View Full Version : Is masturbation a sin?
11-05-2005, 05:37 PM
I think this is a personal struggle for every one. I was listening to a talk show on the chrsitian radio and it was so funny, this 90 year old lady called to ask her question, is masturbation a sin?
90 years old, The preacher said, no.she said, I did'nt think it was ! 90 year old christian and still trying to figure this out.
Maybe it is, maybe it is'nt, maybe it is and is'nt. Im really strugling though.If it is a sin, why do we have these urges?Why do we even have so much sexual attraction?To more then one person.
Most are too embarased to discuss this. I am, but dont care.
have you evr tried not to do it and the feeling just builds up so much that almost anything turns you on?Then ya do it, it's so good, then you question, why?Then try to find out why?it's crazy!
RE: Life is never too short to F__K around!
jungle boy
11-05-2005, 05:53 PM
i think masturbation is not a sin, overdoing it to the extent that you start to yearn to touch yourself unnecessarily or begin to mentally 'rape" every girl that walks past you is definitely a sin.
i remembered reading somewhere before that if you look at a pretty girl as she sashays past you, that's human nature. but if you deliberately do a u-turn and go one big round in another attempt to see her again, that's cavorting. and once you begin to cavort, you lust, and if you're weak-willed, you may commit petty crimes like touching them lah, take mobile phone pictures without their knowledge lah...
too much of anything is bad ultimately...
i guess my question would be - is having an urge a sin?
11-05-2005, 06:01 PM
in christian or catholic term.
masterbation is sin.
mentally thinking also considered sin.
to all other religion. not sure. but who cares if it is sin.
who so angel never masturbate b4? lol . i meant grown adults here
11-05-2005, 06:11 PM
you play with your own thing where got sin :confused: :D
jungle boy
11-05-2005, 06:16 PM
in christian or catholic term.
masterbation is sin...
hijack abit here, i know christians frown upon smoking, but catholics smoke after mass in the church compounds. the bible doesn't explicitely state that smoking is a sin, so how ah? :D
bible got say anything about masturbation or not?
11-05-2005, 06:17 PM
Then is flirt around a sin?...........I think flirt is worse than masturbation rite? as u fuking around with diff. more sinner. :eek:
jungle boy
11-05-2005, 06:21 PM
Then is flirt around a sin?...........I think flirt is worse than masturbation rite? as u fuking around with diff. more sinner. :eek:
i think it's one of the commandments - cannot commit adultery (basically thou shalt not f*ck around lah) :D
11-05-2005, 06:24 PM
hijack abit here, i know christians frown upon smoking, but catholics smoke after mass in the church compounds. the bible doesn't explicitely state that smoking is a sin, so how ah? :D
bible got say anything about masturbation or not?
abusing one sexual morality is sin.
smoking is bad habit < which is considered sin.
anyway no one is escapable from sin lar. only jesus is the none sin person
jungle boy
11-05-2005, 06:30 PM
abusing one sexual morality is sin.
smoking is bad habit < which is considered sin.
anyway no one is escapable from sin lar. only jesus is the none sin person
i'm a sinner, man... smoke, cheong, lust, next thing i'll be taking upskirt pictures with my mobile phone :D
11-05-2005, 06:33 PM
End of day, even it is defined as sinful, will anyone stop doing it? We are merely human. :)
I think this is a personal struggle for every masturbation a sin? ...Maybe it is, maybe it is'nt, maybe it is and is'nt.... try to find out why?it's crazy! Struggle no more... masturbation is not a sin if done in moderation, like 10 times a day...... Bwahahahahhaahah!!! :D No, seriously, 1-2 times a day is quite natural and it'll get lesser as you grow older... Humans are emotional creatures and primal urges are part of our nature and psyche, so urges themselves are not sins if we seek to relieve them in proper ways... In fact, sex in itself is part of our lives and we should seek to satisfy our sexual needs, again in proper circumstances...
But if one starts straying with OB habits, such as habitual peruse of porno materials, excessive urge to take "zao-geng" pix with your HP cameras, etc... these are symptoms of psychological problems... if you can control them, well and fine but if it gets out of hand, see a psychiatrist... Pls treat seeing a psychiatrist as normal, like seeing a doctor for your cold... nothing shameful about it...
11-05-2005, 08:13 PM
being born in this sinful world is aldy a sin, everyone is a sinner, unless u r long as u dun commit crimes, been more sinful or less sinful, makes no difference except ur own feelings abt it :o
11-05-2005, 09:04 PM
well.. to me, masturbate is definitely not a sin, its an enjoyment, helps to relieve headache, relieve stress, blah blah blah. i mean, human are born like tis wif lust one wad.. lol, did ani1 watch the movie S-diary.. l0lx the pastor or priest damn funny. the gal who put the viagra into his wine and den he drink den he erect.. den he muz pray and ask for forgiveness.
11-05-2005, 09:13 PM
the gal who put the viagra into his wine and den he drink den he erect.. den he muz pray and ask for forgiveness. more worse...........ERECT also a sin........lolx.......... :eek:
11-05-2005, 09:38 PM
Its only human. Playing with your own dick. To release. Adultery confirm 101% sin. :p
11-05-2005, 09:45 PM
Man sin sin lor... Haha since everyone is a sinner wat...
11-05-2005, 09:48 PM
hmm. I'm Catholic myself, and I've been taught that masturbating is a sin. When I speak to my Catholic friends, most of them do it anyway, or worst, indulge in pre-marital sex. Which from catholic perspective is a no-no.
I believe that sin is defined by the self; in other words if its not against your conscience, it is not a sin. I think for too long has the term 'sin' been taken and been spun around by men. Just my two cents worth.
11-05-2005, 10:33 PM
Others think rather about that those people who declared sensuality as a sin, spend their time rather with burning and torturing innocent men and women, lead several crusades where they massacred every man, women and child they came across, and finally supressed most of the native cultures in the new worlds.
So tell me now, who's realy the sinner?
RE: Life is never too short to F__K around!
Dear All,
To a Buddhist, masturbation is a sexual misconduct. It's sex with the wrong part of a body (even with your own hands!). Masturbation, when commited, will break the laymen vows (one of the five). When viewed from a Buddhist, masturbation is not a sin since this "sin" thingy is linked to the "creator god" concept of Christianity, etc. However, breaking of the five lay vows is a BIG thing!!!
12-05-2005, 01:55 AM
I think that if u pcc thinking of your own wife then its not a sin :D cannot fantasize bout other women...haha
hmm. I'm Catholic myself, and I've been taught that masturbating is a sin. When I speak to my Catholic friends, most of them do it anyway, or worst, indulge in pre-marital sex. Which from catholic perspective is a no-no.
I believe that sin is defined by the self; in other words if its not against your conscience, it is not a sin. I think for too long has the term 'sin' been taken and been spun around by men. Just my two cents worth.
From a purely Biblical perspective, the moment one has lustful thoughts, sin is already committed (in the form of adultery) <me sees no need to quote Biblical verses here>. So never mind pcc as you need to fantasize in order to cum, right??
One bro mentioned about smoking not being a sin. Again, the human body is God's temple so smoking is harmful to His temple. Just some of my thoughts....
Some of my friends are staunch believers, i.e. practioners of God's word (the Bible), I also beh tahan...
12-05-2005, 03:21 AM
Well I once read on webbie said that porn movies actually reduced Jap rap cases. I think masturbate is the similar la. It release your desire and cool u down, so u don't go and do stupid thing. DOn't over do it... :D
12-05-2005, 04:33 AM
If you don't masturbate regularly, it's likely that you will sin more often. The urge to have sex when one reaches adolescence is natural. Masturbation helps to relieve that urge and restore your hormone balance. If you think masturbation is sinful and try every means to suppress your urge, it can only can worse and distract you. You will start fantasizing having sex with girls etc. That's where all hell break loose, bringing on more sins.
The situation today is different from 2000 years ago. It's easier for the people during those times in bible to refrain from masturbating and having sexual fantasy. For one thing, the men married early so there would not be a need to masturbate. The women during those times would dress like our Afghan women, covered from head to toes. How to fantasize ?
The situation in our society today is completely different. Tank tops, halter necks, tight spandex blouse, micro-minis, black pantyhose, 5-inch heels etc. The scale of the temptation is different compared to the old days.
12-05-2005, 07:57 AM
It depends on what answer you want. If you ask the pcc-ers and cheongsters out here, of course its not a sin. But if you go to other fundamentalist christian forums to ask then its a sin.
12-05-2005, 08:21 AM
when u reached nirvana. u almost same like god already, onli difference he have the power u dont.
when u reached nirvana, you do not need anything nor scared of anything. cause to you, you live for the sake of living only.
theres a white and black side of force. white refers to the good doings etc..dark of cos is the bad.
nirvana falls in the somewhere between, the grey side. its a side without hatred, anger or desires. u do not need good food, sex or release. cuz ur mind holds total control over your body, the determination is so strong that you do not need to do anything.. no desires at all.
afterall, in this world, it is desires that give u pain. we wanted love, so we find gf,which we got hurt in the end. we wanted sex, so we have extra premarital affair etc etc..
lets reach nirvana together :)
12-05-2005, 09:01 AM
hijack abit here, i know christians frown upon smoking, but catholics smoke after mass in the church compounds. the bible doesn't explicitely state that smoking is a sin, so how ah? :D
bible got say anything about masturbation or not?
remember the saying of - " Your body is the temple of your soul... "? When you go to a temple, do you see smoke emitting from the incense? Guess it's fine to have smoke coming out from your body then! :D
12-05-2005, 09:41 AM masturbation a sin?
RE: Life is never too short to F__K around!
'Sin' is a perception which is perpetuated as a moral wrong doing in this social & religious culture of ours.
Like a horizontal epidemic (across all land) & a vertical epidemic (across all generations), we were taught and constantly reinforced with guilt and shame on the perceived notion of sin.
However, by putting moral, social, cultural and religious values aside (as all these are not innate or biological), whatever actions (self or paired) or thoughts one may have, as long as there's no harm done unto another or others, your conscience will be clear without guilt. Then, that's when the notion of sin will cease to exist. :rolleyes:
12-05-2005, 12:31 PM
In the Christian context or even in other religion, it's a sin to have impure thoughts. The Bible says when a man looks upon a woman lustfully, he has already committed a sin. During pcc, man will look at magzines or try to imagine they do the FJ with a colleague, fren, movie star to simulate a sexual intercourse situation in order to bring the penis to climax.
If can pcc without sexual or immoral thots, then it's not a sin ? Impossible unless WET DREAM lah :D
12-05-2005, 12:48 PM
Yes it is a sin.
Especially if you are a guy
Good spunk should not be wasted on a tissue.
Instead it should be in a living female body
12-05-2005, 01:05 PM
after every pcc, i will tell my deedee, "i am sorry, its a sin, but i'll get you a FL asap!" :D
12-05-2005, 01:12 PM
after every pcc, i will tell my deedee, "i am sorry, its a sin, but i'll get you a FL asap!" :D
good one bro, I nearly fell off my chair :D
jungle boy
12-05-2005, 03:28 PM
twist the question - by not masturbating, is it a sin?
i mean, by keeping all that pent-up urges and daily sperm production unreleased, aren't you doing harm to the 'temple of your soul'?
it's the same as drinking, people in biblical times, drink during weddings and festivals, but the bible mentions cannot get drunk, so masturbate in moderation, but don't get addicted to touching yourself :D
12-05-2005, 03:50 PM
twist the question - by not masturbating, is it a sin?
i mean, by keeping all that pent-up urges and daily sperm production unreleased, aren't you doing harm to the 'temple of your soul'?
it's the same as drinking, people in biblical times, drink during weddings and festivals, but the bible mentions cannot get drunk, so masturbate in moderation, but don't get addicted to touching yourself :D
don't think there'll be any harm la bro...if never pcc for too long it'll burst out naturally via wet dreams ma...God didn't say can't ejaculate what...somemore during nvm...haha :D
jungle boy
12-05-2005, 06:03 PM
... God didn't say can't ejaculate what...
wah~ like that sure go crazy, if cannot ejaculate through wet dreams, cannot masturbate because it's a sin, then no choice must have f*ck to release lor? ha ha ha :D
...if cannot ejaculate through wet dreams, cannot masturbate because it's a sin, then no choice must have f*ck to release lor? ha ha ha ...... so if cannot pcc, cannot commit adultery, cannot-cannot-cannot... then buying a sex-doll to release all that pent-up energies is ok lor?!?!?!!? Bwahahahahahahah!!!! :D
13-05-2005, 11:57 AM
"Sin" mean "miss the mark" in Greek, you would have sinned if you had set the law as it is sin. Where there is no law there is no lawlessness. Therefore no sin if it is not set. How to miss the mark when there is no marker? :D
13-05-2005, 12:21 PM
"Sin" mean "miss the mark" in Greek :D
wow...learn something Greek finally :p
"Sin" mean "miss the mark" in Greek, you would have sinned if you had set the law as it is sin. Where there is no law there is no lawlessness. Therefore no sin if it is not set. How to miss the mark when there is no marker?Eek! All that sounds Greek to me, can you make it any simpler?!!?!?!?! Bwahahahahahahha!!!! :D
13-05-2005, 11:15 PM
From a purely Biblical perspective, the moment one has lustful thoughts, sin is already committed (in the form of adultery) <me sees no need to quote Biblical verses here>. So never mind pcc as you need to fantasize in order to cum, right??
One bro mentioned about smoking not being a sin. Again, the human body is God's temple so smoking is harmful to His temple. Just some of my thoughts....
Some of my friends are staunch believers, i.e. practioners of God's word (the Bible), I also beh tahan...
I guess this more or less sums up why it's a sin in Christian context. Any abuse to 'God's temple' is disrespect...a sin....add on the lustful thoughts...2 wrongs don't make 1 right!
as for drinking...perhaps the ppl in those days drink but never got drunk....being drunk is a concern coz one lose control of his action...btw, drinking seems to be a no-no is most religions...
14-05-2005, 01:49 AM
I guess this more or less sums up why it's a sin in Christian context. Any abuse to 'God's temple' is disrespect...a sin....add on the lustful thoughts...2 wrongs don't make 1 right!
as for drinking...perhaps the ppl in those days drink but never got drunk....being drunk is a concern coz one lose control of his action...btw, drinking seems to be a no-no is most religions...
It depends on what is in your mind when you are masturbating. If you are thinking of fucking your wife, it's not a sin. If you are thinking of fucking another man's wife, it's a sin. If you don't have a wife, and if you are thinking of a man, lagi jialat. More sinful ! If you are thinking of your neighour's dog, knn that's bestiality. Sibeh sinful.
So it's all up in the mind, not the up and down strokes, not the ejaculation that make you sinful.
So next time when you masturbate, try thinking about the economy, currency fluctuations etc. You will be forgiven.
14-05-2005, 08:01 AM
No bro. i dont think masturbating is sinful, prositution is legal right?
14-05-2005, 10:06 PM
Is it? well the only person to really decide is yourself. Obviously, you feel bad about it and this to me is your answer. May I also add that this is no black & white issue but by shifting your view, you can actually convince yourself that it's quite ok. The religious values are ideals that to me remains something only a true saint can acheive. We are humans & unfortunately mostly weak. Its obvious that all of us have broken religious values in many ways.. By supressing even the slightest sexual urge can create a monster. So like many of us bros have said, whatever you do so long as its just you & yourself only than it should be alright.... in moderation of course, how many times? well, you have to decide becoz our urges is diferent from person to person.
14-05-2005, 10:13 PM
No bro. i dont think masturbating is sinful, prositution is legal right?
I think in japan, the gers there are more sinner than guys man........hahahaha :D
jungle boy
14-05-2005, 10:34 PM
So next time when you masturbate, try thinking about the economy, currency fluctuations etc. You will be forgiven.
bro peter_north, you are a f*cking clown, f*cking funny man, i'm taking your advice, next time i masturbate, i'll be thinking of the last general election and how my constituency kenah walk over, ha ha ha :D
15-05-2005, 10:32 AM
My sex drive is so high that my gf complain.
Sometimes I just wish to chop it no more urge ...
but till now BO JI to do that lah.. hahaa
15-05-2005, 10:47 AM
Waaaaa.... Adult Discussion on Religion ah???? :eek:
Better stay out of it as this is not my department. :cool:
15-05-2005, 10:58 AM
Ha! Ha! lets just do what our heart desire, life is short. As long is wallet is not short of vit. M and session not short.
16-05-2005, 12:21 AM
End of day, even it is defined as sinful, will anyone stop doing it? We are merely human. :)
To sin is only but human.
The thought within the mind is where the roots of sin truly lie.
To think without act is as good as sin, as such.
Realising that there is no life without sin is enlightenment.
Knowledge of sin through action is ... complete ignorance.
Tragedy of the human world is that an inequitable amount of emphasis is placed on the quantum of sin being defined by the amount of undesirable actions commited.
More often than not, the degree (and/or extent) of undesirability is purely determined by popular opinion.
Popular opinion is what defines the "right" and the "wrong" in this world.
Law was written by man. Principles defined by him. But, man is inherently flawed in thought. Who is ... right? :rolleyes:
16-05-2005, 08:48 AM
bro peter_north, you are a f*cking clown, f*cking funny man, i'm taking your advice, next time i masturbate, i'll be thinking of the last general election and how my constituency kenah walk over, ha ha ha :D
Yes, by all means. But when thinking of the election, please steer clear of Eunice Olsen and Lily Neo. Otherwise, your effort will go down to drain.
16-05-2005, 11:22 AM
Yes, by all means. But when thinking of the election, please steer clear of Eunice Olsen and Lily Neo. Otherwise, your effort will go down to drain.
When I pcc to get "erection", can use Eunice as target. :D
jungle boy
16-05-2005, 12:50 PM
Yes, by all means. But when thinking of the election, please steer clear of Eunice Olsen and Lily Neo. Otherwise, your effort will go down to drain.
also cannot think of male mps, lagi sinful, ha ha ha :D
17-05-2005, 12:41 AM
also cannot think of male mps, lagi sinful, ha ha ha :D
That's a good one !
17-05-2005, 06:30 PM
Thanks everyone for your valueable note.
God bless all.
When I pcc to get "erection", can use Eunice as target. :D...with her mouth open in the direction of your Member...!???!!? Bawahahahahahahah!!!! :D
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