View Full Version : A Short Tryst in a Dorm Room
20-07-2013, 05:48 PM
I like to thank some of the senior bros for sharing story, giving the rest of us fap fap fap times, especially enjoyed peterpan, peeper, and Hardaway1818’s stories. Not to say I didn’t fap to other bros stories too. Anyway, this is just a short story I want to share with samsters. Hopefully I can help at least a samster to fap and cum.
She was two years my junior, I think. We had worked together on an overseas CIP project together, and though we were in different teams, we had some interaction when I helped her with her tasks after I was done with mine. Then, I had a crush on another girl, so I didn’t think much about her, but she a regular girl, not very hot, but cute enough, with soft skin that made me marikita whenever we had skin contact.
Let’s call her H. H was shorter than me by about half a head or more, but then again, I’m a taller guy than most Singaporeans. She had small boobs, but that didn’t stop her from wearing those lower cut clothes that sometimes show off her bra / cleavage.
There was once, before we headed home after our project, that she seemed quite sad.
Me (MF): Hey girl, is everything ok?
H: Yeah, nothing much.
MF: You sure? You seem different somehow. Come on tell me.
H: No la, just quarrel with my bf.
MF: About what? Wanna get it off your chest?
H: He just wants space. He thinks I’m too attached to him. But all I do is care for him.
MF: Hmm, how long have you two been together? Never heard you mention of him before leh.
The rest of the conversation was mostly about her telling me about her love life, and how her BF didn’t treat her well. Seeing that she was down, I offered to get a drink with her at her house MCD, which she readily accepted. We had ice milo, which we mixed with some chocolate liquor that I had with me at that time. We got pleasantly buzzed in MCD. I guess there’s a first time for everything. Talked a lot about her life, and I even gave her a little neck massage in MCD itself.
She was wearing a plain grayish bra, with a white spaghetti top and a above-knee length skirt. So when I was giving her a neck massage, I could look down her blouse. Mostly saw cleavage, with her boobs being safely held inside her bra, so nothing much of zaogeng to see, but it was still an arousing sight.
I was typing this out in MS Word, but the formatting doesn't seem to be transferred to the post. Any bros have advice for this?
Also, would appreciate constructive feedback on my writing. Thanks!
Will try to post the whole story fast, coz it's not very long.
20-07-2013, 06:12 PM
1st camper arrived. TS please continue...;)
20-07-2013, 06:19 PM
2nd camper reporting
20-07-2013, 09:08 PM
Thanks bros kurious and bfreemen. Hope I live up to your expectations.
Part 2
I didn’t get to do any hanky panky as it was a public place with a lot of people, even at 2am. But touching her was nice. I did get a hard-on which I rubbed on her back a little while I was giving her a massage. Obviously, I was hoping she would be horny enough that I would have some fun time later.
Our chat soon turned toward the M-18 / R-21 category.
MF: How long have you been with him? (referring to H’s bf)
H: About a year and a half or so lor. Why?
MF: No la, curious. So quite close la like that?
H: Ya la, quite. He at the start treated me quite nice.
MF: Hmm, what he do?
H: Buy me present, take care of me, everything lor.
MF: How take care? Haha..
H: What you mean?
MF: Sex lor. Aiyah, don’t worry, you tell me also I wouldn’t tell anyone else one.
H: Ya la, got. See mood lor. But a few times only.
MF: Why? He no good meh?
H: No la, he wants, just that I don’t want so often.
MF: Why not? He never do any foreplay?
H: Not much lor. He horny then just do lor. Not very nice too. Aiyah, didn’t enjoy much la.
After a quite a long chat, finding out about her private life, we both got quite tipsy as we added more liquor into our milo. Soon, she needed to go home, as she had something on the next day.
Her home was just a few blocks away and when I walked her home, she was swaying a little, so I wrapped my arms around her waist to stabilise her. A few times, her left arm would hit onto my groin area, and it was painfully arousing. When she stumbled, I would hold her, from behind, and my groin would be in contact with her ass. Her skirt was quite thin, so my cock was able to feel the outline of her ass.
Soon, we got to her block, and we took the lift up to her house. She lived on quite a high floor, so when we got into the lift, I just stood behind her, and pulled her close to me, so that her ass was grinding me, with both my arms around her, hooked in front of her stomach. She leant on me, throwing her head back onto my shoulders, and I lowered my head towards her cheek.
MF: Hey, are you ok?
H: Yeah. A little high. *Giggles*
MF: No worries, I’ll send you home. Safely, I hope.
H: More giggles.
My hands roamed around the front of her body a little, and though she didn’t resist much, I didn’t touch her boobs, or squeeze anything too openly. Didn’t want her to stop the fun prematurely.
Soon, we got to her floor, and we got out of the lift.
20-07-2013, 10:08 PM
Lai liao lai liao..waiting for more juice..:D
20-07-2013, 11:56 PM
Camping... :D
20-07-2013, 11:58 PM
Keep em cumming :D
21-07-2013, 10:00 AM
Thanks bro bombshell, alec, woohooo and GeMiNiZzzzZzz. Next update.
Part 3
I went beside her and held her again, and when she turned and looked at me, I gave her a peck on the lips. She looked at me with a questioning face.
MF: You look beautiful.
H: *Blushes*
Before she could walk towards her house, I pulled her to the staircase.
MF: Hey, let’s just look at the scenery for a while before you go home. Sober up a little maybe. Don’t let your parents see you so drunk.
H: OK.
We went half a floor down, and looked out towards the area behind a block. It wasn’t really open, but it faced a school, so there were no other blocks or other neighbours to peep at us. She stood at the railings, and probably expected me to stand beside her, but I stood behind her, grinding my cock at her ass cheeks, cuddling her a little.
When she turned her head to look at me, I took the chance to kiss her. Maybe she was a little stunned at first, so she didn’t reciprocate, but she didn’t push me away or say “No”, so I continued my kissing, and after a while, she turned her whole body around. A little sad that I couldn’t grind her any more, her ass cheeks were really firm, yet soft and smooth (when grinding).
She stuck her tongue out, and I sucked it eagerly, we swapped spit, and I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her. It started out slowly, our tongues fighting, but I was greatly aroused by her rolling of her tongue in my mouth. The thought of how her tongue would be like if her lips wrapped around my cock got me hornier and hornier by the second.
My hands roamed around her back, inching lower and lower, until I got hold of her ass cheeks, and gave them a little squeeze. Her eyes opened when I did that, but after I kissed her harder, she just went back into the moment.
I took that as permission for what I was doing, and so, while we were still kissing, my hands went under her skirt, and groped her ass through her panties. H was wearing those cotton panties, not those lacy ones with patterns, but it was still a turn on.
Using my hands, I pull her ass toward me, and her stomach was grinding on my cock as she squirmed a little on me. We made out for quite a while in that position, her soft lips were soft and inviting. Great for kissing. *Yumz*
21-07-2013, 01:30 PM
Quite interesting.. Make my lil bro marikita.. I like when we're doing in public.. Gives out the excitement n nervousness all together..
Keep it up..
21-07-2013, 03:55 PM
camping here:D:Dsexciting
21-07-2013, 06:15 PM
wee.. sexciting stuff. camping camping.
22-07-2013, 04:26 AM
Thanks bros Bearbear86, baconly and zeusfist.
@Bearbear86, glad I could be of some fap-use. Haha.. Or, at least my story. I do enjoy outdoor hookups coz of the excitement.
Part 4
With my left hand still on her ass to pull her closer to me as we made out, my right hand roamed around her to the front, over her flat stomach. To me, a flat stomach is sexy. At first, my hand roamed outside her spaghetti top, but after a while, I got daring and my hand went under her top and rubbed directly on her skin.
Woah, her stomach is really smooth, like baby skin like that, but so soft and nice to touch. I rubbed her stomach in circles, fingered her belly button a bit, and then round and round, making bigger rounds, til I was touching the bottom of her bra. Feeling confident, I just cupped her right boob through her bra. Even through the padding, her boobs feel soft. Ah, heaven. She gave a little moan as I squeezed her boob a little.
MF: Turn around.
After turning her around quickly, my hands swapped positions, left hand cupping her left boob, and my right hand at her waist, touching her stomach, and anywhere and everywhere with bare skin. Her head was turned toward me, and I was standing a little offset on her right. I took a little time off kissing her to lick her ear and blow into it.
Her hands were holding onto the railings at the parapet wall overlooking the school compound behind her house. Though nobody else was in front of us, the thrill of making out outside was great. I decided to chance it, and used my right hand and pulled up her skirt, rubbing her pussy outside her panties. Surprise, surprise, her panties were quite wet. Must be doing something right, I guess.
As I rubbed her pussy from the front, she thrust her ass against my cock. It was painful, but painful pleasure. Couldn’t help myself but rubbed my cock on her sweet ass. At that time, my left arm was hooked around her body, underneath her spaghetti top cupping her right boob, gently massaging it, and alternating boobs from time to time. My right hand snuck into her panties, and I begun massaging her clit with my middle finger. Her entire pussy was wet and warm. So inviting for my cock. Couldn’t wait to thrust my cock deep inside her warm and moist pussy.
Before I could attempt that, I had to make her feel really good first. So, I slipped my middle finger inside her pussy, two phalanges first. She gave her first audible moan, and after I crooked my middle finger a little, she used her right hand to search for my cock. Her first squeeze of my cock was hesitant, but so darn pleasing at the same time.
MF: Unzip my pants.
H: Unf. *Unzips my pants*
H then put her hand down my pants and gave my cock a little squeeze. I almost exploded there and then. Took me all my will power to contain myself and enjoy for a longer period of time. To punish her, I twirled my finger inside her pussy, and rubbed the top more, eliciting another audible moan from her. She took out my cock without my instructions, and started to pump me furiously. I couldn’t stand it, it was too arousing.
It was a fierce battle between us. She was trying to get me to cum first, and I was trying to do the same thing to her.
I… {TBC}
22-07-2013, 07:21 AM
Hi TS,
Your fingers are really magic. Please don't stop.
Love your write up.
22-07-2013, 08:48 AM
22-07-2013, 09:49 AM
Another camper joining in. This camp fire is growing fast :)
22-07-2013, 10:34 AM
Here to join the rest!
22-07-2013, 11:18 AM
Nice. Please continue.
22-07-2013, 11:39 AM
camping for more
22-07-2013, 11:51 AM
Thanks bros Steventan, Eradicator, PassingbyJ, naturegreen, junior_cannibal, and dota_pro (also for the up). I'm just content if I know bros are fapping to my story. Cheers!
Part 5
I won, but just barely.
She squirmed onto my fingers for a few seconds before I felt my cock exploding. As the angle at which she was pumping my cock with her hand was awkward, some of my cum landed on her skirt and legs, as well as on the wall in front of us. It was quite a huge mess.
I continued to finger her even after we both came, and that was a sensitive period of time for her. Her squirming grew, as did her moans. Her breathing came hard and fast.
As her eyelids fluttered open, I closed in on her lips again and kissed her hard, sticking my tongue deep into her mouth, finding her tongue a willing partner.
However, her hand stopped pumping my cock, and I could see that she had some cum on her fingers too. I tried to get her to put her fingers in her mouth to taste my cum, but she wasn’t willing, so I didn’t force her or push the matter.
H: Shit…
MF: ??? *Blur face*
H: We shouldn’t… That wasn’t right…
MF: What wasn’t right?
H: What we just did..
MF: What did we just do?
H: What we just did lah!
MF: We did what was right.. We both needed it, right?
H: No! You took advantage of me!
*Shit* I had mental images of me being led away in handcuffs for outraging the modesty of my friend. I had to change the situation fast. She was a willing partner in our activity.
MF: How so? We just kissed and held each other.. There’s nothing wrong with friends doing that..
H: But you..
MF: No buts.. We didn’t do anything wrong.. We are just close friends, that’s all. Didn’t you show me your bra strap earlier and joked about it at MCD?
H: … But..
MF: Like I said, no buts.. We just helped each other when we both needed each other, that’s all.. And, it felt good right? Did your bf ever do that with you?
H: No! I mean, yes, it felt good.. And he never did anything like this for me.. It’s mostly about satisfying him.
MF: There, no worries, we didn’t do anything.. Just helping each other out mah..
H: *Sighs* What are we now?
*Shit* ?!?!?! Please don’t tell me you’re looking for a relationship, I just want some NSA fun! Dodged one bullet just to be hit by artillery? Why are women so troublesome?
22-07-2013, 11:55 AM
Nice story. Keep up the good work!
22-07-2013, 04:12 PM
Great story. More please.
22-07-2013, 05:19 PM
camping for more!
22-07-2013, 06:35 PM
please comeback and pop the cherry..
23-07-2013, 07:31 AM
Thanks bros koebshaq0_0, Bigthorn, studdyme, tombyron.
Post 6
MF: We’re still friends.. I’m here for you if you need help, ok? But I don’t want to come between you and your bf.
H: Really?
MF: Yeah.. We can always “help” each other.. *Winkz*
After I said that, H hit me on my arm, and I just wrapped my hands around her and hugged her, with my cock poking at her skirt / top, with some cum on it.
She tried to squirm away from me, but I hugged her tighter, and whispered in her ear, “Just relax”. Soon, she stopped fighting me, and just returned the hug. It was then I realised I saw some cum on her hands. Hopefully, she did not wipe it on my clothes! Argh!
H: I really enjoyed myself.
MF: Me too.. Just let me know if you need a hand.
H: Cannot lah, this is just a one off thing. Let’s forget this after tonight ok?
MF: But how to forget you? You’re such a nice girl and so sweet to me always.
H: I cannot cheat on my bf. I don’t want to be known as a slut leh.
MF: You didn’t cheat on your bf. All we did was a little touching.
H: But if people find out, they will think and say a lot of things..
MF: How are they going to find out? You know I don’t go around spilling secrets to everyone mah. What I know is just for me to know. Don’t worry ya..
H: Orh.. (She knows that I hear a lot of secrets, but I’ve never told anyone else what I chat with a certain person. So a lot of people trust me with their secrets. It’s just a personal principle.)
H: See how la..
MF: Haha.. Ok, that’s a better answer.
I leant in and kissed her again, licking her lips before I stuck my tongue down her throat. She just hugged me and kissed me back. Soon, blood started flowing into my cock again.
This time, I didn’t show restraint when it came to her boobs. Both my hands went up to her bra, pushing it up, and cupping her boobs. Finally got to her nipples. Wasn’t able to see the colour of her nipples, but they were normal sized, just erect. Means she’s still horny. Game on!
I was kissing her and twirling her nipples at the same time, and my cock grew harder and was poking at her bare stomach again. This time, I didn’t need to ask her to jack my cock, her right hand just went for my cock. But instead of stroking my cock fast and hard, she used her nails to run the length of the underside of my cock. My cock twitched a few times at the soft and sensuous touch. I really wanted to fuck her there and then, so my hands left her boobs, and I lifted the front of her skirt and played with her pussy through her panties.
I pulled her panties aside, and fingered her clit a little with my right hand, and pulled her closer to me with my left.
My tongue fought a fierce battle with her again, and I pulled her hand away, wanting to slide my cock deep inside her and fuck the shit out of her. Just before my cock came into contact with her pussy, H whimpered..
23-07-2013, 09:01 AM
Camping for more... UPz ur pt...
23-07-2013, 09:23 AM
Go on, go on, don't keep us in suspense.
23-07-2013, 10:48 AM
Another camper here!! Continue the story!! :)
23-07-2013, 06:30 PM
More to go!
23-07-2013, 06:43 PM
Ts....nice story. Will camp for updates
23-07-2013, 06:44 PM
Keep it coming bro!!!!!:D
23-07-2013, 11:14 PM
More action! nice one bro. Keep it coming!!!
23-07-2013, 11:55 PM
Joining in the campsite too :D. Great stuff bro, cheers, ........................
24-07-2013, 12:04 AM
24-07-2013, 09:19 AM
Thanks bros seekrelax and zeusfist for the up, Bigthorn, stella69, naturegreen, octman, lam30, eeemen, Suckmedry. You all give me motivation with your kind words. Next installation is here!
Part 7
“No, stop, please.. ”
Much as I wanted to just slide in, I couldn’t. Not only would it constitute rape, but also, it was against my own principles.
MF: Hmm? What happened?
H: Cannot..
MF: Cannot do what?
H: Cannot have sex.. That’s for my bf only..
MF: Can I just rub my cock outside?
H: Ok.. But cannot go in..
MF: Don’t worry, I wouldn’t do anything you don’t want to do.
It was better than nothing, I guess. I rubbed my cock between her legs and her pussy, feeling the intense warmth on my cock, yet I’m unable to enter her. I just thrust her until I felt the build up in my balls.
MF: I’m going to cum.
H: Unf..
MF: Suck my cock..
Without waiting for her answer, I pushed her head down onto my cock. She bent over, hair brushing against my cock before her tongue licked my cock. I could do with a teasing another day, at the moment, I just wanted to come. So I told her to suck me hard.
The moment her tongue twirled around my cock head, I exploded in her mouth without warning. Even though this was my second shot in about 15 minutes, it was as powerful as the first shot, and the best part was she continued sucking my cock as I came inside her mouth. It seemed as if she wanted to suck me dry. I was so jealous of her bf at that moment, but then realised that if I played my cards right, I could have this almost as often as I’d liked.
It was a pity she didn’t swallow my cum, but spat it out at the small drainage pipe by the side of the staircase. She looked at me afterwards.
H: Happy?
MF: Very.. Thanks H..
H: Don’t expect this every day hor!
MF: Naah, every other day is enough for me. Haha
H: Naughty.. *whacks my arm*
MF: Owh! That hurts! Now you owe me!!
H: What?!?! I just sucked you leh!
MF: I want your panties!
H: Eee! No! Why?
MF: Souvenir lor. Come, faster take off…
She removed her panties and gave them to me. I took a sniff of them in front of her, and she just gave me a very weird look. Then I tucked it into my pocket, and turned to kiss her on the forehead.
MF: Home now?
H: Kk..
We shared a quick kiss at the front door before she locked the gate and went into the house. As her figure receded, she briefly flicked up her skirt, showing me her cute ass. At that point in time, I made myself a vow to fuck all her three holes. Would I succeed?
24-07-2013, 09:29 AM
Nice start for a Wednesday morning. Thanks for brightening up the morning.
24-07-2013, 10:16 AM
Yes you would. Since her bf isn't satisfying her!!....she will be looking for alternative!! Haha
24-07-2013, 10:44 PM
pls share with us hw u fucked her in all three holes.. :p
25-07-2013, 12:16 AM
Dun stay away too long... write more...
25-07-2013, 03:13 PM
Nice camp site.
TS, please continue. :)
25-07-2013, 03:57 PM
Hi bros, sorry for the lack of updates today, a little tied up with work. I will post up the next installment by tomorrow, hopefully before lunch.
Thanks for the support!
25-07-2013, 06:49 PM
support! post more per day leh !!
25-07-2013, 07:49 PM
camping here waiting for your nxt installment tml
25-07-2013, 08:52 PM
Nice story, camping for next update.
camping :D keep it coming!
26-07-2013, 10:05 AM
Thanks bros Bigthorn, stella69,, woohooo, CibLover, manure, glonerg, energybost, and 冰火子Z for support. Next installment up!
Part 8
A few times a month, we will meet up, either just the two of us, or with other friends, but I will usually send her home at the end, make out with her and come in her mouth most of the time. I get a kick especially if I know she’s meeting her bf the next day, and he will be kissing her mouth and probably tasting a little of my cum. Her bf is quite a jerk, doesn’t take care of his gf (H) well, and since I didn’t know the guy, I didn’t care much.
What I really wanted to do, was to either deposit a huge load of cum in her mouth right before she meets him, or fuck H while she’s talking to him over the phone. H doesn’t know what I wanted to do for kicks. All she does with me is just friendly interaction between a guy and a gal, or at least, that’s how she sees it.
So I started finding out more about her bf and their dates / meet-ups so I could go about my devious plans.
Most of their dates happens on the weekends, usually their weekday dates would be for mugging on campus or in a library outside, so not much hanky-panky. And there wouldn’t be much time for her to meet me before that. Not that we meet much during weekday afternoons.
If anything were to happen, it would have to be either on a Friday evening when H sometimes went clubbing with friends, or on a weekend right before she hung out with R, her bf. And as it so happens, she was going over to his place on an early Saturday morning after she went clubbing.
I “happened” to be at the club on Friday, knowing she’d be there with her friends. I had roped in two of my good buddies to help me out with my plan: K and P. These two guys I trust with my life, there’s no secrets between the three of us. We’ve been to Bangkok, HCMC, and many other places together, and had all sorts of fun, clean and dirty. They were my backup for the evening, and if everything went well, we’d all probably wake up with a huge smile on our faces the next morning.
It was a busy night, then again, Friday nights were always busy nights when young people, and not so young people walked along Kim Seng Road to arrive at one of Singapore’s most popular nightclubs. P met us at Orchard MRT and drove us to the club. He had managed to beg off his dad’s convertible BMW for the evening just for me.
Though we opened two bottles of Belvedere between the three of us, I didn’t drink, nor did I plan on getting drunk. I had a bigger plan to put into action. The drinks were to secure our tables. Sure enough, I saw H and her gal pals walking by us and I called out to her.
MF: Hey!
H: Oh, hi! Here to party?
MF: Yeah, wanna join us?
H: Sure thing..
*Gestures to her friends to come over*
H: This are S, YQ and E..
As she introduced them, her friends shyly waved. Being gentlemen, my two buddies stood up and I introduced them to the ladies, with courteous handshakes all around.
MF: These are K and P, my two good buddies.. K’s an adventurer, he’s probably been to more countries than the rest of us combined, and P’s an up and coming entrepreneur.
The ladies were fascinated with my buddies, and we mingled a little and sat down, alternating between H’s friends and my buddies. The ladies were dressed to kill. S was wearing a little black dress that rode halfway up her soft creamy thighs when she sat down, while YQ was wearing a short black pencil skirt, with an angelic white top, and E was wearing a classy purple dress with a plunging neckline which showed off loads of cleavage.
Although H’s friends were all hot and dressed to kill, I only had eyes for H, knowing what I wanted to do to her. So, I sat her beside me and we started drinking. As a group, we played the usual drinking games too, and as we have all pakat using army hand signs, we started one girl by one girl til all were high. By midnight, the girls were high, our entire group bonded, and we hit the dance floor.
That’s when, as agreed with my buddies, I isolated H from the rest of them.
26-07-2013, 10:40 AM
Great write up. more pls.
26-07-2013, 10:56 AM
camping for more!
26-07-2013, 01:04 PM
One question, why is she still with him even though he is a jerk?:confused:
26-07-2013, 01:30 PM
One question, why is she still with him even though he is a jerk?:confused:
Ok la, he's not entirely a jerk, more of a guy with douche-ish behaviour at times. Like, he's horny and just want sex, but doesn't reciprocate in other ways lor. She said that he wasn't like this at the start, but after being together for quite a while, a little hard to break off.
Thanks CibLover for the up! And tuikboo, studdyme and energybost for continued supports. Will try to update the next installment tonight! (If my work can clear fast enough.. Haha)
26-07-2013, 04:05 PM
looking forward for next updates
27-07-2013, 03:12 AM
Thanks evilair for the up.
Part 9
H was shorter than me, but with her high wedges, her head reached til about half of my head. With the disproportionate length of her leg caused by the wedges, her ass swayed differently when she was walking in front of me, and I just soaked in the sight of her red dress clad ass sashaying ahead. She must have done it on purpose to arouse me.
While most of the clubbers were spastically convulsing, or dancing, as they called it, I just pulled H close to me, and did a slow dance with her. She hugged her arms around me, laid her head on my shoulder and we just swayed to the music. I held her in my arms, my hand rubbing her back and sometimes, patting her ass.
I wasn’t sure whether her friends knew she was attached, but I had to keep a lookout for them, so they wouldn’t see us dancing so intimately. However, I needn’t have worried. The three gals were high as clouds, and enjoying their time with K and P. K was really enjoying himself with the ladies, grinding one from behind, and being molested from behind by another. Don’t really remember their antics, but they shared the story with me the next time we met.
H looked up at me, while we were dancing, me mostly grabbing her ass and squeezing them. While I was trying to trace the outline of her panties, she gave my butt a little squeeze, so I leant forward and kissed her. Stuck my tongue down her throat and tasted the aftertaste of the vodka from earlier. I could feel the heat from her face radiating towards me.
We danced as a couple, away from our friends, sometimes to the beat, but mostly, in our own private world of two, not caring what the music was. After quite a long time, while I could trace the outline of her panties, I couldn’t feel anything along her back, where her bra was supposed to be. Even through her lacy dress, I was supposed to feel something, no?
MF: Hey.. You’re not wearing a bra tonight?
H: *giggles*
MF: Come on.. I can’t feel anything back there.. Felt your panties though..
H: That’s for you to find out..
MF: Really?
H: *more giggles*
MF: Your doom..
She just turned around and grinded me. I was already having a semi hard-on the entire dance, but when she did that, more blood rushed to my small head. Feeling bold, I cupped both her breasts in my hands.
MF: Nu-bra?
H: Hehehe, yeah..
MF: You’re still gonna pay for this..
H: How? You’re already fondling my boobs..
Agreeing with her, I fondled her breasts some more, and squeezed it through her red lacy dress and Nu-bra. It was more of dry sex / dry humping than dancing at that point in time, but since it was already 3AM plus and almost everyone was high, nobody cared much. K happened to look over and see me and gave me a thumbs-up. I gave him a sign that told him I was leaving soon.
Half an hour before the club was to start chasing people out to close out for the night, I took H by the hand, and gestured to her that I wanted to leave. Usually when we left, we would go home by cab, but I’ve already taken the keys to P’s BMW.
MF: Let’s take a ride.
H: Huh?
MF: Just follow me..
Driving out, we past other clubbers staggering out of the club, some merely high, others drunk enough that their friends need to carry them out to the main road. There was a lot hot chicks out that night. Hot ass after hot ass, and with the top down, we could see those ladies in their glory. Gunning the engine, I headed onto Ganges road, onto Lower Delta road. Our destination wasn’t too far away.. Any bros care to guess where we were headed?
27-07-2013, 12:20 PM
Off to some quiet place for carpark sex?:cool:
28-07-2013, 01:42 PM
Great story... Camping
28-07-2013, 03:10 PM
great story . More please !
28-07-2013, 05:22 PM
Let me guess. Labrador Park or Telok Blangah Park. :D
28-07-2013, 07:25 PM
NIce story..pls continue
28-07-2013, 10:22 PM
Camping :cool:
29-07-2013, 03:14 PM
Waiting for ur magic post.
29-07-2013, 03:23 PM
Gunning the engine, I headed onto Ganges road, onto Lower Delta road. Our destination wasn’t too far away.. Any bros care to guess where we were headed?
ooooo...Mount Faber?
29-07-2013, 03:55 PM
ooooo...Mount Faber?
yeah, agreed. ;)
29-07-2013, 06:45 PM
Thanks bros GoeGoeGoe and an anonymous bro for the ups as well as the messages of encouragement. Thanks bros energybost, sexysexymama, xdeclipse, lancelim, 12121212, hayelf, tuikboo, Bigthorn, genesis01 for your continued support. Sorry this update took a while, was swamped with work and some CIP over the weekend.
Part 10
H was horny, it was pretty obvious, since she was rubbing my left thigh, and I could barely concentrate on driving. While I was afraid I would crash, as more blood flowed to my cock, the less worried I was about crashing, and more excited I was about getting laid. Suddenly, a thought came to my mind as we stopped at a traffic light.
MF: Unzip my pants..
H did as I asked.
MF: Take out my cock..
MF: Start stroking.. But slowly..
With the wind in my hair, and a soft hand stroking my dick, it was as if I was in heaven. Luckily, the car was an automatic.
H: Where are we going?
MF: It’s a secret.. You’ll see soon enough.. Why don’t you just suck my dick, so you can’t see where we’re going..
Though I felt confident when I said that, it was still a pleasant surprise when she unbuckled her seatbelt, bent over and started sucking my cock. As the lights turned green and I prepared to put my right foot down, I felt a warm and moist sensation on my cock. Ahh.. She twirled her tongue around my dick head, and started sucking my cock like a lollipop.
I was driving with one hand, feeling on top of the world in a nice convertible with a girl sucking my dick. Several times I passed other cars, and just looked into their cars, wondering if they could see what was happening in my car since my roof was down, and yet, not really caring. H sucked my dick harder, trying to make me come, but I wanted to come in her pussy that night, not her mouth, so my mind drifted to less sexy things.
We turned left into Labrador Park, and drove in, the change in streetlights and speed prompted H to stop sucking and look where we were going. As the area was infested with bugs at night, I set the roof up, and we were alone in a steel coffin once again. There were still lights in the car park, but it was generally a dim area, with not many vehicles around, mostly the heavy vehicles like the lorries and vans.
Once parked, I unbuckled my seatbelt, pushed my seat all the way back and reclined it, motioning for H to do the same. The mood was set with some romantic music and the frenching began, my cock still erect in the cold cabin. As we made out, H’s left hand went over to my chest and started playing with my nipples through my shirt, tweaking them.
My cock was aching for action even though the frenching was incredible, and her boobs were soft and pliable beneath her dress, so we shifted so that we were both on the passenger side, and H was sitting on me, her legs wrapped around my torso and my cock poking at her pussy through her panties.
As we made out, I focused on removing her Nu-bra through her dress and succeeded after quite a while, leaving it on the dashboard. Thought it made a pretty nice dashboard accessory. Haha.. With the removal of her Nu-bra, I could squeeze her soft B cups with abandon, and the harder I squeezed them, the more vigorous her grinding became. I could feel the moisture of her pussy leaking through her panties onto my cock.
MF: Come, take off your panties.
While she complied, I unbuckled my pants and pushed it slightly down my thighs so that there wouldn’t be a stain on the front. I pushed my dick down, so that when she sat back down on me, her pussy was on top of my dick, instead of my dick being squashed between my stomach and her. This way, it’d be easier for my dick to just “pop” into her pussy accidently. The making out continued, as did my massaging of her boobs and her grinding of my cock, until..
29-07-2013, 06:54 PM
Police: "Knock Knock, I/C Please"
haha nice update ^^
29-07-2013, 07:14 PM
Car sex....I love it....continue TS continue...
29-07-2013, 10:15 PM
Looking forward to your story ! Camping ~
29-07-2013, 11:29 PM
how abt sentosa?
30-07-2013, 12:24 AM
Tengki, tengki... gia chut lai... :P
30-07-2013, 11:41 AM
Devious plan , I like. Hurry back and tell us more bro TS! Getting hit and steamy. :D cheers, ........................
30-07-2013, 12:12 PM
Police: "Knock Knock, I/C Please"
haha nice update ^^
I hope you wasn't Home Team NSF.. Sure spoil a lot of mood one.. Haha..
Thanks bro Gambit88 for the up and bros GoeGoeGoe, Bigthorn, xdeclipse, jj_jj, woohooo, eeemen for your continued support..
Btw, jj_jj, we went to Labrador Park, not Sentosa. Anyway, next installment!
Part 11
I could feel my cock rubbing along her pussy slit, as she grinded on me, back and forth, back and forth, yet my cock wasn’t able to penetrate her yet. Her pussy juice was coating the head, and about half the shaft of my cock, I could feel some of the juices flowing around my shaft, collecting underneath the shaft before dripping onto my underwear.
Intensifying my kissing, I squeezed her boobs harder and faster. H moaned out loud, and in the confines of the car, it was so soft yet so loud, I could hear every syllable of her moans, making my cock harder and harder. My right hand went down to her pussy and played with her clit. Wet, moist and totally ready for the entry of my cock. Thus I kissed her harder, and with two hands on her ass, I timed her grinding motion, so that when she reached the back, I pulled her a little further, and when she moved her hips forward, my cock was waiting to impale her.
In one swift stroke, I cocked her. Suddenly, it was no longer cold around my cock, but hot and wet. She continued grinding me, not knowing that it wasn’t my fingers that she was fucking, but my cock. I didn’t stop her, and after a few strokes, I think she figured it out, but since she didn’t stop, I didn’t as well. My hips rode up to meet her on her down stroke, making it more furious and yet so much more pleasurable for us both.
Her velvety pussy lips gripped my cock hard, coating my cock with her pussy juice, exposing my cock to the cold air every time she left my cock, but sucking hard on my cock on the down strokes. She was tight, not very, but pleasurable tight.
*Piak piak piak piak*
The sounds of sex filled the car, along with H’s moans, which only grew louder the harder we fucked. Suddenly, her back arched, a sign that she’s coming. I fucked her harder, feeling her pussy gripping my cock harder. She lost her momentum, but I continued, holding her body as a masturbation tool for my cock. I continued pumping into her as she squirmed about in her orgasm.
Once she got off the high of her orgasm, I asked her to turn around, kind of being in a reverse cowgirl style, except that we’re limited by the space constraints of the car. She took her time, exposing my cock to the cold blast by the air-cond, so I slapped her ass while she was turning around. Then she sat on my cock again, and we continued fucking, she moving her ass up and down my cock while I reached around her and cupped her bouncing boobs in my hand.
*Piak piak piak piak*
I felt my balls clenching up, so we hastened our pace, fucking harder and harder.
Nearly lost my mind when I came inside her pussy, my cum just poured out in her. She didn’t stop when she felt my cum splashing in her pussy, but continued to ride my cock, through the hyper-sensitive time after my orgasm. I just held on to her for the ride, enjoying the sensation, but feeling ticklish all around my nether regions at the same time.
Finally, we both came to our senses. She was sitting on my cock, facing the dashboard of the car, and leant back on me. Some of my cum was flowing out of her pussy onto my cock, so I chased her off my cock, and took a tissue to clean up the mess on my cock as well as the cum leaking out of her pussy.
MF: You’re safe, right?
H: Huh?
MF: Are you on the pill or something?
H: Yeah.. On the pill, but R doesn’t cum inside me. It’s more to regulate my hormones. He always uses condoms..
MF: Ok, great.. No worries then..
H: Shit, what do we tell him then? What if he finds out?
MF: How? I’m certainly not telling him..
H: My friends!!!
MF: Naah, my friends would have told them that I was sending you home. Just tell them that the next time.. They’re not close to him right?
H: No.. Not really.. But we're not supposed to have sex!
MF: Says who?
H: I have a bf..
MF: He doesn't care about you.. And we're good friends.. So let's just take our friendship to a deeper level, ok?
30-07-2013, 03:05 PM
Haha looking forward to more of your story ! :D
30-07-2013, 06:06 PM
I really like your story TS. More, please.
30-07-2013, 08:00 PM
Steady la bro! Do continue~
31-07-2013, 11:29 AM
Hhmmm.....BMW's convertibles are all so small.
Z series is a 2 seater...can't even recline the front seats.
1 and 3 series are 4 seaters but space are constrained.
Only the 6 series might be spacious enough.
My feel...only good way to fuck in a convertible is with the top down and the girl's leg resting on the top of the windscreen.
31-07-2013, 12:33 PM
Mmmm.. intense and orgasmatic.. power la.
31-07-2013, 07:05 PM
OT a little: I got the location correct! :D
31-07-2013, 08:59 PM
Thanks bros xdeclipse, Bigthorn, energybost, TempLust, tuikboo, and lancelim for your continued support. Will update by tomorrow morning the next installment. Got a little work to clear overnight. :(
Hhmmm.....BMW's convertibles are all so small.
Z series is a 2 seater...can't even recline the front seats.
1 and 3 series are 4 seaters but space are constrained.
Only the 6 series might be spacious enough.
My feel...only good way to fuck in a convertible is with the top down and the girl's leg resting on the top of the windscreen.
Most convertibles are smaller than their non-convertible counterparts. Don't want to say which lah, but from the details also can guess. Wished it was either Z4 or 640i but, those are quite expensive also leh. Haha..
OT a little: I got the location correct! :D
Haha, no OT la, still part of the thread. Thanks for your support and guess. I was thinking of either Faber or Labrador too, but went Labrador since I was more familiar with that area instead of Faber.
01-08-2013, 10:56 AM
I love Mount Faber. Lots of dark and quiet places for some naughty fun.
03-08-2013, 11:57 PM
Continue Continue!
05-08-2013, 12:33 AM
Sorry for the lengthy delay.. Had a lot of work last week, still trying to settle some more work, but needed to take a break, so I typed out the next installment of the story. Here it is!
Part 12
We cuddled on the passenger side seat for quite a while, quite comfortable with her weight on me, especially since I get to grab her boobs and sleep. I know that H wasn’t my type of girl, just someone I wanted to fuck, not someone I wanted as a girlfriend, so I was comfortable with what we were doing. Hopefully, she knows the limits of our relationship too.
Her phone’s alarm rang at 5am, and she jolted away, breaking my nice slumber.
H: Shit, we need to go now..
MF: Where to? Your place?
H: Ya, R is coming over at 6.
MF: How come he come so early?
H: We got something on at 8, but he wanted to come over and pick me up.
MF: Planned for some sex?
H: *hits me lightly* You still dare say. We’re not supposed to have sex.
MF: Supposed or not, is we ownself decide one, not what other people say. I’ll send you home now..
While driving out, H got a call from R, saying that he’s driving over to her place soon. I was horny again, so I unzipped my pants and took out my dick, which H just masturbated for me. What I really wanted, was for her to suck my cock while she was talking to R, but she didn’t do that.
I drove her home, probably breaking a few speed limits along the way, while she jacked me a little longer, then dropped her off at her block with a hard on. She had to rush back home though and so I went to get a can of red bull from the nearest 7-Eleven. When I was taking my wallet out to pay the cashier, I felt a little something extra in my pocket.
Then I remembered, I took her panties off before we fucked, and I kept it in my pocket while we were still making out. Should I return it to her or should I just keep it as a souvenir? An evil thought passes through my mind. After drinking the entire can of red bull in one gulp, I took out my phone and dialled H..
MF: Hey, you got home already?
H: Yeah.. Why?
MF: Is he up there yet?
H: No, he’s reaching in 20mins or so..
MF: Oh..
H: You can’t come up.. I don’t want him to see you..
MF: Not planning to.. But did you realise you are missing something?
H: Yeah, my panties are in your car right?
MF: With me now.. Sniffing it.. Haha *sniffs*
H: Disgusting.. Just give me back the next time lah..
MF: How about I pass it to him before he goes up?
MF: Come down and get it lor.. I’m waiting at your car park ok?
H: NOOO! Next time la.. I don’t want him to see you..
MF: Come down now.. Else I pass to him to return you.. See you.. *Cuts the call*
The way her car park is designed, there’s only one entrance and exit, and it’s not very full. I parked the car at a darker unlit corner and waited.
05-08-2013, 11:20 AM
How was t smell? Must be very high until u can have such daring plan..:D
05-08-2013, 09:33 PM
Holy shit, you damn bad, HAHAHAHAHA
08-08-2013, 01:30 AM
come on bro, sexciting story :)
08-08-2013, 09:00 PM
Great captivating story!!! Keep it coming please!!!
08-08-2013, 10:21 PM
nice story :) camping for more.
09-08-2013, 01:05 AM
camping for more brah
09-08-2013, 02:15 AM
You devilish bastard!!! Brilliant move
Brilliant story
Definitely camping here
09-08-2013, 04:14 AM
Thanks bro Gambit88 for the up, as well as an anon Forumer, and bros tuikboo, energybost, digicert, laser434, Zpiter and Gingerbeer for your continued support.
@tuikboo, her scent was just a normal pussy scent, mixed with some sweat smell, but you know how in the heat of the moment, even stuff like that can smell different mah. Haha, any way, here's the next installment!
Part 13
I was worried that she came down after R got here, and then he would have seen her. But luckily, I saw her rushing from her block in a few minutes. Guess she thought I really would have passed her panties to her bf. She quickly found me, and jogged over to the car and opened the door, demanding her panties back.
H: Ok, give me back, hurry!
MF: Get in, I need help to get your panties out
H: What do you mean?
MF: Get in first!
H got in the car, but didn’t close the door, so I reached over her side kissed her thighs as I did, and stretched out to close the door. Once we were secure in our little steel and glass enclosure, I pulled her hand and placed it on my groin.
MF: It’s stuck inside. Need your help to take it out..
H: Huh? WTF? Are you wearing my panties?
MF: No la, not so sick.. It’s just inside my underwear. Quite smooth leh, I like the texture. Haha..
H: Fuck you la..
She reached for my zipper and unzipped my pants hurriedly, and tried to take out her panties, but I’ve wrapped her comfortable panties around my cock, and so, it wouldn’t come off easily. My cock came out of my pants along with her panties, her frantic pulling had aroused me further. She gave my cock a few courtesy tugs, and then stopped.
H: Happy? I really need to go..
MF: No, wait. Don’t..
H: Why?
MF: Isn’t that R coming in?
Her bf was riding in on his sports bike just as I spoke. His timing couldn’t have been better.
MF: You want him to see you leaving my car in this state meh? Even if we didn’t do anything, he would assume we did what.
H: Drive me to the mini-mart lor, then I can say I went to buy Panadol or something.
MF: Sure.. But I also want something in return.. You know what la hor..
H: Start driving..
MF: Start sucking first.. After I come already then I’ll definitely drive you there..
She took out her phone and SMSed R, asking him to wait below as she wanted someone to accompany her up her block. After which, she lowered her head on to my exposed cock and started sucking my cock head in earnest. As she tongued my cock, and sucked on it sloppily, my cock began to harden even further, and my hands roamed her back, sometimes going around and squeezing her boobs.
I wanted to finger her pussy, but she slapped my hand way and I just enjoyed her suction of my cock as I looked at her sorry boyfriend in the distance. He wasn’t too far away, maybe about 20-25 metres, but he didn’t look directly into all the cars to look for his girlfriend. Why would he? I got harder as I thought about him kissing her on the lip, with her mouth to be filled with my cum soon. Would he taste the saltiness of my cum?
Before I could decide, H started using her face as a mobile masturbator, and did a mini head-bang on my cock. When I came, it felt like it wouldn’t end. I was hoping to get some cum on her, either on her hair or clothes or somewhere that she might miss, but hopefully, he would see, but she continued sucking me til I was dry, swallowed the load and then sucked some more through my most sensitive period.
H: Happy now? Drive me to the mini mart now.
I started the car, and drove off, but took the side closer to where R was waiting on his bike. H began to panic.
Happy Hari Raya to all our Muslim bros, Happy National Day to all Singaporeans! Wish you all a happy fucking time over the long weekend! Haha..
09-08-2013, 08:39 AM
Wow that's very evil of u TS.... But I like the way u make things flow ;) Btw nice update for the long holidays :D
Happy National Day to all bros n sisters. Enjoy ur long holidays! Happy bonking/partying :p:D
29-08-2013, 12:08 PM
Sorry for the long delay. August wasn't an easy month. Thanks kra77 and the anon SBF bro who has a fetish for leg casts. Sorry this story doesn't have that element, as it was something that happened, but I'll try to do a fantasy story the next time. Thanks also bro InNeedOfSex for the support. Hope I didn't let anyone down. Here's the next installment. I hope to write more, and more quickly too, but that will depend on my work schedule.
Part 14
H: Stop! What are you doing! Oi! Stop!!
MF: Hmm? Driving to..
H: Fuck you, that’s R la..
MF: I know, but you wanted to go mini-mart right? The longer I stop here, the more suspicious it will seem to him. Besides, he don’t know me and wouldn’t recognise this car. Just keep your head down and blow me, and he wouldn’t see you already.
H: Bastard! That was what you wanted all along right?
MF: Nope, but it would feel good. So, let’s do it..
As soon as I tapped on the accelerator, she started blowing my cock again, and I rubbed her head as we inched slowly toward R. He turned to look at me, and I just gave him a wink, not sure if he saw the head of his gf sucking my cock, but it felt good all the same. I just thought about how he’s going to kiss H later and taste my cock, and hopefully, my cum.
Driving toward R on his bike, my heartbeat went up, not only because of the blowjob I was getting from H, but also from risk getting H seen by R, and getting confronted by R with my pants down, so to speak. However, as we closed in on him, he only glanced at me twice, and I don’t think he saw his gf, so when we went past him, I dropped the top and just looked at him in the mirror. I saw him looking over as the convertible’s top came down, and I felt a little sorry for him for a moment, but the feeling was soon gone, as H sucked my cock harder and harder.
We drove out of the car park, and towards the mini-mart at the next estate. It was quite dangerous, as anyone looking out of their window toward the service road would have seen me receiving a blowjob from H, but I didn’t care as I petted her head and she swallowed my cock whole.
I parked outside the mini-mart, by that time, having raised back the top again, so nobody walking by can see H giving me the blowjob. H boobs were dangling in front of me, so I squeezed them softly. The position was a little weird though, but soon, a familiar sensation built up in my balls.
MF: I’m coming, don’t stop
H’s only response was to suck harder til I came in her mouth. All I could think of then, was her kissing R later. Would R taste me?
After sucking me dry and cleaning my cock with her tongue, H looked at me, took her panties and wore them, then left without saying a word. I drove toward her carpark quick as I could, and was just in time to see H walking from under her block toward R.
She was hesitant to kiss him, but he hugged her, then he kissed her. She tried to push him away a little, but he was stronger than her, and managed to french her. Couldn’t see H’s face very well, but I saw R’s face as they were making out at the carpark and I felt a huge sense of success, though I didn’t know when the next time I would be able to fuck H or come in her mouth again.
Until I received a call from her one fateful evening..
29-08-2013, 01:24 PM
Wow... Like that u also can think of. Let the other guy taste yr cum indirectly. hahaha
29-08-2013, 04:26 PM
Doubt her bf will know. Most if not all guys never taste our own mojo before. Needless to say its others.
29-08-2013, 05:38 PM
Nice to have u back TS. Hope u will find more time to update as I think ur readers r waiting patiently for ur stories to unfold ;)
29-08-2013, 11:11 PM
Is there anymore updates to this? Hope I am not too late to camp here.
Already getting aroused from page 1 haha
05-09-2013, 12:09 AM
Longer than expected wait for bro TS to come back! Hope it'll be soon! Cheers, ....................
07-09-2013, 08:15 PM
The Dragon approves.
That is all.
08-09-2013, 04:15 PM
Thanks bros lasupkia and anon for the up, lasupkia, junior_cannibal, InNeedOfSex, lonexiaobao, eeemen, MrStyleKing and Johnston for the continued support.
junior_cannibal, I tasted my own cum before. Just once as I was curious then. But from what my regular girl says, my cum will taste differently based on what I ate the previously.
Anyway, I will update as much as I can. This was supposed to be up on Wednesday, but I fell sick with flu til quite jialat.. Now recovered, hoping to finish the story by the end of September, should be only 2 or 3 more installments. Thanks for all the support from the SBF bros (and sis if any).
Part 15
H: *Sobbing* Can you come over?
MF: Where are you?
H: Dorm..
MF: What happened?
Despite her being my fb and us not having romantic feelings for each other, she’s still a friend and so, when she’s in such conditions, I will still be slightly concerned for her.
H: It’s R..
MF: What about R?
H: He dumped me..
MF: I’ll be over in 20 minutes.. SMS me the exact location now, kay?
It was evening on Saturday, and I was planning to club with my friends later, but I made my out of my house, messaged my friends that I had a situation developing, and took a cab.
MF: Uncle, Kent Ridge.
It was more like 30 minutes, taking into account the time I waited for the cab and the time we got lost in the campus, but I went up straight to her door and tried it. It wasn’t locked. Her room was a mess, a portrait of her and R was on the floor, apparently thrown out when she got the news from him.
H turned, saw me and just shuffled her feet and hugged me when she reached me. Her eyes were red, as was her nose, and though she wasn’t wearing any make-up or mascara, she still had streaks running down her face. What a sorry sight to behold!
I returned her hug best as I could, petting her head slowly and rubbing her back through her CCA t-shirt. Honestly, at that time, I wasn’t thinking of fucking H, not thinking of taking advantage of her at her most vulnerable, but as I rubbed her back comfortingly, I realised I couldn’t feel any bra. Her t-shirt was quite thick, which could be why I didn’t notice her earlier, but also I wasn’t paying much attention prior. She was oblivious, and just continued sobbing on my chest.
It was a nice position, but mostly for her, so I laid her on her bed, went to close and lock the door, took a few tissues to dry her eyes and face, and then just joined her in bed, hugging her til she fell asleep in my arms.
She slept peacefully, especially for someone who just got dumped, and the more I looked at her sweet face, I wondered how she could stand that jerk of a boyfriend, R, for such a long time. From her sharing, I know he goes to club quite often, and pictures of him and other clubbing girls will surface on his Facebook account.
H doesn’t think that he has cheated on her, ironic since that she’s cheating on him with me, but she doesn’t feel that way. She just feels that we’re friends who share a physical relationship. A fucked up way of rationalisation, but whatever floats her boat.
What I couldn’t stand about R was that the way he treated her was very bad, forgetting her birthday, even going clubbing on that evening itself, and when she reminded him, he just blamed it on her that she didn’t inform him before her birthday itself, but when it came to his birthday, he wanted her to do so much for him. So, I didn’t feel any remorse or guilt helping H cheat on R. In fact, I took a lot of pleasure from that, especially the last incident which she kissed him right after sucking my cock clean.
I was horny, which was why we were to go clubbing and try to pick some cheap ladies up, not that we succeeded often, and I was thinking of ways to get myself off while she slept, so, as carefully as I could, I extracted myself from her hugs and explored her room.
Her dorm wasn’t big as it was a single person dorm, but it had a huge floor to ceiling cabinet that took up one entire wall. I took my time to rummage through her clothing, trying to find any sexy lingerie that I haven’t seen or touched before. There wasn’t much in the way of that, probably because her sexy lingerie would usually be at home, and not used when she was in school. After trying every single cabinet and drawer, hoping to find sexy stuff of hers, all I managed to find was some sanitary pads, unused.
Tired, I sat down at her chair, and saw her laptop in front of me on the desk.
08-09-2013, 09:09 PM
keep em cumming TS!! nice story...
Thanks for writing. Upped your reps! :)
10-09-2013, 05:41 PM
Please continue your nice story :)
16-09-2013, 05:08 PM
thanks bro, enjoyed yor story, pls continue soon!
06-10-2013, 11:09 PM
Setting up my tent......
10-11-2016, 09:49 PM
Wow… new to this forum, this story is so darn amazing! Kudos to you bro! Looking forward to more of your magical goodness!
12-11-2016, 12:09 AM
nice story !
12-11-2016, 02:55 AM
Anymore updates TS?
12-11-2016, 11:24 PM
TS any updates?
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