View Full Version : Only honest sharing; Do you go to FL, WL for emotional needs?

04-05-2013, 02:47 PM
Dear bros,
I know this topic that I am opening up will invite some form of critical remarks. Well, hold your gun first. If you are those who are strongly against my topic then you can leave now (say with all politeness)

This is going to be a long write with not much sex action (though not totally without) so if you just want hot sex story, leaves.
This is a heartfelt sharing. I know by now some of you alr wanted to post sentence like "wrong thread" ect. No, I don't think it's in the wrong thread because it involves FLs and WLs, both of which we go to them for PAID sex in the first place (or so we think?)

I decided to start this topic base on 2 reasons.
No. 1: from some posting by bros, I discovered that some of the bros go there not just because of sex but also emotional support.
No. 2: I visited my first FLs after a very heart breaking relationship issue. I used to be very religious, even having impure thoughts of girls will cause me to feel bad. I find that I am weakest to temptation when emotionally down. Going to Fls may seem wrong to some people but for a moment I feel I am not judged or condemned and this girl I am with actually appreciates me.

Before I did this, I'd advise my friends that sex workers are but, sex workers. They are doing a business deal, no money no talk. After you're done, that's it, case closed. One should not feel attached to them. To seek a true relationship we have to do the traditional way; get to know a girl, befriend her, know her better, clicked then progress to marriage.
However as you all know' it's always easy to advice others, especially when we're not in the picture ourselves or had never gone through it.
Below is my heart felt sharing. I am not blaming anyone. I know I am responsible for myself. However in the spirit of sharing, pls do not judge me. I’ve had enough alr.

I visited my first Fls abt a mth back. I was having a very long and suffering struggle with a group of people whom i used to respect, whom had journey with me during my difficult times. People whom I listened to, think their advice is the best in the world. I basically entrust my life and how I think to them. Then one day I just gave an honest feedback, I see their true color. The same person who have been teaching me to have a teachable heart, to be humble to accept teaching by others, turns out to be the worst self-righteous person I've ever met.

As days go by I discover how dominating he actually is. He basically expect everyone to think the way he thinks. Then I also realise the way he talks to his mother and his wife are not what I think person of his status should be. After a very long struggle I told them I am leaving the group. This opens the can of worms and started a few rounds of so called “counselling and loving talks”.

They always begin by expressing their concern for me. The problem is, the things that they think are a concern to them, they will conclude that i will surely end up what they think might happen to me. Outwardly seem very caring but it is a form of spiritual control.

Some friends (also friends of his) who knew about this and who see what I see did advise me to leave. However it's really not easy for me to just go. You see, when I was out of job, he did help me a lot. He is always extending a helping hand to me.
I'd wanted to leave that group 4yrs ago (so you see how long I struggled), it is this that held me back. However how I got to break this bondage is, I slowly realise there's something very wrong about him.
Outwardly he is always helping others and sacrificing for others, putting others before self. There’s always a very self-sacrificial reason behind his actions. When times I asked why certain action was taken. (i ask simply I don't understand, also wanting to learn from him), he will take it as he is being questioned for his good action, he will look very pitiful, like he's being prosecuted for doing good. To me, I am just asking a question. I know I ask in a very respectful manner. He just didn’t give people a chance, he just jump to that reaction and make me feel very bad even just by asking. So I stooped asking him and thinks I am wrong to question my leader. From then on, I think whatever he does is correct.

Soon I found out that he has a very low opinion about others (think lowly about others) For example, when I did something to help others, he will not see it as I am helping but the first thing that come to his mind is I am trying to take advantage for my own gain. When I asked him why he just said he is joking. However out of the heart the mouth speaks. This happen constantly. Why is it that when he does things he knows he has a very godly motive while others do things because they are up to selfish gain? If he do things out of a good motive then shouldn’t he think of others the same?
He is constantly watching what I said and if it doesn’t sound like what he think is right he’s call me, sms me or send me long email telling me he is concern for me and he wants me to change for the better. Sometimes just because I use the word “shit”, he will be “talking to me”. There’s no need to explain to him coz he will not listen.

I used to think maybe he is right and maybe I have too many area to change so I tell myself to just obey. But in my spirit it just seem not right. True enough my mum started to comment that I’ve changed. She said I’ve become very self-righteous. I expect others to think the way I think. Soon I start to have quarrels with my mum over why she did not buy the noodle I wanted. Mind you I did not even tell her what I wanted, I expect her to think how I think!
Some of my close friends started to leave me. The funny thing is, this was the period I am closest to him cause I really put in effort to think how he would think.

Since he has always tell me he is concerned for me that’s why he need to speak in to my life, speaking the truth out of love even when it is difficult for him to talk to me, I decided that I shall talk to him too, because I treat him as best friend. Base on the same spirit, I talked to him but that’s was when all hell break lose, now I see the true colour of him. I did not even expect him to accept my feedback, just need him to listen and consider. I understand that nobody is perfect. I also know that there might be error on my part I will never expect him to agree to all I said.

This person who has always been teaching me how to be a better person, to be willing to listen to others, is no any more mature than a kid, who do not even have 1% willingness to listen. Now I know how insecure this person is, cannot accept things not done his way. Even some of the so called hokkien peng contractors, whose every few sentence contain the fXXk and cb word I came across are much much more humble than him.

He is still sending sms telling me I need help and I need the truth. I was pretty angry at first because this is his way of asserting he is right and I am the only one need help.

From being heartbroken to anger, to sadness. Now my view is no need to be angry. I need to move on and focus on the posistive things in life. My goal now is to earn better income, treat my mum better. Also to appreciate friends around me.

I not am saying I am perfect or I always take in what others think of me, but at least I do consider what others tell me. Anyway if you ask me do I regret these few years being there? At first yes but now I am thankful. I am an emotionally weak person but through this I became not easily disturb.

Now if you are wondering what’s this got to do with my topic….stay tuned
Thanks for reading.

04-05-2013, 03:52 PM
Welcome to the real World! As wat I always tell myself the whole world is your friend when you got money! Only when u r really down and out u know who your true friend are!

And for your ques, do I need emotional support when I visit fl? Answer is no be cos it a buyer and seller game only! Nothing more than tat

Do a reality check on yourself and ask wat u really wan! Probably it will make u a happier man


04-05-2013, 05:35 PM
TS, things do not always stay the same.... time to move on. Close the door behind you and open the door in front of you and embrace whatever is behind the next door, new challenges? new friends?, new girl, new FL or WL or a horny hungry sexy looking maid? We never know until we close the door behind us and open the next door in front of us to find out. So move on. Oh please knock before you enter, it's nice to approach politely with caution.

04-05-2013, 05:51 PM
TS, things do not always stay the same.... time to move on. Close the door behind you and open the door in front of you and embrace whatever is behind the next door, new challenges? new friends?, new girl, new FL or WL or a horny hungry sexy looking maid? We never know until we close the door behind us and open the next door in front of us to find out. So move on. Oh please knock before you enter, it's nice to approach politely with caution.

Thks for sharing. To be honest, I do not have any intention to "go all out". Not trying to be mean to other bros who r into maids, I got no heart to do so. I have had chance to up a few PRC girls but they are not sex workers and I know doing so it's like taking adventage of them. I also don't want to affect their life. For me the most is to have a fair deal where I pay for time, after that leave.

04-05-2013, 06:03 PM
Go for fl only to release your lust.

Wanna date them out, for emotional needs or feelings?

IMHO, you are just playing with fire. :cool:

04-05-2013, 09:50 PM
I'm extremely interested in people cut from the same cloth as me, whether writers or others. I almost thought I had a split personality coming on the forums while I was asleep and needed to see a shrink. XD

Anyhow TS, do continue. I'm interested in your tale.

04-05-2013, 10:34 PM
they are not sex workers and I know doing so it's like taking adventage of them. I also don't want to affect their life. For me the most is to have a fair deal where I pay for time, after that leave.

You and the whole lot here are not significant enough to affect their life.... they allow their life to be affected by their own choice, by lowering themselves and sllowing their pride, it's their own footsteps they take.

They all have their respective reasons to be hookers.

They are just like us, they closed the door behind them and chose a door of choice to open and stepped in to the skin trade and viola... you engaged them ... after they are done with their hooking... they will closed the door again and open a new one by choice hopefully no more returning back to the door they just closed behind them.

04-05-2013, 10:58 PM
TS i understand your point.

Ever since i stepped into the scene, each time i feel frustrated or down, i'll think of approaching stuffs like that to solve my emotional problems, but thankfully i did not, like some bros have mentioned, its as good as playing with fire.

To them its just a transaction, nothing more than that..

04-05-2013, 11:08 PM
Welcome to the real World! As wat I always tell myself the whole world is your friend when you got money! Only when u r really down and out u know who your true friend are!
well said,money talks
in the hookers world
money talks louder than love
to them what is love without money?
always best to screw a vareity of girls
so that the chances of being kc by one and only ''love'' is lower
when you get to try many girls you realise no point to give up the whole forest just for one tree:D

05-05-2013, 01:36 AM
You and the whole lot here are not significant enough to affect their life
They all have their respective reasons to be hookers

Thanks lickNpoke.

I am refering to girls other than hookers. That's why I said I prefer a fair deal of paid service.

Anyway here I cont.

I am not pretending I am all clear but I choose move on. (many years of wounds can't be healed overnite. moving on is a determination)

Coming back to the topic, I am not advocating or encouraging bros to fill their emotional emptiness by FLs. I understand full well that's not the avenue to seek emotional support. Well, I started this to provide a platform for open and honest sharing. Do contribute your views just may I ask bros to be kind to one another.

Like it or not, some do find form of comfort for their emotional needs in FLs. We can give 1001 reason not to do it but that doesn't mean nobody is doing it. I know being man most of us will not even admit deep inside us we do crave someone who appreciate us for who we are.

Please allow me to share my views. They are by no means a benchmark or evident to argue a point. Just expressing my views as a middle aged man, single, never had a GF.

I've always wanted to find someone (girl) who will not focus on my weak points but appreciate what is good about me. I am not looking for beautiful or sexy, hot girls. Anyway beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I also know my own weakness so not demanding too much. I am not those who feels shy or lost for words kind of guy when meeting girls. I am certainly not the stubborn
type who insist on the notion that only inward quality is important and use this excuse to be lazy about self grooming. I do make an effort to dress well, get my hair style by stylist and do facial once a week. And I am by no means boring. In fact I am quite humorous.

Well maybe it's the plan by the guy up there, girls I came across always focus on my weakness. Once I was interested to know a girl from a group. When my intention was known to them, someone actually advise against it and told her about my financial situation many yrs back. For a period of my life I was struggling finacially. But that was quite long ago, when I quit my first job (first job after NS). I was quite taken aback as I am alr out of that situation long ago. I mean what's wrong with me building my career and struggle along the way? I mean I am not lazy, I did not give up inspite of setbacks and I fullfill my responsibity to my family. One thing for sure I was not born rich, having to support myself and my family is not easy at all. If you are curious, I am not fat, not short, normal height, don't smoke, don't drink. I can still do 10km without going out of breath. As for looks, I look young for my age. My clients and my sub-con think that I am 20 plus. Not handsome but do get look at by girls occasionally. (I nv realise but was told by female friends. Let's not argue over this, I just sharing what I hear from my friends. if you think I am boasting so be it)

I am not looking for a girlfriend to satisfy my sexual needs or someone who give in to me 100%. I am looking to a relationship which we help build each other up. Girls I came across only focus on what i am not capable to do but never consider what I can excel in.

This group of girls are around my age, 35-38. Don't know why I never have any luck with woman my age. So far girls who did respond well to me are those in their early 20's. One was a final yr art student, another was a young OL. But really not what i looking for. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against syt. They may be young but they are not childish and can be really sweet. I am not talking in the sexual sense. I think age gap will have a problem.

Having all these discouraging set backs, how will I not feel good when an FL said something caring to me? I don't mean all of them. As you know most if not all are $$$ face. Only this one will listens to me and comforts me. Things that she said she would not do, did not state on her ads, she did to me, which I told her in first place I don't need. When I returned she even remembered how I was the first time I went to her. We talk about life, our family and even our dreams.
To be she did pay attendtion to the details which give me a sense of care.

I am not intoxicated nor do I create a smoke screen for myself. The point I wish to make is, for people like us who always get rejected and get looked at lowly, this kind of attendtion we get are really heart warming, if I may. I know it's just a deal. After the 2 hours it's back to reality and that cost money.

This is my sharing. If you do visits for comfort, share your thoughts. For those who do not visit for same reason pls bear with your bros. If you would like to give advice pls be kind and think before you hit the keyboard.

I wish you well my dear bros.

05-05-2013, 09:10 AM

I've always wanted to find someone (girl) who will not focus on my weak points but appreciate what is good about me. I am not looking for beautiful or sexy, hot girls. Anyway beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I also know my own weakness so not demanding too much. I am not those who feels shy or lost for words kind of guy when meeting girls. I am certainly not the stubborn
type who insist on the notion that only inward quality is important and use this excuse to be lazy about self grooming. I do make an effort to dress well, get my hair style by stylist and do facial once a week. And I am by no means boring. In fact I am quite humorous.

Well maybe it's the plan by the guy up there, girls I came across always focus on my weakness. Once I was interested to know a girl from a group. When my intention was known to them, someone actually advise against it and told her about my financial situation many yrs back. For a period of my life I was struggling finacially. But that was quite long ago, when I quit my first job (first job after NS). I was quite taken aback as I am alr out of that situation long ago. I mean what's wrong with me building my career and struggle along the way? I mean I am not lazy, I did not give up inspite of setbacks and I fullfill my responsibity to my family. One thing for sure I was not born rich, having to support myself and my family is not easy at all. If you are curious, I am not fat, not short, normal height, don't smoke, don't drink. I can still do 10km without going out of breath. As for looks, I look young for my age. My clients and my sub-con think that I am 20 plus. Not handsome but do get look at by girls occasionally. (I nv realise but was told by female friends. Let's not argue over this, I just sharing what I hear from my friends. if you think I am boasting so be it)

I am not looking for a girlfriend to satisfy my sexual needs or someone who give in to me 100%. I am looking to a relationship which we help build each other up. Girls I came across only focus on what i am not capable to do but never consider what I can excel in.

Perhaps u can cast your net wider, there's good gals in abroad too. My friends married wives from Vietnam, China and Taiwan, happily n blissfully married. :)

05-05-2013, 09:58 AM
No. 2: I visited my first FLs after a very heart breaking relationship issue. I used to be very religious, even having impure thoughts of girls will cause me to feel bad. I find that I am weakest to temptation when emotionally down. Going to Fls may seem wrong to some people but for a moment I feel I am not judged or condemned and this girl I am with actually appreciates me.

No bro, its more likely that she appreciates your $$$. How do you know she doesn't judge or condemn you behind your back? I'm not judging you as we have all had bad times, and would sometimes fall into the temptation of paying for a dream. But always remember that you have to wake up someday.

Before I did this, I'd advise my friends that sex workers are but, sex workers. They are doing a business deal, no money no talk. After you're done, that's it, case closed. One should not feel attached to them. To seek a true relationship we have to do the traditional way; get to know a girl, befriend her, know her better, clicked then progress to marriage.

Take your own advice. Even in the unlikely event that the WL you are with is serious, its only that way for the moment. To be blunt, you come from different socio-economic backgrounds. You have different moral values. You have different ways of life.

...He is still sending sms telling me I need help and I need the truth. I was pretty angry at first because this is his way of asserting he is right and I am the only one need help.

Read the whole bit about your friend. Sounds like you were in a religious cell-group once? Don't feel too bad, some of these cell-groups prey on the insecurities and struggles of the common man. Good to see that you have moved on.

This group of girls are around my age, 35-38. Don't know why I never have any luck with woman my age. So far girls who did respond well to me are those in their early 20's. One was a final yr art student, another was a young OL. But really not what i looking for. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against syt. They may be young but they are not childish and can be really sweet. I am not talking in the sexual sense. I think age gap will have a problem

Of course those in their early 20s respond well to you. You can provide them a sense of security that most of their male peers can't.

Seriously man, you are just not looking hard enough. Maybe most of the eligible bachelorettes of your age are already attached with kids. Ok the rice is cooked, enough time has passed. Don't mope around and wait any longer if you can't stand being lonely. Go participate in more social activities, and work hard at improving yourself.

If nothing works out, being alone is still better than indulging yourself in a pointless fantasy with a WL. WLs are here to fuck for a buck. Whoever you are besotted with currently - she's not going to be here forever. Earned enough and off she goes. Where does that leave you then? Heartbroken and broke.

I suggest you try to make more good friends. Remember those people who are genuinely there for you when you are down and out. Keep those people in your life. The relationship you have with the WL is one built upon a fiscal exchange. Always remember that.

Only this one will listens to me and comforts me. Things that she said she would not do, did not state on her ads, she did to me, which I told her in first place I don't need. When I returned she even remembered how I was the first time I went to her. We talk about life, our family and even our dreams. To be she did pay attendtion to the details which give me a sense of care.

C'mon how do you know she doesn't do the same for other bros?

Don't fall into her trap. At best, she's trying to get repeat business. At worst, she might be trying to sucker much, much more out of you.

05-05-2013, 10:38 AM
It seems that you have not replied to my PM, preferring instead public attention or perhaps thinking I wanted the FL's contact from you. Rest assured that is not the case.

I can't help but feel this is one of those troll threads again after seeing incidents of what happened with Christianity and forum flames these days.

Because the events of your life are so similar to mine and I tend to be rather open about my own, I can't help but feel that this is a troll set up by some uni acquaintances that I know come on sammyboy. I suspect someone decided to come on the forums and play a role-playing game here.

It seems that I was right that I was wrong to teach seduction techniques on these forums. It turns out I just create better trolls and devils. I can only hope it would actually help some socially inept bros like myself to get better.

Regardless, most of the bros here have already given u the hard truth without a sugar coat or dilution. It hurts, but it's the truth and as much as I hate to say this, some of them mean well when they say some of this painful stuff. It's spoken from going thru alot of pain and from experiencing it first hand. :)

05-05-2013, 11:14 AM
I do sometimes "try" to look to WL for "emotional needs" but those emotional needs are just external.

i'm alone big part of my time other than working so whenever i see guys and girls holding hands, my heart will cringe abit. so every now and then i will try to ask some WLs out for a movie or dinner so that emotional aspect can be fulfilled.

other than that, i won't look to WLs for problem sharing. even my ex and so called "normal" girls may give you more emotional torture than comfort, i don't expect WLs to sincerely listen to my problems.

asking them out is just to have fun other than sex. and since i'm single and she's from overseas, we have no need to fear being spotted by any friends. :D its really just engaging a social escort. :o

but bros beware, the above is not for the easily-KCed. realise what is for fun and what is not. you will get to enjoy the company with calculated liability. key: guard your heart and control your dick.

05-05-2013, 02:03 PM
WL r selling their body for $$$, so what kinda emotion do their have for their customers. Even if they cum for every customer, they'll not last a day with so many cums. Most likely for every deal their moaning, their expressions all are fake coz they r all very good actresses......Juz enjoy your fuck & fuck off, imho :D

07-05-2013, 05:48 PM
Most likely for every deal their moaning, their expressions all are fake coz they r all very good actresses......Juz enjoy your fuck & fuck off, imho :D

And the whorist should be like a true whorist... Just enjoy the services rendered, pay up and leave, maybe tip a bit if you really had a wild time... Act sympathetic to sob stories for courtesy and listen. That all there is.

07-05-2013, 08:01 PM
yah i always tell the WL i very emotionally drained and down recently can help discount abit boh?:D

07-05-2013, 10:06 PM
Aiya, Rich ppl got their playing methods, poor ppl got their playing style...even ugly ppl have their own ways of getting girls.

Fls are purely for releasing ur needs and nothing else period.

Seriously, don't let ur "frds" negative remarks overwhelmed u...many ppl says negative remarks abt a person is because they got lowself esteem. They want u to feel that you are lousier than them so that they will feel that they have one less competitor out there lor.
And trust me, they won't feel guility on putting a frd down in front of others( ESP in front of girls lor :D)

Stay positive, be happy!!! Damn isnt it better to be happy being alive then be cold and dead regretting the things u should have done and u did not do lor.