View Full Version : Massage Parlors
28-04-2013, 11:54 PM
I'm a guy 30+ not married but been to alot of massage parlors since my teenage years its not that I'm ugly or what I loss my virginity at age of 19 all beocz of my friend brought me to massage parlors got me addicated to sex slept with bimbos and paid them hundreds of dollars which is my hard earn money I'm not rich was born poor but I did overtime just to fuck this massage prostitutes almost been 12 years of my hard earn money 4x in a months let's put $700 x 12 months =$8400 and 12 years = $100,800 that's how much I spent 12 years of fucking now I'm 35 not married no saving yes I did enjoyed sex evey kind of race u get in parlor so addicated even now once in while I visit atleast handjob paid the chinagal $30 bucks had to bargain her from $50 I don't know where I'm heading am I the only one stupid sometimes hate myself but what to in s,pore u can't afford to married and settle down unless u strike toto or 4d for my case until then I will continue to stroll around massage parlor feed my birdy once in awhile chip chip
30-04-2013, 01:41 AM
Might also be a good idea for you to learn how to punctuate and paragraph your postings.... :D
30-04-2013, 07:40 AM
bro, a word of advice; never get addicted to sex. you are the only one who can control yourself. no point restrict yourself to massage parlours. there's so much more the world can offer. step out and you will see more. control yourself and you can have more fun :D ok the advice is more than a word.
who's the bimbo when u r the one paying with your hard earned $$
u can still get married if u can find a gal who is willing to slog with u.
30-04-2013, 08:45 AM
bro, which girl on earth will be there to slog with you nowadays ? minus the fat, ugly and below average.
30-04-2013, 11:07 AM
Go foreign...if u cant find local. :D
30-04-2013, 11:24 AM
12 years of shiokness at 100K very cheap already.
Some driving nice cars 10 years 300K gone! :eek: :cool: :D
30-04-2013, 11:34 AM
Bro consolation is u r not ALONE in this predicament!!!
30-04-2013, 11:57 AM
bro, which girl on earth will be there to slog with you nowadays ? minus the fat, ugly and below average.
What's wrong with marrying a gal who is below average in terms of look? As a man, we must marry someone with good wife quality. If the gal is willing to slog with you for a better future, she is someone that is definitely worth to marry. A man must marry virtuous wife, not pretty wife
30-04-2013, 12:55 PM
What's wrong with marrying a gal who is below average in terms of look? As a man, we must marry someone with good wife quality. If the gal is willing to slog with you for a better future, she is someone that is definitely worth to marry. A man must marry virtuous wife, not pretty wife
bro, nothing wrong and it depends on what average is to you. i agree a man must marry a virtuous wife, not pretty wife. but nowadays where can we find a virtuous wife? :(
30-04-2013, 12:58 PM
bro, which girl on earth will be there to slog with you nowadays ? minus the fat, ugly and below average.
bro, nothing wrong and it depends on what average is to you. i agree a man must marry a virtuous wife, not pretty wife. but nowadays where can we find a virtuous wife? :(
As per your post above. Not dun have. It's just a matter of whether did you even take notice of them or try to befriend them.
30-04-2013, 01:06 PM
12 years of shiokness at 100K very cheap already.
Some driving nice cars 10 years 300K gone! :eek:
10yrs driving nice cars $300K gone but would have gonna them a nice gf/wife in the duration....12yrs spent in MP at $100K is a waste of too have gone through this phase and have cut down ever since realising the $$$$ spent could have get me a new car....but the consolation is that sex is still not the most wasteful addiction i have come is considered worth it, if you can afford it comfortably...:cool: :)
As per your post above. Not dun have. It's just a matter of whether did you even take notice of them or try to befriend them.i also have a hard time finding virtuous wife sia.....:(
30-04-2013, 01:21 PM
i also have a hard time finding virtuous wife sia.....:(
Try going to the wet market on weekends. Look for those stalls that have young ladies helping out. Most likely they are the daughters of the hawkers. Usually such gals are quite virtuous. Just think, weekend mornings dun sleep and go help parents no good meh?
In fact i know my very first gf in wet market as well. She was helping her mother in the florist while I was helping my father in the fish stall. That was like many moons ago. :D
30-04-2013, 01:28 PM
In fact i know my very first gf in wet market as well. She was helping her mother in the florist while I was helping my father in the fish stall. That was like many moons ago. :Dso u were the then 鱼王子 in the 1980s。。。so yr ex-gf is Li Mei Ling...her mum is Pan Lingling(extracted from 对对碰)....:D :p
so weekend, i go see flower shop got nice daughters or not....喜不喜欢我也是问题。。。:o
30-04-2013, 01:43 PM
A man must marry virtuous wife, not pretty wifeI want a virtuous, young, hot and sexy pretty trophy wife! :o :D
it is considered worth it, if you can afford it comfortablyAgreed, should not over spend. Just budget it under entertainment fund. :p
30-04-2013, 06:34 PM
bro, which girl on earth will be there to slog with you nowadays ? minus the fat, ugly and below average.
very hard n cruel sentence bro.... but this is a fact.
01-05-2013, 12:55 AM
bro, a word of advice; never get addicted to sex. you are the only one who can control yourself. no point restrict yourself to massage parlours. there's so much more the world can offer. step out and you will see more. control yourself and you can have more fun :D ok the advice is more than a word.
I used to be innocent boy but my bestfriend changed me into sex machine. We always 24/7 talking about sex where to go waiting for our payday is our fuckday. its long story I don't blame my friend becoz can't control my addiction but now oldman ready 35+ not much into sex like my teenage years
01-05-2013, 01:08 AM
who's the bimbo when u r the one paying with your hard earned $$
u can still get married if u can find a gal who is willing to slog with u.
Find some one right to slog with me,now days gals are changed everything is money see the sex forum sg gals selling their body $1000 to $500 our living cost getting higher they want easy money very hard to find good wife
01-05-2013, 01:12 AM
bro, which girl on earth will be there to slog with you nowadays ? minus the fat, ugly and below average.
b4 u minus off the fat, ugly and below average u shld let us know how above average yr looks is in order to convince an average and above girl to slog with u willingly.:D
01-05-2013, 09:01 AM
I used to be innocent boy but my bestfriend changed me into sex machine. We always 24/7 talking about sex where to go waiting for our payday is our fuckday. its long story I don't blame my friend becoz can't control my addiction but now oldman ready 35+ not much into sex like my teenage years
like bros here say, focus on earning money and girls will be attracted to you (to the money and power you possess actually) . to me, sex is a relief, nothing more than that. purely F and FO. in olden days, they say 成家立业 thats why our forefathers can build nations cos always got relief at home. now? its the other way round....have to have the money before you even talk about having a wonder TFR dropping.. :o cos stress and stress but no relief.. but we clever bunch..know where to get the relief. :D but we mustnt abuse it else it will abuse us...control is key to success.
01-05-2013, 09:04 AM
b4 u minus off the fat, ugly and below average u shld let us know how above average yr looks is in order to convince an average and above girl to slog with u willingly.:D
bro, didnt know girls also see looks ah..thought we men are the only visual creatures :D
and my previous statement may be wrong too. even the fat, ugly and below average may not willingly slog with their counterpart cos the world is practical. transactions make up this modern day society.
01-05-2013, 12:14 PM
Bro Residentgood,
I am sure most of us in this forum enjoy sex (though in many different ways), and that's why we are all here sharing our thoughts. Some of the bros may be fortunate to pay a bit lesser but others did pay more than you because they get addicted or wanted to be exclusive and pay for that exclusive price.
Your illustration may seems a lot of spending base on your 12 years calculation. But sometimes it may even end up pay more when there is a marriage breakout...
There is a price tag for everything... It could be a one-off transaction but at least you get to enjoy the variety of it...
If you calculate one more time, how many chicks have you bonk?
The numbers will make a lot of bros here envy you....
anyone kana massage girls asking for your number asking you to meet them outside?
I just went to a massage joint, this girl is about 30, long hair and quite pretty. She want my number and ask me out for a date.........LOL
01-05-2013, 08:28 PM
anyone kana massage girls asking for your number asking you to meet them outside?
I just went to a massage joint, this girl is about 30, long hair and quite pretty. She want my number and ask me out for a date.........LOL
I have. The girl late 20's. Told me it's not safe at her shop. Ask me to go hotel at night to "slowly play".
It'll be wise not to think that she actually likes or fancy u. They just want to make more $$$. Whatever they make there their boss gets a cut.
PRC MILF from PC L3, all the way to the back. To be fair I find her above average chio but that was my very first time going MP so I was too shy to give her my contact.
01-05-2013, 09:36 PM
I have. The girl late 20's. Told me it's not safe at her shop. Ask me to go hotel at night to "slowly play".
It'll be wise not to think that she actually likes or fancy u. They just want to make more $$$. Whatever they make there their boss gets a cut.
PRC MILF from PC L3, all the way to the back. To be fair I find her above average chio but that was my very first time going MP so I was too shy to give her my contact.
swee la. she wanna "slowly play" with you, bro :D
01-05-2013, 10:11 PM
swee la. she wanna "slowly play" with you, bro :D
She want my $$$. Do u think she nv ask other bros? Anyone has the power to spend is eligible.
01-05-2013, 10:14 PM
She want my $$$. Do u think she nv ask other bros? Anyone has the power to spend is eligible.
possible too. maybe i go try liao let you know. :D
01-05-2013, 10:41 PM
possible too. maybe i go try liao let you know. :D
There's another one on L4, besides escalator. Only one on L4 can't miss. Think she just arrived, very nervous (This took place 4 weeks ago). Tell me cannot this cannot that, have to be very quiet. Can only touch outside panties .... But half way through she removed pantise herself and push my head there and ask me to paint her.
At that pont I myself nervous coz she became louder and louder. This one looks much younger.
Guess what, when I step out of the shop, another bro was standing outside. I am sure he knows what went on in the shop. I bravely look into his eyes and he walked away. Inside me was like super nervous haha.
Damage was $100 (w/HJ). Feel not worth it. GL professional ladies and most FL is $100/hr full FJ.
02-05-2013, 10:44 AM
I guess for me is seeking for a moment of relief though usually after it I am mentally and financially empty.
At times I think back at what I can do with 100-150 if I didn't go for massage & services. But besides PCC & going for such services, what can a single guy with no gf or FB do? I need to have more control over myself because I'm financially tight after a series of bad luck.
Thought of getting a gf, having a relationship but have no luck meeting the right gal.
02-05-2013, 02:01 PM
I have. The girl late 20's. Told me it's not safe at her shop. Ask me to go hotel at night to "slowly play".
.Should be fun time bro ;)
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