View Full Version : Can anyone help to explain and advices

01-06-2013, 02:04 PM
Hi I find out my wife was dating with older guy and had sex too , the guy is 13 old than my wife . I don't understand why , Can anyone give me advices or I just dirovce with her cos it not the first time. Thk

01-06-2013, 02:25 PM
U got the same case just like my friend wife bad Stories....
Different is just the guy is younger then is wife omg....

Better cure before it get worst... Have a nice talk with her.

01-06-2013, 03:18 PM
If its not the first time , then you should let go , a cheating wife is equal to not having one at all . :mad:

01-06-2013, 03:30 PM
Hi I find out my wife was dating with older guy and had sex too , the guy is 13 old than my wife . I don't understand why , Can anyone give me advices or I just dirovce with her cos it not the first time. Thk

Bro I can't give u advise on what to do is all up to you what u wan!!!
I encounter same problem as u and I choose to divorce..

01-06-2013, 03:44 PM
Bro SaBadBoy,

It's sad to hear a fellow bro in such a predicament. But you must understand that what we can offer is just based on our own personal opinions. What you wanna do is ultimately your own choice.

But before you make any hasty decisions you gotta ask yourself these questions:

1) Do you still love your wife?
2) Issit due to certain issues on ur part that resulted in ur wife doing what she did? Certain issues may mean u neglected her due to work etc...

Best is to come clean with ur wife that u know of her deeds and talk it over with her what is the reason behind her doing what she did. (Hopefully she has a reason for it?)

01-06-2013, 03:47 PM
If things are still within means of mending ur relationship, then perhaps u 2 can seek professional help somewhere? But the most important thing is that if u still wish to mend things with her, u must NEVER use this past deed against her in the future.

Think over things carefully bro, dun be in a rush to make hasty decisions. These are all i can offer as my personal opinions bro.

yang punk
01-06-2013, 05:54 PM
Unless you are into cuckolded swinging and wife-swapping lifestyle your marriage is as good as over. Obviously she has no feelings or respect for you if she is repeatedly dating and getting screwed by other men.

Get evidence of her infidelity and get her out of your life as soon as possible unless you yourself have also been screwing around behind her back...

02-06-2013, 12:08 AM
Divorce here. She has found a new fish in the ocean.
So u go find yourself as many as u can ....

02-06-2013, 12:50 AM
Hi I find out my wife was dating with older guy and had sex too , the guy is 13 old than my wife . I don't understand why , Can anyone give me advices or I just dirovce with her cos it not the first time. Thk

First of all, do you have evidence? Yes, then your case is clear. Adultery as reason for divorce. If you do not act on this knowledge within 6 months (i think) then you cannot use it as reason for divorce, though you can still put it as unreasonable behaviour.

All that said, you dun seem to want to divorce her, then what else is there? You want her back? You should tell us what you think and not what we think.

02-06-2013, 11:35 AM
Wa lao eh, repeated cheating means u are nothing to her, and its time to fuck around also if u havent do tat... :p

02-06-2013, 05:26 PM
Thk to all , I had two kid so I need think careful before I do anything by can anyone tell why she like that . We normal sex 3time a week and going out on sat n sun it just like other . Thk all give advices

03-06-2013, 12:11 AM
Thk to all , I had two kid so I need think careful before I do anything by can anyone tell why she like that . We normal sex 3time a week and going out on sat n sun it just like other . Thk all give advices

How you knw she sex older man? Got proof?

03-06-2013, 12:22 AM
TS bro,

Are you being overly suspicious or got proof? If you have gathered evidence that there is adultery, best to have a heart to heart talk with her. For the sake of both you and your kids, hope you able resolve your issue.

03-06-2013, 12:32 AM
TS, you might just be overly suspicious. However, if confirm got solid proof, let her go. It might be the best solution in the long run. I been there...

03-06-2013, 06:58 AM
Do you seriously want to give up and let this guy continue to have it with your wife?

03-06-2013, 07:40 AM
Thk ,Ya I don't proof by I find 1 receipt for check in hotel with the name in that why I know , I had ask her where she go and with who by she liar , she said go with one of her gal friend . The past two my friend saw her with the guy go shopping , movie and hotel like lover .

03-06-2013, 08:15 AM
I agree with some of the bros here, get the evidence first, like having a Private Eye taking photos etc. When u have them, it is probably easier for you to confront your wife again and ask her to choose to either leave the guy totally for the sake of your marriage and kids (whom i hope she loves as do all mothers), or get ready for the divorce if she can't bear to stop seeing her lover. At least i think you'll be spared from giving her alimony and have legal control of both kids

04-06-2013, 01:19 AM
Do you seriously want to give up and let this guy continue to have it with your wife?

Some things u just can't hold back..

09-06-2013, 02:46 AM
If you love her or dun wanna divorce her due to kids then u shd talk to her abt wife swapping. This is so that she can enjoy sex with diff men and u can also join in the fun!

Seriously, I doubt she can stop cheating on you so my suggestion above may be the only solution if u still wanna stay married.

What u don't want is to fuck around on your own. She may turn around and accuse you of adultery then take custody of the kids and take away your house while u pay her alimony to continue to let her get fucked by other men.

Get her in the act with you so that she can't turn the tables on u.

Let us know what u decide!

09-06-2013, 03:09 AM
Thk ,Ya I don't proof by I find 1 receipt for check in hotel with the name in that why I know , I had ask her where she go and with who by she liar , she said go with one of her gal friend . The past two my friend saw her with the guy go shopping , movie and hotel like lover .

Bro, imo this is unusual, book hotel still keep receipt as proof. :confused:
She unintentionally want you to know ?

Hotel receipt and lying cannot proof that she is guilty. Maybe is business related can claim from co.. She might not want you to know her activity.
(you caught her once)

Keep calm think carefully. I know is not easy.

09-06-2013, 07:24 AM
Are you this guy?


Poor guy, I feel for him.

09-06-2013, 02:53 PM
I search her thing when she not at home and I find out the receipt in from booking bintan hotel n few pic with diff gay sure I keep the thing from evidence.

09-06-2013, 03:14 PM
Any pic of hotdog, papayas & abalone to show?? ;)
I search her thing when she not at home and I find out the receipt in from booking bintan hotel n few pic with diff gay sure I keep the thing from evidence.

09-06-2013, 03:27 PM
Hi I find out my wife was dating with older guy and had sex too , the guy is 13 old than my wife . I don't understand why , Can anyone give me advices or I just dirovce with her cos it not the first time. Thk


I face the same situation as you do in 2010. My ex wife booked hotel 81 and go with a guy who is older than her of 10 years old (56 years old at the that). And I found out she booked hotel again in 2011 Jan. She even transferred money to him, borrow from bank and draw from her insurance, to give him. This guy is a taxi driver. Acting innocent and put up show in front of me. I divorced her.

09-06-2013, 03:35 PM
Hi I find out my wife was dating with older guy and had sex too , the guy is 13 old than my wife . I don't understand why , Can anyone give me advices or I just dirovce with her cos it not the first time. Thk
u have prove?
if yes, use it to kick her out of your life
how can wear green hat?
sluts no point keep

09-06-2013, 05:50 PM
i might get zap but i dont really care about point. this is how i feel?

girl who cheat outside deserve divorce?

guy who cheat outside deserve nothing?


never ever cheat outside if you dont want your another party to cheat.

10-06-2013, 07:03 AM
Expose her and ask her how. Get the guy out to talk. Get something from him.

10-06-2013, 07:59 AM
It getting common nowadays in this society where couple both eat outside. If she stop see this men, she will look for another men in next time. U sure u never meet other women outside beside ur wife?

10-06-2013, 08:57 AM
I search her thing when she not at home and I find out the receipt in from booking bintan hotel n few pic with diff gay sure I keep the thing from evidence.

This is so contradicting. You said she's gg out with an older man. Now, you say her pics show her with different guys. Which is which?? :confused:

10-06-2013, 10:00 AM
The photo is from past when she with other guy and now she had diff guy .
I never play around with other gal .

10-06-2013, 02:27 PM
Sorry to hear about your story.

Looking at it logically, it could be a physical or emotional need.
To girls, its not only about having sex. They could want more foreplay/passion and all other stuff.

It could also be emotional need instead of solely physical needs. Its like just going out once or twice a week doesn't excite her anymore. She could want surprises like those stuff you did during courtship, eg random gifts, outings, dinners, flowers.

It is still possible to savage the marriage, just whether is the effort worth it (depends on likelihood she will stray in future)