View Full Version : Prison Life ........ Sexual content included :D

13-06-2013, 06:50 PM
Ling: poor factory gal who got arrested for overstaying in a foreign country ...
Long: prison warden

due to language barrier and as a foreigner, I got bullied ...

Prison uniform: Transluccent cotton beige button shirt n pants ...

Long, the prison warden wan me to apologise n I refused ... Long got angry n dragged me by my hair to his office ...

He was so angry that he banged the door, n angrily shoved me to the ground ...

"Is it that hard for u to say sorry, why are u making life hard for me" n Long use his boots to step on my hand

A shed of tear dropped due to the pain and Long got so angry that he pulled my hair and began to slap me on my cheek for crying..

I began to sob more n Long began to pull my hair up n pin me on his office table with my arm folded ...

Long's hand roam to unbutton the top 2 button of my shirt and he began to pull the collar down revealing part of my back..

"u poor village gal made my life miserable, i m not going to let u off" and Long sunk his teeth at my back biting me hard ...

I scream out in pain n Long jus cover my mouth n continue to bite, n after each bite n he will just lick it .. a mixture of pain n pleasure ..moving up sensually to the neck n he gently move my long hair aside n nibble on my neck n i let out a soft moan.

Long began to let go off my hand n uncover my mouth, wipe away the tears for me, button up my top, carry me down fr the table top.

U can go now, stop being a bad girl, listen to me n I will make life easy for u.

I nodded n make my way out of the room......

Stay tune ok? :D


13-06-2013, 07:01 PM
support ma ....

13-06-2013, 07:20 PM
support sane jie's mama~~

13-06-2013, 07:31 PM
support sane jie's mama~~

Thanks mei :D

13-06-2013, 07:49 PM
Thanks mei :D

Thanks for da support sane sis and curiouslala! :)


13-06-2013, 08:23 PM
staying tuned, support!

13-06-2013, 08:26 PM
staying tuned, support!

S2K Bro ..... Wat b honour to have u here!!!! :) *bow*


13-06-2013, 09:37 PM
Thanks for da support sane sis and curiouslala! :)


Ma, waiting for part 2 :p

13-06-2013, 10:50 PM
Ma, waiting for part 2 :p

sane sis,

Sorry sorry ... Little busy .... U wanna try part 2? Jus like in school days .... Continue the composition .... Hehehehe :D


13-06-2013, 11:18 PM
He sat in his office, gentle twirling his pen in circles thinking about what happened today, on the desk there's a name tag read George Long, Chief Warden.

Being the only Asian and as a chief warden in the most notorious women prison in the states, he rule with an iron hand with brutal force if necessary as he couldn't afford to let hell go loose for fear of breaking the iron bowl.

However there was something about this woman, she is considered petite among the African and western hemisphere women under his care.

There's a aura in her which is hard to describe, stubborn, full of pride with tinges of sexual appeal.

He is determined to make her submit to him but it really ache his heart when he see tears falling from her face .....


13-06-2013, 11:22 PM

Long isolated her from the rest as punishment and put her in a narrow and dark cell, 25m by 25m just big enough for a person and barely enough to move around.

Occasionally she could hear the squeaks of rats n other pests, there's only a small window for ventilation, she stared out n the moon for the night is beautiful.

Her mind wandered to her hometown, a little rural farm state in Asia. She recalled running through the green patches of muddy fields as a child, her mind wandered to her family, poor farming parents with young siblings. To give them a better life, she smuggled illegally to the states working hard as a kitchen helper, rejecting all advances of easy $$$$ ...

Now what have she land herself too??? Tears began to drip down from her cheeks .... n suddenly she hear footstep of big heavy boots ..

It's him, that decent looking guy, bespectacled, solemn, stern looking ... she has never seen him smile before ....

The door sprung open, he smell of alcohol ...there was an heavy chain on his hand......

What is he going to do *more tears started to drip again* ....


13-06-2013, 11:40 PM
sane sis,

Sorry sorry ... Little busy .... U wanna try part 2? Jus like in school days .... Continue the composition .... Hehehehe :D


George Long, what a sexy name ... mama :D

13-06-2013, 11:42 PM
George Long, what a sexy name ... mama :D

Lols sane sis ... Thot u kooned ..... Hehehehe .... GL is my moniker ...... George Long ..... :D


13-06-2013, 11:43 PM
Lols sane sis ... Thot u kooned ..... Hehehehe .... GL is my moniker ...... George Long ..... :D


What is her name then? :)

U not going to bed?

13-06-2013, 11:47 PM
What is her name then? :)

U not going to bed?

Her name is Xiao Ling .... Hehehehe
I'm not about to go to bed .... Crazily waiting for another pix from her ...... :D
U not sleeping? ;)


13-06-2013, 11:59 PM
Her name is Xiao Ling .... Hehehehe
I'm not about to go to bed .... Crazily waiting for another pix from her ...... :D
U not sleeping? ;)


Mama, go zzz la ....about soon ..nite :)

14-06-2013, 12:46 AM
Are u sure the isolation room is 25m by 25m?
That's big room leh. I tot it should be 1-2m kind of cubicle nia..

And who know sane jie's mama abit BDSM too wor? Lol~~

14-06-2013, 12:53 AM
Are u sure the isolation room is 25m by 25m?
That's big room leh. I tot it should be 1-2m kind of cubicle nia..

And who know sane jie's mama abit BDSM too wor? Lol~~

Mei, u hasnt zzzz yet ar .....??

1m - 100 cm, 1-2 m smaller than a coffin leh ...:D

but 25-25 is indeed too big, make it 10-10 then ....

Ya, mama's v into BDSM :p, dun see him always wearing a sarong tendering a mamashop :D

14-06-2013, 01:05 AM
Mei, u hasnt zzzz yet ar .....??

1m - 100 cm, 1-2 m smaller than a coffin leh ...:D

but 25-25 is indeed too big, make it 10-10 then ....

Ya, mama's v into BDSM :p, dun see him always wearing a sarong tendering a mamashop :D

Soon I'll be fucking Mr. Zhou.. Lol
But hur. He said isolation room mah..
If I'm not wrong, there are a prison with a 1m by 1m isolation room..
With the prisoner inside unable to do anything as he/she is tied to a wall or sth..
Or maybe it's from a movie, i dun rmb.. Lol

Maybe when u see him, he just circumcised his lil mama la.. :p

14-06-2013, 03:29 AM
Are u sure the isolation room is 25m by 25m?
That's big room leh. I tot it should be 1-2m kind of cubicle nia..

And who know sane jie's mama abit BDSM too wor? Lol~~


Hehe ... I not a bit BDSM hor .... :D .... Is a lot ;)
If the room not 25m by 25m, how to run around and start BDSM activity ;)
Lols .....


14-06-2013, 03:30 AM
Mei, u hasnt zzzz yet ar .....??

1m - 100 cm, 1-2 m smaller than a coffin leh ...:D

but 25-25 is indeed too big, make it 10-10 then ....

Ya, mama's v into BDSM :p, dun see him always wearing a sarong tendering a mamashop :D

Hey sane sis, u know me best! :D


14-06-2013, 04:36 AM

Hehe ... I not a bit BDSM hor .... :D .... Is a lot ;)
If the room not 25m by 25m, how to run around and start BDSM activity ;)
Lols .....


But, 25 by 25 should be around a soccer ball's field already..
And its an isolation room wor.. Not a red room of passion.. :p

14-06-2013, 07:05 AM
saipok saipok gm mama can write story.

ah rat
14-06-2013, 07:41 AM
Her name is Xiao Ling .... Hehehehe
I'm not about to go to bed .... Crazily waiting for another pix from her ...... :D
U not sleeping? ;)


Waiting for pixs too :D

14-06-2013, 08:17 AM
But, 25 by 25 should be around a soccer ball's field already..
And its an isolation room wor.. Not a red room of passion.. :p

Lols ... U r very strict lei curiouslala ..... :D


14-06-2013, 08:18 AM
saipok saipok gm mama can write story.

Lols .... Thanks huhu sis/bro (?) .... Me confuse but will give u my humble 7 later .... Hehehe :)


14-06-2013, 08:20 AM
Waiting for pixs too :D

Lols ah rat bro! U r an avid pix collector!!!! :D


14-06-2013, 08:38 AM
Soon I'll be fucking Mr. Zhou.. Lol
But hur. He said isolation room mah..
If I'm not wrong, there are a prison with a 1m by 1m isolation room..
With the prisoner inside unable to do anything as he/she is tied to a wall or sth..
Or maybe it's from a movie, i dun rmb.. Lol

Maybe when u see him, he just circumcised his lil mama la..

Mei, that one is not AV mah :confused:

Hehe that 1 gotta ask him ... right mama? did u?


Hehe ... I not a bit BDSM hor .... :D .... Is a lot
If the room not 25m by 25m, how to run around and start BDSM activity
Lols .....


ALOT :eek: like how ??

Hey sane sis, u know me best!


Of coz, if how how to be your cute dotter ??

saipok saipok gm mama can write story.

There's more about him u duno ^^

Lols .... Thanks huhu sis/bro (?) .... Me confuse but will give u my humble 7 later .... Hehehe


ma, u give out to all ur readers izzit ... :D

Waiting for pixs too D

u wan mama's pics ^^

14-06-2013, 08:45 AM
Support Support. :D

As for the pictures, I anything one. Have you, lala, and sane inside good enough le:p

14-06-2013, 09:17 AM
Camping here to support too! Slow slow ok, but must continue la :D. Cheers .............

14-06-2013, 09:21 AM
cant up TS anymore, can only camp here... :D

14-06-2013, 11:11 AM
Mei, that one is not AV mah :confused:

Hehe that 1 gotta ask him ... right mama? did u?

ALOT :eek: like how ??

Of coz, if how how to be your cute dotter ??

There's more about him u duno ^^

ma, u give out to all ur readers izzit ...

u wan mama's pics ^^

sane dotter,

Did I wat? Anything too personal, pls skip. :D
A lot into bdsm ... No blood no counted hor :D
7pts to readers .... Gd idea ..... Hehe but pls b patient with me ....
Who wan my pix? I m guy hor .... Hehehe


ah rat
14-06-2013, 11:18 AM
u wan mama's pics ^^

I don't want his pix,I want girl pixs :p

14-06-2013, 12:15 PM
Thanks for all the reading n pix request, though not for mine .... Lols ... :D


14-06-2013, 12:28 PM

I could make out her pale frightened face under the moonlight, she was shivering with fear hiding at a corner, i walked towards her with the metal chain n began to coil her neck with it and she began to struggle..

"stop struggling or I will hit your your face with it", she remained still n I coiled the chain around the neck with the hands firmly behind her back, the chest n the waist ... the outline of her chest become more visible ....

He roughly pulled me to the ground after coiling me with the heavy metal chains and started to breath down heavily on me, i shut my eyes tight.

When is the nightmare going to end? He sniffed me all over and finally stopped at the ears, i felt ticklish at the earlobe as he's licking it while kneading my breast with his heads like kneading a bread dough ...

His hands find the way to my button shirt, he started to remove each button, button by button and I looked away in shame. No man has ever touch me like this.

He removed my shirt and my breasts are now clearly visible in front of him n I m anticipating the next move on what he is going to do ...

N then i felt a thump on my chest, that man has fell asleep right on my chest. The more I tried to struggle, the tighter he hugged me.

I caress his cheek gently, he look like a big baby when he is sleeping ... i move to the lip n put a finger in it .. "why did u like to torture me" ... soon my eyelid got heavy ,,.

The glance of the sunlight woke me up, the chain was gone, he was gone n I m wearing my shirt.

Is last night real or just a bad dream?



14-06-2013, 04:55 PM
sane dotter,

Did I wat? Anything too personal, pls skip. :D
A lot into bdsm ... No blood no counted hor :D
7pts to readers .... Gd idea ..... Hehe but pls b patient with me ....
Who wan my pix? I m guy hor .... Hehehe


Ma, u has a fetish for MMM ..... too :X

I think bro rat wan, he already convert :D

ah rat
14-06-2013, 05:07 PM
I think bro rat wan, he already convert :D

Sis,what thing convert :)

14-06-2013, 05:07 PM
Ma, u has a fetish for MMM ..... too :X

I think bro rat wan, he already convert :D

sane dotter,

Wat is MMM? Mama not in form today .... Hehehe :D


14-06-2013, 05:18 PM
Sis,what thing convert :)

convert to men lover ...

sane dotter,

Wat is MMM? Mama not in form today .... Hehehe :D


ma, male male male :D

who ask mama zzzzz so late :confused:

14-06-2013, 05:38 PM
convert to men lover ...

ma, male male male :D

who ask mama zzzzz so late :confused:

Puhlese .... Mama loves ladies til max ...... :)
Erm ....... Tonite sleep early lor, strict dotter :D


14-06-2013, 05:59 PM
You writing as she or he? I read already a bit blur
25 by 25 m cell bigger than my house, now I know how :eek:small my house lor..:eek:

14-06-2013, 09:55 PM
Puhlese .... Mama loves ladies til max ...... :)
Erm ....... Tonite sleep early lor, strict dotter


Nite ma ...

You writing as she or he? I read already a bit blur
25 by 25 m cell bigger than my house, now I know how :eek:small my house lor..:eek:

Writing from both views...

time to change a bigger shell then :D

15-06-2013, 07:59 AM
staying tuned, support!

"Sexual content included"
This is so seductive lol

15-06-2013, 08:20 AM
Standing by for more to come from TS:D

15-06-2013, 10:02 AM
Nite ma ...

Writing from both views...

time to change a bigger shell then :D

Thanks for the reply sane dotter ... U r mama's beloved dotter la ..... Hehehe :D


15-06-2013, 10:03 AM
"Sexual content included"
This is so seductive lol

Lols .... Stay tune bro .... The best is yet to be! :D


15-06-2013, 10:04 AM
Standing by for more to come from TS:D

Thanks for standby bro ... Ready for inspection in 24hrs!?!?! :D


15-06-2013, 10:48 AM

i made out my way to the canteen, I was late n he threw a wing on the floor asking me to pick up n eat ..

I screamed a loud "no" and everybody turned and looked at us.

He was staring with me, nostrils flare, corner of mouth twitching. He was very angry, I knew it. I have challenge his authority.

The room was silent and atmosphere was very tense.

"I m not your dog"' I shouted .... His eyeball enlarged n without any warning, he shoved me like a rag doll and banged me to the wall, I felt a sharp pain on my head n blood began to drip down from the forehead.

The room seem to be spinning n everything seem to be in darkness, I collasped on the floor and black out.



15-06-2013, 04:01 PM
Thanks for the reply sane dotter ... U r mama's beloved dotter la ..... Hehehe :D


That's of coz for u r a good mama who will always honor your words :p

15-06-2013, 04:20 PM
That's of coz for u r a good mama who will always honor your words :p

Haiyo .... Such nice words for mama .... Melt mama's heart liao ...... Hehehehe :)


15-06-2013, 07:47 PM
Haiyo .... Such nice words for mama .... Melt mama's heart liao ...... Hehehehe :)


U r always so sweet :)

15-06-2013, 11:14 PM
guy can work in female prison 1 meh?
anyway bo chup la, waiting for TS more sexual content portion:D

15-06-2013, 11:49 PM
U r always so sweet :)

Dunno who is always so sweet hor, dotter :)


16-06-2013, 10:18 AM
guy can work in female prison 1 meh?
anyway bo chup la, waiting for TS more sexual content portion:D

This is just a fantasy :D

Dunno who is always so sweet hor, dotter :)


Morn mama ..... how's ur night? managed to make a killing :p

16-06-2013, 12:25 PM
This is just a fantasy :D

Morn mama ..... how's ur night? managed to make a killing :p

Good afternoon sane dotter ... Not big killing .... So need change appearance to execute big killing next time round .... Lols :D


16-06-2013, 06:10 PM
George..your story is abit too short. waiting till neck long
can update more soon? thanx

16-06-2013, 07:07 PM
George..your story is abit too short. waiting till neck long
can update more soon? thanx

Thanks for ur request, Levelle .... There aren't any full time writers here .... Pls try to be a little bearing .... Thanks. :)


16-06-2013, 10:27 PM
George..your story is abit too short. waiting till neck long
can update more soon? thanx

Be patient.. :D

17-06-2013, 08:45 AM
Good afternoon sane dotter ... Not big killing .... So need change appearance to execute big killing next time round .... Lols :D


meemee, wear red amtk with a 发 the next time :D

Pls continue to post if u have time...

17-06-2013, 01:00 PM
Support your nice story, +10 for you :)

17-06-2013, 02:53 PM
Support your nice story, +10 for you :)

Lols .... Thanks otamay! Massive 10 upZ .... Appreciate ... Will rtn u humble 14 soon :D .... Thank goodness u din zap for the storyline .... Lols .... Have a nice day! :)


17-06-2013, 02:55 PM

I woke up to the familiar setting of his office, my head still hurts.

"Do u feel better?, Don't move, I just bandage the wound, meanwhile u can rest here .. sorry I never expect the force to be so harsh" .. he's frantically trying hard to explain while stroking my hair gently.

I sobbed ....."Chief Long, why are u always treating me so badly yet gentle at the same time, blowing the cold and hot treatment, I m a human, I have feelings and emotions " ...

He wiped away my tears and hold me in his arms while his fingers run through my soft long black hair.

He look at me with his soft gentle eyes and plant a kiss on my wound, I never felt this warmth for a long time and my heart started to melt.



17-06-2013, 03:08 PM

I touched his face n asked him "Long, have u ever liked me?", he stayed silent ...

"Long, if u like me, can up pls stop hitting me" I pleaded with tears rolling down my cheek..

Chief Long, please stop hitting me ... I cried n he hugged me in his arms again with a tinge of sadness on his face.

He knew he had an underlying illness, he loves to draw blood n inflict fear especially on her.

It's becoming more and more uncontrollable and his hands started shaking...

Ling grabbed Long by the hand n stared right into his eyes, her mouth move closer to Long's lips n so close that Long felt her breathing, she's breathing hard ...

she moved closer n their lips touched ......

Ling closed her eyes and moved her tongue to Long's mouth, they locked lips n Long hugged her waist closer to him...

Unfortunately, Long's comrade came knocking on his door at this moment .... All things ended abruptly ....



17-06-2013, 03:50 PM
Isolation room 2.5m x1.5m x 2.5m :p

Support support :D

17-06-2013, 04:47 PM
Isolation room 2.5m x1.5m x 2.5m :p

Support support :D

Lols .... 又来了 .... Thanks for ur support! :)


17-06-2013, 05:24 PM
Lols .... 又来了 .... Thanks for ur support! :)


Colour the walls pink better LOL :p

17-06-2013, 05:51 PM
OUCH!! nice one!!:) happening,

17-06-2013, 09:13 PM
Colour the walls pink better LOL :p

In the open better huh? :D


17-06-2013, 09:22 PM
Nice reading ... though at times I am abit confused about he, she, him & her ...

Bravo for the effort !

17-06-2013, 09:31 PM
Nice reading ... though at times I am abit confused about he, she, him & her ...

Bravo for the effort !

Lols .... Sorry for confusion .... Hope u were at the edge of ur seat .... Stay tuned ...... BDSM on its way .... :D


17-06-2013, 10:16 PM
Lols .... Sorry for confusion .... Hope u were at the edge of ur seat .... Stay tuned ...... BDSM on its way .... :D


ma, can post the rest up :p

17-06-2013, 11:34 PM
ma, can post the rest up :p

yes yes zzs!!! B patient yah .... :D


17-06-2013, 11:36 PM
In the open better huh? :D


isolation cell nice and steamy, sticky, private no one disturb

open in the yard everyone see no fun too many eyes liao other imates will get jealous too favoritism :p

18-06-2013, 07:29 AM
isolation cell nice and steamy, sticky, private no one disturb

open in the yard everyone see no fun too many eyes liao other imates will get jealous too favoritism :p

Haiya ... Confirm me have exhibitionist thots ..... :D


18-06-2013, 11:24 AM
<missing him>

The days passed by uneventfully after that fateful day. I stole glances at him as he passed by me everyday.

During the night, as pervert as i sound, for every footstep I heard, I wish it's him who will appear in front of me again, I miss him, I miss that night.

While I was daydreaming again, a junior warden came over to ask me to Long's office, I was pretty excited briefly checking myself in the mirror, combing my hair, straighten my clothes to make myself look neat n tidy in front of him.

I was told to wait for him n drink the warm beverage that he prepared for me, hot cocoa my fav, i sweetly grinned ... i m in his heart.

After a few sips, I started to feel groggy, my limbs went soft n I was half conscious, a few guards blindfolded me and held me out, I lost count of the steps we took to reach a place that look like a underground dungeon.

They took off the blindfold and there he was, sitting there, he pointed to a cage of men, not ordinary looking men but sex deprived hungry cannibals, i was being placed next to the bar and they sticked their hands out pulling me, tugging my hair.

He raise his hand, signaled to open the gate n the guys pulls me in just like how a predator dragged their prey.

My limbs have no strength to resist and I was laying there like a piece of meat waiting for the pack of wolves to savour, they were violently tearing my clothes off with countless hands all over my body, I tilted my eyes to look at him, he appeared nonchalant.

Just when my legs were being spread, he barged in, pushed them away and carried me out in his arms.



18-06-2013, 12:06 PM
Thanks ma :D:p

18-06-2013, 12:10 PM
Thanks ma :D:p

Thanks? U r my dotter right? :D


18-06-2013, 12:48 PM
<The confession room>


He carried me to the room which seem v heavily secured and could only be accessed with his fingerprint.

There were all sort of hideous tools n chains that seem to be used for torturing the hardest core criminals into confessing their crime.

He placed me flatly with my back facing up on a wooden plank, secured my hands and feet with mental cuffs at the edge.

He switched a button n the cuffs at the feet tighten,my legs were spread even apart further with my womanhood in full view of him now.

I felt something hot on my back, Long walked over with a candle n dripped the hot wax on my back ... my body cringed with pain at every drop ...

He started to undress, revealing his 8.5inch thick tool, he walked over rubbing his tool on my face, my nose to trace the outline of my lips, i like he love my lip before forcefully pryed open my mouth forcefully n put it in, thrusting it in to and fro as I lay there drugged.

He climbed up the planks, crawl up behind me and pin his full weight on me making me grasping for breath while rubbing his manhood on me.

His finger searched for veins around my neck n he sunk his teeth in it.. blood began to flow n he was sucking it, lapping it up hungrily.

His mouth is all stained with my blood, he kissed me wanted me to taste my own blood. "dun worry, u wont die", he whispered in my ears.



18-06-2013, 01:34 PM

Ling gently remove his specs. She walked behind n applied some lavender scent therapy oil on his forehead ...

*close your eyes Long* .... she whispered into his ears, while her slender fingers applying light pressure to release the tight knots around Long's head ..

suddenly he pulled her over n she fell on his laps wrapping her over with his arms..

Long slowly tilted her head higher so he could nibble at Ling's ears, the atmosphere was extremely sensual ..... Both were working towards ultimate climax .... When will it be due?

spontaneously, Ling grabbed Long's hand n lowered it .... till his hands fully slipped into the wet fabrics ...

Ling spread her slim legs further to let Long's hand venture into the region while she moaned softly into his ears .....



18-06-2013, 03:52 PM
Thanks? U r my dotter right? :D


ma, i m here .... :)

18-06-2013, 04:41 PM
Nice jail story, upz :)

18-06-2013, 05:06 PM
ma, i m here .... :)

Lols ... U r always here ...... Gibe u rose! ;)


18-06-2013, 05:09 PM
Nice jail story, upz :)

Appreciate a response from u, TS! :)
UpZ u in return .... Cheers! :)


20-06-2013, 11:50 PM
Appreciate a response from u, TS! :)
UpZ u in return .... Cheers! :)


ma, update ;)