View Full Version : When do girls get sent back for STDs?

19-03-2013, 11:29 AM
This might have been answered somewhere before but I can't find the thread, so here it is again.

Appreciate if some senior bros in the know can enlighten.

When do geylang legal girls get sent back for STDs?

Are their checks monthly or more?

Do they get sent back for all STDs including curable ones (chlamydia) or non-fatal but incurable ones (herpes)?

Wu Song Jr
19-03-2013, 01:29 PM
This might have been answered somewhere before but I can't find the thread, so here it is again.

Appreciate if some senior bros in the know can enlighten.

When do geylang legal girls get sent back for STDs?

Are their checks monthly or more?

Do they get sent back for all STDs including curable ones (chlamydia) or non-fatal but incurable ones (herpes)?

Ah BG i thought last time you said you know a doctor at DSC and you very familiar with the girls routine checkups ?
Or is it you want to share with bros here ?
I camping here Ah BG hahaaa... thanks for starting this thread :)

19-03-2013, 01:34 PM
Ah BG i thought last time you said you know a doctor at DSC and you very familiar with the girls routine checkups ?
Or is it you want to share with bros here ?
I camping here Ah BG hahaaa... thanks for starting this thread :)

I spoke to a staff at DSC when I went for my own check. I am not sure if this staff is a doctor.

He said they do it three times a month.

If I was very familiar with it, I wouldn't be asking again.

19-03-2013, 01:35 PM
I spoke to a staff at DSC when I went for my own check. I am not sure if this staff is a doctor.

He said they do it three times a month.If I was very familiar with it, I wouldn't be asking again.

I went once in three months. Typed too fast.

19-03-2013, 01:35 PM
I went once in three months. Typed too fast.

"meant" not went. typed too fast again.

Wu Song Jr
19-03-2013, 01:50 PM
Ya Ah BG i was shocked earlier thought you went 3 times a month.
The editing not available so better preview before submitting the post.

The routine checkup... hmmmm...

19-03-2013, 02:56 PM
I only know the wl does monthly checks.

19-03-2013, 04:22 PM
If it is curable they should be put on leave and only allowed to work after its cleared, if it is not curable i don't think the authorities will allow them to work since it might be transmitted to other bros.

Not sure if this is the case though, but it does make sense.

19-03-2013, 11:06 PM
i know for sure cat150 wls get checked every 4 weeks, if pregnant or kena major std, balek kampung straightaway. I'm not sure if kena minor std, earlier 1g & 2g batches told me strike 1 can still stay, after recovery can carry on working, strike 2 then get sent home, but now 3g & 4g gals say no panchan, strike 1 oredi cut card, dunno who to believe. Eh bro wusong, how's life in bkk? Hope all is well with u & yr tirak

Wu Song Jr
19-03-2013, 11:44 PM
i know for sure cat150 wls get checked every 4 weeks, if pregnant or kena major std, balek kampung straightaway. I'm not sure if kena minor std, earlier 1g & 2g batches told me strike 1 can still stay, after recovery can carry on working, strike 2 then get sent home, but now 3g & 4g gals say no panchan, strike 1 oredi cut card, dunno who to believe. Eh bro wusong, how's life in bkk? Hope all is well with u & yr tirak

Thanks bro.. i struggling in bkk now hahaa...
Trying my best to catch up with my work.
My girl joining me only in 2 months time so must die die take this opportunity to cheong first in bkk before she join me hahaa..

Ah goolibong what you just mentioned about the std very logical.
Thanks for info :D

20-03-2013, 12:15 AM
Ya Ah BG i was shocked earlier thought you went 3 times a month.
Hahaha ... limpeh was shocked too ... Hahaha

The editing not available so better preview before submitting the post.

Yahor, why they took out the EDIT button ?

20-03-2013, 12:24 AM
If all SOPs for WLs are the same then, monthly checks. 1st time STD will be monitored and cured. Second time would be sent back home.

If there are any changes, I guess those OKTs in the houses should be updated too.

20-03-2013, 12:28 AM
wah long time since i cheong in los, think it was 2009, i travel solo no balls to hit the happening discos, nep gals back then ordinary 5/10 looks, kept finding 9/10 looks gals at soi cowboy (think the bar's name was tilac), going rate was thb1500/3000 for st/lt +thb600 barfine, what's the scene like now?

20-03-2013, 01:18 AM
If all SOPs for WLs are the same then, monthly checks. 1st time STD will be monitored and cured. Second time would be sent back home.

If there are any changes, I guess those OKTs in the houses should be updated too.

Bro badder.nicefriend heard from geylang okt's same like your posts.:)

20-03-2013, 01:26 AM
wah long time since i cheong in los, think it was 2009, i travel solo no balls to hit the happening discos, nep gals back then ordinary 5/10 looks, kept finding 9/10 looks gals at soi cowboy (think the bar's name was tilac), going rate was thb1500/3000 for st/lt +thb600 barfine, what's the scene like now?

Bro googlibong220.posted in wrong section.:)http://sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=88817

20-03-2013, 02:18 AM
Major 3 no give chance....minor/non-listed in checks but kenah scanned depend on stage of development.

Applies to all who goes checkup....ex anonymous checks.

20-03-2013, 03:00 AM
to clear the air with regards to the safety of GL,

1. girls go for checkup every 28 days
2. testing include oral, vaginal and anus region for gonorrhea and clamydia
3. blood test conduct monthly for the first 6 months for syphillis and HIV
4. after the first 6 mths, blood test will be conducted every 3rd month
5. WL found to have any form of infection for the first time will be given medication and barred from working until they are cleared
5. WL found twice to have any form of infection will be asked to pack up and leave
6. HIV infection is a sure ticket for home

hope this could answer many queries that bros have.

20-03-2013, 04:46 AM
Many thanks Bro Haizdie : the AV has excellent procedures for checking !!

20-03-2013, 08:53 AM
to clear the air with regards to the safety of GL,

1. girls go for checkup every 28 days
2. testing include oral, vaginal and anus region for gonorrhea and clamydia
3. blood test conduct monthly for the first 6 months for syphillis and HIV
4. after the first 6 mths, blood test will be conducted every 3rd month
5. WL found to have any form of infection for the first time will be given medication and barred from working until they are cleared
5. WL found twice to have any form of infection will be asked to pack up and leave
6. HIV infection is a sure ticket for home

hope this could answer many queries that bros have.


Apart from HIV, what are the other STDs that make for a straight ticket home?

Also, for uncurable but non-fatal stds like herpes, do girls get a second chance or sent home?

Because there's no way to cure herpes.

I wish they'd check for HIV and syphilis every month. Three months is a long tine, as she could've spread it to about 500 guys by then or more if she's an ang pai.

20-03-2013, 05:09 PM

Apart from HIV, what are the other STDs that make for a straight ticket home?

Also, for uncurable but non-fatal stds like herpes, do girls get a second chance or sent home?

Because there's no way to cure herpes.

I wish they'd check for HIV and syphilis every month. Three months is a long tine, as she could've spread it to about 500 guys by then or more if she's an ang pai.

Health authorities place a strict view on HIV, Hepatitis and Syphillis. Aside from HIV and unwanted pregnancy which guarantees a ticket home, the other conditions are to the discretion of the AV/DSC. Herpes are not considered in testing, reason being

1. There is a high prevalence of HSV 1 (generally restricting to the facial oral region) among adults and this is a completely normal condition. a person with no prior sexual experience can be infected with HSV 1 too.
2. There may be a cross infection of HSV 1 to genital regions due to the various sexual practices
3. The infection (whether HSV1 or HSV2) only causes discomfort and inconvenience for people living with it and it is virtually impossible to eradicate from the general population
4. proper use of barrier for sexual activities can decrease but not prevent the transmission of the virus
5. although the presence of HSV sores when exposed to body fluid containing HIV can significantly increase the rate of HIV transmission, safe sex practices is still considered safe.

therefore, if HSV infected WL should be sent home, then half of GL's WL will disappear from our shores.

as for your concern about HIV testing, the reason for monthly test for their 1st 6 months is to pick up any infection that was acquired in China prior to coming over. in ordinary cases, any infection in its window period would be detected by 12 weeks with the current sensitive test kits and thus the measure in place is safe enough. subsequently, testing once every 3 months is actually the standard practice stipulated by US CDC.

for chiongsters like us, if we follow the guidelines set out for GL scene (aka protected vaginal intercourse), we are only required to test ourselves once every 6 mths to 12 mths in the absence of any symptoms. BBBJ could transmit HSV, gono and clamydia so get blown at your own risk.

hope this info can clear many doubts surrounding WLs' health regulation and also chiongsters' concern for their own health. we have to accept that as long as we do not commit to a single sexual partner, we are accepting the risks involved for any form of infection. i got to know of a few people from the WLs who frequent GL asking for raw from cat 150. in order to safeguard ourselves from these irresponsible chiongsters, we have to be responsible to ourselves.

to more good years ahead!

20-03-2013, 06:14 PM
i got to know of a few people from the WLs who frequent GL asking for raw from cat 150. in order to safeguard ourselves from these irresponsible chiongsters, we have to be responsible to ourselves.

to more good years ahead!

True that bro. Some cheongsters would remove the condom without the WL/FL being aware. Always wear the protection to safeguard yourself from such bastards.

20-03-2013, 06:29 PM
i found 1g & 2g cat150 wls who rawed a lot of customers tended to carry around a douche bottle to wash their pussies, quite rare now among 3g & 4g gals, another dead giveaway of course is few condoms in their bag in the afternoon. The gals undergo std education course on arrival, but dunno how much actually sinks in, they r not that smart generally, once found an open cold sore near a pussy once, the silly gal claimed a customer scratched her, i swore off that gal forever

20-03-2013, 08:48 PM
i found 1g & 2g cat150 wls who rawed a lot of customers tended to carry around a douche bottle to wash their pussies, quite rare now among 3g & 4g gals, another dead giveaway of course is few condoms in their bag in the afternoon. The gals undergo std education course on arrival, but dunno how much actually sinks in, they r not that smart generally, once found an open cold sore near a pussy once, the silly gal claimed a customer scratched her, i swore off that gal forever

lol scratched by customer. denial at its best.

20-03-2013, 10:52 PM
[QUOTE=haizdie;8695476]Health authorities place a strict view on HIV, Hepatitis and Syphillis. Aside from HIV and unwanted pregnancy which guarantees a ticket home, the other conditions are to the discretion of the AV/DSC. Herpes are not considered in testing, reason being

1. There is a high prevalence of HSV 1 (generally restricting to the facial oral region) among adults and this is a completely normal condition. a person with no prior sexual experience can be infected with HSV 1 too.
2. There may be a cross infection of HSV 1 to genital regions due to the various sexual practices
3. The infection (whether HSV1 or HSV2) only causes discomfort and inconvenience for people living with it and it is virtually impossible to eradicate from the general population
4. proper use of barrier for sexual activities can decrease but not prevent the transmission of the virus
5. although the presence of HSV sores when exposed to body fluid containing HIV can significantly increase the rate of HIV transmission, safe sex practices is still considered safe.

therefore, if HSV infected WL should be sent home, then half of GL's WL will disappear from our shores.


Do you mean statistically 50% of WL have HSV?

21-03-2013, 06:29 AM
Do you mean statistically 50% of WL have HSV?

i wouldn't put a specific stat on that but you could assume that it is the case for HSV 1 and HSV 2; taking into consideration the nature of their job and the number of potential exposure they had. i had on numerous occasions spotted multiple scabs around WL's vaginal and anal region which is an indication of a recovering herpes outbreak. but when scabs are formed, the lesions are no longer infectious. however, there may still be a risk of transmission through viral shedding which does not produce any symptoms.

23-03-2013, 11:46 PM
Thank you for all the useful informations.