View Full Version : A Newbie Guide to Getting Contacts in FL Dome
01-04-2005, 09:07 AM
Now after reading so much requests (genuine/ number collecting/ Crap) posts in the FL Dome forum AND newbies complaining oldies has no compassion and anyhow zap them, I believe I should write a basic guide for newbies to get their very first FL contacts in a relatively easy and non-painful way.
First thing you should do as newbies is please read the stickies here in this newbie forum, it has provide you with a guide of some rules to follow. After reading them and I mean REALLY read not just go there to post "I've read" "good advices" "I'll follow" and the go make exactly the same mistake again.
Second (comming to the meat of this guide) is to follow this simple steps.
1) SEARCH - using the search function provided. The search button is located on the dark blue bar on top of the page, between New Posts and Quick Links. It also has a small downward pointing arrow. Click on that, and it will drop down a small text box. Type in the field of your request (eg. Big Boobs, or Local FL). Pls press enter at this time or you can just click on the "Go" button. You can also use the advance search function too. But explaining its use will be too long for this guide.
2) READ - the FRs undoubtly be shown to you from your search. Pls remember it takes time and effort to write the FRs. Not to mention cost for bros who actually go do the hunting for gems. Find one that you like and scroll to the original thread starter.
3) PM - the threadstarter. To do that click on the nick, and it should drop down a list of option, the second on the list is to send a message to the person. You will want to do that so click on it. It should open a new window. On the title type in "RE: FL <insert name of FL>". On the main body of the message, type in your requests for contacts. Please be courteous (the word please should be use liberally), humble (praise the threadstarter for good FR and how the FR make you steam and how you like to get the FR).
These 3 simple steps should get you your VERY FIRST FL contacts from bros here.
DO NOT make your requests as if we owe you the contacts. DO NOT KPKB if bros do not feel comfortable to give you contacts (ie dun give you any contacts lah). DO NOT post requests as starting post without searching first.
DO be humble. DO thanks the bro that give you the contact. DO add his points if you enjoyed your bonk. DO write a FR on his thread after you tried his contact.
01-04-2005, 09:13 AM
Brother Ethanas,
Very detail guide!! A must guide for all newbies like me.
Good morning to You!!!
Morning JT, as if you are newbie. :D
01-04-2005, 09:34 AM
But you post more than me, and have more rep than me mah.
Heh. I'm lagi more newbie lah. MIA during nov, dec period.
01-04-2005, 09:36 AM
First thing you should do as newbies is please read the stickies here in this newbie forum.
Thank you Sr Bro Ethanas for your detailed explanation of how to get FL contacts.
It is very useful for Newbies like JT and me! :D
01-04-2005, 09:37 AM
ooh okay thats really helpful man :)
01-04-2005, 09:40 AM
LoL! Damn I just read through the guide I've written again and found several gramatical and spelling errors. And the time limit for editing is over. Damn!!
01-04-2005, 09:53 AM
Where is WPP, the ultimate/champion newbie? he should come in here and memorise the whole damn guide! hahahahaha! :D
01-04-2005, 10:13 AM
Where is WPP, the ultimate/champion newbie? he should come in here and memorise the whole damn guide! hahahahaha!
Haha! I heard my name from afar! :D
Yes Sir, I will remind myself constantly. :)
Yours faithfully
WPP aka Ultimate Newbie
01-04-2005, 10:18 AM
Haha! I heard my name from afar! :D
Yes Sir, I will remind myself constantly. :)
Yours faithfully
WPP aka Ultimate Newbie
know where you can hear your name from afar? becos your name VERY HIANG wat! kekeke!!
01-04-2005, 10:19 AM
Haha! I heard my name from afar! :D
Yes Sir, I will remind myself constantly. :)
Yours faithfully
WPP aka Ultimate Newbie
Your mind is link to SBF hah.
PPl call u n u can know.
straight away u hop in here liao.
power man.
01-04-2005, 10:34 AM
Haha. At least now u guys know that u cant talk bad behind my 'back'. :p
01-04-2005, 10:37 AM
These 3 simple steps should get you your VERY FIRST FL contacts from bros here.
Thanks Senior, the pointers is very useful for me, newbie here. TQVM :)
01-04-2005, 10:56 AM
LoL! Damn I just read through the guide I've written again and found several gramatical and spelling errors. And the time limit for editing is over. Damn!!
Just email me the text and I'll insert it for you. Good work! :D
01-04-2005, 11:03 AM
Just email me the text and I'll insert it for you. Good work! :D
Thanks Boss!
01-04-2005, 11:12 AM
Thanks Boss!
哇 塞 ... SAM 老 大 赞 你 叻 .... 你 好 励 害 渥 :)
01-04-2005, 11:29 AM
Dun liddat say lah.
My post is not something new. Bro TV already set up the basic guideline I'm only adding to it.
01-04-2005, 02:08 PM
My post is not something new.
Regardless, good work, bro...Perhaps your thread can be one of the "sticky" one - so newbies can see it over time??
01-04-2005, 02:24 PM
Regardless, good work, bro...Perhaps your thread can be one of the "sticky" one - so newbies can see it over time??
To sticky or not is the decision of boss. Frankly I started this thread only to write a guide so that I can point out to newbie whenever they anyhow post. It get tiring to keep having to repeat the same thing over and over again. (See my signature) :D
If any bros like the post they can also point to it lor. Liddat no need sticky also will get noticed one.
01-04-2005, 03:31 PM
thanks man.
01-04-2005, 03:51 PM
Good work Sir Ethanas.
Calling you sir because you should be appointed as Newbie Forum Training Officer, together with Oxilary, Cheri_Popper, thiavisitor. As for the field training, seniors like John Teo, Lament etc. as Field Training Officers.
Sorry if I miss out other seniors, cause I newbie and still not familar with the training organization yet. Any samsters care to add nominations?
01-04-2005, 06:57 PM
Well done bro Ethanas..
Your enthusiasm benefits all in this forum. Again, it boils down to one of the many simple goals that this forum was initially setup with - Sharing.
Thumbs Up. :)
01-04-2005, 08:33 PM
Good work Sir Ethanas.
Sorry if I miss out other seniors, cause I newbie and still not familar with the training organization yet. Any samsters care to add nominations?
ORHHHH you forgot Col TTH, kopi (outside GL) session CO!!!
Thumbs Up.
Just doing my part to help prevent some anguish in the forum. :D
01-04-2005, 08:37 PM
ORHHHH you forgot Col TTH, kopi (outside GL) session CO!!!
Just doing my part to help prevent some anguish in the forum. :D
I am a newbie. Not 2 sure how should I post a forum here. Can u please advice. Thanks a million. :confused:
01-04-2005, 08:43 PM
I am a newbie. Not 2 sure how should I post a forum here. Can u please advice. Thanks a million.
Post a forum??? or Start a thread IN the forum? or post a reply to a thread in the forum????? :confused:
If you manage to post this reply you would know how to reply to a thread. To start a new thread, click on start a new thread.
02-04-2005, 01:40 AM
read here read there. keke. can't finished so many reading le. keke. :)
02-04-2005, 02:24 AM
LoL! Damn I just read through the guide I've written again and found several gramatical and spelling errors. And the time limit for editing is over. Damn!!
Ethanas korkor. remember to add me msn ho. keke. take care. :)
02-04-2005, 11:35 AM
Now after reading so much requests (genuine/ number collecting/ Crap) posts in the FL Dome forum AND newbies complaining oldies has no compassion and anyhow zap them, I believe I should write a basic guide for newbies to get their very first FL contacts in a relatively easy and non-painful way.
Thanks bro for the useful infos, will keep that in mind when go round asking for contacts :)
05-04-2005, 01:01 AM
Thanks for the guide. Dun wish to make any silly mistakes.. how does the whole freeleance thing work ? Like from contacting the freelance until the actual meetup.. not too sure. hope some bro can help
05-04-2005, 08:25 AM
Thanks for the guide. Dun wish to make any silly mistakes.. how does the whole freeleance thing work ? Like from contacting the freelance until the actual meetup.. not too sure. hope some bro can help
1) Contact (call [for PRC as most do not read English] / sms [for local to be descrete]) ask them if they are free then proceed to point 2.
2) Check/ bargain (PRC) the price. Once you settle this aspect go to point 3.
3) Book a slot, which include settling location. Some FLs do not like to do at their lodging, but those non-locals mostly do in their hotel. Local FLs you will probably need to go to a hotel of preferance, ie those that offers transit rate. i.e. Hotel81. Having done this go to point 4 (non-local) or 5 (local)
4) If doing at the hotel the FL is staying, call them when you reach to receive room number. Go to room and proceed with business (see point 6)
5) Go to hotel of preferance, and check in then sms the FL your room. when they arrive proceed with business (see point 6)
6) Business time. do your stuff, observe safety. (ie condom) After business go to point 7.
7) Pay up the originally aggreed price. give tips if you want and kiss good bye.
8) Write FR.
NOTE: Depending on arrangement Point 5, point 6 might varies. Some non local FL will request you do it not at their place of stay. (especially if they stay at other lodging than hotel)
Please observe COD to prevent getting ripped off. Do not pay or transfer money to FLs before bonking.
Disclaimer: All Ethanas guide are to be taken as basic guideline. Do not take it as a bible.
05-04-2005, 08:46 AM
Wow, thanks for the step-by-step guide. it doesnt get any easier than this!
This thread is really worth a read for FL newbies !
05-04-2005, 08:56 AM
Bro, take this as a basic guideline nia okay?
The details and actual meetup might varies depending on your discussion with FLs.
A rule of thumb is 1) COD 2) be safe. Lots of bros got cheated by FLs (bank in 1/2 amount b4 meet up). As most good bros says RAW is WAR. So take care.
For me, when I go FLing, I always prepare my own CD (condom) for situation where the FL ran out/ dun provide/ lost their CDs.
05-04-2005, 09:57 AM
Bro, take this as a basic guideline nia okay?
Sorrie if anyone do not like my posting... just a 2 cents' worth of advice...
I dun think is good to let newbies know too much about FL Bonking.
This is a public forum, Many ppl can get access here...U know wat I mean...
So just keep the details discreet...It's better for us and FLs.
05-04-2005, 10:02 AM
Sorrie if anyone do not like my posting... just a 2 cents' worth of advice...
Well bro I reckon not really that much harm. What I wrote only the way to contact FL, not giving out contacts. Moreover it is ettique that we practiced too.
Discretions is to be observed when they deal with FLs. How they deal with FLs when they contact them is something we have no control in anyway.
I believe its better to let them know now, better this way than later they asked silly questions and kenna hoot upside down for nothing.
05-04-2005, 10:12 AM
Well bro I reckon not really that much harm. What I wrote only the way to contact FL, not giving out contacts. Moreover it is ettique that we practiced too.
Discretions is to be observed when they deal with FLs. How they deal with FLs when they contact them is something we have no control in anyway.
I believe its better to let them know now, better this way than later they asked silly questions and kenna hoot upside down for nothing.
Well, everyone's been learning from mistakes b4 SBF was formed... Just a simple guidelines will do as the rules of this 'game' always change. If not, Some newbies will blame u for FLs not 'perform' as stated here.
05-04-2005, 10:18 AM
Now ...
Thanks for the info bro... most useful....
hopefully no newbie will be zapped for this....
05-04-2005, 10:35 AM
If not, Some newbies will blame u for FLs not 'perform' as stated here.
True, however in no terms does my guide says how the FL would perform. :D I take everyone who join the forum and have money to go jio FLs to be adult. I'm sure most of the newbies will know the basic rules of trade and conduct. I'm sure also most adults will be acting befitting one.
If they don't and complain, well I can live with those few who acted like spoilt brats. Thats what the rep points and powers are for. Moreover no point worrying about the minor few too.
P.S. I still believe most newbies are matured enough and just need a little guidiance to the rules and ettique of forum posting.
05-04-2005, 10:50 AM
P.S. I still believe most newbies are matured enough and just need a little guidiance to the rules and ettique of forum posting.
Just a word of advice... No hard feeling....
If u had been through what most 'oldbies' in the forum like me, been through, You sure know wat I mean... Try not to overdo it.
PS: Neber jio me for lunch... U lidat goot meh?? :D
05-04-2005, 10:55 AM
Just a word of advice... No hard feeling....
If u had been through what most 'oldbies' in the forum like me, been through, You sure know wat I mean... Try not to overdo it.
PS: Neber jio me for lunch... U lidat goot meh?? :D
Bro HS, I understand your concern lah. You know me lor, I got thing I say one. And I kenna stabbed b4 too what. Life still goes one, one black sheep/ bad egg does not necessary means everyone is bad. Afterall this is only a forum in cyber space.
I tot lunch for us is auto one? still need to jio meh?
05-04-2005, 01:21 PM
Now after reading so much requests (genuine/ number collecting/ Crap) posts in the FL Dome forum AND newbies complaining oldies has no compassion and anyhow zap them, I believe I should write a basic guide for newbies to get their very first FL contacts in a relatively easy and non-painful way.
First thing you should do as newbies is please read the stickies here in this newbie forum, it has provide you with a guide of some rules to follow. After reading them and I mean REALLY read not just go there to post "I've read" "good advices" "I'll follow" and the go make exactly the same mistake again.
Second (comming to the meat of this guide) is to follow this simple steps.
1) SEARCH - using the search function provided. The search button is located on the dark blue bar on top of the page, between New Posts and Quick Links. It also has a small downward pointing arrow. Click on that, and it will drop down a small text box. Type in the field of your request (eg. Big Boobs, or Local FL). Pls press enter at this time or you can just click on the "Go" button. You can also use the advance search function too. But explaining its use will be too long for this guide.
2) READ - the FRs undoubtly be shown to you from your search. Pls remember it takes time and effort to write the FRs. Not to mention cost for bros who actually go do the hunting for gems. Find one that you like and scroll to the original thread starter.
3) PM - the threadstarter. To do that click on the nick, and it should drop down a list of option, the second on the list is to send a message to the person. You will want to do that so click on it. It should open a new window. On the title type in "RE: FL <insert name of FL>". On the main body of the message, type in your requests for contacts. Please be courteous (the word please should be use liberally), humble (praise the threadstarter for good FR and how the FR make you steam and how you like to get the FR).
These 3 simple steps should get you your VERY FIRST FL contacts from bros here.
DO NOT make your requests as if we owe you the contacts. DO NOT KPKB if bros do not feel comfortable to give you contacts (ie dun give you any contacts lah). DO NOT post requests as starting post without searching first.
DO be humble. DO thanks the bro that give you the contact. DO add his points if you enjoyed your bonk. DO write a FR on his thread after you tried his contact.
bro thanks for the guide,learn alot from u
05-04-2005, 01:39 PM
Bro Ethanas,
Very informative and useful guide!! Thanks for your effort.
I believe you missed out one advice - Do not post your contact number openly in the forum, you are asking for trouble!!
Cheers. :)
05-04-2005, 01:55 PM
I believe you missed out one advice - Do not post your contact number openly in the forum, you are asking for trouble!!
Cheers. :)
Bro thanks, but mine already say PM the threadstarter for contact liao, should be auto know not to post openly right? heh~
Anyway good to have a reminder for those who sometime forgot.
05-04-2005, 02:01 PM
one of the more practical and useful threads! heh, although it is mostly common sense and basic courtesy. very useful, ethanas!
05-04-2005, 02:53 PM
bro thanks for your advice :) and instruction
05-04-2005, 11:43 PM
thanks mate u have been off great help
thanks bro! its a great guide for us newbies here.
One question. I see there is shortform for the hotels... like hotel ST or Hotel C... What do they mean?
Have done a search.. too many hits liaoz.
Will appreciate any help from any bro.
07-04-2005, 02:03 AM
Well done & congratulations bro Ethanas on your sticky post!! :)
A simple & great guide but now the difficult task begins to get ppl to read it b4 posting in the main!
Kudos to you bro!! :)
07-04-2005, 02:07 AM
thanks bro! its a great guide for us newbies here.
One question. I see there is shortform for the hotels... like hotel ST or Hotel C... What do they mean?
Have done a search.. too many hits liaoz.
Will appreciate any help from any bro.
Jax, the shortform refer to the hotel name. go check out the list of hotels under hotel81
hope it is of help
Jax, the shortform refer to the hotel name. go check out the list of hotels under hotel81
hope it is of help
Thanks bro thenerdyguy for the assist! makes me see the light liao! :cool:
3) Book a slot, which include settling location. Some FLs do not like to do at their lodging, but those non-locals mostly do in their hotel. Local FLs you will probably need to go to a hotel of preferance, ie those that offers transit rate. i.e. Hotel81. Having done this go to point 4 (non-local) or 5 (local)
4) If doing at the hotel the FL is staying, call them when you reach to receive room number. Go to room and proceed with business (see point 6)
5) Go to hotel of preferance, and check in then sms the FL your room. when they arrive proceed with business (see point 6)
thanks bro Ethanas! really makes the whole procedure clear. some question from a newbie though.
whats the diff in procedure If I contact the bro (threadstarter) and he arrange for the time/place/price instead of just giving me the ctc #? :confused:
08-04-2005, 05:37 AM
That depends on FL, some FLs prefer the threadstarter to screen and assess whether their potential clients suit their preferences. Threadstarter may be their OKTs or agents or even most trusted client..
They are wary of giving their contact nos to anyone because they fear sexual harrassment thru phone.
whats the diff in procedure If I contact the bro (threadstarter) and he arrange for the time/place/price instead of just giving me the ctc #? :confused:
08-04-2005, 07:31 AM
whats the diff in procedure If I contact the bro (threadstarter) and he arrange for the time/place/price instead of just giving me the ctc #? :confused:
If he arrange for you, you don't have to worry about all the proceduals that I posted liao what.
Just go to the arranged place at the arranged time to conclude your business.
If he arrange for you, you don't have to worry about all the proceduals that I posted liao what.
Just go to the arranged place at the arranged time to conclude your business.
Thanks bro/s for the assist! Back from the business liaoz... Simple enough arrangement. :D
15-04-2005, 11:00 AM
Hi bros,
It seems like this thread is being well read. Therefore I'm doing some additions to it. Some of these additions are well practiced ettiques but apparently not everyone follows. So to prevent further pains to new bloods I shall list them out.
Bros who do not agree with these ettiques please reply here or PM me. Thanks!
Exchange of contacts
Newbie bros with some contacts and wants to exchange only. Since you are new and nobody knows you or can verify you are genuine.
Please at least write some FRs on your contacts. OR better get a respectable senior to verify them for you.
There are many ways number collectors can cheat contacts of us, it is expectable that we are wary of exchanging or people who just want to exchange and not sharing their contacts. (credit to Lawry pls see his reply ( to one such exchanger.)
Sharing of Contacts not belonging to you
This is a very sensitive issue. Many contacts bros got are directly from FLs, if we share them (giving them out) to you please have the basic courtesy of asking us for permissions if you want to share with others. Please also give credits where it is due.
Nothing more irritating to suddenly have FLs calling us and basically scolding us for passing their number out and thus getting them in trouble (ie being harrassed, OKT hassling them etc etc).
You can safely assume that when we give you contacts we do not want those pass around without our knowledge!
Giving Thanks
When we reply to your pm and giving you contacts, please at the very least pm back with a thank you. I personally have bros just disappeared after I give out contacts, no word of thanks, no FRs, nothing.
Please reply with a thank you, at least we know you received our contacts, and our effort is appreciated.
Showing this site to FLs
This point is not agreed by all bros, but at least in my opinion I reckon I need to add it. Please do not sabo the FR writers by showing what is written about the FLs in the forum. Please don't do this.
I've an FL telling me someone actually printed the FR out to show them. On the field experience WILL be different depending on individuals, chemistry, and how they FLs likes you.
So use FRs as a basic guide and not to expect everything that happen to one bros to pressure the FLs to give you the same thing. Attitude, look, and FJ rating can be taken as it is. BUT things that involves feelings like GFE, should not be taken as a must. What I feels like GF experience might not be the same as you. AND the FL might like me better than you.
Cheers thats about all I can think off I will add more as bros give me inputs.
15-04-2005, 11:03 AM
Well done bro Ethanas, you have set a precedence for every bros to follow, and true enough that this is the unspoken ettiques of a samster. Key to survival in the forum.
15-04-2005, 11:18 AM
I wonder if there is any way of moving the "additions" (post 55) to link with or immediately follow post #1? :)
The fear is it might be missed by some and as it is many miss this sticky to start with. :o
15-04-2005, 11:18 AM
Well done bro Ethanas, you have set a precedence for every bros to follow, and true enough that this is the unspoken ettiques of a samster. Key to survival in the forum.
Its sad to see so many newbies bros kenna zapped because of breaking of the foundamentals ettiques that most of us observed. So I posted these out. I'm sure that some bros might disagree to some of the things I've written.
Please feel free to rebute some of the points here if you do not agree. Thanks :D
15-04-2005, 11:21 AM
Its sad to see so many newbies bros kenna zapped ..
Please feel free to rebute some of the points here if you do not agree. Thanks :D
Nah, I am in total agreement with you.
15-04-2005, 11:26 AM
Bro Ethanas, you've done a good job!!
I am sure all Seniors and Newbies appreciate your effort. Thank you!!!
With this guide, there will be less frustrations for everyone. :D
16-04-2005, 02:50 PM
Hi bros,
It seems like this thread is being well read. Therefore I'm doing some additions to it. Some of these additions are well practiced ettiques but apparently not everyone follows. So to prevent further pains to new bloods I shall list them out.
Bros who do not agree with these ettiques please reply here or PM me. Thanks!
Showing this site to FLs
This point is not agreed by all bros, but at least in my opinion I reckon I need to add it. Please do not sabo the FR writers by showing what is written about the FLs in the forum. Please don't do this.
I've an FL telling me someone actually printed the FR out to show them. On the field experience WILL be different depending on individuals, chemistry, and how they FLs likes you.
Cheers bro fo such a great help to newbies like us (we're learning everyday).
As for this point, well.... guess better not post lah.... :cool:
Hi bros,
So use FRs as a basic guide and not to expect everything that happen to one bros to pressure the FLs to give you the same thing. Attitude, look, and FJ rating can be taken as it is. BUT things that involves feelings like GFE, should not be taken as a must. What I feels like GF experience might not be the same as you. AND the FL might like me better than you.
Cheers thats about all I can think off I will add more as bros give me inputs.
Noted bro, thanks for the tips.. GF feeling is all individual mah.. and bro Ethanas so yandao of course more lor! :D
Dun act stupid and print out FR then expect same treatment. IMHO, FL also is provide service also mah. (special services lah!) If every FR same then damn sianz lor, like robot.... then confirm no GF feel liaoz..
18-04-2005, 09:49 PM
Hi bros,
It seems like this thread is being well read. Therefore I'm doing some additions to it. Some of these additions are well practiced ettiques but apparently not everyone follows. So to prevent further pains to new bloods I shall list them out.
Cheers thats about all I can think off I will add more as bros give me inputs.
Thanks Big Bro Ethanas!
Your guide is sure helpful for me.
Me still new and learning, good to have more information.
Cheers! :)
20-04-2005, 08:51 AM
OK since I’m pretty free this morning I’m doing some consolidation of the guides I’ve posted for easier reading.
---Start of guide---
First thing you should do as newbies is please read the stickies here in this newbie forum, it has provide you with a guide of some rules to follow. After reading them and I mean REALLY read not just go there to post "I've read" "good advices" "I'll follow" and the go make exactly the same mistake again.
Second (coming to the meat of this guide) is to follow this simple steps.
1) SEARCH - using the search function provided. The search button is located on the dark blue bar on top of the page, between New Posts and Quick Links. It also has a small downward pointing arrow. Click on that, and it will drop down a small text box. Type in this field your request (e.g. Big Boobs, Local FL). Please press enter at this time, or you can just click on the "Go" button. You can also use the advance search function too. But explaining its use will be too long for this guide.
2) READ - the FRs undoubtly be shown to you from your search. Please remember it takes time and effort to write the FRs. Not to mention cost for bros who actually go do the hunting for gems. Find one that you like and scroll to the original thread starter.
3) PM - the thread starter. To do that click on the nick, and it should drop down a list of option, the second on the list is to send a message to the person. You will want to do that so click on it. It should open a new window. On the title type in "RE: FL <insert name of FL>". On the main body of the message, type in your requests for contacts. Please be courteous (the word please should be use liberally), humble (praise the thread starter for good FR and how the FR make you steam and how you like to get the FR).
These 3 simple steps should get you your VERY FIRST FL contacts from bros here.
DO NOT make your requests as if we owe you the contacts. DO NOT KPKB if bros do not feel comfortable to give you contacts (i.e. dun give you any contacts lah). DO NOT post requests as starting post without searching first.
DO be humble. DO thank the bro that give you the contact. DO add his points if you enjoyed your bonk. DO write a FR on his thread after you tried his contact.
FL Dome Code of Ettiques
Exchange of contacts
Newbie bros with some contacts and wants to exchange only. Since you are new and nobody knows you or can verify you are genuine.
Please at least write some FRs on your contacts. OR better get a respectable senior to verify them for you.
There are many ways number collectors can cheat contacts of us, it is expectable that we are wary of exchanging or people who just want to exchange and not sharing their contacts. (Credit to Lawry please read ( his reply to one such exchanger.)
Sharing of Contacts not belonging to you
This is a very sensitive issue. Many contacts bros got are directly from FLs, if we share them (giving them out) to you please have the basic courtesy of asking us for permissions if you want to share with others. Please also give credits where it is due.
There is nothing more irritating to suddenly have FLs calling us and basically scolding us for passing their number out and thus getting them in trouble (i.e. being harassed, OKT hassling them etc).
You can safely assume that when we give you contacts we do not want those pass around without our knowledge!
Giving Thanks
When we reply to your pm and giving you contacts, please at the very least pm back with a thank you. I personally have bros just disappeared after I give out contacts, no word of thanks, no FRs, nothing.
Please reply with a thank you, at least we know you received our contacts, and our effort is appreciated.
Showing this site to FLs
<Deleted due to popular demand> If you want to know more about this point please check the previous posts. Thanks.
Many newbies made this mistake. DO NOT post full numbers in the thread ever! If you die die have to well block off some of the numbers.
If you have half a brain you will know the reasons for this. This is a public forum, would you like to have people calling you in the middle of the night to ask you go to go toilet? Same is true for the FLs. Putting their numbers in the main will get her hundreds of harassing calls. So be considerate use the PM function.
----End of guide----
Thats it for now bros :D
20-04-2005, 07:02 PM
Thanx brudder for the guide.. and thanks to the friendly ppl who are willing to share FLs wif newbies like me.. i've post 1 FR so far and more will come rolling.. thanks alot u guys rawk...
21-04-2005, 01:36 AM
Thanks bro ! Very useful and detailed guide! Cheers!
22-04-2005, 05:28 PM
EXCELLENT WORK BRO! Sibeh ho man! Keep up d good work!!!
I just joined and wish i have discovered this site early early lah... learned a lot here...and will be contributing and sharing good stuffs here too. :)
25-04-2005, 10:15 AM
points taken, bro.
30-04-2005, 11:21 AM
I am a newbie here. Reading the newbie rep points and your guide, at least now I understand already. Will try to be tactful....
Thanks for the info.!!
03-05-2005, 04:27 PM
Thanks for the guide I'm new here... So hope that u guys can help me out. Thanks...
05-05-2005, 05:36 PM
Just known a prc student lately at TN joints, doing part time at TN when i know her now FL, small in side, boobs 34C handfull a bit soft, not pretty but still can made it,age 24. get great stuff from bros here just like to contribute my two cents worth, damage 120 but the catch is tis gals told me she looking for boyfriend...kekeke. brought her out before follow you where ever you bring, like a bit gf feeling. sent her back the next day never ask bullet M for me...PM me if want contact. if turn out not good for bros out there pls dun zap me, learn from the saying one man meats another man posion but would just like to contribute. :) great site :)
23-05-2005, 04:13 PM
hi bro,
I am newbie here and find the guides very useful, thx.
23-05-2005, 06:19 PM
Hi Bro ethanas...
first off, i'd like to say tat wi ur guide, you've helped lotsa newbies to go off & get FL contacts e right way... & sort of prevented unnecessary irritation to e old "birds" here... kudos to ya bro.. & hope this sticky becomes a be all & end all for newbies looking for great FL bonks....!! :D :D
23-05-2005, 08:45 PM
hi bro ethanas,
thx vm for the guide, at least I know how to get started now, newbie here.
29-05-2005, 07:41 AM
Thanks for the really helps... :)
30-05-2005, 11:40 PM
hey bros,
Thanks for your advise.
A better 2morrow foe every1.
30-05-2005, 11:53 PM
Hi! Thx a lot for the guide. Anw i am new here. Pls help me out a bit here. I would like to have some contacts. I would appreciate any help. :)
31-05-2005, 12:24 AM
1) Contact ....
2) Check/ bargain (PRC) the price.....
3) Book slot...
4) Go to room and proceed with business...
5) Go to hotel of preferance proceed with business..
6) Business time....
7) Pay up....
8) Write FR.....
Disclaimer: All Ethanas guide are to be taken as basic guideline. Do not take it as a bible.
THanks Bro Ethanas. I am basically not active in SB and had been browsing around the FL Dome and i must say this is excellent stuff you've got and thanks for sharing. Really appreciate it. Cheers!
02-06-2005, 11:38 PM
Thanks Bro fro the guildline, hope this is not gonna be like delfi full with replies of requestes. :p
05-06-2005, 02:59 PM
Thanx a lot for the advice given !!!
05-06-2005, 05:57 PM
hem... just wondering for FL in GL, in which Lor do they wandering around....
from what I've read in the forum most of the bro here only want to share the OKT or FL number to a senior, sadly I'm only a newbie, and indo... so I guess the best way to find FL gal for me would be researching on GL :o
thanks for any reply though...
06-06-2005, 01:29 AM
dear bros, i concurred but i guess as the saying goes... all it takes is for 1 newbie to screw up our chances in every forum, like wat aaron did for the highend local fl thread. i really beg to differ & plead with every lau jiao that aaron s juz 1 bad sheep outta us, good folks. hehe.
anyway, seriously would be useful for both new & old samsters if pics are available together with the FRs, makes selections pretty easier to decide. well, that s juz me dreaming...
have faith in new samsters, bros... :D
14-06-2005, 12:11 AM
Thanx senoir Ehtanas bro for the advise given!!! WIill keep that in mind!
14-06-2005, 11:01 AM
Hi all the bro here,
I get a contact from yahoo chat room.
A vietnanese girl (name loen).
From the VC, she look very cute.
She give me her contact and ask me to go out with her.
She tell me she stay in 38 Geylang Lorong 25.
Is she a WL?
How much is the rate for vietnanese student?
Can any bro help?
15-06-2005, 09:37 AM
[QUOTE=Ethanas]Now after reading so much requests (genuine/ number collecting/ Crap) posts in the FL Dome forum AND newbies complaining oldies has no compassion and anyhow zap them, I believe I should write a basic guide for newbies to get their very first FL contacts in a relatively easy and non-painful way.
Thnks 4 good advice. Really helpful to newbie like me. Will continue to read more b4 I even try. Dont want to kena 4 know reason lah.
17-06-2005, 12:05 AM
Hello guys, I really find it hard for me to get contacts ... though i have chiong for quite sometime now. Never actively participated in this forum. Will be cool if i can meet u guys up for drinks if possible :)
Konkek Johnson
22-06-2005, 10:07 AM
bro....i was very new like u also... i just joined around Feb /March like that...
all u gotta do is.....go GL or pick up PRC or Visit HC/TN.....cos this places confirm can do one. Then after that write a GENUINE FR !! Then u see contacts coming. My first FR was with Cat40 in unless u r a minor..... :eek:
Remember Genuine ah.....u write bullshit somehow some brudder down here will know one....cos whats out there to be fuck....most probably has been fucked by SAMSTERS!!!!! :D
Good Luck and Godspeed
NY Supporter
23-06-2005, 09:07 AM
Hi bros, Jihnson very kind for your guide, this the first time I am replying to your tread, Still learning from you bros
27-06-2005, 11:01 PM
Thanks Bro Ethanas
Ur golden piece of advice serve very useful to me Thanks X 2
30-06-2005, 08:23 PM
Good Work Bro!
Heng still got guidebook for newbies like us to follow...hehe.
Will be looking forward to new ventures here...Thanks bro for all the useful tips... :D
02-07-2005, 12:58 AM
clear all the doubts, thanks!!!!
02-07-2005, 01:08 AM
clear all the doubts, thanks!!!!
02-07-2005, 01:10 AM
Hi bros,
paiseh ar just wondering how long does it take to moderate a thread? coz i just bonked a taiwanese FL wanna share contact and FR with fellow bros but the new thread din surface after a day and i dun wanna do a new one in case the old one approved or wat then got double.. thanks in advance bros..
03-07-2005, 01:06 PM
Hi bros,
paiseh ar just wondering how long does it take to moderate a thread? coz i just bonked a taiwanese FL wanna share contact and FR with fellow bros but the new thread din surface after a day and i dun wanna do a new one in case the old one approved or wat then got double.. thanks in advance bros..
I believe you could get all your doubts cleared by browsing through
04-07-2005, 10:29 PM
I believe you could get all your doubts cleared by browsing through
Thanks bro
05-07-2005, 10:03 PM
Hi bros... real Newbie here... just joined today due to recommendation from frn... would like to know how to get contacts... is it really true tat i must go bonk some fl in geylang? where in geylang? wats the damage like? really need some help here... just started my bonking career yesterday in jb when a fren brought me to a spa in New York Hotel... Spend rm$198 and got the worst fj in my life to date.. :(
08-07-2005, 12:23 PM
Hi Bros,
Its good to see that my guide is still pretty well used after these months of absence.
I bid all new bros a warm welcome, and I must appologise for not able to reply to many pm you guys sent.
All other bros that knows me, in person or here in this board. I've not disappeared and I'm still around. I'm just so so so busy!
14-07-2005, 03:54 PM
Bro Ethanas, thanks alot for the guide. Very informative for a newbie like me.
Cheers. :)
14-07-2005, 04:00 PM
Bro Ethanas, thanks alot for the guide. Very informative for a newbie like me.
Cheers. :)
So how are you going to "repay" his kindness har....:D
14-07-2005, 04:23 PM
So how are you going to "repay" his kindness har....:D
Got lobang will share... isn't that what this forum is all about? :cool:
19-07-2005, 11:09 AM
Hi Bro,
Thanks for the guide bro, just wondering what's FR bro ?
20-07-2005, 06:07 PM
Hi Bro,
Thanks for the guide bro, just wondering what's FR bro ?
I do not want to be mean but seriously man you can find abbrivations and explanation in the forum FAQs. Ask like that you sure get wacked.
Anyway... FR = Field Report. :p
27-07-2005, 08:34 PM
hi there im a local FLer who just found out about this site.. recommended by someone i met up with. i am aware that my contact has been passed to selected people and i was very pleased to meet up with the people who contacted me.
id just like to find out what the forum's policy is on self advertising.. ie, i intro myself on the boards and state my rates and stats.
since this is open solicitation, would i be banned from doing this?
or should i contact one of the reputed members to pass my info around?
just making sure
28-07-2005, 08:18 AM
id just like to find out what the forum's policy is on self advertising.. ie, i intro myself on the boards and state my rates and stats.
since this is open solicitation, would i be banned from doing this?
or should i contact one of the reputed members to pass my info around?
just making sure
Hi Vivian,
If you check around you'd find someone actually promotes herself and friend. Its acceptable to promote yourself. To have a better effects, its good to pass your contact to one of the more reputable bros to have him vouch for your services.
31-07-2005, 03:05 PM
Thanks bro for your info. I will follow it up :P TQ
02-08-2005, 09:07 PM
haiz... try to b nice and PM some threadstarter for contact.. but doesnt seem to get any at all.. :(
07-08-2005, 06:03 PM
So Far so good.... Understood this posted Thread.. thanks ;)
13-08-2005, 01:50 AM
testing... can't seem to post leh... repeatedly tried but nothings coming up...
13-08-2005, 02:03 AM
everytime i post... nothing seems to appear leh
15-08-2005, 08:32 AM
testing... can't seem to post leh... repeatedly tried but nothings coming up...
everytime i post... nothing seems to appear leh
Guys, I presume that you regretted to read another section of newbie guide in newbie forum. So I'll post it here.
Please read section 3 of the newbie's guide to posting in SBF (
Posted here incase you are busy or lazy to read.
(3) As you know, you are under moderation the moment you join SB forums. Generally it takes only 2 hours to be un-moderated and you can then posts freely. But some newbies thinks they are smart, so the system detects these smart arsses when they are online and automatically un-moderate them only after 48 hours. With that look on your face, you will take more than 48 hours too. Don't believe me? Just watch!
15-08-2005, 08:15 PM
Thanks for the guide which is well written. I agree that asking with politeness helps alot. Some of the veteran bros are very kind. Infact, they responded
with much encouragement. Ask and you shall recieve. Thanks again BRO THAIVISITOR AND OLIVERSACK.
15-08-2005, 08:20 PM
Come come...
Be nice and polite and tell me more about yourself....
Then sure I give you some contact one.....
No points also never mind.. main thing is you have to find someway to let others know that you are genuine and not just a number collector..
15-08-2005, 08:25 PM
u mean by posting more often and be patient then only will you be treated with respect?
18-08-2005, 02:16 AM
i am new here and cant seem to get anything that i have posted up??can anyone here hlp?
18-08-2005, 02:26 AM
hi, can anyone help me??i post liao but nothing comes out
18-08-2005, 02:30 AM
Now after reading so much requests (genuine/ number collecting/ Crap) posts in the FL Dome forum AND newbies complaining oldies has no compassion and anyhow zap them, I believe I should write a basic guide for newbies to get their very first FL contacts in a relatively easy and non-painful way.
First thing you should do as newbies is please read the stickies here in this newbie forum, it has provide you with a guide of some rules to follow. After reading them and I mean REALLY read not just go there to post "I've read" "good advices" "I'll follow" and the go make exactly the same mistake again.
Second (comming to the meat of this guide) is to follow this simple steps.
1) SEARCH - using the search function provided. The search button is located on the dark blue bar on top of the page, between New Posts and Quick Links. It also has a small downward pointing arrow. Click on that, and it will drop down a small text box. Type in the field of your request (eg. Big Boobs, or Local FL). Pls press enter at this time or you can just click on the "Go" button. You can also use the advance search function too. But explaining its use will be too long for this guide.
2) READ - the FRs undoubtly be shown to you from your search. Pls remember it takes time and effort to write the FRs. Not to mention cost for bros who actually go do the hunting for gems. Find one that you like and scroll to the original thread starter.
3) PM - the threadstarter. To do that click on the nick, and it should drop down a list of option, the second on the list is to send a message to the person. You will want to do that so click on it. It should open a new window. On the title type in "RE: FL <insert name of FL>". On the main body of the message, type in your requests for contacts. Please be courteous (the word please should be use liberally), humble (praise the threadstarter for good FR and how the FR make you steam and how you like to get the FR).
These 3 simple steps should get you your VERY FIRST FL contacts from bros here.
DO NOT make your requests as if we owe you the contacts. DO NOT KPKB if bros do not feel comfortable to give you contacts (ie dun give you any contacts lah). DO NOT post requests as starting post without searching first.
DO be humble. DO thanks the bro that give you the contact. DO add his points if you enjoyed your bonk. DO write a FR on his thread after you tried his contact.
how do i post???i dun seem to be getting anything up the screen
19-08-2005, 11:07 PM
hi to all...F4s reporting! tango yankee to all the friendly replies n very useful advice from all the bros here! in fact still have a long way to learn from all the bros here so as to make my bonking biology more intresting..heez..."qing duo duo zi jiao" ! . cheers to all! :cool:
11-09-2005, 07:12 PM
Newbiest of all! hahah ...
Good to find such a unique site...Thumbs up to sammyboy & committee.!
Great management of rules ,guide and did i mention kakis here!!
Hellow to all samsters and fellow '' males '' who worship the female form!!
purplefire here ...hopefully get to meet up with samster sumtime sooon....Cheerz! ;)
16-09-2005, 09:25 PM
I love sammyboy website.... To be frank, never try FL before.....
But awaiting to search a perfect gals to bonk with (starting my bonking life) hehehehe....
I'm looking for cheap Thai or chinese to do bbbj, onli with nice looking face (cos this is my first FLs) must have nice experience.... Please recommended some FLs with pict and price, email to
[email protected]
Can I take her naked photo after or when i bonk her ??? Looking forward to bonking life....
20-09-2005, 08:32 AM
But awaiting to search a perfect gals to bonk with (starting my bonking life) hehehehe....
Dear Rocky,
Have you really read what I wrote in this guide? REALLY read it? If you think advertising your request in the sticky sections won't get you zapped, think again mate.
Please lah your request is very hard to fulfilled, perfect girl wor, you think looking for wife meh.
Do a search, a lot of bros offers picture of the girls they tried, or have contact. If not walk in GL in the evening, lots of pretty PRC/ Malay/ Thai babes standing around the lorongs. That way you get to choose from real person!!!!
21-09-2005, 10:01 AM
I love sammyboy website.... To be frank, never try FL before.....
But awaiting to search a perfect gals to bonk with (starting my bonking life) hehehehe....
I'm looking for cheap Thai or chinese to do bbbj, onli with nice looking face (cos this is my first FLs) must have nice experience.... Please recommended some FLs with pict and price, email to
[email protected]
Can I take her naked photo after or when i bonk her ??? Looking forward to bonking life....
Wah, want cheap and gd looking ?!?! Where to find, I think u look for a gf better still...bonk every night oso free. Sure gd look because u choose her as gf mah :D
21-09-2005, 06:14 PM
yes, sorry for my ignorant....
24-09-2005, 09:20 PM
hmm..was wondering how to get reputation pt? anyone can enlighten me? thanks a lot in advance.. :)
24-09-2005, 09:29 PM
On a frank note
I agree many bros dont feel comfy trading with unknowns like me
For myself i have searched for 16+ students to bonk ard my house area, but cannot find, its very tempting to post an ad in the forums for it, but again sad to say its may not be a good idea
As I stay alone after divorce, I find it most cost effective to bonk SGs at my house, save money and can gif more tips
But the hard reality is tat unless i find someways to up my rep, most bros are rather cautious abt newbies like me
I was thinking to write stories and such, but i will just mangle my story and most prob get zapped :D
Posting photos will also be difficult as do not have originals, and again will be zapped if i posted non originals
Haiz, I really admire the bros here who get SOOO much rep points
anyways I read your guide
So far oni bonk 1 FL, but most of the time go GL or HC, I should write more FRs in that case, but I am bad wif names and forgot most if not all the girls name the moment I release my load
So well, i guess I just have be patience and pray for a lucky break
25-09-2005, 02:29 AM
On a frank note
I agree many bros dont feel comfy trading with unknowns like me
But the hard reality is tat unless i find someways to up my rep, most bros are rather cautious abt newbies like me
I was thinking to write stories and such, but i will just mangle my story and most prob get zapped
Posting photos will also be difficult as do not have originals, and again will be zapped if i posted non originals
Haiz, I really admire the bros here who get SOOO much rep points
anyways I read your guide
So far oni bonk 1 FL, but most of the time go GL or HC, I should write more FRs in that case, but I am bad wif names and forgot most if not all the girls name the moment I release my load
Everyone here was a newbie before. If they can somehow contribute and have their rep pts increase, why couldn't you?
I also think you are misguided to think that contacts are only given to samsters who have high rep pts. Although some samsters do use that as a yardstick, generally, most samsters who have contacts just want to ensure that you are genuinely interested and not just number collector. I would rather give contact to a samster who has been in the forum for the last 2 years with a -10 rep pt than a samster who has been here for 2 days with a +20 rep pt (these days, multiple nicks to up your own reps are common).
The point is to read thru the thread titles, use the search functions, etc, etc. There are some bros here who are willing to provide even one day old newbies with contacts.
25-09-2005, 05:20 PM
Thanks Bro thaivisitor
SO far one FR oni ... hehz ... anywayz 1 mth max 1 bonk if OC dont spend much if not no FR
anyways in future hope can write more FRs and maybe go learn story telling
Seems many bro here like good stories
Once again thanks for the encouragement and guidance
28-09-2005, 01:44 AM
what the point for?
28-09-2005, 12:51 PM
bro ethanas i tink u shld write a "101 Ways To Getting Contacts In FL Dome". i'll be e 1st 1 2 buy ur guidebook man!!!
13-10-2005, 12:44 PM
Thank you so much "tai ko" bro Ethanas :) , so detailed as you explained the way to get the FL contacts.
This is very useful for me to start my life here! :D thanks....
24-10-2005, 06:14 PM
good stuff .. we need more guides here :)
02-11-2005, 01:02 PM
GOod place to search fo FL,i have been a fan of this forum since first days of sammyboy which was hosted in this forum webby A..something.If only they have someting like i would be the happiest man in sammyboy forum hahaha
03-11-2005, 11:28 PM
Hi all Bro fr just join this F today will keep myself remeber to follow the rules and regulations.....tks bro
17-11-2005, 06:10 PM
Thanks for the guide,i have learnt much.
18-11-2005, 11:01 PM
i am new here read all sticky n pm some of the guy but there no reply me... why ? is there any rule to take contect of FL :confused:
21-11-2005, 08:52 AM
Thanks for the guide!! :D
22-11-2005, 04:32 PM
Hi Bro ,
Thanks for the guide !
28-11-2005, 01:56 AM
i am new here read all sticky n pm some of the guy but there no reply me... why ? is there any rule to take contect of FL :confused:
same things happens to me..
28-11-2005, 02:11 AM
same things happens to me..
hi bros Eastboy,
most of the time the reason is that we are newbies and we haven't earn the trust of the seniors samster here.
We can't blame them, there are newbie who get the contacts just to disturb the FLs, some did but dun post FR etc...
So, just be patience, and make ourselves trustworthy
03-12-2005, 11:15 AM
hmm =) thans for the guides =D
03-12-2005, 01:12 PM
Read through all the guides here, thanks for the advice. ;)
05-12-2005, 08:11 PM
indeed it is useful. but anyway, everybody here start as a newbie. so everyone shld just relax and make friends here. we got lots of info. to share with each other.
07-12-2005, 03:46 PM
Yup.. I also got whack for posting an FR not related to the FL.. got the connection from an OKT.. just that the babes looked very similar to those mentioned by the bros here.. anyways.. like to put on record that I am very sorry if I offended any senior bro here.. will behave in the future.. thanks.. :o
15-12-2005, 08:02 AM
... so everyone shld just relax and make friends here. we got lots of info. to share with each other.
I couldn't aggree more with the sharing part. However due to the fact that most of the bros that share here is not OKT (most of us just love good sex ;) ) and alot of FL has our number, so if we share with any and everyone. And someone screwed the contacts up (hassle the FL, f and no pay, etc etc) Guess who will be F (figuratively not literally) by the FL? Us the sharer.
Most bros here are kind, but lots of us got burn at least once before. Heh, I believe I've told ppl of my experience once. (kenna called by FL and scolded when I was in a meeting).
So alot of us are more cautious nowadays, newbies, its not that you will have no chance of getting contacts, but at least contribute a little first. Make yourselves known, once we are more comfortable with you, I'm sure you will not have any problems getting contacts here.
27-12-2005, 11:08 AM
thanks for the advise bros
27-12-2005, 12:21 PM
Dear bros
First of all, I dont consider myself as a senior. All I know is I'll contribute as much as I can for my love to the community (jeh...)
I just like to hear it from the senior bros here: as I started to get PMs with requests for FL's contact (after reading my FRs I suppose), how do you normally justify if the info is worth given to a particular individual?
I just feel bad for not sharing, and I'd feel worse if I'd share the info with the wrong person. So please enlighten poor me.
27-12-2005, 12:30 PM
Dear bros
I just feel bad for not sharing, and I'd feel worse if I'd share the info with the wrong person. So please enlighten poor me.
There is no one correct way to justify.
My suggestions is check out the previous posts to guage their trustworthiness. A lot of senior bros request at least 1 previous FR written by the person they are giving the contact to.
Again what method you choose depends on you.
27-12-2005, 12:42 PM
hi every body'
i view this forum long time ago,but i never join.
now i hope all bro can pm the fl contact, after testing, sure reply to u all
thank you
27-12-2005, 12:50 PM
A lot of senior bros request at least 1 previous FR written by the person they are giving the contact to.
Thank you bro Ethanas for the answer.
Somehow, right after I posted the question, the answer popped up in my mind (guess thats the power of penning your thoughts -- you start to see things from angles you never seen).
When I first started out, I was like any newbie (and I still am), PM'ing one after another for contact number -- as expected, no one entertained me. I started to think: maybe I should just take the plunge myself.
Think about it bros, if everyone was waiting for someone else's reviews on the Moon, you think we would have had Neil Armstrong taking his giant step for mankind up there thirty over years ago?!
So, take this as a game of giver's gain - before you can gain, give first. There are many HC/TN centre out there, which do not require specific instructions (not even a phone number) to get there. Do some leg work and don't expect free advice, go write your own cheong history. If you come across a bad experience, too bad, moan for two days and hit the road again; until you hit the jackpot, got yourself landed on a gem etc, then write a good FR, excite other bros a bit, and you will be a star soon, even you dont become a super samster, at least, you will be welcome!
27-12-2005, 01:00 PM
So, take this as a game of giver's gain - before you can gain, give first. There are many HC/TN centre out there, which do not require specific instructions (not even a phone number) to get there. Do some leg work and don't expect free advice, go write your own cheong history. If you come across a bad experience, too bad, moan for two days and hit the road again; until you hit the jackpot, got yourself landed on a babe etc, then write a good FR, excite other bros a bit, and you will be a star soon, even you dont become a super samster, at least, you will be welcome!
That's the spirit man, we all started of as newbie, we all get snubbed by people when we asked for contacts.
And most of us ended up hunting for FLs ourselves through the streets of GL, steamy HC, TN shops to get our gems. This is generally where your first FR comes from.
27-12-2005, 01:13 PM
That's the spirit man, we all started of as newbie, we all get snubbed by people when we asked for contacts.
And most of us ended up hunting for FLs ourselves through the streets of GL, steamy HC, TN shops to get our gems. This is generally where your first FR comes from.
Thanks to bro Ethanas for giving us guidance so that we can get FL contacts. BTW, bro Ethanas, have u make appointment with Angie yet?
16-01-2006, 10:32 PM
Bro Ethanas,
Thank for your detailed explanation and guideline of how to get FL contacts. Will follow your instruction guide.....
21-01-2006, 01:42 AM
Hi Ethanas
thanks for the guide, that certainly helps in pathing the way for my 1st FL contact.
Appreciate that!!
Cheers and have fun!
thanks for the guide anyway how to increase the Reputation points? cheers:)
01-02-2006, 10:38 PM
Hi, just a question, i posted 2 threads but its not shown .. how come?
01-02-2006, 10:41 PM
hi, i posted 2 thread just now.. but its not shown how come? thanks...
02-02-2006, 09:46 AM
that helps a lot thanks bro !!!!
12-02-2006, 11:45 AM
me also newbie to FLs...
Looking forward to guidance from all bros out there...
thanks. :)
17-02-2006, 10:13 PM
Thanks for the info .
18-02-2006, 11:19 AM
Very useful information .
Dun wanna double post so I will just post it here for all the above.
Guys, many times we see new threads being posted in the forum sharing contacts with Bros here, it can be :
- out of goodwill
- to help the lady
- to gain recognition and popularity here
- to sabo someone, etc
Watever it is NEVER post the contact nos or address of your contact in public forum to all to see. I am saying this to all newbies and even seniors alike.
Please show some integrity and use your brain will you. You can share the FLs/WLs via PM but I dun see why you must post it in open forum. Furthermore, never post the address of where the FLs are located or location of HCs/KTVS/Tui Nas that you just went. You are just inviting unneccessary attention to the person or place. Very soon you will see the person or favourite place you frequent, gone with the wind.
Eg. Chio Gals in Tui Na at Blk 123 Tampines or 88 Tan%#@* Pagar Rd
Dun you think it is better to put something like 1** Tampines or Tanjong Pagar Area without showing the exact block or house nos ? Most of importantly, NEVER start any threads asking or telling all abt address of a happening place you just get to know or come across.
Sharing is one thing but causing others their rice bowl is another.
Note : If you are unhappy abt wat I said, zapped me as much you like but I still stands on wat I said.
18-02-2006, 09:45 PM
Bro Merl, I dont think bros should put Tangong Pagar area, or blk1**Tampines. It served as a hint that vice activities existed in that area mentioned.
Why? AV will ask NPP (Neighbourhood Police Post) in that area to investigate and NPP will appeal to residents there to provide info. If too many bros from other parts of Singapore came to that place, the residents will inform NPP that too many strangers visit that place, then NPP relay this info to AV and that place will be raided soon.
Just dont reveal location or hint.
Just dont reveal location or hint.Agreed with you Bro ;)
25-02-2006, 06:50 PM
Hi Seniors out there,
Me , newbie to forum and to sammyboy.
Hope to have guidance from senior out there.
Thank for the information.
26-02-2006, 04:44 PM
Hi Seniors out there,
Me , newbie to forum and to sammyboy.
Hope to have guidance from senior out there.
Thank for the information.
hi i m new too...
need alot of guidance too...
can i ask ques ... normally the guy will book the rm rite?
which hotel is the most appropiate??
i very newbie... sorry for these stupid ques...
nvr try in hotel before... normally in my appt...
26-02-2006, 10:01 PM
hi, i posted 2 thread just now.. but its not shown how come? thanks...
To bro kenneth, because you are still under Moderation, see your nick below, there is a (M) beside samster, therefore, please read the newbie thread before venture out into more difficult thread and kana kap.
02-03-2006, 03:32 PM
hi all bros,
me new here, hope you guys will guide me..
02-03-2006, 09:54 PM
Please new bros,
Refrain from posting statements like "Hi I am new here, hope you guide me" or queries regarding why you can't see your posts.
This guide is for GETTING CONTACTS W/O BEING FLAMED TO DEATH not for you to test your msg or announce that you are a newbie.
Frankly we are not interested if you are a newbie or not.
There is a newbie sub-forum to do all that.
04-03-2006, 06:08 PM
Think I've made some mistakes~
If I really did~ Sorry man~ Sld have read this earlier... Will try to follow guidlines~
Thanx man~
May All be Happy here~ :D
05-03-2006, 08:46 PM
Thank You Information
Our Bro
This Is Benny
Thank You
06-03-2006, 09:24 PM
New here too
07-03-2006, 03:01 PM
Wow, think I have lots of FR to read first. Anyway found that most FR are very detail and helps alot. Thanks guys for your work. Hopefully can write my own FR next time.
12-03-2006, 02:47 PM
Newbie here but manage to stumble to Brother S who trust me and
let me join his group.
Try the Turkish Lady from Brother S on Friday but experience was not good.
Anyway, thank brother S for the contact and hope I can have better satisfaction in the future.
Hi everyone,
Newbie here. Hope to learn from the seasoned and seniors here on the art of FL...
And yes, will post FR when got the chance to try some of the recommendations here...
BTW, so far only tried HC and TN as follows:
Dragon - Porsche and Gucci
Eminent - Jorce
PB - Kelly, Coco, JJ and Kitty
SO - Xue Er
RRR/CS - Yuki, MW, etc (forgot names)
Have been hoping to try the following but so far no chance:
Casanova - Lemon
Dragon - Ribena
Any recommendation?
My favourite services are:
Of, FJ doggie position best
13-03-2006, 01:13 AM
This is ridiculous, can't you at least try to find the correct thread to post all these crap you have posted?
Frankly we don't give a damn of the places you have tried or the fetish that you have. And the least you can do if you want to post useless stuffs is post all those crap in one single post instead of wasting 4 posts to post it.
Bro Ethanas,
Apologies for posting at wrong place (only realised that after posting). As for sharing experience, I'm not sure if other bros have similar opinion that it is of no interest to them all.
15-03-2006, 11:14 PM
Hi here...did a few posts but never tried any FL before...hope to learn from all the experienced big bros here...thanks
19-03-2006, 09:08 PM
Helo ppl! I've been hanging around reading all the exciting posts the bros have made here, and I think it's not nice to not say "hi" to everybody! Looking for my first FL, looking forward to posting my first FR even! Alot to learn from the lao jiao big bros here!
20-03-2006, 09:01 PM
Just the info i need. Been so long since i came into this forum since the delphi one closed so many years ago :(
Horny As Hell
22-03-2006, 09:39 PM
Very good info.
Thanks to all the bros who contributed!
makes me more Horny As Hell:p
de javu
25-03-2006, 12:50 AM
good points
25-03-2006, 03:45 PM
I m a newbie down here bt thanks 2 Bro Ethanas 4 guiding mi:)
michael doe
10-04-2006, 10:15 PM
Hi Ethanas
Thanks for the advice.... Just new here and really appreciate the pointers you gave....
15-04-2006, 03:07 AM
Thanks 4 the info.
22-04-2006, 09:54 AM
Thank you also for the information.
sorry, new here, pai seh 2 ask, but wat's a fl or fr?
i'm living in e east, nearby got any good place 2 get lobang not?
thanks, help is much appreciated
24-04-2006, 11:12 AM
sorry, new here, pai seh 2 ask, but wat's a fl or fr?
i'm living in e east, nearby got any good place 2 get lobang not?
thanks, help is much appreciated
Check out this thread for the explanation to various abbrviations:
FL - FreeLancer
FR - Field Report
Check out this thread for the explanation to various abbrviations:
FL - FreeLancer
FR - Field Report
oh :) thanks buddy
29-04-2006, 02:27 AM
hmm good info
30-04-2006, 10:47 PM
Kam sia. Many thanks for the information.:D
01-05-2006, 10:30 AM
hi all so whats the youngest fl around??
05-05-2006, 04:16 AM
Thanks, but I tried to PM a couple of bros but don't seem to be getting
any response, rather disheartening ... but would try harder somemore ..
Thanks alot for the Guide cos as the topic says ... I am a Newbie .... :)
05-05-2006, 11:44 PM
To all the seniors:
Thanks for the tips and pieces of advice! It's the length of the bible but I find it easier now knowing how this forum works.
You guys rock!
06-05-2006, 05:26 AM
Hi All,
New here too... =)
07-05-2006, 09:22 PM
greeting to all. :p
11-05-2006, 08:43 AM
Many thaks for the info.
12-05-2006, 04:02 PM
hi there im a local FLer who just found out about this site.. recommended by someone i met up with. i am aware that my contact has been passed to selected people and i was very pleased to meet up with the people who contacted me.
id just like to find out what the forum's policy is on self advertising.. ie, i intro myself on the boards and state my rates and stats.
since this is open solicitation, would i be banned from doing this?
or should i contact one of the reputed members to pass my info around?
just making sure
Hi Vivian,
i'm kinda greenhorn to this forum/site. Really lucky for me to stumble into your thread b'cos my purpose of coming here (forum) is to look for a local FL.... and BINGO !! found u... ;)
Can u pls get back to me asap with the details for your deal (e.g: Price $?/ Contact? and so on...) ???
P.S: hope to hear from you b4 my nose bleed... :D
Sorry bros in this forum..., kindly forgive me for sounding so desperate , this is my very 1st time trying a FL...
[email protected]
12-05-2006, 11:26 PM
Just like to say thanks a bunch for the helpful info~~
hi bros out there
i'm new to this fl things anyone here can give me some advise?
thanks in advance.
16-05-2006, 11:49 AM
Very helpful info indeed.
17-05-2006, 01:59 PM
Tanks to all shi xiong aka seniors for advice...Had "jump" from HC to FL...find most of them raw gems undiscovered!!
24-05-2006, 03:27 PM
thanks for the advice....
hope to be getting contacts soon...
24-05-2006, 03:42 PM
Hi to All ,
i m SonicGear & a newbie, hope all can help & guide me along.
24-05-2006, 03:57 PM
Hi to All,
i m a newbie, sincerely hope all can guide mi & give mi advice if im wrong in any ways. Thks
25-05-2006, 08:16 PM
Hi to all the Guru here, im a noob here n wish to learn more how am i able to get trust from the Guru?
I tried few time to PM them n wanted to try something out but failed..:(
Any advise?:confused:
26-05-2006, 02:06 PM
Join later than u mah..kekek :p
Testing for being new.
31-05-2006, 11:16 AM
Kind of strange leh. Always kanna zap like that.
02-06-2006, 08:41 AM
Thanks alot for the guide, help me from being zaped again and again.:)
just 1 more info... how do we get to up ppl points or zap other ppl huh?
sorry for being such a idiot asking a stupid ques. but I rather to become a idiot for ONCE than to a forever.;)
03-06-2006, 01:35 AM
Thank you for the info.
05-06-2006, 01:33 AM
Hi bros, im new here, so this guide is great help.
Thanks for the hard work! :)
06-06-2006, 05:00 PM
thks all samster n senior samster for sharing the info .
thks mak mak.
chok dee.
06-06-2006, 05:03 PM
Thanks for the valuable info.
08-06-2006, 02:42 AM
thx to all samsters who've contributed to this forum, learnt alot, thx again :)
09-06-2006, 03:03 AM
Thank you for all senior brothers. I have been learning a lot from u.
10-06-2006, 06:35 PM
to all seniors, thanks for the newbies guide to the FLdome. thanks alot.
char tao
11-06-2006, 03:38 AM
13-06-2006, 10:25 PM
knock knock knock hii all lao jiao here ....
16-06-2006, 12:50 AM
Hi all. Am i old bird?
16-06-2006, 05:28 AM
Hi to all Bros of SB . I have joined here quite long also , but its always juz the points problems that stop some bro from giving me contacts coz they scare im sort of spy or whatever . But come to think of it , if im one , i wont wait till so long then take action bah . Anyway , i have never blame them , they got their rights , which is why everytime i gave my contact number to them if they dont trust me .
I try to be as humble as i can , i think no matter new birds , old birds , we still have to be humble . I mean we r all here to look for fun , not look for trouble .
Ok , over all , like to thank all of u bros for showing us newbies the rules , lead us so that we know what we should do . Thanks bros .
Happy bonking
Till Bonk do us part :D
17-06-2006, 04:59 PM
Hi bros,
just would like to say its been fun posting opinions up here as a newbie.
but pls be advice, sometimes you might say something which will not be agreed by others, so be prepared to be zapped.
coz i have! altho i dont think it was justified. it was a learning experience nonetheless!
have fun all!
17-06-2006, 05:09 PM
Zap no Zap is all ti same jus have fun
18-06-2006, 10:35 PM
all bros of SBF..
Newbie reporting here.
Hope all bros can guide me along the way...
20-06-2006, 03:52 PM
Ya me also uncle liao join so long but no posts coz no usually no $$$ den. Now working different story... kekeke
21-06-2006, 04:03 PM
Newbie here and thanks for all the info and advice
22-06-2006, 09:06 PM
Good evening all, thanks goodness there is a thread in the FL dome for newbies :)
23-06-2006, 09:43 PM
Hi all. I'm here to just to have fun and to make friends.
28-06-2006, 04:11 PM
Hi bros,
I'n new here. Been browsing and reading a lot but ain't too sure if I should resist the temptation. Nice FRs fellow bros here have and sure would like to put up one soon when I've decided to make the 1st step.
Hope bros will guide me along the way and may all be good!
30-06-2006, 10:57 PM
ok noted & will be more observant before i make any posting here, thanx!
01-07-2006, 01:11 AM
hi all bros,
me new here, hope you guys will guide me..
01-07-2006, 03:09 AM
testing 123 ... why cannot post har??
01-07-2006, 06:18 PM
budak baru,very shiok joining de forum,enjoy aja man.
02-07-2006, 09:57 PM
guess i have to read more of whats going on here.
04-07-2006, 01:09 PM
reading the FRs here really turns me on...
06-07-2006, 06:19 PM
To all senior bros,
I am a new bird .Really learn a lot of stuff here.
Read from page 1 to ending ,can know all bros very take care of new birds
like me write so much stuff, give me a good headstart. Thanks a lot :)
Wish all bros Happy bonking .
06-07-2006, 11:59 PM
the FLs here really sounds great....
hope i get to try them soon :D
07-07-2006, 09:34 PM
hello newbie here checking out the fl dome area, tks for this thread!
08-07-2006, 10:09 AM
Very useful info . TQ.
10-07-2006, 07:51 AM
thank u so much!
11-07-2006, 08:20 PM
noobie here too, hi everyone!
11-07-2006, 09:38 PM
very useful guide :) learn alot :)
12-07-2006, 12:28 PM
I think I cant find a shorthand definition dictionary. Anyone know's wat's syt? would be cool if someone writes up a shortform guide for noobies, :D
12-07-2006, 01:03 PM
got it. thanks for instructions
14-07-2006, 07:28 AM
14-07-2006, 07:29 PM
hi newbie here and tks for the guide
18-07-2006, 02:21 PM
Hi. Thanks for the guide.
19-07-2006, 08:11 PM
Thanks for the info
Hi, newbie here and thanks for the guide :)
20-07-2006, 10:16 PM
hihi tks for the guide bros
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