View Full Version : neighbours and flings

14-05-2013, 03:54 PM
story about neighbours and flings.
up to you to decide if it is fact or fiction.

I have a neighbour.we have seen each other occasionally in the lift.however we did not speak to each other.as we were in different sec school. but one day we bumped into each other in the streets.thus we emerged from a simple hi bye into something more.......

soon after that day.we would meet up frequently for late dinner or early supper at a place nearby and go home together.till one night we were on the way back home from our dinner.as the night is still young.we sat down in a pavilion in a park near our homes.chatting about random stuffs.school.holidays.work.clubs.

her: so how many flings do you have?
me: flings?no such luck yet.(obviously lying)
her: sure anot?I don't believe
me: really.why not.what about you?
her: maybe 3?
me: 3?!at a time?
her: no la.one by one of course.
me: chey..
her: so you have anot?
me: maybe a few.
her: how far do you go?
me: maybe fingering and petting at most....
her: why?so weird.
me: haven't reach that level ma.what to do.girls so hard to cum also isn't it.
her: no la.where got.quite easy for me actually.I cum quite fast actually....I like it when guys go down on me.makes me cum faster...

then she starts to sit with her knees in front of her chest. with her thighs and hot shorts tightly pressing against her love hole.it was a sigh to behold......

me: really?u easily horny right?(giving a cheeky face)
her: maybe.(looking away and around)
me: so you also go down on guys?
her: yup.
me: you don't find it like maybe gross?
her: well.it is a give and take.if the guy is willing to do it.I have to too right?
me: true....so where you usually do it?
her: mostly at home.
me: when your parents ain't in?
her: yea.did staircases before.didn't try in the car.
me: oh.won't your parents like come back halfway?
her: won't.I know where they go and what time they will be back.
me: oh.
her: what about you?
me: me?did it in the girls house usually. not really convenient in my house.....
her: why?
me: my parents works late and doesn't have fix time.wouldn't be nice to be caught with my pants down wouldn't it.haha!
her: oh.isn't it boring like that.
me: I can always go to the girls house right?(winks at her)
her: (starts to smile and look away...)

to be continued.......

14-05-2013, 04:25 PM
Cool story! Camping here for more..hehe :D

14-05-2013, 08:20 PM
interesting story! camping here.

14-05-2013, 10:57 PM
3rd campers. Pitch tent

15-05-2013, 11:46 AM
Wait for more updates . :)

15-05-2013, 12:59 PM
her: so do u have siblings?
me: nah.great to have a sister thou.you?
her: I have a sister
me: oh right.I seen her before.doesn't really look like u.
her: don't look like?I tot we look quite alike!
me: not really...but you two seems close. I always see you two going out together.
her: yeah.we talk about all kinds of stuffs.isn't it great to have a sister to share your stories?
me: I guess so...
her: we even talk about which is the biggest we seen before.
me: serious?how do you even start talking about it.
her: we are used to it.
me: so your sister is also into flings?
her: yeah.around the same.
me: oh.you two are really sisters.(laughing)
her: of cos!
me: so you two sleep in the same room?
her: no.but we usually talk at night.girl to girl talk.
me: oh.heart to heart talk you mean?
her: same la!
me: (laughing)
her: and my sister is out clubbing again tonight.
me: why you never go?
her: nah.didn't have the mood to.just not tonight.
me: oh.never go also good.can sleep earlier and rest more.
her: but that usually isn't the case!in the end I will just watch videos till she is back.
me: waiting for her to come back?
her: not exactly.just that watching videos is quite the addicts.so her coming back means it is really late and time to sleep!
me: oh true.it means you usually watch till 4 5am?
her: yea.movies and running man.
me: running man is damn good!

so we go on about running man for around 20 mins.if I were to include it in.I will bore all bros here.

her: what time is it?
me: 11pm.
her: oh.I should be going.
me: ok.me too.
her: so whatcha doing tomorrow?
me: nothing I guess. army leave now.what can I do right.
her: never work part time?
me: can is can.but lazy to work.laziness is getting to me.(laughing)
her: tsk.lazy.
me: what about you?
her: holidays now.
me: never work?
her: lazy.(laughing)
me: still dare say me!
her: girls lazy nevermind one.guys cannot.
me: girls always say that.
her: it is true what!
me: whatever...(fake irritated face)
her: ok.lets go back.

the way back was normal.more random stuffs.till the lift.

her: so whatcha doing later?
me: play some games or watch some videos I guess
her: oh.you wanna watch together?(looking straight at my face)
me: eh?where and how?
her: at my place?
me: now?
her: yup.
me: I don't mind..but will I disturb your parents?
her: think they are asleep.and they usually won't enter my room.
me: hmmm.ok then.I don't mind.but I will go home and get some stuffs first.
her: ok.
me: I will see you at your door later.
her: ok!

to be continued.....

15-05-2013, 05:43 PM
interesting story...keep it up!

15-05-2013, 06:25 PM
camping here :D

15-05-2013, 10:51 PM
Very interesting story. Flings huh. Do keep your updates flowing :)

16-05-2013, 02:39 PM
and so I went home and put down my stuffs and wear something more casual and comfortable.I then head over to her place.....

*knock knock*
me: anyone?
her: hold on a sec.
me: ....
*door opens*
me: hi again(acting stupid)
her: hey.come on in.
went in and look around.
me: so should we talk softly?
her: not really.but not too loud of course.
me: ok.
her: come.here is my room.

her room is the messy room.bits of things here and there.bras hanging behind the door and on the edge of the bed.

her: abit messy right
me: for a girl.is very messy
her: but who cares right
me: I know right.tsk girls.still always claim to be neat
her: I didn't claim to be very neat
me: can tell
her: whatever.lets start watching.
me: I don't see a computer.u use laptop?
her: yeah.school laptop.
me: oh.ok.where shall we sit.(cause I can only see one chair)
her: on the floor den we put on the chair?
me: also can

she then proceed to on the laptop and air con.
we then watched running man.I forgot which episode but then again.that is not the point.
we watched till perhaps 1am+ end of the 2 episode

me: ain't your back a little sore?
her: a little.

as we had been sitting on the floor all this while.
you know the feeling of sitting cross leg for too long and you just feel like lying down.

her: I go lie down a while.
me: I also need lie down.my back is killing me.
her: ya. I know right! me too!

she lies down on the bed.while I lie on the floor.

her: floor not hard?
me: which floor not hard you tell me(showing the poker face)
her: asking out of concern ma!
me: I know la.but tired so nevermind.can lie down good enough
her: wan lie on my bed?
me: eh.big enough not
her: wait.you got bath not.
me: obviously not.I bath one min just now meh!
her: you got sweat not.when is the last time you bath
me: before supper.no sweat la.
her: then ok.just come up

so I went up her bed and lie down next to her.both of us facing the ceiling

me: shiok ah.can sleep here already
her: me too.don't know why so tired
me: we are both lazy people.do nothing also tired
her: not me ok!
me: like that you don't lie down go exercise now.
her: crazy!no way man.
me: look who's talking.
her: irritating!
me: ha.
*10 sec of silence*

her: so.what is the real reason you don't go all the way with your flings?
me: that is random.....
her: just asking...
me: I'm not sure thou.guess it didn't progress till that stage
her: oh.
me: what about you?why you go all the way?
her: naturally what.this type of question need ask one meh?
me: true.just asking also la!
her: stupid
me: I smarter than you ok.definitely.
her: ya right!
me: hell right.

for some reason.she begin to sit up and hit me.playing fight with me.

me: girls.typical always hit people.violent!
her: cause you are mean!
me: oh really.who is the mean one now!
her: still you!
me: fine.I will be meaner since I am already classified as mean.

I begin to hold her hands down and pinch her.
it seems she was leading me on.she begin to struggle and pull me nearer to her body......

to be continued.......

16-05-2013, 08:44 PM
looking good.. keep it up

16-05-2013, 09:02 PM
a pure fiction-fantasy; u wonbt even have half the looks required to get her to invite u to chat, let alone bring u to her room....

16-05-2013, 10:14 PM
Interesting story, waiting for more update.

17-05-2013, 09:48 AM
camp 4 more... :D

17-05-2013, 09:49 AM
Camping bro..!!

21-05-2013, 04:17 PM
Bro, looking forward to your next post! Thx n cheers, ..........

21-05-2013, 04:26 PM
and soon we were so close to each other.that we can feel each other breathing on our bodies.the warmth from her body turns me on.while I can feel that she herself is getting turned on too.

me: u lose
her: no.we both win.

and she gave me a peck on the lips.I believe it to be a teaser.as she wants me to crave and lust for her.after the peck.she just stared at me with puppy eyes.

me: so you are waiting for me right?(just to tease)
her: no.who says?
me: really?

I started to use my index finger to draw circles on her neck and down to in between her breasts.I could tell she was breathing harder.

me: you want more?
her: maybe.
me: you want me to stop?

she didn't answer me.but I already know the answer. I continue to circle her neck and in better her breasts.occasionally touching her bra and the top part of her breast.

slowly and slowly.I circle to her shoulder.and push her spaghetti strap off her shoulder of both sides.I returned to the middle of her breasts and push it down.I slowly circle around her back so as to push it fully down.exposing her black bra.I know the teasing has to go on.the face that she is giving is such a pleasure to my eyes.the helpless and dominated face.unable to control her emotions anymore.but yet trying so hard to remain a straight face.

me: nice boobs

I then stop circling.and begin to kiss her.I gave her a tongue fight.occasionally biting her tongue gently.after a minute.I begin to circle again.but this time.I circle around her bra.making sure I so not touch the area near her nipple.I continue kissing her chin.down to her neck and shoulder.then begin to lick her top exposed area of her breasts up to her neck before kissing her again and licking all the way down to her breast again while continuing to circle around her nipple.

me: how long can she last.I wonder to myself.

then she started to cup her hands over my neck.to press my body towards hers.she attempted to remove my shirt but couldn't. so I got up and remove it.as I was doing so.she moved in to remove my berms.undoing the buckle.and zipping it down.I know it is still early to show her the goods.so I didn't remove my shorts just yet.I left it unzip but I hold her down again and continue what I was doing.she hug me close as I feel our skin touch.she was so hot and breathing so hard.so I decided to take a notch further....

to be continued..

I am a beginner at this.but I am trying to write it as detailed as possible.

22-05-2013, 01:05 AM
keep going bro.. waiting for more..

22-05-2013, 02:52 PM
I begin to kiss her neck and circle my fingers to her back and reach for her bra.I lifted her up slightly and un-hook hee bra.but I know it is still early to take it off completely.I need the tease to carry on.I make sure she feels my rock hard bro rubbing against her thigh.I took the bra strap off her shoulders but I left it cupping on her breasts.I continue to tease her by touching her bra and the top part of her breast only.I can feel her nipples pushing the bra up.I guess it is time to remove it.

I slide the bra off her breasts and reveal the nipples.I then proceed to lick around her right breast nipple while my right hand circle around her left breast nipple.I can tell she is lusting for more.and in a sudden moment I suck hard on her nipple.she let out a gasp and a soft moan.it was such a heavenly voice.I lick and suck her nipples on both breasts with me licking my way across her chest to each breast.her chest was full of my saliva trail.I would sit up occasionally and squeeze her breasts.shaking them vigorously.she seems to like it that way.

As I lick and suck her breasts more.I now lead my right hand to stroke her left inner thigh with my bro on her right thigh.I did not remove her shorts yet.I am going to tease her till she begs for more.I lift her left thigh up and put it on my shoulders while sucking her right nipple and using my right hand to stroke her thigh area under her left butt cheek.my rock hard bro is now touching her in between her legs.

her: stop arousing meeeeee...
me: you sure you want me to stop?
her: take off your shorts....
me: help me.

I then put her leg down and she pull my shorts now.I still have my underwear on.but the shape of my rock hard bro is almost bursting out.she didn't remove my underwear.she just touched my bro on the underwear and I pounced on her back.I started to remove her shorts.she was cute.she begin to resist me a little.

her: don't want la....
me: how you stop me?
her: don't like that la...

she use her hands to prevent me from pulpit down. I then kiss her to stop her from saying anymore while using my hands to pull her shorts now.her hands are no longer on her shorts but on my face.I managed to get them down to her knees.so I stopped kissing.got up and remove her shorts completely.now we are each only left with our bottom underwear and panties...

to be continue...

04-06-2013, 12:59 PM
Awaiting your next posts and update bro TS, hope you're going to continue with the story, cheers, ..............

04-06-2013, 03:36 PM
nice story. when continue? :)

06-06-2013, 02:22 AM
now all that separates her pussy is a thin black panties.while I have a black underwear on too.I play around with her panties while she was giving me the look.you know the look when she is lying there waiting for you.I didn't remove it.I circled around her panties but not touching the pussy.I would rub her inner right thigh and circle till literally very near the pussy and draw circles over her entire pussy before moving over to the left thigh.I can tell from her face that she is enjoying it.
me: want come more?
her: umm.
she then put her hands on my shoulders and pull me down.kissing me vigorously.I kissed her back and it was a super wet tongue fight.it is like a total lustful kiss.saliva all over the mouth.my left hand were pulling her hair.rubbing her ears and right hand holding her thigh up while rubbing it.my rock hard cock is now on her groin and from the way we kiss and move.it is as if we were dry humping.with only our underwear in between.it was like ecstasy heaven.we continue for perhaps 5 minutes or less.suddenly, she stopped.sat up.and said.
her: that is enough for tonight.
me: huh.(sitting next to her)
her: don't like tt okay? tonight we stop here.(giving me puppy eyes)
me: huhhhh(scratching my head)
her: okay?
I took a super deep breath.a really really super deep one.deepest one ever.and reluctantly agree.
me: okay okay.
my cock is still rock hard.and she saw it.she began to stroke it with my underwear over it and said.
her: got feeling ah?
me: ya of course.
her: but lets stop here okay?
me: you don't want ah?
her: just not today.
me: like that.you just at least help me.
her: how?
me: maybe you can eat me?
her: but I don't really like.
me: don't like ah.okay okay.
her hands were still on my cock.stroking it with my underwear over it.
me: really can't?
her: I really don't like.
me: umm.
her hands still on it.I really buay tahan alr.reaching limit.I immediately take her hand and put it inside my underwear and in top of my cock.I took her tiny hand to grasp my cock.she began to stroke it.
her: haiyo.
me: don't stop now.
her: bad boy.hee.
me: you also not that good.eat me can?
her: you ah.
me: can la.
her: why keep want.
me: nice feeling ma.
her: I don't like ah.
me: but I like ma.
I took out her hand and got up to kneeling position.pulled my underwear down and position my cock directly in front of her face.
me: just abit okay?
her: umm. haiya.
me: can la.okay?
her: humph.

to be continued..

06-06-2013, 09:29 PM
nice story... isit true though?

03-07-2013, 12:56 PM
Then after you've managed to get her to 'eat' you what happened next? Do come back and tell us!! Cheers, ........................

03-07-2013, 01:57 PM
Good stuff.

03-07-2013, 05:02 PM
TS is lucky with beginner luck :)

03-07-2013, 06:11 PM
Wah camping!!
Such luck to have such neighbor!!!

04-07-2013, 02:25 PM
thanks for all the support.

and yes. the story is true to a certain extent.

04-07-2013, 02:53 PM
she looks away from my cock in front of her.and give the unhappy look using her lower lips to cover her upper lips.
me: just a little ok?
she turns back to look at me with her puppy eyes looking up.I smiled at her.she giggled.she then used her hands to slowly touch my cock.like literally feeling it.small touches at a time.like she is touching a jelly fish or something soft.she then started to stroke my inner thighs up and down.it was heavenly arousing.I knew she is trying to get revenge on me for teasing her so much.the desire to just hold her head and force my cock deep into her throat is so strong.but I managed to hold back.soon her hands are at my buttocks and squeezing them hard and rough.I like it when a girl squeezes my butt.it is just a personal fetish.however.she is missing on an important area.
me: touch my balls too.
her: you ah.
me: not too hard hor.later explode.
her: bullshit.
she started giggling.she now start to caress my balls.gently squeezing and juggling a little.a little sensitive down there.my cock is craving for her mouth warmth so much.
me: can eat already?
her: why so impatient?
me: I tahan very long already you know.
her: can tell*giggles*
she places her hands on my butt cheeks and stares at my cock.she looks up at me then back to my cock then back at me.I gave her the -.- look.she started giggling again.
me: taking revenge is it?
her: revenge is sweet isn't it?do you want this revenge?or you want to me forgive you?
me: kill me please.revenge is sweet.
she rolled her eyes.and finally her lips touches my cock head...

to be continued...