View Full Version : Real or fake?
03-03-2013, 08:11 PM
Get to know this KTV girl from vietnam. she only know how to speak vietnam so our only way of communication is though translation using either her phone or mine phone and she manage to get hold of my number by give a missed on her phone.During the night at the KTV, I've noticed she never butterfly at all and only leave for toilet. i enjoy my stay there and bought her for supper after our KTV session ends....Sent her from home after supper as she stay nearby.When i reach home she text me "Chuc ong xa ngu ngon bay" then she asked if I'm going down to look for her...gave in and visit her again the following day. The KTV session is as usual and her butterfly rate was low too. until one of the staff stated to question for her staying in my room for too long and was bought to another room. as usual waited for her to finish work and go for supper then sent her back.
we went out few time during her off day. Did not spend too much when we go out. only cheap stuff that most bro will surely pay even if u going out with girls. Bought her to hotel twice and the stay for more than 6 hours. She never asked for money so i never gave her.
Finally, one fine day she said she no money. I told her if she treated my as customer and reply and not never asked again but on the same day i felt bad for not giving her money so told her to meet me outside KTV she is working in. She said she is tired and wanted to go home rest early. but when i arrived outside the KTV she was with some group of ppl and walk ago with of them. while looking at her i called her but her phone was off(She claim low battery).
I was unable to reach her until the follow afternoon. From that point it was sure they went hotel the night.
I ask her though sms(conversation more than 1k in 2 weeks) why she is did not wait for me, She said he was tired and went home early which is a lie. so i told her i saw her walking away with another guy. eventually she admit that when hotel that night. she apologize and said it was her first time which most probably not that case. her reply was fast and apologetic so i asked her why she didn't ask me for money and she replied there is not need to because she like me and do not treat me as customer.
My initial intention on was cut clean after she return to Vietnam in a weeks time.
Need some advice...She is either a KC pro or I'm too stupid to think that she is actually like me.
P.S Please forgive me for the poor command of English.
04-03-2013, 07:15 AM
i think she actually likes you. most women in this kind of profession are bursting with love actually. they just cant wait to love the next men that comes along. :cool:
04-03-2013, 08:10 AM
lol. Standard tricks employed by these ladies and standard thinking by Sgp man. Good Luck !!
04-03-2013, 09:45 AM
i think she actually likes you. most women in this kind of profession are bursting with love actually. they just cant wait to love the next men that comes along. :cool:
GOOD 1,dude
04-03-2013, 09:55 AM
Real or fake? Er... Really Fake? :p
04-03-2013, 10:05 AM
Like that good mah......other customers pump petrol and you drive the car. why think so much? :D
04-03-2013, 10:15 AM
Time for you to walk off before you start thinking you are the next Mr Handsome.
The trick is so common, you already got your fun so move on to the next one.
04-03-2013, 11:30 AM
Like that good mah......other customers pump petrol and you drive the car. why think so much? :D
I don't want to sound like I'm making fun of TS, but bro, you've got a point here. TS, I used to be like this, but over the years I've learnt to just pay and enjoy instead of putting any emotions into these girls.
04-03-2013, 11:44 AM
I don't want to sound like I'm making fun of TS, but bro, you've got a point here. TS, I used to be like this, but over the years I've learnt to just pay and enjoy instead of putting any emotions into these girls.
That's true. And TS, got the bonks free. Simply dun understand what is he fretting about. :D
04-03-2013, 03:29 PM
Her love to you might be 'fake', but your bonk to her is definitely 'real':D
04-03-2013, 09:28 PM
Her love to you might be 'fake', but your bonk to her is definitely 'real':D
:p (lol) u r so 'blunt'.....
04-03-2013, 10:32 PM
Bro bro. Why give yourself so much agony?
If u want love please find yourself a proper gal not from nightlife.
You already had some cheap sex out of her & she probably think you're cheap too so best to part ways now.
Next! :D
05-03-2013, 12:38 AM
Not giving money her make me feel like I'm actually leeching on her but giving her money make me her customer. I asked her the reason why she didn't request for money and she said she like me and its not required.
Its not something a man should be doing. I actually think of meet for her the last time before she return to vietnam this week. give her some and let it go for good.
Thank you for all the input from all the bro here (^_^)
05-03-2013, 09:29 AM
Not giving money her make me feel like I'm actually leeching on her but giving her money make me her customer. I asked her the reason why she didn't request for money and she said she like me and its not required.
Its not something a man should be doing. I actually think of meet for her the last time before she return to vietnam this week. give her some and let it go for good.
Thank you for all the input from all the bro here (^_^)
Hey man,
That should be the way, I heard taking this kind of 'advantages' will make you bad luck for the next 3 years:D
05-03-2013, 09:54 AM
Hey man,
That should be the way, I heard taking this kind of 'advantages' will make you bad luck for the next 3 years:D
After such a long roundabout, we are back to the very basic key question:
Is this "real or fake"?
05-03-2013, 10:37 AM
TS how much u paid her for sitting with u in the KTV room? If $200 then it shd inclusive of bonking.......
05-03-2013, 11:03 AM
I only gave her around $40 - $50 because her butterfly rate is quite low.
05-03-2013, 11:54 AM
I only gave her around $40 - $50 because her butterfly rate is quite low.
Just keep things as it is. Enjoy the bonks while it last. Dun put emotions into it.
05-03-2013, 12:11 PM
I only gave her around $40 - $50 because her butterfly rate is quite low.
Oic. Like most bros said fuck and fuck off. U have your share of fun!
Hope that we dont see u posting in "Matters of the heart" :D
05-03-2013, 12:15 PM
Dear TS
She likes you but she loves money.
She likes you and will love you when you give her more money.
she likes you and love others cause they gave her money.
She loves you eventually as you started to gave her money and she still loves the others cause they also gave her money.
Then she likes you again , cause you don't want lend her mother long lost sister , younger brother 's neighbor's Uncle daughter's husband money for a small business.....and she loves others cause they gave her money.
05-03-2013, 12:19 PM
Dear TS
She likes you but she loves money.
She likes you and will love you when you give her more money.
she likes you and love others cause they gave her money.
She loves you eventually as you started to gave her money and she still loves the others cause they also gave her money.
Then she likes you again , cause you don't want lend her mother long lost sister , younger brother 's neighbor's Uncle daughter's husband money for a small business.....and she loves others cause they gave her money.
In short,
Conclusion: LOVE = MONEY
05-03-2013, 07:38 PM
No money no honey, no honey no horny, no horny, no pussy:)
07-03-2013, 03:57 AM
She may like u but she loves money more.
Kc trap lah bro, don't fall into it.
Move on to next target.
07-03-2013, 06:31 AM
TS, did you wear rolex watch? big gold chain? lol... well I can see that she's new to this trade or no one teaches her about market rate.
not real nor fake but rare:p
07-03-2013, 06:55 AM
TS, did you wear rolex watch? big gold chain? lol... well I can see that she's new to this trade or no one teaches her about market rate.
not real nor fake but rare:p
Yes I agree with you bro, she might be new to this trade. I once know a ktv girl who's new, didn't pay her much and managed to get her to go to the hotel with me. Subsequently, I asked her out almost everyday and we went to hotel every time we meet. Best part is that she'll stop whatever she's doing(including work/sleep/out with friends) and meet me and she doesn't take a single cent from me. Brought her around to tour Singapore and she always paid for herself and even wanted to pay for me but I rejected. She soon got caught in a raid in the ktv and was sent back to Vietnam. We're still friends now though, I had my fun, I bet she did had hers. So bro, relax man. She's not the only one, have your fair share of fun and move on! :)
08-03-2013, 03:19 AM
Get to know this KTV girl from vietnam. she only know how to speak vietnam so our only way of communication is though translation using either her phone or mine phone and she manage to get hold of my number by give a missed on her phone.During the night at the KTV, I've noticed she never butterfly at all and only leave for toilet. i enjoy my stay there and bought her for supper after our KTV session ends....Sent her from home after supper as she stay nearby.When i reach home she text me "Chuc ong xa ngu ngon bay" then she asked if I'm going down to look for her...gave in and visit her again the following day. The KTV session is as usual and her butterfly rate was low too. until one of the staff stated to question for her staying in my room for too long and was bought to another room. as usual waited for her to finish work and go for supper then sent her back.
we went out few time during her off day. Did not spend too much when we go out. only cheap stuff that most bro will surely pay even if u going out with girls. Bought her to hotel twice and the stay for more than 6 hours. She never asked for money so i never gave her.
Finally, one fine day she said she no money. I told her if she treated my as customer and reply and not never asked again but on the same day i felt bad for not giving her money so told her to meet me outside KTV she is working in. She said she is tired and wanted to go home rest early. but when i arrived outside the KTV she was with some group of ppl and walk ago with of them. while looking at her i called her but her phone was off(She claim low battery).
I was unable to reach her until the follow afternoon. From that point it was sure they went hotel the night.
I ask her though sms(conversation more than 1k in 2 weeks) why she is did not wait for me, She said he was tired and went home early which is a lie. so i told her i saw her walking away with another guy. eventually she admit that when hotel that night. she apologize and said it was her first time which most probably not that case. her reply was fast and apologetic so i asked her why she didn't ask me for money and she replied there is not need to because she like me and do not treat me as customer.
My initial intention on was cut clean after she return to Vietnam in a weeks time.
Need some advice...She is either a KC pro or I'm too stupid to think that she is actually like me.
P.S Please forgive me for the poor command of English.
TS, u think she came all the way from vietnam for what? U booked her, gave her a stingy 50 bucks, then u bonked her twice without giving her money. Sure she will find other guys who can give her money after they bonked her. There's no faults in her. If I was in her position, I would have left u for other customers as well. She is nice enough to u that she said sorry.
If u want her bad enough, u should have put more effort to pursue her. U think she will come knocking on ur door meh? U think u r andy lau is it? Dun ask whether this is real or fake. if u pursue and shows ur sincerity to her, even the fakest would be real. if u sit there and try to be some superstars, even the real would be fake. This is as honest as u can get.
08-03-2013, 03:59 AM
The hard truth here is every Vietnamese girls are in debt to the tune of $1k and above, and that's excluding the rental when in sg, the daily meal she's compulsory to pay regardless of whether she eats at home and other expenses that the landlord stuck from her, such as overpriced phone cards, overpriced clothing, husband birthday, wife birthday, son /daughter /dog /cat /hamster birthday etc.
So if she don't go hotel with customers, how's she going to get money for her father's debt, mother's hospital fee, grandmother give birth, brother's computer, sister's tuition etc... And I've not bring in her uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, her pet cow, her motorcycle installment, her "imaginary" husband, her daughter and son's expenses...
All these needs money and as a Vietnamese girl who come here work in ktv, she's expected to bring home a few thousand $$$ from her 2 months here.
By just sitting in room, hard lah.
True, she may like you IF she's new in the trade. But it doesn't mean she will not go hotel with other customers. She does need to put bread on her family's table.
My advice to you? Don't blame her when she go hotel with other customers UNLESS you can give her $8k - $10k for the 2 months she's here and you can ensure she don't go hotel at all. (this will be difficult, i tell you.) If she lies to you, just take it that she don't want you to feel bad. Take it that she don't want you to brainfuck yourself that someone you like has to get fucked by another dick/s.
Just enjoy your time with her and treat her nicer when she's here. Give her a bit money but no need to break the bank. When she's to work, and that include going hotel with customers, just close one (no, make it both) eyes and don't disturb her. And you don't keep thinking that she's getting fucked by other dicks. No point brainfucking yourself. She will still get fucked by other dicks. And don't make her miss going to work and accompany you.
She's here for a purpose and that's to make money. You go ktv for a purpose and that's have fun and maybe fill some emotional void. Enjoy your time and take care of her. When is time for her work, let her go. And when it's time to go back Vietnam, maybe she will feel that she's not made a wasted trip.
08-03-2013, 12:33 PM
My advice to TS ,
Better pay of what you have 'eaten' & don't take this kind of advantages unless you are willing to full sponsor her. Believe me, bad luck will come to you after this, remember there is no 'free lunch' in this world.:rolleyes:
08-03-2013, 01:10 PM
TS, u think she came all the way from vietnam for what? U booked her, gave her a stingy 50 bucks, then u bonked her twice without giving her money. Sure she will find other guys who can give her money after they bonked her. There's no faults in her. If I was in her position, I would have left u for other customers as well. She is nice enough to u that she said sorry.
If u want her bad enough, u should have put more effort to pursue her. U think she will come knocking on ur door meh? U think u r andy lau is it? Dun ask whether this is real or fake. if u pursue and shows ur sincerity to her, even the fakest would be real. if u sit there and try to be some superstars, even the real would be fake. This is as honest as u can get.
I agree with what you said. I never blame or even have the right to say a word since I am unable to provide her financially. I was surprised that she even told me the whole truth.... most people will choose to leave me and forget all about this below average looking guys like myself. I always treated her sincerely and always reminded her to protect herself.
08-03-2013, 01:26 PM
The hard truth here is every Vietnamese girls are in debt to the tune of $1k and above, and that's excluding the rental when in sg, the daily meal she's compulsory to pay regardless of whether she eats at home and other expenses that the landlord stuck from her, such as overpriced phone cards, overpriced clothing, husband birthday, wife birthday, son /daughter /dog /cat /hamster birthday etc.
So if she don't go hotel with customers, how's she going to get money for her father's debt, mother's hospital fee, grandmother give birth, brother's computer, sister's tuition etc... And I've not bring in her uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, her pet cow, her motorcycle installment, her "imaginary" husband, her daughter and son's expenses...
All these needs money and as a Vietnamese girl who come here work in ktv, she's expected to bring home a few thousand $$$ from her 2 months here.
By just sitting in room, hard lah.
True, she may like you IF she's new in the trade. But it doesn't mean she will not go hotel with other customers. She does need to put bread on her family's table.
My advice to you? Don't blame her when she go hotel with other customers UNLESS you can give her $8k - $10k for the 2 months she's here and you can ensure she don't go hotel at all. (this will be difficult, i tell you.) If she lies to you, just take it that she don't want you to feel bad. Take it that she don't want you to brainfuck yourself that someone you like has to get fucked by another dick/s.
Just enjoy your time with her and treat her nicer when she's here. Give her a bit money but no need to break the bank. When she's to work, and that include going hotel with customers, just close one (no, make it both) eyes and don't disturb her. And you don't keep thinking that she's getting fucked by other dicks. No point brainfucking yourself. She will still get fucked by other dicks. And don't make her miss going to work and accompany you.
She's here for a purpose and that's to make money. You go ktv for a purpose and that's have fun and maybe fill some emotional void. Enjoy your time and take care of her. When is time for her work, let her go. And when it's time to go back Vietnam, maybe she will feel that she's not made a wasted trip.
I never wanted to take advantage That was my intention from the start. I will make sure she enjoy the last few days in Singapore before he goes back to vietnam. Thanks for your input.
08-03-2013, 01:32 PM
My advice to TS ,
Better pay of what you have 'eaten' & don't take this kind of advantages unless you are willing to full sponsor her. Believe me, bad luck will come to you after this, remember there is no 'free lunch' in this world.:rolleyes:
I totally agree with you. No good will come to anyone who took advantage of such kind lady. I will make up to her within my means and pay back what I have too even though she always told me she never treat me as customer. Thanks again for all your kind and helpful advice.
08-03-2013, 02:45 PM
My advice to TS ,
Better pay of what you have 'eaten' & don't take this kind of advantages unless you are willing to full sponsor her. Believe me, bad luck will come to you after this, remember there is no 'free lunch' in this world.:rolleyes:
If based on your reasoning, then those bros having FB will all have bad luck? Those having ONS will have bad luck too?
08-03-2013, 03:48 PM
If based on your reasoning, then those bros having FB will all have bad luck? Those having ONS will have bad luck too?
Over here, we are tallking about a wl whose is naive & being taken advantages, unless u r serious into the relationship otherwise just pay & move on, they are also earning a living:rolleyes:
08-03-2013, 04:13 PM
Over here, we are tallking about a wl whose is naive & being taken advantages, unless u r serious into the relationship otherwise just pay & move on, they are also earning a living:rolleyes:
Well, if the WL is willing to go hotel for free, it cant be deemed as being taken advantage. 2 willing adults, no such thing as being taken advantage of.
Oh, a naive gal will not go into this line.
08-03-2013, 04:46 PM
Oh, a naive gal will not go into this line.
Inexperience, maybe. But, naive? Definitely not.
A girl who can make all the way here to engage in an illegal trade, I don't think you can call such a girl naive. Not dragon (or phoenix here) won't cross river.
08-03-2013, 04:51 PM
Inexperience, maybe. But, naive? Definitely not.
A girl who can make all the way here to engage in an illegal trade, I don't think you can call such a girl naive. Not dragon (or phoenix here) won't cross river.
Yup. Agree with u. :D
08-03-2013, 08:02 PM
I always chiong KTV and I only go for VB cause from my opinion they are better than PRC.
But as the time passes I learn all the tricks they have, mostly are same tricks.
Initially they will be very good to u, free fuck even. some can even dont work just to meet u and go out with u. I thought to myself "Wow! So good to me ah!" but when they went back to Vietnam their pattern come already. Tell u no money, mother sick, father sick, say they need money to buy air ticket to come Singapore to SEE YOU.
Once they asked me for money for this kind of things I know they see us as CARROT. Bro TS dont think too much about it, so many trees in the forest somemore lei.
09-03-2013, 09:57 AM
I never wanted to take advantage That was my intention from the start. I will make sure she enjoy the last few days in Singapore before he goes back to vietnam. Thanks for your input.
This is part and puzzle of life when you met someone from this industry. Just be aware what is happening around you, fuck and just move on.:rolleyes:
i think she actually likes you. most women in this kind of profession are bursting with love actually. they just cant wait to love the next men that comes along. :cool:
HAHAHAAHA. love your reply!! :D
11-03-2013, 01:48 PM
She went back to Vietnam this morning. I did what i mention earlier, making sure she enjoy her last week in Singapore. I doubt she will be back anytime soon as i was told that she argue with her boss and told not to work for the whole of last week. some input from bro here is totally coming true, I've notice her attitude toward me changed. No more interest in talking to me and start to mention about either owned her boss money or her boss paid her to work in Singapore but she did not ask for money at all. I do not understand or maybe she will start once she return to Vietnam like many bro here had experience.
Thanks again for all your input.
11-03-2013, 01:53 PM
some input from bro here is totally coming true, I've notice her attitude toward me changed. No more interest in talking to me and start to mention about either owned her boss money or her boss paid her to work in Singapore but she did not ask for money at all. I do not understand or maybe she will start once she return to Vietnam like many bro here had experience.
Thanks again for all your input.
All the sad story start to come liao :D
11-03-2013, 08:11 PM
All the sad story start to come liao :D
I will surely keep you guys updated :D
11-03-2013, 10:14 PM
mother sick
father sick
brother gamble need pay money
someone stole her money
people rob her house
12-03-2013, 10:05 AM
Well, if the WL is willing to go hotel for free, it cant be deemed as being taken advantage. 2 willing adults, no such thing as being taken advantage of.
Oh, a naive gal will not go into this line.
There are no such things of 'willing to go hotel for free', unless you KC her & lead her falling into your trap, I believe in 'Karma' so I would rather paid & move on.:p
12-03-2013, 12:18 PM
There are no such things of 'willing to go hotel for free', unless you KC her & lead her falling into your trap, I believe in 'Karma' so I would rather paid & move on.:p
FYI, I also believe in Karma that's is why I did pay her in another way rather than customers and client transaction.
12-03-2013, 01:00 PM
The exchange of money for services breaks the cycle of confusion
12-03-2013, 01:18 PM
Remember n apply SBF boss' 3 Simple rules for Whoremongers.
12-03-2013, 01:22 PM
FYI, I also believe in Karma that's is why I did pay her in another way rather than customers and client transaction.
Good, finally you got enlightened, buddha will bless you:)
12-03-2013, 06:46 PM
Yes, choose the right path.;)
18-03-2013, 08:17 PM
The hard truth here is every Vietnamese girls are in debt to the tune of $1k and above, and that's excluding the rental when in sg, the daily meal she's compulsory to pay regardless of whether she eats at home and other expenses that the landlord stuck from her, such as overpriced phone cards, overpriced clothing, husband birthday, wife birthday, son /daughter /dog /cat /hamster birthday etc.
So if she don't go hotel with customers, how's she going to get money for her father's debt, mother's hospital fee, grandmother give birth, brother's computer, sister's tuition etc... And I've not bring in her uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, her pet cow, her motorcycle installment, her "imaginary" husband, her daughter and son's expenses...
All these needs money and as a Vietnamese girl who come here work in ktv, she's expected to bring home a few thousand $$$ from her 2 months here.
By just sitting in room, hard lah.
True, she may like you IF she's new in the trade. But it doesn't mean she will not go hotel with other customers. She does need to put bread on her family's table.
My advice to you? Don't blame her when she go hotel with other customers UNLESS you can give her $8k - $10k for the 2 months she's here and you can ensure she don't go hotel at all. (this will be difficult, i tell you.) If she lies to you, just take it that she don't want you to feel bad. Take it that she don't want you to brainfuck yourself that someone you like has to get fucked by another dick/s.
Just enjoy your time with her and treat her nicer when she's here. Give her a bit money but no need to break the bank. When she's to work, and that include going hotel with customers, just close one (no, make it both) eyes and don't disturb her. And you don't keep thinking that she's getting fucked by other dicks. No point brainfucking yourself. She will still get fucked by other dicks. And don't make her miss going to work and accompany you.
She's here for a purpose and that's to make money. You go ktv for a purpose and that's have fun and maybe fill some emotional void. Enjoy your time and take care of her. When is time for her work, let her go. And when it's time to go back Vietnam, maybe she will feel that she's not made a wasted trip.
This is very mature advice. Good one!
18-03-2013, 11:12 PM
Hey man,
That should be the way, I heard taking this kind of 'advantages' will make you bad luck for the next 3 years:D
now I know why I have been so suay:o
18-03-2013, 11:18 PM
Had my fair share of viet flings, and my conclusion is: we go ktv to look for fun, they go ktv to earn money. Although it may be additional fun to add some emotion and spice into it, pls do not get to deep. Have seen a few friends "falling into the hole"- hurt either emotionally or financially.
21-03-2013, 09:57 PM
Had my fair share of viet flings, and my conclusion is: we go ktv to look for fun, they go ktv to earn money. Although it may be additional fun to add some emotion and spice into it, pls do not get to deep. Have seen a few friends "falling into the hole"- hurt either emotionally or financially.
Its too late, I may have already fallen into the hole too.
25-03-2013, 11:27 PM
You need to patronize more vb then. Then you will realize that in fact all the holes (lies) are the same. They have the same 10 year series before coming here.
And while you're at it, add prc, pinoy and thais to the mixture too.
Play compost game also need to up level mah. You need to improve your shield for getting kc'ed.
26-03-2013, 12:24 AM
Its too late, I may have already fallen into the hole too.
wake up!!!!!
26-03-2013, 11:36 PM
You need to patronize more vb then. Then you will realize that in fact all the holes (lies) are the same. They have the same 10 year series before coming here.
And while you're at it, add prc, pinoy and thais to the mixture too.
Play compost game also need to up level mah. You need to improve your shield for getting kc'ed.
You maybe right. I am quite a new. Never really explore other places and I've never go back to that KTV since she went back to vietnam . As for add prc into the mix... I prefer not to. Had quite a bad experience with prc. anyway thanks for your input and I am quite far away before lvling up.
26-03-2013, 11:37 PM
wake up!!!!!
If it's so easy to wake up. It will defeat the purpose of this forum.
27-03-2013, 12:00 AM
Get to know this KTV girl from vietnam. she only know how to speak vietnam so our only way of communication is though translation using either her phone or mine phone and she manage to get hold of my number by give a missed on her phone.During the night at the KTV, I've noticed she never butterfly at all and only leave for toilet. i enjoy my stay there and bought her for supper after our KTV session ends....Sent her from home after supper as she stay nearby.When i reach home she text me "Chuc ong xa ngu ngon bay" then she asked if I'm going down to look for her...gave in and visit her again the following day. The KTV session is as usual and her butterfly rate was low too. until one of the staff stated to question for her staying in my room for too long and was bought to another room. as usual waited for her to finish work and go for supper then sent her back.
we went out few time during her off day. Did not spend too much when we go out. only cheap stuff that most bro will surely pay even if u going out with girls. Bought her to hotel twice and the stay for more than 6 hours. She never asked for money so i never gave her.
Finally, one fine day she said she no money. I told her if she treated my as customer and reply and not never asked again but on the same day i felt bad for not giving her money so told her to meet me outside KTV she is working in. She said she is tired and wanted to go home rest early. but when i arrived outside the KTV she was with some group of ppl and walk ago with of them. while looking at her i called her but her phone was off(She claim low battery).
I was unable to reach her until the follow afternoon. From that point it was sure they went hotel the night.
I ask her though sms(conversation more than 1k in 2 weeks) why she is did not wait for me, She said he was tired and went home early which is a lie. so i told her i saw her walking away with another guy. eventually she admit that when hotel that night. she apologize and said it was her first time which most probably not that case. her reply was fast and apologetic so i asked her why she didn't ask me for money and she replied there is not need to because she like me and do not treat me as customer.
My initial intention on was cut clean after she return to Vietnam in a weeks time.
Need some advice...She is either a KC pro or I'm too stupid to think that she is actually like me.
P.S Please forgive me for the poor command of English.
i bring u to the same joint. i go kc that girl u tell me. c if she behaves the same or not =)
27-03-2013, 09:55 AM
i bring u to the same joint. i go kc that girl u tell me. c if she behaves the same or not =)
Lol. Good one! :D
27-03-2013, 12:56 PM
i bring u to the same joint. i go kc that girl u tell me. c if she behaves the same or not =)
It's not possible now since she have already return to vietnam. Anyway thanks for your input.
30-03-2013, 01:06 PM
I'm just curious, who in the right mind would exchange sms with a total count of 2.4k while working in singapore. Even after she went back to Vietnam she would message me but it became much lesser as she said sms to singapore is quiet expensive. anyone know how much does it cost to sent sms from vietnam to singapore?
Btw, I checked my phone bill and my sms count was 1.1k so it safe to assume the rest was from her.
Don't use guys think she is invest too much just to KC someone?
30-03-2013, 02:59 PM
Even I got played out by a PRC KTV hostess before.. All the text and free dates and long time in room, never butterfly... Aiya, at the end day, they are butterflies.. where got more honey, they fly there...
Some actually work at ktv hostess in their country before coming here for more money, so don't think they've never met every other type of guys in their country. Plus, in this line, they easily can earn so much..
They know what bait to throw out to hook men & their wallets, never trust their replies for real. Only real till they sick of you or another bigger fish bites.
01-04-2013, 08:08 PM
Even I got played out by a PRC KTV hostess before.. All the text and free dates and long time in room, never butterfly... Aiya, at the end day, they are butterflies.. where got more honey, they fly there...
Some actually work at ktv hostess in their country before coming here for more money, so don't think they've never met every other type of guys in their country. Plus, in this line, they easily can earn so much..
They know what bait to throw out to hook men & their wallets, never trust their replies for real. Only real till they sick of you or another bigger fish bites.
I read alot of scary story related to PRC here...never want to experience that myself.
I agreed, they are here to earn money... they will ditch you when they find another person who is more willing to fill their pocket.
The point is, enjoy the moment and cut it clean when the time comes.
03-04-2013, 10:13 AM
I'm just curious, who in the right mind would exchange sms with a total count of 2.4k while working in singapore. Even after she went back to Vietnam she would message me but it became much lesser as she said sms to singapore is quiet expensive. anyone know how much does it cost to sent sms from vietnam to singapore?
Btw, I checked my phone bill and my sms count was 1.1k so it safe to assume the rest was from her.
Don't use guys think she is invest too much just to KC someone?
She need to do public relation so that you will be reminded that she wants to come back Singapore "especially" to see you. And maybe get you to sponsor her air ticket. And best, if you go Vietnam to bring her here.
All these, she had to repeat with her regular customers just to hope to hit that jackpot.
03-04-2013, 10:14 AM
I read alot of scary story related to PRC here...never want to experience that myself.
I agreed, they are here to earn money... they will ditch you when they find another person who is more willing to fill their pocket.
The point is, enjoy the moment and cut it clean when the time comes.
PRCs and Thais ate pro in the KC game.
03-04-2013, 10:21 AM
I agreed, they are here to earn money... they will ditch you when they find another person who is more willing to fill their pocket.
The point is, enjoy the moment and cut it clean when the time comes.
I agree very much.
Its too late .. already fallen into the hole .. If .. easy to wake up. .. defeat .. purpose .. here to earn money... .. ditch you . when .. another .. more willing to fill ..pocket.
Many great advice from experienced/seasoned seniors - purpose of SBF. This is just the beginning - never too late - :p hole will only get bigger !! Imagine/visualize the worst scenario - will help U to wake up. Time to break up - however painful. Otherwise more pains/regrets to come.
Not recommended to have a relationship with a WL (KTV/MP etc) - many/endless problems.
Wishing all a nice day. :) Cheers.
03-04-2013, 01:01 PM
i think she actually likes you. most women in this kind of profession are bursting with love actually. they just cant wait to love the next men that comes along. :cool:
hahahaaha! Good one bro!
03-04-2013, 05:56 PM
Many great advice from experienced/seasoned seniors - purpose of SBF. This is just the beginning - never too late - :p hole will only get bigger !! Imagine/visualize the worst scenario - will help U to wake up. Time to break up - however painful. Otherwise more pains/regrets to come.
Not recommended to have a relationship with a WL (KTV/MP etc) - many/endless problems.
Wishing all a nice day. :) Cheers.
Well said....I saluted u:D
Daily 6 points to share/return/exchange
05-04-2013, 01:52 PM
I read alot of scary story related to PRC here...never want to experience that myself.
I agreed, they are here to earn money... they will ditch you when they find another person who is more willing to fill their pocket.
The point is, enjoy the moment and cut it clean when the time comes.
Share a story with you.I got a bro who is obsessed with a ktv gal (PRC). They only knew each other for like 2 weeks. The gal kc my bro into thinking she only sit table in the ktv, dun go out with customers. Then the sob stories of she make make much money and she dun go hotel with customers becos she likes my bro....My bro kena kc by her and always supplement her $$.
Tried to persuade my bro but he won't listen. In the end, ytd I did a test right infront of my bro. I asked from my bro, the gal's number and text her. Told her we met at ktv and I wanna go hotel overnight with her. She quoted me $800.
Only when my bro saw the sms, then he wake up his fucking idea. :D
05-04-2013, 03:00 PM
The thread below is a good advice on KC from Bro Harvest posted on Feb 2009.
Hope newbies who have not read it can learn from it.
After patronizing the commercial sex world for well over a decade or so, I have experienced my fair share of seduction encounters from all kinds of WLs like most bros here. In my early years, I also fell easily into the KC trap, got burned but luckily managed to emerge stronger and wiser. However, a number of my ex-cheonging kakis weren't so fortunate. I've sadly witnessed the fall of some of the brightest and promising young men who never really recovered... one turned into an unscrupulous crook, another is seeking treatment for depression, while some others ended up divorced or crushed under a mountain of debt... all in the name of "love". The purpose of this sharing is to help and guide bros who are new/inexperienced in this KC game to know the rules and (hopefully) benefit from some methods/tips on how I engage them successfully after years of practice to seduce without being seduced. Now before I proceed, pls read below...
WARNING! This how-to guide is intended for emotionally-matured bros who wants to have a great time in a commercial sex setting without getting caught with an emotional baggage. Not suitable for mommy's boys, cry babies, or spoilt brads having school holidays! The game of seduction is an exciting but dangerous game. If you are man enough to play, don't come around here and cry father cry mother if you got burnt! There is absolutely no guarantee that what works for me will work for you. Past performance is not a guarantee for future performance! Proceed at your own risk!!
With the disclaimer in place, let's begin...
Ok guys, you are horny (who isn't?). You read some delicious FRs in this forum and decided to check the chick out. On your way, you begin to fantasize the outcome of your sexual encounter. Face: 9/10? Wow. BBBJ: 10/10? Wow. GFE: 11/10? Wow! Wow! Your saliva starts dripping as the blood flows down to your member. You prayed hard your ratings will be roughly the same. The chick did not disappoint you alright. In fact she was all you could ask for and MORE... She was so passionate it never felt so good. She was so skillful you wondered why you are still with your current gf/wife (if you have one). She gave you the ultra CFM look to affirm that you are the most DESIRABLE man in the whole world. She hugged and kissed like you are all she's ever wanted in a man. Your ego is boosted right thru the roof. You find yourself floating on sexual cloud 9. As you leave, she said she hope to see you again and deep in your heart you have already booked for the next RTF even before you store her number in your phone.
When you left, you kept thinking of her and the wonderful experience. Then you received her SMS. She said she missed you. Next day she asked you when are you coming to see her again. You saved her SMSes and looked at them whenever you are free... in the toilet, during lunch break, even when you are driving and waiting for the traffic lights to turn green... You could hardly wait for your next payday to arrive so that you can RTF her again.
Sounds too familiar? Congrats! The WL has just planted a "seduction seed" in you waiting to germinate!
First things first... Guys, here are the 3 Rules of Engagement in commercial sex:
Rule #1: Fuck and Fuck Off
To put it simply - No emotions involved for this money-for-pussy transaction. When the whole deed is over, it is OVER. Next target!
Rule #2: If you RTF, remind yourself of Rule #1!
Granted. Since the bonk was so wonderful, you plan to RTF and perhaps keep this WL as one of your regular sex companions. You want to seduce her to try your luck in getting some "preferential treatments" from her. Fine. But in order to be an effective rules player, you have to SINK Rule #1 deep into your coconut head BEFORE you RTF. How to do that? I'll touch on that later.
Rule #3: If you find yourself RTF-ing to the extend that it doesn't seems like a commercial bonk anymore...STOP the RTF immediately!
Very, very important. If you find your sessions with the WL becoming non-bonking sessions and replaced by non-sexual activities (eg. just hug and chat) you MUST absolutely STOP the RTF and change target!! Or else you will be in danger of crossing the KC line of NO RETURN!!
09-04-2013, 01:19 PM
I've noticed, most scary story are related to PRC, any bro can share some story related to vietnam girls. Thx for all your inputs :)
09-04-2013, 03:45 PM
First things first... Guys, here are the 3 Rules of Engagement in commercial sex:
Rule #1: Fuck and Fuck Off
To put it simply - No emotions involved for this money-for-pussy transaction. When the whole deed is over, it is OVER. Next target!
Rule #2: If you RTF, remind yourself of Rule #1!
Granted. Since the bonk was so wonderful, you plan to RTF and perhaps keep this WL as one of your regular sex companions. You want to seduce her to try your luck in getting some "preferential treatments" from her. Fine. But in order to be an effective rules player, you have to SINK Rule #1 deep into your coconut head BEFORE you RTF. How to do that? I'll touch on that later.
Rule #3: If you find yourself RTF-ing to the extend that it doesn't seems like a commercial bonk anymore...STOP the RTF immediately!
Very, very important. If you find your sessions with the WL becoming non-bonking sessions and replaced by non-sexual activities (eg. just hug and chat) you MUST absolutely STOP the RTF and change target!! Or else you will be in danger of crossing the KC line of NO RETURN!!
Very wise words. Usually, the female side is not so stupid either, they will makan you bit by bit... strike when they feel comfortable to ask you for things or tell you about their SAD STORIES. That is where you must start to be careful not to give in.
Rule number one is always correct. FUCK AND PAY, off you go. When they start asking more, you know it is their move to the TRAP laid by them.
10-04-2013, 03:25 PM
The thread below is a good advice on KC from Bro Harvest posted on Feb 2009.
Hope newbies who have not read it can learn from it.
After patronizing the commercial sex world for well over a decade or so, I have experienced my fair share of seduction encounters from all kinds of WLs like most bros here. In my early years, I also fell easily into the KC trap, got burned but luckily managed to emerge stronger and wiser. However, a number of my ex-cheonging kakis weren't so fortunate. I've sadly witnessed the fall of some of the brightest and promising young men who never really recovered... one turned into an unscrupulous crook, another is seeking treatment for depression, while some others ended up divorced or crushed under a mountain of debt... all in the name of "love". The purpose of this sharing is to help and guide bros who are new/inexperienced in this KC game to know the rules and (hopefully) benefit from some methods/tips on how I engage them successfully after years of practice to seduce without being seduced. Now before I proceed, pls read below...
WARNING! This how-to guide is intended for emotionally-matured bros who wants to have a great time in a commercial sex setting without getting caught with an emotional baggage. Not suitable for mommy's boys, cry babies, or spoilt brads having school holidays! The game of seduction is an exciting but dangerous game. If you are man enough to play, don't come around here and cry father cry mother if you got burnt! There is absolutely no guarantee that what works for me will work for you. Past performance is not a guarantee for future performance! Proceed at your own risk!!
With the disclaimer in place, let's begin...
Ok guys, you are horny (who isn't?). You read some delicious FRs in this forum and decided to check the chick out. On your way, you begin to fantasize the outcome of your sexual encounter. Face: 9/10? Wow. BBBJ: 10/10? Wow. GFE: 11/10? Wow! Wow! Your saliva starts dripping as the blood flows down to your member. You prayed hard your ratings will be roughly the same. The chick did not disappoint you alright. In fact she was all you could ask for and MORE... She was so passionate it never felt so good. She was so skillful you wondered why you are still with your current gf/wife (if you have one). She gave you the ultra CFM look to affirm that you are the most DESIRABLE man in the whole world. She hugged and kissed like you are all she's ever wanted in a man. Your ego is boosted right thru the roof. You find yourself floating on sexual cloud 9. As you leave, she said she hope to see you again and deep in your heart you have already booked for the next RTF even before you store her number in your phone.
When you left, you kept thinking of her and the wonderful experience. Then you received her SMS. She said she missed you. Next day she asked you when are you coming to see her again. You saved her SMSes and looked at them whenever you are free... in the toilet, during lunch break, even when you are driving and waiting for the traffic lights to turn green... You could hardly wait for your next payday to arrive so that you can RTF her again.
Sounds too familiar? Congrats! The WL has just planted a "seduction seed" in you waiting to germinate!
First things first... Guys, here are the 3 Rules of Engagement in commercial sex:
Rule #1: Fuck and Fuck Off
To put it simply - No emotions involved for this money-for-pussy transaction. When the whole deed is over, it is OVER. Next target!
Rule #2: If you RTF, remind yourself of Rule #1!
Granted. Since the bonk was so wonderful, you plan to RTF and perhaps keep this WL as one of your regular sex companions. You want to seduce her to try your luck in getting some "preferential treatments" from her. Fine. But in order to be an effective rules player, you have to SINK Rule #1 deep into your coconut head BEFORE you RTF. How to do that? I'll touch on that later.
Rule #3: If you find yourself RTF-ing to the extend that it doesn't seems like a commercial bonk anymore...STOP the RTF immediately!
Very, very important. If you find your sessions with the WL becoming non-bonking sessions and replaced by non-sexual activities (eg. just hug and chat) you MUST absolutely STOP the RTF and change target!! Or else you will be in danger of crossing the KC line of NO RETURN!!
Agreed with your 3 rules of engagement, however saying is always easy, after all man are still emotional animals:(
11-04-2013, 05:18 PM
Agreed with your 3 rules of engagement, however saying is always easy, after all man are still emotional animals:(
Lol.. i thought emotional is a term usually reserved for the ladies. Times have changed.
Yes, i think ts needs to thread carefully. Unfortunately i have a certain bias against ladies from vietnam. Have a few close friends and relatives who married viet women and end up suffering heart aches fr wives' infidelities. Of course, i don't think all viet women are like that, but from the stories i hear first hand, i would be cautious ard them.
As another bro here said, best to f and f off
14-04-2013, 07:03 AM
Very wise words. Usually, the female side is not so stupid either, they will makan you bit by bit... strike when they feel comfortable to ask you for things or tell you about their SAD STORIES. That is where you must start to be careful not to give in.
Rule number one is always correct. FUCK AND PAY, off you go. When they start asking more, you know it is their move to the TRAP laid by them.
Find fuck forget.unfortunatly many man find themself fucking emo & forget why they are fucking in the 1st place or at the wrong place.:eek:
14-04-2013, 08:12 PM
Sometimes need to fill the emotional void. Like me, forever alone club.
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