to sound more ons than fl lol
17-04-2005, 03:41 PM
DHL service.. in yr PM box liao :D
mi too blurr......this on i have lao..but still a big thank to u..
cheers...have a good day... :D
17-04-2005, 04:49 PM
mi too blurr......this on i have lao..but still a big thank to u..
cheers...have a good day... :D
Then u got try her bo........2004quest........any FR? how the damage?
17-04-2005, 05:54 PM
christy ONS!! 96475*** stay toa payoh
U can PM me asking for anyone of the contact.
JUST REPLY HERE..and i will PM you. PLS dun PM me.
Those negative point samster dun bother to ask for anything, the tribe had spoken
yo bro nirv, can share christy ons? i always into sianing ons ;p can share a bit how u sian her also?
17-04-2005, 07:17 PM
Then u got try her bo........2004quest........any FR? how the damage?
sorry bro did not try her couse that time too busy...she quote mi 120....i think.
17-04-2005, 10:39 PM
Bro Nirvana,
Can pm me your FL contacts ?
17-04-2005, 11:54 PM
Hi,Bro can kindly PM me your FL contacts...
Thanks a lot.
18-04-2005, 12:06 AM
Solid list Bro, can U please PM/ email (
[email protected]) me your FL list. I promise to write a FR on each of them after I have try them out.
Thank you in Advance.
18-04-2005, 12:09 AM
if u sincere, dun need cannon, we share the bill for the bottle lor. and..she got funny taste, she dun like handsome, she like cute guy.I hope guys who are small built and short are cute to her. How much for the bottle? Means 1/2 bottle + 300 and + i'm her kind of taste then I can close the deal? :cool:
18-04-2005, 02:22 AM
danelle 92767*** $80-$100
Ice, malay 91431***
jasmine 98516*** $150
joanna 94275*** stay bishan, young ah lian $100-$150
joan 32 yo 81324*** $50
joey 90038*** $100-$120
Lina, malay 94266*** $100-$150
lizah malay 94818***$80-$100
Lynn bedok 91675***$150
sophie , malay. stay woodland 94207*** $100
serah , malay 91361*** $120-$150
stephanie 94312*** stay yishun, can do at her place $100-$120
wendy, stay bukit ba+++, 94749*** $80-$120
Raine, cherge $500!! 90590***
cherry 90519***
christy 91895*** $100-$150
Isus, indian 90433***. TCMI
christy ONS!! 96475*** stay toa payoh
All r local FL, if not stated her race mean is chinese.
U can PM me asking for anyone of the contact. onlyone mean not the whole list.
JUST REPLY HERE..and i will PM you. PLS dun PM me.
Those negative point samster dun bother to ask for anything, the tribe had spoken
18-04-2005, 02:52 AM
nir.. got any sch ger for me bo? tks in advance! :rolleyes:
18-04-2005, 02:58 AM
nir.. got any sch ger for me bo? tks in advance! :rolleyes:
pls answer my question on post 1640
18-04-2005, 03:07 AM
that number i gave u tat nite.. u try liao boh?
if she replied late or dun bother abt u, tell her my name, not nirvana, but my name. hehehe
U sound like Ian?
18-04-2005, 03:07 AM
i tot i ans u n u also got reply me ma.. scroll down longer..
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